r ' If-. iieJo a t Ia a i"rrl t rrrn !-.) tie err.plrtveu.edra tear a tTf fr true, ttcud a ad ti.tu.nit mui intereMs t-iM ruur rcw. . agiit-Uore l eli&qiK Her pretenir to TM( U. 8l Una ef battle kJ Walking., noalttv if at to i rr-.iuciicr. in lme !t I Conirowdor Cbauac, ai lived at Gibraltar m. - - r, lelJ -p a v'ut, to aa which he la U'f'-I the "lh Mv, I day MSn, and r. 1 . . i, , i . i- l ll .'If- V V..-L 11..... . - J . . . .,. f c.a'f tinted f i n Lap a e B'i cani'ia n- n.'bio, au ior imt m iuui cavifin l.er dum to justice, may dirli-' the ivil-. ane inline residue i ine Amer icn ine worthy Ci-rtir-ftitor, he pr-e.J Mviadron all well, and the cre- ID a peifrclly ttijfrihcr the tietci.ity f r a Coalition bet cm I health y state. Ti.ry had recently appealed be (hoM ictcrtit. f.ur.d. T iu ptintiple of iuutui fore licr and Tunis, aulas u.ual elated right, aud oure l:iedSp Arc n-t the C"t:r-' great repct at thoe pUrr. He whole qu ad. qwences of jch aa anion to prii.te hjpptne j ion a eipec.ed at Gibraller about the -Oto and public proeritv, tliv a di:iiiit en-iMay. rjuiry f Lj may eflVrt ar:culturr. r-c1! The plaoe continued to rage at Algiers, and a camine ret and manufacture; and hence a was eiteti.iin;; westward. All t'le s!ii.. ul l.- Ruiian squadron at C-di iavc been loimallT Cuhdeniiied as ui..avorlh. poweifull r)nr th e t'rn I io i cf a tifi-, confined to thjt .prcial obj. ct. a law afj.ct iiig Citrameiit or iMaiiufartu'rs. rrqiiii r the at trntion of societies lor their improvrmpt. Would not a resolution by n .-c;ctv for i ruinot- ixrfeefiy irBiU of it torfetBflw tv karejln I Ltjrt t ct ctuirj rettriucf ci Lj ; iiad o luany e wrocea wt their friradlj ditpoi- toral libertj b tdrgrea f lranjt UJ tio toward and Ithrir decided and aft-' lealato't inflict ."V tied prrdilictwo ia (awr of N.-rfflk, aa the ia. Since tht rcta ef the It Upalata'r f turai depot lar their pr.luce, that e caaaal be kar e Ace Wed a letter and aevrrat fcUieatiiL iL doubt at to the eidiiry ol a tardra.1 co-op- from tXatemiaent writer, and higldj d;UataV" eration with them in an pian for ttie promotion ed pbUaothrpitt, Jeremy lWntLa-n, Eoalf of their iateient.- liidrpeitdent ol tbe frieudlj' Iadoti ia Great Dritaic, npoa peoitentiar cntiuier t of the people in tbe Koanoke t- hoatci and oo the itztHj of 'renderirr tJ7" Maid tin town, tlie Uturable term, t!ie eaei lawa in general more eiplict and certaiq. Tl2 and diptch ith winch thej can their pio-' piper liatl without delar be eoaiinca'eateTi' d uce to our mat ket, w juld u-idoubtedlv insure vou. From theoi it appear, that lie brnwul? it a prcteience with them. Eeo under all Hie to ubniit to jour eiaunna'.ion, for the uCrf ........ .,.Uv .... ,. ..v.. ...v t..r tmr, .(jicic iwie ui HWI lomed 0M !u t.i IkSnr nnrler in rnnii-iiurnn ut IK unfin. ciliolit! ! i.nnrinlu..l U.l.l.i:... "r. r .. , ;-....i.ivimi..iHi. ttet ithi'd atate of tht. enal, e find that it ha miriance of the object, an J thr peculiar t.Meiii ; I jrct'd it w3 v t.i Qt tbruu I'.aciet, and ieu 'ut t:.c Oij' rirrr tpitndrnt, fun Arturkan) at tint ! !i i :e ui v ire iiiimwr umicr nair oi in li g eommerce, rr.antil.tcnir -r .'it! i.rp-1 tf j me.it, to didre-r:! If tat tivr. j: i-r- m iy. r-. ltU ol I 'e source ul 'J Cri, a'nl jr--jfii c ii it fate ? T'lf pa riv'.ic aUnrM"s t:r mtt'i -flil iTiprave'ncnts, ar fivi.i .! ii' i n tln-tn-ei?t m m itlirn. itic-.l di.-t'JS-j 'tis, c ntoin!. that li filiation constitute die n -'ircc ul thru pr-'-j erify or d 'civ. and la r':i';i v i.Trk!ia:f its intJuiM.t upon inltri'T iibji'cfs. v tlst e'irjui -f ii : dative, or oi:!it t!ie larditial !:Ht-iiuprm-imvit t be pn' .ibitt- 1 br it ni.n catCA, tro'.u acijuirins a i'eci ol ktu l'do. c- Vcn i.evf s-a: y t- r the prop-rity of ht-r har.d-' maij, ? Is ii"t a lair coirpetitiua in inr,ul,- B'idcr th 5i'.icil ' f !,tial laws, hf te eM t'.- in-1 ter at which c-Tci all a npo-ssnry t r sci t ; tmuiit!on and r prnriure miriovi neM. as 'iii'n i 'ic j'.Kpetninn atnnnj; aiciiitpd ir,hi idunls fcfojipos'fg tut themaxirr. v v?r ul'ri rr 'fiJam,'" is asapp'icable to a srionce .is to a cob tier l a-d thai the votaries cl 'priru .ui r Uht to atick to the plough, ?rd cnrtir.uc tn" whittle an y drite U lor wnt cf hcnl t, rr; ii3- titr fi icmls and her fots re ericouiad to icccme deeply learned i.i tht suhttl-ics cl leislalKm ; yet as no one denies to them t1 e knowledge ar sk ii pcccs siry to make go-f1 crop.-, ber?iise all eat ; it is s i Ttcrflu.-.MS to rnnsii!ci , w;,ttlier vcrbil comimniir;'- .tkus dtul local examples ; r t3sys and Looks. cpnstmtte the bf3t fniis tor effecti.-ig the end ; . tbrou-ball it present o- of the author, render the aubject worthy of ot u a gr.itil ing pi ea-e of it mature consideration. 1 iimjrity. e Mould lie tuhid tlie: t ire to our' t itdl i).'.erciU,A we ni'cctc! a"yPpottunity of. Savmrxah J iO I !... t'.,e di-ai.ure t.i ii.iuiunetf t.i viu s,lltl ,1Mc'"",' a coum-aisit t..nn. d under auchj From TJ'es! Fliri4.'t av jut been l rrs ailoptrii hv u.- i.u-i.iu-i,.J ,-o,m, . . 'ormcu t.ial an ep csrrac1iei! Anielia l!av,l . j. 'r M, . Me.ck, liae had U.e desired j ,,c '""'i i'''-' . ne in i-.e price oi .w aarn rince, hno icli grccrai Jackoi ' -'V,-. t. in, i 1 ri i.ii . i.th iiiaii hmI4 lil.oity J ,ao'!', 0,1 xhf 11 anile ; the foundation f tic w the arm, on the evening of the 2 h ultima, be! it'irer-na , .i'i. Am oi dr. tur his i eleae i "-, ttvv.n ui. it t-ariV. ami tiio ranil m d fW 1 tli -' fure Pena?da, where "he Iml. jut arrive i . I ril. It , x'iihifrt:.f p.iwei and i.-,vct-ulit v : j euu;iel,arc among t .e n imi;roii ia- Me had aer.t in a S-g demandirg its urrender" .!? our ciintrv, in r.!n.eliii to U ill!c at -.d : ;"' " '' i.iiii-emeiU jufico, t c ein.t de-, .it wh arr.-sjiitlv sfvlc-s t!ic " vig ni-m of t.at lirer.and tlie 0eiiiiig ! i".c;f r ' k:r. "I ' 'he two uorl.!.'' ' ! jI ,1- intcrt-iuiso u i'.h Norfolk ha already pro- l'i a !itt. r ot ihe 3.'!i of April, hi obsc: vo,", :uc'1' tout ,aitol Hie country the Iv'i.-rtii Pii''. at Civdi'., upon exainiiialiun i!.. .....:i r . the gcn;ral was inaliup preparation ta tai m nrirenoj ferorin on me iMtiowuig mornin I he result canm.t be doubtful- Ail p ie "U l. ctivc : ho mucli . t l.;it tm' w c all : irirv. a'vd, etrrpt on .', which the ; aiii!hgo cra ' H.tulfl'' f lltiiig out."' Ij.VTKsT FilO.M ENGi. VM). KMV-VOIIK, Jl sr. 13. I'lie l ow 1 1. 1 D tnville , in Vu -inia, appear bends W his :iiu. t'i t ike t'ne K'.id, at p esent, ul the numerous 1 -.err.c Hints on the Hoanokf. Its increase in' M()R2 3K. SERPENTS. i. i:ldn;, j.ipu!ati.ju ind trade, within the iastj U'c can vouch (sivs the ' - "v"':ior uc inii! iiii-nre 1:1: dial induce us to believe, that in a few j-car't.-oa2-t which we have rweived in 01 c 1 l wiu ra .11. anions me iuom 11 Miriinir 6 oinrj v the arr'nrd vvt:r:d.iv of tl.o lat saiirt'and cotisid'.'riiile inU:id towns in hij I) vvheiict 10t!: l it. tV Kd;tor of ' tlte at D mville ai -e sufiicieutl numerous !. li-.. .'ua'i.'i.I ti. ..ir.. tm . 1. ' 1 1 w it 1 11 1 n nl n - I ..llI.TVt.ll.II ..il.ia V''-.tV.W'.l.lV..W. a per. in ;Vd-ivs nun Liv iHeil on t!i .Mercantile .viv"i. v nave rceivel lit pan ul that 1 ia c to the 9lh, London ,apern to the bin, a:id !.hvi la ol" the .Hh . v- Ti.e I.iCM)o;i itfirket was dull. Cntfon it ia. At present the commercial estMilisluneiits i n,ison CeoUoeli i'y of the medial ved the follaa; mi in). log iirm;il, on 80 interesting to the Naturaliiis 1? irg"'-jour cuuntrv : . i.lisiiuients I itnsrfrn jt.,t arrivP(, from Eas(port ' to warrant, thlt aUa;t. !ArGFNS 0, French mf . Bar r ll,V:ujuulu" 1 'l "-"V"-' ' rived mere ad ly or two rtore they leff wh; 1.1 ..ui- ,1:1 J.iti v Iiiihii hI mi I Inn. MiuLr H:o Ii. r ., . , ' ... WTIO10 , . , . ' i lorinn tnai aooui 10 lean tie ot t.ie 'i iJunv:ile, Courier ," the first number o which we have just received, k it i with pleasure will he see;: had declined a htrie 1:1 price : and we can ny, that it exhibits an honorab'e hjieci- iHiiir had al epei ienccd a fn-ti:er (.'trc 'iT in,-. 1 ol tne lilcr dity ot the citue is of Dauvillc ihe average of whta1 for the .'otnih week of art I of the talents of its conductor. (lie pieeiit quarter, rndiirn- 5lh April, 9ii ' L t'l.is isecruiiiW insoiTtct Milloii, ifwe aronot g Wv rye jus ii. at Dover on , - - IlltClVit.lp I'ihiicl 1 1 i T I . j . , .l I :umincHp.('r,ipr.t nf tfa. trr .t , vnspl CO n .ill eralil V tb rmcnl lm :..i.. r Ihe l'.nguv. papers arc fcniavkab!)' barren ol. 4. d(luU)er ,U01(.c.. con..ec,ed with :lenth, Il.s head appeared about ,..,r , j 7 - ... . .. ... tt--s t a taeameli itiarter, ending 5lh April, Dis L " iiiceiuiiiy msorreci .union, u we 1 11 i. , -.v- 1 , . r.iijrilor.iici, I ir s.irpviscs it . Surl M:c Duke of Weihnctoi arrived .. ..... ...... the .7th Mav, on I.U wav to Lor.- f .NiiW UAMMtlRK. Iiilcrcitne extinct iram Governor iua. in ue .S. S. V. of m. - 'iVIl- began, be haw an ohject at the distance uf about a loagu?. which had the appearance of & while A he drew nearer, tnis aninul suddenr Iv ros-- Mth his head about five feet oat of the v.ater, .1 .1 came towards the vessel with aston-, isi.ing i "i-.cit v ; he cam. immediately alone cilia K VAac. t u. 1.1. .1. . ' I '- 'i --- , sj ucai 1u.11 11c couiu nave reach !rp to the led hirn witii an oar, and extended hejond Je .nation and iiiipioveiuent of the condi-, l'i '"nS hoaf, with a vhite spot on his breast. tion ot our lelbw cilizcns, which ineiits your 1 witnout tins, awl covered with a kind of shud . . .1 i r . nrnii'.u . 11. T 1 . . . since oil may be unitcc, ami each m:.y en- r.te in it owh sphere. Ajjricul'ure has cetteinly fl. mish-' totcrcst eu nioitinthose countries, where the press hus been ; - . . va vva iviiur 11 Wost extensively employed as an auxilicry to ex-; Ju,t to. Letters from 1 arts, per tc consideration. I mean that of the imnnsoi!- "f "k colour. Jle had several l.unrl,: ample. Us grcatetTicary inny i.cm1ji be oug to; u'.xiiina, avnved vestorua;, dated Apn bill, meat of debtor;. Their confinement within the ' his head, and Im motion waofan undu- -a 4amy 01 me lumu, i-cuici uniretjuem noi ii.p- H.cm i..n h,,it our uuniMt-i 10 unuaini miu i t erative. It is a quality, otico c(Tndct by the vzi-, mailed in that city , ai:d was to ieave the next j ... i.. . . 1 . .1 .. .. i'. . 1 . . , .I. ... .1 tvest lectures ai.es me Dnnicsi ix;-mpies ; rut : i h i ii.e tiaue. i ne letters ai.-o meniion walis of a prison pays no debt, and instead of I story kind ; his tail shaped like that of a whale; i:tcreaoi.i2, di:ni;iihes the means of payment. ! I,s bmj' about the size f a graiopus, aay four I'll.. ..' i 11 ui.Ill.li v ami liliw,!. ,A' nr.il ' fert diameter. lie Soon ili.ni:irl . . .soothed by tnc appropriation it can m.dic fi on. r.-; l iat lie would remain at the Hague hut a start c;tli,,!13) .jms deprived of their liberty, not only I soon hesavV two others of the same description ding; and delighted by a ri-l,.y of acquit n n.nts.; jnn?, ami then take j.a.sa by the l.r.t veel )Je. resM.s tUif am)itl , ,,ut iltltJ subject j but consideraMy smaller. They came immedi druya from the common reservoir cf knoW:tclK! . ; lor the b n.ted States Mr. A-pieton ill re- tl,wiw to the cha f maintaining their families, ely before the vessel, and, when within sixteea nude destitute by tlie aoaence of those wiio uu- 'eet he bred upon ojicof them, when lie imir.c. e tic I A Glasgow paper of the 28th Aonl, .renins a"7 " '' a"ciet ' I ' W1 with a m;t,on so quick a fcrIV ! that lei to," ha,' U en received IVomPariH, stating c;u.,,tr,M eiS wvlhiCC!i 1 ia" uur,own- ,the Power : w the water ou hoard the vessel. Thi ,yni that M;.UAi.Au:Hiadcomp'ctely tailed ...at" tne creditor ve,- the body u ine deocor wu, , Wt.t.al spouted he water downward., llu 19 a., tempting to arrange a commerci. treaty be- Tb copy ximple, it focksunon ts a specits of mum as chjrge des affairs. -plagiarism ; atul tlierctore 1: c most hcau'.iiui hjm xultur&l experiment unrec .rdd, wculd be cjuent y as epbenicrf.l as t. e tints of the buUeriiy , lo yield to verbal lectute, t . bliors, as a contrsi I . I... . . f ...1. .... I tmnf.lilT fn mru a .iimiiiinT 1 1 t r.t, t tosuetihenits o -.position. T.ut the activity ol'veenthe United States antl Frar.ce, and that t!lC stages of our goveriiment, the deot- U,i5quanly,unre.tlTnert by the fear of de..c!a-, H.c emderence on the subject -had ue.n brought."0' c.nh. cd with.n the walla ol the ... i- j j , , prison. 1 no laws, at that tuiio, aitorded him tion, and excited by trie hope of apnhu-ir, may he ,u' a H'fce: , . . . ,, , , ..' , . , . 1 ,v . ! no rel: jf : he was jmpnsoued lor life unless he . en listed thvou'tch the vvcsn, ar.d tieioine .lv . . . - , ., . . . i.l . i . .1 . " 1 ' . P. t tr,. c T. xt- ... mill t h" ileht. ir was lil.eiiilfil bv t n titrrrmnitv uselulin theimprovemepttdac'iicuitiirc. Whx- "V """" f.-Heni7 1 . 7 ' 7 IT, 1 7 J - i. . :. sooa cxDcct to hear the insult oi the or.cratious his creditor. A long penad claiised belore a ' - r .:..i. w . . i r . 1 1 .1 . . r-iricfiu vV.-.l iini: iilhiKl.Mll 1.1 uUirn lh I Ahlniv .v ..i. .,.i 1, , ujiniii ic juiii nii Dtinoi or. om neo. ov iue j-.- , ' - 0 I U .. ... . .1. . , . a. hv n-ivimr h.iuil. w:,9 rTIriitfe(I tn hrfatha fli iiimunicu 1 .'iii'n ruuaui'ir uiiucr cui.i. iu. v. "j b"'"o "-- 1 of these atnioals that they ran up the shroodsn Captain IIagens is i efiresented as a man of perfect veracity, in whose testimony e.ntire eonfiderrce may be placed. His deposition .ef fore a magistrate, we understand, will be tateni peri jd eiajised before a I -n( forwarded fioia Eastpoi t. June iu. sch. Wen. Jirewrr. "v". vi luitm aiiuwiuii'y .(i1t.1131.il iw j 11111 1 ., . - . .1 ... 1 . r .1 .worthy of being ccncniatecl. I ' war.: a pv.rt of reiAvcus, and wiil ftkc a common au- without tae limits of tlie pruoa ijr.-ai Ieal to procure one, especially ere .0 con- hou-e or beloi e uiuigent doctors were author v.i-.icntand contiKuoos as the city of St. Donue-co aiiy tai50 lw mane oitn mat tney were is, to the bestcrutziiiggrouad in either. the West unauJe. to pay their debts j even then, an unfeel- IiidU'i or Suath America. The succe-s of ti.is ing croditor li.ul autiiority to retain his debtor ciiterprize would pive them the facility ot enter-'during life, by ptiymg a s. nail sum lor Ins weekly '!:; 11 :u Mona jja.1s.1gc, thu j;redte)t iliorougn fare aupiuit. To the ho no of the state, this power i of .lithe isSaiitis. in a few Imui s, chcosingaiiy i,rt of ttjc creditor over n is iebtor has been recent- '.. it' . . . 1 1 I t. a'l .. Tt.,1 .h-THliiiWrn it,h.t-.,l Iw ih- ici toe toust ot v-U u, or a run over to (-; :..,m-.v .iy aniiuoeovauo ceriam 101 nous 01 01s uroptriy. oppropriation of good new land, by i?3 hiph price, ai mU: 1,1 s"0''1' a 13 l,,e in03t J-ciuus p. :cn requisite to sui.'po; I hie, crumbed ho.a attacn- , and bv its increustncieiroteness horn commerce : 1 tv luu,w -- " ,tr,:' rt"u Wl u u 41U'" 1 1:1 .U Ui; ! I.l..r I. .. n..e!iiril lnlhi.tr... 310!) IO (ltd ,.."' i-.l wJl.Il.S c ; 111 111CSS S3 IIIC uiiv ..... ivv ,i iivJL'iii.. ii. u " . i.. . . t. . r ... . ... ' r " .. r ' -f. ,,..,,,.-., .. r,.,.i . t. ... ,. ...o ;.i ..... ... ...1 ,a ,. .t.,., ,.i,ru ....... f,,, ,t rests iinnn f.M.r omul ,..!. (, I i ,l.f Great social ends arc tff.ctcd. ry s..:z:; a fii sas in puouc opunor.. uui inf; ti'.-j rr :orWi:ri e ... r i' t i . ol a temper it emicrauon, n tj.mieii : y r . cup . e&9 aod pioximity of new Is d, neith-r pieces t:, nor es;-ruple ccuhl ocmonstrato ti c pripnety ot jmpioving the ok or subvert the yuim us liabit c! kdimg e"au3J we kuw uec nom iv3 corpse.; THE HOUSE AND VIPER. Jly a late report read before the royal insti futc of Frat:ce it appears that the great vinery called Fer do iance, is oneofthe most dread Jul scourges of the West Indie's, but is found ouiy in Mas tinique. S(. Lucia and another Miiali island Tliis vipei i., savage that the mo i mer.t it sees any person it fmmediatclv erect tiicat as tliese impro emcnts are, the cans-; I itself, and springs upon him. In raising it.-elf, I anil tit Icrlrven i t ornMi r r t . in. . 1 DiUV Vfe iW w vijcivv. .iyiv siiiui iy iiiuvmii tl . , . , . . . i j , r.. . . ren ety for an evil, which emigration will soor. JG lorn. liuie ; but Aury s sp-ts aow report thf.t taer legislative anU e a. bouno, not o... i wt r pai i 01 me oouyjwiienit springs, tliee cease to JAirr.ish. As wc capnot miuh longer fly . l"ev are -"-l- 1 ni.j;..t o assaucU with to protect the rights oi creditors against tin V. 3 "uuuemy nissoivcu ; after the springs frnm worn out latrtfs, and rocomntnee ourselves I atlvjlUbc' I frauds d debtor, but to snield tiie lauei avaii.si ! lf t should miss its object, it may be attacked tot unequal laws, by retiring; to more fertile re-j j the unjust seventy ot the former. Our lav. eiors ; we 'shall soon turn our e-es (ovbids tiic , ()F -:A.ADA. ; stiii aathortse the creditor, after taking the great- meir.sby wnich we may be enabled tc live at i StC( of nv'jUVij.u.TM upper Canada j.-a-'.eht part ut the debtor's property, m depuve home. Letnolthi&ncw tempci stop -t hope r prs ainiounc. oli'uially, that a VrtKoUiuul cur. , him cf the lincrty by conLutng hint in prison, pv.TDorate in theory. Ltt it rot be reelected hv a ' w'w;i :isen;jlet:.at St. at:i; i' e, to fiat ri o -; without all'.rdin"; b.ni the niean.i ol uuhsintenv-c: aocUty for promoting aericu'turc Enlivened by p ''ice, on the 4-.it ol Mty, a.-.l ,ui in.ii eui.iiely .ind if peer and i: icrn.lc; he will be unable l V w.ithio-. nnr.tii'fr. ciiamrde and tsneiiment : ut.: oivani.eu hv th' chr ici : Juhn CiarU L cited be rewards : and incourarjed by pciittcal jus-; ''cnt, IVm. .. Asrr. Sec. ai.d iieuru . I uua the, it is eb'e to recover the fcrtilp.y which bas''V Trensiuer- '1 lu: towno: .iuga.-:i, ir:si: been lost, and to prevent ti c ruin cf the state, ! lhem.;l owth,Clirit 'ii, Gi iiiisby,.Ct.n mry , Gam-?-vhlchis impending. Neglected, it will gvndnally ; bori.iigii, I'elhain, 1 nuioid, Slamioro, v illoiihg sink Into despair, and tbe 'faroralde moment lor by, lie'rtie, Crowland, Hun.be; stone and Vvaiu effecviru? an obiect, lUlerl with craliTicatioris for ail lieet, were mmh esented. 1 I bene focn no l i- - f ' i 'l , .r. i . . : I .1 ..a 11... . I co:.fiidera.')le part ol the tow ns oi Uj.per O.i.a da and no delegates appear to nave been hc:it jtatued ny Jum. Ii c i rum i urk, k;r.gsto'!, .Newark aim tappeua, the ievrity of riepriv.i cbsst.3 of society, nuy pcsbialy be lot for ever S?f?rsf i.',? f'J I'litrtprs d!trf JIa)ivfaciitrpr' We have heard with much satisfaction, o! a f.is cever)' xrade by Mr. VInt;ow well kr owii for nis notani;al lalnjui's ; who ha travelled lately through the southern states ; and is at present delivering fives to form a L'i i.vir.cia! Convention, to rift lectures on l.otar.y and Natural History in ti.e ci-' ut York on the 6th J ai v next, to appoint a com- principal towns of the provii.ee. Tbe measures were adojited with unnnimify. I hev rccoiniiiend. il the eieetion ot Uejirccnta- oUtaii. even the lii.'ei ly oi the prison yard. 1 v..uU' tlierefore recommend, that no debtor should hereafter oe ci.mr:iht:d to prison, either up i mesne process or ex cunou uuless ti.e cre ditor at the ti.nc ot coinnntment shall pay the eit'.T commitment, and give to the gaojer ample Security for toe comfortable support and main tenance oi' the pi ;so:;e as long ut he shall be de.- e.ditors waltcsort to the debtors ol iheir nersonai liberty, it is leasmidOie tiiat they, and not the public or t!;o yiider, should fctijiport tbem. 1 also recor.imend, t:i;it j.ersnns committed, either on ineie process or execution, siioultl have liberty, as soon s they arc irnprrsoiied, oi taking the r . ... " t3 ccttcn. VIr Wnuiow is oi cpijaon t.'vt tins! (ay, the ;;utnor of the public addresses whiel. plant may be cultivated tn ai.y part ol t:.e U. j.t in motion the mceng, was invited to a s. at Ve have seen a specimen ci ti c plart and ure i in tne coiivtMiti:ui; a.nd bi asist in its business. Satisfied of it t ext import-. v I'et. Jut. FUUM GLliiiALTAlv. J!V. -YDH, H'NEir. ' The ship Belle, Lclie, which arrived at this port lai evening, sailed from Gibraltar ou the 10th May. ByMiwarrival we- have the important intelli gence thut Mr. M I.A.0E m os formuliy released Jrvm imprisonment flirty in Jiay, in compliance 'with the imperative demand of our government; the Spanish government having chosen to do justice, rather than risque the alternative threat ened. We regret our iarbilitj to lay before our reader the interetin. documeu?. which res tored Mr. Meade to bu l.&tity, but bope toj be L'f.iey had a pnc itent: for this in massuchu stlts.'j l i e principal opposers of these mea suiei, are Col. Claik, and Major Leonard. Much is-expected from General (GovA Mait landy on his arrival iron. England. One party anticipate from him a prompt alleviation J grievances, ami the other as prompt a suppresr stun of sell created associations CeniiHel. ty nf ftichmond. Mr Whitlow has iound a 'vIhk i misioner to proceed to Kngla.ld with ratitions poor debtor's o.itli, after civiiiK reasonable no- .which grows to the 4ieight offoity feet, in the 1 to thu i'rinee i.egent, on the state ol the i'ro- i tice to tin1, creditor of their intention. I can ormof a vine and contains within ts stuik alter j iin e : and to hold conferences, generally , o:: sea no neecssity for a pour man, imprisoned on the nne tafcenaway, a stHpie equal i: net super it r a. I a. alters then leqmnng atteiitron. Mr. Ouro- j mene process, to suiter coahnement till judge- iienti- ren aered and; execution lev-red on Imn. The time appears to he approaching, when imprisonment for debt will no longer ex st in any case, but creditors will consider the indus try, fidelity and property of their dt l, tors, and not tlie power of depriving them of liberty, as their only real and sufficient security. To make so great a change at the present time might bt attended with serious inconveniences. Reform, to be useful and permanent, muitbe gradual. As many persons are imprisoned for small debts and in such cases, where payment is eulo-ced Ly that means, it is usuaily obtained, not from the debtors, but from the humanity of thci. friends and neighbors ; l would therefore' recommend, thot the bodies of debtors should not oe Haute for any debt hereafter contracted, to he arrested on any process issuing from a justice of the peaqe. ' Let frauds in concealing property sub let the otlender to punishment, but preserve, as J'rom the J'orfotk herald, June i7. Every eiloi t of the people ou the Hoanoke to advance tbe prosperity of their sections oft the tate, has au indirect, though certain tendency, to effect the same object for. Norfolk. This is a maxim wi.icu we slioufd never lorct ; audit behuyes us to act on all occasions as ii v. e wcie ar as may be tlie personal lrccclpm.ot" tlte. ctti- la viper is. at hndi with advantage; but thi requires considerable courage ; for as soon as it can erect itself again, the assailant runs the gieafe.st risk of being: bitten. Often too it is so bold, as to follow its enemy by lenps and hounds, instead of fleeing fnr.; him ; and jt d ies not cease the pursuit till it revenge is gl'.itt-d. In its erect position it go much the more formidable, because it is as high as a man, and cm even bite a person upon horseback. Mr. Morreau de Jorines was once ri'!t:i through a wood when his horse reared and when the rider lo iked round to discover the cause of the animal's terror, he perceived a ' rci-oc iar.ee viper standing quite erect ia a ....... ui waunjuo , an j uearu it niss several innes. Tie wnv.lrf li:ivn lirl i : ...ui. ..;o.,.l Liik 1.1. If, ltll II9 IflSilll, u.. - if Y"..1. .. ..It. iur. ..in i-iiirju mime ui ow oar so ungoveriiauij, j that he was obliged to look about for somebody .to hold him. He cow espied at some distance. a negro upon the ground wallowing in his bloody and cutting with a blunt knife the Hcsh fiomthe wound occasioned by the bite of the same viper. When the author acquainted him with his inteB- ifirtn nf t-WTin.r ll. I... l .Hn..c I ....... inc 9criirc.ll. iir Cr.1 lltailT OIJLiUO it as he wished to take it alive, and.mkii.xtise ot it for Ins cure, according to the superstitious; notion of the negroes, lie presently rose, cut v some lianes, made a snare with them, and.thert concealing himself behind the bush, near the. viper, he attracted its attention with a low an wlusliitig noise, and suddenly throwing a noose, over the animal drew it, tight, and secured hi enemy. M. Morreau saw tins negro a twelve tjloiitli afterwards, but lie had not. perfectly rccovc ed the use of the limb b-tten by tlie. viper. T'ia icgroes persecute these vipers with the greatest acrimony. When. they have killted one, "he cut oil its head, anil burry it deep in the eartn that no uiischiel 'may be done by the. fangs, which ;ire dangerous after the death of the. abfitiai. .vlen and beasts shun this formidable; repttlo i lie birds mauilest the same antipathy for tkat i thev do tor nvvHii in Enrone. and a small ) of fo-ria kind, even gives waraing by; hs crjr tMt- si fiiwf aa kit' lutna't: - v ;

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