'ca-"s' Lf - 3 W&JAM. r: mdMrthd&a State Gazette. ' 1 " - T . : m kvIlUUH, (N. C.) KUlD VY. J.V.VU VnV 7,18t0. VmI. XU itHs Hi a'v " - II , I II I , . ' srHUOI. a.vT cm I 4 Unlet L. f ,dSt .......a lor .--- . . . , 1 r ff Vv ----- . . es. .Ml 4iM Pnger. go fcUi. - a nouro. rrWMM4 Waaler Sakaa, WWW of te.nMM, &t t rn, 1119. tHrr.l' T Tltla 41 Pr. for CuU r .1 ..1. .o.l tiricen I III M v ' .. f U Boad. .t 6 Mom.... T-Sbi TtlOMiS COBBS. Notice, Koi 50f- u k 0.1 ' "7 mt. the . . .v.-. 1.. 1110 JifcBw. i vrTk r.:i 1-.' m Jul iBiitf' inn imi -bo il"r . "V..7JT j . t. r.4 IuLm ItikA. ie 11 IUOMuE ' .-, . , Cheap Crocker? -iai4' Gu8t Bfore OAS no o., h..a t lue rc -upiM T illicit tti nJ white lo- SUiuasul :hi. u"e4rt t) iinon WtM ufil Ut jcrpiu.iu, Blue fuy twiet lu, Blue ndli'Cy Pitehe. ami Pieut IW Wttuet, LuiUriB;UiMiaoffctiot i Mmi -ul vxir Uiidi.TatrbIer, Wine J CirtJl Glati. Uirtic-cootrfw, t'lteticr, Mugv aui '" eull at die nuoret tore, U en iUi.lMsif U . ... t 1 " - - t. u do jomin TV UTrrtrJ, UloligVi.j la io. 1 . t r.u 1 tU Mtr.iits lot" ta tMU- " 74 V " :H It .! m ji - - f U CI k . t) ilelii Hueacy. l.e kiUi'Di flu- fr.WIUIIl ,rr . '. , John W. VN rM, Tn.-a.nwr, Ti.yetteviU. O1 JOHN CLARK. Prrft. -W-tiH k7th Jan. Dc. $.11110 4"H. Ce. John W Cirnc!. Tmv of K. Fw-llrj; J. VV t-riMrtU. ' . A. M llvir- (ieo. V. Bi mi. Ceo. Ijaroi-rtiit. ' oOl. tMiacf. A.n. looifctT. - . Mkate f OlliYcr. Jaw NA'tik-iw. r. Hargwin.' A. (.AIXOW AY, 9itt PrKxl ffi I 45tf 1 .uactwettofwbuig, "S" ' ( k ir, hi. line rf bcttta-' -' , treble pl, TCPL.ifl,4oPpr ?riuK., (Wt fW.) Singlt 3lWeuu 3yv7- " ' 1 low nr4i '"oi vUr nne or two i'i-- lo 1 uitm knilnnu-W finished. fiwl WO Mil' . , .,ith.t)coli..ingt, ftud to wo.K I- I1 . -.i. r 1.... i.rirjul work suitable JiVWi a variety 01 muci wu v. - t a. j . ... 1-:- -i li...Va In tin ntttroiiS TheaWai..Us..v ..... p . . - ...r,.,, f I lip uhola at llu na --. -i ' - . . , Horthem -voi kmcu, wlioair eniu'e W of work oi iti. Tiev iii"'. r " . .. .1. . ..1.1... ..I I.,-. m Poplar trove, . . y Orr ibii tut km me i.-n.0 'in.-iu itwtej i-ou Cn(;ia..U ec -loik, aua aow ouuai t uie aad coal-te Coati' g- aii -youb akiiti, Hue ami iti iucd lili.atW and luijp, . ttcd, yciluw wu srtu Uu .mf aia law buui- tfc leii; "d Wu-siim l'iiieUI(iUaiid lai.cy VfciUnga,--Ui own i.fciuo!el il 1 it" '" -Bla, m uu, 1I1 al Hint wiiaotl t luiia and fcicMfeJa, I'Uuo ul liiJiroi ilo...aiteilaU KattiiRtU, M(, WouiCu uu uiUuea'a wwaual.aad Cotton iioe Mil half Uuau. "... ... acurhH aruiiwia nud Ilea Cottm larnii fkitf aid coaic IJ...OUV, jes ai-d Cotton Caaimerja, lU o ami ntuied Cutti Caruimua, tuoncO autl iain i'l-viited Voiluut and '.otiou ii.d Louis, bila and Cmim la wat riawUMtrcanua, . 5 ' T-4 and 4- ii 'slt ti-'to anj uata Cawua Uud t ickn.j; ami Inah bluMiUugs ' t , Stoain .Aiiu5klnrviki and U.uliia, :. : Cotwu fct Uen ilroii iiwiia, Ombor and Vault, O ....ua i ..SiMU-4 aiiii i.HllWlV.'.wv--' ' . O . . . . . Miui;. and ., fam, Aplat-fc.ii;Bif eye U-)V'. Wfe. mask i abie olwiManu xaaia, , ' , bi ag oilk.JMla l.aii, .wo" uoea ia biuoiiuwa, barainUaaud tWkMtiga. Silk biwrts, h.ai iii.uk;reli.:.a..iia bhawla, - ' Dale .vit;, awoe and & iue, ' An nacnt ot uoim si o owtioo ai-d W oolen Goeoav Jwij W o...e-. aim Cuilupeu-aeoana. awl tme dhuaa Meii'iuid koullt'b aiiprlineamt'ttue iiau, Tcot SaVc tit Auction, ana AT a.uieS iUCv (.1 luvU , j,u.chaaed LL ilmton anu Brame, in th nun h ot pnl Co 'lyriainjf a i b-.cc aiui txUiwivc aa or.nieni ot tiAa'JNAbLtti K.VNCV AiiuOi-Eo, OUNsIsriNO Of Fine and aaperfine BiwdCioUi., ii.iSV kdlwubl tuuied Uiia lU.nk.tlf, Ntru Cottons A taige vaiiety of Stockfeig C.i.bi'cn, Masl'ma, 11 .rdwarc, kc ate. Ah of Ucu ut 1 1 sold wi'hout reserve, aal m aJjoul to r; aioirc irora tha state to u.e A.kUkm... l h . ucii a will ukt plact on Ui bvcot.c oiy m January lt2i, uu wut cimimue in-ni uy iu 7 U soiu. t Uf. TEliMS ot ai.te wil. be, I A u.i sum uiiuw lu. ctbb. .bovc tea and not txcteumg Sdato of .Vori CatoAVnot In Equitv, Kt! Temn 119." . ' SanV .tana AkVr AllrWS t U wWj.Umrt lTar4(, -TaonaM I'md. 1 koM4 !, .MmrH I e J"-p , -IjVm, Will.kia lrM and a eda Mfrr tWrra. t ; -( Crvh li Vila Viargarrf, taraet IrH.r'.lilh.J Trn m at 'arylraia, Ta UoWrt . a.maMon, I hKpi.Uv H ' naatrn, t hrhDa IIikw, Adl buvk.lm.'i Una. H4r Aawor, Jorl I tH. takWl, UerfWW, Man . laii'.a 4 i" Am. iatihr 6dC aod fclaatle Aaa'a Uin, Mofctj' AUkantW, riiTmaa, Joaj MilL, Jaw, Mrart( ad j 1 A .t. .;'-... Cu. ..1 nln ' v 1 r inub U. aklarfaattrMvuftuc f irt, (W ta tUda. 1 dnia to ihi aanaa rraaictwti f U.. biah H ia tLera . f"rrk r4 (hat pal fcaalM a nia-ir ia II R!fi, $t nr ai( k aar-epauvely, tt.at nr'.i tt ihr tirfrrjrta ii It - cunc ktK.r at our nit 1 Atari of t-qait; a k-r hell for the ' t.Hii.l. ot l.niVll.al tkv lxut-:li U ia lultili, a (i 5U mnrtiUt afttr IM b Menrtay tarcfe irat, ami pWart, . kni.-ror.)r-uHirlOtkrm'Utm. iht kaiae a'Ul bO takra pr4 . " cwnfeaaa, aud hc rrd XiarU '-' ' j. ' Toat, l t'..OPUlUU5 rAUl5, U M. V v U6la. Priae adv. feS itf. f v' , an. V.il. ra.a.vt. -: UtUtV Via. ilQt lU VItUllU04 ' . . In RqqJ'r. ()tirliir Irin.'l8l3. John Xaahei, . Hu MetitaTMaerv ra. I T aftrtkarina; to the satiifjetion of the lJUi-t lial. Jof 1 Brun, m nf U nV C-Hdnnra in U.i iit, lr . tr f aairfar0ia Vtatei It ia therefore nrder-4 iimt pHu1ira(i'i ' mmlc ii. tt U.l. igU Mar laf thrte It atwe. it I)'. ;-.o4 , i ttuleai the aaid Jobn lirovo appear atUie'aant CVnirt liaha) I - titld utr tlte emmty of ltoii, at tiie Mni'niaa la 4li b -ry.oothf trentd Nluaty ai'ter thafour.h Vly tn Mi:f ' artt, and pli-ad, answei deimirto llio, eninplMinani'i hill'-'. tlia mu wiU be takea pro euniia auu ttearo e parte a w una. , ! j.-J GR0RG& L0CK.K, C at.'j' V 5U"'ir. Prioo ai1?. Rl 50 ' '.' V ir ; i ; t -I f ! I I . 1 r" ta 1 trive the aoove rcW.ttil to any ptraon arfio Will T Ulivei u me LEWIS MUANIEL,1 a.i Mdomtn! an. ( J It I A i r r- (ikvnuce, about 19 yean of age, who Jeacrti-tl my rri rioe n he3rdf October !a nd 1 dq hex-tv ibr. warn all peraona fn.m liatbourmi...-employing hoy,! enforoed acinat any .fraon i ff wu" .a the law will be nc a aforeaaid orange, Iic. ?819. MATTlItWK.tY. StSt-pd.'1 tlk. IV, dewttd to tin- hhiJ. h with owiibiteoui- ... ...... i.....i a.t.i ..... psfntiur lliui liia Crt-Gil J aow i-tnic uiuin"" - a gJu'O, ix iioitO j ami ubove two ituiireil, iiuu ro nii a wi.ilii.. r or mi auir.i .iiLovi um .i eniiir oi our Dsriti.. Wiia li. t,od eddwaeis, il be riquicd r'or ill.! uuticr uuc liuudicd, cuitunon notes, ipjroved eeiu-ity, will l.c uaen. Mt.-cii4i.iU -il aduunceand in the vicinity ot Uim iihte, arc reapt-c fa iy mvittd to attend a. it.- ime t.tni. and Di..ce will oe Bold all my House Uoli tad KncUu Fumilute thatt doooi tate wi.h me- IVlLLLiM bi Ol X. Hnletrh. )?c 2 18 19. 0 19. .r f.i. li I alu.u.d vU (lie abpv "lock, ot Good u.j - - ' . . . c .: Ue.ua Crfri,t,n., I a Hull gvetioticc vneiTot in inno r'ceal cliaanpmXnjuU- 1 aaalt Do. Ospoae oi t..i lUVHpa'. lltlday 1, iih-tf.: met H iij.ii.n i ' .mm I l).:t ec-ji ixt; iiini at ' my t . I hia huuii w.ii'K : AUoJob tliirly j fa of ag. Viv v- feet ae vfl or ifti'AP. I 1.-...H1ULH.II m I aru-voi.tn on i' v ri-ft.i'Wt U iUt.n H :raf.-.-d, a oim-oii.rii .dm M. inijliain alniui or "Mplrt icnc n.ii, :iu.-, ,..,! chin, .uia tore t.elli ve.i long Mil ix-n.miH.nt Tiii villain waa unpi iM..t t the ttapnwi TX o.e Sartor ourt of . f''' r.t i ia,'., eiit- for atealii.g' tree oegtwa ot e.-- ,um uuh.Wtat.roke ami wane Ui. ir cKpe oi . u.c Jail o the ..igl.1 of iho tlMl July ami "VI" ' '"" l.u.aeam.u.ucd to Newliem jail here 1 l.mnd em 1 1 :n ..- .. ....... .r tin ir nttnrehiriiaiili and C- nnjive mivawwia .. . ' r ........ ., . . . . uuk a uih H;i . a ..irr. - ter in Ih.a ertwnl)fer i,tS19. 0fa. Kotice.- aTllft aufcaeribcr offerabJa land fw -iale, lying five mllca . 1 toui.catfrom Raleigh, containing l.itv-n fcuyt. a.l ftW i......i.d k U well vatfreo turn ..pi-" i, ,tl. a ia am! liriat VtiHi and , anfficii .t open rV i urht1.i..l to arttarta e, 'd g"0' repair lui.d tn 1 dera wleu to ..y any Uu .g ftt , as ? I'wou would wim lurchaae will.oul viewing the pt-cu isi . - 41- Cn- re and fmc pati, 4 .ios.-ni;i oi io.a,a, t .log-iiwaJa ni.d 4j - ifcla N. E liui 10 Ck(rf-a ocoieu foitBi, 15 : ..gr.lutaiu 3i-u aixl 4th proof ituun, t lul. l'il.lill I'l .U.l'l, a uvgahtaua uroku bug c, 15 iWieUoC'Loal iwaui-j U . on il ch ilk, - ,0t TtnifS -.toiie Lnue, , w' p ..I..UUt r..M-d.r.i ii ro, ui Kc-ira w hilt 'ik.U la. 10 o.i bed l.o-., j ji.r., lnij.oin.1 a;id.UMpOUer I ti., ti.Sl i pi-er alul .lp.ClJ, , .Uiag.., .j.uou, t tuefvtif and &itdy Madeira W ma, 11 ......... ..riUli k L. L1U1II. ukl I'ol I Hit. Uuc aw lUrn Jeraey V hguo, one 0n U wilh. Hul'I.tat, i5 kkka IJuj Ont taunpovaer, 5 B..ga ot bhyt. NovemuW " 1.819. iuati Brown and Yellow Ochrt 45-tf 3fIK M vNMNQ ha esUn ulnl l.r-.cifj Store at , he house lateiy nccutned by CipU G.:rini Mclxdsk1;.; a- ca- aiul ulfera for aale, a general assortment of U'rX;' . i i Statfr rof ill Caroliria, OoufltyXourtol Vieas ;ftr.d (Jtiartcr teeasiun;, -" lMwvvetniK'i i erm, iot Eliaabfili Friiele, w tie LegAt.-ei u.t Ueviatea of John t'ruate, noe a.i-r.-titnii. tot- Uoer a.sa i-.mii.uuve auare bt-tbeeatate'af laid W , , ' l I. .WM.ir lu-rl n.k.li miliar )tO tl.e Ml.BlkCllOH in uic Uoui t i h.it ..olin looi;, .Nancy Diiooit', Ain.pauu Moore, .vttiry too.e, an.l sa..in 'iiwi, . neira oi iaucy iiooii;, ...cV. ai.utiiu-r ot tntai.iU i(4t:. i'liazte, dto'd. iit.utli Al nnUou ami Pen.a..i 'Ahuiu., l-anc, i uiHage and JnitilU 1'ar.uifte.aire not inhubltiiMU oi-tni .Jtaiet ' vw" ' putihchtioi. be ma .e1 m Uw -war lor iw . tiiOutha. t.oiitj ing ti.e said John,- vaney. Jlnuu.., uauua r.nowi, i - .ifl.ni, Isaae a.wl Judilil. . appear att.e twat wu w hi U tor uielkmnty ui Pitt. atie Oiift.: oue in fcreen rasa, &.C A-nonj whiea are lieai J un:-ica itun, f CofTee, ; ' dov yrei.oh, rfciy,. J Siijf Loaf St Browiv 1 do llollantl CJiH. V i Bar Iron. U . - 1 Brandy & Wtiiakey,-5 Ikat etiewinc; T'obacco' ... V Molaaaest - -ifUi'otliei'yV. '- -' , '";f ,--' v ' Sicily Madeira Wine, J I'ea, Laudles panith 9tJ r Dry Lisbon df - f!ir ' : ' . H . . Cordial, Almonds, '." 9ait(&e.fc.iicrr" V? As be vrill reoVJe in Newb m Itimaelf, tie will hare ifr -J: tn Ida power to furmah the bent of am a en,' ami' Wil 1 ! aell then op mnderatc tortns, whole &ule or reUil. s Uuieish, Dentber 8, 18l, 4idt,' . I ITCIIRIX COOPF.K a tnau nf oonr, aVnat five fe . I ten or eleven itiahe hih. I.hi v.niitijo.ir a.t aV . r aav " r a, - -ar oi 1 1 - Uont twenty -five vesrt, aarly tnur-having b eu . piribt-it ed nd eoiamittaxl to tbu -jubliai.nl of Uiakinpha f. a .uiity.'-otf crinaiiml'aondtiot, w ho waa arrair.ned, eonvieted andpoimlf- ' eil aoeoKiingly. I he aaid Pooptr aaya he ba Irta n.air-rit it increnpon omereu o'unc iotut u.at ne remain in me miblio Jail ot anid eon.itv ntil he' establish hia fnrei'ow t tuf n ne ue a nave, nouee ia nen oy given , ,u nia owner to eo.n forward proTa property, pay ebargea aad take l.jm a;, .o Uierwiae he ilt be dealt with as the law direata. -., ' v & ' JOtbV MAVLOCK,Sli'ft Dceemher 9, 1819. S3-gtpv 4- , .-.--7 t' . i -. i! ft: , HI 1-1 Sir' J 3' t'1 t -V! il-.; it' if. iUef-on Uhs fi.-st ytondai oi ffwuai'j next, in n ana moi .11 t-.v x v . 1 lit c.Mucaso. .k..-v . , S.jm Prieeadv. S? 50. btate of xVoi tli Cui oima, vi'lU . ' uatv Coart oirieas ahu Uaartcr ccsnone, tlE Hotikc on Hilliborwugh ktn-fet, neur the Atar rrmt- .... ..... .1 mv.u..r.t rt.tUi-..td I Vl-kl l iniau. umtu, I'B K . " Post-aaioii n.a be tiail in jki.uaij i.t. 1 Dee. h il'-it . VV liOaL.ii. rr 6 18.19 ?ttit u i s.. fiit j vTntt(l in Ktbrum next- ftt . ' T. LjLj iIP BUIU a-jii L1V '' , , 1? th. fniut llowiwiu 'KHaahcui town, lilen tJia cji...... i i ....i ..r an much tkereol, .a win anus- .'. theux, eostaAud chwges for the years 1SI? wid tatJf, '. s: ' , ,. T Janiea Olinhaht. 170 acrea on the Bareforge Swamp ad- - Ouung the liiics ot Wni Bryknt f-,- . . . Sri-1''. Price of adr. l 36. a.... . miy tr. ao. W'm STUEE'VY.ShfT. j. ' , 45-6 fW Bherifi1 hale. rll.l.heflnl.l kttlie' oiut tluc ii. N'ebim, On Satnr vi i-.hih janiiarv neat, for ibe taxca ot lia, 311 'lrui.dre.l and for-J aorea cf lund, paVti.ttd hy '1 ino'J.y , ot.y,on the Noitli ante ut Ntuae Hinerand on the heinJ .ui Grove Cretk. or "so tuutts wiil-aaual) iho tttiaea and coats. Y .' . - . tt, iAV 1J, bl.'f. ' Craven County, Kv. 12, 1819. i pt I'wee kuv.a Kovtsib.'r ierh', 1819. Ehzabtlk Down, v ,Uie Hriia of KiUtnili Downs Peu ikw tor iiover r ii.ui.-rb.-ca made '.auueiir. to the antiafaation of the i.uui ljlnatUaac i"v.in, i lU.S"ii lio.t.a ailualMvns, JS l,.t.u 1 ab.iha Mad.oi.v, heirs at La ol Neheiuiaa u uv are h"l iuhalHU.l oi-ii ) uinereu wi uuiwb be ni'vei. aukl'dejltihiaiat, Ly poUIitk.a It . two moi.in m . a ..... ... , . ... ;. i;. i.u i utii tut- .it..r, to uii. a-1 !w,"i " i. . U.i, u app'.-ar at tbi: nt v.oui-t.0 bo lieldlorllieeou.it) ot' Pittf i-t i-iit Ue-jri-uouaein Cu ttnesiiile, on Uie first Won- O. rCyruHi iii., hku Aim i.ici- w ..nwj., . - t: ut Ukoi, pru eonicaao Al.1-.X-. SUhli t.ASi UUk, aa.iV.SVj J Im. - , 1;! f'r , r Plantation to Kent. - ) S Wednesday the 12th day ofC nuury itet'i" 1Jbe,'', ented on ih unremissa the plnution beloncrinir tn. tiie eaiate of Cant. George N.chols, about six mik 4 smith of llaleigh, near Ute new Wilmihtnn road : The binbl 1 .s f ertile ana has on it a good dwelling house and other .mprovemciiU. Also to rent, the house 'and lot nccWi'i pied by llemy 'ojner in tUleipb, eitner by private con t t tract or. to the highest bidder oh the firat d vv of Jnu H : a I ' . , .- . a, v.at . wart. .. u I ' 5.3 , i 1 t Hi ary, r a.ime other public day. 24. Raieivh Dec. Calvin josrs, Uu prayct; i u. peuupu ins. r.'iett i A COMPLETE HERV.RMT , JtORSALK on reaa ual.lttermS--!)y annlioationtn WiU '" lUm Kuffij, Raq. uttheJSkgle llotel or tn Dai irl tu- . pre, ut mediate nana: Ot INortljr!;arnlin, Kuleigh W ? YU-W man 28 fear oid, likely, ao'iVe U honast; a (rood eook " moment noatlei n.l ettrrbiga diiverj. and one of thi; eumpteU '.'.:. estjdinhig-roaur waiters in thia cwn.try. ..s,". Uce. .ak' 15,4819, 61-SU. " i i , '. i ,i..'"m . ...i .i,"t , . r i r i i i ,al ' - : v a N Tbarsday the 1 3th ofJanaary next, wiU be sold at 4h ' i i I late dwellinirof Airs PMhet BUckmMt. di-cM of n tk 1 son Connly, all the perishable part ol die Kstate, coning( s 11 HIS: f t i I ' . . j IS TILL be sold in fc'. av.a-41 ot VV ufeeatewigh, on e ; - ttnnrt ..fPi .a .nit nn otrr M'kkioQs. Nuvembei. .( v. A 1VU(1 1U.UV. - . . " . ' l .(inv..ia-iy, .. if. y mea Bahsett, M.'bpthasM Cbnk-Oyiginal attachment ' I ' appearing to ilia iaiiht.cUoii 4 the Oourt Uiat ibe. de f fcn.iik. i- Vf... .... ivk ...;.. r ikU atsie lit i ttneretore or- dtltpaWieMtionbemde'Ain;Ceksw """Y tar. .i-..'a.Maiii h said, dofebdant that na W ar"VsaajTj j f acj nfaavv v , IDKarattka. ..vi ,.. .j Pl,.a kiul QoiAter essioiit 10 08 foa the eomity (dorvnid, at ib (..onrt-Hnuin VV ent Ifth,oiitUelast Mounaynf Ifelmaar) rxk,air pWad an wtrimd demur, ottiTOsbiirlygv'did bi- t' Lt U..it'i i.ar.ir nr.?the folltwiidt. twetrUebei -bb. ue. ot U nit, vt-aomueh "thereof aa will W atiffieient to Musty ibe 'l'..wa ....... .k..M.i.t. f.irtk 1MA1' tUlH .. Z V 00 .teres tj ing on the wittera ut ub Qretk, givetv in by 60 acres' in. the aateis of Cub Uiesk, given in by hwjb L!.i.s.i..v.B. ,. -.. ' ' .' . yr ' , 6m ueret atljob.ing the landa of Uenjrfnim -ftisrnn ami John ale. given h. in ti n ...e of Bcnja.tiin Uern.lon. t. O cr-s arljommg the laudt of Jaoob Hltimger, given iti tr Ue..iaiuii4danis. ' '-, ', '" , . . . . i . . . i ; ... 1... UC Wm. k m. lw.no ou hois tying wh naming wreck, gv vj 80 acres Jy'mg oii the waters of the big ?lkln. given in in thuname ot W illiam Prieu. ; ..: : . v . ; ."toa." vvn herspoon, m-n. ilkesborough, ov. 14 ISI 4Mt)U Vrtc? Jdy.$l- !: , xLtt, '.t....' V. " - 1 County Court it iie&f &ialjQuSrter Session . (NtJMM'yr I'ef.n, ltl9. Kiaiah Cobb, the heiVa f ' tieuben Cobb, dao'jl.Pijtt. ; . tion for . Uower. ' - T1 having boon made appear lo the aatlbtaotion of the eonrt ih;-.t himurl irui. aaiu .lia niss, uenjauuu W" J.. Kt. huA llsL-,tm L.obb. Uc.rs at Law of the said .'-..!. t.obb.'uee'd. are not miiabituiiU of this state i order ed tltat uotioc be vttt tht-m by publication in thd blav fur two'itonihs, to appiar.at the uex). cour to h hsld for bie aouiitv ot Pitt, a't tne 3oui tHouse in lineenesville, on Bie first Montliiv off6Vuary,iiext, thcii antbthere lo answer, v itierwiwi Uit! prayar ot uie ytiuiu win o wiw. v-..-, 52-ms. meean,v. a i 3l.ni V'"ii"tj aaa m. unuawib yi uv. 'Bv-aa I waiitfieaa M1 8 - 7 oflhe arop ci all'kiirflsa eoiisiilersble number of fat - HofcV'. , ' ri V, SVk, Uorsta, CatlW; 8be-p, Household anH Kitoheft Ftrjii. ' - ; 1 ture,fln a credit of six i.onthS i Sufficient stnritj a ill be 4 j; retxnired, the sale will eonUube from ilay 'W day uaU( tilt t , ', fc HEKttYBlttAN. Adm'rt . . 1 2i DeeembeC, 1st 1813. tv FTavizifi- oitalitted as ad.nlbkitrator to. the Estate of. Mrtv- tether ifiatkroa i, dee'd Notiee ht hereby giyen tall ttat nve cktims against said Estate, to pr. stnt tin m lu ' JUtiii , and form, andftbfcy will be HnmedintTly diftch.irged. jrwl ',! those that are oa-iag the, aaia bstate to make paj mint witu-; -bnt delay. . - - fc ) ' , t jfUHlt hllU, XT L sT " U rb V aW WDl fan VD iVimW VrmiT.iL d 10 Lincoln l Jail, on theVst of iVoten,)er 1 81r ho aa) s his name is 1 s-v 1 .k- i. i.nnt aa Tail of tee; durk coniplte,te, ve .kalt I, hii'h. a scare hia rifiht ltC.hoar 1CI W ' O - ' , ' . . . . , tis anete. Ay peratm eUin.i..g sni(l mgro ia rnqutstwd to come forward and prove ma property, py iTt v..6v. bdV saiil negro within Oielittie prtattnw.n uy i. - , .7 "Ir . ' 'JOHN mi.dMlVtAN.Jade Uueolntou, N . 0. Deo. i, Ml. -5 Wn - P (,'; , '"t. . . . ' .' i - k - teata- 6. n. In KqiitV. Oct'H).-r i t-nti, U49. Cbrirtopher ft Hnyaml.Hi'r of ll.e Inst will ant iT anit.iB lothe aausfaction'ot Uie Couit, that 1 .... Za. in ,U.aaaa. d-.pa not' raaule III ' tnt ..T.. . , . ... . .u. ...i.i'..n..r,.. ka. muite tta -t-..i. . it ttu-r..ru Biiicniu uw. uiM.iiiauii , Uuwe'weeka mWie Italeign Star, that unless tr.e aud jhal . ... . iu ,t. 4 :nrt ti. bo tufld lor : eoun rrL,JE, ?! ri. ra,-t.nnlMn t saiiaboi v. oft, the Veond VV mOrrillt UW waaata. - -vif j.r . a Vtoilay alter tle iimnh'.Momta; In MHroUnexsv afp'aaA' answer or demnrtottie aomplainant a bill, tbe ame will B 11 ,-1 , uertjord vouniy. - 7' 7 ?; v , 7 Court ot Eaaitv.'Fall Term; 1819 '! i ' f.mes Sniers, the Heir f Absalom -Spiers,' dee'd. Bill , 7 ttfsnbiect real estate to the pa) ment f drbta. ' ' i -1 f X appearing to tb satisfaction; of .the ootfrtrtltat fft nry " Sniersoneof the defeiidants is tjot r inhabitant ef tbe I . .. . ' 1. . . J 1 . . .. . .t ... ! state V Iff-vaerdereo, tnl pvw"cauoniw wane iut: nirev, month m Ue Kaleign tar mat mo mm c..ry pn. w and anpear at th next etrnr to be hi M for the onnty i frill3asiil,t tne l-ouri-niPUTO in . w " ji aiw'inw, m. of AlsrSh neMtpieao, answer or a cm .n-f vr juug.ucwt w.m aa it. taUproeniy 4 j; : sa-smspd. ' .' ;.,..;C.y.7,ft' v';4 4 VX .V , , ; a will sell for, : less than, the vaAue, - tue. plantation , wheon I now lip. The Uc 4 If ..Valuable. otf( 1 terms-see thin' subscriber. , - ' 1 J. pREEN..,. " ftp,tutg la.yrynvJe(lp. : . .' M vv Il: I ! , 7:-tdl 1 v yitfpfifs$ifa$?r"ty W(it:'n :f-