rrn A 4 , A BAXEIGH, (N. C.) FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1820 VoLX. A -Tl?; . : i ' ' ' ' " It ruiLiiniD wiiut, a I Cape-Fear Nariation Company. Vf TUOM-13 IIE.DER80Xtjr. f UBBUAXT to the proviaioos af Om act of liorpri- :i.n tSra dollar per atm-No paer will bel . nolior UKwrby gir, hi th nnol aeAingof r.!l!it ml &I SO seats is paid is. ad.M, ad, BtOfahaldert'nf fee Capo-Fear Navirauo. Cmpny " rdtaeanduued, oly a tha option ol Ike KaUw ,al Uae'teWl loose it) FsvecGrvule, on Thwrs- ".flil mr-,nn rm pwl AdvartiteniwHa M "v'say la SOtb day oTinm Pert, whiahime the presence "Til Uact ioaesWd iar time foe (M diur ofta proprsrtotSjar their rprr-"tttves la rnuirrl. t We oMS lor wl1wt. " j4.tJJipJ C L AUK, Pres't. Fayettevine.Miy Q,X820.. w lltxX& of lS6rlWVjvroum, Person County. nrt ot Pleas and Quartet Sessions, February - Session , 4 S20. , llilmtn, Ad.n'rka t. Samuel. mM.W-On-i .uaehmea levied on tin, property of the 4ef.iJ.oU VkUBKKU that SntKl EdraoMdiOo, euenaw, ap I War beloce tloseoort oo die fourth Mwdiy of Ju 0 near veiare J rrpt HJirWWOW UD pl.vy the property lied on b viruse ur and i.Wad, or Judj-seotfiual will be rendered ia tlM MM. JESSE UlUlWlXMOf W 20'6ws. price sdv.gi. "S2VfTi$ Of JVORTIl CJIROLI.YJ. Franklin county, Court of Picas and Quarter bession, March Term 18 20. Wants a Situation, ATOUXG Gentleman who hat presided io an Academy, and vhoean proouee awtitiactery rrcommrodationi Uflfri m patd,'dtrte 10 mo, will rant with atteotioa. -Joe 1. 180. lie Majesty tor jflu'M it t and this treaty was the result of a twenty year negotiates, ia which every article and subject contained in It had been debated and lifted, to the utmost sa tiety; between the parties, botX at Washington and Madrid , Vlreaty ia which the stipulations by me opantn Aimisier nau oecn tucuuncu Kapilmle, lUleijh, Cltf. y Sales at Ancfion. Ln Monday the 18th In, will be sold itlimit rescrw, t own eotrernmeot, ind were, by tb formal ad misioo of your own iotefujly wiUiin the com pass of his inst'tieticms, .r ' It, snderth feeiiog ef such a procedure on the part of the Spanish government, the Minis ter of Ihe U. S. ppea!ed to the just rights, of his colntry ia expre.sioi siyted more to iha sense o its wrtftrir than to the coartesiel of Eatopean diplooiacty nothing had till then oc- negotiation of that trtatjy tUB less teuJd it'aX-"4 ford a justification ftr withUaldior hiipromijcd ratification after it was concladed. -.. . . - .? -The proposal,hich, at a proper ferjod, lid tT betn made hj the government of the U. State " " to some of the principal Powrs ofEorcpe, Jor" ' s a recogntuon, in ceacert, oi ,ue intltpendeoct 11 Original attachment levied on land. lina, domettio elolhs lurtring and lart-ntine ilk, lockt, ', . hinge,, earpenter't lool, seytlw bldrt, eating Vniv-, ke ke. ; l,on wa At the Good re fix-h, and the amount Slxmi 5V'', it will be an object for roerrhanu aud oUieii to ntter.il the nle. by successive relerrencet of every point to hisjof Buenos Ayres,waJ founded, as I have obser '. - ' w myvu mu viiuivu UJIB SSH SUU CD" . , .. i tertlfned, that thii recozmUSn must, and weald " . at no very remote pevlod, be inide bj tJpaio " . -herself) thst.the join ack,aow1edmeRt by ie- ' : veral ol the principal powers otthe world at th . same time, mignc prooa&it mflace Spam tht : ooiiei y acrjede l that oec? mt j,'U which aha, mast oUiidatelj acqdiee;taQi Veul4 thereby . hasten an event propitiotw to her own interestt, ingher strength and resources, witholt a poesi ' blhty of success an cvenf-ardentlj to be d( , sired by every friend of humanitj, afQicted by. tl e continual horrors of a war, cruel add aan ' 1 guiuary almost beyond example an event not on if aesiraoie 10 toe an nappy people who art curred whiib cni tve restrained your go- 0SSTJ "kj.g ofh.m any eapl.natioa HAKWARB Js CUTt'KRYi among wbieh are auperfioa , which could be necranat v lor fuunp itsueter and Hhe elotha and aaaaimerrt, allieoe, eambneVK Mos-1 -j unon (he rf4ficatiou" No CXDlana- i! it- i i i .is vsked of hire. C 5 Nearly two irumtn afterwar.!s, on the 10th of August. Mr. Forsyth was informed that the . Original attachment levied on land. John Bowden, t. 3T appearing to the atisiaction oi tnr wimuiHw del'endant in thia caae, reaides beyond the limits of thu Stale. Ordered therctore that publication be made fle Raleigh Star, that unless be appear at our next Court to be held tor the county of Franklin at the Qourt Houe n Louiaburp, on the aecond Monday of Juneneit. tlit n and there plead, answer &clhat judgement fi nd will be taken against him. 041 b 3. PATTERSON.C.C. April 26. ; L!L " tiTjliE Ut W'Uurtl-CAiiULlJS.i. Fraiiklin county. Court of Pleas acd Quarter Sessions, March Term 1120. John Bowden. ) ' ,..',, v. S. Original attachment levied on lands. Ellas Bowden, 3 QT appeal inR to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant in this case, resides Leyond the limits Of this aute. ' Ordered therefore that publication be made 'ia the Raleigh Star, that unless he appear at our Court to be held lor the county of Franklin at the Court House . ai LoumUirgvih the aecond Monday ol June next, and then andUhere plead, answer &c- thit judgement final till be taken against him. . S. PATTERSON, C. C, I 'April 25. stu TvtytMt'iu-cjiit ulijs .1. . ' ' ' -' ' FfankXih County. Curt of Picas and Quarter Session, March v . - Term 1820. - a Iprtlan 3. Bowden, tlias Bowden. OT anpearinc to the satiafactioh of the Court thatihe U defendant in thin case, resides beyond the limits ef tills Sute. Ordered therefore that publication be made ta tht ltalrigb Star, that unless he appear at our Court bte held lor tht county of Franklin at the Court House enuisburg, on the second Monday of June next, and fen and there plead, sfhswer &c. that judgement final V.u taken against him. . 8. PATTERSON, C. CT , Apftl 26 18 Slinriff's S,L. kH Wednesday the 12ih"day of neat July ill be sold at ? Ksh Court-Houne in the town of Nashville, the lol hting tracts of land, or to fnucli thereof at will pay tle taei due thereon, lor the year 1618, and eost of advertis- WS Acrei giTen by William Garner, (Franklin count' n the watert of Swift creek. K) Aciei given in by Joseph JTard, on the waters of Fish-awcretk. '30 do civen in bv EthelJrtd Dame, on the waters of Tirkev creek. 10 3-4 do eiveo inbv Kinchen Ecum (a two tracts') loca- fennot known. 150 do bctonirine to the heirs of John RirVa. ileeM. on htple creek. 170 do pven in by Amoi Gandy, on the waters of Tur 17 creek. 247 do belontrme to the heirs ot F.saiah K.aarm. dea'd on St'vktau ol Sanaonev creek. 740 (Ifl blniiflfl? to ihf hfit nfjnl Williams lln'd. An I . 7 o n - - - . 1 " laewalcri ot Tasu&lh Swamit JOHN RICKS, Sheriff of Nash Countv. jSth May. 2ft. S3 On. r rice adv. fe"4- Hun away plUOM the subscriber on the 18thr March last, a negro 1 voman named Nance, or Nancy, about twenty. two or tj.Uiree years of ge, about five fret two or three inches "P, between black aud a mulatto colour JFheu she t sway she ourried a red striped ginghara frock, one w "t Blaukets with her, but no dout she has changed jfttfws. Wiioeverwill secure her in Charlotte .Jail, I---iiijur5 couniy, sn ill reciive twentv dollars anu all Pti's,brj6iten dollars to scenre 4ier in any jail io the sud ail expences paid, by giving information to me. WM.HUTCHESON.Near Lawreuee C. 11. S. C. 33-Sts. tJJOS Ki"g h ld.not C0T '2 a fi' ?ecUion- rti.tt:MMdh and .tala- ' K033 k t arsley. Auetiooeers. ( the ratification, witheoi previously entering in- rallies ol thu war, but to all the nations having 7th June, lfigO. 33 2a. ; to several txplanationm with the government relations of amity and of commerce with them. Dissolution. had given rise ; and. that His Majesty had . AJlSSOlllilOIl. , ! charo-ed a Deron possessed of his lull conQ- "TiHEfirm of Savage and SteJman is this day dissolv-'. (Jeoc, wh would forthwith make known 10 U. ed by mutual consent. All persons indebted will ; ,. , vt intention,. Mr. For- i j . . . gvfh t'Qored himseit to give every explanation which could1 be justly required ; but your g- plesse make immediate payment to John C. SttJrnan, who is authorized to settle the business of the firm Those having claims will render them to him. They do not wish to make their formef liberal customers pay coat these hard timet, hut will belii'der die disagreeable necessity of doing so, if the accounts are uot settled by the last of this month SAVAGE & STEDMAN. Raleigh, June'7. 1820. 2i-u. Notice v U SI'lE Subscriber will still carry on the business at LL bis former stand. On hand a handsome assort ment of Jewelry, Watches, &cc. which he will sell low forjeasb. Clocks aud Watches carefully repaired. f; -. i. Y. SAVAGE. 2itWI : 4H , , - ' a i r ii .. i of the U. S. to some of which that government This proposal, founded uponuch motives, far "Irf nuuiiiiug w wpsiu iiguv iu ciaim oi too U. States an engagement not to recognize tha Soath American Governments, ought to hava b'. en considered by Spain as a proof at once of j,. ' . the moderation and discretion of the U, States f;.,".4J: I -as evidence of their disposition to discard aUrf w 1 selfish or excrusive views in the adoption of a . measure which they deenfed wise and juslia itself, but most likely to prove efficacious, by - a ii a common a'laption ol it, in a spirit entirely pa! '"S , cine, i i concert wun otner nations, rather than Dissolution. ,-. rpHE copartnersliip of Jones and Forrest, wsi this dsy dis- soi vca oy mutual consent i all tliose liing claims a rainst the tirm, aix requested to present them immediatelv to t'auoin M Jones, who is duly authorised to settle the asue.- " ? v Fanning M. Jones, ' - Joha F. Forrest. llu'eigtiiJHne 6, 1820. '23-Si N. B The business hereafter will be carried on at the same stand by Fanning M JoneS. verument declined receiving them from him, assigning to him the shortness of the -time; a reason altogether diU'erent from that which you now alledgc, of "the disrespectful character of liis. roinniiiiiiratKinSr From the lOth of Angust tilllhe 14th ofth by a precipitate resort to it, on the tart of t06 last month, a period of . mote than eignt months 'tetatates alone. . "v.... paased over, during which no information was ne-conuiuonai promiso tnererore,' now off- given by your gowernment oi the nature -pj me ,cu jou, iuieu oi me positive one wntco anauoos which would re requirea. The joave,uecirea yjurseil authorized to glte, ! .1 ? i ; f f, cxpl fgive- i vi jva'guvvrunicat in inai pTOVIU . - s . f n thatJfiTtQuliUipdwers and instf octions utterly ;-'' Z' inemcirnt for the condusidn of the Jieffociatieii ' . ' i nave uecif ea yjurselt authorized to rvovammant nf tWm IT 1. v a lnrhonan ' CanUOt be aCCCrited-hw-th,! Prraiilpnt ' Ssd I n ll - i ivi aa auiu s v tt tiii v ws. v v a I 1 w a uy a i hhvv s 0 w aa aw ' . uiieaamuicu 111 iiwiuan aiisiory. juu iiaucuuj ; -vo, vsu-tuutiucr inn , s waitea tor you arrival, away sTeaayia in candor aud sioderitr,ve,rf ex'plaaitio; could, with ail vntonrietvi 'i be . demanded, Wk., than mnc hava Uimn tha tMti'mnnf nf' With which VOU aire charged- inlM nrhi-i;ira .X J' the President upon findipg,' by your note of thairas prdfeedinafroni a determination va itirfe.' the'Uth ultimo; that, instead of explanations,' Prt,' stiU V Kotisvntj bafle iWilOsa jstcs.'. His catholic Majesty haf ifltructeti. jou Uyfle- Ml e.- ,ivnaerinee cjrcumaunceinatieaini r a. . j, ' . ..1 - . z . . 1 ; k: .1., ..L: .l. : .t t. . 1. mana xne negotiation 01 call upon Ok.TJ.jS. feV to their honor, andrtfact ties as a.n indenendnt nation ? What mast be I tOawhoin it willteloDS to deceidehow far that .. . . r- . . - . it, , . , . .V the feelings of thisjiation to learn that, when u- states can y?i consistently witn their datitfl I! 4 W". i . t7 Entered, ON the Stray hooks of New-Hanover couniy, a stray mare, sorrel colour, about nine years old, and near fourteen hands high, with some scars on her side, valued by Uenjsy min Moore and Uaniel Walker. Mny 9th 183(1. JAMhS MOOUE. Raor. 23-8U4)d. DOCUMENTS. r anntnatsi im r ss ann w il iiaa uu w s-ia? saisiissiaa. a 11 sai bitis rsraaitsisn iibi as aww w ass ssav n s asa - sfrpulations derogatory jha passed bwea ns ineeyouy arrival, to t J jmDatible with their da-1 consideration of the Congress of the U. States. called upon toYstate whether you were the to themselves, aud the rights of their citizens , a ). ,. a. . . . .. . lllkArlcA ll. 1'.. .l .1-1 ..' ..J ! . vUDe-Fcar Naviemtinn f5nmTiniiv I Pli,UA.VT 10 a olut'onorthe President and direo IX tori, notice is herebv . tlio, iK :n..lmA. 0iigin.il capitsl, and the filth instalment of the increa- hTl 1 01 Lumber S1, often dollars on each and e- I ' w're,l reauireu to he nmd tnfh Tmirnvr. in F.- et ill. 1. V .L - r . , . . ' . . - -J . vu w utlulc lue aru uay ouuiy next. 'v4ieville, May 20, 1820. JOHN rJLARK., Pres't. 23-4U. CapcFear Navigation PniTinonv w a jsv l .a v aai wuaaa asuu a I VJ'wbereby given that under the provisions of T ct in woi'ui lounainir. tit t Vfl tvi' V ny nf the UDcrileri dieir heirs' and assigns. Z. J PJ the projiortions required within one month T ll,e a:iie it to advertised, th PnaSiln tori lirvp.tnra 4!n30ri,y "f'liem may sell at suction, and convey to sW j . uw snres 01 the subscribers so failing, snd "eft tide ahull .1 r.. n .i j: "ie thallpot produce the full sum ordered and di J ? veadvannpil a. .fnr.a.l.l '..I. A M.I " ' w 1 u. Willi iiiidCBV piiu ill Tai Clilrm,. ik :. n . . v of (he rretiueiii ana uinwors or a majori- I iiibv 111 1, II'jrriM 1,1 I 11. n r . r, i 1 1 1 Lb.Un?e 0,i.0, n nr eourt of 00m p. m v mm 1 unrrn nrpviniia not aa " Preri, ill. ' July nexLirvfronr nf Ka tnwnkAina ;n TavAtta.. is' Ihei Uu In. u . rrestOent mul diponm-. mill .1 6.i...t.. il.. 1 ten days previous notice.' for anu re- petent juris in Jii 1 next 'n-'" of the town house in Payette Z, , e,nrofuehof the Stockholders, as have tbilL- U UnPid theTen, and of which delinquenu I thia notice. FttevUle,M9y20;t820. JOHN CLARK, Pres'W (Concluded.) (Secretary of State's Letter, Conclusion of.) The I6H1 and last article of this treaty is in the following words : The present treaty shall be ratified, in due form, by the contracting parties, and the ratifications shall he exchnneu n six inontus ironi tins time, or sooner it pos sible. On the faith of His Catholic Majesty's promise, the treaty was, immediately after sig nature, ratijied, on the part of the Umtud Statis anil on the 13th of .May lollowing, Mr. ursjia, oy an uinciai note, initirineu toe .n;ir uis ol'Cassa Yruj.i, their Minister of Foreis" afl'air9 at Madrid, that Ihe treaty, duly ratified by the Uuited states had been entrusted to nun by the President, and that he ivus prepared to exchange it foi the ratification of Spain. He added that from the engagement, it was desir able that the earliest exchange should be made : and that the American ship of war Hornet was waiting in the harbor ol Cadiz, destined in a days to the United States and nff.nhn: an opportunity peculiarly convenient ol ti ad mitting the fanned treaty to the U. states. J No answer having been returned tr this note, on the 4in otJuneMr. Forsyth addressed to the same Minister a second, urging, in the most respectful terms, the necessity of the de parture of the Hornet y the jut expectation ol the U. States that the ratified trea'y would be transmitted by that vessel and the disappoint ment which could not fail to ensue should she return without it. After 15 dars of further delay, on the 19th of Juue Mr. Forsyth was .informed, by a note from Mr. Salmon, successor to the Marquis of CassaTrujo, that His Majesty, on reflecting onthe gpreat importance and interest of the treaty in question, was under the indispensa ble necessity ot examining it with the greatest caution and deliberation, before he proceeded to rut fy rt, and that this was all he was ena b'ed to communicateito Mr. Forsyth on that ooiot. -4C Thu?, after the lapse'of more than a month! from the time ot Mr. Forsyth's first note, and of more than two months from the time when your government had received the treaty, wiih bearer of His Catholic Majesty's ratification of the treaty, to be exchanged upon the expla nations demanded being given, you explicitly answered that you were nor? And, when re quired to say whether you are authorised, as a substitute tor the ratification, to give the pledge fttimmediate possession of the territory, from which the acknowledged just claims of the cit izens ol the U. ts. were stipulated tQ be indem nified, you still answYred that you are not, but refer us back to a aolenin promise of the King, already pledged before in the full power to your predecessor, aud to a ratification, us Soon ns posiibk ; already stipulated in vain by the treaty which he, in lull conformity to Ins in structions, had signed ? Tne ratification of that trealy can now no longer be accepted by this government, with out the concurrence of a constitutional ma jority of the Senate of the U. States to whom it must be nain referred.. Yet even this e pro i-c, you were ty ntyfletter of the 3d inst. informed that, rather linn abandon the last hope of uhtiiining the fulfilment of His Catholic Majesty's promi5e; alrvatly given, the President would, so far was constitu- au tiona'ly within his power, yet accept. l :-.e assurances wnicii you Had given me in the first personal' corifencc between us, of your own entire satisfaction with the explana tions given you upon all the points on which you had been instructed to ask them, woujd na turally have led to the epectation that.the pro mise which ycu was authorised to give, wou'd at least not be withheld. From ytfur letter of he 5th instant, however, it appears that no discre tion has been left you, to pledge even His Ma jesty's promise of ratification, in the event of your being yourself satislicd with the explana tions upon all the points desired : that the only promise you can give, is conditional, and the condition avint upon which your government prescribing it, could not but know it was impos sible that the U. States should comply- ; a con dition incompatible with their independence, their neutrality, their justice, and their honor. It was also a condition which His Catholic Majesty had not the shadow of right to prescribe.-" The treaty had been signed by Mr. bnia witha full knowledge that no such En gagement as that contemplated by it, would ever be acceded to by the American govern ment, and after long and unwearied efforts to obtain it. The differences between the U. S. and Spam had no connection with the war be. tween Spain and S America. The object of the treaty was to settle the boundaries, aad tliorise the further delay requested in Tout note ol the 5t1i insN , " In the conclusion of that note, you have re marked, alluding to a great change which ap- pears to have taken place since your departure from Madrid, in the Government of Spain, taat the circumstance alone would impose on yoa the obligation of giving no grtattr lalitudt Io your promise-previous to your receiving new ' instructions. If f have understood yon right, ycur intention is to remark, that this circunv-' , -tance alone would restraii you in any event from giving without new instructions the un conditional promise of ratification, which, in ft former note, you had declared yourself author- ized in the name of your Sovereign to give. v. This seems to be equivalent to a declaration' that youxpnsider your powers themselves la the extent to which they were instructed to you, as suspended by the events to which yoa thus fa fer. Ifclam mistaken in taking this as your mean-ins, tll you have the goodness to inform me how far you do consider your pow- , crs affected by the present state ot your infor matinn from Spain. Please to accept the assurance of my distin guishcd consideration. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS - It I" 1 S. the ratification of a treaty which His Catho lic Majesty had solemnly promised, so that it might be exchanged within; six months from the date of its signature, or tooner, if possiUe, was withheld merely to give time to lliCatho.- a knowledge that it had been ratified by the U. adjust and provide for the claims between your nation and ours ; and Spain at no time could have a right to require that any stipulation cou cerning the contest between her and her colonies should be connected with it, As His Catholic Majesty could not justly require it, during the .4 a. From the Nat. Intel. ISth May. OUli RELA TIUNS WITH hPAIN. T?to following Message und Documents were v- . I ierday transmitted ay the President of the Uni tea mates to ootn Jfouses oj vongresst r, ; To the Senate aud House of RepresetUauvcs of theHni. . ' h! . v .tedptates. ;. .. .V ., I communicate to Congress, translations of let .'- tersfrom the Minister of Spain to tne Secretary of State, received since my message of the 9.h - Washington, iSthJIag, 1820. ' " :'' - ' ; '-. ! General Vives to the Secretary of State. , rTBAssitM-ieJi.T :r Sir : In answer' to your, note of yesterday'a i date, 1 have, in the fust placed to give too the l'X.?.f: explanation .requsted of me, of the import nfitfY:f--r rest nroDosai, ana in dome so. to reoest. in other 1 k : v words, that I am authorised solemnly to pro- 'k" mise to this government, the ratification of the i J tf eaty by HisMjesty, only In case the third AYi'v point of my proposals be satisfied but, as tha -Qt answer given to this point has not been, such aafi' 1 could) agreeably to my instructions, receive as satisfactory, ! can by no means commit my '-xr- ''- 'inga greater eutention to roy pro mise, than that expressed in my note. ''..;-;---vV". iyiy objectin intimating to you, tliat, although I knew nothing officially, yet 1 considered aa authentic the information circulating of an itn ; portant change in the government of Spain, circumstance which wonkl of itsell eflectually ' prevent me trom giving greater . latitude to rny promise, wa9, to apprize your government, that MM U il V