THE STAR,. AMI) SORTII-CAUOMXA STATE GIZETTE. WltgU, .V. e. YtUun, M' ft, iaux ' L." J"J -J avh Vo. XV. .Vo. 13. r v n h r. n w . m i, II TIIOM-M llK.MWRSlhWjr. - ...nptn.lkrcr dollars u r innuli-No pifirwiUbe aiib-'Ul t ! !Sl Jnnuispsid in i'-w.-. and L r JlCOUll,'Ue.l, t" l ine up,""., in .- iinn , 0 nl thf uihuuii v. - ..... uolm -11 rre. r"rs rr pajo1 Advrrtism.cnts not u crliug lines i rtt d ihrrr times for o:h dollars o,! t r t,-fiv Klti lor rack eonli"Uiit'. .. 1 .--ii-i : Slate of Nurlli Carolina, Duncomb' County. Superior Court ul La, Irrm ol the firt Mn- ,,y ' t r the fourth M ondav nf M i h 1820. Heater V itt!fT. t Hra Wilisl.-y PetMi n fur diroire f..-. it Moi'Uy after ilu lli Monday nt March I'll? 1 tin. " K appearing lo (ho iwtii.fctio. nl ll.- court lint leg. I course h-ia'-em taken, '! the defendant failing to appear; ll M ordetfd b court that publication be ipi '. I" r lime uiciibt in the Sur ml Italeih iti gittcr ne parers, lor defendants to cmie in and an.wcr at next )r u it thu court to be brll i fliiiinHjibr Court Mouw, in ibt-mn nl' tstivillc, on tin fini Mouday lal'u-r the lourth ot b'pumlxr ut it, or thia petition will be lxarJ tiiiirtf itiies, Robert Mrnrv, Clerk of Mill Court. ' office tlie fr" Monday alter fourth Moutlav ol March I SiO. ROBT. Ur.NKY, Hk. l6-3mi. pii-ir sjv. J$P- 'iWen u tvu entereA, ON On Knifj it !ki Ittilmiii count., I.) Hsrbert t.ei, nur I j.inb-lh' I'. T), on itivcr, a bay f urv 1'iiur r-l ten iikU- arvl lilt li'fb, ritlnr ttirre it: ftcir M Ml-' oM tbn i'l'iii:, iir:-ll i!i "ii bu nw, (nine " lute li .il f in hnUi ', Lot'i liiml fr' l wlutrlothr joint, no c'lier pr-. n y!r uiaiks to be di-o' -red, raluiM to twenty five ilnllHn., A Gl NTKU.C. R. 17, mo. 16-tti IN SI NA Tt:. V iSDA, A'j.rtl Thf fjiIfiWi ir-u Utlorit, suliiiuttfj hr fr. MiiitiI on tl.c SI it itist. were tten op lui oti kiiltratinri. Ji-iotveJ, Th' : the practice .f DiulltDg is m htiUA ". iinniw" , nl cistirib!f . ti'xtl ft, T at the P f Milout of (lie Unidd Sltt i o lid ' i-justifi i)lc in s"ikiii2 Iro n '',r: rolJ ..t tSe a. y tn! nvy tie naiu- if a'l per orisi thrrcur uho hati- Len,ir licrtiffr mi,' luectl .r intlirrc'l ft;2a7Ptl in a ilupl.o.- e lieeti,r herea tcr may be, in an iin'r acce!ar tlnie.o. b r ilutitin tiavin ' tireti tn,l. Mr. lor- ril p oce eI, in a speecli ol con'ul;rahle le' gth, t "Up the priniipic. vhicli wur bid Iht n inih ' o.uti"i. Whrn hr hbtl c ii.du.lrd, iii4,if 1 on t.eie-, moTel to lay lb.- re-oluti.-n-i uu tn talle. believing, in rraid I the firt rasoluiion. that it w4 i u i .f t,i,..- 'riginal Attarhmrut Utlrd on ltvl. tu he at'uin .tOtiact pfnpusi tloriH ; tlmt in re- ir 1 1 1 1 r.. 1 1. .. ., ,i . I. . ii : i . i i i i i . . alicionolth.-Court, .list tbe.le- ' "'Bt an e.u J nnil me ibi-!trT , AnKi I ty b W.ll.ars !. nr thr Mntiih ol lluck Kiirr. uirrrl luarr. t.r L et H(;U iin-fH Insb. lclc rr 4!, a tm-;l a(ar in Ih r U it b'.l, drcx p m ii i aial mik, ifmirl (u lliirty do4lra TilOa. 1 HiltAUJlLX, rU..(pr. Marxb v'5, IM. l-tp. Stale ol North Carolina, Duplin County. Samo-! DitU, t-Oi ijinal auaihnnnl, If tied on W.d. Jrw Hinnh, 3 IT appearing to ihr satif n-.u ( thr fkmrt 'hat thr d-reo-daiil la ihii re, ii iK irnliil "f tint -.t s It n or I'enil tbt pu' liutiiM b iMndr time muhi'Iis hi the lial it,h Siar tbal uuli a deltmlant iin r at them-rt lirnol the Court in b- belli t bl'-naiiMlle, m tli-Moti-Uy of Jul), whtf mar h ai.,1 irnlnv n. i.l. .,1 in ... ,, ,l....i f.,.l J ...... r. j r t J'"fc - ,v ,,r ... mill U- -lillll W"J Wr ' ..b V ilivraa, Jaa tfnwll. Ijlork ol our nan'. Coii: t at IHTica. 1. tic the 3d Mom lay ol April Ihjn. JAS.rKAUSALL,Clk. IT Jim. -v-iar a.W lii 1-2. ltuilin County. TN' the tiny nook t C.uill'inl Oimiy. f 'Vi!! nvi EnteveA, , on the ratinoT r. ij H-v It 'It'in. a ion' I ii.iiv iiurtien hau ls 'L'b. tat In- fmrt oi l iMtntal Irnttcr, atar in Ins lore- ,S( sliouidcrjslipt.aliod b fore, aprsntd lo t-iurdol- ISAAC ODFX1-, UanKrr April fi, 18ia "-t TYJohn Arnold in th'- North V istrm part of Rari'lflph ? fo'intv a m-ill liaj marc about thirietn lianas bih, insik 1 as follows : :i small white Mar in hrr tiicr, purl ol h r hii:.' I -iiid tr.-t bit'', about tile Jian old tliis . ; I v. - i 1 to :0 dollars. ' 15E.NJAMIN SVEHD, C (t. Apni s, ir:o 16 Ctp. F.dward Albirton, Jeve Smith 6 1 apiTnniir to th li tiilnrit in thia eaai, S ii't a ivmli nl Ol tins Mate ; I' onliT'-il lliut public iiio'i b roa!i- tlin r. nioiis in tin- Ra-I'-ijfb Star tlinf unli-i b I'f.idnnt pptnr at the next Trrii: (it th.- Omit to I"-hold at Kriiaiiiwlli; on 'hf Moi da id July, and rvph-v and plrad lo laoUt-, or iudgiucnt tii.ttl will b'- i iiii-rcd Hipaiiml lnm Vitn n, .laa. Pcxr all, Clerk of our ud C'Hiit, at Office, the 3d Mom.ay ol April l8l0. JAS PftARSALl., Clk. 17 ."ma jir.o ! 1,11-2. ENPT ft' Ll., James MeKrr. Gorman. W7I- lum IVi-k, Wilson Wliitchmd, William Huffin k r. I( ctiard and HeniHiuin bmuli. Joim HoII.iuhv TIi'h'ius Cohbi. Adininittmlor of Jelin neotr, V illiam Hill, Afl't. Jirob lbh. 1 hefiphiliu Ilunur, (U l linker, Tunit-r l ate, Jurat s 1 ears, sen liicbard Ko.v, Ji lin Kelly, Jos. ,.h Armstrong, Joneph llopkii.s, Andey Brmni, Joliu BuiTil, Joliu s. iCaptau, on Muuday, the Slliol M.i, r t V:ik" Jail, I shall take the benefit of the net ol foi the henet-t olliislvtut Debiurs, whtn aod where you ta y Hlteud, inc. MILLINGTOS KICIIARDSOV. l(aHsh, April 58, 1820. . ; Ten DoUvu's WewavA. V V IV tii ih jhscriber on tin. 9th of January SUite of VoyU ljuroYina, Duplin County Henry ranIy, "J J-Unginal Attachr tiraerd, levied on land. muit vested in (ma hv lav tn do what vva pn;. p setl ; ami that if he had m-glt'cled to execute i ic Uw, anil i: tvas intended io take anv step iti relation to it, Ii.- uught tu le approached ia a dille e:it way, kc. The motion prevailed, without a division, & the resolutions ucie ordered ta lie on the uhle accordingly . HOUSE OF H E PR ESE NTATI VE9. Mr. ini'.li, nl .vIji ,l,tu, jiirMented ; (ie(i tion of siindiy inhabitants ot tlie city ct Haiti mure, prayi'.g that incavjr s may he adopted ti prevent citizens td the Unired Mates from en gaging in the hui ebs nl pi i vitc- ru g ui der t:in llagu t the gtvcinments in S-utii Amci ica, anil t ut certain po is in the United States be tlesi".. luted in wiudionly cmiseruof tho-se govern ments may hepe-ra tted to .n'er.and that those lying on tiie warns the Chcapi ak Bay may t.e in:oni; those which may be prohibited ; wlucli pefiti n was ttlered to the committee on For e g AtiJirs. On iD' : i on o t Mr. Lowndes, it was Jlesou-id, lhat the L.-tie. from the Secrpta. a-ra ti H . I . , kni. I kum.-.l H.'l.'l I r.l i m' ivhrl u-ba Tabu.. Vn.IlL 1 ..... 1.L..V 1.' .. w l m ari in hi 11 c " ' -j . " ' r .j iiium. -r rviiiiriiinvviivtiiiuiiiniA...i n .r bn-ii' to me bv t!i w,.rsl.i.l.i' court of Uunco nbe county, f 1 appearing lo the satisfaction of the orurt that the de- ,i,t. ,riiinniv .l, t ! 10U' M',tl1 i, lB-,t 'I red -a- iSj-ki-s old, five feet l.iKb, feo.lant in this eaae is not a resident ol timsuu - It is OnCUinellts. Woich accompanlt d it, be refer- aa .. y hair, fiiroomp'exii.n, blue e). it, anil lit. le droop ordered tl(t publicsUoti be n.atie three niuuths in tlic i.aleih reu l" lue Comililltee on JNaVill AiairSiaild noacil. VII p-raoiisare forwarm il from h irbuui ing him. Star that unless defendant appear at the next term 01' the that the be instructed t eiinUlf into tU 'i he above reward Jl be p;ui lor hia iipr(Ut uaion niHltli- Court tu be licltl at Kisnai.sville, (m the S.I Moo!kt ol Julv .,.n ( , L i ' M,u l,,e ex live.y to :' replevy and nksd to issue or detunr, iudirtuct filial will 1 K. ? 'w "iamau(l. be emend uguinst him. . er or ouier onicer in the Naval Service of thr 17 n-".-, raiTMtii.uierit 01 our sai.i court, at ofuec aiates Mian receive on board hia trie an nontiay 01 ipi u isz'J. JA3 I'E.VltS LL, Clk. 17 3 n price ad v gl,U t-2. y to Bu lenmbe eountv N. 7i(i pi il. I 8 iO MJNER 1IALC0MBK. Csroluu, lfc3tsp. Lenoir .unty. Court of Plas and Q iriei Sessions, April Tern . 1820. jotiu vvaaiu'igion.-v v COririnal Httaohraent levied on land TJedmnnd Inm a i)H.!li. Simonton and Falls s vessel an v ilvei , or jewels, without orders h om the prsi dent ol tne U iited States or the Navy Depart ed 4 . TT- a, T- trnent. ; and t ,at no oflje r, vviihout such orders .-7 auuii i uiijuvii oi aeisenger any person Iredell I'nunty. the naval or military set vice of a fore Vourt ot rieas aim v .arter esions, Lebi uarv 0. r m nt enaed in ar . a i. lttee ol iMtva.1 also AOai t enquire uito the exuedn-nrv in a: d the com- ivuaus are i.istmrter at 1 beniP- imido aimear to the sutislaction of the caurt that i -iiiaciimeni. kl, 1. J . " I Wed -nond Jon s, lli delenda.,1 in this Case, is not an in- J?,'" s Parker. J J atJ, Ct.mptna:iOn Of hjhitoil otthia sutu-the Court d.d therefore or ler appeaniig to tne satislaction ol the Court that the da. " t 'S'u "1'i in any Case, fnr .irli. publication be made tluec times in the North Carolina I fcndaiit is not an inahitant of this Stale ; It is therefore clea transported III Vessels of the United Stated I le l in a . . t i rl . . . . . . . " - lAiiin? ub uu 1IES. &c. T'K ll llnll-.u an-i. .n ..1 1 : f ..vx.-v gniu i c.'uivcu uen into a ii ra 1.20 Original Attachment. aiatc (z-tte. that uiiles the said Kedmond Jones shall "rderetl that puniiealiot. be made th;-ee weeks in the a. Uiakf his nors inal appearanof before the justices of the ''"'J'1 St-,r" successively, giving notice lo the said defend ,t Count i Court of Pleaa.und Quartet "essioiis to beheld fr that he appear at th next Court of Plt-ai and Quarter Se. the count of ..enoii-, at the onrt House in Kinston, on the tio"s 10 be hM r ll'f cotinly aforesaid, at the Courl-House mittee of tile whole, Mr i'avlur in the rb;r n, l. r,., i .Inlvnnt. ami then and then unmrr n,l in Statesville, on the od fondai in viuv nexi and tileml. an. iu. ... i. . . e .1. J air, Oil me um i icguiaie tne uutiei 01. imports. A motion, to strike out the fli at section of the bill (to reject it,) ut ii.g unoer considerat on Mr. Tyler delivered a bpeech of about art hour length 111 support of thia motion. ft tJ i I I s ijr. oiu.ii ueuvereu a speech of about the first Moudav in July next, and then and there answer and pl-ad to the said saiil, judKwnt final will then and there be sv.'l-ai"1 lemnr, oihirmse f.tial judgment ill be taken .jiieied airaiust bun lor tne amount it tne ptaintitl's deinand o1"'"1 b O. WtlSTUUOK, C. C. R. SIMONTOV, C. C l7-Jvv,,,rUe adv. gl.r.V 17-3-v price adv. gl.SO. au- a. . L u tatc of Nortli-Carolina, rHK annual . Xa ..1. an 1. - f the Students nnrt r pi0,a anii n,i .. tr v.. v. same length, in reni v. f it f Unive sitv ot No t't-Candina, will Term. I82t9 After iv.ioui, Mr. Oro9s, of N. Y. snoke ri rv t Vr o.l.i.ia.lA.' '11 .lav .!' Ma. ...... . .-til ... .. . ' . . - 1 ..I. - 1- . r ....,. ..... i. 1 - v Mathias Carrell, M unul I t.urslay the 81b -l;iv ol .lune iu xt ; At hie!i ('nrrell 'mil Alev at time tne co u.u uceinetit 01 the '.olleg. I'Smiollowine '.'ru!ite!.a will attend. ... Mis Excellency, .1 h i R a"ch, will taice place. The. Rev. Doctor Tliomas Hrown, This D. Ht inchan, John B. Hakei , J-'Seph C ihlwell, Leonard Ile ideisnn, Jam's Iredell, William Martin, John Stanly, holier Williams. f.f Ra'eigh.) AI't are infants, hy their (uianlian pliiiiitifr?, r. IteuSen Sanders, B.x ilrc'd. Michrll Carrel! and wife Sally and wde Lucy, Aley Carrell widow d MerrellCamll, Kansom Carrell, Penny 90me e"gt,' Q 'he .ailli side of the question y Carrell, which said Uansoin, Penny and The question wan then taken on sfrikimr ,., ;rtorTf7 ; ?c3 th ially, William Caneli 73 votes to 4t. low and relict nl s:iid I he C' lllinittCe ol fliat ivrinlr. fKon l.,t .. n I. eel Wain n llotisp and wife Uelilah, Inborn Griffis and other bill relerred to it k. tf, :.i i n a -. life Susannah, Willie Johnson and , ,fe Winifred and . 1 " b-I the title ol A bill Benjunin Carrell, defendants-Petition fta- account and 'r5u,al,ng payment Ol duties Oil metcliatl settiement. dise imported, and tor other nurpo-'es " IT appearing to the satisfaction ol (he :ourt that Mitchell ("This bill provides that frmn tTi.J fi Carrell and wife Sally, William Carrell and wife Lucy, a.,.1,. ,,, " A Pr0VIUe9 tr and after a cer partof the defendants aforesaid, are residents of another 1 e' "e "utles 'aid Oil all goods, Wares & state so the ordinary process of lavr cannot be served on nierchatldi-C, IlljiOrteil into the L'niteU State3 them ; ll is iherefoi-e ordered that publication be made for ( ept dyit g di ug-, anil materials for rnmnnj' six weeks successively in the Ualeiidi Star for said defend- i " u "'iiri lais ioi COinpoS- ants toJipi.earat the C'ourt-llouse in Smithfu Id n, the coun- "lg 8U'" arablc g'n Senegal, and all Other ty aforesaid, on the fourth Monday in Mav uext. to answer. articles used solely for mcdfr.inal roirrifi.oQ !l oiher Toon- t 'i Trn ers who mat ntlend. an tn pleail or tlemur, or the petition will be heard urn eonfiu. r4i. rinnamm, , b.v.u -I - he co lairff.!,, tlii. is roni.. litte... ai.d in-lemetit entered ex parte as to them ..' . ' . i, COCOd, COt- licned iivliviu .Uy bv an ordinance !' the Hcmrd. I t, itOH V. WILLIAMS, Sce'y. Rd.;lsl), Vpiar. 1S20. I7-4SC Test, 16 fiws price adv S3.50 Km. S VNUEItS, Clerk. Land for Sale. tvvte ot Tennessee,, Sumner Circuit ( onrt. Septembr Term, 1819. John G win, Comp't lnjunotion Bin. jji'intl". will be irihl at public sale at Hockiogham ''onrt House, on the 1M Jiy t,f .ly next, il being the Tues-d:n- of 'locki ifjliam 'jju'ily Court, six hundred and forly a ei.!S of land, licloagiutui the estate of General Jolm llamil tn . ,!...M oi.l ri.. ..i. if ... .. : i i.. in;, mar .id Curt I lose. ul,i,)TOve J, a,!j..,niK the lands ' P113 "- lhe 0-flan-t hy his emmael, anJ it ap. laii.ii... i.r,.-,. hv ,j- i. v .ii.....1 .im T. . -V. . 9 peaniic to the court that au.d delendant wi,s not to bu ..... ,,. v.. , . .. .. . mifcei 11CW 11. llllll . r . ,. ....I.. .. ... ' .... noiWH 1 v. iv l.-eral erodil will beeiv,.. ; n.e term to be made known fouvl 11, t ,,. County and that he v as a m,-,,,u It ia be payable. U etlual Iiavmstnra- al hr,.ir .'..J .a..;. ...HI I... - tnai miiiiMiiwii iijumc 1UUI CCI SUUCtBtlVeiV 1U .1. alT " ' 9 John H, vs. Mabaine, Deft , ti.uigu, mat-;, nioiasses, nutmegs, pepper, pimento, salt, oih-e, sugar, tea, thall be paid before a permit shall be ranted for landing the same, unless entered for exporiation or deposit ed in public store houses On the excepted ar ticles, duties not exceeding 100 dollars in a mount, to be paid in cash ; and, if exceeding; v that sum, glial: be allowed aenn!u on one halt tor three n.onths, and on the other half for sis: m nths except tea, the duties on which are to on tli by J.iy at" side April 23, 18C0. wne$ due attention will Ue (.iveti I Ant.VV ilKN'UilKSON'. su'r. HA1VB McCAIN, VTL4AI IIYAN Exr'i 17- T' IF. the Nashvilli: Gazette and Kaleih star, requiring said de fendant to appear and answer said bill at our next court, or the same will be taken pro-conltasn. ANTHONY B. SHKLBY, Cl'k. l6-4ws. Priae adv. t,S0. ' i't 'l Vili 1 1 ii A nnilut.ii JCIe. ti S t-;F. erercisea of thia instiliilinn r.nmmn.Al ir. T.n. Tlaleigh Peace Society v bold a meetinrf on Sa- ii uvry The course of studies i intended to n ra tline Hii Mill I Mr. Ba dw u explained at some length, the general views which had induced the commit tee on manufactures to report thi& bill, 8tspoke in detail ef th variots provisions contained in; it- pr- Mr. Silshee assigned at considerable length- intl.,.Unf y c SUy' aul!'li"' House, at 3 o'clock, pare boy for College. Tuiiion For the Latin &Grelt the reasons why he waa Ofjpgscd to the Dassa-'e; th . R.- IWIHM1 Language,, 12 per aeaaion-Knr lish Grammar, Para- of the hill. J VV P Uieiubers. ' April ' JEP.HMIMI BirrLE,Corrca- jonding bm-Uay. Col. Win Hinton will take afew boarders at sevto dollars per month- TOHS. L. RAGSDJiLR. lfrarce countpjlgril I. 14 Mr Lowndes also assigned the rpaanna wliv he also was opposed to the bill, and particularly to the provision which coatetnplaio rMtriotiorls on tha East India lri9 ... Pi h 4 t 11 'A iil'' It U 'A 1 c! -, t ll i i;'!. '1 r

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