f A " ' T . , I II " YmLX. ;i I"""1 - f -.nrl-nS mult c(m ilUlMtl I1TM " AtaaatTaf-B "7..irtrxmM S l'AO E3 CU'T.TluL. -amtoMtioa with Mr. T""- . at-wass i ,w Koat'i i-c AtioUKi m usEtnf. t 1 A tf pUa emwoe a Keauag om, w-aaww --. v the principal Litwjry t4a.M. iT jt imeibleui MeWpUearflewl . - U e ef l libera WX WSf? STATE OF NOBTnCAROUNA, ; .ftuTHf.nroRncoowTT. . ' MMfritely Wi ttu Star r4 In K-toNEK Wlt.f.f 4Vt PANMII.l li Cb. IXrORM Ucfriid4 nA tta pW. um Uey (MMM lb bo bwaeii M Ootr crciuenl WAHHOUiS at iW bav tic- the feat of tb rtto, for Um fcpup of MJ prmlaro (Ofnniuca w iwr vara larMUJ far ux reeuwi w, nimnnni.tny,mi 7 S wmm! Mriea UI k wall BiulMr4 tmt Dm Morft ttftomr. rr.rw. W. I. hu iU Kp prodM kany Um rqwist W, Ma aurtcd U MOlit, m Ut kwcra tiM fs NKWUKHN ACAD&M If. Mi an mJy y(w LtlTSA MAIUJAIN. 4W offer Cvwl hU HOUSE mo4 LOT CAMdVmt. The tuwof vri noHiuuiuinH " -Vff7 Al-i .U: mt m.mmE .'.H In bk tn ft UbB jv- - J mW ll. lt. .. tJ M tka b ka - ' J ta ftHkafid B lOCni UM mp mmt ilia WM. RUFFIN- 94-t iUlen, pu. Obrr-r, Ouurlwtn. a Mifin t ii a n r " . i - nohcr. J . , n-ihe F.U of Simeon W. Bbh Drd , Jwriber rt the lrt tern, of W.k. 4wy Court. A,,.t r.-rmnl DrtlKTriT uanti- hrrfcH ,nW l.y-fi they will "T, VV ILU t GASTON, Pre$:deatw JOHN Latastb. W-a,ACt mh.l8U. . , .vi, 6-at. A HINT (TL.l J V ! k..J . - A WIUCttiH ht b.eto4 by J. H. kcoaf Nw.T thtppldlrrly to ho oho pUoe,adwU ao t eawaahla Utu NOTiClC HONAWxiromueauotnp-Tomti w - Bat. iLUo An. or IbO TUtl a 1BC tOOat BTO feel tea or elewi i alva ' it . J J-"" ."'L'.-. .ntawd thna oo th itra bouiu of thair Countr, otbera lottoueor more iai appa hm- " .T, . . .... , mmt",i tW..A anyofhu teeth, ha. Tery little heard. teW nao , ----rJ TTaAthoM hom k any omagra, that I Merit Wlllvd, ' T WOULD fcUafn-rt hargaio 1a y-WHITE HALL.V . Fualic Kaagsr, fortba County of Watie. bt' had ' plntttioo lailea heow the tooa of Hallfas. M.C.J BiC oiana ta roe mmg wuw iutct y imhwuwi , irqta nw nq,wwKww7Mi, wynuim ledgahtdttJuntan Stray tu different kmdt an.irom llWOto tSUOtt acrei. lcrfoi a-iahtag to mrcWa ueo! tUomntlirir oa, without eitng tlx-.ai ' mu4t examine and 1ud for hmele. Tbo teriy eomphuntl A)e W nxs anting tht rtircr. prnowi o then nl kiwv-rlitn kaj trnkv an Stmi 61 different kmdt . had read ueoJ tbem at their own, without tng tlai ' mu4t examine and Judge for hmele. Tbo ity oatncairaf oooKiotnieirioamy .wi" ana oe kvnoa of m. , JAM. f. AS IE. who I oow eouM aaue, ha itray. in the (waieewoa who p.yem-u. N 0. Auput 30. ltoV . . M3w.' V- w - w--- a i -rith tikA Law la tlii. rrflDMt teema. to Uuuk ; nat gret toe tpM on wim an . . . W,V7, i,., bea n.6ined on me that I i.antrr tnan me enu o pnwuiti ' ""i - . .-. . r r r.henaookeatoand I eapect wa the mart, of a te-.tlonW m twwpcrsmi. - ...A..T;;rrrJ ;i aie.lrtlii 0 ! no. .k IK. paWtion i tt who ha awaytn- ! etett to aait 0t wr aetueuieat prer W;hm, aooyo um u . j B- , j . .i 1.1 .ft-.t .... ... ih.i irtiu .1a nnt mnt un koer to L ? 1 wy-haedt torae money tnd papen belonging to varp. xiee of Ihoae ' ooi pcnaa and heiug determined to move tVeta the Stata 1st. I there-, or ooat he firat of October neat Art peteoni eouaeraed ara Italcigli, Aug- UM. 35 tf. the SITRSCR1BERS AT THE SIGN OT THE WAN, I r.lf 1 klil-fir t. aA .La hrir trienda and nuMia, tl, - - . . . .. isii rm i ii n acre urej " f w owned oy cu T.i..:1, ,u, kt manner TflWf "Mi"- - 7 f ot7VDlrti3r m.rkJto describe. Oiie. it an .rtf-a and i who nuy hwrafter UVe ap .ny .Uty that u tbT uo ouiar priieuir . , , , .., wrtn .famnl. end entur tliem on the ttrtT hook. atlhe law dineeta eonmog teuow n y n "l"""7 ' J" I : that I will nut the !. in f.xo without reaneot to or-mt I .TtfTrite-W particuUrly who hare lad' atra,t Uw,g in nU"oV afmin. lk rehL JS he II their poavoa.Kl.abok.ow theL.wi.rery pointed nnd PV "ii V. ..-.n ....,.k., u- ,hr ho,.M I niaia on thil tub eeU ew for etery nciaon to undeiatand, ttod aucm-Taud areK uTr. af i,, any ! t hope tMS noUeo wiU attended to by all aboitn.w eon. J-l ilmt 1 net thetn aicaia or deHrered to me l herotr ewMaod waott may nereaiier aonaern . . . - t - A If lt..i !(! nnt at W-rren, Aug. M, 1M. JAMES BOB WTT. - '-.'r - -. 8ap beat mteril for -.U.Houa connanuy 7 r,' V-.IU. w.ll for- '''STsTS a-iasliaa 'that the-, ahall aot be t llr:-l3yaf L aohUortable who my plcwe to eall wiiim's m -"- . , ROBERT It. WYNNE, 8MITH PATTKRN AngPttUth,l18. . .y . v k f . A Mil FOR SALE. wlF -ubwilr offers for wle tV TracJ of Land on whiejv T! iiT. Wine oa Swift Creek, nine mileaannth wert ,,fcnaa ofit. cSerabTc improvement. J ? kino Jood orchard, of well adeeU-d fruits, a j moat of etery ""nU'gowi ' .,, ,.. iund .ill be Htmgaear tha land. J0SEPH LANE, junr. Angott 1001,118. 33 It FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. . -T A V Jnt 4 fata afltn. from Mr. Lowrie eon- Lt,ort 01 ""BC . r Mk .unntoxirm. imnOth 7 aearo rirl aameo - "--r v f 1 .iii B-ive die above reward. iTtliey do not at . ..ir .... tkn In ill anuntv or UiV Ot tile LCl UI)V IU IVt'JU wtm. . w , iMsent eountie., I will gie for them both Wty dollar, or SS . . : ...A r.r arwlemillv outlawed, and nil 0 . . . I' ?. J ... La a.. . W . ai.l.L & .r ther ooe io their way to taite iheax dead or aiive. (JliAULEi WLbi BttOOK.. JHy 44,. . , Sept 1 1818. 1EIUT DILLIARD So-sw. ,n rn,w .k,t m 43 rear, of ,bi large -u-,-- --r - - jnYMrb(r1r rrama man fUaanta offtiS woo aaid rtie wa brought from Mland, vuicnuin". ... , Rut.a ah abaconded - vhera the may noaawij a-" - .t ". ; 1 wUha neero, lonnerly waittngnan to a Mr. Ahthony (who, 1 rSha.nae been taken") the probability ia that .he v Kurt of her late flatter, the right and title to aaid oe- ! K wTwiU S te"mnJ Charlotte, Meeklehhurg ontt,TI. C-or I nifty uoimr. ., i" r 14 lhwdeome teeth, pleaaant counteyanee, of totera. 'can 01 ag. VALUABLE RE AL ES t ATE FOH SALE. rMHrV undersigned otter lor .ale tne touowing aalitaoie I aropcrty (u wit ) ia the town of FaytUefiHe, a Brick houte tiiree atiMne. high, to be BnUhed id the first atyle of ele J a- it... .UA,nHuJatinti railK rv IkiniliAta canfl aiA Uorei, this pipertY lijia in nt4t fMYourcd itUAtion for buti new nod U eACL-eanfg in vle daily. AUo in the eit of R- icllly UUUat: aaym -aw av'" -aa - m.a MOinanAa vaat naaitaiaa ia iww uni imi nc. aiiiu u iiitinvHi uic lHJt 1C1"VMVV a-aw " " 1 -W a a MMa Juont raaiijainn. in lliA CltV ftlKl II Well ftiinnted to thft HUM fcl-fca.-a, a---- - -j - - - -r " tooiliTrt aud civvnieace of any GeuUcman who wishes to te- tido at tUe seat of tioremtnant for the tmrpoN ot ucaUb and pleasure. " AUtJ two other ralaahlc t-ats iorfiamUy reaideaf e ' . . . ... c vt:u a.i - l. r Of laOG Hear Uia UOuriMling WWU w uMunr. uu Uia wicn m dit ooe and I wo years will he allowed, the purcltiser giving wilficient secorily. Daring my absence I hare aptointed Utlc! jnw. EVAKS. i Kalerih, !0th Auoti, 1818. 33 a. P J nnitLAm aiiihiiur to narehaw the abore named I II- --II nn fCtilhuml VI Tuvlni- Cm nf Cl fo.nl. tiianville oountr. who i. lulir aaihoriaed to tell and ...... , 1. w mate tnie. NOTICE. THE C3".vtnerhip of B. Cobb & Co. waa diuolTd by miirdal cotuant on the firtt day , f April lat E. Cobb wPI cont'ume to do butine,a at the aatne place and will tettie ail Claiint agaitut laid company. st mnn. J. BOON. Waynenborouph, Aug". 8th 1818. 33- ES TSUBO on the Stray Ifook. of Richmond County by Coat lea Haly, liying nr? Halys Perry a Sot re I raare, o brandt nor mark.' tuppoaed to be 12 or 13 years old, fourteen hand high, appraised . a a ... a aTaa. t a and VKOat THE MEW-TOH lT0JtAL AOT0CATK OLDKALEIDESCOPE. - kAa-W M. afc" n m v -wtf -.w larw w a- . -k-,a w petp at the good city of PhiUdelphi, its ctitfrtit- ing Bireei8 copegea aiiu nopitia, oihsuui iou Academies, and tnay, ooe'da! gW jao a dci r.li 1. .i - cripilOu Ot an Ita ovawvica, iuvohm, mmi uiu agricultural, its arts, its butter, baoka and poosf in the meantime,! us my llaUidescopeti des. . - one o'clock steam uncommonly hkk-rHbermO' reefer yet Higher r-cabm full" -,nf la4if reading ; Iftl. Jut.'. aM.a .k.lU . iare, o orana. nor mar, auppwev. wnuvrw aQVeiS ana trcia aom uoting, ouiora ayiautf tg k ears rfd, fourteen hands high, apvMtaed to 87 dollar paa.a,! br 'numerftut vilUa-hdy Vwalki- ad - .Brami '! 16 '8'S. rMwp .dor Burlmtoq, ,.Uonf.)V.ir.V-'ar4vl4 - ' - 1 J ..1 m 1,1 llJnlnf loaa 'kn ikai a Art tf t aat . aaa-k at aal March, 1118. Hf.nsKS WANTED. im ! . .kmi. to Aatntiliah a line nf Stares from ri wo wwriotiT r, 7 . 9 .1 Ealeiehto Plymoath.and arejdeurOu of pureliawnga humbar ot atooL ttrong otie horae, for that .emc. 1 how rKM IX. sataia. ara inTiceu id Drwc mem 111 wiuw- WUU HHIO IUVU v ---a Y J - 4War. Caah will he girah for suah a. may be approTed. .' .T 6 - WM. SCOTT, JOHN J. S. RUFFIN, ; H. POTTER, Ttaleigh, Aoguat 80, 18, " Managars. STAGE AND WAQ0N NESS. MAKING BUSI itkilE or two good workmen st the W aslnen will ' f meet witn employ raeni. i wu w AwsKwiaauav w wo. oa uaeu a. -PP Q ttaleigh, Aug. SO. , KnTIPF. YHAVElbT sale talttable trust ofland containing nfteen , . . I aimJi un& kimtlM siut fiftr nf which 1. cleared , awl bow under eultWation, well suited to the production of aithet eornor eottoih part of sniu land, are to", dux can Tery wiiTenieouy ue urainen, uie growiu i ; n i ; i fertility of th soil. Tha building, are new, the Mtuatkm high . iand pleasant, the water remarkably good. 1 beljeae that there "lk tin k aiaia l..1iU ftiM. a Mum -Qgiuf uhlo. Jimffbhoiirhood Ih) the Stats. ? Any pertoo wishing to perehaas ,in hi part of the cohtitry , will no doubt on seeing the land be well pleated , i'w)th the plaee and price, a I am determined to aeaeptof ere ' ;ry (oraible meauhe In the payment to make it aaay and eon. " ttmenttotbe parcliater. . " . '. :;: . ; . NEILL MURPHY v. JUchlaud Svampobfian eo. Aug. 10, 1818. SS Sar. trHIu I , .l.i'. ' , i i i I ' in. i n 'I , , Miiilalrtriatol for "hatKa kAd iurttlefi.nai(t ... . ,. v ihf a couQiry seal i juoii vinn msv iou Tim-. XtT AS Entered on the f tty Boole of Wake CWinty - ttf.dofe d 7 ' FerdioititU-TrentOII, HoW a aar am i 7a v a it if sa n.rT nav a I in wpii rn ra- n tis r a - a m ' , a a asSalVleT;? . k;. --.-.kft .h7.M.. i I rl hories-PnncetoTi---tudents treat bucks- thirty dollars, whicn array wa straycu ny r. wiiiiam iiegara, ratans, pretty wuuicu gw moxuta Horton, wno lire in wie cron roau umu-itu, 4. umwb, i rie9 t0 stUilf Ufuas WICK.")ia v iDDS-psvea North Bast of RaleiffO. I....ta tnd trntMr. nKnainna...riBh nn.- Un August 18th, 1818 MERIT DILLIARD, Ra-rwr. Losf. KRNNKTHGII.LIS AVTSG been duly appointed Auctioneer in the City of If otoicrk and kavinir viAn bomt and iMiirilT u ivoiiirful m - o o j i by Law, bereby offer hi erieeU the public as AUCTION 8c COMMISSION MERCHANT M IX fn mnmlnT nrxt will bo sold a raluable assort nriftti J - 1 J.... AH.f w.. Ta..a .as- ftri,A ..;!, 0 Urj gWU aUUlWaSIC UU Vtl 19 ICIIUSM UK SSJIVt it i l a so lttto QQ f ttaieignt vug. to. ioto. , L AND FOR SALE. rWILLaell a Tractof lnnd lying in Rockingham county, . i i i . i r ?. . ..i , i.k JX, ij: a jfiUi One nutG ami it iiafti livin iiftii n.ci, m itji.ift Hm nl" unnur tlosau'. - creek, on which is a dwc llinr house. a good ftwe dam acron tlie Creek where a MUliormerly stood. 1'lie I raot oouta'ms' between 1500 and '2000 acre, of eootl ouahty for Corn,Whct, Rye and Tohseco, for terras a . .... .i . a . in , .L .. I I anolT to 1 nontaS oearoyi jauuiii i tisawHaii iimr un tmju. July 20. RUNAWAY ITtROH the Sobaeribcr living in Morgan county, Georgia, . at k. 1 Q.U Snst MnMtn mun - nftinM WAT. tl in A. i... an Mi.n. nf aim. nf An Ajti..orc ftiixf.. (nsiie'hl Iiii'iU: ia as. tire and aenuble, ha. a down eat look wheit spoken to aud .peaa. in a iow ujtiv m twdc wc wka pmunrai Lundy last winter, who said he purchased him in Norfolk, in the State of Virginia, where f expect he Intend, going, a. he .. 4 ....ift, f2.nwrm-ttm fvaliaa fiwa Uva oAaa Ka Wa KKla UCU AUgWSUly mow gin iumj v' . wiv . vwj mui eloped. On cxaniiuatiou it will be see tery reaciily he lias a. . .iftHli h'.L nfrliA Mwl raf l.tsi naslta f will IriVit . sapiunpil of FlKTy D0lil-A.R3 fir Ui apprhemion and eotiiine mentiojaikso that 1 get him, again and will mdemnify any oa. tha ntv-aai-kfil- akf vsV rkftTtnu r- SbtK. Will talca kim aiMfl nf Bajt;siam W a-saa aM.a-nmk vnva - aliva. ' ' -'-,.; WARREN J0URDAN. July SUt, 1818. v S4-i-3ropd. 91 1 AVUMV w 7 nw.. . movinz land oa Staled" Island.1 and kot jo board tne nauuiua. nere a tout oreaui ior ne Cfthn ftml a.llantltf Wantlaif tk larliaftfti i'ltn A BOOT the25lh August, on my; way home from theLtoif-gjenj with VWWat nca picfura ftTTLCamp Rock Sorrow in Moore County, Silver 1 kr,:fl" ia wl Am sii-ir rfaM Iki. ta 1 . - . ' a .a a " - . , WW I RHIlUn ' UVUMtllUtS ataV ttV. U IMViunu a WUB'tllwlJB, SNUFFBOX. The uox nsstnese tetters, .s a mu- "i" , i e:-. . k: if!..!.. H ARD, and the bottom I believe is dated April 28th. naraas uvi a. iWu Fv .'awcr. . aaa- .a ajaa. I . - - - J I n i . Ai.A i- ak Jm -' k k aJ sal. ...wl. aaaa, AV v I , . 1818, (C. D- maJter ) l snouid oe very uaoKiui to any I my liuiiitsuia.o prwicnwu, auu a nuim raw n.atci nerson. who mav find it. to make it known to the sub-1 rinacane toirive him a view ot SurroutLdintr ob r .. '. . .'. - . ... . ii I r- o . . ... , . . . . 3 . .crioerin luieign a iinerai rcwara wiu pc inTeu ior t.t-. nr hnat iiihator.hcd fi-am Kanin't U'f. iu delivery tome in Raleigh. ... , iud we wtre in the noble bar i there saiv;!. . . . . . .n.n . I ftnnnn'a iau fill. nllA.Nanlia Burl fliknarantin t. s. i believe the Rdx was lost beiween Buck4iorn nonIe Etna and Vesuvitti, tiulf! ef Lyons and Plli and J'tines nurt's Store. I tha ailriatic. wara uiinaturas 'in- rrnmnariann. ADMINISTRATOR'S ALE. There says i;mwtej laay, tne r; ..A..if a 0Barassaa tiiwtw s s AballoCftUtaaaJlTi six Ukely Negroes coniistinRof M'in, Women, and Boy., I very popular projectthere' th sigaai piilea--belonging to the estate of Or Thomas Fa.coner, Decd. L ' .kU ct for the mercl.anttr-there'i' if ftii mT vriT a j-a nr m r a i - - - r lUleigh.September VlSr1' ..W.totV l J?-!-.!- f i. town orolitable Position Veree fqtt.Rlch- L.irn ft rc- I . .... ... .. s '- diivvjio. i motid. celchratea as tne temporary resiaence ot T? NTDRED on the Strsv IBookof Iredell Count?, bv fi.ft,.nr I7K ntnn and tht mnlr.Viitaas. htit tnor .JC JesMi Smith, Uing on Weathrosr Creek. one . f polifiesl twrtWfeaail'eviaU.aiaa 1 sorrel Mare, 6 years old, nohrand, appl-aiaed to g6j- r ,rM ' .Sil ft.l :,i,i n,h. Oiiih a tiwiiof Kn nonamin tance are the hwhlands of Nererstnk4 and there niBV wa -wiiv- v,va v- i PtrsftA. F. Cm onfl .1 vear 4 iliitd at tarehtvtlollars- . m " t.l Sjftfh a dark bay, no Drang, vaiuea at ftu. i KCBIMEDES DUNOHOi j Esq. late of the United ' VStat0i' 'Army, having'bceo duly appointed and eomruis oned Irerbesuvr of the the d Divwion, N. V Militia, with ' rank ;ofJLAut;ColoaeU mI1,1VMr;TlSlBERLiAKK Km. alsa Of the Uniloit Btalwa'. Anhrrv. . Ouarlr.. Man Mr. ,. ftWftLUP H.INGE miixX&attm:'-lmJM de- i . B tt'" MJt General of -aid- UiviaioaS with tha ; STATE OF NORTH -CAROLINA, ORANGE COUNTY. fy. .? (., jnnl Otiu-fftftfi .lAAiiftiu. JtinriiMt Ttrm IRIX John Masoii.vs., James Maon. Origiual Attaoument, lev! fT appearing to the aatirfaotioo of tbe Court that the dp fft.niii.nt in tki.sase i.not an inhabitant of this State It i ftWl.nnrani ftnlnrnd that nublieatidn. be- made in the Raleurh 'fi.ni. fni-tln-mft. month., that unless the defendant' annear at " i.. .1 I . . .1 ft" .U V f the Best term oi me, aaiu vmn wu. tuir- lunuu - !Tuininj u Novainber Beat, replevy and plead, answer or demur, Judg ment will be had agaiurt him. Teat,. J. TAYLOR. C. C. i . ..iftift - ' .' ' 4rU.4nuMjl AUEUSWIOIO. V l'" . ankfel" bo iMiM344ediantl obeted aotto-xliiiitly. " $sf:f W - ;AW,k VI1.S! , BROUGHT TO J AIL i ON the 10th instant, a negro mart by the name or HILL, .boat 30 years of age, ftvt feet 5 or fl irteUea high, of a. I l n..A..l1AV iaM 4.BVS1 taaw n-ala-anin-ai Wf NAItMnBn .WW I n.-a old fiiiv.a veUowbaw.no brahtL is Mount Mitchell, after a i)debraldohiloo Aiao nna vearllncp horae oolL nhpr nf that mm whoae hones Are in the Lvce- J. OLlPHANt, C-B, STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, KOBESON COUMTT. iMAft Pnn. imA Ononni .Va.Waai. Jtmrni Tjmi ISIS jfwwj iw. .n. "C f - o w y Joeiah Taylor, Samuel Regan-Origvnal Attachment ft . i i I r.ft...i n. I levieu in uiananas pi mbiuicw rowcia uu was aunt moned a parnishee. 1 . IT having been made appear to the satisfaction of the .Court that the defendant Samuel Regan is not an In. k.ki.cnt nirwa S a. it ia thenFnrft nnlnt that nnhli. III.U1 Wni ..V. Aauw w.nj " " ' w - . - - - cation be made, for three mouths m the R(cigh Star, . l . . .ft. :j j .f . . Y n . to be boldeh for the County aforesaid attheCour. House in Lumberton on the 4th Monday of November next and pload, answer or demur, judgement will be entered a gainst him. . From the minutes, - ' 36-3t. . . y RICH, C. BUNTING, C C.C. i Montgomery, cortnty , N. C. The owner It requested to oome forward pay-charge, and Ute-him a war; ' ' ..v. -' ' PARK8 BEEMANfJflin - 4son tN,; AifSdMll.; 'A ' . --. WAS Committed the the Gaol, of this County on Friday the Slut but. a negro man who aay.hU name is Charle. and that he bqlong, to. Benjamin kjame . Seaburn, : said oe pro Charles. av. that the Mid B. U J. Seaburn bought him in tK-StAte'fa Virinia. and was earrvlne him to die Stat of Tetne-ee, andthatbe leli them lo Person County N.' C Said Charles itabout twenty one years of age, about a middle tias, hsstlost tfoof his foreteeth The owner is reqaeated to eom forward prove his property, pay charge and take him ( , HENilY CKAYBK, Jailor. MwaraCOay, AttjilftlitSlJb ; f urn t there t the ljglit, ialog IhUajfrrCM --' J L --A". .UnnJL. .ki J . II sou ana noneat. lanucia.tuuugis tucj iu wi eacK other hard namei .-ther l is CMllt) WHliami Bedlow's Island, and a famous plice Ior-catching lish, called Berk ficMfc ;Bj thi tlm we arrived at the wharl aad I pmJd ''titntat i,.ftnfAlt .nfteIUtIft iftiiiM'ftftn'.! isnil nraftw nurses rolling on the .gr,aaae'jrtiVt the flagstaff hhowed him the place her wn I L-.tft. ' iSi.A JJ n ki.ft kn!1 ' ariraira: ; There, iaytf l) is the bowVinggrec tet lots of strange ' face's VW e took possessioa ' of one of the spledid apartments, and swallow ed a glass of iced ieinoiiade'; while, looked l IL . TJ !'.Al.i.' .:jitiiln tnv.n.AV .hnftftilftl . ' tne lauieaui uie cirvu,uua fusj -vyyvmivf, ,- xMj liaharna friend, Alter awDtog --flp an down Uie i-oomrio the 'Jruo'Weslf India : ffylt). and beating hU Matk setint :i with' th nwl of linnW. inlfi ma he waatirfcd of the bustle of lhaj hotel, & Ueiired to be recommended to apnvttf boarding hetue. Accordingly,! put cait ii .1 .l.La.!' fi'SiW ; A.-ftA ftT.ft.AAtyi4k.! kTalftftft- iue MiaiUUCftT VI TlIOtl, AUU UltUliftVU ft,nV twAV doscopfr into the dining Tooia f ' eetebfated bokrdtng house in this city -.Fiue order .rel . arrahgemeotaVr-god tttetlonatchessatf th table, stiffss tjueen ' ElizAbeth--ratt: too rigatli"' ceremonies tww'opDrcssu

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