MHHMMA THE XL XJU.JLliQ And North-Carolina State Gazette. UV' BUm. S.C.) FIMIKW JANUARY t, laitf. UI. 1 Medicines, Paints, fee. tlHK 8nocrilr wishes to i-'orm hit friends I .nJ the Mhitc. he has jiM received hit Fait JJj Winter supply wlich, with those on hand, tn. ,.n k hit ortnu'nt very complete, ami com- " araw are e MUwing. FOH'ST Itll. I. HhKMV. acceded u. they will iken perchee rUi - . .. J ........I.. () HiiiWJ 1Iii.ii.hi. WF.eiMt t IkHMMIn will mwMt the r: v .... . -r SVfMtvvwt entbrfece f 1 ayi be lor rrwuat. man, KnUA Im in in Jtaaa-r, uadir tlrf p, and the Mrr patailig Iruro their terrttfy rvnas ii. Wshv. Tkprr .f fi nto lri4t f , k.thoiic Majesty, lot winch the tag, wrvjrf, AntbEsnss M doAin ... , ,, . , . . .7 mim. G-' ' P7 iUlar.,i enr mt.uther obli ids in Lis line. Anions ''IrV. "! i l',',t,LJr, K",en' "B,r" " mean V tKc icwmci ka Id iM Ian In adtane HoardM.g til C C 1 U i 9 i 1 1 ! a I tnaw We Hat in roprrt.Kw fc.ili-, fo SO cVlars per Aawafortisaod quicksilver, S-in. Srd la brtjalf of rt.e . -i-'- arc ' t Kmwi -alts, A at Tt-K, ami UotkeUe, Jo CmamkvaM ami hirh iu l. rJiirr vitriol and paregoric, i!itauatlt awl r gvlua of ai.o- rh mat loo.' be thought equivalent u JaWrWr k !!-- , kr IN-wHeT, Root, rartar, and Tartar fc- Yc aaa aad Seaoa, IV. 'I to. TUrSTKT.S. Suntr Cnnaber of i'oi Liefer lalannwrM, i'A viths. Vr. Erring to Don J nit Tixurro. M ADRItS illy 9, 1818. I a . i i i lute nao fnc uu(r to irct-ive ur v .iv r- i: f -t 1 ..i. uut. .i.. tXCCtWncf' note ol vrttinavv. date eiirw,inr .taT-vwrwaitvai l"Mia, in" 'J " . a 2, , Cmpknr and Clm- VfeltarTand Pale Bat. ar8awUord'taVk. TT-uara and CaaearUta, do JTLTuad K WLiW Vitriol, faUtrd Tartar, rat Xda and Salt Pctre, r, hal. Amiaijae, Art) and SeJu Tartar, j,, ,l Jaiaea's Poader, pamw Powder, jCilrm.1 and Calwnine, Cil ia.-d 7ai da Hagnrwa, Cbu af Awtiinouy, jruda do Blue and Blue Stone, hite ! Red Precipitate, SquiUk i Poader, in K(rt, ami Gall Nats Jlrd, W bite ami Marble Caa- tie wp, Tiwuin it "' palin,lo lUiitorand oorinwara no. i ii i I0f i, auu tciiuw wuu kails O ,i.-Uc do. for toftening U avl braUtiiying tlitr ttin, 'tla atxl einiiamoii, (a a '. HinUigc nl Meauuay, in iun :iii 'C, in 0 'z 'in n il (ipium, &i 1 i kg(H aiil aiali ac, it llietanil ifottidae, tt (.ai:e kftd topal, in ShHli.e am' t Iiiqj. Unrrcno s Mi-relU root, fir i 1.1 trl .'n. ke l lin . I o' oiic, da refi ml in boxea, aan ol i' f,tk k.akr ruut, Tf : e do tei ui 'I gioicng do. la. i nna-iaroiina jnanw. rcuiimH-ii m uir . . - . j - ...v. ..... . T r VJ.- I k M I ' I k. .....i. .J' . . nr-irnh Irnm i ..I . ..I.I. I V 1 Frmttt'i; -rjobb,n, -lypfartl-k..;. .,, 0 the ffli FrSruar, U03, b Mr" PTIrrrai H'TOler, n-a oTa wnall ion. Tbe paper liM no at naar viLtcn- . . . . ... . i - . Eaa tpriH, WM wiu wlrrtnt ,h e, of iu HibUr.uu... ior ' Hmcfciiev .at that time Minutrr f i Umteil do . and brRoi. ther , MherJ .l,, f .niai M job t ira- "'ate at l a iurt togetiier iith certain pro. ET. .SI"rflh,l,Im0n' bouta.a,n-fark,e?a.,Kp.irr,n. p0t. f tl. same Miil,tw , to l.ku the Dar- ST" , Vr .'V ae, aa any amU rak4k.Bien io U a Huir Ii i cff. r. . . J i wlwaim utc pra- Batemaa't drop, and bUuaV .. acm- f U.e au.!.l-n dcpirtura t li.c ?ra! Clte felera. Jftll I J peratm wUo uperintrail.-d k, mI tli owner imt haring it t u nUgli I li J iSit tliesf prcpoal rf a fl- Dnti. n.1 and Lodlrry"! m ftu poatr enrtT a aompeteot man W eai-rr H or H t.lirit il tileir f.ino aa nvia .IL.n.. i.. u. . will bp .IH .1 mliiul nriee ilearlv 1d!iI Hnn it mailr. ' . . . iT , l . ' ,- For pnruwiara, addreai Mervnrral and iteli nintaoaa. J"rT ' l)r Skers' ouM'jldac. ...... .... ...'....,.,, i Lrr.and-D,ott'.pilla, ia 1 n"r .ZU' 'VJt n-t a!T ct, a uUahnot rt cr ivo aj. v rD. licSt.ui) conrmiittB nf 1 7w t ( t y li 'trti;.- .i,.i i ...i 'wanting thcrafifirati f ..-ivi-M-' .i.l uiiiili LbllSIUCI aiitvfl, , 13 ' -, ' I'L T r . rr .1 . . . . . I . "f"' t',t,on mfe impartial tpmr fiiffldlj to both partiet, altoalil lake cahX4 or trie dau fait ami nghta oa whiei the und,rectifelT, tke ilemarkatios l limiU aich eacS pretemla to tvuriatc I arhleh nri ure it io en'ect, the rnsr aa that hich tU 0 itrd tatea adopted in its Uat treat itk Oreit Biiuin, lor of a aim', at kmd, tnere Uctog oo wder lifereoce betvero two c, but in the greater or leaeei imor'.anca of the terrroriea io Uia-.ute. For thi aiatr o thiols, and hia Majein, aal mated with the in at tticaciu- dc ire to cm i-j wba(eer means are io hia powr fo teroiu.a'e, 4ii-ictiHijr, .Il and eerj wue of the poi.ta Ux qteaiton, 1 rcpreiented to hit Majest) 'hat and I, in mr late cinifereocea, had -.eeo of o piomo that .t mignt contribute U facilitate t t iraiigementot the Mints on whirk hitherto botii goverDsieuts have not been abh; to to INiral t ami Anderton't do. Krafg and Jor.tV do. Ked aod bU(.k scaling tit, Lead peneilt and Imlia nb ber, N ater aolonrs In bmea, Durable ink in pliul, Bt-kt britah ink poadrr, Kasor au opa k Jtarii. bote. T bam b and tpnng 'r.nccu, horat- fit-me. kianrtrtl, Cort and otlirr plaulera, Soifieal pocket books, Seletand wrighli, (n-daatt-ri in aanrat, Sui-ficaJ notil.-t, apatalaa aavtrtetl, M. W. ull.tMA T. 1 1 ieaeit.r.t, 'liatthej were nt ramie i retujw- "XT f Ureadj agreed, that i, the aft l-it fed oj the eiil miMM which treated with f'e"l"t f the reciprocal itxJemoitiet of Amef- air. Lrvaltus in the rear 1805, and timt tbev c" oi spanlftrtJs, which were the object of avx, tor wnicn odiv was ion, uu the oart or 9iain. . . . V." . I i I . . . .i riB. .. tl ry,n fact. ofTer tlie U .iteil Stat-;, aa iruar- Us"d'i e rens atd br circumatances aiiM-r of his M.ijest)' .cafi.niBon the right "c re nctonous. The King instaml ap b n.k of ihe h.sUvnii. in nart conileralf.llr P'atled lOii aucmioo nt miue ntid roars, and . . if. i - . . i - - owner af mi', nerro iireqoe;.d to rome forwiml iitTr liira, itaj eliarvea and Uke lii n n THUS. VilllKH?POOV, !.iiff. Ja-'niry I l-3w c. tera. London a hi r e in ktga, aii4ah brown in kegs, ''. do ilij, ' hhe lead in powei r, Spaniib whilirg aim chalk, eilo iidioi e ochre, irn.iliii.u am! palei.t yellow, ' romi and Kmn'i do i-nt'tian rnul India', red, n hiuI rul hlup, Span' li and Amehcka nx.igo, Umber and amber, Ivor; an! 'ani. blai k, Puiiiuiict and n.tteu 110116, npnnge and mrk aooil, na. e 11 J VK . jlw that be betonn io V u RetUci. "i lU. 'm- linn. Jxek i about fort earifse aloutfi'' !- seven or 1. ... - ' Li 1 1 L . I.:. f. "" Th-TonV. f.rceio,,Swl,ichl.c.w.,t,ru,akeofll.,. fc,.lo eros of giving to the U.-.ited States efficeat 01 nia !!in p)Biesioi., m errlaui (listricta f P'"" " 01 ""ire 01 an araangtfnentB all th them to 'hr att 4rd oft- :it nvei ; oui, p -icii- Pom s' c'nanded me immediately to draw out or to tnii offer, namely, iri the ;0i April, 1S03. raf,icatinii ut the tdiU cmventiiiii ot August cir g.-eaier part nl the terntr ttu pioposed 3U, to be se t to Don Luis de Ouia, to l in-puic aseil,and the s hole thus pi. .posed ti- t,,e eui be niav pienent ttic aane and e guaranteed, pushed into the p;ssi-sion -f and ct-uie it lor thtlofthr United State, a d I ii.vv part w! the United M.ites. Thus, the "Jke tiie h"1"' toeucluae tue enjoined cpv fir idie l jospei.n in thai ia: tir haviiij been J'0Jr uilormatinn. The termination of U changed, tha motive to riiiraii'fe on one side, P,,l,lt ready agreed on, io ro repect ca em d'id I'll- .erc!ity i.i lerrive ;i 1: 11:11 :i i.Iph mi thu balfaAd the Ulterior Drorre.S of the neirorirftnin jiGHE il li. Rl-.ilX, ' er baring ceased, all Cut p..ssd upon t: e ui"n (l'e others, and il "U.n Luia de Ooia, putu . W.beb.'i' t. ,i..o-.i:i: V.Kuhich lnowoe ujttt, theicf -f. . isas flaiugn ii were olliter- BUa'l l "i nrsi ItiSlructioD, or to the Iplana py. I hey are we I cacuU-i, tm a ;c!i ated Ir tueu ci i ;, Datiou which subsequentlr, on two occasiooa I he ooly security wh-ch occttrs to me as pos JVC beetl K've to hina,o. if becausa the gov sihiem ne stiinii ur.der pieciit ciicomstart.' eminent of the United States has reduced its ces,i,tliai v( t !.i t Irenes denart, which I, deando to terras more compatible with tha me itinneil m ;i Mvo it con versationn, am!, n&ht ' ?pin, shall, on the arrival of said rati in t.'.ct, tliis kii.d vf material trcuriiv in trans- ficat'"n l,av "head y settled this point couj intt acuo'iM O'-iwet'ii two ifiejit nation., nuoht. r. iy wim mo omera. mere will not inert lore, ra pHOMAS MED VtilS ii, timifunl Connij, liimg at tfie head of Haw ttiver, entered a.i the w.eonit imv.ii 1 . nr Tv Mare nine or ten veaia old, slion all roum. mu-t-'i hamia hik . .,ll Vi. r.l..u.: .i.rk'.l .ilh . m- l-.n. Marble and poiDioaitjon w a. te?ei before me. MEN U I ATI) vi, t I.. C Deeeiuber S M' in.k rny otl.ermi ciiunic. 1 ne atano u union 1 ic-vr ioKh l the imtrkit iioosc, on the east anil. T licit are ikc- arv mil l oiurs, and in tlu- y.ird there i k w t Ti oftjicph.nt WrtUr. k iranlen, alsn is attached (' tin pn-n iaea, wt'icli it mfor.or U none it. l!ie Cily ot U.iit.,Ji Kit VIS (;F9t.E. One 'hird at ninety dayi, sppr vc, endorsed, nego (,jir, iii rrh and eust of iron, W hue ah bi puint hrnshea, Ciimiir iiinl Ui; pepper, fprniit'i fin s ami btia" r Hre, C"t ilr.ei.l and red under, Dm).' in 1 lood and cah0i', f f-tin and ovaui-si. Gum vur&x ami foagkiTe, il t;fl r rtflt ani biU- r apple otm ccdmg torn; apprehensioo.watoLsVth; suit any kind of embarrassment or eontr.dic an 1 a deed ot trust on the property. prelereiice .or the mher kli d of Htipulatinns tion, wnce the recognition of the recipiocal in fc. 31, 1818. JOKL BtO'N. l-4w "hue hekborr 1 In.-, tlmuh such stipulation, should be most Hemniues between Spaniards aod Americana, re iL,iiMiBl v 1. served, even in the extreme (a. iJ the mode of liquidatinr them fthe oniv ob. Mi.t-reri. by t'ie nniveisal practict of Rations, Je.' tsc impiehended bv tiie conveutiori o l8oi n f- t!ie) rH via ted liom, or altogether dispensed 1 'M lways have to enter into the errange. county an indented ppr, mice name.i Sl.I, Waid, """. 't- in ne still greater extremity of war ' mein wiiioii. may nave oeen euectetl, 01 inaj- JkAtrt 1 s rwi, Ori' i a' d lark keltbore i'4t tV.j'iua. tsnvay, and car. d; n.tnn t ids, 8' (i ai i.ia, anil fennil do llo i--s benzi.iue and cam- m mile, ki'V glass sad liartshorn aha ' il-!S. Jlu. .in kmI tpelta, if " i.eceti ami white wax, 8al ' )' lurtslioni aiid sodii, Jup'T oarbonatr ol soda, sl. iliuretic and airel, &'.:. (lOWder III bOXrs Ancueie and nsa tonik, Tiipi"eu, sup h aarww rtx t, Stt'. puwiier in l.oxea, "Fi'Ki-i barlej and S. C rice. Bn.,iiUr. in roll, Liwi hi 1, timer sulphur, Chke sih! hav aait'iiMi, 1- .. r losuer 01 til. crocus 1 n.krtis. I Prcr.iititel sulphnr of anti-, nan) , C'i totii vitriol and l tharge, I oi'.:ic cauellH and lignum ;uuiia. tu ei nt Gentian and Jalap, Io oi !ai apple, Halii cfnima and lolon, "1 ciuiii .t am! sulphnr. Pi'.rui,.,j ,,nh awl Venice turpi-rain-, C; b cr .i (1 stte.t oil, t il "l cloves, ami amber, t'd '!' 'il 1 1. aiiiiif Hi 'i'i .prr aii ,, ipcrmiiU, "''iiiiiiHinou ami spear mint, w'lo. wormseeu aith direa- riti nlicuetlirr, Pliia's andslMip fui-i.iture .. Iiiriai ui bai-vtes and iron, 1 tinted, pi' Us nt hm" shorn and nitre, ! Wafer and pill b:xes, -Sl'ifiis nine and Lavender. ' Phial and bottle corns. Hatte s stampers, trei.ehi i ami irotii Haiti r aiid shoe bruslies, Fine fles.. no. I V hite wksIi do. 1 Silver aire and cooimor tooth Jatan Hine Mackm? in bm. , oo I'ourfseo ycara of tfe fur comieVion, spare tney cease to be binding ot course, arid cannot take puce ; aud only in the man .er of paying; KlVt. EV1S i15U Aiiii t)ANWf from the aub-cribnr lirin-- maue, lair curiev hair. 1 forwarn all persona from har- oe newetl hut after the war, and then the in .Ihounng oremplojing aaid apprentice, aal am deier- duccment to renew them may have ceased mined to enforce Uie law i . y persin an nfi'end ug. WILLIAM in XI . Orange Countv. l)rc. 28, 1818 1-3 pd I Black bottKa ht poakel Bask I JsnaUs d oinni'e 1., ul . B I' Jjitiic mul muriatiu acid, An ..".son merit ol Uest New-York atone ware retail, or -lv t' e vilmleaaie at Pcterabore; prices, inclua.n he i- Kxpccled in time U meet the Spiii.g, a G ne-X- Aaaor'ment of Garden Seeds from London. On t on. 'fji.rici.i will he coriatantly ki pt in ttoie prime family 'tf, 111 barrels, and hail' l;an els And iti my other licit, too tedious to enumer.i.e 'I he subcribcr re tun.f hit ijraU'kii at kiuvi 'Ipem' 1 1 parttciilarly to U r..cuhy andLountrj- MerchanU and to the puLiick ItnertVy, mr their very I he; u' encurajftm'ent lor the "U'vr.lveniontb and tiir im ures them that noix Hionsihall Ik wanting to merit a continuance of heir jwtroi.ajf. . Oiieis will b tbank'U.K ivci-ived, and pron ptiy ru,n(ca. ntarly at tht rord.ein price The !' usual tnauigenc.f wiii le jtm n those who may be relied . n for pom ufclily BAMULPH'WEBB. B. The hi(iesi price' wd be- given in cash or bnrter lot piMd clean fl.xsted. iJ'f1. ' ' U"r 1, 1819. l.t w Btilbdk. 1 OST or inUiaid some time in Anjjuat lust, two notes on J ji Unvirt banls; one for SOU dollars due the 25 th Decern r ,8l& l,e her note for 1000 dollars, due the i'ith MSKinber IM, Uie note are witnessed by Jesse Penny w Jacob Kell also at Uie time lime a bid i sale given 1J Uie said bauls for a Negio girt b the name of Aruy-na an jndetnuif) inji bond from Robert T. Daniel, to me for u sum of '2460 dollars, in Older for him to make - 'Km 10 a tract u land that 1 uivhaatd af him last Au- ""reiureiorvaniaiipersonkaKainst Uwang lortne of lUI'l l I'I qulil Halt' r bow at: n),' ami buck- lit. (ir oon bindh g assorted, do Pat k rouirtl bamls, black, do re 1 ami ) l.ow skins, ..1... an and Itper'a snufT, F") srurt :ie HSsnrled, Hel Spr.nish segars, iiii puper and flue, U'.ld ami silver leal, I. old Kror.ze aid oivnge or pimim, i h op h ke and rose pink, Fine flake ul.iii-, Coach lace, different paterns, do ikins ru: mid yellow, Patty ami v imlow gloss, Lii.tsced oi!, Coach, eopal and japan var Ret; coii: s and plow lines, l:orCi ge duferent sizes, A hvge ijuaniio of llristoj fc-n.e twine of sunciior qua- Uty, A(i, .! and pcrh, Holistic! and gin, Hum mid Krrnch hi-Hnd; , An extensive nssorunent oi best wines, Cottee, sugar snd molasses, London aiid Philadelphia por- teis, Imperial k yonng hyson teas, Loal sugar, Ground blown and table sa'ts, Almondii, hp and raisins, 1 a ....1 ....1 1: utuiuu nny nil 11111c iuivci . ..Ill . ,!- A Lrn.unmn.enlnl ui.,1 I he faUCe, 8tli JUlV, 6lfe. tionan shortly expected, , Cow oi some mr.12 rwa.ii ot a note, directrd to ' l;icnt ol 11. tuts, upon grountU confornii-ig to the Clarionetts, iuiesand files, 11 ... I'vilra C i- t.'os. 0.1 tliv 7th of tei i-koit. treaties ttiid to continual aud eninteri UDled nos. iHj3.bu Mr. dairies I'incknev. Minister ,' I .-es-ii' nor lor .pai.i to cetle to the United the United States " i the two Fluridas, for a reasonable equiva- To omaiu this, thev !tave authnrijetl mc ; 'em exchange 111 temtoy, to the west ol Mm OUK UELATfcON WITH H'AlN. I The following is t' e correspondence between our Minis ter at Madrid and the Sp-ini First Secrrtan ol S,ti , which I .... i.iainM i.;...i K.. i..u. nn, 1.... ....... utiiinvi. (iiviiiiiivi u.i. .n w.-rii nuiv, uuui u..v, to puhlii'h The reailer will observe it is of anterior date to a oral of the papers already publ shed, reflecting our re. Itilions with Siiaiu. DOCCMKNTS LAID BEFORR CONGRESS. Corrrspondence of Mr. . fV. Living, 'i'nis- ter Plenipotentiary of the United S'a'ts at Madrid, ana Don Jose I'ixarro, Firtt .vrrr- fan of Stu , reUrred to in the i:rss,d. nt'rj Message of I'tfi ofjToveuiber, 1B18. THANSLA I f U. Don Jose Pizarro to n. Erring. The first Secretary of State has the honor ol transinittinu to the Minuter of tiie Uiiitnl .Srates, a Citpy of uue pa nymphs of :i note of the Tilt ol Fi-hrusry. 1S(.'3 (and ,r .pnsi'ions which acct'in'-iinie-.i il) to Dun Pedro I'evallos, and he a' ai's h'-'i'df of ti is rccasi -o to repeat the assur.'.n e o !iis coiifiilvratiun. u liereas, the material security of which 1 speak always remains War does not cultivate de sarts, but it makes them ; however, these and o ti.ei imp' rtant coideiatiins belonging to the suoject - ill be duly delibei ated n oy his Ma jesty govermnent. 1 can only uay that, if mj suggestion should be adopted, 1 s tall be read) to put it into form, and witli that, I consider that tiie only great dilficuity to a happy termination oi -iur ditleren es is removed. 1 lenew to your excellency assurances of my uiaiinuiaueu cor.MUeiatron. UtO. VV. ERVIKO. TBAHsLATION. Don Jose ixui i u tu Mr. Rrvin. iit : i scy -ral i itec-mfe. t. c. s wtih y :t, have h.d i ho:i. r to litat.iiest f y u ; ne teg ret o I itis M iie ty tint it nas not been possible yet to terminate the tliscussiousdepentiiris between the two government.-, as hi Maj hty flattered him. sell ui ij;.' t ne I'loiir, in conseuetire l the in structions given to nu Minister Plenipotentia ry , e,iei i.illy since, 011 the part of the King, theie had oi. ieen, nor is there any objection to c.irry into i fleet the arrangement of the in demnities reciprocally claimed by Spaniards ami Aiiiei n ans', nor to proceed to the settle- 0 i nous; ..uu the aaid Uavid 8auis nui to pay the money i. i -xj uur inium km t ai 11 j.ia mm. . r. ief -it, - the debt which shall result Imm the l;qm uauon inaoe, can mere oe or arise, nereattei , a ny alteration, io case the territorial Airamre meats should be combined with the othei in demnizatioiia. His Majesty hopes that the United State will see in this measure a p oifof his I... lw dispositions ; and, if ne may latter himself w itU O' hers equ .l and reciprocal un the part ol tha government of the United SUtes. he d .ew. not duubl t: aikh irtly will disappear thedifficoltie whicu hit. etto have opposed thennselves to the desired artanesnent. L'he political, c..,r. ner cial, aud territorial interests of the United States and Spain are nt t opposed to eacu a iters extraneous circumstances, and1 independent, perhaps, of the will of both government, have been able to complicate and embarrass their po litical relations. A sincere desire to under stand each other nd to appioximatt cordially, each ceding something of tnat which he suppo se tiiat he has a right to exact of the ether, may perhaps be the coimnenceineut of a new order of things, ill which the government of Spain anil that of the United States, far from occupying themselves in disagreeable discussions, will mutually contribute to augment the prosperity and well being of both nations. No occupation will be to me more agreeable than that of employing my weak efforts serving the king my master, in so interesting an object and 1 should not do the justice which I owe to your lights and conciliatory and fiiendly dispo sitions, il I was not persuaded that you will lay the whole before your government in the sam temper. As Oon Jose Martinez, who came from the States. to .av, thai, th..ulii ''is loajeMy be now inclined S'ssippi ; nor finally, in case of not being able to tn I., t hp II: ired St yfin hia mwanainhc Come to ACCord on all the neiltliil? QUiistions. the east side of the Mississippi, or between a,,i especially tntwe ol limits, to relcr to the ar- n,ie otates last niontii wiut (lis patches from hat and the River Mobile (agieeably to the bitralton or nietlialiou of one, t .vo or ta re pow- Dl,n luis de Onis, is to return thither", 1 notify propositions enclosed; tiie United .States will er,1 f""J t both parties; without pievenu. g, j Juu thereof, that you may, if you. please, profit lnakctohUMi?jety,alld I do now make, in : r' the limit which should appear to be just, this opportunity to send yours to that couii their name,tAe important offer nj' guaranteeing h"uld be settled by such arbitration or media-i try, I renew to you, &o. to hm and his successors, his dominions beyond ,,on lhilt w should proceet' to eHect by means! - JOSB PIZARRO. the Minsissififi- ' of the same mediation, or without it, if il should !' Talace, Oth July, 1811. PriiruiHit ions on the uart of the United i accommodate tiie United States, an exchantre oi r 1 ' ,l i?, ... , . . . ... n -r :c-t: ... l.' y.i.j. mc two rionuas lor euuivateni lerruoi y to me uvpy ut it raytcuois xtvers yiut Kun9itc iua I (fltbtween Don Pedro Ctvallo$f first Set retarg of State ani Dispatch a$ Plerupotn tinrif tf Bon Carlos the 4th, an Mr. CUirie& PincJcneut as Plenipottntiari of tie United States of America, Whereas, on the lick day of August, f803j there was concluded and signed, in Madrid, between Don Pedro Cevalloa. first Secrets jy of State of the ang my august farther, and lord, aud Mr, Charles Pinckney, Almister Plenipo tentiary of my great and good frientis tiie Unit ed States of America, ' competently authorized theieto by their respective govern aeuts, a coo vention, which had for its object the . reciprocal indenjiiity for losses, damages, and injuria. wnicn fiati accrueu nuritig uie war, then con . I . 1 1 ..A..An.. . V. . - ' ..... M ... ill will pay oonars. id. They will purchase these possessions, for which tbey will pay dollars, and more over guarantee to his Majesty and successors, his possessions beyond the Mississippi. 3d. They will " purchase the country be tween the rivers Mississippi and Mobile, be 1st. The United States will uurchase the west ol the Mississippi. uossessions of his Catholic Majesty, on the east : The King thought ot this arbitration as the HiJeol the river Mississippi, lor winch they senam aim pi ompr means oi terminating mc discussion oi limits, cacn party exposing. De lore the arbitrating or mediating pawers, the ti tles or grounds on which it rested its rights and pretensions, and he has not been able to change his opinion on seeing the answer given upon this point by the Secretary of State ol the Unit eu states, to Don Jms de Unis, tor, in tbe pro longing to bis Catholic Majesty, and also places P"8 made by that. Minister Plenipotentiary, the mouths 01 the other tiaviga- "J express uruetoi nis Majesty, respecting saia of deposit near bie rivers, passing from this territory through eiiherot the flotillas, tor which they will pay dollars, or enter into oilier ahhgatioti whirh may bethought equivalent. u the acqui sition. " 4th. If neither of these propositions can be mediation or arbitration, there has not been, not lb there question, as Mr. Adams seems te suppose, ot inviting tbe Uuited states to take part in lelations or ramifications belonging to a n ii.tere.-.u of the E .iooeau oowirs. imt i, ' ... . . . . vhattie call tbe labyrinth of tbcir politics, butUdedjie woauencj el exmnuit J! J t i.-, I 7 - :'t '.! .1 .i't- m lb I- 11 ruassj J

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