; . '.; - Mrtrolim Slate 'W 'f: ifaaaaMi1M, "yZ--r-mmmamimmmmmmmmmg ' ; . . aw rruin-r WKrtLt, II TUOMJ WfcW HKR'OXtfr. riiciirrn. mass aitaa na aarra,. r. . ..alia Mt-r. PA L1K1 Rl i(l llTI 1 Mil TlACl l . anteo'JTI'Hta, . iTTUtap. T Ml, r ivt ali mii6( id ma snrMlc ric US I MUll, b twittf-imctm State uf North-Carolina,' PUtCOUu.). Coon ty Court .f P.eaand Qujitcr Sesio s, ' May Term, 1 b i 9. H,i- Smallwood, vs. Jtmrs C Carviw.e, Atlmiuialniti- of -.' f.iAA Ckukcrirt, 1 ed 4,i1iUi rrtni n of Kticti- , tjou, I"";' " luu 111 de "u 01 urltle the 'Ttj?ert of Kigali Cbnb. Haiti, 4- e... -Y b' en mul' affpear to iin irfiifxcuott cf llit con, t 1 1 AX U bad At iU hHf vl t!ie mbicribiV. on Jlai.Jar.tl 17th mkL (! trr dat .: : ' . .... i . - j ir. tea w'ciock la inorrunt, aii tl ten in the UvctiDjc. , AUsT:r Dj "iht bal w fwcovl. . SUSANNA SCHAUB. Hikigh, XUj 1819. 20 tf .it, iben .ll-re H ant nwy maj v hrr- Anril a6 III . . - . a I .1 : ' s neiil ua eoata J'in.i j, anu au accruing vmi. "ai.- . A tVAW. flW. Stutc oi Noith-Ctroiiua, I'iuUiiuui; County Court of H u aou Quar'er Svssiun, Mj 'IVim. A. D. lb 19 Unril on io ijcgrwj v' "J aim mi".hj IN hiving teen iad(; ajier to ttie gatuftcU'in of the Oiairl lli it IL uliiji Sneir lull li lt.hu (. jC'rrd ittal jiuVlnialioii be rasirii- in the Uaki-h Star tot' ili-t loiiUii ciViug uiXitx. to the suil Keu' t n PKir that ho nppeai at tlie Court of Plci and Quarter 'fssioi.t to .e Im M fur JhaCnuuljr of Fitt at I ho Ccnut-toiiie in (jivc-ntvill,- on the i . nl' 4. ...... .1 ,1 .I...- ... i ... 1 lill ..aula" - tavi.a tii. awi lii. it it rvpicv aim (lead or ludgmeut will be ivuilercu ug'iiiit him. ,4-r A KVVNS. Clk PiUCouutr County Court of Plena ai.u Qjarter Sessions, May Term, 1819. JMnrj Smaliooil, Jamea C Greene Admn'r of Elijali CluuilHTlKin, 4rO Oiutables return levied oil oiii: lot fhe propcrt;- of Elijah Chamberlain, No 58, joi .ing Han on Blu-i it'i lot, ami Peter Kivti'l lot. . JT apiv'aiiu ttf Uie aalUfactioo of tlie Court tht aomeof the heira at law of Mid dee'd are not iulialiuuii ot this Itate it wu oitiei ej that publication be made in the -Kulcih ' Buraa W th iiu-roiiileut h'eu-aof aaid dec that they Hp,., :ir , at t .e next County -CoUrt of Pleas ad inrt t beiwioiu m k ueld , hi the Court -ouim in f.reiisxillr, oi. tlie fii jt v t',. ) of njaat next, then and th.'iv to hew ctuv if auy ; thev may have wherelorc judgii.eil nhu Oj laraiiiak the lollr a nl n' til I . v ii i I ' ywi.Bent aud oobta al'ui'ta.iiil, and all acci un.p vom. -V6w . . , , A 1.V.VN mi i, ,.- State fT Xbrth Uaroliiia, J it ton County. Court of Pleu and Qujiter Scgsious, Apri Joha MaelaefTi. Join Macarill Attachment levied oi. o BBiinit' acrt-a m lai.a luxg near J unit WataonV i a(li.ntif to the i,iiW:t.on of the Cmn that John McSeilt ttae deiondant. im ni it Ulheiefiir'nkred u,al mhlu.iU(n U uatk iu I he !. ..... i.; 1 ft .7 . wihl uic wiu acu-iHijta ipi. Mr . . . at iMir niTt i iin fi.-ba .i,( n.. i - I .. that wthUe,,,, U r. " T '"f-f V""; ,,t ... .... T vn W. MfV KINU V1UIUIT IU .1 11 1 nw autaboiu , tln a and U.ere to d. , ic lame ui ov Uacu pro con TOD ROBIN'SOX, Clerk 19-Cu JT tiymy Ffve I)oll4ra flcward. I wiu. rra Uc vabore reward fjr tbe rteJtr of" X BABTLCT to me in LoUi.Uirj: ' the alote nrru fHWrhaaed oy j W Clay ,n Crarrrgie rn, of L2T lT , 71 "r" pra lit (be ntLb. MMaaoujf! t p Arcuated aiud m-ro Cv I that mine of thr heir, at l .w of ...id dece e.l are i t In- a, 0cM ffl p,,.M Bm ,atantot Ut5t.te-Ma. ordend that pnhUeatum U Tor ihe ci.uity rf.rar.id am th, tfc in U. Kaieb Stw as U) ti.- lr..,i f t-d . M lh Wt lU-u ma Wadtrt SVd t)t thayppeir ,t ll.e ... u oui.ty f. ..rt tA 1'leaa a-.rrwdewr ,Hlier; ih mA Qnartnr vn to b hold for t!,c t .atj ol PH., -I -J. f., ,ir4rd nnruiliuae In eeAavlle m Uie Bi m Motida'v of Aneu4t . tu . .i . , I.. ..... j i ! a eat, itrcr for hire 11 P-'C of horaea and a careful Dii I I I .1 ill I ; a Jlsrkleultug Count yt Vrpma. 'pfiR uWrib r b. gi It ave to inlorf. Jf-r friends and the public. th'U lw intend kevpiug a HtilSK OK KM MJ. TUll RNT at th desirtblv; WiUcrHitf nhtce. the uikum auni'iiur. Conbidenible aecrssinn ol huiirouiu , hua leen man.' to thia e idmstimeot tince ilf- lanf suuiiuer, ailh ulihh Inn hr efliirta in nln.M. .In ala'.i.tA sJ . . t ialaetio.1 M Mil a ho Viait thoae aprinta, hr.lber lor the bene. fit nf ltia I- : . ? 1 ... ... ' -.ici, u mm iuc ciijojii.eui w rieiv. i ii' tnitu- cy oUhec waters, ia ra. diu asea, is sogeii. rally k. nwn, tli.it it is Jeeaatd uiincct saurr to i an ri.i.,.. n ..,. ...k;. - - -v - - ......n .... av 100 UoUts R5wavda a 1 Vi! ' be S1"1 the ftpprehenw, and dtdiverr of t- " L1 VH J"f?fS0( alia btofiv fthn. tl,. jii of j.eo. on tne nignt m tlie 3,. inn,. tj,u Jolmson w 111 x lett iii-u, Mie stature, black hair.and black eyes, iplexjou fair Irom loiiij coiafincment ' ' m u. rtuw,i I , IVpmy HhcrilT. aliont curu 1 t; tnt red t salisU tlie Clk. aVotVce. JFn'tiijfthe 18lhof June next at tlie Couru! 'cajae in f JliUicbli.toii a Kt'itri ine'ttta? nt the Sfdokh.d.ieis'oi the . ortli-Caroliiia Catiwha Xavialion CKnMi;v is In 1. re I tio luocesa 01 tlie work al.t a.iy .lone, ti ?. il.er ;roua tne Jhures now aaopted to prosei UU- tl is i'tb. la rtakini? thrncli tlie anfaii'tiv ... lr..L. it . . " 0 . O "". ' iliac- caMry that the piTtonal attendance of ..verv ."M-khnliiri ft'HirJ be hint at that tuue, 1 bis nccessiiy u til he ubvkiu. jb"i they re inform-4 that at that time new nfliccs ,-r. to Be e nmTor the ensuing year, am! the eon. pi nion 01 tl.i, Ii. flituiilileundertidut., in my opinion eitiindv depends nri" the initKliiUs selection pi thoteoffleei-s. J W ILoUX, t'r -s. naicign, May ia, isiu. iiLffvigoi jSuruftit uml 1 Tor Sale. IJtrFTYSHARRSol Nifwhein ilanSloak. Foe. terms'. ' k. enquire oi die EM I oil. siDV 1 ...a 0 (K Tueiilay tle 87th d) ol' July ue-xt, will be offerul for 1 tale at nublic auction. . OnihundKd LOTS in the Toul. of KorttiSiattildeol Pjde Hic-r, .6iitgo.,,i rj Cou tv, N G. Ttistown ia situat - at the brad of r.avmHhle water below Cliwsti Fallaor uarrOHt. A porUge will ibrni a conimu Bjestioasiiththe nHVjfable water of the uver above the IhIIs.' ine itupraveraetitauo v in oeration, wi l. in h short tin.e, o K? OATilptfon for boatsol ten to hfie'yi, l.ils btirihen. from Wilkesijoi-nagu ta the head ol the" -falls on ti e n k.n, Ht.d gom Blakeity to the head of Meaiu Uout iiavnrt.(iu 0u the e'le. Hv tl.i-se i..ii)i-oveiiitni the trad, of'' the western' oiue wil be co.ie.-nii i.ted at Utakelej , wl ioh. must s cure ' " that phci; permahent and exiensive' busai ess. I s local ' Viitag,..s Wii bf reailily pirceived. Bn i appivciated by - HiOSfc who fin,y visit the place. fermtof il A cmiit of l'-Jm.d IB months' yillbegi patxhaaers giving bonds With HiiiaVeii siS it. itieg :tt - . J! l.fcV, 4. C0 Vuaiioneers. ' . jsvtile. ALL those indebted to tiit biibtcribar, are rt quesu tl to come forward and nuik- iminediate payiueiu, as n longer iudu.gffice wi J lie given. j. U LA NK. ... .. iSherifT's Sale. ' ON Vednesdav tbft'?llil. daj of Atiist next, at the' Court-liouae in Hockl id, Si.ry couotv,; the fuliowiug tracts ol I.aND ...III I .lA1 ' 1 " . I a . . hi ue oiu or iiiucm mereot as will pay the axes due thereon, for tb y ear lii7f with Cot,is 300 acres given in John Chessor, adjoiu nig Houhen Brrao. . : . :00 acVe givoa in bj James M-rgan, ad joifiiuw Thomas M ihafla. . , 150 here given in by William Sparks, ad. -!Mng Solowieu Juhnson- , i : , tQ acres iven i bj Mir Gentry, adjoining Mvp cn ek waters. .' ,. : l sd acrs given m by Stcpheu Fiizgerald, ad- janing George D. H..lcumb. , 10LI cre.ivc"u in by Polly Griffln,'atijoining feren.iali Karl v. , . acrPHijivenin by John Holder, adjoining adjoi- ad. Wnntetl, to the Singe or Waggon-nniking bnsi , "'".ocan (by beiug recoiuinendtHl as sober and indrtV Viaut.) niawt ,iii; itl...i 1 1 'I wa.a .ava npge. ftUU Cl,iaua,IU Clll I.UJ llteHl. iRaleigliAprilT, 1819; 11. C. W1AT1' a ; fcto 15tf Tor Sv-Ip. ' - ETWEES -vn and eight hundred acres of land hand ' aituated, ivilhiu two utiles of the Uni varsitv o A .w-9aroUna, on tV aswotid. fiud Link Creeks . A good FopoMion of ting land is exeelleitt low grounds. The hole '1 eH adapted, to tlif culture of ooru, wjient, tobitcoo ..jeotton.-jj his tract of Jand could be divided for the mcom - Btoi tB 0lmrc1A. wit contains two prii'itations, which ... J ln e6oil reptur Ibr iarinniR, a dwelling htiiise anil ail ne-. mary oui-hoirse, a cotton m: iue and whiskey tlittillery '..'prQSB'MedUe, purchaser would with to view the pre if hiusv inculletl til mit'ChllS.. ! la.ain..Ttlnllc. anvitArl tn c 1 i"1.e nw'. A great bfti-gitin mrtr be had by an earty V.tfeW'Ui,y8,l3l , stf UK) acr. 9 t'tven in by WiiliSillolder, inn danit'a :vicvraw. 4 50 acres given m by Juha Vanderpoul, jon-iog Julian Vandcrpool.' oiiO acres LNVRii in by bailey Corder, adjoin ipg Uacjiel Morton. 100 acres given in by Abram Hawks, adjoi nin H il Jsninv, , 154 acres iven ia by llichard Beasou, adjoi ni'.t Abiilis K"y. 82 acre, given in by George. Ball, adjoining Samuel !$pfcer. 160 acre's gien in by widow Preston, adjoin ing Kainuel Johnson. 15 0 acres given in by James L. Crawford, ndjo'iis'. g Isaac Wtibten. i6,C00 acre given in by Jesse Lester's heirs, jo litii Joseph v llliuii.s jr. G-.0 acres ujven in bv Jesse lester'a lieirs. ad. jiiint.g'Jonatliao Ual'toti. ta;i acre-f y:ivcn iii by Jesse Leister's heirs, adi'uiiiJns',B!di'ive8" VViHiftins.' . - .'I JaieT. JOHN WltIGHL Sheriff. Kntcrtainment. fT AVlNO Ukcn int.. consideration th a 1 1. etj nf nmncy, and the coniequent mlc- ,M pnc 01 pruyiwont, I mlrnd actontm xl.ti'.i Utr Custom -ra at ljwcr n.i. ra UiU1 ,.m...i 1 . . .. rtuy br pVaK-d to call on we at d atirn of tli frus rj. WM uua uictr accjnituojtionaaquatlto any in tin; JOSIAII UILLIAJin Ratleigh. June 16, 1819 95 Kivcj Dollars Hew nit). t AN'AU jV IVomfhcaulist it!)or on the IJth it. bimiii, :nl.stt boy, nanef J AMES M Ud.OW ; be is abro', five fe t b or V inchi i hirh, tis lr i I ,ur, earru-d away U.iA him a pair Crjirt bolor ed tflytt jiahtd.Krt.a and oir pair, f t l6wpuii black and wftite iaittaU'i.a Htr,ped uthe4i!n, i.ne apotted silk Vest w.d a lett lut, nearly J, . f w,,,,,, (,t)usr cvMg not reeo.nc ed The al),- iviard will t-e r-ventoany K-raon wh will aiiprtltt tid thd sai.l jn.l bun.s.i that 1 get hun again aod ail reasohaUe eiren. UtiXJiy TEHHILL. JV ake rouaty nearRogerVa Cross Koad. 2... -tp V Kb. ILiUO l KAb, infur n h.-r cuatn if A meia generally and the ladies of Uaieigh, and lis ricirn.v. that khp h Horn Hats of a auper.,,r quality, !M nth. f.,,rt Ri:.b.Mua Irlh iul LVk...... t ... . ' . ...v.... ,., . ,nu H.inosi every arittrlc in he Mill. nary ana fancy imc, uktw.se at the sm.e hlte a lVcsh supply ol aeaona'rl - stftple goods as usual. Kahigh. June. 19 h. 1819. , - t f State of North.CaruTina,'" --r-..,. . u.n g tUsay. Aur.: r lalr, John Lo, v.. Sol4m(m .""' r u , , "'T ww ntn court la t b-t'd M ' Ra.' f mn, 00 tU 3rd Monday afW?h h liW. 9 pteber neat, and pfeJfudX if rlZ n irilfiu k.at nr.. I -- J iMEaSAloRKjiXr 4 voavaio.v. in mo Committed, TTO the Jd ol Orange county on the tOth instil, ft "( fcro wian by the Jiame of Lunrick ah,ul 45 years o ge,drk complex .on.viith a larg, piirofhis kera, i.d aays dial 1m is. a Brick Layer by, trada and that he bUonrs to die heirs of Thomns FitKgerrel and was h.red toWiUiam McCray, of WH-rl'-gton, N, C, Sa:d nero is ibout 5 feet 10 inc!ieliigl,.' owner la reqics'eil to tome forward, prove property and take him aivay. i,;. . . , . 1 25-T-3.P JVM, iL JlMM8f Jailer. CapcrFenp;Navi(ratioii .'Gonimtuvl V UiiSU AKT to ,tbj provihtotia of the chbrter, JL , notice iv ntreiiy given nut the shares id ach of the tockkideTf'.ol the company aa have any instal- mentdue and ui.pwd .theieou, will be gold at public .... .. , ...I:,.. t,..,,u -i . . 1 . . uu.'.i ... 1.1D wit .... 1-1. uiie .H rayeieviue w Mon day the 7(h of lune next,' and sucV dslihqienU areno- tieed th it " if hr.h Kalea hall tin nMirla.- J r..li ..... - . -- ..Vu., w 1 auaa 3U.1. heretofore ordered and directed to be advimced on ineir shunts, witji inyei-est And incidental charges," the Pre. sideat and Directors arj auUiorized by the charter of 1 - 1 . . . . ' . wiv Lw.umij in sue iur aim recover tne balance by motion in any court, of Competent jurisdiction, on ten days previous ftot.ee," and they 'wilt feel themselves bound to enLrce the privisions'of the charter in this beiiMtf- .., . "1 .v t J By order sf the President and Directors. IlEYJtr BIMJVSOJS; PresH. Fayettetille,May S,1S19. UNOER itiihority' of the. President; and Directors, the sale of itocfc above merttionied, is postponed until Monday tbet52di diy of July next, of which delinquents have this notice. 1 . , , , , , J. W. WHIQUT, Sec'y. F(typttev:ille,Jum7i .; k ; 25-tds. Va.l 'jl. YtW' i-' v-VrV he Marquis of La.iajdowtj tafd he now rL ldl. th- eA. cUfi,.r.. f ..... .. !P. .,nl0.V1e ,orr order of the aT, ?",qiHct' ?f .,. "" r.L:" iro"I''q the " J tl- execution of M.7.7a 1" u;,Lm,ch ,,,a.Mbiu.r-x nA? '1 1 nut i ce hen ir vi.., .n. . r p ---.. 1 JiauaiiU 1 alia . . . - - ( r '"If . a UU nractica htd Jaelr 11 was iu t a hi- u.r . .j . r,(n,i ;" . "."; 'oo. iio nut be mucon- ir ,, V.,. t ""Posd.on on the . part of pr'. ; was given to the aw I "n nr ..a ... a . w - uew t,l(J hararotw against the laws of nation which h rc- rtea to, nrj hich was del, im.nf f J ii.ir principle, o.jtice. He would not k Sment'7r,te 1C -'.'PsiUon to the G.ii ti lh?V U'C HmtLed Sti he owed ,E : the character oi the able and dutinhed " veniment to eipress a belief that neither f ,? n T Wh,?lwa cons.stent with thi . lava ,it nations, and w th ....." i justice. and;,uani,.. J t i ifiL . Li.. : .'ul ' Jtfpe that proper steps wool oT akep. by if ' tloverument togetaatallthe iUi"AS'S5V ' , hiia 3 a: 4 ir iviipti nrmnv I ' " 1 . i rpr t" VT W UIIVII T trihea vlVc.. .' -1- .1- ' '( v ' $ .Stray. pnNTKRED on'1he.ftij Book in Anso'. ft Cotititv. bv IVrnaL I'aiti irk. livin.r ...-ir . . i . , ' ' receivet WadesbtH-yugli, a bright soi i ell Mare, j Jilted :l.irgett to :i i S ve:irs i.liL Khi o f .u ik. ..u .. i.'.i iu, t : rils brand visible, low in to a'l I .". w'tef?,.faru vr. ' rewiy received, fliopes Hanger. , . v . . 5i0 Stp tnoXTASCOBBS. HAS e.mdoyf d from ihe City's',f Kew Ark, New-Jersey, !St Ne-York,i nnniber of first. rate wprk-men, of the -.cvei-n .jrmenes oi ins Dusiness viz: Hocmy.iviaKing, earn i t1 . .m anr-mKinp, i rmrnine, pmntnii' . smith's, who have been ' ' wiint-u oiatea. I ' ' unvadede territory ofthSr " K.ng of S.iain, on pretence & und.r an alledgej ' prehension that the. Indians were about tl nue entsejves masters of.that piovmci; to me propriety of Gk t us proriace , a hostile manner, he should Lt n w enter into ,iia..i..:- ... T. . . MV wuch .f wag the busiues. otWtb aK'fj2 ; -foment to deteri,eBut: i ; of ihj circumstances which followed th,ii;tl Jf cupauon tnathe fished to ckll th .. v' the ouse. .Whenever anotyioienre a ; ituirane was committed he1. r -J er , laced M.auch a fcituatiun. U ahould n,.r !r,i d nd the necessity of the,caie. lt, ' a t ...ne when Copenhagen Twai tan bjlth, v wr.usn troops, irord Cathcart,; w1u . then mapded them, found that several person beW . lug to neutral countri.- h4 Lj ?' - ' d fence-of the ni.iro' onii ml'.i .j iil.-'i-' iT exerted, on pretence Ahat they had no right1 ', . take tlDAIMift aarainar lr. R.u.': iJ 1 1! I th it act have neer agrosa mlauon of the lawj - ' fo atuins? WAen the Amertcan General Jack ; M'.Jecti?, wbw. had beer, assisting theliU." ; -d.Jns jhe bad them brought t6 a CaurUaaitai: ; " and ordered them tp be.ecud.TBere waal- h.uwever,onie.d,ffer,ne betwfe the conduct f these two persorts. Ambrbater did r.rtainl : ly btar arms on, the side of the Indian -aninai'' !flfno T..a !a ' ' ' a ' C. T . Aim wy noi prerend- caie,iiv scwcietiy lusniciKi utlNew Jersey. He, has also el that Arbuthhnr tuil U. .'' ' l J' received fivt. th. Cidea nf-Kew.York .J W.aalnl.i. . 'rV,UWft0t'-'ia .. OWlie arm 1 afad ge it extensive Stnek&f the best and most fashionable mate 1 . .onV ev'eoce which went to show an V, CftQ I June-5 th ' ; .. r,'i' i5tf OA , . . . . ' ' JBLLEU- SILVER3WrH.-IUs'Jjust" received at.nl tXccJlen fwsort'm'ont of JeweJIefy & Silver Wire his near Shdif. oii PavifteviiiA fitf. 1 wh'h kt ffeW Jtai?h y iomm6dkifn'gtenAif.". . v TAKENnp in Johnstoo couhty by David U iitjet, tir little riveptiear Fi Ik's bridge. two jauiig Vraresi to. wit s one ayj botn- hthd feet white; 4 feef If) inches higli tnreeytW old j tue other is a' thesnut sorrel, both hind feet white 4eet 6 inehe high aiitf Stvears old. ' GEOi GlfLLVl jfnhr junp 5 . ;Poand; "" a.N' my pianta'tin; it"i ed P0C1CE t BOOK, Witl) Bank Bills id! ius-HiWoWber' mat haVe th'em by'pVbvinpropei'tt andpaying af epefaei by Applying tothfe'snscrlbef Imag'at Coss'R,Stoifearcbup i?- - ' ...... -J . 1 a . ' . .business, to mrrit a continuance ol flnv descrtraliAn fif nriOi 'Man trdprs fr.l.-n 'j I, w .oi. il llta I'.nntinn.t ...... -nKnlinA ..... "J. ...... . U...O. ...... ! V I i. Kiviivu. , . Hefcrrance. for excellence aud elegance of his .work, and the chancer of the advertiser, is ipade to his numerous ao- uiiiiHutices iii i tiis anu neijif nooring states. Raleigh, PebiHiary 17, 1819.. 8-e,owtf, C;irr Meetiuir 7 . .: .!NE to commenc 8tb of July, on Adam's ' -creeks about SO milea helnw. Nwhim. One to commence 26i1k of An Mist, aliont S mHeii-SdatlV of Raleigh near he stage road ieadingfrom RaleigK toFayetteville. . . And one to commence 12th of September at tlie Rliin4)iw nVeetii'igiOuse, hi Greene cun fyabouri 4 miles nearly a S. -E. coast of Snow Hill,' on the 'road leading1 from Snow Hill to NeHeraTi.'l1 .r"'".-.-' (Af'-"-. o -At.. lt is himMr Wped that tfie'lfnisters dttha Gospel bt 'Christ will attend rioHhe' apirit - of their & ffic 'abd ' the Laity, JnUh- fpirit of ptavtir ifid?dotiott."1 V' J J 1 ... . . rr- --rw mv f wCtiaiu QfllViCn - among whiciv was a anvalUtiaqtity of lead , aad " liowdf.t-. Kniir ,sn.n .f .i.i " ' .:7"' i r ;. . 7 in ui,iiii ,aiuuiiMn 0jAara c inoi iduai beloiigingto a neutral country, nevec " , sas visited by the loss of afei nl w bat.8erv,e4 " " i t render the cpnnuct of fjenwalckwaatill ;" . I moreatroeioMs in thiiinstaoce va&'thSt aUvA 1 the Cfmrtfroartial .W;hich tried Ainbsler faa: ? i sMnk from infi.ctyog oft him tktaewriiipuo',, -" '1 ishment, yet Jackft4id, in oppoaitioa -to th )' sentence of the Couj t oy.Jum m eU al Jit., A buthnoj, to e pumahed. byQsiof l,! ..ItVa ' J f.ir their Lofdship, theji to determine,, Tthef ' 1 i such conduct ad this waactwalitent WitfethejawiT-'' ; ' of nations. , , So far was it rrora being'ao, tire yerj iawa.of the, .United. states decWU.tJji & ' .? uilik kfla .a lU... .1 ...f...L ,i ' ' . ' " . , . y.. y.oc ujrtHicn we ,iwcv, pennons ia,-, qustion were, accused, do oilier pnnishineut , 4 thantbat of finand Jwprf.onmeptcoulrJ.U int; f BlCteu. f Ilere h NohU f of.,therican.Legi.Uture,1jirhicl$ t- 'i at "47 .

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