0 I i -4 if- .1 1 i 'AM':;N6rihrmtina State Gazette; t4' . RALEIGH, (IT. C.) FRIDAY, JUNE 3, isig. VoL XVr rvsiisaaa viftKiv, ' 9 T TllOMJS VEA VEBQ.Yjr. 3 irtiiii net wuui ta araj- r.rt ILl ,itiTminn ta.sv fcl so taars u rat ta ij,, t rn xrra, nuu uuiuum iaa rais TvrriAaaars ncmBDCrvu.E tiass is.aaT- pr,MITIMrtltll IXAK,MBTVmITBMTI Entertainment. HaViNQ Ukea intaeoBsideratVon the scar city of money, and the consequent rrdoc tea ia tbe pSe pf provisions,.! intend acoomiiaodaunaj ciaKPTW1"" K siwer-pricc than usual. T1jm whai Ik pleased trail m me at tb ijr wf the Crosl I rtii fcsd their accsjiarnodaUoo squal to ally ia the tm t it tVi t r I inn ' ?5 4t , my plantatin, a red POTKET BOOK, nth Hank Bills in it. Tbe o - Camp Meeting. MB ta ce-neneuea Rth vf JBi nn Arf.m'a Creik. abfUt SO milea hat Ida NKrn. Uaa to commence 8'h of Asgott, abont 3 miles Sooth of Raleigh, near th stage road a" IP toTavetteville. And one ta coasmenee jth of September at the Rain-bow meeting huue. in Greece cmn- i, -uviii m.tes nearly I9.L cuait 01 ?now i Hill, oa thfl road leading from Soew Hiil t Newbern.,. It ia humblv bored thaxih-i ifi Gospel ui Christ wM attend in tha spirit of their office, and the Laity In Um spirit of prajer tod devotion. 4 LEWI3.6KIDM0RE. Jun- lftb 18. T traW. Of tnV Otkr ffrttlJ mtrr a,,tV Committed, 'T'O the jail o! Ormigo county on th lOih instan nrjrro man by tha name of Lunnck, a'out which I caa the muat aail ruk t ). i paioj it roarvd, or drawing it UroajrH ifce crotch. Ifaoj areJtpoMtrd ia a limb beha! mj reach, with a ladder, or by climbing the tree, tu recourte to ror mw, takina; cart f cut awaj with a little daiuage ta thaj troaj i poasibie. Thii beiag t'ia aeatoo of tha jear which 1 prefer (or prunin mr fruit tree, mach I tne labour of destroying the catte rpiltar, bj tlie proce juit mentioned, it ed, aa raao? of their nestaare fouml on branche which oogh't eJtireljr to be rerooTed. Some yrar- iuatead of f rte cloth, &e. 1 Lave t4Ua.4 otjnca p'dal of ail, n matter wfait kind, and with a feather pw a little of it into their net ; takina; care to Knre all an allowance, n. msttr how tmall. fr tha least touch kill them at once.i I hira j a.ao tried burning them, ahooting them, putting M, ; i"a!l' oa their tail, and pulling -tU-ir i.oube. lair ears trash bat I f i tt them by proatng propfrlj and paying all f kera, .and .ay (hut he .s a Crick baj-er trade Mrf ti.io to the i, that until they have tomlle erpenr, by applyin;; to the al-criber tiviug at ' thl he btloopa to the hcira or Thomu riuerrel nJ ird'half their to b ..i ,1..,r,.i i ' . Cmi R.Jdi, SuTkeac.oi.tT I " "rtd owaiiam McCray. of WilmitV., n. c. ' V.it lestructtoa, tlera ia Out CfO.1 tt'Mli aw"e JoJLy-k.Kn 'rjf I Sai.1 nrro i. about 5 f.-et 0 .nihea Uigh. Tu .wn-r i, ' 9Uh8ta"c' "'B the l.CSt to hear the fofCC I 19,0 - ' n iq'i to nc torw.rd, prove property and takej essary to icmoe it from the t te. fit Jane J, Z5--owr lm ,way. Mjreak, many r-f the Cll trrtu ltr4 !pfr in ti a i ia . wUhadahVratiraith. ei. Km -11009 if Mi .dered of a iHeir wealth. and Uafh tU Oeorg. HI Mr. R ,fd 4 elcorif,d 7ew,' waa at the head of umt 0f tha U au. u tLa R f ' ropeankinM.nJetBp.rora. - fh banci).' The mmoith dack-yarda which,tijVa 1 da papar, co.r,7i acre, of uodf tr, w,u' kcii With lifBhar ii.n.u.a.,4 a-. - V . . Twenty Five Dollars, Reward. T WILL aie the above reward. f the delivery of X BAKl LBT to me In Luuiaburg: TI hl'ove negro aupurchaatd by J W. CUy to Oeanville coun'y of: Epumm UxAty t I ezprci rx it at nivaent in the rx-ijfli-kjrbood of Luuitburg j I porchaaed i aid prrra of Clay 253w - ..J ' R. WYNNE. i Jj" ffive Dollar BWurd.' jTl ANA V-AT from the auijaciiber on thf 15th ' ,0t b',uni' mufattn ooy, named JAAfEri ,; N iRlJOVV j bt- iaaboufe ftet 8 "or 9 inchta l.igh, bat strait Lair, carried aay with htm aptr of dove color A telvct panulnona aai onepaur nf hnmiuii black and white aiitalootia atriped in the fillen, out- tpoited ilk vert and ieh ht, nearly haf worh, otbar cUiibing M recollect edThe abo reward rtll'fce'.gien to any pe-tih.) will apprehend the taid boy, anil confine k, i.,w iLat I get him agaui and alt reasonable expen- paid . J1EXRT TEIIUILL. Vake county near Mog era'a Croat Roada- 25- 3, ISxauiitiatiun. v fff Monday tha 38dMiatnt, wilt coTtmenee the Ex- V amination of tbealudemj of the Ililkiardatoo Aca Oeittf ana continue . two days. Parents, Guardians and W.ber friends of the institution are invited to attend.. 1 ne M se tion of ttie" llilliantisron school will coov taence on Uonday 12tb July next. 2 .-2wp WM, Bt'RT, Scy. ' : , franklin Academy. T)tJ5 Examinaiion of the students of tnis institution closed on the 2st day of June, inst. much to the tatLption of tbe Trustees and those wbo attended the akatnihaiion. Th exercises of this institution will k gais commence en the third Monday or the present amplhttyider the directioo of Mr. John Babbitt as pi in dpiL fij-aw S. JOHNSON, Sec'r. " i in ' . i- :Lcghorn ttats Just xeceiytA, , I her cuatomei a and thr ladies of Ra.-.gi, I Dd its ricimly ,tbt be has jut received 1 boa Lg tlm Rats of a superior quality, also rich fancy Riobon, Artiltuil.F:owera and almost every ariticle in 'lie Mi!i- turv urut Vjni-v I'lm- likriyiHe at the Bitme Dlace a fresh ! i v v r I upply of arasdnahle staple goods as usual. i.lUWigV.June J9hJ8i9. .. . ., ! ' m 1 tstate oi AortiiUaruiiua, Rutherford County. Superior Court of Law. April Term, 1819. John Long, vs. Solomon Beason Attacbme nt. IT anpenKng to the satislactiOTi of the court that the - dtleoaaw in thife cause, is not cn inliarlUknt of thin Uieiit iatherere ordered that. publication of tins ftntbe made in the Raleigh Star 'for six weeks, fur the d' trnjam to appear "-t the next court to be held in uthetfordton, On the 3rd Monday after the 4th Monday laSepieitibtr next, and plead tr judgment proconlesso tjid bt entered up aeainst him Witness. James Mor n, ak of ih stud court at office, SOth April, 1819- l JAMEJS AlOUKIS, Clerk. 85 Up tVM. If. ADAMS, Jan'. l?oeUca. JUliD TIMES. ADDKES3F.U TO II1K AMERICAN PEOrLE. il AllO times !" from every quarter is the cry t Hard times, imbed I Tbe fact 1 do duny. Is it hard times, when, it the truth ym tt.ll, Y jii must confess you live extremely welt t On best -of meats and on whesten bread you dine, And drink in p enty whiskey, ale or wine s lircss One as lords ; move to ar.d fio at ease. Work when you tueose, and play wbene cr ) ou please- Proyiden?' luve such t people cause, v (i'eoplc who own no sovsrein but their Wws" To mourn their p'ight, thy mercies. to decry. Because ou wms of gjld they cannot ftp 7 Ungraiefol race to whom your God hath given, '1 he best, the choicest, richest boon of heaven CaperFear Navigation Company. T)0hS0NT to tbe provisions of the art ot incorpo- A J ration, notice is hereby given, that the ai .nuul meet kg of the stockholders of the Cape Kear NaVigatio tjpmpahy will beheld atlhe town house in Fnyeltevill Touriday the first day of Juiy next, at which tira Jn attendance of the proprietors is required personal V or by their r. preseiiUtives. By order of the President and f)irf ctora. ' J. W. WRIGHT, Sec'y. - Fayetteville, June 7. 25- 3 w y ' liu ! i ' ' CaDeFttr Nnvirvfltioii Cmnnmtv. Ij'JRSUANXto the provisions of the charter, devour my fruit Turn but your eyes to Europe's distant shore. Silence your groundless plaints and sigh no more, There view yeur fellow man $ behold his doom Round to the soil or fastened to the. ,loom : , Tot priests and nobles daily fore'd to toil, W no ot tiis labour malces a sport and spoil : A scanty pittance to their victim give And call it chanty, to lei bim Lve Tour fate with his Americans I com par ( lu iliaukfaL r toroeaf. Watliington Oaxettt. 1 Fro n the JN. V Evming Post. . ODB TO FOR TUNE. Fair lsdy witb tbe bandaged tye I I'll pardon ail thy scurvy tricks. So thou wilt cut me, and deny Alike thy kisses and thy kick ; I'm q:nte contented ai I anf Have cash to Keep my duns bay, t Can choose between bce&teaks and haSt, And drink Maaleira every day. My t'stion is the middle rank ; My fori one just acompetei C! t Ten thousand in the Frank I n bank, And twenty in the six p r cent j No amorous chains my heart enthrall, I neither bqj row, lend, nor sell ; Fearless i roatn the city hall, And bile my thumb at Mr- Bell. The hirse that twice a year I ride. At Mother Dawson's eils his foil ( My books at Goodrich's abide, r V My country-seat Is Weehawk hill; My morning lounge is EaUhum's sliop ( At Popp'.e ton's 1 take my lunch ; iblo prepares my mutton chop, And Jennings makes my wiskey punch. Wh?n mTry, I the hours amuse ' By squio bing Bucktails, Guards, and Balls i And when, I'm troubled yajth the blues, Damn Clinton, and abuse canals. Then fur une ! since JMQfr no prize, jM least preserve from thy trown ; Tne man wiio don't attempt to rise, 'Twere cruelty to tumble down. , CROAKER & CO. The Siieriff. crotcn, or lodge in iht jr tail on the oilier limba. Tint certainly is the jcst metliod, which, with the least labour, M ill the most effectually kill lhum. ' It tm.k me about four hours this spring to go H.ij ui eiaiy nees. Ann wnat is jnur li'iun laiiuur compared with tlie liss of my ci der and winter ai!c f Evea tliia labour I should have saved, it my neighbours, last year had not been too laay or too tboughtlesa to take care ol their fru'.t. I'erliaps 1 do them wrong. PossiU-'y theyinay have some supeistiiioua no tion tiiat it is wicked to kill caterpi.lars. This seems the more probalile, a, in tne season of the kanker worm, they will spend a month and two dollars kworth ol tar, to destroy an inect kmuch less noxious and unsightly than the cater- pillar. U may be, however, in the days ol improvement, when premium are so liberally ottered for domestic and other manufactures, thaj; my neighbours have found toe caterpillar a a, 1 aw . l.1 Ala - t t . . a . . '-U4UIC u jsoiuie mr tne stmworm, and KeepJ their orchard tn fiil iKam ml ..in! j 1 1 1 a VVUICI I their nests into some fine fabric for their Wives and daughters, to exhibit at our Cattle Show i Ibut, until I have learned theia secret, and know the value of their aiaM1- " rwiw ior tne Targestoreed, and, biggest nest of catterpillars in toy orchard A letier Ura Hamburg of tbe 30th f. April, ' wmm, aoaMncea Out h Th Ut of Schuapao ff and aittmau tar, are thu da r declared , osofVeit, 'ho farmer ta th. a.aoi.l aj" ta Utter uiaal f aUtelVJf - J-'"w' sassj sat vaV Lon- I'kCil With ' linthatr inin... e' r . y Africa and A-w rw."M .'-tUJ L;aut. Oen. Count RicrdV pet of Jrance. lppo,nt,d.b.brtoaaI.i.. Afl"" Hungary, which destroyed tU barracks, Vtl lurches, and COO dwefli.g honses. 7 ' SVisa-s-ata, Interesting Commercial Le'ter livaaroou max 1. laid A 14 ' .ety ar. constantly kept .live, by failure co. nlSf'0.-. aJ,-'0ti'e wfrMg town.. r-r m-9 amtiu WB II nr a,. - AsyicuMutoV. XJ notice is hereby pvenxthat the eharea if such - to exa W the Stockholders of the Company as have any insist-1 which S from the Massachusetts Spy. Brother farmen.. Have you any cider to I cheer and comfort you irifyour (spring work and haying? None ! have ; and will tell you how, by the blessing ol providence I came by ii. I took care that the caiterpillar should not It is my practice in the fall, i t - NOGGIN; - I recollect to have heard of a famous powder ad vertised tor killing fleas,. The directions for adminis tering it was, to piwb the rascals by iJre neck till thj;y gasped for breath, and 'jthen, to ,cram itdown theif throats. But after all the experiments, the'o'id fashion ed way of breaking their bones between the thumb and finger, is f jund to be the roost certain and expeditious. To Farnurs. -Take roil brimstone aod .melt it, add to it gunpowder, in the proportion of One 4 h gunpowder to three 4vhs oi' btimstoue ; mix tuem well together. , Oftcua mixture prepare a bundle of matches ; fix the bundle to tne end of a rod and hre it u der your apple trees, that are-infested with Caterpillars. The fumes from the matches will destroy them. at ac- LA TEST FR OM EJVQLAVD. The Albion, Captain VVilliams, arrived New York, Iroin Liverpool, has brotxsht counts to the 2d May. MAVFOUNDLAXD FISHERIES In the House of Commons oo the 26th of A pril.Mr. Uobinson moved that the IIoue siiould resolve itself into a committee, to consider of the Conve'ition with the United States of A- merica. l mis havmir oeen agreed to, he said. v. .ul4UUOce prevail ' to a. great -extent, not only from what ,,,, lisnpenfr(f but Irsasn an apprehension of other, still afnW under he pressure of the time.. This unK ' pypnitura of affairs, tsyoo will readily in,J. PrMelMw. kind of produce. Cotton it ,o tolerable fair demand, but it ST. V;' '"w unces. . uplands 1 r M ' ;:rr??" u 111. ..ii. i ZVJ r7 V1'" bM,d t ia-little reV II TU. . 1 . . ..c .ver.ge returns q Wheat are q )ov " f! n?htr three the riU:.r-rh,,iA!5W!t- t Accounts received at Balttmom fmm s g.i vad or, state that th Pnrtn0ii0.a av. . t. sperated at the Americana. of their losing so many teasels by insurgent bri- -v. uini Ui, auu pnnciptny manued in the United States. Selected for the NwTwfc Dairy Advertise. ' ' ROvi NCdlN3 POUND. Last summer, as some workman wn mnu.. ed at Vaynol, near Bangor, in removiug tenia ' vuuuSuuus to a ume Kim they di.e iver ed a large collection of Roman silver medals, and a pair of small antique brazen spur, about two feet below the surstnee, by tbe side i.f round gritstone. They are in t high: state or preservation, and appear to have formed part ot a collection as they are of varioua dates. The ancient name of t:is part of tbe parish, as ap ptfir. by to old extant book of the See of R.ow gr, of the date of 1286. wis Varch wal,a name which seems to desigoa e its proximity to a tnili:' tary station ; and it is not impr-bable but tmir Vaynol was formerly a Roman villa, situated a u isnear the Roman Trajectus over the Me. nai. The numbet found was 13 and the hi.- ; toncal period which tber serve to illustrate; embracesan intetalof2a veara teclconlngfioD the commencement of the reigo. or Vespasisp t V the dnathofC iinmodusi Of these there erel olthe emperor Vespasian, 6 ofTitUs VespaMani t of Domitian.fone of which records the .12 that by t e treaty a considerable portion of : bratipu cf the Ludi 8eaUasest A. D. 64,)$ of toeht due and unpaid thereon, will be sold at public action before the Town-House in Fayetteville on Mon- jine (in of June next, and uch delinquents are no uadthat "if anph sales shall not produce the full sum etofbre ordered and directed to be advanced on their 'area, with intra aiwl Incidental rhara-a " lh Piv. deat and Directors are authorized by the charter of tumpany " to aue lr fciiorecover the balance by otkm in any court of competent jurisdiction, on ten W Previous notice," and they will feet themselves Mundu) enforce the provisions of the charter in this order of the President and Directors. toevllle, May 81319 v, , 7 , a. VP8!. authorlti of the President and" pirectort, we safe nf air.k i x - ..;i "ohdajrrte l2ta, dajr Of July next, of which delinquents e,tWiioUee ' . a . - J inine ray trees, and - remove the eggs are deposited lor a next years stock from the twig, on which by a glutinous covering, they are fastened. I examine, them asiain early in the, spring, to take care of such aa have been overlooked. Tnose that have' es caped my attention, are hatched by the sun ' r. IL .i. v , . . as soon as iiie puus expanu enouirn to teea on, (for they al ways keep pace with the veceta- notes is a measure of policy more than ueces'si ir&WtievifytJtinat. s$tdt. tion of the tree,) and form themselves nests in the.firtt crotch they find, fjfca lew days they are all patched and shelteredjrr this new cov ering, la a few dayf inoreV'SQoietimeSjthe whole but more commonly division of tMs foraging army, take up their encampment in a large crotch; where the junction of the limbs fatour their excursion over the whole ' tree. I Previous, however, te this stage, takinsra cold h I ..I l . 9 , ciouay,ir we. uT t oegin my worK ot exter mination. My weapons of warfare, are, a fine the hsuery carried on Dy Americans, on our coast ol North America, had been gtve,n up by the United, Sta'es : but there was still no law to condemn American vessels, fishing, or in stance, in the iiarhor of Halifax. It was there fore necessary, that some law should be enact ed, foe t'.ic punishment of Americans violating the' treaty ; and therefore he should, move, that the Governors oi our Provinces, and the Com maudera, should be empowered, by orders in Council, t take American vessels violating the Treaty. He then moved for leave to bring in a Bill, to prevent subjects of the United .Mates from fiiiiing on the coasts of Newfoundland 4 and liabrsuor. S r J. Newport said, this was a subject of most momentous importance, aud he begged the House would attend to it in a future stage Leave was then given to bring in the Bill. 6jcb.paitte The bills which have pass ed Parlhmcot restricting the Batiks of Kng. land and Ireland from paying specie for their iv. in tne donate on me sutnect, tne Mar quis of Lansdown, (ati opposition peer) said, taat as a member ol the 1 secret Committee on Baok flSsirs1, he knew that there wa. specie e nough in tjie Bank to answer all demands wl.ich could be made n it jaod that the time was not fir distant wben unlimited Specie pay ments might be sately allowed. f v'-"'." The Jtwt, linhaiyear 1230, ill the reign or Edward i. the property of ail tbe Jews in Eas- land was confiscated to the use of the ; crown l saw, a piece of fine woolep cloth,' a twit of hay , JlSOof then were) hanged tn one day, charged Nerva, 16 of Trajan, lo S Hadrian, and of 4hs empress ftabioa, his wife, 3 of Antoniaa Pias, 'f of the empress Faustina, 6 of M. Aureliua. Aa tmus, 1 of Commodus, and S which cannot . ba . ascertained, fh poor, workman, vho first ' made the discovery, wa liberally rewarded fop his honesty in communicating the lame to-th propnetor, t. Al Smith, Esq. ta whose posses' -siou this classic treasure remain. Lit. Panorama? Ker Monthly Magasine for April tSlf. .LITERARV CURIOSITIES. , R. Watson,1Sq. who purchased the StasttJ ' MS. at Rome, is arrived in London froia--ParU, and has- brought with him a valuable col lection of literary curiosities : among which "ia , the celebrated MS. Hebrew Bible, that long or- namented the libraryat, Constantinople. It is beautifully written on vellum, and fs supposed ' to be a work of the th century. After the fall of the Greek empiie it was carried to -Vienna r; where it was preserved for ages in the! private 4 cahjnet of the liouse of Austria, until tHe capture' " of that jcapital by theFrencIt tronp., when . was titnsported to Paris by a general ofilcer who did nol kriowits value, and sold it. ik then present proprietor. Thermos t learnetKrinen iotX -liuro'pe consider it to bep't)To;ein its jfiad, ah4 . ' ''r wrtliouta price. i . v. ,' , . -'" :' The intelligent eellector has SO figersVthe actors who performed before Francia'king -of Frsnci.and Henry ling of EngUndtfi :The Field of Quid ClotJ,." ; U issuppiised to be" by J V j Parouegiana, aud was preserved lu the Guarda ; rr 7 it rs3v- -if'

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