L.t... 7 ; r t i. i r i f t, i I f NorthiGdmlind . , - . , 1 - v. aa. RALEioii, (N. C.J tfUlDAY, JULY 3, 1818. VoLX. &ftzt Gazette rClLUHID w"" ran a ScrHirT' Jinrr t fil carta iria Tt tia rl ta ""' 4U iiWiM raw.- - JmM elTlT)AC. ' .T . 71- V frwin Um ucner Usb oflhwSih SS. w. b is Awora ffbcrwtwbert fMKler Ibe saddle tree. f?., i:LV Uua. sha.l be liberally rewarded. r,ntT.JynelO'h1M8. - . 243w. yd. TnMIJTlsTIUTOK'iS b.fA. - . . . - L . A.- t lit. rIulv mt-tt at the lata d It i. touB oturii "ri" i, ; o,,ii,i-r. rf ilds tomumf .VLWlh said dea-aswt, MaH.s hoMB "u ir iv. J. - ,1. n J avcxr share of Cie 01 H . . II IMS UOI JjOW AY. Ail piYiMU t)Ul)KKS. -SAAC CRKATON.tate of the Army of the U. Stte,l 1 U.vine been duly .ppoim-d nd coMuwmed I ; tfil tahDiiot. of SorU CpoUm MililU' with the iik of , rmu wilh the rik of Majo. , "re e.eh to be c4eyea ludn- - ft j. . . aiuitui. JMTICR IS IIKREB T flTXAV" T"UT tKe amHttl nkredac the 8loekhoMertf heCP held to tha DHraefrcoentle, oa 1 MtrO, 0 " Uy T Jirty Best. A mral tiradMC af the ehoWe a fur m M mar k . ir, k ), m bie of lot- nUM to the CorporalMW 01 be tuknunoa a inc I. eat ciaabUitr to BOm4 I- Berkon, the iuikramf P,"pf wilt erlU Uie otuaer cserauog uta " - lny no any joeuoa : ' Know til torn by the Prwentt Uat . of ' to herch appniiit - to bo my aubftitvte and IToxy tur m and m7.MTO', , hehaif to vote at jwerl mcetinj of the Xtoedboldera U Cape Frar Marlpoion aoropanT w he held at FU N.Vjawliia oatitt aceoud 0y of July llU.aa fully Ml nirht or aOuld. were I perauoidW pretetiU . U vltueaa wherroC I h liencuiU et iny hand and arfl thit dy Of A..U aTCHaU J. P. 1IENRY BRAN HON, Pre. CJIPE FEAR JMVWJTIOX COMPJXft IIHS1IVT to a n-aolittion of the rrendent aitrt Uikmi Acknowledged before ! Caniul Siotk. ii reoairctl to be iwid to Ui Trwwrr hi ty , ctterille OA Mootkir the 3d duy of August WIL J. W. WKliiHT.Trea. Jnneirth- . tdA. NEWOO0D3 rpHE following gowlt are jaM received and for sale at Hie Store of MatUJew Shaw Si Son, rt niwrnna blue anl diuck Vyiuins. uc ..u.iit , coloured and bUch Cmelieal, Ioiit Lawus, Jjncn Vamra;, beat quality blue, lead a. mid I I ii'.: ... ".' K I'omlina nliliuk. Will t. 1 : . neUieMU '' - . hama. wide check. " , . .1 . f1l. f.ma Anil hlllM II inf IT UC . revteweu aime """'"s, """" " " ' , . ,, ion earos, B placet a .1 . -a .Anromunr 1 1 nnr. iiu- ucai a. aii- . . . - inainCaTiiwsw,,'',vuM nnr iau ui'mr. t Warktn able blaee in the ticioity Ttie let nd 3d RfgiroenU of Surry coun- ilkesbo- Jaconct Cambrics sa fine Mull Muihna, green, pmK mm white Craped, Slk Siawlt, black and wlute lace Shaa It, Imi uiifM nf Merino SliawM. Linen Jraiia. Ladies bearer, silk and kid t. loves Iiidisiieasalile, coiutM. assurtccl Kibbont, iuuk vjiiir. IiWa Mrmi-illri Veslinn. fh.e Knives A i ' I 1. AV. a ttmm lnni I 1 1 i I iA in ' Uocolatc, Y. 11. Tea, Japan Blacking, tic. ce ludeigh, June IT. VJU.UJBLK U.YD JXD PLiJVTJrt POSL SALE. tTfOX be eipow: r ak to the hheot bUder. on v Sdturdar the I9U July nan. on toe preira, h Land uvl Ptantatioa whereon Duke Vf. tHn wrsnerly hred, lywr m the Cotinty of rrankua, m kU IhW w BklHudirck. a,ljora the taoda of CoL Ranot uiih erUnd. Bartholomew Kuiler, aol otlsera, coaUioin; t bout Fourteen Huxlr 4 rffH, TIhs Land it well dpt ed to the CuHure of l ojaoeo. Corn, Coi ton ad U kinds of ma'l RTaiui lh plaWatirtn it Ur0d Keaai, aufheient to work twelve or mieen pxw naoas to aavaif UR. Tbre u a two ry dweiii .jt hou-s kilcica and other convenient out hoias. It it deenied onnecesaary to rire any furtlerdcV:ription H t is presutned tnoae Mimed to purchase will wish o iew the prrtniaea pre Tirpn to the da of sale. Six, twelv id eighteen Baontui ereOil will se pren, tne purrn-r ki,,i,k ta.lacUry aetUnl). JErFUt8. Fraiilc.in Cou i'.y, June 3?d. 1818. jy, atRoektotd, Friday ath Augtist next. J Vlu. ik and 1j Keic"U ol VV ilkes county, at W U . joukIi. Tuesday 1rt day f September. AeRt-pmeiitof Atlteoouutjr.at Ashe Court house, Fn dav 4th of Seputuheri '. . . The Hegimet.t 6t CaTalry atUchal to the th Brigade at , Filiientli ri;a.lJ. The 1st, 1 d 3d Regin.enU of ' Burke Colitvf at Morganton, Friday 1 lib heptember. 1 he Erst, hecotid and thint Regiment of Buuoombe cour.ty at Aslieville,T"e'y tli SeptemWr. -' ' The Regiment ot Haywood county at nynesvillc, rrt The Ih-giiuent ol Cavalry attached to die Fifteenth Cri-I gade at the fleasaut tianlen iu Burke eouuty, Tuesday 2'id Unthrigade. The 1st, Sd and 3d Regiments of Ruther ford cunt) at Rutltfrlonllon, Friday 25th September. The Kegimeut of Mvalry' attached to Uie 10th Brignat i (Joel Wdhaius') Lincolo county, Tuesday die X9ih ot ep efubejr. . The 1st, and 2d Reghuents of Lincoln count) at LincolD- i too. Friday Wid day of Uctober. Hy t)rder, , u, rjiuay u-j JOS. t.UAUA.M.Maj. Genl. ' . Fifth Uiv.N.C. Militia. HEN It V XV ILL : COS N fcR, i ' , Aid de Cahip. Lhoitt county, June 7dy 181, 3; b A U.kUHAM, &co. Have just received Mid are now opening a general v; rtn.i of Dry goods, suitable tor the present and l a rosclting season, lso,Sboc, Hardware, Cuuery and some elegant cut Jire aitolu luwh wul le sotu low fi cash. , June 17th . 26-;3w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA JOHNSTON -COUNTY. Court ofPletuand liuavttr Semtont, May Term, 1818. jrjxHEumlersigued at the ',ourt aforesaid having qualified , i as Administrators to the batate of Fewcll Uuvis lateiM ' 'said ebnntv (dee'd.) therefwe ad persons wlio liave chiinu in , any vise against said estate, are desird to bring them for .'iWanl properly autiienlieated within tiiu time prescribed by 'law qrtliey will be barred bf recoveiy, and all' persons in di'bud to said estate are requested to i.iakejnunediate pay meat JNO.G. GULLY, JAMKS OAVJS, June 4. 25 6w. Administrators. LUAliLK FR01JER1 Y FOR SALE. I U-ILL tell n.y tract ofiand in the county of Granville, five mUes North of Oxford, un milts est of VVU lianvsborough, lying on the road leading from Pxford to ' Peyton SkipwiUi'a Ferry, and likewise on the road trora Salisbury to Petersburg. This trad is well known, by all those living in lh? county to be a tract we.1. adapted f to the culture of Tobacco, wheat, corn and ertry other .Mind of produce that the climate will admit of It con tains betwixt eleven and twelve hundred acres j about ft three or four hundred cleared, part of it Iresn ; and there can be fifteen hands worked to advantage $ on it there is every necessary house that is Wanting, both dwelling and oui-houses, distillery, buksmr.h shop, &c . Thelandlies in a very excellent iK-igliborhtjpd for aocie for stock. Anv Dtraort distwstd ' to settle 'ifl this pHrt of tne state, and be r the, poa session of a beautiful situation a valuable tract of land) T" '' jhavtti benefit of good society, and the advaiUage Vet the Roanoke navigation, will do well in making appa , " f atton,and viewing Uie property5, as 1 am clearly of opt t , Dion that thei e Will nm be such a bargain ofiered, iu land ' 1 ssain in the county, or probably in the state but they Will judge for themselves, f have also. a. tract of filly ' , acres lying joining of the town of Oxford s for a retneu tettlemeot, in sight of the tovru it is Uie most beauytul $ ilualio in he( state, none excepted. Also, a brick , .Stoi-e house, in the town of Oxford a convenient stand ' , for business knd, equal to any in the place, all which may be bargained for on good terms and payments made ' sy. Negroes will be received in part payi or for the- ; wiio;e of the property-, . For term apply to uiuiam xan ' Cey and Robert W. Clay, of Oxford, or W lleniy M. Clay, .1- ,& MUioh,, CaswelJ county- ' , W M, H. CLAY. i? ra"'0"ty(tieo-) June 1,1818 23 6w. ;. 1 T the confluence of 2fxn and Staunton rivers, county of . . -, ' -JMecUetiburg, and stote of Virginia. On Friday tne 1 Oth .,' JBfJulj ensuinfr, will he sold to the highest bidder from IS , ib liueeu LOTS situated most sdvantageously for trade and , . lying in different p irtsof the Town. The natural advantages ot this place are great, ;add to which a petition will be pi-e-- ; aentcd to the Virginia Assembly at- theii- next session for a 1 . , t- flank and leave to erect a Toll-bridge across the river. Sq f 'eral houses have been, erected since the first sale at this ' ' ' flace in April last (one hundred and fifty lots were then . ld) and a two story brick-house, SO-byVO feet, is nqw ( Hiding, and, from fifty eighty hands constantly employ ed ' '" -. J'p'U'mg materials toereet builtljngs this fall, by which time ' suuposedtwd Ware-hwises and a Stemmerv will be e- . weoted, the fatter -for ne- ot the- -first Tobaeoonists in Rich- ,ond. Terti one half of the purchase money i the first jof ffpru 1819, ai the balance, first April 18s. Bond and ap. blAifc Ol' Nt)Hi H CAROLINA, WAKE COUNTY. Court of Pleat and Quantr Seaun May Term, ISIS Ilutoliius G. Burton, vs. John Paris. Original Attachment levied on Lots No 96 and 98, iu the City of Raleigh, to gether with other property. . ST appeariii!; W the satisfaction of the Court that the De fendant iu Uiis ease is not an hiliabiunt of this State. It is therefore Ordered that publication be made three months in the Raleigh Shir, that unlets the Defendant upiiear on or before the next Term of this Court, to he held for tliecoun ivnTVITuke. atthe Court House in Raleigh on tlie tbird Mmiday of Angnrt nextv and plead of replevy, otherwise judgment will be made final and the property levied on con- tlemneu to ptainun use. U. O. Jk.LNU( tv. V.. !Vfny,18l8. 28 3m NOTICE TO Fl.OUst AWTJ Ulo MtLLKRS. rHERRA8 Otivaa'ETA-, Ko. thewatentee "f these if f 1.npred hivealions hath regalasiy ' fr- notice ia tJLwTiieefrfwuireai'tlo to, 181 U to of patent fcea. that beciiduafin Janoarv. 1813. be rnroul.. requjre ol tliuae who iulrhtfed his patent, and ootitinoed so to do, tlioae rates: tliat from 1818, he would eall for interest oo a new sum aaved iu labour, boar.1 and wages annually iM lieenic be bought and pawl fort and all those who continue to rioUte the law, may expect suits against th in, without respect to prraons ininiediatelT Those owing patent fees, they will be reotaved by Ids table with interest in single damages ; b it when suits are brought against them, and judgment ren dered, treble fees and damages wilh be required at tlie bar. I'he patentee has found by many years dear bought exper ience, after heing involved in very heavy etiences to sup port, his just rights, that U oilier modes are unavailable, aud hare proved fruitless. Licence inny be had of John Love, of Pockland, for Mills fn the Sorthera Neck, and from the subscriber for Mills from Rappaliunnock so far to the southward as any Machine ry may bo fomidin Mills or factories, whither I am bound shortly fur discoveries. ( Mo outer persous in V (rgtma, out tnoae namen, are autuo rized to receive pay ment a, id grant Licence. 1 am, with very great cousideration and respect, the pub lic's most obedeiut ' JOHN MOOilY, Agent Richmond, Vs. June 16. . . 6 3w. State, ot orth-Caroluia, WAYNE COUNTY. . Court of Pica and Quarter Senon,J(Iay Term, 1818 Wm. Alem. Whitfield by bis next friend, vs the The Exec utors, Devisees and, Legatees of W m. Wbitfieldlec'd.. TV Irl PSTITlONbR prays piwision under the act piovid ii.g ot Children bora alter the making hi fathers Will And it appearing to the Court that William Whitfield and Thomas Collier and Sally his wife, who are defendants and legatees reside out jnf this State, It is therefore Ordered that notice he given by publication ui the Raleigh Star, three month, ti the filing said 1'etition, that an id deleudaiits appear at tlie next term ot&aul Court and show cause, U any tlicy have, wherefore a d.-eree sliould not be made agreuablcto the prayer of the Petition. P. HOOKS, Clk. May 1818. 28 Sm. State of North-Carolina, WAKE COUNTY. Court of P eat and Quarter Seldom, May Term, 1818., Benjamin I). Rounsaville, vs. John Paris, Original Attach -. nieut, Levied on Lots No. and 'JS, iu the City ot Ra leigh, together with other property. I T appearing lo tlie satisfaction of the Court that the Defen dunt in this ease is not an inhabitant ot this State. It is therefore Ordered, (hat publication be made three months in the Raleigh Star, that unless the Defendant Bppear On or be fore the next term of this Court, to be held for Uie county of Wake at the Court house in Kuleigh, on the third Monday of August next, aud plead or replevy, otherwise Judgment will be made final and the property levied ou condemned lo plaiuttfs case. Test. B. S.KING, C. C.E. Mar, 1818. 23 Sm. STRAY. ROBERT W. lA'NEKSKU, entered a Strav Hdrse with me the 3d instant, a bright bay, has on the left eye lid. seaded wart, his hind leet while, about four feet eight inches high, about ten years old. SAMUEL BIGGS, Ra. Robeson county, June SEl, ' 6 Iwpd. HlbLaUUUOUG.H ACADEMY. rpHE Examination of the Students in this insitution, closed on the l?th inst the second session will commence' on the' 1st Monday in July. A careful atteution will be given to theelasaical aud Religious instruction of youth sent to this institution. J. W1THEUSPOON, Prin. June 20 26 4w. , proved security required. vue atn. talis. OWNERS. 6TA1E OF WO till! -CAROLINA, A Proclamation. f SXTIIEREAS by an act of tlie Legislature, of this State f w tiassed in the year one thousand eight hundred and ete veil, enfitt d, An act in addition Id the act entitled An act to redceiu'the paper, Currency now in circulatiou And to es t iblish a Bank by the name and title of the State Bank of North Carolina," passed in the jcar 1810 j it was made tlie ditty of the President and Directors of the said Bunk to cause public notice to be given by Advertisement in all the papers 'published in the City of Raleigh for six weeks next immedi ately preceding the eighteenth day of December in the year 1816, that they would for the term of oneyear cnminenc f i. ... .i i r,.n i...-i'i... ..v.'i nrf nig; on iiiai nay ii louuwiug iicuuuiwui,wi.b . change all tlie paper money of the bb.ta which should be pre- sente-J tor tliat puiTose at uie rrincipat ohuk, or ni any oi its urancnes oy giving in exchange uiereiur uie uuics ui iik said Bunk or gold or silver at the option Of the holder of the paper money. . , ; . -,g,-. 8i Ana wnereas n was ranae uie outy ui uie uuremur vn m appearing to his Satisfaction that the Presideut and Directors ot said Bank had fully complied with the provisions of the law above referred, to, ;to inke known the same by procla mation and m me said Prpelamhuou to ueciare that tna sai'i paper money shall . tfiencotbrward cease to be a tender ex cept in payments to the said State Bank., i ' . v' AllU woereas iv ft uecu uiauc appeal uj uuu wc terms and intentions of tlie aforesaid act of 181 1 have been satisfactorily compUed with. ' ' ;.'.! ' Now tlierefore. l, Jolin Branoh, Governor of the State a foresaid, do issue this, my Procbunatioii, declaring that the said paper money shall henceforward cease to be a tender in all ' eases whatever except' fn payments to be hereafter made to tUe said toto bank of Nortli Carolina. ,. . ' la Testimony, whereof Thave, sauted thei great, aeat ot the State to be hereunto aflbted and signed tlie same at tta leiifh.tlie 20th day of Juuc, A,D. 1818. IJy tle' Governor ' r JOHN BRANCH' Witt. Vyuxxin, Private Secrctarf, . .' . 2C ' FROM A LATB LUNDON TPE. The use of bait infecding Cattle. Tlie follow ing in porta nt coiaiiiuiiicatiou haabeea handed to u by a geatieman ol this town. " I have great pleasure ia being able to give a most satisfactory report ol tue .eSect of Mr. Curweri'a experiments, as to the use of salt for all Ri lids of caitie. He has just received a report t'ruiu his feeder, dated February 3, IS 18, which is as follows : fhe following is a correct statement of youc experiments, i it giving salt to the' cattle under iny care, bcgi;iing. November 10, 1817 Prom that time tilt now, your cattle, have had salt as br?lovr; foity cows and breeding heifers have had each four ounces per dayj forty three young and fat cattle, each three ounces ; eighteen wonting oxen,, 'eacft( lour ounces j twenty one heifers and oxen of one year old; each two oun ces twenty young calves, one ounce each ; and each horse employed at the farm, colliery, &c. nas nau iour ounces per iay. tour hundred and forty-four sheep have had fourstone.oi two ounces each per week, given at twice and on slates, l ne advantage t salt lor sheep appears to be great, as we have had none died since we commenced giving salt In other years we l ist some of our youiij ewes and. wethers, in wliat we call the sickness. Our cow, &c. have their salt given in steamed chatf, twice a day, which makes thenat it up, as well as other inferior food. The horses have their salt ffivan amongst . their steamed potatoes, twice a day : wnich makes thejen clean out their cribs, and is a great benefit to their health and condition. Uur cattle have been in the highest health ever since we eouiuien.ced the use of salt. I have now kept your cattle lor ten yeuia and thev were nsn-er so long without some sickness j they lvcie. loiuieijf suujcui to ooairuciions, luiiatnnia -.... V, 11 nous, o.o. i nave uui uau occasion to use any medicine since Uie zvthvol November last ; and I can now show 125 head of cattle, without the exception ol any -one animal that is outof order. 1 believe there is nothing that will promote the health of cattle and their good condition more tuau salt, when rightly administered." ' it will appear by this report that the njanti ty ol salt which Mr. Curwen ha?, given to his cattle, with the most complete suecesf. is more tliau double what lovd So nerville used. The use of tliects of this salt in Mr. Cur wen's farm yt.rd,at Workington Wall, &thee!Stetnessof cat vie 10UU1..U11H.) uavv uni Bcieu tne attention ui Vc farmers tor many miles round ; and hundreds of them have come to see the cattle fed. Seveial of them have applied to Mr. Curwen for some of his salt for their own cattle ; but the severity, of the conditions, aud the amount of the penalties, have prevented him from . being able to accom modate them. The neighboring farmers have uuited in a petition to the house of commons, which was presented yesterday : statins that they are prevented from availing themselves of tne permission to use salt (or cattle fart anted hv the late act of parliament) by the heaviness of L.'J..l. L 11 .A ' . . . uie uuty, qy me restriction ana penalties with which u is cioggea, ana oy tne personal attend ance (in their case not less than one hundred and twenty miles to Liverpool) to sign the bonds and securities required by the net (and praying relief, etc.. It should be observed, that Mr. Curwen is also using salt mixed with steamed potatoes, &c for hia hogs and poultry, with the ne good efi'ecis ' j but ' they not being under tne care of. William Glover are apt mentioned in Ivis report ( , -, Feb.lth, 1818. Mr. Dictkiav,. . . , .. As the Urmert ii this vicinity Ar uw pro parie their lands for a sum axr tmp, perhaps it wouia not be in,roper to saggeat to Lhtm r propriety oT turning their atUatton Uthe-cul-tare of itinmer rye and ais, aj a stelitatfl for : . lndiau corn j.ths two last misom past drota many and aim. .t alltTnt to the necessity of . fattening ua beef and pork principally a ry . attil oata ; and it ia ascertained by fair eipt ri meat that one acre f land (with iooo.tQ.ne lulf the labor) will prluce at (east one quarter more fodder by sowing summer rye and tailed oats, about half of each, taan it woul J if pbtited" who corn ; ana it is sue iwiiad bjvetpeneace V that beef I pork fattened on iye and- oat. if ' , -, full equal Uiat fattened on corn the reasoa is plain ; a bushel f rye is heavier thQ abash- el of com. It oar farmers could be prevailed upon to make the eipwiment (epecUWy these) ' wha attempt to raise corn oa pjat ulaius) I am ' persaaded Uiej woal4 n,ot try to raise ear. mere. . corn than would Ui ftecetsary for. family use, : such as puddings and other conveniences ' ' It is to be prtsutned that; every agrkaltaraltif is convinced that a crop of rye, or rye and oats ; loe- not exhaust their, land one third part o much as a crop of corn, and I am fully convin ced that a crop of winter rye one seaaHia, and a crop of kuminer rve and oats .the .next season, ' continued alternately, Wou'.d not reduce thtj ' strength of any land, provided it is plowed salfi ( ciently deep immediately alter the cropistakea oft'; it any would be f iad iuduced to tty the ex periment, if it U only on oue acre I am sa tis tied they would be amply compensated .ior their iarr u , . . . I sincerely wish that some practical farmer wlio has leisure, wr,o could do better, justice tn ; tire subject, than Ji should be able to do, wouid ' tak? tip the subject, that we might-if pqs siiile be prevailed .upon to ad.ipt and . pursute . ditlerent mode of culture iu this part otthej couotry. . . .-4.tU-' ' A HALF FARMED . Extract from a little wbrk by Judge PekraJ trps titled Notices for a Young Farmer--i Break up deepi aod be not afraid . of turnrng up barren soil, when the . nature ol -your ground' , admits of this operation, i Shallow ploughing;, up the vegetable mould, decepttottsly .serves a " turn,'whea it is not exhausted i and its exhscus-, tion i ibe certain consequence uf IhU iltmded " " tillage But the air contains the principal ma- icnaia tur uieiuuu ui piants, ana win impregnate) . tne sub-stratum, if eXiMsed a due len?th of time especialy in winter, when it receives much and i parts wuh UtUe the heater the pun being then , feeble, aud incapable ol tlUpelltiig wliat the soil V receives from the air.--Tlioe who object to deep miich more to trench ploushingiwant experi ence sufficiently to. test theii binelit t,Thi : have mismanaged experimenti; or h&ve beenia too great haste to crop their cf round. ' .the sub stratum must be exposed lor r a. time tiecesbiiry : to receive tne influence of th fttnosnhere.' lit dian corn, with lime, is by tifo bes crop, after irencning, particularly j oecitsn rcquirea the sdil to be constantly stirred aV(rxpo,ed fjruej,, there are some soils, which Wither deen noi trench ptougiiing will benefit ; and very larmer should accommodate his practice to te iiaturtt ' and qualities of his soil. Over cropping and shallow ploughing, with exhausting. rope'io, succession, irequentiy cause oyerwbelmif . growth of norrel to infest il managed , fields Lime is the only remedy and you : will see in L ,rd Dundonald's Connexion" &c.the cood eiTects of lime, which jdestroys the s irreli and, prpdnces the sorrelme acid, highly friendly to wholesome & proftoible vegetation. Green aor4 , rel grows on fertile soil ; but the red sorrel is i certain mark of sterility. Never sow a fimlor weedy -field, to save a ploughing, or f-wet one to save timenor sow a stubble in one cbaflt ' bearing crop immediately to follow auotbfer. Such farming may- succeed for a time,-tinder ' partieuJar circumstances, but in the end vUl pro luce only a crop ofrejrrt.", ? '-c f " , SUPERSTlTliLN OF tHE LAW. v 1 ROM THI At, BANT ARGrS - Is it not most singular and most astonishing, , that the American Uepublic, enlightened as it is and spurning as it does all the mummery of the dark ages, should still, in a Very essential de gree, be a slave to the superstition ft the lute we mean oi tne common tavo so, &nglandt 'o the law of precedents, most of tytijch were origi nated m the dark r ages but have, indeed, been more oc less clarified, as they have been filtrated th rough trie usuages ot modern times.- Av-tn evidence ot this, look at the volumes of forma ; and pleadings which any plaiotifT has to travel through, to arrive at the termination of his suit, " however clear and indisputable it tnay be.- it has,however,beeiiceneraiIy considered nrofan- ity by the Bar, to impugn the ; com,moti law of England, the object ot their idolatry the para go u ot excellence.' As an evidence of the in fallibiliti and superior excellence ofthis common law, we beg leave to reter to a case wluch occur red ii England recently 'Thornton had been 'h tried for the murder of Mary Asford and acqtjit ' ed. He was again brought before the": king's Bench (circumstances being strongly ' against him) on the 17th November last," Lord Ellen borough presiding. ' Thornton claimed the aa r t - i 1 I u !- ' tf M 4? i . : II: II- ml r Ml 4s 'i if -a 'f't XL 4

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