E STAB wdf NortJi-Cdrolm B.VLKIGU, (N. C.) FH1UAT, 3URCI1 C 1820 W. XI It. IVMID WllUT, 1 nrr nocm-No tri WW I.", iaarrted three H . r7..V tr r !nr r , i. 1 .. w . . Ja . .,, t went M rf- . 4 , company won irUMus aiwpuoi irnv", w; " - Mnvi'it!on Company. , iw.i num(,ho ,ohii.iii-j. from p- 10K. .. 1 i-l-IL. ,nd Itireaior U P""-1' l" rot. to kave a evato UW korara. 1 bet U U r-lrrd uv '. a m kW their lo fro-r -or. IT,., i, lo forwarn .A Li . -,... f.hr aud eorooanv. on or i vs n- - - . - , . r-j-d to the 'J""1 r ., " . tllP Ir-nu rj tire I he la i!1 he jxl in lore agail MKlt rtrl. - ,,,.n.!.;l vfM.rJ " J" tTtW pre tiWr11inir0rh,r4rl,Crr tome i.H.eiBk.bat of the Mrifcrri in i P tJ...wm lit u. office. len Centi rfwanl. . . mm miA ., r,,j- third of Mrtl. ii. fFtdntxlaj, .VreA . T!e important bill (Vr chaniPg the moil ol lip,,''t "f (he P j lc Iind (rmcrUi( tcaH Hr ACro. kuKr(V ;. wt dicued t Urje, nd finalljordrred to bctiynsrU fir a third reading. "pi till to lunperul for a fu'thrr timt iWlor feilr of and fur Don -pa) merit, &c. ra alto takn ap, and ordered, pari fiart withtbe lor mcr b l ( ' h efigrnoad f r a third reading. 1IUUSK OK RKl'KESENTATIVES. March t t nV W W from lk.uSar.Uroa a r.t-nK YMMijgrtA, m pirrlit lo ike CarpriMer't trT", r1 tnctrra ) ear mad torn inoath, eU gram, Wt frri lea or elrvr iachr kigh, lcw1' trmt rrWlu Uft i-e n c-tkIIt rrj rH. e U ery fod WaittiT. iid alft prrfertthe war mt mMJ, "1 mVi- rue at rr e' l"Pi 'IjV'v,- firm tb tt.irW. nib-; tjfjl , -'rm 1 .v..l.r,iflhe ionher. luur HtftB T . . i .k ..! . mi Valnublo I .and for 8-de. P m pay i rpHR nWrrrbrr u l-tirrjni oi -lung iwoinw y. piirpuri ui wrucn, in, Ilka lt 5 inr on the w.len ot hettim anrt Foxe' crrtk, m iheT believe that UHe eeonm i. .itk ll? .1. , Ji ..i. ,.u, r.rr ihr. rtLiiur. of oon. wh -at. terests of the natnn ure oii m ----- 7aT CI. FV11 Mr. Sihbttt from the Cntrnniuea . on Na?al ATairi who were itfrted t enqir tnU the tip Wtcj r,f suspending for a limited trne ti, rnnch of th siatidins arp-riation(2t 0O,C0O lor the intfrease of the 4vv a ni be consist. I eat with lb public service. &r. made a r-port, alter doe anquirj, r and the beit in ned to a susneu.ion thV the rtpori f tit corn it tee f ftrtig n attita-f ,f the coaatry thaald aot U Am- p'Mon wihiiwobuv. woull lo wtllto even for a limited time, ol an? portion of the fm the name ol tlicCoiiipl.nj', ' mWe imuiedwic lpliealion, terms win oe mmic reUUnf a rhinMit to that f tr, nr to that which tkld mtutf Vr,-i. h,W' he 2iPa not t actvn the kill now before th toremitt, bit to frfte it for the -si-eaent, f. MrTHte ,f j,,. M the mi Wur, appropriaii.q bill. If ahcr the. re port of the to m litre of foreign relation th.oUl be made, iuhotd be thoujrht expedient to re duce the Armj, the approp'wtirm, would ajitpa themelTea U what ahoold be the ac'tul forco and codiuon vf tho Miliure EMnMi.Umeot He therefore pored to lay thii bill on the tahlf, witj a vurw to take op the appropriation hill. lhe queitio wii Ukeaon thia tnotieo with out debate, ami decided in ihe eflirnatite. The bdl nukbg approprutione fnf the eon poftult'ie Mi.it try establishment, for the car reot w Ktmkeft ep. , ? . Oocimi ? tothe appmpriatien for the im port 'T the Military Academy for tbe preaeot year Mr. Cannon -poke at some 1-ogth againt Uii appropriation, .-n the rrouod o hntih'T to thA bv .i.oiiou iii nnie Court a. aompeU-.l Jtt wr '"" ouuoUJurt.Tuin..ti Mrh MUKHI.T. Prr.iem lo-'. I-ihh.i.1 Tims. I. I'.fans tpenntv. lor the ptu-eliaicr. Mnreh f-, 1120 P VTTT T.TU)R. imtltution itself: conr.eivinn- ihni l. rr...... I. 10 annually appropriated for the gradual increnkc ol vied by taxet on the People and on the poor ak (the Navy; and that they hae not bren ab'e to j well a the ric, cotild be better e.nployrd than a"cu.i;i nci c .in v t-naviiiiiii 'cuiaiiou urn ucjgn ue graMUIiii9 Iliktl'UCtlCQ Ol 4 Tl . , ra(ie in trie cxpTie' l tl.c ISavy without re- . -lttcreU, 'd-ciii-; the ealatjlishiiienl. the Stra n.Kk. ,f Wke County, on the Sjl .net. j Th . rp t to jie rn the tabJe. y Willie J r, Eq. XeZS S ! sP"ker l,,id b lo. e the llou.e a letter wruli a star in bis forehead, al ome white spot on ins . r hrk Vtiirth arriear. to hare been done by the taddle. from the Strctary ,,f . .e I reusury transii it'iDj m -k UI 1 ( W!"- ' . a. mi .. n-ivlle twelve iwaitii trom thM urn-. o w....... -i . . . ;..,ir,-l inhrhr, ,tu!m .m, in ,v;, , nn,lii.. ...J IX ui.. i- . , ,,lfini, ;,i IkmhI to lour teet eieiu or now: .,...... i t..r. ir, ...u .w. - r.v.ius n !" . - . i .;.!.-. At, iiA ' which atrav wil r;, i ....i -..n... 4..a . i .- ooirU---. iwren ixiccii , ! r u i --, i'i .v a.n m i" -1 u i t urueruii .irv.ii- vlued to eignXeea aonars. h ' M DILLIARD, Ranger, !.. Kv.i n il V 1 . .. f f ut 1 1. a. IfM' lt l,or i ,.- fi nllr loaiiv rrerwn !("- " :a:!!'.!lLJ i me. tiT.irciii tVfo tim.UT, Notlh n: S " ' IIF.VIiV WilM VCIC in 2w9. Feb t$'20. 9-3tp. HKTH('l lT.Iitiu(aJc Co Tiike Notice, cuit C urt fr tlic D strict of C'l'J'nbia ff-mthe year t SOI t tie close ol the yeir 1819 -also i tatemeota dosinatin the exiienscs ine jrred on account of the District Court of the United S. and those Iwcurred on account of the sitting of 7 A3 co-cmhU-d to the jail of Uiia tow i)ec. -iii'wr lart, h negi man rui i iiMi iiu - ' lr,nr ..ki.r 1; ai 51) vpars n aire, a KUiK t.i of hi, RT.e L prave l.ia pn.perty, p.) A. poou .lyill(P 3 v.. , k-MUiformcdky co kI audi rity that haroilolcl jornigsn , tc bupreaie oourt and a letter from the SiniC ,. i.;. V.rJ. i mempiiiie to aeii m nwc .n oHicer irarsmittit.o; statements. nhewins the state "l.Zor tX:iZTr of the Bark of the Unite-I States, on the J5th of r. Hunti.-r of Cm- - , w fer.ltir;in hotJi auv we i paper. 1 dare him to FebnurT, tiie srth of Miv aad 29tn N uveuiber - 1 . ast. - ' . S i L ..I lo, T.b li, 180. 0 Swop. State of North-Carolina, Lincoln County' t ofP aa d-Q'iar'er S ssions, January ' Sin. If20 Wayneaooioegh, Feb. 83, 1820. ASA JF.RNIOAN, of Moore County. 9-5U Ti.eie nports were also ordered to lie on the table. Jf AV'Y APPROPRIATIONS. The IIvU8f then proceeded to tne considera Wake County, Peb. JOHN K.KLLY, Adm'r. 25,l8i0 IQltp. T-- ' ,. - .. ...ki . n . i l.:. XI . . J I f II w.nvfrv aiululUK lv irv ifi j - tt-A Pvc. rtavul Nail .aaiiwimnm n , "T,xtj, v L.-f r v a. Iatl'e uyraiMl MaryJiil ifi!,and A'nam Fye Petiuoo fe..livi,iirn Pi Inuil. tT vnring to the Cnin that kiam Fye, one of the de-, (i!spU. w.9pti9 itihabitaiit ofthia Ute; It ia thareJore. weeks in tteR tlR i Star. requiiinriiC aaid hraii Fy toapjiear at tallest eouatv t'ourt of t'J.a and Quarter rei'ioii to be WHfiirotiil coiintv .at the l oln nuuie in iiiu-oinioo, on iVthml 1,iIhv i i pril next, tlicn ana there to Hmnrof 5TJ R suhscriSer hsving ijua'ined as administratTT to , tionof the report of tlie committee of the whole 41 theesiaieof Wdfie Womath, dee'd Rivea notice toj r.n the btllmjking the annual appropriations for the supprt i the Navy. Mr CM moved to recommit the bill tothe comftHttel of Wavs and Means, with instruc tions so t amend i'. as to reduce the appropi ia all peraons indebted to aaia eaute, to m.e i.........- r,.t m,.i an.t ihn. Iiavin? claims J.rjinst said estate to j pt cH at then for payment, otherwise they wiU be barr- firanrto the aaid petitioni'ottioruise it. will be ,wfcn pro ge'.uir. and vmuoua sentiment, we be ue ye was written Mnt'i, M'Ml he aitia i(?en :iccor.n.,giy . . , v Ur.Ki-i. Ulcrk ot ami court, at otttce. tne ffril lWay in lauuarj, 1820. k iowu, at least among nis inenus, aa aH eifrjjiru poex,aa VAUUY MoBEE, C. HOtid. State of North-Carolina, wV'asj Co tint I-! Equ tv. arph Amington, Ei'r. of Massy Dcuson, vs. Willis WJiit- iv ot uis. ORDi-.llKI) by the ' oun tni puuucnuon oe mane in the Ruteig.1 Star for six weukfc, to nutil'y jnattliew KiX'CViian, eaftiie iUfmliiita i. die auid bill, to appear . anil aosuer attie next coin t to be lu hl tor tlie cuiii'lv ol X'tsli, at the Court Hi.oae m Nashville, oti the third Monday in March sm.arUn! bill will betaken pro eonfe&so ns to him, and atari exuaric nt the nest term. J.0. H. DRAKE, C. M E. Mm priep rntv g2,95. fjute of North-Carolina, Chatham Couhty. oart of Pleas ami Quarter Seisions, February TVrm, 180 Vav, Haokoey, vs. Samuel KllicoU Original attathmeot le- vier I 0" land. 1T appearing to lie satist'uetion of the court, that tlie defend- nt in tliis case, resides out of Uu; limit of thisAlate, It blkerelhre ordered that unless he appear at the next county toattof Chatham, at the Court-itouse in Pittghorough, on the WOno Monday in May next, and autwer, bic thutjuiigment fill will be bad against him. TII03. UAGLAND, Clk. l-1m price adv'g.g3,50- Smitlifield Academy. fPHK exercises of this institution will commence on the 1 first Monday in March next, under the auperiiiten'''aiicf . Mr. Robert lire vard Poor, A. B Mr Poor graduated Osmbridge, (Mass.J last Augnst. with the distinguished "noro! that University, and comes rcconimenued to us in . nnst fluttering terms . By order of the Trustees, . M LLOYD HILL, ecy. 'CTraarr SI. 1820. fi For bale, And long credit given : OR FOR. RENT. jlpHfl house on Fayetteville Street, near the market, lat. -a. iy oecupieo Dy wr vvm. I hompsou. Jtor terms, ap t5 to Win, Thaninson in ttaleigh, or to THOVf A PiiTf.K. Wske, Feb. 18, 1820. 8-3t RICH LANDS FOR SALE fl'HR subscriber being,desirous of removing to the Wei a. tern countrv, ofietor sale tlie plantation whereon he J lives, containing aboot 1500 acres, 170 of which is clear d in rood order for farming,, which will produce from r?v to fifty bushels of corn per acre, or 1 000 lbs of coUen , fTJl tor wheat it ia not surpassed by any lands in the state r ' re on the land two large and goal dwelling houses, tall neaeH-irv ut hmiu. TLi lf.,.l I.. 11. ,1a onun. "e westermost end of Rose Bay Turnpike road, and v- tcii mnes irom iinaratukeet L.aKe. A lao tnree "dreil aeres.of riohunimproveil land ou aaid road about Th? k,,Ci ,ro the ,ake ,orae othep Pieee' ,nn'- s whole of it "will be sold uncommonly low, and the pay wt made easy For terms apply to taw w .. 8. B. JORDAN. ?iuayjc4 ,lt.&?p? The following beauuful littie specimen of naiure, uoua sentiment, we be lie ye was written by St George Tucker of Williamaburg-, Virginia well k town, at ic- well Ip an accomplished scholar and gentleman. YOUTH V OLD AGE. Days of my youth ! ye have'glided away ; Hairs of my you'.h ! ye are frost . d and gray ; Byes of. my youth ! your keen sight la no more j Cheeks of my youth ! ye are fu; rowed a'.lo'ert Strength of my youth ! all your vigor is gone j Thoughts of py youth ! your gay vision ,are flown. Days of my youth ? I wish not your recall ; Hairs uf my youth ! I'm content you should fall Be& of my youth I ye much evil have seen Chetksof my youth ! bathed in tears have ye been ; Strength of my youth ! why lamcn your decay ? Thought of my youth ! ye have led me astray. Days of my age ! ye will shortly be past; Pains of my age ! yet a while ye can last ; Joys of my age ? in true wisdom delight $ Eyes of my age ! be religion your light; Thought of my age ! dre id ye not the cold sod c Hopes of my age ! be ye fixel on your God ! tion tor every branch of the service, one-futsi th Thii motion produced a Debate, in the course of which if wa sapportwl bv the mover, & Mr. Warfeli and M. . Culpepper, and opposed b' Messrs. Smith, of Mrjlaud,.tniti, of North CJarolinav Trimble, JoknsonfFaott Holmes, Wood and 2,o;rndes.' Mr. Johmon. desirous to Dostnone this and the other appropriation hilts until the amount of the deficit in the Tr?asurv wa ascertained, and the deficit supplied, moved to strike out the pro pose?!' instruction tn the committee, so as to leave the question one ot recommitment merely. This motion was -negatived. '. The question was then taken nn Mr. Cobbs motion, und negatived, 15 or 20 nteinbeis only rismtrio frtvor oi" it. ...The report of the committee ef the whole wa3 then agreed to, and the bill as it stanos, was or dered to be engrossed for a third rcadiu"-. And the Ijouse adjourned. Wednesday, March 8. On motion of Mr. Cocke, the bill respecting the Military Establishment of the United States', (for reducing certain branches of it)' was com mitted to tne same committee to whom had pre vinusiy been referred the bill making appro priations lor the military service for the year 1820. The amendments of the Senate to the bill "to provide for taking; the fourth census nr enumer ation of the inhabitants of the United States," were read and concurred in by the llnue. The engrossed bill making appropriations for the support of the Navy f the United States, for the year 1S20, was read the third time, pass ed and se;it to tne aerate. MILITARY APPROPRIATIONS. The H nise then resolved itself into a com- IS SENATE. Tuesday, March J. Mr. Wil.linm: of Ten. hnviiicr ..htainuit l..u introduced, agreeably to notice, a hill farther to mitteevf the whole, Mr. .Ydson of Va. in the amend the judicial system of the United States; na,r " ine 01,1 mi"os: appmprutions lor me to f:.rm an additional judicial Circuit to b support of the Military Establishment of the U. composed of the districts of East and Westita.s , Tennessee and the state of Alabama, and forj LTo,tne same committee was to-dar referred the appointment of a Circuit J.idse,&c. there-tthe blU "respecting the Military Establiab- for;l which bill was twice read by general cen-i me.2 I . r . ... nrivilnlofit . clas oi youth. Mr. S.MitA, of Mirylavid. remarked that th arguments of the gentleman would well apply to a proposition Lo abolish this institution ; but di I not apply with any force to the question in h ind, which was not the Establishment of th Academy, but the appropriation of money to de trav exnences already authorized by law. Mr. Cannon was to little disposed to contiq J. ue t.iis Establishment, that he waa willing tear- " rest, or at least to reduce, the appropriation r Hut, in order to get at a proposition to redact the expence of that Establishment, or to aboii&Jk it, M, . C moved to lay this bill on the table. After some observation froon Mr. Strothtr in opposition to this motion, the queation was laken. thereon, and decided in the negative. Mr. Cannon had proposed a sum less thaa that moved by the Chairman of the committee, of ways and means for the support of the Mili tary Academy. So that two question werti presomea : tne one on a certain sum necessary to the support ol tho Academy as it now stands, and the other on a less sum. The Question be ing taken, according to usage, on the largest : uriuni, it was decided in the affirmative, by ,v xt'ge m.ijorify. The committee proceeded to the consideration of the other items of appropriation. The item of 1 .000 dollars, for bounties an premiums on enlistments of recruits to fill op tha Army, coming up, Mr. Williams, of North Carolina, opposed thi item, on the ground that there was no necessity lor encreasing the number of the Army beyobd " their prcient actual amount. s : Mr. Smith, of Maryland, supported the appro., piiation as being almost a matter of course, and generally, on the ground that the Army ought uut to be reduced at all ; but, if reduced, that itf ought to be by a direct vote. Mr. Trimble declared himself to be in favonof ,1 .. . A . L . A I . .. u rcuufcuiiu oi uu: vrray, oui in a practicable wayj atjd he thought that to attempt it in thia war would but serve to weaken the efforts wbichv should hereafter be made directly to effect tho same object. . Mr. Stocumb wa9 opposed to this' appropria tion ; and, by way of ahewing how-cautious tber ' H.oue ought to be in making its appropriations, said, that it appeared, Irom docuntema laid be- lore the uouse, that powder and lead belongiag to the government had been loaned to bankrupt to the amount of 34lT,0o0 dollars tae repayment of which the House is coolly informed, by the of ficef having charge of. that branch of the service was .precarious, ana, in order to mend the mat- . ter, that 10 000 dollars more had been advanced, v in money to the same persons. r Mr. Cobb made a few remarks against the ap propriation. , ,,. Mr. Liv ermare delivered his sentiments in fa vor of a reduction of the Army. But, be saidj though many were in favor' of that reduction there were also many who were opposed to it- and the only way in which the former could se cure their object, was to reduce the appropria tion. If the-appropriations were made thd ' ; ground was given up. Ha was ol opinion, tjiere4? ' fore, that the friends of the TeducUon ihoqld make use or the weapons which lay in their wayi iuuuhi "iniii v arciiii uaeiCkSIV eiawi ployed. It would take longer to collect this ari 9ent. and reterretl. On motion ot Mr. Johnson, of Ken. the com mittee on the Public Lands were directed to en quire into the expediency ot providing for the payment tn the Deputy Surveyors of Missouri, full compensation for running lines which bound each survey, whether separate or adjoining other - ! iwri. i iit uriT i-v ann ic claims, &c. or which shall be made hereafter j s. 8hall judge proper and also ol pay ing them for eitra travelling ex- j n the whole, includir penses, performed with a viw to surveying one claim or a number of small claims br where it was the consequence of mistake in the commis sioners, 8tc. The report of the committee ol Claims unfa vorable. ti the petition of sundry inhabitants of Michigan,' praying indemnity for eertain losses sustained in the late war, taken was up & agreed to. ' , ' ' . . : The Senate resumed the consideration of the The l3t mentioned" bill was first taken ud. amVnaving been read Mr. Cannori moved to strike out all the firsi section of the bill excepting the enacting clause, and in lieu thereof to insert the following : That the Military PeaceEstabliahment of the United States shall consist of such oroDortinns of Artillery Rno-i. neers, Infantry and liifitenr.en, as the President of the U . : proper ty retain in aervice, not-exceeding including- officers, noo-commissioned-ofli- cers and privates, 6ve thousand." Mr Cannon supported this motion by a speech of some length on th necessity of retrenchment, occasioned by the state of the finances; the inu tility of an Army in Peacethe Militia being willing and competent to perform amy occasion al service in which an army may bo employed. Mr. Clay avowed himself to be in favor of re ducing the Army, in preference to reporting to ia,c, ivuiis, or to an invasion oi tne sinning runu bill makipg pay ment lor horses, &,c. lost io tii' to meet the expenccs of the government if, on my which was scattered about like the . sheep oi the shepherd; among many hills to bring them-', from the Yellow Stone, and the remote -'corner' ) of the earth, than tt raise up a new army.' Ho ." also complained of the magnitude of the Staffof the Army, as being disproportionate to Its ruinW , . berj &c ' " XI r. Baldwin made some remarks explanatory of the occasion for this appropriation,-',- , -;v- n Mr, Foot, with a view to present directly t tho House the question of authorizing the en- . listment ol men to supply the vacancies becur ring in the ranks, moved to strike out from tha bill alt that relates to appropriations for recruits- x ingexpences. . . '. ' SU.Smithi of Maryland opposed the mottdnr; fjlere the Debate begari . to be essential! bate on the reduction of the arwy.l f'v.; :-v,iV'T Mr. JBimkina delivered his opinion iit "fengt&k against the reduction of the Armyhd agalnsS $ a coarse which wobld subject ffleurM slrvi '