4 - - , .rrifrWne itaf U wider. C?SirtirtioB.fUiHliwler these condi iSfitl Ope f Good Hop, w U America, tod ia tba event .fyear prop A"!Jd bv hit Locdahlp, a grant will 7",, free ofexpence.aad tha eecessa- M ,'.:i --.rt k- BM.lded for the conveyance IlS o' the Settler wfca- J'l7k.wa enrsrtd toaecmpaay voo. The r"VffictitUingth flUlera sU.hde Jttt MtCaf tti UfcTe aal reft feftdi rftpett-Y ea lovttieir gaoa otspoaitiooa, at4 imiiurtMi, aatHU,aai this eiui camtrpot-war piac withta abevt lorty rads vf the lathers aoa i- tier's rtudeace I Mr. ILudeity. we nave ot beard that any ether lives were lut. (Snedl Ht. GOLITORV. 1 I I' 1 lin'i I'mmiiiil Jalf U. AS?.ipt. Oroe, aimed on the fiSth, tt Sa- " . ia ICS dT i"n DOIDMJi inn nms,in jjjjrtfri Missionaries. Latest dates 6th KJlT. Messrs. Jftha' NkhoIi ind Allen 2" wlth their wives, and Bit Philomela SSSi. ambarked on board the Saco, 5th ..-ririJ .1 Bumhav. on the fiSil ETW F"S thoagh rather lonS, wit a Ii f .atoa. AUbe time of their ai rival, nd Vita Istestdates, they were all ia good health. received by the Miasiaoaries there, iSvHaW Newell and Bardwelt, with mM bdlkoat tenderness and joy, and thanlisgiv Wipdby the governor, Sir Kvaiv Nepean, fLpettcourtesj and kindoe. Cri determined that Mr. Gravel h6uld - .. . . r mtsfarsm . - f a t.s Xi rlie an aa aaiaiae, wfarrna as i sj - - ef ssCharpjay ka Eat bitMaaw . " -rr- roeetiaz house ucar the mouth of WZ Ill Z 'Xt "b. &. Mr. Brady deliver ""r: J; x ' . 11.1t w.:.ll .nA Uuitable to the occasion. M ' TM lOamBEe OI inc IVr, iTWtn, mini jliii PhilomeTa Thonton, waa aolemniied 8bth .. i fit - M:a.;nn a RMrthiv ia in vrY firninc ' naiiute. The ichooli of the miaaioo are now ' ll i the children and jouth belongir g to thern, lewib, Mahonieun, but cbieflj heathem, are 'ilout 1200 ; the average purriber attending from fay to day, about 400. ' The lateit intelligencer from Ceylon was of .'the 9th March, The Rev.c Messrs. Warren indRicbardi. were' then thought to be a little fetter ;yettbey both were quite feeble, and fears ere antertaiaed respecting their recovery . - From tb Wettern HerlA ' t AwJuL and dislrtmwg caiamxty, txtrict ot a letter from Div Atwater to the edi tor, dated ' '.: St. ClatrsrtlJuly 19, 1818. r Oa PridaT evenina the Ifth instant, we had ' la this viciaity, a heavy shower of rain, accom ' piBieQ with thunder and lightting ; but no injo- Ca a Lists, (Penn,) J sir SO. MtUntkolw Occurrtna. On TVsrsJiT last a aaober of htoAt ware at work f cattinr train) oa the farm 4 Mrs. Brady, ia Rye township, Cumberland county. Ia the evening, whea a boat fiaishinst a beavv cloud came p fram the . a " A .s. aoaia west, accompaoiea wiu piercing nunc of lightning and tremendous claps of thander. The hands were a much appalled that they knew net what they were about aome lost their cradle) others their rskes all calling on God to have merer on their souls.' Two of the hands. James Murray and Mathias Venrich rere struck dead in the open field. It appears that Murray was struck on the forehead his clotbine was torn from his hat to hi shoes Veurkh was struck on the back of his held hi clothitE was tofft off of his back.- Mosei kirkDatrick, inn. knocked dowa, and WillUin Irvioe had his check scarred with the same flah) EirkDatrick and Irvine were about ten rod from the deceased. Rebecca Kirkpatrick, who was in the house from ten to thirty rodsdifttant, sayithe flash appeared like a blue blaze on the Boor of the bouse where she was he was cast on the floor how long she lay she cannot say. The corpse were both removed to the houe of James Murray, and on the day following were interreu, lu inriiiaa nau manner, at uir the Junjata, ed a discourse array lias leu a lament uis un timely late. Venrich was about 16 years of t TV a salts f p-iblic Uadi.at TlaatnU'ei! Mltko Alabsfoa txriitarv. cl d Ike Il J IU age. Krnm h Anhurn CS. YA Gazette. Aue. J. Horrid Transaction. Ve learn from Junius, that some day in the latter part of last week; a stranger was murdered in this town, by two men who have been apprehended and commited to jail. The circumstances, as far as we can learn, are aa follow i the deceased, who was on horseback, called at a tavern, and ordered some thinir lor his horae and something to drink, and being ahout to pay his bill, handed a piece gold, TM aar mi mmhm m tkjmm, TV wwHIV fWk wmM kia Wor owl XU met i tin ml tun fern t ry t AU kri(M npUa tVd tW Mjia'i Wrart f Thorn Yowaf Taa&ai tafUara Mm vtmtmf Bait ttirta M4kMr rknrfU iW aerae. KaatM m pKy 4rop WW tU rrrt, N am l fcrt la fmame taOmtm aigtit s Tfc aictrfnl g ,taa Muring ami otKam. AaiVaaba'4 tmt, r fnc tl woe, miAf'. Kirtli ia Vasim bearttfor many aa r Taeia aMak qleaa a aacuUnt warfare vag. At length, aublljte ia gaina, 3UArpeare ro4 Ortlaia'd by fata to rtaaiwile the for. Each ava'd hint aa Her ton, la eaek l bow'J, A at all hir (txl aaatrmal claim altoa'd. Ilia graver offering e-t one kllar laid 5 And t the other lightrr Bovrn aakl 1 Till 'iteath on? dome tb miter (anee a re rear' if. And he the imanortal prieat of tnth appear' J. A votary of the drama moving art. Hef aetk ill moral Icaaoni lo impart. From distant aoenra and forripi land he eami Yanr kind, jrnt patronage to eUim : Aol Kill he hope, wilh raeh relnmmj; jnj, To meet, and merit, gea'ioua arleonte hereo Tho hard hi task, evre,the eritle' la, Hi toiUare reoompeaaed j ytxtf applaaae Nor, will he ever droop, when, a to-uiglit, In frrqaent raw, r!t. acaie and beauty hr'rjHit Sited rouiwl hi patli their ahceriitg bcains oi'KjIiL And rurrly none will ever here refuse A refa to tfie Iragia, ooraia rauae. Front Shakeapeare'e number who eould turn away Or that the ear to tction'i toothing lay ? llera may some future Roaeiua, Dkeapi move And fill the aoul with rage, or tnett with lave : Troth, natore, wiadom, here erect their achool, And jiutioe whip the knave, sad wit the f ool While you, ye fair, in viiluou modesty, Shall keep the Mage, vhat still the stage ahouM bov .'1 picture 0 the timet, front every grosaes free. AhkooHiiaUdy tl lind sJered at iM sale is repreataUd ta bagtaerailj .f aa loftrior qaalitr, yet such, appears U b tba daaire ta eit grata la the westera ana sauui-wearxm cr.rrv, or to acatr laau 10 uioa qaaricra, inu am sale were well atteuded.aad the chalet tract conuoded for mith avidity by the Uddert THeaa sales, it is stated, amoBBtad to abeat 400,000 dallsrs- DlCaIa taw tiy aa tha I4tk tnat Vaavas B. Afvat, nUmi awwUw of Mr. Uthw F My. Matwhaaa. AImm UiNwky.oa U lM,Mr lltumMm, Caaa snaaav, aged tS ywan 1 RUNAWAY T71ROM the Sohacnacr Cviof h Margaa eaaatv, Gcef 1 aa .k I Ilk 1ML a muhiuo naa aaaMd HAT, taa ia a . bout SO year of ageaf aa ordinary aise, straight hailt, at aA- , laa a wwa saat Haa when auoaaa .la an A duel was fought at St. Louis on the morn- 'inRof the 16th April, between capt. Ramsay thro' a piece ot a eta a which the woman attending could not anj capt. martin, l lie lormer was sliot change j he then took out a hall dollar, which, ttie body, and Ins Iifa is despaired of. as our informant states, had some particular j 4 ,...-1. ,.n . hnt it heinir HiffirMiU tt inkp. the Indian Corn fsavs the Trenton True Ameri changR,it was agreed to leave tlie bill unpaid, can) is generally agoodsize and fioe colour; and whilo he should go to a piacei lor wnicu ne nau pre. "c "y y "c mm auunuaiit iu ti 0 . . 1 . ., , :i 1 r.. ... viously enquired) about a uule disunt irom tim tvtit "eu u naa oeen ior mauy years pasu tavern across the lots, w lie re he naa sone dusi tive and aeaaiMe. 1 spesks ia a low tuae of voiew-Ha was parabasal a Str. Iundy last winter, who awl he porwhaaeU baa ta Marfola ia v tha Swt of Virginia, where I aspect ha kbceads aaiafV aa K ' waa seen wear Auuua, Uanrgia, four or fiva day aiier ha,' elupeil. Ua ctanuuauoa it will L sewn vry readily ha has- . hiat a small hit of tU ead of his aoae. I vtll gita a rarj of FifTY LKLUAUS f( hit tvheaai a aoaAsH.-. meal in jail so dial I grt hita, again sod will iudemaifv muf ' prrson .to tlie ututouof my (rawer who U1 Uk4 him tlrad r , alive. WAHKKN JdllKMATV , Julv 31st. 1111. Sw-SffiTd. ACCOMMODATION STAGES. ; fl rriHF.Suhseriberhavhig purchased thetnlerestof tha Iie I srs ta lleU's in th line of SUges bcrween Fstettevillti k Mrwaera,faid wlHSh were eenaeeted witb CMS Steam BoaVfv nonui 1 win cvwiuvucc nuiiiina: ujiu u . Binwir wui mat b twteu lUle'.nh J Fa euevilW, In coijunctian irh Air. Joitlaii' line. They will leave Ilaleicli every day at I sr. elork, r. . and arrive at Air Jordan's una at a p. m la r luniing, thuy will arrive at Kaleigh bv 11 A. M wkcra they ',' will meet rot line to the nortn. 1 11a nnvers are earerul, obliging and attentive 1 the horses excellent anj the eaa-riages more eomronauie uian are usuuiiy louna apon tne souilitrB ' route. " , The subscriber earnestly solicit the nubile aatroasga 1 Ue has been Influcneud by two motive to pot this line ia op. rutiou private gain, eertaaity and eosaCort to he fravellef, and he pledge himself that in proportion to the encourage meiit he receives, so shall the meant of their eonvcnlcaee bu -increased.. ' . Carriaiws, of a superior quality, are already ordered on- froio the North, and are espectud to he ia Oiertion ia fnMl ' four to six week. WM.RUFFIJ., Raleigh, August, 1811. S4 (f-, nfThe editors of tha FayctteviHa Ohsertrsr. Chatlestoa City Gazette, Augusta Chroiiic, PeOsrsburg Intelligctjcov itiahmond bauuirrr, and rtauoruil JotclliKuneer are roauest,. ed to give tlie above three insertions aud forward their ao couius to this oKlee tar settlentent. W. K. v ness to attend to, and in the mean tune leave his ahore to leed. Two men, (also strangers) siuai consequence resuneu irom it, iu uui eighbourhood. On M'Mahan's creek, howa ier, aboat seven miles from this place, the case mi quite different, lhe inhabitants of tins creek, before the middle of the day experienc id a very violent thunder gust, which' raised dieir streams and prepared the way for the aw ful tiwtatiOnj. which followed. At the time we , ' vetofxfwiiencingtbe shower already mention td, the rain fell in torrents in the vicinity of . ll4ila!ian,s creek below us, and swept off with thehegom of destruction, fences, grain and cat . ,'tlf,acd1n fact almost every thing that opposed lU course, together with the whole family and dwelling houae of major Jobn-Hardesty who re sided near the creek. The water undermined ;4he house and formed an excavation where it ' Stood as tha bottom of the creek which re 4JMins. The atone chimney, which was very ; Jarge, was entirely swept off. Major Hardes ' tury wis about thirty one years ol age, and was much respected by his neighbours aud acquain tances, lie had been roamed about nine years, . , and bad a wita and four children. But as it ' vereitta moroeut, himself, his wife, and bis fihildrtOj were snatched from the enjoyment ol heillh, and from all the ordinary endearments andUeisings oflifr, to tlie presence of their . Cod and Judge. We have seldom heard of so sudden, so awful, and afflictive a dispensation of Divine providence. Four of the bodies were found oext morning, viz : major Hardesty, his wife ant two children were decently interred in one common arave this mernins t but the bo dies of the remaining two children, have not as , yet been discovered. Such visitation naturally reminds us of the shortness and uncertainty of all iublunarytlungs, and forcibly puts the quel . tion to ua And even our life, what is it but j tapour which appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth awaY.'" And also of that divine tommahd, Be ye also ready, for in such an JiQur. as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh.' .'t- Extract of another Utter same date. '- One of the most destructive , rains that ever v Visited this country, fell in the southern part of Belmont country, on Friday evening, the . ?thinitant. The rain fell in torrent for a , utrour hburtV M'Mahan'a creek, Fine creek, 4id Capitena, were swollen beyond all former auowieage. the crops on the low ground , yeie in many placet wholly destroyed and sev t ,'fal hotf se and barn swept away -But the f 'Mvei meiancnoiy event waa the death ol Major 4 b""" nwoeaty, his wile and four children Mr7 , 'arueity lived neac the iCreek, about five miles , p St, CfairsVille. His house was underroin- , y the water about dark on Friday evemug, ud suddenly, upset Himself, bit wife, and "SUI tn dttn M perished. The body of ,V wr. mtdiiiy was found buried in sand about " tflllet5eloWin crnfieid. , Mra Hardesty " d ? children were found about a mile 1 jown the creek, the aecond and youngest child " inV " i- f01 ja JJie Iour bodies were "ftH. v", v ,",,yr s o cy oy a vast con ;2V ' fftingene of i I.iatun?.J;br0ueDk together. The 'house S instantly to pieces and carried' off. ?iWrVt,Jck of limber at composed it, ft famd, together. . Wwtjf. wer people CoiiecaD, N. H i July 28. To the Publiclc.As a friend to humanity, I aid tob Irishmen, were Dretent and bad wiu transmit to your candid attention the aituation nessed all that had passed and about this time of Capt Brewer, now confined in Amherst goal, left the house. After the deceased bad been ab- me county 01 miisoorougn, in wnicu place sent some little time, one of the two men, before he has been in close confinement for nearly mentioned, returned, & called for something to four years,, on a eivitdebt, the original of which iti-ink. Hi tf'ortil a half ilnllar. whirh tha wuinan amounted to about eight doHar t but now. to- reeognized as being the same that had but a lew gether with his board, amounts to, nearly three minutes before been offered by the deceased nunarea aouars. Atter remaining w goal thir this circu nstaoce excited suspicion, and he was ty days he took the benefit of the Act for the annrfchMtded. and taken alone towards the dace relief of poor debtors bat as b was unable to where the deceased had started for,' and tKey"'?ayMrtioam!,a soon met bis companion, bearing the portinau- cnarge u, ne nas oe?n aeiainea ia cusioay fver teau, which the deceased had carried with him ince, because he could not pay that which was ' .. . . 1 1 : : 1. 1 r l . i i t from the house. They then lramediatelycon- morany iinposmie tor mm, auu wnicu u uauy feased what thev had done, and noiuted out the accumulating. place where they had concealed the body under His circumstances, to my best recollection, some leaves aud other rubbish, by the side of a brook.-- Our informant did- not give us the names of any of the parties. . 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 -j FRIDAY HORNING, AUGUST 21, 1818. EU&TION KKI UKNii cohtikukd. Wdtce county tiV Joaes, S. uo opposition. Seth Jones, and Stephen Haywood, C. State of the poll, Seth Jones 1070, Haywood 995, Hiuton 885. Jehtuton Reuben Sanders, S. John Atkinson snd It. II. Helme, C. Sute of the poll, Sanders 379, CoL Williams 873; lor commons, Atkinsun 648, Helme oao, Barnes 341. Chatham-Wm. VKelly,. K. C. Gotten and John A. Ramsay, C. fVuyiiea. M'Kinnie, S. Lewis Coor Pender and Ezekiel Sloeumb, C. , Fitt Luke Albritten, S. no opposition. Oliver Prinee and R. Cherry, C. State of the poll lor Commons, Frinee 761, Cherry 458, Joyner 430. Edgecambehevi U. Wilson, S. Jaa. Benton and Horn, C. Fertonr-K. Atkinson, 8. Samuel Dickins and Win. A. Lea, C. .1 Orange A. D. Murphey, A. ao opposition Wilue F. Mangnm Sc Jns. Mebane. V. Slate of uie poll ior Commons, Mangum 1429, Mebane 1337, Wm, Barbae 11SC. Town of HiUtboro'Jotia Seott. Warden R. R. Johnsou, 8. U. H. Jones & P. Hawkins, C. iieouurl Heading Grist, S ITiomaa Latham and Ro binson, C. '. Jftrw-llanovcril. W. Campbell, S. J. Lamb and John Bunting, C. i Town of Wilmington 1&m. B. Mears. HaHfaxiohtk Alston, 4'. N. Gee and Jesse A. Dawson, C. Jl own of Jtaitjax i nomas tturges. Martin Joseph Williams, & Wm. Roulhae, and Darling Cherry, C. Guiiyd-John Caldwell, S. Wm- Ryan b J. M'Nalry, C. Uravcn VV m. iiaston, es. Tine Allen ana Abner JN eale, 7 own oj JXewom.j ohn bunly are as follows t tie is about seventy years 0 ae, of a weak constitution ; and at the time oi his confinement was dependant on the town for many ot the necessaries ot life. He was a He ro of our Revolution, and held a captain's com mission through part or the whole of the strue ale for Independence. But now he is immured jin a prison twelve feet square, with many o- uiers. I isOijiw aw avzsVa-iUk7--a,csvrvuuaij luigcm ilirjae aU - diet aud tntlemeo who wish to htw. lheruelyi erf pfc;-; lessons iff dtmeinr, thttt they will hive leitQre 4unnli -.-. I .1. A a; - t ,f UU11ANG3 Respectfully inform tliose L- rate lessons m oancinir, tne weea to atiena to intjui A.n eariy annlieation is m-wca. sary. The days of tuition for die school tre Fridavs and 8. tunlsys from 3 till 6 for the Ladies, and fram 7 antii 9 for ibo V.f .UVM.WU. The Children will he taught in a separate room Irom HA youna ladies . . j KjUeigh, Aag ia. 84 FUtSALE 4 VALUABLE Tract of Laud, eontainins; fifteen hurt jk.1'1! aerts, one hundred ot whicb h oloared and aider fence t veil suKpd to the production of either corn or eetton, five hantlred acres of said Und is 3 vamp, of the first quality , thearewthof wbiehshew the fertility of the sail, it being ehesN nut Oak, white otsweet grim, tea. itswith a sufficient Ml to drain the same wilh very tittle labour. . Tha buddings are oesr and very convenient, uie situuoaa pleasant and healthy, together with this a good Orchard. Any peraata . wishing lo purchase in this part of th oountry, will no doubt be well pieassa witn tne piaee ana price, as 1 am determined t ao scpt oferory meavum in my power to make Jsa' mhfbMbbv easy and convenient to the purchaser. Taa plane is i miles south west of FayeUeville, I joming the read that leads ' frpia tlie same to iamaen, es auout xo miles aaove Lumberton,:Bia GILQERr MaoMILLAN. Robeson county, August 10, 1818. v- , Sifaw.t,- S-IRAY. English eUctiotitering.yit. VVooler, (edit or of the Black Dwarl ) and Mr. Cobbett, are rival candidates from Coventry, tor a scat in the British parliament At one of tlie meetintcs Itetd lor the purpose of recommending the form er gentleman tlie to suffrage fjf tha electara.l 1 F l Ordered that twelve negroes and other personal or. the SDeaker said, it miirlit hafaom aatiartlon LW.? Mt1 Moore hewll r , -- "p 7 " OnUlCl . t - . L .).... nT U......Knn n. .1 m .. 1 1 1 - . . P the IriendSOt Mr. VVooler to know, that OUt Ute Sarah Kilgra, deeVn aereditof six months, the 'piif, of four hundred Coventry-men ' more than one oinwer givmg bond with good and ti(Qoient seturity ,t j bj nan were wining w go even barelooted, to vole r"1"""" " " n I 'VtZ ' TX' r. .. .. . a. ' uB...n ...... I . b-KING, Cl'k- ior iiiui ; , it wouiu reauy seem, irom wqsc loi-i The t8th Aug. 1818. 3-i3w. lowed, that he had not misrepresented their zeal; j1 " " 1 " 'a, for,beforethe meeting dispersed, the friends of mm . NOllLfc. "-.'X Mr. VVooler tore down the Doll of their, onDO- ! I!!"?!1 K..l " J .L!-C JSiiuuureu acres ituc uuihuxu aiiu n.iy ot waicn IS Cleared. u",lr)'",u uuWc ivji cisucu, m wuitu inerts ana now under cultivation, well suited to the prediction of weie, of course, man V broken heads. At lenarth cither corn or cotton, part of aiid lauds are low. hut eon ,v some of the most active of the-VVooler nartv yeieuUy be drained, the g wrA.iw.al .nH I,1..,l J 4K-'...U i . tne soil, -1 ac uuiuimgs S4 nw, thQ situaUoa bigla .. v. -- .wv wit nsini uuusp , uu tana pleasant, the water remarnaitiy good. 1 believe that (nera mose wno remainea outside immediately raliieu.1 a . ... I unrooieu tne prison, ana set their friends once more at liberty, what followed at the next day's polling, we are yet to learn. J laven. Fast. Colutnbur, Jacob Guy ton and Joel Stephens, C Evans. C. Cumberlaiia, L. Bethace, 6" N. M'Meill and Jonathan Samaea Welch and Jacob Stokes, Charles Banner, St Summons. C - BockmghatnfMVm. Bethell, S Nathaniel Scales 6t Rich ard Miehaux, C . CasweU Bartlett Yancey, & Romulus Saunders, Sc Bed ford Brown, C. Hampton M. J . Kenan, a. James Matins, tc Wm. Black man. V. MadenJm3. McKay, S. White, St Beaty, C. Jiobetqn-Vil . Brown, S, Kennith Black, bcY.t. Haynes, C. J3erte.-VTbomasL West 6'; Wm. Hintou and Joseph joraan, sy. , 1 Jiuh Michael Collins, 5 William Boddie and Archi , bald Lmon, C. , appointment of a Judze.Ou Monday the 3d instant, the Council of State met in this city, agreeably to notice, io ad i vise with the Governor on the appointment of a Judge ta supply the place of Judge Burton resigned.. On Tuesday, jounce jsaieet, &sq. oi w arrea county, waa appointed, whom we uiwcrsiana nas accepted. A considerable, number of hands we understand. a. at nresent ensraeed in clearing- out the Cane . Fear river below j tyaywood. Our informant adds that they make great pro- wv ate aaw m w mm pB ITTTAS taken np and entered on my bookT on tho " 10th Of. a V July last, three miles south west of GreensboRMfg h, !' light brown HORSE supposed tone 10 or leveu ywira old. about 14 hands high, blind in his right eye shI before racks snd trots and has a tape string tied on the- end of hift tail under the hair, appraised to 55,55 ' Also an the first day of August a bay MARE, aboat thir teen hands and a half high, with a white foot en the offsid behind, sunnosedtn be 6 or 8 vears old : annniiaft! tii 919 f :-1 , lr . .7f.i"a.. Z7 --.:. ). Ati ur iciLiL), tianger. -Guilford county, Aug. 8th. i';.V-w. . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, . WAKE COUNTY. " ? Court of Pleat aiid Quarter Sessions , Augutt Terni On Petition of James Uigsoy, Dennis Grady, Alexander Fresb man, John Ship and ifcggy and Wm. Moore, iniauls by We have seen a letter of the 1 9th Julv. from one of the most respectable houses in Havana, which says : " Ji duty of Jour dwtors, for the is not a more healUty nor a more agreeable neighboui lfoed in the State. Any person wishing to. perchase in this part of tbe eonntry , will no doubt ou seeing tha hwd be well iHessed with the puoe aud. priee, at I am ilwlerminud to accept of eve ry possible measure in die payment to make it easy and coo venieut to tbe purchaser. ' ' ',- , NEILL MUBPHV1. ' Richland Swamp, Robeson co. Aug. 10, 1818. 35 Swf, I AMES WADE, enters one MARE, aa a Stray, ou tho Hanger book she is about twelve years old. marked aa support oj the inqumlton is to be henceforward roane with her hind ande white her feft fore awhTiu&it 1 ' I . I . - ... I I i i 1 . . 1 I ... - KVteu vnjuretjpi as wen aa nanonai vessels en- axanus lorwara, ami appears u oe tame i paeea and trots.- terms the ports of this island." This mforma tion is from suea a source, that we cannot but credit it, notwithstanding the positive contra diction we published yesterday from the Nor folk Herald. Bolt. Pat. - Baptist Theological Seminar tiTa Bantist Board of Foreign Missions have just concluded their session in N. York; The object of their deliberation has been the establishment of a theological seminary, on an extensive scale. They are calling in the aid of their, churches nenerally throughput the union, aud have bd- potnteu several ministers to travel turougn tne awres anu uuiatu suoscriiiious aim collections. The institution will go into partial operation during the approaching fall and winter. Iu A prilnext, it is expected that it wUl b fully organized Jamoa Wade lives about li miles south west of Randolh C IL ' , HKVI strif.ii it Aug. 4, 1818. 34-Swpd- houses wanted; . ' THE subscribe ri are about to establish a line of Stages frona Raleigh to Plymouth, and sre ilesu-oua of purchasing a number ol stoat, strong active horses, for that servhw. Those who have sij-' ' sale, sre invited to bring thfta in without delay. Gash Will oc givcu for such as may be approved. . WAi.Byor4',. JOHNJ.S.RUFFnV U. POTTER, v ' '. '- Managers. Raleigh, August SO, 1811 STAGE AND, . JN ESS.', MaKINO Bust. . a.fW . - 1 .m w aa mmm m i" iw.sww uvi.wuia,iueii m wic stvura uusincsw wiisV 1 J meet witi employment -Two boy oi pcapeuUble ikm nexio.it will be tukea as ppreiitioea - r- v HAixiE Ci wiah; Raljigh, Aug.

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