i THE. ST AM, And North-Carolina State Gazette. IX VLEKill, (N. C.) Fit I DAY, M.VY 20, !820. Vol. J. w . AprU 26. aprd 26. wntiia. naieig rOBLltHKD Willi Tt 11.F.C dnlUrt Pr tnnnm No paper will aV1"-. . J ,f .fi 1 iOcrslin f j;,eoiti'ue 1. ! at ihe ,i . .rv-r art- . I mn - . . SOT1CE. ' vr.wi.Ur the 4Td !T of MT 1 1' j. ,i tS-C.oai-1 House ia Tiborouc,H, iwn lik. ly illo and one tn is.. .M Hardy Fl era, lo Satisfy Jpril 7. tiT.llE OF.YUHTU c.iUULLS.l. t'rinklin county, Court of Pie J, J at.d Q i. iter dtuq, March letn. 1S20 jjin Bo Jen, 1 ... rl. t Original attachment levied on lawi, tt'tt How en S BT api axing wi lue aausncrion oi ine- own mu Ufei.J'- in thit caae, resides beyond the lir.utt of AjStaie. Ordered therefore that publication be siade r.w. u.lf'cfc Star, that unless he appear Hour rest fjMlt to be lieid fjr the County uf twiie id Louisburg, on the second Za then and there plead, anawer Uc- that jadgement u- ffwUI he taken agiimt h.tn. Ml 8. PATTERSON, CC in',l 5fi. if- "IVi'i E OF V0 It Til- CAR OL L J. Franklin county. Court of Pleas ami Qmiier Ses:o., M-rch I'er.i. &ZV. JohnBowden. 1 . . w. J, Original aiUchment levied on undi. BiaiBawden, 5 . . rT tmwrinir tu ihe latiaUciion Udtfciulant tn thiscaae, resides tEiaSUte. Ordered therefore tdat h. n.U ivh Ntar.tht unlesa be to be held for the county of Prat.klia at the Cotr t Home mLouisbui'g. on the aecotKl londay ct June next, nd then and there p'etd, answer ttc that judgement final fill be taken sgavnat tun STATE OVJYOltTU CJlWLLJl. Franklm Coun'y. Court of Plraiai.d Quaker Session, March Term 1820. Jordan 8. Bowden,") vt V. Original attachment leTiea on tana Elias Bowdm. J a I' appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant in this case, resides beyond the limits cf fo State Ordered therefore that publication ie maae ihlk. Raleigh Star, that unless he pper at our Court t be held tor the county of Franklin at the Court House idlouisburg, on (he second Mon uy of June ntxt, and then and ihr plead, um jurlgmnt final tulbe taken against him. 53. rvl l LKau.i," April 26. 18 STATE OF XORT1I CJ1RQLLYA. Stokes cuuntu. Courtol Pleas auil Qua tet Seasion, March Term 1820. Win Null, ir F.liiabeth Slietise.ncob Null, Margaret Hol- B der, Fretlei ic Null, PH olglaser a,. ,. ,tk . Lwiaahitwfc, ohn Beck auJ Catharine his wife, the heinatlawof William Null, am' thf heirs at law of Ca tharine Mam t-r Petition for nitrtition IT is nplered i the Court that publication be made in the Kal igh Stu for six weeks, that unless fhe heirs at law, ilium Nu:l unci the lieirsat Ifc Ol cainarine .'lauici. hn reiidein a Foreign State, anptar within the three first days of neat Court of Pleas :ud Quarter Session, to be heM lor Stokes county , at the Court House in Gennanton, on the fctund .!unily in June next, ann either pleao, anawer, ui Oemur, otheri-.e the petition will be taken pr coniesw ai (bit term and heard exparte aeainst the mat lh nt-term. v M M TdEVV K. MOORE. C C. April eJ. - 18-6w. MlUT.tUk PhJY JET)' US f r t be paj ment of the United SUt s Pensions ifi jiithe row ifiNorth Carolina, tothcithMtrch 1820. e.ve been pn v ded at the office of the B;nk ot the U. . States at FtyetU'Ville. Claims duly authenticated, will fcpaid on o mand. May3,18'2i i .Yfill ::. TO 'E ex.imina. ion of the ymn g t nurg temale Academy, will 'y the 31st inat at nihi.-li litno se fiiendlyto said institution are lonisburg, May 2 NOTICE. jM;ii co partnership ofConyers & Wood, was dissolv ed by mutu .1 consent of both parties. AH those 'Mbted arc rtq icMed to come forward and settle im 'faiatfe v. JjelCjnyers, is fully N. B Those that have claims against the above firm, P'eaje bring forward tor bettlement. . JOEL CONTEKS. APM 26, 1820. 13 3w. . w amw m MClliB UI UII1C1S I1C Will miK) i I. LaUlts tien enien that visit Raleigh, who BW &av i vB May.l. VftnUA at llttYlaY Aston, A , ." recomtnetaled, to 'take charge of a fe-fna-V , S,SRoo,who 's qualified to teach the follow liJr'10 Reading , Writing, Arithmetic, fsimi, 1. Ian'.mr' ttew?'"Phy, needle work, drawing eet ',' rk Any person thus q'fll, would . m liberal encouragement, on application to tb. JAMES HHXIARD. UMh u ,exe.ro,8e8oftne school to commence the " itTlv "uay in June next. County, c. Ma, 1620 lStpd. '""1 . ami option ol the outran ol (he rlttor. a.dtri'riiaenienu not e- . . t . ,, ixi'l in advance, tarts', iiidci iur uoc nonar next, will be sold fn - l aftrtm, Hie pro- sundry jtirgrtiM-tiis and B BARXLS, Cnt. ' JU- Franklin at the C mrt Mon-lay ct June next, ol the uourt tnai tne beyond the limits of puD icauon oemaue ant-ear at our Court PATTERSON, C. C, ia ... . ami Xihn Null, sr r 1 nmi.A unit - IOJSS. 18 Ladies of the l0uis- commence on Weunes narentn. friiardians and earnestly solicited tff R. A. TAYLOR, Secretary. 18-3is. authorised to settle vuwtov limnn will board aior eteht Stu- 13- I S'nt of .Yorth Carolina. Stcret ryU Ofjicr. Ih Jjr.l. 1820 VtLH T of OOcera and Sol 'i. mkiirt, or whose heirsarr wlnl-d 10 draw ld Aarrana f r lUnr in U.r lUnriulMatary war, k.ulliab'l .u afcc'aruc lo r- Vj'jU:i ol tlx. Cast General Aiartublj. .Va-ir OJJttrrt U .' iii,-r- jtH.'i fVir rjnc Nicr iiama. i n.u, 'onMhan H-n, p't Benjamiu Vjt'l. p't Jit Vinnvi.a p't, Atr!o.H Atfttiu, p't. .lotin Vtlami, aerf't. Uicliard tlino p't. rU'nl k7r, p'l Collint Bruwu u t Wu narler p't Miebarl Il-H i't Archiball Hole aerg't Joltn Ileal p't Jcrrmiah llea'Dan, p't CUan flukli p t Uilt. Hi-onla eorp'l. Win. Ilo'Ti pt Chatn'a ilmler p't Joaeph Kuiitet p't JoUo 111 ant p't Niciudas MU'iki p't Thomaa Br-f p t Kplintim Hitrton y' Jain-a ii-nmt p't A moi It, rrv p't W.ri Bridget p't i unit r.,gri y. ro.n -,.,. . ! ('rlei. 1 '." n 1 "V'' Bf , .. ., ... lli-nrv Hron p t I'ho nas Br loken serg't Isaac Hracker p't John ilrotk p't Win Boomer p't James Bn-n-u p't Jeob :l irk. p,t John Churn p't Robert Cole p't . St'-phcn Cook p't TUo.n is ' Hiaiupioo p W Cone p't Benj Gannon mil's I hiMuas tJuswell corp'l Ceorge Crai)f Be ja nin Cummings Wm Campbell corp'l John Casedy Huboanl Carter Win. ''oroish J no Voper Jacob Conner David Carter eorpT Henry Coker or Cocker Joha Conner Solomon Capbell Hillory Cason corp'l Alexander Coles cort)! John Cannon tteuhen Deal p t Win. Drew " John Day " John Downs sergeant Thomas Diiriiam p't Jeremiah Dailey " Win Dennis p't Wm. Dobbins corpl Hugh Donally p't lkn Ita--i.rJa n't Charles Elloraa p't John Krans p't 1 homas Kvans, p t Joh:i Kstmead p t. David K.aster p t l ihn Eaeer, p't John F.mbry p't John Elhs p't John Edwards, jr. p't James Fikes serj't John Fursison p't Richd. FilBby " W-o. Flnrv sere't lolin Hooks p t Thomas r'orrister, p't lohua Fenton p't Thomas Francisco, p't Wm howler p t Wm. Flinn p't James Folks p't I imothy news p t James Faddles " I'homaS Uriswit p't . W m. (ikskins corporal George Ceary p't Joseph Geary p t Wm. (irant p't Edward Griffith serg't lolin Cuard p't lames Gilliliam p't Mephcn Ganer p't. lobn Goven Corp'l lieorgn Giiinings p't John Grinage p't Thomas Gibson Ensign Major Griaham p't John Harrill p't Thos Hazlep't Thos. Hardy p't E.lw'd tlowyll corpl, John Hurley p't I'ho -iias Hl ccrp'l Hardy Hines p't Edward Hutchins, p't Thomas Hntson sergeant Thos. Higgins p't. Peter Higgins Joseph llitilon nms Stephen Howell p't John llelbert p't IJaac Hammon p't Brinson Jones corp'l Thos Jennings p't & corpl Nathan Jordan p IJ Richard Jones " Thomas Johnston p'r r.dd'n James p't Lyttletci foues p't Joseph Inglish jmus' 1 David Ivey " Wm. Jennings pH John Ineraham, serir t BrutuS Johnston Mus Solomon Johnston p't John .lav vis p't Jacob Kittle p't Wm. Kink p't Joseph Kees p't James Kelly p't JSdward Kelly p't Robert Kclpiit,rick raus' I'alnck Kelly p't John Kail p't James Kelbe mat Lawne Linch p't Richard Lawson p't Wm. Logan p't Henry Lorain sergeant Caftatn't Caiavl R I i Vili Vllm's I nriirr'a 1st l Sd ill 9ll. IO.li I tali lit I at lit 2.1 21 Sd ad i'h h Ml. SiS 6h 61 li th 6h 7 h l.ranbeiT) ' Ml roya Hi roi'i Cm-tere I hoiupson t Uirnu'a (Into W il.iam't Mlin's i liu'i Gee. (ino.lman'S S '.ui men's (Jill d Kliluf't UmiU'l mheny-a ditto Cliiil a Hn. kl, Walk.-r's V anoy Mil lo fenN'T'S Otli i in. "h iO'Ii tilth 1 . Ht I0tb 1Kb H.'tll Hull lU.h ID'h ttxh 1st lit Ut t.l M t!o lo 4th 5 lit 5th Gih do do do 7th 7lh 1 0th do do do do Oth do M do do 4th do do do do do it 3d 4th Gth 6th 9th lion's loiitlord's II Hani's Blou nt's i Ui ford's Mill's ditto Taylor's Eaton's ditto Hrou'$ Tatom'S Sharp's ' runlroiig's I urner'S Grsiilierry.s ditto Goitflman's iilmm's Blount's I) KiOllO'S ditto U iherty's vl'ltces vl'Glaughon's ditto ilson's ditto trphensou's larves'S llailcj's de's Mill' lartin't Gee's Xmutroni William's ditto ditto Blourt't Brevard4 Dixon's rm'ronifa furuer'a Smith's V bit's Walker's Cook's W lUon's 10th Vanois's do do do 1st 1st 4th 5th 6th 7th 9ih 9th ditto Lytle's 1 hoinpson's Dixon's Nelson's Vtedman's Caswell's Vl.Kee s Brickie's Jooke's MX.roy'i Jarvis's 10th iail-s do do do 4ih 5 th 6tii do do 7lh mount's Brevard's Smith's .Vteilman's Donoho's ditto ditto V'aughan's SlenmaWs 10th Moore's do do do do do do do 1st 2d 3d 4th 4Ui 5lh 5th Sih Oth 6th 6th 7lh yth Bradley's Ballard's Sharp's Brevard's Cole's Lewis's Brown's ArmsiroQ 's Eaton's Goodman's Harris's William's Caswell's ditto Donoho'9 Doherty's Williams's Brickie's M'Crory'a Raiford's unh Coleman's l Oth Williams's Allen's Armstrong's '.hid 2nd 2nd 3rd Turner's Eatoi's William's 3rd 5 th 5Ui 5ib Aldcrson's ditto Wilson's Majors's litto ditto Hogg's Brevard's rmstrwg's ditto Donoho's ditto ditto Dailey's I'artanson's ditto Kingsberry's ''aiora's Dixon's harp' 8 Williams's" I Oth 10th I Oth lOlh I Oth 10th tst 2nd 6th 6th 6th Till I 8th llOth Artil'y 1st do do 41 ffi I Term .af- Qnattity a- arr r tiro. a c ri'H . ) oid 4 6 VI 6.0 0 O 6 6 1 iO f,V) 640 fiiil KiCO 1.0 i.s C 1 l) 1 it) 2. , K f.4'i 6v 61 I t-if Mi t i'J 2-1 .7 i C a) iiii 6U i'l 27i 274 3.i r, CiO 64J C40 2 3 640 10(70 4i.'7 f40 641 I0O0 f40 r,V) 640 6.0 640 1000 6 it) 640 1000 1100 640 610 640 640 1000 640 228 640 1000 640 228 274 640 640 . 6i0 274 274 23 640 1000 640 274 1000 28 640 6,0 640 640 640 640 640 640 640 1000 228 6t0 640 1000 640 640 274 1000 6i0 640 i;560 640 228 640 228 357 640 857 228 274 1000 640 640 1000 640 640 640 1000 274 , 640 228 dead l2 yt ars do dead d.-ail dcwl ar i!eJ war I'.ead war I. ad a ar ill ml iltad dend 1-2 teai-s de'l li ad war r rs deail ilf4 dead .'.lad ir ceal war io deail (hail d. ml 'ar 3 ) en do - 1-2 years wr dead dead i I -2 years dead dead ytars il. ail dead dead d ad ! ad lead dead dead dead 3 year dead dend dead dead dead dead war dead war war 9 1-2 years dead dead dead ueatl 2 1-2 years 6 years dead dead dead 3 years 3 years t 2 1-2 years war dead war 3 years dead l-2years dead dead dead dead li ad dead dead dead dead war 2 I -2 y ears dead dead dead lead 3 years , '3 years war ded dead dead 1 war 2 t-2y ears dead 2 1 -2 years at 1-2 years dead 2 1 -2 years i l years 3 yeHrs dead dead dead dead dead dead dead (lead 3 years dead l-sl year dead 640 . 228 640 1000 2 1-2 years dead dead 3 y ears dead war dead dead dead 3 years 3yrs or war 2 1-2 years dead ' war war dead 2 1-2 years 3 years war dead 3 yr's or war ' ifoftl 274 it rd . 616 acre drawn, 600 due. 60 ae'sdrawn rCO due. 640ac's drawn 360 die. 640 ae'sdrawn 360 due or 428, per haps more, depends on proot of the cause of his discharge. 274 ae'sdrawn 366 yet due, C40e's drawn 60 due. 274aos drawn 154 due. 428 640 1000 1000 640 640 274' - 874 or 640 228 640 640 tooO 640 22 24 640 64 or 640, AWt tffLfentLf Sol (LmmtHiko rtutk. Willis l.iarornb p't Julia I ai.r j 't Job l4t p't Jnbu la t tl'fg't Wm. lrwit niu" Lan.a-1 Lutru corpl Edward Ltwa p't John Cut cor 'I John Lollard p'l Billing Lucai p't LwU Lt tli aera't Wm Utu dm t Wm. Meltuu & rp'l Ralph Moore p't Abraham Meneo p't Philip MuCouneil p't Edward Matthew mus' Thomas Maury srrg't David Miibrr n " Joiill Mui-rn p't Thomas 'luipl iT p't Jacob Nio.iv p't John li!!er corp'l Joseph Me; ul.r s-i-g't Job.. Moi gni' i.iui' M..j r 'I .i . corp-1 Elulia Mills pi Baiu'l V iiians cornl Joseph McDuiurl p't Joseph Moore niiis'r Jonalii.in Mclliiiuld p't V in. Mil, hell p't ("la. v ., j,n serg't J ill. i McKi an p't J.mies' lurphey p't ' Join vcK..y p't 'I hi-oplnlui vluchell p'l Fr. ciun. 'o' Iiq p't Wm Mill, r p-i John McKnuey p't Jacob Nurt.in p'l Renbe i Ni'Miuaii p't, Job:i fll p't John Ne.'diij.n p't Wdliaui N. 0'ii.j p t Robert Nieliolion' 1't Jess.; Nilit p t Robert Neasomp't Matthew New I serg't Randolph Neweom mus a tt. i. . vt i i iiiiir eisiii p-i Juhn Oram p't jCh-irles ')rr Corji'l I Oah b Overton p't , Leml Overuin p't Wtn Oldiiilge, " John Ovler JJauiel Overton HilL'h Oilonnallv Jolm Overt. m " Pi ram O les Fred'H Peck " Dancey Pe nicost serg't John I'arkerson " Jolm PiJ3on aoi'n'l Jph'i Pernel p'l Wm feonles " Josse Parker serg't Jease Pncbard " Samuel Potter pt John Paacock " Joseph Pnilips p't Pearson Pe .1 str't Jacob Perkinson p't Abraham Pur ia Kichd I'erkins Anu Petigrew Beuj. Pendleton ' Wm. Pipkin Duncan Paterson Wm. Powers Drtn'l Paifirk Abraham Parnal 1 honas tuinn Eleazer Qui n by Sam'l linherta' Jesae Row ell p't l nomas ttice serg't James Roark p't Joseph Runnals p't James King mus'r James King, senr. p't Kielianl Roberts p't Cornelius Kumercovp 1 Wm Rieliards p't John Railey p t Reuben Robinson p't Powell Riggans p't Hurculcs Ryan p't Pat ick Ryan serg't Peter Rouh p't Charles Rhodes serg't Thomas Ryan mus' Eh Rogers p't cc cnrp'l Henry Uohcrtsou inus f . a, . "curji: icuner mus John Razor p't James eed Levy Wight Nicholas oark p't Jack Ark p t James Acyno.ds p't Silvester Rogers p't Wm. fus3elf p't i Wm. Augers p't Leis Richards p't John Robinson iuU John Stanton serg't Wm Stephenson p't Danl. Sewalls pt Wm. Siborn p't John Sheppard p't David Spear serg't Isaac Sterling p't ic sergt James Scandrett serg't Michael Savage p't Jacob Sherrih eorpf John Stricklin p't Hi-nrv Hnella j i " J- John Skinner corp'l & ttnoeri oy press serg't Patrick Scantling p't Phelix Seymore p't Wm. Smith wick eorpl Benjamin Stevenson p't Samuel Slaven mus Jol.u Seals p't John Smith mus' Benj. Sohoolfield p't Joel Stokes p't Moses Steam p't Caleb Sanderson ft't . Benj Smith p't Thos Sillard pt James Sisk p' and corp Barnabas Sterlivant pt John Sharnley pt Uttas Smith p't Cap am i ('cat "" fiv diuan's Siinutis VV ui i,.nj t II. 1.. r.. s . :v. M'CKop'.an's St i uu'i J' list or I'.l u .t'S M.ll a ice's D.k m.'s vlani'.'s rn tii uig'i (ill lib til. 1st id 2d 2d uittu Turner's 3d 3d lintt's Enloe Stl W illia nS Mh KtwclPs Jtli Stl. 7th J Btoui.t's Brickie's Walker ade's !h Othl Cook's !tevcnaao'l Jarvis's 10ih I Oth! ditto 10th! 10th FeiinertS do do do do do Uo do do do do do 1st 1t St 4'i. 4ti. 10 do Baker's Uiou t's illtlij VlMti-i'a Raiiord's ij. tie's Colo . 's l -(leaiis'S aylor'a Keida l'uriier's iiiod man's Lewis's Mm, ii g Mo., I lord's Quinn's Hall. I do do o o SU 1st Taj I or ,s Uuil.d'g nbi:rry's liro ii's vlooie'S ditto ditto tit to I Oil i do do do do Uaiior'I's or U'oint'a iLytile'. do uo Villi'a i i Medturis'S do ah i d's ditto 3d Eatou's 3d 3d 4tl, .iniuett's a ;n t- V lI.IIIB r CaawelPa 5th T) lor's Otli UmlUs's 6lh Raiford's 8th ditto ditto ditto ditto Montford's 10t" l0ti I0ui 10iu3 Ballard's lOtti I Oth ditto Brevard's lOlh Villi's lOtl 1011 Coleman's Ly tile's lath Koitoni's Miors's lOti ..... lUll flttl .Shepard's Olttu lOiu iTatuiu's t tioinuson's Ut 1st Dixon's Kolsti n s 1st 1st d 2d 2d id M 3d Child's Williams'4 ditto Hall's M artin'S d tlo Tuj-ner's ilimet-a 4tn Gooihuan'S 4Ui 4d. ditto Cole's 4th 4lh ditto W illiams'S ditto ditto Oav son's Brickie's ditto ditto ditto rtittn Mohtford'B litln Qui tin's into Hall's Eaton's iKingsberry'a arlil 1st 2d 3d 2d t avuiu-m Williuma'a Martin's Gee's ditto ditto 2.1 2a Vail's rmstromra ... I urnerts ditto Granberrys Eaton's p't ditto 3d 3d Emmitt's Smith's 4th U?t swell's Darnell's Doherty's M'K-e'a 5th 6tl, 6th 7th 7th Dawson's Dailey s Pointer's Wilson's 7tl ditto lutli Jarvis's 10th Moorel ditto dit(o ditto ditto 10th KHI KHli J Hogg's 10th "Rg'Tfrn f $ r. iflJ ' I '.' irsrs 'h J ars U, .lra.1. 6tb iil 7i Jv. ars ."II. dr'd oth ( iU. lo I'll.t." -rar ur't ra i.-ni s 2. 74 60 IwrO 4i7 ttK) 640 KinO 274 6lO ioo i. IOi-O drr J lil 7 ui'.ndiS war dead do war f.i) 640 I 1-2 j?b:i J7 desd 1000 J yfan 4it J28 640 640 1000 1000 1900 1000 274 42S 874 1000 i 12 years Irad dead dead dead dead dead J year 3 years J yr's ot war dead dead 64. 1 228 356 640 640 640 640 228 874 228 640 228 640 640 do 2 S2 years i 1-2 years dead dead killed .1 ead I -l years years - I -2 years dead 1-2 years dead 3 yeacsor war dead -o 1-8 raonthsi 07 274 do i 3M?ars i years war 1000 I y. ars 428 640 do 1000 . 274 do 228 274 do 640 do 74 do 356 429 , 35ft . tO -228 dead dead dead I yiars ' yeai-s I 1-9 years 3 years 3 years dead dead hi. yeai-s U years l-S years 3 years 1-K years I -2 years war dead 2 1000 1000 . dead S40 S74 do 428 640 i , 274 640 274 640 do do 874 do 640 274 do 3 years 3 years 3 years war years af 3 years war dead war 3 years years war 3 years .) years aead war dead war war died died 1000 640 llOt0 640 do. . 1000 640 274 3 years died war died died 1000 640 do do 274 640 3 years aiea died ilied 1000 - 640 . ;V56 do 274 5ll2 1-2 years iu'3 years died 1000 . do IOltl 3 yr's or war .1,11,1 . J 274 do do years 10th U yearg j years lOtf. a,. 10th 3 years 274 640 874 do 640 274 640 do 32$ 874 640 ds do 428 1000 37 328 1000 828 do do 357., 874 do 1000 840 1000 640 1000 649 228. , 640 do do ISO ivu. 3 years lot" war, 10 Ol 1 warm 10th ' dead war 3yciW-s ceaa war war 3 years dead 2 1-2 rears 2 1-2 year dead 2 1- years 9 1.8 years 2 1-2 years 2 1-2 years A vrari Mh 3 years war . dead dead dead dead dead 'Oth 21 8 vears 3 yr's or war tiiea ftif.fl 10th 25 months lOthbj yrj or wsr 428. 274 640 ij vears war Wttf Ktrtt. warrant tW tf ihrsoaiHbrf40 aerva, soo svsrs tdu. prrar of th ammam at .larbarjS nsvs ' aviary l"roof of the aat ' of diacWgt rw t quired 6-4" aereartnwsj W Ikui Sueil, JM acres yotdoa. 274 drawn, 134 yX due 640 acres drswr, , MOaa'l ym dtfr UOdrawt M0a eres lue. 640 acres drs, I 3QD dilt;. 64. 640 sere drtwft. 3G0 at's jret dfe. 828lrswt-, lll V res cue. 57im4u0(43f draw) From the Vfiajp UUWa Corpv1 par! hjil time, and inalyw entiUedtdnibt' 374 drawn 726d"uev 874 aesdrWo,3C3 'j840ao'sdwijc8 . dae. Rrdaeed ft ptivjsto part 01 tbe Umt? Sc again prdn-a, edtoserji 28 seres iW?.', . yc,dtte msy4 niQjj ' t a ' lw ' . r :zt- ' ''" A " v ' f.' '.f

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