'THE STAR, And North-Carolina State Gazette. II.VLE1GU, (N.C.) FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1810. Vol. XI. No 10. 1 State of North-Carolina. ............. t.t- 1 X f 1 aw luul v aav fx rw.at vmi ui u.r VLU - - 1 .... a. van, TUltM'i ltr..y iit.uu.yjT. j a., 6oc inM, i.,uSuf , Man nwa a.t rolrt of Pleaa and Oairltr Sessions. . . . - . . ai i r I ...... . . . 1 I- ri - f .1 - . - - - y . . . MH IHV lawn m a wwrm. a" .,.C"tTMl I B, St'LI ST TI Wf- tl f.lD 711 cWrim. T-aai W,.. VltT miointwun list UttBT- l.M-,tttnr4ii. Notice a NiLrihUiif Junt. t.rtt at llw t.ouit.MoMe m 5tT-V , i.n.,j ,K, - iftrkl.iadria til lliC i mi ihw-w. - ha Naijtw Uorapan; IS liertB) r -. . . , t . n. I I II w n m " ' I ' . ...i,. .... ailnoted la tiroawul. tnia i l' ,K,t iU personal altenaWe ! cwny St.ickhi.lder fcaw at Ua)i uur. " i..- j - ' n uiTIt 'BIT, "" uwtvn w Hp Hat 4.pt . ctaaiptrima,, ralbaTttasJIat atXJof a alill ).- rt lu -n, l. i.wUr a ami Star. Maker, t i handy it mi i l.i'c p" I bv beard of hn txriitC Ha- IwgH m c- dr nitwvaj , and mxjr nri-LaWy kerf In NVn m t ju, al,ir U ti-il Wlurr I btirut him jAMtS Dir.n. FrttcT.llr, Jll U, Ul. i-C Cane-Fear Navigation Com panr. 'I'' It- Hliiek lollrr wi tUit auiitfMnT arc nuliccd llil Bndr 1 April frrm, 1819. JoKavMacne, t. JnUn Marnrill Atlaeliinrnt 1ru-H on at hwa lrrd acrr of laml ;mf rr lamri Vl'. IT ap(M-iK lo l)c taiiafaiMinn nf dt ln llt4 Jnlta MrillKe dc(onan, i nm an titlukUU.nt of tlU hl.tr it Ntlirrfnre nnlrrctl tliai ifUblica'CMi niaje in the Ka- : wr iim- inrrf mmiciw, that Die tata ooirnnaiii atix-ar once upot, (he coone thry lite Ukco, lad by pihuting the c i! la tffard time lr relitf l come in. . Fur hr prurci v rmpiaia not f Br on citizcii,tjr thinfrrrj cb&deocebaabei laJ in the abiiiij of tlie bank, to eet'theif enarueuti. Ijat tpeciUtort n Iht errciMOf ntettli, Ki;rn(t tnJ emittrie from fJUJ nit ' wlte intrreatsti well object, ttrtnt to b a,i wrtWiftr V., kii.tl.i 1 u nun "'"Sf'" i fin- . imn ar, ami lh er,VlKx iH 4.1.0. - an ordi r f tlir rmttl at anil iJirrclnn, mi nl irn tlullura on rack and nvn aliara of (L oririnaH u:acriiili.Mt an4 a ihirU inktalntPHl of tn d'ltr fm racl; April S6, H19. Iiitrc cjt nbariijo of iWeruUtr 1IU, at mjuin-H in W tal t i iha I rWlurrT in rvetu-ille ouftr lu lwr Ihcfvfi da f .U:'W ba . aV 1 ..la . J ... . & . ... 1 Wtri'traur, r4lier ic the uni a ill be takra im vki - I I w"-J "r iniiurmne BV priKlOCeU tniRtC I iavl beard eijrlc Ten, TOD U0B1NS0X, ark-iJ-Cra - Notice: SI-n eo-.ai V-i-Htly a.i.uiael i'i lile, d frrliirp 7i i S I-?, m Toy Sve, ell MIT.S of KraLcru Umi.. F Hc..- q"'"eul t,,e JMa i19 Slock I'nr tcrrat, Kinio (, Mf all nkv jti'rt ilriitt U larr rat ck narlU t ( a !l nt'sinriu. I Ikrrvbt rire notice to all pcrvmr m uIkmu 1 mat Ue imlrterJ, llial I am prt'kffd and (Unroui tij' uit mg thviu. Ad early call it rt utmirtl. I Orange cou .'y. Julv 9, HI9. 2-to. TuVAic sale. I at DJllllC auriujii. 100 DlAYfaYft lt WflaYA. Term,n.979. Co'N4 .kel rt. F.li Aahcir, VollVirc nTTYtomaa Ilar nt, awx skeat, WilltNiH Akrfibr rl.it. tren aixl liairt at law .lrial Ake, li e irxl Alim r Askt", Jtnirt AtlMra, HcUy aifi: 4 I nrnar, akul Crrasey i 1 rai I umjj,-r, llenjaimn Atkcw, tlie clkililrm anil hrirt at la )) )anl Atkt-u . ilec and Sll) wdeol La.rence ISge. tVl.iion l'irli r IT H-riuj; to tlie taiitl.rrion of thr conrt, tlk.it tK defrn - ilan(i r.li k.-w, Poll wilr (if 'I lioniis Hair. a Willi. m A.lr I .....I U..II.. Ik ... .1 . . . r .. . iii r ---""k ..nui i , an- ill n siucilll OI IIIIS V Wn i lV XjnilKsol1' '"'"r"- ,,,' 'V',of. SUt.-ft i. th.-r, .,,,-. nrd.-wl tl,ul (...MieatUM he .nle ia i ,i v r . ! . y ". .. T": V'T ' l 'K'1' s,:,rr,,r "'r" ,"0',,, " u " "-y -n-r.t l Ul.Ulkl. (.111. Oil till! niHil 111 ll.C .ill llltl S.lll JlJlt.aiMl I. .1 ...... r 1 . It ai i - - - . ,i -. r . .' . ' - . . . - ' -, 7 . . w u-i rrain m n--inn ior t.il rimiilv, al tlie aiiort-i(lc TlaAKltiVlVi, ' AXUONII P.;(;o-.rr: n.,.S,.;T ..er lo Sul petm.., U,e M be taken .r0 Co,, -h Frt li'U o I'ertee Kivrr, Mooly ii.t n Count) , N C. . iJliLrt Kalt or narroai. A portago will fin a i-miiinu- i hMei'lir'S Sale. h:t,u;.T Ov WedncJj-v t:ic 11,11 da' of Aus , Mtliitko,, for tM)U Of ten to fittceu ton. bnrthin,lrom V at the Coilrt-Houe 111 Rockl-rtl, V keaikorbogh t3 U.e ot Uks fall on lUe Y. km, .ml Surrv C-Unty, tlie f.llowii.g tracts of LNU . n T i m iK heail of Strata l'.oat n;iTinon on ihe ., . . , .,, '"bI'L J lr, prn.mt..,u ,hc tmli of tl.e aetn-rn sold, o, a muel. thereol as pay the feoea. "7 . !.i lll.klfT. s l.ieli mum u-euri- taxp due tliei uli. fur tlia v-nr I HI 7 n-, 1 1. . . ,t i unue win oe cun-"u r : . : , . ' J ' " vsl3 ilnaeeIerfnneDtand extenaive buinea. lit loet v,z . nnuzt wUl be read.ly p. ree,ed au.l apur.Cialeu bj nunuet to Inntairra L- ..... ..; ilia nlaee 'T.rmt of wle A aredit . 12 and t montht be gi W naraUaier f Winf kondt with pprou teeoriliet par.u-wr.j J. L.BVV, ot Co. uctioncer. NOTICE. AtL tkse indebted lo ;he subscriber, are requested to come forward and mak immediate pajniu.t. as . . .J..l I k. MHl. J H I.ANK. WWgCr,nBu.K.. 15Q acrc9g,veIlinbyfctephenpit7gerajJjad 300 acres given in hj John Chcstr, adjoin injHrubfii ftryn'.i. 100 acres give-i in by James Morgan, ad joii.iu I'lioma- Mihafl'i IjQ acres givru in by William Spark", ad joining Soio i.vii Johrisnn. 50 acres given in h Mary Gentry, adjuiniug tleeji creek watera. feso and hem-il rxnm-tc s to t!it.m. Ttit, May 6, 1819. E. HALL, C C. iin.a.a Ai V' anted. joining George D. lialcumb. IfMI jfrj crivvn ill lin Pull' rjr'ilTiii . rl '. ..I-t.. ' " 1 ' O I.I ' btl III U KW.f, . 1UIIU J1UIUIII1III' TWO Jnnrneymen to tht-SuorWon - 1 .... lwin rMvmi.i.-iull a tootr HU IUUUI. . III . .... ,kn.ai Chv beine recoouiiciuled at Hkoer an tngsa.) meet y hh U)rtl and ''Co'' , lUeibAprUr,l8l9. ,s tf 100 acres g'ni-en in by John Holder, adioininrr Jawe-i McCraw. 100 acres given in by Willis Holder, adioi- I Or oale, I 50 acres given in by John Vanderpoot, ad- T KTTEN em and eiglit hundred acres of land hand ' j 0i (l j g Josiah V'a nderpOul. .uMi iwo 1....C. u. v. ...... V .r.. ;.. i... i!..ii... -J" pwportionof tint lamlia excellent low Kroaiitla. The whole , l ng KacllCI Morton. rpot it well atUptedtu tl,e culture ot corn, wheat, tobacco! 10() acres given in by Abiam Hawkg, adioi- nintr Hail Sti.w. A aeoUra I h tr.ct ot mnd eoultl ue oititietuor me accum .;.(. nf nni.liprt a. it cnntaina two nlantationfl. which are it goo.1 repair lor farming, a dwelling house and l I ne- 154 acre given 10 by Richard BcaSlMI, adjdi ttawn out houtet, a cotton mnchin anil wl,i.ky tlittilkr) I nin' Aklllis Ry. Ai it i plumed the purchaser woul.l uh to view tl,e pre ' .,,Veii in hv ftirrt nl n,i:..;,.;n .bote inclined to purchase an.- retp.-ctinlu hmicd to ' o Bi acre given in dj ueorge iial!, adj .lining ll md tee ine. A rixat bargaiu may he hhd hy an e:,rly oainuei ptfer. in ligation. tubruai y 24,1319 J A Hit ATT YLAKG1N ytf YubVic sale. bunincaa, tell illtnut THE tubscrlber intending to re., ove trom Hainan, at soon ' it he can arranee his uutcttlcd 100 acre given in by Jesse Wi'liams. aditiining 15urgcss Leister's heirs, JOilX IVMGI1T, Sheriff. 160 cre- given in ty widow Preston, adioin- ing A nnuel Johnson. l5'o acre given in by James L. Crawford, adjt. i i g I$aac Wuoten. I6.C00 acres given in by Jesse Lestei's heirs, v i.. i... 1.......... .v;it...... .ftsmr.alpablie auction, m U.r pietnist s on Satu.d.v the ' ";J "'5 ""l"'. '''" J Mtaof .lu'v next, ihut vaiaable lot of sti.umi ud dwelling ; 040 ai res given in by Jesse ester's heirs, ad . . .ill, v t t ' ewe where lie How mules, lor ..env oreupieo i) -is lOl'HIl" J ttiatlian IJalt.ill fi.. .I... .i i I.,...-., i.., ....... r..m v J vwiuiaau iii una am 1111:1c ia n ,"V,i nimc, wiiii...iiik, m" j CAfiTeiiiem nxiins, ilh a snaci us gHrret and gootl ci ilur, a ell of excellent water, and a gnrtlcn well Innl out, rich uml lw!ttriTt. The House mijlit, with a trifling exwne, be Jnwlta rommwliotts tjoxiiling house, or tavern, Inf either of ttoh it it w eligibly situated ns any in lite pince, being nenr Jie Mrkrl-I loose, and on the main street leading from CiPtttlo ll, tomb eastern part of the state, ami to stone's Millt, the present bead of navigation, antl eontequenlly has ti grtalttt protieci of rapid and valuable improvement of any nartof Raleigh. I'erto .t wishing an advantageous situ siioiioftfe kind, will lo "ell to view the premises before flic day of tale, at which lime the terms wilt he intuit: kuown. JOKLHROWNf. ROSS ft I'ARSELEY, Aucuoneers. Wj;li,.lur.e.S4, 1819. 2C-lds ' tne same time there will bp ll for cash, fi-om 12 fc li ilmen Wintlaor Chairs of different pattern. some of nich are elenntlv trilt and oruainented. At n niitive sale lll hp Tlia.l.. n...w.nn ... n..r, dif ..ink nrll.t... t Itf ,1.. Act ' ,4'ttlity.) till find it tlieir intereal lo attend. i June 7 I . f 9 f (in IT a K Hsjorou2 alcadtmN'. 8 the preparatory M-hfknl at ihe 1 iiivet -ly of fits tafe, has :tt the ute exammulion wlmllv ccate.I, in coase- qiience of the tlecleniinn ot tins Hev Aha. r V. Clo;,ton, 10 continue any long. t in the business of tlin.t s-chool. The ra cutty have tateretl into an understanding will, the Reverend John Witherepoon, superiutemlant nt tl.u Hillsborough Aca t'emy.and with Mr. Itogers its prineipjl teacher, in concur rence wirti its I ruiteei, nt conbeijueuce ol winch this Acade my will lc hereafter consiihred as t 1'repHf.tory school lo liie Universtty. lu puisuancc of tliu arrangement after the public examination of th University wai.eonipleUssf, the Fa culty proceedeil to HilUborongh lo stteud the .asnunl exami nation of the Academy, agreeably to previous Appointment. The ex iminatum beg.m on tbe 14th 01 June, and was finish ttl on lite fnlioinj ilny. Tin: number of students in the Academy at this time is fifty four. i lie public examinations of the HillsbnrongU Aeademv, will hereaftor be conducted in the prescnae of the fteulty of ibi.' University at being uuder Uteir immediate care, jointly with the Kcv. Mr. 'Vitherspoon. Their tessiont wi'l close, and their examinations will take place cnteraporaneiTUsly. The plan of education is precisely the same ; that of the A ra demy being modelled lty the Faculty, expressly to qualify its students for the classes of the Uuivetsity. As the fneulty will be prcsnnt at the successive examinations of a student in this Academy, and participate in the formation of the re ports, such youlh as pass regular and approved examinations on the course ol slit1 lies here, will not be called to renewed examinations on llie same subjects when they wish to enter the University ; but will be at I in U led into the classes for which they shall appear to be qualified hy the examinations ot' the Academy. The youth who shall be placed at Hilisbo rough to commence their education, will not only enjoy these advantages, hut the benefits of a healthy situation ; of an enliHeneil and polished society ; of boarding in good fa milies upon tlie most moderate terms j and of being called to a regular attendance on religions instruction and public worth! p I he Faculty in their visit at this time, have had much sa tisfaction in wituetsiiii the order, and correctness both in scholarship and manners, to which this school has been form ed by its present managers. Its Trustees have given evi dence of practical wisdom, in their appointments to the offi ces of the school, and in the trust which they have after wards reposed in unembarrassed and sound discretion of those to whom the business of the Academy has been com mitted. JOSEPH CALDWELL June 0,1819. S6 8w N II- The exercises at this institution will be resumed on the first Monday in July. Domestic. ce-i2xeauvs, Jfl AN be had at the house ot the subscriber, v5-',a Holiday, tne 17th fnst. and every thy ' lll'lllttjinr. t . . ,l..nn'l, . 1 (. .. ...... n i .. . .... ''til tan, .t. e n -i .it i i ' 'pHE Subscriber informs the Citixens of Raleigh and its , Jji ten it, Jbe.Evening. Also, Ice ny the bushel . I vicmit, thftt hc glml, emiliime t0 Cl4rP m the -e husi. ."FPOUnU. riLSANMA feCIIAUl. :ncss, during bis staylnliiis place. Those wishing toy Supply KaJeigh, May 13, 1819. 20-tf H IXDSOR CHJlft MANUFACTORY. BUFFAL0E PltlNGS, Mecklenburg County. Virginia. inforni ht-r friends antl the at my abntj nt Una lime EU-! June 24, 1SI9. , TRU sulmcriber beirs leave to Tii c,,'l",lrile i""'1 aeeping a HOUSE OK EN'l .ur. i at this deMraMe. watering plnce, the ensuing nratr. Conaidenible acoession of house-room has been "jlc to this estab;i'!iiu:ut stace the aat summer, with w hieh ?'? uf effi rti ti please, ah doub'.t uoi of giving general sa Jl'iseUou to a ho visit thosw piingt. w hether lor the beiic ' f'be WHtr. or for the enjoyment f sooicty. The efflca 1 "these u stirs, inmost iliaenseSk is so generally known, Stli-'' tleemel' UnneoeikSary to jay anv thing on the subject I !....... i .t...'l - .. :ii i, ... ....it .i i.:...t...n , uiDinKlti wnn viir hii ic, III 110 urn lu wan f i.a miui i , , - . lafcwdiKirsesst ' ihe Ma.ket-House at the sign of 'figure land fiat no course was presented, ave : Hope, as I am determined lo sell 'ow lor cash or country pro-j which has been adopted. For a JUStificati ; duce, l also will turn columns for porticos or porches in the i neatest and most approved style at a short notice A sample lot' my work may be seen in Dr. liurges's new poiUcus, and JOEL DROWN. 26-tf. ... . , .,4.. fcUaUtiETH bHEr.U. i HAUK, naif of horses ami a Careful Driver for hire Ba Als", a Gunboat and sin, Enquire of jje horse. WILLIAM SHAW. A Ji ' wUIeman who twk fr;n MrTCornbs's shop the 1st. it n "v"' thl" f'n'ct,P"-0"f' wi'l oblige me by returning ut if he itdetrrminedto save inc the exrense of h- t"r? v i"' b '"'"b 1 iuteuded Jet him call and Uke the o ' ti.L. ."'"!', ns they are Valuable bouks and nearly out of rm i 1lty llK! !trt ,bo'd be bcoken.v 1 also wish to .(, "'d ,l o'- ho have hoi-rowed books of me and foreot- ther l''tun, that it would be well to do SO now, he- 'to tie , "H:I0,, "PM volumes, they wilt please semi them c store imnuidiaUU lest ther-flgain forget. . .Wat diiiJB'l rARSELEY, aVoUCft. ""plfE subscr'.bar hns received his supply ot Spring Cootls, His assortment U vry g:nerr, consisting of stupid ami fancy articles, tools and materials suitable for the different meanical iirofessions, a ne it assortment of ladies, t.tntle- rtieii's and Children's Shoes and Bootees, and most kinds of liroeenet, (spirits excepted.; 6t bar Iron.' He wishes to sell his goods lor c'lsh, or ot; credit to his punctual friends, as cheap a? iiy ol liis neighbors, and will be thankful for enoou raireiaciit. . WILLIAM PECK. Rnleich. Mny ti, 1819. Vr 20-Sm P, tS. Thusc tn nrrearf are renpeotfvllu infurmed that with QUI CQ-ieCitonv mu utuafiettf muiH aevcry eroutf fjjcwp vp. TO THE PUBLIC. The Directors of the Nashville Bank, having determined on a suspension of epecie pay ments, think it. due to tlie public to declare the causes that hate impelled them to the measure. They are well aware that the course they have taken is an adventurous one, and such as will nxit meet the approbation of ail ; it is sufficient if what is done shall aid the interest of the community, and save from ruin many individu als, who are sorely pressed hy the hand of rois loruuie. W"j;en . howevyr they reflect, that a large msmVr of citizens of the first respecta bility, have appealed to ihem, and urged the a dvption of the measure, as tlie only one calcu lated to-relieve against that general embarrass ment and distress which prevadei the commer cial world it strongly confirms their own opin ion, that something was necessary to be done. that justification of the course they have taken, the; v appeal with confidence t the candor and liberality of. the public, resting in the belief that their reasons in support of the course they have pursued, will he fail ly considered, and he duly appreciated. In adopting their present resolve, they have been influenced by no personal considerations, nor selfish motives. It left tisf.be guidance ot those cold blooded feelings, which can witness unmoved the distress of others ! If they had pursued a course calculated to sustain the re putation of their institution, regardless of the miseries that the community might suffer they would have adhered to the policy of redeeming their paper, while the. power to do so was pos sessed. But when they beheld themselves un ceasingly pressed on. and every day that pres sure increasing, while to keep pace with the demands made and expected it became necessa ry to call upon the debtors to tlieir iristitutk n, no other mode could he discovered to redeem their citizens from ruin, than to determine at our count y, all united, have affiled the belief, that eve-y dollar Uaad is innoediatetj caught up. and returned rt the vaults for payment. 4 Hi Is and nytei at par in the Atlantic cities, be ing at an advance of four and five p r cent, and silver and gold !anagcoiderablepmi.lIl,. '. hare rendered it ogect for mmy to nflerhirt : prlcts fflrTeBMMt.Mdi to erljV , genu to ride through the country asd tun it 1 v up. in sucn a suie oi Hum, tbe notea of hm- fe d j Dank of this state could not e kept in drcnla-' ' non.ano in ninety Days it it betirved that. tn fuetalic capital resCmg in the ftate would have been wholly drained away. In such a picture ' who canuot see the consequences ? Whoean not imagine the situation of the debtor, when in. t ie ahfi uce of all the specie of the country, h should he told hj some remorseless creditor" fiat oothing hut gold and silver would be re ceived in discharge of his debt. Under ittch circumstances one thousand dollar worth, of property would be sufficie. t perhaps to pay. debt of one hundred Hence the propriety, naj the necessity of interposing some relief until . the agricultural resources of the stite,iuUeo able the pcopl to meet therewith their, debt "' du-tothe Eastward, instead oi discharging them as must now be the case ia silver-ana S gold. How the distresses which exist havs been, brought upon the country, is not material toinV fjuirc. That they do exist is most true and that general insolvency must ensue, without remedy being applied, is no less certain. . suspend specie pay ments, txfi 4 under that secu rity to enlarge their discounts, and to flood the, ' country with fresh emissions of paper is oot ' intended. It is done with a view to the tafetr 1 of the community, and as prenaratorv to T finally winding up their business, a coursa which under existing circumstances, every atatav institution will of necessity b conioeiled to ' ' take. What may he the effect of auch a state " of things, what evils to tlie community, may . a. rite, when thoe balances and checks, hereto fore existing through the state banks shall , be swallowed u , by that Institution whose capi tal is in the hands of many, who are regardless " of the intarest.and welfare of this nation must be left to time to disclose. In those states where hank creations have been carried to an a larming and dangerous excess much evil has . been fulf, and it ia well those banks should be destroyed. Here that baa not been the case. ' No state in the union has perhaps in this re-" Y spect been more fortunate than this for while ' others have created them without prudence or reflection, this has proceeded with much can tion ; and indeed nearly all that have been es tablished have beeome branches to one of the ' , cider institutions. That our banks have, been faithfully, honestly, and prudently .managed, and are fuily, competent to the redemption of their paper is certain and as Confirmation' of ' this truth, no hesitation is felt in exhibiting their. state and situation ; white the public may rest in confidence that no new issues of paper will be made different from what would be done if specie pay nents were stilt continued. For these considerations we have determirl. ed to suspend specie payments, and will con tinue that suspension until.. a meeting of th stockholders can be had, which is requested at V.j the Banking house in Nashville, oq Salurdaj the Slst day of July next. - . In the course thus taken they have advanced with hesitation and with reluctance, from an ap prehension lest public confidence might be sha- -ken ; but they could perceive no alternative M-f: was necessary to be done, or' or calls uuoh ' their debtors unavoidably to introduce distre$i and ruin througji the eomuiunity , . 7 a-1-. SllSPHKIN U AiNTKELu, Pre$'t. JOHN II. KATON, A. FOSTER, GEO. SHALL, JOHN BA1R1), E H. FOSTER, W. B. LEWIS, 9 JOSEPH WOODS,, STATE OF THE NASHVILLE BANR AND BRANCHES. o IS- Specie on hand, . . Notes of other Branches, Kf;al estate, ... Notes discounted, . . Deposits of individuals, Notes in circulation, Capital paid in, , Balance in favor of Bank, 8264.744 It: ' 43,118 62 . 1,7,578 67 1 ,596,75 Uf' 81,803,154 03 . 667,1 16' ItvjIr . 994.50 CO .-: r? Si.875,'o3l.7Iv , 817,562 S2; FARMERS AND MECANICS' BANK OF NASHVILLE. f.. ' . .n;. . v. June 26. 18)9. Tihe public, have already been informed ol the 1' TV r V1

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