' - THIS And North-Carolina State Gazette. a, rr i i UALEUill, (N.C.j VKIDAX APUL 28, 180. Vol. X Vgriv-'t"r,-ii "rr - i- i -No 17. j i 1 ! Valuably Land. 1 XOR SALE tract of ratoahlf kwt. situate oa tlx water V of Buff.! UeUSIISD WIxKlT, nr THOMAS HEX DEBSOXtjr. . . .mu I ' i n..M n l .- v 1 1. ri l5!! at least ftl 0nt M P4 TT dw. 1 ST, U tnc actftacT of Col. H . Jctrrai.- Teas laad it sr- lit d. lh T: c4 Editor, adapted toO growth of notion, worn, and whaaW rnaatl jT, -rrT" src paid. AdrUffiU wot wH( mob y be had oo the first of Jsmvt'im-i , ?LjTc twtl tiae iaaertr) three time tor dollar Asm a tract liif rm both mCrt of lUahtaad arerk said . c . - - w MAhMiMU waniT. wi kuhuiv M lannB av ui flitiflnua. iifnrr wu - tamj- y ' i i 7 ' r m.-ZLZ ' . ' 777 . " . ... growth of tnfeacao, (al aora aj1 coUou and on which gt t ill teat, V omenta of Otis tract may ba had i- taarttatrlf. mad term of tsrriaeot which a very apply tu Wna. H. HTo-a, Eau. or to the wAaenber. . WM. BOYL.VM. Ratcitfh, March 82, H-oowJ FH01'0SLS PNMS in rr" 8t- KMulxma, a j for (k prise ' UwXewfper, t. b mHtled Urn . 'fr?0' ' ALABAMA. TKLKott VPII." BT RICJL1RD B BRICJTLLU t a a ' ' r- Va rr-Tu -.."o: .Tkre" t the btntux oiiu amuuueia Ami ioformalioo tanitM k too inoch eDurarl pard- turij Jut which rcUleatoour own eouotry, tu rewjuror. lTi!e best trohabl metns of iroprtrrinr Iheut of tt ttifer t ucfi'tlilitj IttU it tmift bt lH Utio o l OAjjt 1 CMcluJe in j rtroirV Mr. E4tif , in tapport of Ihlt jtem, witht ahould tKere cbanc to b torno fld bortih ktid Cpt. fc. thond chatKe to diKo'1 1 " war Ihnhcr M natat doabUi mil be recorder on the ill r imiaorUlttj. Btt, thd ti (ow ppiratlj) tapiftot Icheme In th tod prove abrit,thf j doabtka will be priitted to Boat d,in the gutter of time with in "lorj oftt.t ui, tUe Arabran Tales aoO the hnlliaot aehieTeroent of the A'nM ) to AfancAa 4 Ai air I atitl Ltwriet nope better of the Cipuia' Schemet than thi jet should thej prote b v iorj, they may aeveriheieM nc tAidtncvto aotoaAit not inttrvctnt u.l'uv i tflidf ncv to attoaan not mitruct n in our OTWRt.ibwckekalnK b" appoir.ted by anct ef Pmir throotfl life a A I SMicerelj Wth UL th LeriUtufe oftheatata of North Caro4iia, ai- tha Eit-ty TD'T bdgiatffjl enough, towafdl UU'-o-BM up Uhu rht!ojr.ejr w atiow htro t ertf rnitoi.tk, 'W trtnt f Prtalft. - i rar aMwinukr auiti n miwi MmaB-kiiA partr p--n - . .ZZ " . . ' . tttw ot Oae tec Vaatery r m Mrinj' eactrwd o aooa 'e,'w.r a,ul lh pv- v"i:':TT?r)ZI V mt of Iftrlait. a.; law. atir to tb Pi- rLTaai nluckf ameatr of the fruit Of the Irer of kiow . 4,6 l4o1"rinfi' i in 14 ffillare about UbliWa a t.r.pike rMl frmtbaNw-9,.Iia3 ( Wt.dS GfryShopa packet money ia ret demand lSo'dock A. M. KileijrdaeSotli aoe tm!e by obtervatioa we fund eir ItHtudV 31 decreet iHHitea N. aod lone. r9 degrees Z$ mmtrtet Vet. tar-several gentiemj 1ainr wt i Tflrlt pike road from (H city to S'sne. MitJ, pok on of the Cortoany, trade dttU, Treaiiry Nltee ih great de.nind milea N. E. of llaloigh. ffaaf aevral carteiilera traninr -a wikxWb. Wee poke one of then, leemt they were tnakiog ft' Ciome to buov the ETprrtmuU" Oavi Shallowi iQ Waybe Couaty, where a.ehad Uit it trW daring tho hn fill, roll tbem ty Were working wron & proceeded Ttje wjnd elrif dnj, eoe' coati w now S; H. 1C patt 3 orock I'. M. discovered VTayM cough beartne N. S aiilei, lowered oar tU6oa tad repaired. , ; . . a - 40 AUdk. A Af rnt rflldef wt, w Nrine) 'lve ! nilleVTWh tvofloa VVernca. B7c Xttttl Copt:. &,,tm 7Vrrw K.www Cawwwr, f howiogK paiseltbc gtei JtiAac Afars. LHA SCUKVIE. 1401 TickeU at 85 are 7000 3 5 IS 30 165 240 CI gtooo 500 100 50 20 Jo o '000 1U00 5K) 7 Mi 600 1650 1500 4C8 abject to adedacUon of 15 per cent. blanks to a prize. 7000 aitd nut t.-.) esV twrJitial ukaoaatow rvF- V.a TlMnlt f r ; "tll rTi" I cifc. cur tmtOJiai dohoi .tnatfiaepcniience acpena, con- fe'SlT?c WeoWthattl.epatrona . " . . . ... . ls ananf th niihtie at larir Willnann enable them to fl .1 1 maMiw rvmars rMr iu muHuran driht . " r n - QumI a aw $enuU. mafttu tamen excimt mutt. I h.ivr s;ient mjnyut my leisure moments in rr fleeting on the formation ef the Globe by hoU Mw concentric spheres ; and that in Ml proba- ibrlits is likely to hsthe result t the eipcdition tt the North Pole. Tbis do doubt gatft origin : to the fi;l!owin j DRE M which I beg leave to intrude so Ttr a9 to offer to the public. lnt creating particulars of an!Lrtal voyagt. ICjrKappet'fiir, tu be in Columriia S. C. learnt that tlesm-s. M'ntlfier, Blauchard, Kozirr with everal othtr Monsieurs were there skilled Tbr-.atation bad just finished a spacious in fpjge, and bereraireU at the pure fount of liberty that waw in niflll wnuiu uiiiicit it iuwu ui iicck mi m khi a fa CwmocJ. It ha been euatomary to rraort to Greece act I . 1 Pnte of cae for ainiiliet and eoreparUona. Bat for the great - j axriean Repobtie, there it an -mprion he ti.ti"a- Cat " a gri't phenomenon unpraecdeoted' in the anitaji af 1.JU) lint-lf preoeent (or aatioas yet to come, tu thii I ajrptnilent and happy country koledge ia es4ialfy nc. ' acaary to our welNoei'ig, and to the preaeratioa a 'd per BcUittioo of oar liberie. I TV roost cheap, eaay and diflUiiva channel of informttidit , i Seal-Paper it ia a fountain that feitibsei as it flows 1 a n a public mapxine, where individual may deposit laeir aanul treawirea, for the use and instruction of tUeir fel'w . a .i e : M . v ar a s ... a a aitizeD U is - a orui wirwiicia oi me umcs- mai uae a , xvt manager trusting to tne public ipmt,wnicii dm je,nwaresofUiehoatsofvioa,ajidpotnUtodeharfcoof hitttertoanti aUll uirbi to animate erer town in and honor. ' aurrtvirt ftf eitucAtinn. unnn which more than anv thine halirt, H-ns'ti ?4 feet, diantoter 72 feet, pur p isely to nn ke oiscitveries about the North Folej i: ;n i... ... n. .,v..i ..r-:.. . comoiete ue saieoi ttcacts. andtiie arawuir oi me uot infr ?u'iio utriuniuii ouseuiru v.u ucwuiuc The eolamoa of the rete-mph will eontain m variety of tenr.' pftstenger ballot elegantly completed, fcicful and interesting; matter, such as Foreign and Domestto The prevent scheme doaanot embrace the ctpitol for ' &ni ,(ljtje emnermiable to cas , Mews SeKgiou and Moral Essay Essays on Agrieulttre , which the managers have Given bond, nor doe it con. n.u i t in.LS,, l;., nn fi InternalWprovvment-Aoe-Jote iksaia Poeoo template to raJTihe sum Authorized by lav ; yet aa the1' 9t ,a,t- AB,thl"8 hcn.g ready-arg. 00 ftiiton, valuable Recipe, fcc. ke. experiment is untried, t bey have thought proper to pro- board, erew oc deck, baunOD sufficiently diSteD- Tbe paper will appear abot the firatol My or Jsne, poe the first class on as small a seale as poible, re-; ded ropes cut away,-it acended-being over i"t " lmJlT KinJsT.a- serving to Uiemelves the r.t of prdingin futura to charjreil with Gas id 33 minutes found our- javJoa the day suited t. the arrival aod departure of ibe one or two addtUonal claw . selves ll,733feel abo bails, at four dollar per annum, payable in advanoe, or 5ve . wuivku iu.utow - r "-tr S3lllr at the expiratiTof the yeir. ' of the drawing w,ir commence, and the public w.il be (O-Subseriptionstothe Telegraph reeeived t this Of. , J f PP"!whcn the drw' lie" ' 1 Theprijes will be paid within sixty days after the CaiCHuOH 1)i?&u2Q drawing, and all prizea not demanded within one year hrvltB Proprietor of this Bridge have the' satisfaction of from & drawing will be coniidered as forfeited for the I informina the public that rt it now in a state to afford a eeneftt ef the institution. Bill i a short time l eompleUrly taaished. , It is thrown a- i Thomas Rice. 1 ik. r'.r.P.ii mt Imwpt FaTeltrTilli- anil ia built tin. I . . ' M. Lloyd Mill, i . J Managers. Bnrt'bBeJd. John's Co-N-CaroliSS. S N B. f nfArmmfr tikM fa wkkW tsreive moRtha Hotlisterrwh infarrnvd 1 b bad fa cruise after 1714 Stot0,enqtr yfe and convenient passage for any kind of carriage, and All in a short time be completely taaished. , It is thrown a- i oai the Cane-rear at Lower rayettevuie, aod i punt up. . . . r .i 1 . . . . I I. T. In tie man approven pian ana oi uic oesx maxeriais. n n i av sigh as to be beyond the reach of the highesT" Freaaeta ' ad is level from bank to bauk o as to preclude any material ' Meat or descent The ratett oar will be taken to hate Zrilr; V J - i.V diyj-f 4rwh a,he purchase money pa' Wfa ougbsg 4maod7i and to alf :ho eocas frpia tha East side of- da mer. The '3sasz&SS3ca2tsg&BKSS& i Tolliamoderste, and aare will bStakea'to prevent any de- . ISCellanV Sy, a the Toll Keeper will pay constant attentroti day and . , ' ' - ' J ' ' " ., sthe Proprietors biT encountered great riik and ex- r-. TH ,TAB" . t.-. .t,..,irion nf thi. Hridcr.. -ircK ia inAA .n tflpfain 5VH'rt, tt CtltTa. jbnor to the sUte and a sropendoua specimen of Arehiteetrj- Mr. Editor, DeS it Dot fietm a little DOTel nl skill, they hone to receive an ample share of public pat- at this eoliehtened dar that the ereater numl: er. naage.. I hey leel asaurea ut U tr.vei.er. anq other. , , h - - . - , rrtmmIlnif will make trial ottDeir uringe, mey can never tnina ot - ---"".-y - r " Jt asmg the nver agajn by any oth-r way. : By order of the President and Director. , . J. A., CAMERON, ?ecy. fayetteville, M.C ApriltO.tiaO. 16 ws. (whilst the adventurous" are poshing forward their discoveries and developing many of the la tent causes of the phenomena ia nature) still should obstinately maintain their opposition ; & would have us reject all innovations of thought and speculations on possibilities or probabilities as absurd or unworthy of investigation ; especi ally when they lie beyond the reach of ordinary viainn riA ntt ortfhin ttia immmlitta c tapn nl riBm.ll and A l.v l'Mrt.l. ornicll main JianftAnt. Pfinnf fend I Aley are infcnti, by their Guardian Jonathan Bubee, i occ,lr deitonstratlon i 'ltsinliSs,v. Reuben Sanders, Baeautor of John Carrell, ! Among the most remarkable schemes which State of North-Carolina, Johnston County. Court of Pleas and "Quarter Sessions, Februaiy a Term, 182$). , 'fhthiu Carrell, Me-rell Carrell, Ranvora Currell, Penny 'a i. a aa' ,i .a aa a r - tra B .aVe'd. Mitehett.Carrelt and wite Sally, William Carretl ; are now in operation, the expedition of Gaptain ftEW Pole, seems the mo.fdis. Wife Susannah, Willie Johnson and wife Winifred, and 1 tlOgUlshed.I am tar from denying the captain Benjamin Carrell, defendants Petition for account and j the honour of originating the idea ofhoHow con Settlement. . x i . . i centric spheres yet he is by no means the first person that has maintained the hypothesis of the earth being hollow : Such were the opin ions of ancient, prior to the days of Virgil, or he never would have described he visit t)f Knens to the shades of Pluto, in search of hU father. The Poet was even so particular in this as to give a minute description of the road thither, & the frightful entrance : The Dti Jlverwi who presided there : The Etysian fields, and the shades that inhabited them. thii ThePhilosopher and Poet, seems also to strengthen the opinion of the earth being a hollow Sfiher.Supiosing it turned upon an Axel as what he insinuated, and admitting it to oe ajouu mues tn uiatneter, u wouiu us nouui jTsppearine to the satisfaction of the Court that Mitchell X Carrell and wife Sally, William Carrell and wife Lucy, ytrlnf the defendant aforesaid, are reiident of another 4Ute to the ordinary process of law cannot be served en yro ; It is therefore ordered that publication be made fhr weeks successively in the Raleigh Star for said defend Sod top)ear at tlie t'ourt-House in SnrithfiaW In the coun ty aforesaid, en the fourth Monday, ia Msy jieat, to answer, vlesd or demur, or the petition will be heard pro eonfesso, A judgment entered exnurte to them- Test, Bat. S ANDKR9, Cterk. lt8 6vs rrice ady. 3,50 ,i Stat' ot TentieastiCf) Sumner Circuit Court. 1., Septembr Term, I8l'5. katSin, Comp't J,': vs. . . - Clojatiction Bill Voho H. Mabaine.Dnrtr 3. . t . . v yPjlIS day came the complainant by I us conntel, and ifap JL Pearingto the eeurt that taid defendant wac not tote yaod;.nthis County and that he was a wut-resideat. It is 5.pubuoalit. bejnade.four wem. weeewve r,n , -u mH . . . n ..Ufrnt nn fi. y nasnvuie Maaette and Raleigh Star, requiring sua ee- - -- jjnt to appear and ariWer said ullat iornext court, or pornt out from whence it follows, Ovid believ- W lame will UtaTwhniro.confeBso. - v 1 od fhp'r. an ariftrtiire at the Doles of about - . . Mfiw w mraww' ara. i " j - , i f , m a ANTHIIMI KHflllLrJIalilti .''a 4V a ' ' ' i : I 1 .J- proper proportion to allow 22 degrees 30 min utes for the dfater of its axis, hich the Poet State of North Carolina, oBbcrior rn'nrt f f.w. Trm nf thai firaf Mon 22 l -i degrees whith very nearly corresponds .with Captain 'jmmea' opinion. But tbe Ohio rnuosopner mentions noimng uuui in ungiu ility no 'doubt t6'wi& Quibbling. f.iirinn t,f R:mnfiata author of the famous i r - , 1 - . 7 7 nun aft. r..i.. & i...rili.i,t iscia , ',. . - l i - : i v . r wi mc murvii .Tiuuuayioi crsan.ii iv , VjreeK aiaioguef, give innunirraoiw iiiiauces ui '."tf .!?we ,scenes;iMsiniri.'th-lower' domains s also of lav. juaa-rv fuicr anal tia itidiniit.ti awianivsi a a i ' .m. ' ,.ak''1.' ' Kfrifea" it araring tothe satisfaction of tha court .ft eSllai Ifcv1 leg-1 course has been taken, "and the defendant Old ay .n w.. . "picrr u ra ocaereo oy coup tnci toouwowi i apttta.' ' - irine: sviS! Robert Henry, Cleri Mid Conrti at office the : ness, ithd that the cobcave Vnstde k in all 'res. . - . i-avu DCVll I St IHIIOI HIV Vn ft; uniut u "' Ttal", ' J.l ) i... .,-, - Rnrt'T. HKNQY. Ok- F- Tf . " . " ' 'v. ' 7 "liiiji: ?WTOiafliw . " 7 lWWtMOj;flMa ve the surface of the earth, saw the clouds floating under us air 9 degrees below the freezing point, found great difficulty of breathing discharging some Gas lowered cenaideraby brisk current to the North, found ourselves over North Carolina, discovered Fay e:tevill bearing N. E. by E. with our glasses could minutely view the Town saw but few passing the t-eeta times apparently dull the U. States Bank closed, the doors ofMessrs 8c Co. also ciosed, aw the whoro length of the grot citj deal no one at work gpon tt. spoke a citizen Jaarat t was, Hlj tjj,with the ditchers "tate. usnx niores" in great demana a tresn oreeze springing up from the S- . beat us as far West, ardly as the forks ot the Yadkin Uharry, innu merable hage rocks in the Yadkin & Cap'e Fear, dull prospect of removing them Spoke several men near the Fork" of the Yadkin, told us they were clearing out a turn pike road to the 44 Uhary landing"had finished the portage- way a mite back77 handsome situations tor ware houses, beautiful wharves and eddy water, several fish traps, a number of canoes rrding at anchor, beautiful landscapes, spoke a gentle mandirectly from Long's Ferry" times dull Treasury JV otes in great demand. Charging our balloon with more tass we again ascended, saw the grand chain of Allegany Mountains in the West, the blue ridge bearing N. and IS. W. like a dark cloud low in the HoriBon. Wind shiftifijr blew briskly from the West, oassed rapidly be fore it, discovered Guilford Court-House N. N. E. saw a large collection of people, spoke one of the Company learnt, they had been out to see the Guilford Ghost, times dull, Treasury Notes in grett demand. '. 15 past 9 o'clock A. M. saw the University 8-4 mile ahead, due East, lowered our balloon and repaired. , 1-9 Past 10 charged with more gas", ascendiftg "again got a lull view ot the bouses on rrankltn Street, could easily make out the letters on the sign board for tbe " City Hotel," passed close upon the North of tie Village, saw several gen tlemen upon the observatory viewing us with glasses, discovered one apparently busied in ma kiagr an estimate of our raterof motion, saw him take our bearings and at the same instant having reference to the timeout passed I fekr with too great rapidity to enable him tojtdke his observa tions with any degree of precision; Gallileo him self never looked with more earnestness fdrspots in the sun than these good people eyed 'us having got to the extremity of Franklin Street, by this time the square fronting the' Colleges on the East was crowded tike the Champ De Mars, wii 41 the Students en masse, they were ' now nearhjfina right line with us, & the Sin, which reflecting Irom the-balloou, must nave attordeu these spectators a very romantic & Grotesqife appearance- " With our glasses (which were'exilent,) could plainly discover th awe and novelty with which, th'ece sons of science viewed us,' meanwhile the spirit of enquiry seamed to circulate rapidly, from Freshman, to Sophomore,' from Sophwmore to Junior, from Junior tp Senior, from. Senior,' to Tutor, from Tdtor to Professor till it got to the highest grade . of scientific advancement spoke a senior student half a mile N. N. K. of the village student, all well, heavy complaints in college against Coric Sections and Cavallo's small print, several espisiOns" of ilour lock, queues and shorts coming in fashjpn, much Ulk heen rosttoT' eneiuirad ahnnt fh citizens, learnf. tft'ey were all welt, times sin usal ly dull, Bank Notes In gfreat demand; after giving liollister the bearing and distance of the . 'Borough, we send. Si and 1 t minutes, the wind shifting abjiut to the S. E. beat us over the towrr. a.dead csl-n ensuing, left us poised for 25 min utes directly over tk e Court House Saw the) good citizens gaze at us, heard orders tiven fors it- .1 . caiiinsooi me miutia. raosicias were soor reatine the long roll, militia formed a line ia the main street, the greater Dumber uniformly equipped, displayed great military prowess the novelty and awe we afforded those below us- could not be much if any exceeded by that whicfi tbey presented to us in thefr several, mao Ouvres, notwithstanding upon the .first manifes tation ol hostility from the town we bun"; out white flag upon the mizen mast, but this-had do influence whatever in either appeasing theif suspicions or abating their zeal f ir the comnioa defence- It was fortunate for us-that the milt tsry passed the time we were becilmeA ibcooOa termarching,'evolotioD8 ficc. v 44 past 10 o'clock Gave a greater ioffrtloii to our balloon soon rose to an astonishing height the ink froze, the mercury' sunk in the bill of he Thermometer, loweriog Somewhat a gale sit ung rn orisaiy truiu ute ooutn, toai sigmoi laa and bid adieu to those we left behind ' a ft S) . ... . 43 degrees SO minutes t6rth moeh alarm edV heard a sound at a distance oa he left, fearing " it was a tempest hove too, but soon found it waaV' tfit Niagara falls we lteod- nowrN. Ebjr'Ba nassed PssamaaMddrBavrsrr5aw fha Tf 8ea Berpent fwtnd to Fftitttief Itall, With dispatches and qpdatufs for the Boston raiht ers, spoke him butcould not board htm for tho bunches on his back Observation length by Prince's table of tabulations, 129ier, 6 ani tin half inches. V Vote Bene. No dotht nbw of the existenVo of Sea Serpents ready to qualify to it Pleasant weather, light breezes, our coast Northsaw floating rainbows vju the right anal Northern lights ahead- . i- After passiog the 6traits of Belisle, saw a flock Vf , Mur maids which excited muck surprise-iJL-a.il hands to quarters, armed with' harpoons sotin found they were in pursuit of herrings, which were very plenty In this region, saw them de vour several, and let the small ones fall JVort J?ene. Ubes not this account for fish falling in showers of rain ? Rau foul of a jlging rchbte which carried away our bob stay and flying jih boon, started our gas pumps and injured theaia room. After taking some drawings for 0r. Mitchell,' repaired and stnod 1 . 3 o'clock A. M.. by observation fobnd our latitude, 59 degrees and 40 minutes N. and long. degress and 42 minutes VV est s poke an East Green lander times dull a cargo of Rutaba ga andCobbett breeding sows in great, de mand i ' ---"2 b'clock E. II. met a vessel bound to England with Spitsber gea papers learnt the expedition under Capt' Symmes had sailed for the North' Pole 103 days past crew being alrxious to get to England ti hear orator Hunt spobtj tson parted with us Gale inereasing, took tn top gallant sail, reefed niain salt, fore sail, tec. Scutl for 37 minutes and a half at 5 o'clock P. cob Id discover the Satellites of Jupiter with the , naked eye Hove oo found ourselves inisighfc of the turnpike road that leads to the Comet - the weather being now perfectly CJear. could p'ainly see the foW board with our gtasi ' es, and discern the characters, which we ssp posed to be the rate of toll, took fac 'si mites' to send' to Dr. Mitehell-t.to interpret, saw land abeid lowered oorbaiieou. Numbers ef white beare and Cotes On the ? In land more gentle than tbossv of Kentucky- HicnonnulIadesunt tCJT Whilst surveying the interior bf this Is land we were unexpectedly saluted' byirersohv of tall, and dark Complexion; yet hating some thlrrg of majesty in his looks. -Her-teferBHed' e he was called Cherubinus and inhabited the in terior r avernOrd of this globe, and, was appris,- ed of the nature of our visit adding that inonei but," resolute and adventurous souls'' haul vv'p. pushed their, discoveries so far towards the" poft and that there were but two apertures or suotet ranaan nassagefl. wijhip thj? owlcdf ftl ! - r: t hi". 4 .1 ". .1