.... HYaetUauj" - ,lic(jti uA Ilnr iVf Mftirt " .it JranJ :f U Prov'tnnmt . . i 1775, (Ciatihued.) Y . 1 VltB'ti Sej S 15 CJa motion, Ordered, bat the Hr. "Mk. I illo, Mr. Uakcr, Mr..'llina limey, Mr , Ni1IUrvey, Mr. GrdJv, M Wi'sin B- i., M ,J. 8ranerind Mr.'MhrbU. n ! " Inv toahnrnt tMcartic l.um llu tfincc of r?a cr perwtifcf belej thereof asiJe, r tf. IfStien: legtit circaantaicre made appear, Urc i'jJT livee niertwr of tat Com mil' re tS CMistr wUre lie shall tie apprehended, r toe nea'C twa, orh ueron ' ill Jbj tl aid .VJrruHfi ot Committer, Cowiittetl ! tU (l 1 i-f H dt.tnct where ihetflnce it .: r . . a. , . . I. I..IJ. t - i . 1 : Vf e:t x. Trie R5 wra a, , ,V ' i'srh. Js 4!iat tiatt nearly f ll a-j Prof-tfar MaiakSAAijfvV. mj, t dir.tiw. t t e sWe, Tkts pm u at jl"po'Unt divert, re bis fn the wn, , 114 ti.M caiii lertd the fct, becae to ,nt-;. tf tiectrk'tf, ati artlGdt! j,, Cunt had rendered o e atial service te-itatm, Waic liffiitf 4 light -wifSmt fcu the luw-.b3i iht of the Dake ml err roach Tbe electric ?rk s.trrad anJ me'thd ia.. '.d at by all t j.e hu' minded Caliliis,,ntanumbe. Wift uneof the eUcriiaI michkil I iS. ' .' tbe tortrrea. tt , i tin faotiuc, Oritreii, That Mr. WHr Jones ; ' lr. Nish.and Mr. John he, He a c-muut'ee nf i'.U MDrrrti to mal" an araiemcrt l ... . "j .. . . .. . : - . jrdtol fin'td,l!tere to temain tt&til te wh wsrt; aware of Ho vr5ceb Lch tlhad) h ea eai'y b; lighted, wkh tirt i, if l niii.ii'ceof aSe!f hr e. toeen nUtnI. i uifli txixntc. crut . uie acrusati-u,aul li it iu:i appear n!pn4(j 1 rC4trer, a jmnt c'ipruiii; all the lw .l 'C thjt U.tre i uirieut jimwf in j U'U in pv.ier of iVj Fio.ida be lonjin j to t e c v cttin, Ite aaU be re warded prumi. j crow.t gf Suaui, and which nad not been mcljiU l.irra (o retvain un'il a cuveuii;t iv.cr h I . n t,e (trj pitceiliii' ir.thit.' Thi hroid t,ai 1 s, 1 1)' 'tjU"iiHfu I t hi'drms; a..l wteTr.uur.g Hi-Ut, I eepi:.j rant wa received by the G an.'. Pricr ' nijri I'MPJeumi oCiU e:aounrn.ni oi a ijo& ai ujruaus arc btpu," to b felt. nn'ti-r. to l.e cntitulio(.al itfidt i The mantH, wSich hj jmt ncmnr rd, iwitincat ii inu h inoie lively taau U w :.J.:n mor.f. 1 ho bfpyefftti oCik! Ii'-r t'tfure usrd in all capiul rae ; atx! i! he . iliontewen for th aaelty ! the pmu.icr, and j conieid on urh future hearing, or dee wiVi nurpriae nd jeai.ut iiidijnat.on, but V-ai and hi friend endeavored lt cunri'ice i I fl- I 'it r report their Moceet'ini ta tin cre'ei. : i Vimrt'tu: Ordered, that Mr. bkirMier, Mr. Btarkej, Mr- Caswallj Mr. Thwma ' t Veraoti, r, D-aik, an. Mr. Cmir, be a coiu. : ..ynKlee of Waj a aid Mraa,atid thai ihev make . '" report of their pn-eeetlin. Mr. Caiwell,. from the committee of Wavfe ',. tnd Mekna, reports I a follow s z , , t- That it i the vpittiori f Jfour c inmitf ce, that ' ' t the"xpencea of the lOCo'n.ea t be rsisid and ta!J at'tiia vxnence t tlie conlineMt. nu-'lit t 3 .a. I n tj nn'it", oi cbaiiei.src nwe lnn :r i t j'tif ihc peiit Jur),he ahall sutl'tr death a o Felon. .H!i-t t e bent fit o t-e'r. I"ut il llic a.d e Minjittee tliS! b? of ;t:ii .n that eie i n t t-ilh ic ut r.iot !octini.l h.m.he a't.M He diciurged ; and the n ri is wliosliull h w couiuiit hi ii "hall take Iiccls-uit Uleaue.4 tn them that thi rural duatnm wa nfttao much lulendct t make the fortune of himaelf and his 4svKiatei, a it w that it ahoutd operate a a "rami ( ;micai coup or mat against tne Exe cumi'e: t ie wi! uesCi, a tie'l lor ,.gint dim, intlic Fluridaa to dipse of. The F.ichange continue in the greatett a-iuV tion. T"" new baukraptiei were declared te cut.rc of the Unified rfiatcbcca j.e in the event 7 , r "er0f f cn,; l,!.., u;Mi , , " , ,l"eT Sbanlcrupfiea and unensiun of payment. ... ol S;ntn b?i;ig olied tocedc the aorerei-ntv I . r' r. ,. aim i" nil! 'Bin Ul KlTt ,c a'lic Ully prevails in the fund, itardlj anj buiioeu uilV in;. ..I" L'l I.. .1.- t' . . . 7 . ' Sill iiisrmums, nc BKirg was Geiermioeil the ; YJiinn;Mn ij eminent houid bare uo sail t' fcp;rar at tite cameling oi t'.ie and ci'iutoittce ot silctr, and tive teaiiuumv. Jleso'.crd, Toat Mi. ftiiiiuel Jhnston, Mr badfiaTcd outif th fund provided f.r lliat ."-'C asweu, ir. uicnaru o,ae-i, auu wr. Ir;v Knox, sliall, pieuuuxtr to tlu-ir taking - heProvi:icVilConres,oiuclitnicerathcy, un them tne tru.t leposed in them br the a-'-Jaiv.ti i.u..u.w.'flB trWt.;r HKl.OtrtHlullara ii-1 bore resolve, enter i-to bond with swod 'and J w-:.f-i. ,.n rr.fl,erTiiUi tl.er ma r be ttu'Twcut icuril-, in, tiia ikm .' lO.GqbLiWticIa . -I. 1 IIIJllMI 1'lltllC T, C41HI IU IIIC IIIITIII IICI I'l J "; ' That" it i the opinioo of vour committee t() irjvmcial cual, fur the ue or thi pit i r60.OO0i.ba emitted in pai.er bilis of credit, to i ""t! conditum that khail duljr u .d 'be applied UAariJ defravmr the expencc of the imtiiwiiT necuts ami ilischarge the saiU tiuM Militia aid JVIinute Men, l:r purcnaain Arm; "-r u ,l' "-""li " nd Amoiuationi'andpavh- bounfce for the' ;nea "? of ths emigres: W'uit-h : l! bond shall eiicoon 'eiueot ol Manufactures, liipiess ar.d1 be ,0u5td witli the ptovincia, cuuucil, and n atiKar f!untm?encies t this vun to be tutik )va;Clle," "icic(i(. the couUition. thereol, tny taiot two hillit.gs every Year on each taxable oe l'ul ' t recoveied to tv-u,e d t. ':"t.erori in thi roiic?, to con.nifi.ee lor the And il any of tue com.i.i.aione'ni ap- i Year 1777, ami i eootiuue lor seven year .fter! pointed a ato.eaid should die, remove uui oi 'Jutiitt.tucea.etit. " ta? rr""'", o re,- to a , the kurr,vms com. , ? ). ... , i 0?V'Ii f Ciairman " iionei s, r a magnify ol t'tem, ahull iipjiuiiu (K. - i . M. ' . . . . . . . . I fit ie or armt .r. in li i rii.nn i,l him nr llnm o diftg, rcmoring, or lelUcii. ; aLhIi tom ni'ti Ji'cr ur c ra u.sione-s o appointed, khuil e.itei into 1 1 & al nesaid : And i-u;ii co.n missionei siul!, t;o(ure his enteriiis into cilice j ' "'. ' J. Orttrrftt, The'said report ii lor furthet- con. "! t t i. ,: aideiatiotu f Wkdne dat. Sent. 6. 1775 i v - !ite$olred. Ti.kt Mr. l'enu,Mr. Harnett, Mr. ft- i : in ft. -' i'l tvr,Li, if. n Mr l.nL'o ninl Mr P.ni- N-' - ."niitwa toreconHoend proper persons ow...g oa.h, to w,t, i I . forcominUries-for Ihc several troops. A- dVs'll UP; ., he ho! i V: Tb7.rV!aid onn,ittCe retu-nei,. and re- ' A'-S 'T oJ, t.ut I v,li, in c Evangelist cous.'(Uiiice of ported thK gentlemen i.ad offered thena. l' Us . '' ,n m Vh Provmc. Con- candidate0; . hid, they r,,u.ved ot. 8re" ' l,'f v'; Uithlullj execute the .-Lid recommended that tKe house should make , a,1,e thal I u tiot.tanip, a.gn, o. cunt, or ft '1 1 fr s.i I . . E j Il i ' r rnUtee of tne whole lloue tomorrow niorf i: g, , TiiUkfii)AY,s.pt. r, rri. ' jpurt oMbe mnimU'eft fwns nd meant, came -v'nto the fofl'iwing renutiuu, rjx. Jtfsnved, That .'a i-u'n. .ot exceeding 123.000 ollail, be emitted liy this Congn in bilis of , 1 Veteditt for the defence of this colony. . '! llrtilved, Tliat this Pi ovincc' be pledged for the reileiiiption of the bU of credit now direct". ..; . el to be emiit ed . ; " 7lf$iAoed,.Vhat the number and deuomira- " j tinol the tdl be a folkiwn, vt-z. Cii jed by tWsaid toaress ; and as soon as uciili i ai u emitted, :iiat the plates used iu siaujung the sa'iieshjll be destroyed. limoioed, Mm the 'l'jeasurei be allowed, for i t ceivmg and payia avviiy lae said tali oni per ceut. r.i':f.:..ir. r K- ..-......iL.n.pn fi.r tl.at Kn,i,ni57 sultirto t3 aUmucj, ugaea, or c ' !" T" w; r b Imitteii, more biiis than such as luve oecu des- '; . . " .i . i i . . I . . i:...t f... 41,.. i MTi Al CUinaiU aiatiaiui-, voan mo'i iiwiu (iHnittee upoint,td for the purpose of pre- aVinjapUn, tr ihe reflation l the internal ace, Order, and Safety ol this I'rovinee, and : makinj rich arrangement in the civil police- ot '" thi.; Province. &c. laid the same before the cob .'4;. i! .u ...... A '" ' r;Ufde'tt I lie raine oe cHumm-u n cum- o (The IbUowuig IrttiTis gt-ntmily Mi)K)rd lo be from gome one ulUuhcj lo il.c iiiiimli i.t jfaiioii iu AlMiriu. in ici toi'Uuce it. ibeicbv. ium-Hitu.; - XV MJOK, SEPT. 4. Extract of a letter datea muund, Jtug. 15. The organi&atrtin ol Uuen n!as in the interior ami t'e Florida question coi.iiiiiie to he the cliitl (iUlijecU ot convcrsalion in the public cli cks ol the Spanish ia;ita ; mticcu. ti.e latter a! u art.'ids a gooil sliaie ol amusement. The piota aud under plots that have been interwo ven in tus diplomatic latce would eveu excite laughter, I, tor; a inomciit it hci e poiole to for. rfjf)'aet Uiegiave pt-rsonBges that fictt-.n a,' part in il, :2U.tl. , lhe haigam. oiigipall intei.ded by'. S,ai;i to 40i 0 W her debts and make the !oriunc,oi ,a lew 80t0 'avi'i ites, has taketi a lum, ceitaihiy in t0.vvvay i(X)Q exccted when the lirst i.egotiationa conimeiiC' eu, ana tne King's c uiicelioiB beiu to e that while their calcuialtoiis were luiitd,' tiieir nias tef, ahiiouh feared by ion. e a a despot .(lor I can assure you so many Jate ba.iihiuenta and impiistiutheit have liail u wn.deilul cft'ect at court) will be jauglied at by the enlightened pan ol his own subject, owing to the caprice and weakness lie has displayed in this alluir, though by oil.es he' wit I be deemed a clumsy juggler. ao-nifaiiy new circumstance . date turned up ' WW'. f 4Q)Q 40oO 1-4 ef a D 'lHar, t 4.-. .t ' l;2V UoUar, I do. $ Dollars, 3 do. , 4 do. 5 do. .8 do. TO . do. of the . 16 000 0 000 I.COO S0.00(. bilis be as '.iRplvri, Tint the form i' ? i,' ' JNoit'-Cprolitm Toner ry. ..':' ; " Jo. . D-iUra. ', "J1 This Bill etititl jhe bearm to receive ' Spanish niM l I) A it. or the valueTiierenf in . fy. la?' 1111 S4 JIM T ' ,' i mii niuv i"i uui III! y - n.VM ujf Vir 'iiod and. 3.Vvifr nccording t ffle icsotutron of siuce 1 VVM,.le Jrwu- tat I cannot lesisr the ' 1 the Provincial Coi-gn-PS. hrld at llilis'iouli ! temptation ot guug n.y j,en a littU lat.lnde, at TheklVf ilar of Aua-t, irr.i. J Mqm whefcier oriioi my Tetter may -reach 'Vv, ltenilted, That ivlr.Ts'aiiiuO Johrtor, Mi.. )'00"' ( Mi i t El'ff t i.'Pi'hari. Alasy eH, Mr. Ktebsrd ;iV li, nnd 'Mr.AndreW K.aoj,';rtl.e -i.rMvis of, them, ' xfj'be acodttr to-.ipr''cr T.atea engraved, . Ind.tu pip-o ie P, ithd. io agi e bit an tn I T,lvtr, tita&ijp 0' print the s;u! bills,' a;id to ltfin3evice ' w tiie aaftie j at.d that they ,be, indare hereby fully authoiiz d to. supvriutefid 4' 'Vi the dressy to1 liare;ihe tm'ivight atui caie tJ jfP f,, atainpin;;' or, pjintiag uie oiii-i .cretiii bo to w V- be struck,- and' tu number 'ami, ftign : the,, sao'i." j 1 i, j hi n' i't.;r. nuinotrg auu Mg-iiug inem, snail f j p '.deliver -thVftame t. he Treasurer,, or nne: of ; ft '.!,C'M taking' liir their .Pceeipls f the Rills A ao delivei ed t And.tiiut ther, be avowed Ihe'su.n : i4 .f rtl. rU fur uih service, f ' , '" V 4 ! ' A ..r.... - f tin cum li . annV- hw t ' ' ; '. - ,',Tat of2l. Vvevr Y;at; on. r'arh' tax-blo- par or e ii-4r. 1,77, In the mouth of June, last jeir4 Ferdinand lad the satisfaction to learn that the American cihi.iet were apprised of thee token of royal munificence, and by the diplomatic intercourse tita i mneiJut dy took place, he also discovered that mvteis were asumin a serious aspect lie t ierefore louud himself constrained to issue a royal order, in which he laconically states, that " for imperious political reasons he rerokes the cessions made to the three individuals a bove mentioned, and command them immedi ately to give back their grants." 1 ne count Puuuo iloatro and the treasurer vrgas promptly acquiesced in the decree, and eturned to the king their grants j but the duke D'Alagon, who in Madrid u considered as a cjiii.iug old fox, ventured to remonstrate with iiis lord and master, and stated, that a an a s;ent had been scat to America f r the puipote of tie! ling these lauds, and as bona fide sales I. ad actually been eti'ected of part thereof, it was not possible to revoke them v thout a breach of good lauh, that might affect the national charac ter ; adding, however, that be would suspend further saies. Ferdidaud, who is not in the habit of allowing any of his courtiers, even those who have mo,t witnessed his foibles, to disobey him with im(.u mty, iucimatcd to the duke, that if he did not conform to the literal tenor of the royal decree, he might calculate oe incurring his utmost dis pleasure. Thus, for the present, has terminated the most curious a Hair that ever di-graced the Spa nish court. A splendid fortune would have been made by the above named individuals and their hiends, if the grants in question had not been overturned by Die royal decree ; but the ob jects of the king's intended munificence are now viewed with Contempt hy all parties. Some o ter strange transactions in this mysterious af (air, of winch we are yet to see the denotement, shall form the subject of another coiumuuua-'iou. BNT3T OF HUNT IHTO MAXOHl'TI It. Jlanehmter, .ligusl So. . Ilunth retnrned (having been bailed). terday bc dined p. Pi ettoh' and slept at Ka. -i ton's at the Swan. An tmnense crowd fiibj,! the street in the neighborhood, whom he aj. ; i!reed. I ois inormnr, about ten o clock. W T left Boltoa', and as the Ohterrer" had an.: nnunced that he would make his entrj abot 3 o'clock, the population were in advancet meet him for mere than 6 miles a heavy rug which fell did not disperse the crowd Chip, ; man on horseback led the march Hunt io th lidton coach, in which Knight was a!?o 2 500 persons disputed the honor of performing the office of horses- Sir C WoUey and Johnioa followed in a second carriage, and Hunt's f rant brought up the rear in another, to pis sing the Exchange, ITint took off his hat, aaj raited a shout of joy. He did not stop io town but went to Smedley, Johnson' country noose,,' where he now i wilh hi junto. Notwithttatidi ing the had weather, a or S00O persons accaav panied htm ai far at there. ? f- Houlogne, August MS The expedition of 12 sail of the line now fit. ting out at Phmoutli for some foreign destiov; tion, has given rise to various speculations ai to its ostensible object. A letter which wat re.; ceired this morning from one ol our correspond cnts in London, well acquainted with whatpa es there, states that it i rumored in the best circles that this tl. et is destined forliarana, that the government declares' that whether Ferduf nand ratified the Treaty for the cession ol tin Florida, or not, to the United States, the Brit ish are determined to hold that important post provisionally as a security for the West India possessions ; that cautious policy alone has oV layed the aailing of the armament that aa soon as despatches were received from the Brit ish Ambassador at the Court' of Madrid, Lonit Henry Wellesly, the fleet would set sail. D spstchea from his Lordship were momently aJ pected. 1' f z. 5s. i fi' '' in' thisProvii;e"teco.umence r0i iImi; ' , and to'toutrn'SaUof'1 wri Years., unleS' '. Money ViouU oe aeoner sur.k. . . $ ' , , Ile.so!vcd, I'kJil if any pr'ii.m thaU rcfiseto .'IreceiTe'the PJlic )U) f ciedit by v this coti ! , tress directed yjbc euiiUcc.m payment, of hih debtor ueinatm, or uaii reiue n yve inriu 'Sjietlfuily di the aid bi,)!s,v f ;. credit, or sneak disie'sui or snail, vlier a rtaier um! toeaaui unu u; V exchange "thaaUt4h' i.atft'tU tor a rlcirar", such person MJI'i(.ltt'ted ai aH enemy tr,his "i 4 v,'untry, ih ii is .ifcyuimvuuni i'i iiirmiuiMii j vr .ki' "U...i.i. .. .4.1. .... I .. . l i 'il V I'ini G(ronr. The King g ii'A ag)( (a grtat. 'avoiiu, and" here consuls tflasone l lhose obhtquioi appendages necet aary at'tW Covi,rtt young- Monarch fond " tne tair sex y a t,i act; as laud with boundaries cleiiir.y dfiae!l, ii Mast Florida, of Mhirh. flili ' ' tecu'iedol'cou'nterleitiHgaltcringi'or. erasing,! no,' regular sultry h.d beeh ii'iade,!it' waa. ta- . '""'afly bill or biU ol credit i f this Trovinre emit, I atirat sever! loillions tf acres; i lu . -I Atitf thli Proj'i.jice t't .UVe no, lather, coi t,-- V" tccton or dealing 'with him. " . ' ,f ' Uotvtd Tliat : where any pei sea' shall ho It IS nOW aSCertaini-il. ihut na ennn . '41,4. Spauish cabinet Had wn made acquainted with tue decided agd aug,y lauguake of the Ameii- can secretarv, Mr. Attains, and had taken au op portunity to dehbeiat on the reports of. .Mr; 0,nisi?i wucn" the king was told that the A,mer cai.s insisted on the payment of their long luutstandiii-; debt, that possibly they would ;en iice it, una.bvsidcs aid tne" outli AxnericaTis. it via rcaoivcd to act on the advice given, and at ouee ttt make a transfur of the Flondas, whilst yet somethii.g c.ouid be hadjurr t:;em. and. be t -te toey weie &eued by force, lor ir. t'lnii a-Viied-them tiiat no further fWbe.irancc could be expected io. ii tht:Vai.nigtoii goveriunetit, a u via then constituted.' No to.Mier was this point settled, than the king was informed tliat the ttaasUT.'uet.id.-spayinga debt and stopping l ie i!i;ium of the ooibte.ioui, unit ,.bla-iiorous A iiiericuiis.bHght also ue used 8 a ineuiuin thro' w"ii.i n, iwuiu uispiay iu, ,rovai Oiu: iticcr.ee' tn some tl Ins ioa. lawful and deservine un. jects, iht; bint vv laK-eu.abd inc u.setiJience ;hiCij:a bl.04t Oiiiiiiitt liiay 1,0; , be Ufiaccenta- hte. ' ' T r.i ' ' . . ranted to the Duke London, ffeptenoer r. We understand that letter are m town from Cadiz, winch give ad vice that the Uritish trans ports, chattel fed for the purpose of joinins the 1 and expedition, have all been discharged Can tlds be owing to their being no longer want- ed,or is it because B' iti-h seameii cannot now be trusted in the projected undcitaking ? Time w 1 LI shew. But it we mistake not, the grand; expeditiou will be broken up piecemeal, in the same' manner in which it has been formed, and add a considerable sum to the national debt rile hire of 36 large ships, which fir nearly 8 mwhihs have been doing little else than bask in thu sun ii the harbour of Caiiz constitutes not stnalt item iu the general expenditure. Extract from a letter duttd Madrid, August t2 u I perforin my premise by communicating to you thetienouement of.an affair to which I have already called your attention more loan once.--The treaty. between Spain and the n'ued States for the cession and transfer of Kast and West Florida ia not. ratified., The King gave in his final determination this day, and it is aflat negative. My calculations, therefore, have not been erroneous. "All the political cir cle here are occupied in speculations on, the results that will follow this determination u.f Ferdinand. It is not known what course the United States' minister intends to adoht, but he will of course follow the instructions of hi go venment, who have had sufficient time and am pie grounds to prepare lor this alternative, even by what niust have reached America before the arrival of the U ai net from Cadiz. He will ndt, therefore be puzz'ed as jif rite eVent was . UBer,; pected. It is said bere,Tfiat a vessel b( war from the United States is daily expected either at'Lisbon of Cadiz, anil sjt ia presuined shells coming for the: express purpose ;f conveying Mrr Forsyth home; ; ruf; -VA , " As I barf! just said, many apcculalipna are afloat Ttie'jtdvocatea tor thVgrartd cxpeditiop at Cadiz now bein to look blue, and you may depend upon it Ferdinand will pevei' ver.ture his grand all at se t, (ill he know what line of poii-i cy the Wa&hitiirton CabineC will adotiU It is confidently said, that the 5000 troop who late-j I.. 1..4V rL 1 A t-,: . .. ii v. ': . ':t . Iv left Cadiz have not gone. Jto Havana, but to B j l!loridi,il so? it woiild eem t that hi Cathol$ Iheu-ol tlt'ce rpectai g -ants' w.r irlade. of Mjesty is re'soJyal4n.maintaia 'uitlt the Bwo;d every inch of Spanish America ! ..... . Jlfadrid,JIu!rn$tMs " The Klnfr has dzftnUivelg refused to raufy the 'rrca ly wi.h the' United Quits' loetlie cession qftlie Floiitia. I'tjo period i'ued for 4he exchange ef tha ratifical'ioiifc eijnred yestesdy.(Ouc Cibmet lias. replied to "the A liieripaR AImUter,hat ln lijljiny wts under Ibt rje Density of obtaining tui'lher bif vrrnntioii relative' ysii ou articles of the ..Treaty; 'and' that for this purpose Ins' 9 ;9JlJ aib...l .1 .1.. a i. .....2... -i .; Ii . .4. .- tfjBijr jWwiai viiyu.ci icri;u i'j jiiitcucu v v4tion aroni the London Star of Sept, f. , " Policies were tli morning opened on the Royal E change to receive one hundred pound on paying twen. ly pound, if war U declared beewot-a Spain and, the B nited States.) on or 'n fere ihindiy two month,.'. , JStw-Urltanst Sept. 15. , ' The United States revenue cutter LoUwiiqv captain J Loomis, and the Alabama, also t'rt ' venue cutter,!' which were latelr built in Net Vork, arrived at Ilayou St. J jhn, yeitcr&j.S having ineompany the Spanish schooner fJuV? mena, winch they'recaptured from a pirileM , the 29th ult off the Dry. Tortugas. Tjje is also brought in. On that day they fell jnwitk j an American schooner bound trom this port,oV: hoard of Which the pirate;had placed a1 niimbet -, of Spanish gentlemen and ladies, who had beeV; passengers in t!ie Pliilotnetia. Fi oni' thelifin formation, captain Leoinis supposed that tlij pi? ( rate could not be very ditantapd dctenprptfl to look cut for heir. Eight hears afterwafrtej'; accordingly, he espied two sail, one of whiefc ; stood for him, and on being required' by captain of ti.e A'abama to send her b.oaUB board, fired a volley of small arms : ahe'w soon silenced however , and taken possessi''fl $ She proved to be a sthoofier called theBrtVf,; fitted out at" Nw-OrleaHf carrying, twe wl and twerty-tour men, and commanded by a ma who calls 'himself Le Fage. Her prize'.thePhi I tint en a , wai about .a mile astern during thea fiobvbut was soon overharjled nnd re.capturtd. In the slight contest, which preceded Uie cap tute ol the Biare, the Alftbama hsd four vf l'r men wounded, two of them, including the first lieut. dangerously--the pirate lost six meet ktlU ed. The remainder of ier crew, to the tium b'er'of If, were safely lodged in prison lastelw ing. Tne Bra re had on bosfrd a nnmber;? Spanish prisoners, who are thus happily rete." edjfrom a captrlty,-which n'toHt pfobdbly would have terminated if! theyltad. not.tal.ten iu wJ, the revenue cuttei t by her, being conipelM to walk the plank, llie piale had a '.prititett. cbftVmission, the date. oX which was blabk fjgl" tu uuumeit, governor 01. icxas. . A passenger 'n the Emma who cor'eJ! with Cftplain oomirstateil that-: at the Mb" the aliove pratev9'i'piQreU,'liQvbad.no(: W irt pbasesion of herlfepatiisb .prize oiigeuoof iQoinmitxte.iiiiiraeea tliV passengf w iiicii 4veri! iiirKaifiitwi. mil n;in nci iiiiiuu i of riearlr all Their clothes. The' ni.rate proached with p wem .n,ith)a pistol, shot 6fj u' . cuiier ucoie sue iireumiy jnrceieo-tj . gutter wet-e wounded, one'ol them, it vaV ' ed dangerously. '' Tile-vessel had boen e T,'m , ;XVe learn, t by the sfrve passenger, yt'L-f' piratical, establishment M -ai ratai , ...1.. 4i. '. 1. . iJ.i.....:.,i. Ki Isi" '? t afl At t MlPSir WUUIJ ULIUUIIT IL IJCI'S'JJM'I nitlCUCtl' U V aifalllD. 1 .ol.4k.na. 4IiA .vMM. j U.xAifh; it cm' artV-fV tun -'.- 7 ' If SJ VV I ' 1 ! . t" O .. . ' ' I O . I Jtw IICIILG t IIC it CLCIil K X 1ICI t i LEU Ulf IHIW.1 v M it t d.U-a.WnfiliAiiMft im ul I i.i. ' riiiric.dV'k.P hiiur oiift ill lb hi.Wii 1 ftarK,jA u.,.-f t lw J- ocinana , i m exiraoranury tenniiiauon U;..v.i ...... i Yi 11 hm sw.;".M'yu. rAw' ismm:- i .n- it-.K.w7.MWHii,whtil.'i Win' 'i-irii.MiM,i(ia,.4ii4MiiaBi , ,. . ,rr ;. A- " ; .T" . . v ." ...... ., I , . . r , i - . - f.;. B . . -; f " ' : ' -Zt-.S-. Jt rr-, .tpr, jrvrfTf-M v.- li.... , ' M L