MS wd? NortJi-Carolina State Gazette. ItALJSlull, (N. 0.) Fifci DA Y ALliitSti 1010, Ytl. XI 't: uii 'T MTniT lit fcl Sl him i rata m rl,f(,tl i pir niicimris ihi aTYatw. V iniToa, vjlbjI li jatiaeK iliutl TrtTiiT bt icitij-rwin l i via i 'tlKrOI Ott 4A4B, iB TWlTI-fTCWSIT ' statlofxoiitu cjrou.vj, (hathjm coanrr. f ,rt of Dn Qo!"Ut riaioh- Fcbiuary ItfiwWnon 1k Scire , r Robert Shel ton. Win! AUci inl lriol oo a- lot -lay and, 145. Tumrmjw ike Court, (hit One i not mi in 1 ! v.;.nt at this Suit, it is onkivd that puliUcatiuO be far ihrec n molu io thv Sute Gazette, for hi.n to an- nest Court of firm tt Qvarter fenaiws 0 I EuforOtwi""11 County, go lb a-coml Monday in VJay neat i,tv and l'el otmrwia jiulicement ill b cih! -ixU nun TUUMSltR.M, J C C there, aaj appointed a Collector to execute ;stWci with a aavsge eoesny who isgovereed lu act, will, oollve 4h dv f.f Sdxrnhcr ..w, inrft no :ui, ura giv n rc aare am uu.etl to 87l JJ-SJ and quarteryet the war wai then at aa end, still increasing with a rapidity an J to aa a neither the safety of the general r.r of his, mouot. certainty not forteen bv its advocate them i thus cktaolisbiur oot only a tnlriury ImM a civil g-vtromtnt atd treating it 10 every rtpvt as a conquered flatiuo ; and tri utophanil) calling ii a vauJjte accession tc our mm rial limits. 1 bU it it uowarrant- able asuibpuon of n Wer, wfaicl;! trust will TMi) i,t iubscribvT, !DO'it ilir l,ih .unuary a likely H iron CT- mr '' lonuml anil xrvllt m HfOl. utDi- I it xh ercr known to trt. I will pve tea )ollr wn'ueoountT, or at Win. Fort'iot Wake eoumj ; a J if . . . . .11 ,... i ,i M -ri I 1S19. l'i-3-rnl. ItlHl lau j-- ' . . i ( All,(m :1. :irentlV, uho (iiicil I ..11 me on Hi- Ikt.i wuot !'c tlic libiliifuki.ii; 0) iu U on r .ii.e ail per i s aacouni. All im-Tio.' ar ctuiimied Hjpiiist Weigli M .rciil- , r K B. I roi-ui auj pcrtnafrwm etnih.ynf any w m ! i ya torkfir in ft wiin-fai r j,hi:i i.i1) rn? mA . . . , ft. A: ' .U,.,.U me Muiuir (u mm.lf wi inn aum, iq tnjtdjy rIVBl77dit ora rVii,l , .....j, wuuv i v i wj rcBiioocn in iMorcD cr lia.i !Tccrioea aamcrcnt courk. orver galo be claimed tr cXcTClscd by any c nicer oi .te gt verontent, cml or ruihtary, witn ut the cuusent of the cortsiimted au th .n.ies. 1 must here take ooti.c cf cx p eaiiou ued by the Secretary oT Sue, iu hu c0n jmiication cl toe 28.h N ir. 1818, i ..our Mi.ovicr at Alidiiu lTiat uukas the Spanish G vtr-rhent oiaiuta:o more cocup. acly hc neutral iclaiioas, and cbcr- ve with bctttr fa. th iitr treaty, ihose bvbti ia r.oiiaa wit. be rruiwu, and wni nt rsfeaio coniC d rf the civil. atttUoiiiv, antl ferlinc rsrxcu . ar the Xlfat , j be autreoied M Ttiu it w.'.uid aeem tbi,t th lull force if ha maxim, that hrote :ooki It is agreed to refer to s;me frienv S'r' the Kxct.tivt biauch oi the govtromcnt, to- I one criinc nM ti t:ie emm-siii ..I a - ercign or S ate ths diapite bwca iH tww t mci Viui um iiuuii, ...aims uic up w t.,er, i jo'nfo n moving ir.e measures g ivcrnroents, respecrinr the slaves t.kes. a.arr, wunout XQc aanttion . pursued in thia War. , Uy he Mritiih d iring th Utt war. Thr d- rur some yeai a n hi been the practice tC.,'nno' suc umpire to be final C jntlil employ aoldiei a m time of ptaTc, n ru'ting ; 'Vf on a'l "he matters relerred. and pe.iing military roads u d.-r th dtrecj ir d;tTt:r.-nces with Spam, aa far a f ea; tion rd the Frelidrnt ol the Un'r-d S arr i ' Pcl the b undaries f Lmiaiana i. ' we havinc tJtit 14. whiUr ih a.uwcrcr rauca i ma. ie aiiposea to piace nas iujs Massachusetts 807. my own goVcrnmeal and its olfictrs iaMhc Oo the -hh uf Octubrr lasCtreay wis right, jet 1 would not barter away the rghtj nude and a.ncladtd bttween The U. Staui ot the Hereamive of the iv-..p oscrnl a id Gren Driuin by whUh the nV,t to fiom ceosure aoy individual bcwtVcr eial-1 Ukc an 1 lU c fi,h.on the coast of N-wfuind-led hu atjwn, or illustrious his dervicce : U d aid Utrador, U panuliy rcatoreJ w . bxlivingto that a violation cf the coi.a:iu- our ciiz .us. l he nm. i.tnn. ne re tuobythe Wiktary, ocght to be chfckt d t mrcial colt ntion entered into a the third r- the outlet, and say t it, 4 thus far shalt thou j July la 15, i extended for ih fu. her term its go and- do far her : lest it get beyor-d the) of ten years but to rrangear is made t. t'OK SALS. OT No 69, 'a the citv of Kal;i ;h, near t'.e rh.n e i. eh. ii a lavire CO ivcni .-ut two storj' 'ioUs.-, (con. tiding six ro.)ir. ) !.andi!ime!y finislud, with alt necrt krv uut Tlie lot conumi one cre, (rimting twoSueitU, ai d it ia one o ilia most plrasaut siuiatmut in lUletcl). I'll'' i-rmi cf payment wil be mode easy Aloalikt-ly young negro man, Apply to Keremberir, 1818. oi" Congiesi. iiut it is alleged hat those josts were likely to j ah into the liai.ds ci the tntm). Whcii ure a; a wroi.g luitudcd to be done to a nc uli a; uat;oft oy our rucfli, are c jusi b b;e iu ditijj that w.o .g, iu orcier torcvCiu the baius act oi. i.i.c prt cl our ..1 r v ... . ,i ...:. ii . .i . y . .w n.wni.1.1 me . trie tori'i e nt una in armv aiinrnw atinn :-r.iau.b r.duc.d io thuaatton as veil a . A pmp --.itinn wilS nude this sr,s;rn fo K(.t Europe, wh-.n uic Li.i.h lock l--ss5ion apirt g.O.UOO f -r ihit purpose ; thu maVing id ihs Uaith Met i.t lpCLhig;:i, .u ortlc,' .oecific, what was M-re cont'r-rit. The llif-v xWhi'lci ii. t.i I lLirnl uf, 1. liner in'n D . . " 7 -0 -, -- , o i"iv t rcaiucm in nisi lilcsc mine commence tnciijtiuiui tnc i', witn tvnom Uiat ' nent of lat . L. r. t i ' iuu.u.1 vvaa uicn at war. anu ii the ini Holer, who was a II sen. tu uiat t-n-ta-i t u w.c v, imcu otaies, j the public land to internal l Tprcvemen ur m pwunpauuu m mm a.iu,iv4i uran trie fcxecutive a'cme, has for several year deJ with ihe epithet cf C -pcnlugen Jack- 1 eX rcised that power, and on t?m ocr aBio'n it sissnn. eXDl'Citli. A J acis n, j n )Wr 0f tjie leeistatiVe and exe utive hranrVi- vho was fcubqucnil) esof the govern ent unitrd to appropriate to the Uuitcu Scales, j the public fund to internal irnrcvemeni vt S-Jll. i'hc President has however restored th j&e posts io ti;e Icgilimote owoer. liut this d ts itot pure the act of taking forcible posses bi u ol dcuiral picpei ty, nor dots it close the breach luadc m the cQaiiiutioii. When ihe aruy uudcr the command ol NOTICE. nTBAYBD from the aubwiberoatkeU'litlaT of PebtOa.;geieral JlwkiOll tnti-fcd tilOSC poStB, ihtV J5rjU, one bay mare about 10 years old, with lier I t , u ,n lneiD, tWO HUgilSHmeD, AleXatldcr nrWL IflUN Fl WlUtt iiv in uiv - O J Ai e aiiot in the cur.ier ai ut ngiu - . - . Iortiatlonofaai4 in;-e will be thnklul. . ArUU.hiiOl aid KvJCji ArubriS.C the 4v i.hwi vivfnt' in ijretdndhy tha lubaoribv'r living iu Wat : Coimty Rnl all rHlct ciurgCU witn tiriog Up the ltlJiaDS Minstall. Il ' " the Uuiiea Otatts ; actmtra SrORTSOK THE I'lT. ...... . i -ii r i.. " . 1. AMAIN 01 twenty one cocki iii lie hhiRi.i hi ,i.nn amatoo Court Uous.-, North Carolina, by tl.c A irginiana wd North Carol iniani, far one tbouaaml iloliai, bt-ginirtK on the mood ltto4y Majr next auu ejiitmue unul all u tfletit. ,u (Vat. SiuCL MB cl:vC Washington CUijyZlA February 1819. "SIR, The term for which I was 1 1 cted tr re prteeotyou in the Congress of the U r.ed Stn8, will expire ou the third of Marcli : it only remains for mc to give ou a concise view cf the most promineJit and important subjects to which the attention ol that b dy habeen dwtc cd during the present Sc!,- At an eatly period an inquiry was institu ted into the general dirrtr.,u of the back ot ihe United States ; and a c rarnitf e was ap pointed to conduct the investigation, who a spy ; aiui.ig, uOct.ii.g, and comlortir.g iho ei iu) , and i,uppi)iig inem with the means ul Wai . 1 he, cna.gtd with leading aad omuiandtiig part i toe Indians in the war aUit itu (Jailed &.atc&. I hcic were SOtn.Jlliei vnBy-v... -- i .v.. A, J,1U these arc the pnupai n.s. A Couit Mar tial was detailed, hy otdcr of. the commariu mg ei.cial, to coavene at l Vt Su Marks, on iae g6di of Apt 11, 181tf, to iuvestig itc the cliji g a -tid bpcuhca.iuu exhioiud agaiust theni , wv.hoidcrs, ;a ihe event of their D!.u.g oriiCi dor awuid against iheni. guuty, except i'iity wcr- b .th iritd louud thai riuthnoi was not ouLvicud olociug a Sj,y. He nwtvtr wa scuJet.ctd to bj hung, aua AmUisur to be th u Oae of the nuni be's oi cuuit inovvtl a ic-Cciioi;raLiou of ilu- latter bt-nieocc. It s rtconsicicrcd, and cinmuted by tnc Court to ntty aripes aid twt-l.t iiioutui coufiueintiu to ham la buui. lJ,iou the Sabaiission of tlicbe decis ions t. geu.rai Jackscu, lie approved ct lhat agatuai AiuUtiiuLt, .tnd oisappioved oi that agauij. A'noiist r ..nd reversed i:, and or de.Cd ttic hrst bUUcno . whic.i was ftCon 9.d.!ciaid com.tiutcil U) l ie cuuil) l tr-iordiv.-ith eecuict:, whiwii wai accoiaiuiy and to allow to each soldier thus tm . V.yrd.i (Thojgh I think it very prolrable, fifteen cents per day, in additi n to hi ordi-' lt w!1 sh rtly be ettled by ar ctsh n of the nary wg s. This turn has been pa-d nnt r.f Floridas t th;-United States at &5.Ov0.O0O; r t .. . . i a . ! t. -l . ' u cut) w i n mat gvernmeat was cone'eded in the vrar U02 but not ratified until last December ; which provides that a board of coTimissioncrs, cor.sis ing of five members iw . nf which shall be appointed by each of the contracting parties, and the fifth by com men consent j who are to decide upon all chiims which may be submitted to them as well by the subjecis of Spain a by the citi zens of the United States jwho may have a r ght to demand compensatir n for losses sua taint d by thtm in consequence of excesses committed by either against the bthei. The claims of the Chickaaw Indians to their lands in the states of Tennessee arid Kentucky is extinguished, which will aff jrd ur citizens aa opportunity cf getting pos session of their land in Tennessee which has been so long withheld from them. I have thus Sir, given you a plain and can did exposition of the course which haye pursued. If it should aflbrdyou satisfaction, i: will be to m the highest source of grati fication. I am, Sir, very respectfollv, Ycur obedient servant. J SLOeUMB. S. Since the above was wr'uten th 85.000,000, ard Ae"to?Wil'tsmfirMeU as '.he wt stern boundary between the two go vernnents. From die gulph of Mexico along thr Sa bine to the Luii slana line ; ihence alcvg the red river to the 100 c.tgree of west 1' rgi--ude ; thence along the W. L. to Arrs saw viver ; thence up the same to the sources tht-uce to the 41 degree rf (attitude thence thi MuUm nah river ; thence al ng that ri- er 1 1 the 42 degreee of latitude ; .hence to j was claimed fir liim as a matter of richt. I hi js an nnamoly in legislation, to which could nu yield my as?ert. If congress does possest this power, they ought to exercise it whenever it is deem-tl -xpedi-nt, and the state of our nances will justify it. If con gress does not possess the powrr, ther cannot delegate it to the executive ; ror should I be disposed to permit a continuation of the et ercise of this powrrbv thit d-partTne rt, tvhilst it is wi hheld from the legislative branch r f the government. A majority however, was iu favour of the appropriation. Qur nominal armv-under the peace estah. lishmenti includit'g officers, musica :s. arrifi. ters labourers, and privates, forms an aggre gate, of i2656--ar:d upon this hypothesis, an ancf grSrfttd : whereas the fact is, that "only 7 421 men are in acXlial s.riice, out of which 1,813 are otlicirS, leaving only 5.578 privates which is but little more thn 3 to each offi cer : and ;he wh 1c of this aprrcpiiai! n i expended upon this reinr nt f ao arrry, a- m untiag to more than i37C4 to each man. A reduction vas proposed, o as to make it nominally, what it is in fact : and thu3 hr;ve as large an army in service- as vc have on paper. It must b; presumed, that tjicse ir. actual service arc competed io ihe peif.rm ance of all ncc'ssary di ties icq iredt f the standing army ; utherwis ilu tanks wuld be h;;:c,or at least o;igh; to be, o ai to ha c somethiiif: lite an army cf sokliers as well as oihcrrs. I was in ftVvur .i ihe rrdnctioc, particularly of th.- stair, which is th ugh l.v military men, sufficient lor aa army ot 50 000 men. There is a great di rinution of the balance remaining in the treasury on the 1st d v oi Jauua,y,iai8, .h ch was then gS 179,833 38. Or the fi-a d iy uf J tnuarv las., t '.vas redu ced to 8- ,11- 408 59 ; and on th' fir: t div nf r. o. h - Pacific Orean. tMzri-A tr. Philnr'rSnhii ( where the mot hi r ".! W U ' I har.t U Wun-iil nl aft -r a cla jo- ! reexamination, they reprtcii That ihe. act of incorporation hud been violated iu the non.ex.ic.rinn nf th, sDecie ios'.alments, ex- I. C ... I. .. . f Alt,A,.uA.: ut I -l,c tockhold-rs, who h- ' ,ct completed their Ic s ernsto be very doubifuUhedier either i i .i . :. .. i i.t ; ... t of th-s ..ieu could nave been executed ac- maira nis ; me C'.i.ut issiou vu . v. in - - , . . o. ..noOn in.:- a: tiogUp,n shares, cot the property of the cording to the must . nguu c.,u.rueuou ut , January i u ,o Dty ,f,.o. a... - ptso.! lupon whose pr;s -h'y were voted law, u. the usages of wat-thc t n tiavtug! m,:,ut.on has arwer. iu part .rum causes be furchasiiiE public st ck " St ' Uyc uke aS a nou-:ombataut ; ?nj .he scl- youd tnc cut. id ol gover. m-nt. 1 r.e disor- 'IV re.,! t further d vet pea a System of ! tence.atvardcd by the cou. against uu : other, ; dered state ol ,ur circubtmg ov dium arid tauBst, and speculation, which . bJi,e less thao death, 'ihis sentence, I d ink, the scarcity specie Us puociuah- il, .... rl,. i-... 'Ihr- subi -ct ! ousiftC to tiavc Ocen ...... .n-,(y Uinri!i, ... .ui. -J" " " d s.vcral propc lnaadiiig gcutrat, liv tn nm lusiauce, pos mnosMblv to antici- ' "ssed the right to resort tu lex tuiionit, he . . .1 .1. L. .n -l.f'iillr.n. i lf I r'.llr! waivcu iitai 1 1111 ii u-wit.n vu. Ma'tia". thsret. re ought to have been go verned by lis decision. And , again, it is conceded that thote men had c uuuutted ro oifance against our municipal laws and there fore were oot anicuabie to Hum. ihcirol fence was against the law ci Nations, aud t C orgrt-ss alone belongs the ligtn to dcrint: and punish olTcnces ot this kind, cominittcd agaiust the Uuited States (ieo Art. 1. Sect, viii ) it is laid'ciowa by writers ou Naiionat lian , paUtcuiariy by Vattel, who is muchtciicd on, Uo .k J.i.pag',283. Book 111. tnd.. .,tu: ..f u, ' narf xnd. mid 5. as soon a au ccUiV has rdtrsfrcm the War Department, thought laid low his anna atul.srr:.dertd his per Fopeit6 take possfssioti of Fort St. Mai ksi j son, that you have no longer any light oner Navies de Barancas, and of Pensacola, all : his life. A Nation may pirnish by retaha nhin the limits of .he bpanish territory ; uon another winch . has done ;b,er an injury ; wi proceeded to appoint what he calls a civil but she ha a i right to extend th penauy ltd mili K bevoi d whstt her twtt4ftfetv femur. Al- laws &f the Uftiwd $tatc ia force though those miscreants hadideuvificd ihemr reprche.. io: ,tow under discussu -aiiionia e made. It 1 fiatethert suit. I ih'i.V, h .v.evtr. that some UDfjg measures will b. adopted to comet, Is far possible, the cvda complained cf. ' Thalau S.-uua .lc War, iUid the evtnts Showing out if it gjve rise to a veiy lr.gand tun5ated discussion, and involved principles 'f the first importance to, the existence oi Ur con9'ituiion. Iu the prostcuiion rf this war, commenced hctt the autlior zation of Congress, to jv.hoai alone the power of declaring war be '"gs, (See Alt. 1. Sect. vii;. of the C'dnsti.u- l,on,l uic commanding General, in ihe pleni house boi.ds and lor the purchase ot j u lie lands. This state f things has excited some alarm and will create some cmbarrasment in the fiscal operations of government. Com D.a'.uiB arc heard from the restless and em barrassed. frfrti O e end of die United Ssatrs to the other C iigress loudly calied upoivt mteii'irr. and a number of expedients arc siecested. I however am of t.piuioD, that the evil will bts: tiTect its own cure. It hai unquestionably arisen from a superabun dance ol trade and banking ; which have their Huctuaiions like every thing ti.e Subject to the hum.n will. Such fluctuations Will occa stonlv be followed by distress, which on cress can neither prevent nor immrdiately relieve. There tire other causes which have ihinff the revenue, which is to be found in the acts of last session, sus pendiDgourcomtoerce-?iLh,the B itish West Iirlia.Jlnnri! arid making nrovisu u for the siipvioiuer r.fficers and. scrldieiB . i the revolu tionary army, Th pensioners wader thi AST OF 1'MBLIC ACTS PASSED, AND 1 1U.AT1KS KAT1PIBD, AT THELaTE .SESSION OF CONGRESS. 1. An act supplementary tu the act, entitled A act to provide for the prompt settlement of mblic acc unt9. 2. An act tu enable the people of the Alabama t iritory to torm a constitution and state gov. crnuietit, and fur the admission of such state in- t tie union, 011 an equal looting wun tne ori ginal states. I l'liib actcontains in general, the same pro visions as preceding acts in like cases. Llee- ions are to be Iioimbm on Mono ay ana- 1 lies- lay, in May, 18ly, and Hie convention is to nieel At Iluntsville, on the first Monday otJu lv I'jllotviii' , to frame a constitution.- Waste I uuls at e to be at tne soie oisposai w v. p. 1, o20 acres ot land are granted for a seat ot lieu of a section formerly, etatiU ed t and the -tate is to be entitled to one, repre- seuta iveiti Lonsresn HU tne otut ceas'.j: 3. An act making partial appropnatia lor lie military service f the United States, for the year 18l9,and to make good a deBcj tn J 1-.. i,..l.a Willi thn the appropiiaiiau ior ui"6 20ojo() dollars for uhsistence ;50,0l0 dol iais lor holtling treaties. . . 4. An act making appropriation for the oul i nry service of the Uoited Slates tor the year 1819. . , , f For pay, subsistence, forage, clothing, boun ties hospital depattinent,quaiter-oiaslcr8 vd urdnance departments, fortifications,,, armo ties, arsenals, half-pay and tafjsUd pensions, revolutionary pensioner., ibdiao departtoent 8tc. &e.l , . .' . , ' v 5. All act making appropriations fos the sup- .,rt of the Navy ot tlia Uuited State for tl yeaai 1-319.