r , - wr . . ... - . - .--..- i a an r' r Nortlt- Carolina Si ate Gazette. U.V EtUIl, C.) ITalOAY, Dl&UMBBR io,'tai9. voi. xi,; "TTl Arid 1 1 ' nil i in' i.i.iiiii1 aai THOMAS lttfM)EBO.V,jr, UrtBI, WMIU iTlettW TIVao ratr a picvttiesi. itittit. siree, tsn hi ia? M - lJ!I7.rr eT iessMwwxt.x uats istnT. ittrtt TwtTTT-rtv csst T77 Notice. '.vrfB eta.-ned I nm AdWir TlTtS v Of JW. BUekn,.., dee! at Oie iVu-.ad QeTlesi-, eM fat the thirty ?,r'fZ,J . rd. to raak immediate MVnirat, Assist - w:-jjssfc srr: ft it."'. Public Notice? wnWUAHTttk appointment by the last will ecd PWeflfthl-it W. BU.ekni.n, dec'd e he J, coart of PI d Q wrttr -rwiiwn of ih nty lKfMtrflW'" 111, Hir M .-HOr All Cc them tlKln the time pn imbed ky U.. or tby W. ASHKORD, Jf ' HowmberH. , ' ,r Notice. r.lV- k Mil im Mm MHX3V i4irtk lOaWl U U.b jfl on Ih Iftk 1 IM yrtwt nvntV TVr ftropenr, ..1 Ul MtKi rrv J . P ITER 8CCG. S'uf 1 CrrnvTi, ISttC,On 20, lllfl. 4134 41-9 v. - viw, .Haw ... w . NAV7Yfroni Ui iwbwiber in June hit, p- herATf ",w"ie'J,,K,"n,thllphourl",lt0r ,einP,0l,l "d SUrtto, under h P.Jty JribedJ,L,g , . v- II e r , ... . -TCn t,a, LIMB or ten doll.in for both of raid ppre .tk, tnl Mouaj of J iUry next. LoterUinment . 1 N SMI T itFl ELD. TAVIv(fWMti ike FvyiMwof b TAVERM SmiiiTKU.Iiulrcc:.HlM Mr. I be oo- d I'O IK of tatrrUianMut Inr l rmdlm nd odirr. fee Houact Urc 1 eonmoioiu, Ht iVfr ill be rod iMiheoonuj ff-H-. A purtioa o piuui pairopags U re ' MMetfttHr taUaHe1. " C. H. SCOTT.. SUkitb&Hd. Nov. 0. IM- . iv pHETmitrer harw etp loywl"Mr. Ui'v-n Hoblelt.of fw.Toe, nj pvfkwif oft'nion Collrj, stie jx-in-''"pal of lhi liwiitud-H, for thr cnanng year Hr r ommeMUd 10 ua in Ut laott fltttehrr term, by PiMUnt Kuoll, proiemwr Xle'iley atMt aetemrotliert-Jurtite Nie( la, . foriitorlf of Virfinu, bot now of Gt-aeVa, iu N. o k .vlio hal bad a long and intimate MqaMinlanee milh bin. re ommrmlt uim to u a 'every rj qualified" in (lixthrge tint datiea Ue baa uderuVrn to prrfurro. lie aa rrg-j-l ftr yvara aatha I'riofcipal of the euemf at Genera, aort " quisteil it ery much 10 the regret oi hit employ!, n ao auuiit of hi health." lie lived to vettf in th- fuyuW ot Utit Geotlenaatt, bo ailda M From the Academy and my hne,he baax-nt a ii.iibtr of yo'ig men to College, bo bare Wiifviuly obtained the itniion there thy expwtH bare progretied wi li redit, and where the? (tve graduat- 1 T it . 1 - 4 1 t, cu, iiave invariHui' vhuc qui an.img inc in uimv . The Trustees with t employ an atristaiitin the Male J partmetit, and aoiiotl lietjti. lor that appointmei t. 1 ha Fcma' Henartoient will continue to b - co dnctH by MlaUr.woll, and M J.Io-.rab Mih Mitehell ol the City of New-York m-dl hi e chrgfftlie Musiexl depart me.it, Tliia Uadv is emineutly' qualified .to diaeharge the Juliet oonfideil to hrr rbe fint caav u of the neat year will commence on the i NOl'IC'R. I lAtun of ' -hat nam, aa Hxremor ft live urt teatanrti Alaey Eiui Wri 'letraarv!, rtaviestf iivtebtrrl to ee'ate, to tm pftiM tbeir eadetaw mJl'W inmeUiate pywrli fl ! JMtrmM fvnrj cataMath tntdjatinot mycUUm or c-atna aru i-e. U do well t that be m mimetty a,) H teaeb ai Um 4&vfi brrnf llK-m f irw; itl duly utHemiri'.eti, vithin ttie tiire ' brhva nf twrttAai rrwrvd far dU aliiaaina itf iraiiali.. prr cmra oj an act 01 uie iiecerai ar muiy, wtncrwite : " 11 w ww vmiiii U Mlice will twf pled 'ar thereof i TbT hrra idvwiy frw wffiamia a4. mm t.ririi tar Uayarnod Kmr 13 id 9 f-.1 a. Sheriff's Mile. meiniUiloipiiJoontyorewnui J 8weiiatbatlrtt,k,B ". ... -r Both of the fboTeapprartieea were bound to the Tanner rfCoWilrtd. BHUBAL GARDNER. , Ktrrember SO, , ,-3,, ' 8tate of North-Carolina, Lincoln Couvtu. . 'IbjoortAir Coar of law, Oct- brr Te-m, 819. S I KPilK.N K.SNFED. 8ecV. Oxford, Oranville Coanty, No. SO, 1119. 4-4(a. 5 The Petersburg Intelligencer, Kepvltlicao, and kich mond Rtiquirer will inaert the above, four weeks, and for ward their bill. tsbevifa Sale N'OTICB it herebj given Uiaton Saturday tba 1st day of January 1820, at the Coutl Ilooe in Aabvdle, butf ; combo County, V.O I h ill expose u pnblie tale t'e f;llow ie trct ot Land or l ' timch thereof at will aatiafy the pub- . - . j r f- 1 . ... 1 11 - a v r.. . mo , ' Toree and AWewiony. , 'o wU : I'.-.-earinrtotbeaittistaetiooofthe Court, that George Two thousand nine hundred and three aerea, in 19 traeu, lri nrndnt,iiiiotaninhabWantofthtaatate ; lying on the wateraof Mig' and Utile Ivy's Kuna, Beaver 1. H.lrr VrrH bv 'otirt. that tmblieatioo . be made Uum and Laurel Crecka, the property of the heira df I ho- reTw ueltefeS Supe. OWaerealyingoB Mud Creek, the property of i.me, rVy. ,r ri- tn he held foe Uneoln (kmnty, at the Holland. - tJXTxZZ i rjZinWL on the 4th Monday after the 4lh 640 aerea the property of the widow Glat ctw. lElrln Marah eind there to plead, an.wer or 10t do belonging to the heir, of A. Mabouati, dee'd. ., ukrr.iu it will be taken aroeonvof John DaVia. (Tl3iMirJlr Wit., lAtumi Hentj 400 aorei in two tracti, Oa the water of Freneb VY"II.L be tolil at Ihe ourt Kanae la Neaberv., flaror " davt'ii- h ft .lamiarv rl for tho Uxrt nf IMC Six huitrel ami f.iry a. rp raT land. pt. i.tNl lv TlmoJ.y T-,. the Norih Mih-f Nruar Hirer on the brad ut Mcc.f vr wo ii.uku aa wif, mm m iqc i-xn mm 1 1 1 i 1 -a . '' rTIU. be sold in the titmi of MlkeWngTi, avt rb J trt Mondir in r'ebmarv next, the lol1ciag traeta of Land, or aonmah thereof at will Ve raffieienttD aauaty the T.i-tra due tbereen for the yeir iiOrre!yinon tba water of Cob Creek, given la by Charlea itcyiialifa. . 50 jam on tha wlteit of Cab Creek, given la by WftUm L-inad'Two. 600 aerci arfjSnln j the lao1 of nrnjomin Martin and Jnbn "ale, given in in thew teof Henjamin Hcnvlon. l'0 aorea ailmtning th Undaof Jacob Bionegnr, given in by Br.ijamin dama. 50 hci es lying on Flunting Creek, given ia by Anthony Haydtn. 0 aeret 'ring on the water of the big F lkin, given In in the name of W illiam Priao. Tuos. wrrnERspouN, si.'r. rdkeborouj-h, Xov. 1, 1 819 4$-i0t Prte Jdv.k- State of jNorth Carolina Edgecombe County. . Court of pteas nd Qartr esions, August IVrm. 1819. Ettiahft. Am-wm, the heir of Benjamin A manu Petition for partition. , (T appearing to the aati-'awtioTi of the Court, thai Benja. I rain Amaton i not an inhabitant of this ttate : It ia then for ordered that rwblieation be made in the TlaleiRh Star for three month, lr the di-fendant to apprar at th next Court u be held for id 'Vmnty, at ihe Court Houao in Tar borough mi tho fnnrth Monday' of November oext, d , an. iwer tn the said petition, otheewia ihe same will be take) pro exnteno. and beard cotparte aguinit lnm. rem, js. uall Clerk. 40-5 vi. Pric udv. gs v 1 be TrtMeee. I .me huaelv Iran the kawWlfw4 IwahbineMof lb 4c,!aaM.f boaH, tb oaaraUrt cf rta tahaMuwta, 4 the King eaaeriaaaa of Mr. iALLZt that they will bw UberaJfw aaao git. - . . -. -v rborxgb.IW .-ftWwts. .'- V'- lyr4 U pi't- n prebwiuh d rfeirvtry of V-r J-mei Orr, r afpv4k- bow, a bowl, 15 jm of g-. ic was avn to m r-ribo Coant Coort f R11 Combe. and ha aWnqdad. fbe aha -wtA iaitt b) giren to nj person io Wifl dt taad appitkJa JOHX MtX.CHX. Ofn C a iWifix l the abe- L,v t-y -anil ountK&co m i ttie Oty of JUleirU. oatbw UU ioat. A f.vTt4a ,u f tr le. ' , Dccccahor, 10, 1819. 30-lt. OKtho tray Dock of ooooty Mtbtlftk. ItuC f John Airbed, jr a aorrol taara of the followicg aarip tiea, vis : her blad feet white, ball hoe,' ppoei to e twelve year old, trae feet ! iMhew bigb, aad may Be Mlled bJud In both 0)a a pjirawad to twenty tloliawa. T UIL4J AKU, Uaager. Kovembr4, Ull 49-o Sbwltr t ttai. , ' ' tho Coort-HooM Will, bo poaitiwlyreold ander Smithville, Uaneambe ooatr.oi 1 fbmnry nvxw, or to mab tbereot a wiil bo MtBaient t pay the tax doe tiieroon, for tbo yeir. Itliaad aoMI of ad venmog. . . - : v 1000 aerea of land Iring on Town creak, halflsgiog w' th estate Of Marxarett Ann. . . v iiO on do belnwgin' to the ettat of J00. MaekiMry. .' -''t 1940 on do joining Tho. LTerxd, belonging 10 JW, on Ixwkwood Folly, near the old CoVVHobao, W longing to fcli L4U-kiu AUo tho followlag lots it ftnllh 10, to wit. . ,.. . . , v , . lot Kb. lr belonrinr to Jane WUkkm. r Lot, No Sand 6, beloodneipg to fjtepben Copei. :' tad$ JobnB.Garoaahoy t!t.A r mmiA 1 :u. at lineointoo, o we Men. aVifteTthe 4th Monday of Sept. A D. 1H9. aod kithe Jkk tear of the tudeDeaUenee of the United State . '4S4mp. State ol North Carolina. t ' Fra kiin tounty. fjoart of Pleas njj Quarter dssir ns, Septem- -..,.. hp'r Sfasiorvn, 1819. Tilliam Fams and Deborah hi wifc, v. William and Tho mas Amdcl, EXeatorof J.ipW Norii, dee'd Petition brUgteie. ' t. iT appearing tothe Mtltfaation of the eoort that Robert Por- rit, FanneUNorrU, Eliaabeth Noirria, Wro. Ilartsfield, AuVv HartsSeld, France HartafieM, Rutha Norri, and Ea tta Cpeburch jii Fran hh wiie, defendants in tint peti tion, are not inhabitant of this Stato It i therefore order attk.tnnlil'iAationbe mado in the Raleieh Star for three week, for the ttid defendant to appear at the next Court of Plwsand Quarter euion for the county aloresaui, at tne tonrt Houie in Loulaborg, on the second Monday in De mber next, and answer the tald petition, otherwise the ' lame will beUkan proeonieaao and beard exparte againit Test, S, PATTERSON, C. C. C 4S-lti Priae adT g J. Broad Ri ver, the property of Da vi1 fate 100 acre tho property of AHenTwittr, C r. 200 do the property of A bait lorn Blvtho and Mai- tera. a00 do beloneinr to the heirs of John Miller, Dee'd . London Made Cloathes. ftp Subscriber respectfully iulot m the Gentlemen 'it rf Raleigh and it Ticimty, that He haa taken the fce formerly occupied by Mr. Joel H. Lime, and next dWtotheS ore ol hit. Atfred Jones, on FayUeville Street, where he offfor ale the following assort meat of ; i' '. '.,'..' WEARING APPABKL, ji&t Imported t Among wlii'ch are omieof the-finest Quality, and mJe in the most elegant utd fhiooljle tnoseri which he . , Wll.t. SELL FOR CAH. Al Ira it nn third invtr than the customary price for , " tach trtic's. lio lot:Biclt, Blue, Olive, Brown, Greeh, fcc. Itc. '5fl urtoui : Blue, r rown, Olive, breen, c . i 50 F.ahtoni!b:e Frock. Blue. Brown, ereen, olive kc. t - 400 Pair Csimere id Cioih Pa,nt!4ojns, BUck, Hie, Olive, Bro we, Green, mixed, etc. c. . 1 10 An Worat. d. ' Lambs WOOt DrSWerS ' Slid .v'.; , , , '.VESTS; ,f'50Rrtiind -br)t Winter" Jackets ; ' 'lWIr:h Ltnen Shirts. . ' SO London and ;NeW-York Dearer Hats., ' 3 Dozen Si'.k Umbrellas. 30 Plaid ('Lf.filr ' ' . v 50 ite ir-sVin and tStatil Great Coats, and ft variety of flthin-i.rlii.lM , ' ' -Also an -araartment of Boots. ' , F. FOLEY. '. JJos-eroMir ir- . 48tf" , fTW wWibet having obtained a rstKT for a UlseWne ' 1 ffti' armdinff l '.nrn. with ne witbont the cob 1 now Ollor em for tale wns-le r Kts. or the mem tor tne county, , ffay nmberf wuntfe. The MILL Uof (it Iron, and , ?m In motion by Uoro or water, and will grind with one knar. , tumeieniiy aire, ""to, rrtMri thi-e tnSve hmhela rier 1 hU Machine hbn found by notual ' experimetit to, nf 4Tra mi .lu.tilaMinu0 .ml ia attended with a very VM saving. Any lieraon dposed td ee the Machine in ' Prtion: miv k, mtitl t eallinv at tli Uble ? atd it OWF-ttrla HnfAn Sa!;h ftuntVfcew wiihlne to purchase, Xa-xjftput4by applying t rx i Ha' ';V ? 'violf ifrXL.F-sO.Ksleigbi. : i ' v . ' iivttiivmii'vv U.Mlnnt. Nevbern. 'W. vj " . THfi TMni. Merchant Favetteville. ! O LetterscTiraeted to either of t nbove Gentleaen, or j ubteriber at Raleigh; will b Uoly attended to.y Vew ltwg auA. Medicine ftlorfe, In Mow Street, at the s.oi.tf lately occupied by John Kelly. Esq t ajfttteviLe. BOCTrNORRIS, 1 ESPECTFCLlY inform hi iriend atd the pnblie in m general, that he it o opening a vrv Urge aatort- irn nmoyhii tiuMl taiea on anV orthe abnv). I.nri fnrtUf, ent Ot IresSl UrUrt and MeillClliea. wllieh B Will llltpoae year llil, they are reou-sted respeetfullv to attend on the , of (nr ,'ash or ' 'o"ry produce, on very reasonable term, day of tale St thaw receipts, otherniae the land will positively ; Having teleoted every article of the best quality, he flat- be sold. Skirts Of" 20 fc SI . Dee. 1119: 0t: Nov. li. B B ATTAIN, Sh'ff. .ANOTHER .SLJ, VTOTICE i hereby given that on Saturday the first day o . January 120, at the Court-House in Ashville, Uun- eombe Count, N. C. 1 shall expose to public tale, the follow ing lands or to much thereof u will lie sufficient to ttttitt'y the Public, County and Poor faxes due thereon, for tho vear ISlS.to wit : , 100 acres, more or letf , the property of William Franklin. on Laurtl or the waters thereof Lewis Foarre 60, water Rim s Creek Thomas Ke 350, waters of Kim't or Pint Creek . Fox VV illiam IS3 acre Foarre Colin 170 do on Kim't Creek. Jame Bo)t SlOdo llnghey .laioe 11)0 on Rim's Creek. Thomas Jump S8 acrra, 00 French Broad Riven Win Pen land 150 acres, supposed tp lie ou Kim's creek. Aaron Freeman 200 acres, waters of I urWy (Jreofc. Picklesimer John 50 acre, taxes of this, lor 1810 &t '18, suDtidscd to lie on the watortof Nw:ound. . r. . I I . . . 1 . titenneu Koger tuu acret, tuppiwcu 10 ua va ua i aim Creek., William James 60 acre, Flat ot Spring Creek, 3 year taxes' due. , Coleman Murray 82 aares, water t Ivy. Win . tlobards, r. 100 acre adjoii.ing the rands of Ro bert Kobardi On Ivy - Robert Kobardt, ISO aerea, local wtuauon unanown. James John 185 neret, water Ivy. ( , Jaote Doane 50 acres, Warm Spring Rod John C.Doane 100 aerea, adjoining me latter.- John Walton 0tt seres,. 2 or more tmbts, W alntrt Creek, Henry Frank 150 acres, Water of Ivy John George Ml do do of do, , Zadock Holcomlie 50 acre. Ivy . v John Robarda 250 acres, - acre adjoining the land of Job Erwin, Esq. bu Ivy, William Crsig in postesuoi, . aort'a, n -w.icr. t.owiuunu, o.iiuj. I firs nimteu to give aausiaouon, a no tn meni a snare ot pub lie patronage, which lie will endeavor to deserve by unre mitting care and attention to basinets In the variety of articles which h off r for sale are in eluded almost all those which are to'be found in the United State, in a druggist's store 1 and which would be too long and tedious to enumerate (; Country Practitioners wm find it their wtereat to give lum can n assortment ot rateot Medicines wilt be al wavs foanii in his store I'retcrinrtons prepared On a short notiee with proper ii rections lor their osu Genuine liqunra, to wit ? L. P. Madeira Lisbon, old Pott, Matloe and irave winet in bottle. Pxtrth proof Coe niac UraniJy, Hollanit'a Gin, and spirits will be constantly Kent on band An assortment of Confeetienariet from the best maoufaeto rie is also offered . wholesale and retail. Perfumery, Pomatums, t-ologne and all scented waters, ami a variety ot articles tot tn touet Best Musiirooiii Ketobnp, preserved Ginger. Tamarind and Lime. Lime J nice, Oil in bottle, Cinaroon, Maeei Clove, 1 baaoud. Cream nats, Cl'Oeolate, Raisins, mustard. Cayenne . . -Best Maeoubba end Rappee muff. 1 Mo. 0, 804 14 tr r . 61 34, 14 and IS 80 and 3 , 8,81, 31k 9 i ' st tt Eatatwof R-riadle. J,V GriMetU, A. U,llpen ; Coo. W,tttttwiB..V . ueo. ijameron. Kttatfeof 1L Toomci. . A.Bvrcwmer ' ' reWUarmS. . Estate efOllrv!" . . Jaa4 Wslkwrw . , . ' Jon. F.Bnrs-win. ' A. G ALLOW AT, ShUt;. Pries ad v ffi - t btate pf North-Car idiaa, ' . Johnttn Count. . : "; :--v- Court of Pleas td Quarter 8esions, .Noremiv ber lerma 1810 t1 ' John and William Wellons, tx. Daniel BlessOriginal at- Uuhment levied on two lou ia the lawn of SmUahaid, ew lOSaadNavlSC ". - ' .. ; "5 ' " 1 'HK defendant Daniel BU ss, bekvg rod resident of thai state, or so abscondi or aonseala biipsclf thai the ordia. . ry process of law eannot be served upon hiss It is ordered she Coort aforesaid that pnbnaOon bw nwf for. thraw months tueeeMivelr In the Star, for the said defendant, , to ap pesr at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions .to bV, held Ch; aiklooontt, at the Conrt-Houtc in Shiltbfield. ett '. ihe th domUy in Fabrosrr next, then and there to hew cause d any ha baw, wn .reior said iota (bail not b ow deraned lor the plaistiB; reaofieryi ( - -. Witnesa. Kausoia Sanders, Uerfc 1 Mid Court, at use tho4Uaoday ofnNovember A. D. 1119. ' ' v ' 50-Sm. Prlee adv. $ 8 58.' ; : 4 - 'V. ; J Kotictj. jt- vTbnradat the 13th of .lanury next, will be toll at th ' I late dwelling of Mrs Either Blaekman, drc of Samp. aA t!nuntv. all the neriatiable part of the ' Katate, oonsisfinsr of the erao ef all) bimll a considerable bomber of fat Hog, r r ... rtt l, 1. J . 1 . ; Stock' Horse, t ;ttie, oneep, noutenrau ami ttiienwo r orui a credit of six mouths Sufficient security a ilt .be rinirwl. the sale will continue from day today until all - - -j, ' m - , if , - i. HENRY BRYAM, Adm'r. December, 1st IH8- Having eniillfiedM administrator to the Estate of Mrs. Esther Hlaekman, dee'd Notice i hereby tfiven to all. that have claim aeninat tX F.Ute; to present them in ! time Mush, Pau,)u. Big and Llttla Pine CitWs, belonging to and form, id the will ho hniBediatnlv discharged, and the' heirs of Kobert Campbell, dre'd. , ' those that are owing the said Estate mske payment with- Stato of Nonh-Caroiina, , . v -JoAnston (bunt. A v ;; Court of Pls and Quarter :bgiooSNoTcmber Uesry Gny, . Daniel Blh--OrigiAal attsehmenl levied oil two lot in the town of Smhbleld, No. 103, and No.' liju 'riUEdefendant JJaniel Bii being non .resident of this A Sute. or to absent or conceals himkelf, that the ordiasr prooetsef law cannot be tarred ttpon kks It is ordered by the Court atoresaid, that puUlioatk: be taedo'' for shre) month ueesively in the Star, tor the said defendant teap pear st our next Court of Pleas and Quarter lesstona to bw ' held for taid county, at th CoerUIonae m SmirhiUtd, on tho 4th Monday in February next, then end there o shew iaiiae, b sny he has, wherefore said tots Shall not be condeannedfor thplaiiitifr'reeonry . ,Sv -.,. .'--v n:$.1'. 'W iuits, Ransom Sander Clerk of said Coart at Office, 'Mb , llK UMuiif NviHmliM A Tl - laiO. . . .L? 50-3in Price Adw. SO.Sa , ' : :-.;.v-r' lW 78 tracts of land (lyig in curious part ot saia aunty J containing 3463 acres, the property of Zat-hariuh Caodler; I he iKf'iim these lamls. due lor the yenr ltH7. : Wm. Neighbors 13 acres, oh Diok'a creek taxe due for ' 111 only.: v , . Jeremiah Davis' 96 sere, ocal tituation onknowa taxetj ofllonly. ' . , , , , ' ' t , David Ganter 50 acres, situation unknown, tat for 18 only . Joseph ltobin. do . do do tax ior 1H7 aud 1818 due. ApU-Caldwell 100 do do do ttxforlSll. Lewis Ball 850 acres, in two or move tract, lying on or near Freneb River, below the Warpl Springs. 1 Ifanv benoti. or nersdn hsve paid the taxes on any of the afnn-ald laud,, an exhibition ot their receipt or reewrte on or before the day t sale, wm oe tnsnxiuity conKierep a a distwlofAealeofsachtamlat wy expenee. 1 ; B. BH11 TAIN, Sh'ff. ,, By Bal. M'Cluerre.lp'y Sh'lT. , Novembtr tl 1819. : , f 48ts. Price adt. gr Tf uveilers for Richmond. (Fir.) lialetgh, out delay. Tlcoember, lt 111 9. HENRY BRYAX, AdmV. ' , 304w. Ci) "c. S'c 4 from Philadelphia All! respectfully informed, ilwZ most exrieditioos, arid th . 'Notice, - ; TO the Overseer of the ritngt- Kod from Raleigh, br STew-Hon Brldee, Haw Kivr,i Pittsboro, Randolph ! Court House awl Salitbury. I hat unless they d tUligeqt i ly work on Said road, and keep them in good repair, as near f agreeably to law as pnttfthv 1 will p the law n fore -gainst :ich of them ; ftir as they now are U h) with diffioulty that the SUge can pass or repass, ke. . , - - ! J. LAJtBji - Randolph County, UeeV 1st 1819. : 0-w. s .... 1 1 . I, . rgl lit S ilo, tq cUwea consignment, a few piece of iS Cabinet Ftifnittireof Ncw.Yor Msnuracturo. Cpn. ! sis ingof LSi'le lioartl-i pair Cwd Tahle-ii.1 CLw i Ten Tenble, 1 pair F-nd Dining Table,l Bureau and ' 'w. l ,.t T.. Tnkl.. ' :M -. '' '.-.' . I, N. h p.irons)esirott of purchasing Furniture df the crieditioas, arid the cheapest route from Pbiladelphfa to Richmond and Rifeigh, N. Cia through i.ue City of Washington , ' :' - . -v, - . . Tbe fare on the route la certainly s good ss can ho fottnd on any Line in -the United State, nor hssthia Line been inwrruptedbya single fiilure, during tho summer. Passengers go South,' from Washington city, erery day except the abbaiA, ' bat th ntit.' th ar dtvfirirt ioii wiUfnd it to their adrsdagr to aall as they, will be sold a vefy, reaucefl prices ior t,ua or approved Bonds at 6 Month Biiirenf , 4 re - ' JACWBTAN WiCUNEt, qr , s ; '' ' f U0M A8 COBB3, - ' BLANKS FOit GALE A V T$IS OFFICE. State of North Carolina . t Johnston Countf p- -.vs j; . Coart of Pleai ; antt Qairter Seliidn8. ' Koii' Vi:-"'.-' ' -Termi.1819.;':'''' Hardy Avira, JopV Sumtw AttseSmenL ' 8 a inner and John G. Golly eummoned as garnisheea. ' IT appearing to th satisfaction of the .Cenrt that, the eV- fendant Joseph Satnner, resides without the ttate, or ab ... iconcll or conceals himself o athe oulnary proses Ut Ifsf . eannot, be serveddpon Mm t It I tiierefwe ordered that pnb ' IteaUon be" maeln the Raleigh irtaf for tlire months, for : ' the defeadant to appear at ear next court la 8heM, at thV Court-Hons in "SmititAeWort the 4th Monday;, of February , : next, then and ther to anwer. nlead Or detour, or ittJem eat will be taken pro eonleto a t fcUsWi't;?.5.-?.. jfir Witness, Ransom Sander Clerk of said ' Coart, M Cfficrf,;'. th 4tlxMos-ltVrwD v. - State? of North-Catplma, A iTciinnimiin ,n ar, towtK" T. v , ' John Smith, jr Christopher Haftms, . OriglaT (w taohment levjtd on a tract, or parcel offends, sun posed ttf '; ' be eoOacre mere or lets, on the waters f utWli,)4 ' joining the lands of HmvI Mo, 8n'r. aad ether. -f' ' I- T appearing th satisfaction of th Court, (hat th ' daw1 ' fendnnt is nut sn inhabitant of this state t It 1 ordertel that publication b made, ais week in the RaUlgb Star, that', Unlent the deiendant appear al wr Omrt of Plea and QiSarw y ter Sesslrrt'b hell fr tji eounty of Granville, aj ib f- Cottrt-Uouse in Oxtord, on (he ii-at Monday .'.of Jebrusrf -next, and replevy, plead V Us or deroar, " ClbrwM jodt. mentw wwi wtii up Hirm up anrai aim. .) -:y 50-Cu.rricaadr.2V- ml sV w L ir ft 1 HI' 8 1 i t r i; v 1 If! P i: i; 'it ! -t , 1 S 5 I'M .11 F a Mb m li It !: t: I- W 1 i 'V. 1 ;i tj. ;::l)-: .. J:: l'V;T- am !Mt'.'W-:-'i'r ... it PliiUdelphia, Oct. 32. 46wi