A Circular eft's SemUry at War. tt thi ijtk, intloa,utk latpectort aad Direct- G't.sl ef ill km I, Roy el Udar, ictiogth Coaatititioa toe read aid ex. tiotd U the ante la ery corps) of the Amy. 41 JIavsttJnu 29. Lilt Friday the Ulb, the City witnessed ,. mt alarming and ibhanan acts iter comit trJ. Nolle tMi seveo peareable inhabitant 1 tktin to the poijoard ef a biod of anas lio. hto the thatne of upward et lOO.fJOO iiliabitant, attll reman otidiicov-rred. A friend f jir i arretted that rj.t and rub'd of pi witch, ar.d vliat money be had ahout him. nd fortunately vrtl Lis. life by gim what rsef cb-e to take from him. Wc wither theae tce-ic almost every dey and no one hat courage ,oo;h to denontice the v illaius lor lear ui their rcent'nest. Thu yu lee, that the Spaoiardt tre not greatly erdightacd, or ameliorated by thf Constitution." (TMa. Go. " "uijLBaaa a" .tlnAY MORMN'O, JULY l, lsl. I' i : tiou- A tin any .Vetcatf i nw con ji'-d jij Vort'ja jm . In liOjied wne of the trie 1 1 'I 'he i d uerous women ha ha married Mo nothing of hi other offence,) e..'iie f i wir-l and prosecute him with c tie c t fa far a the hlt'ry of hi life i know.., he was raided in Portsmouth, Virg. w'len quit- ru .e was sentenced to 3 years inipnsoiiment in the Penitentiary fr itoalin; a Pockf t Hook I nar'ifd a woman in Hertford county, another j t i r. ii Wilinuigton, another in Lincoln, another iu 1 inll2UtU Kttala rtrj Uxry lots. Frn th tu;b rpuiitaMr.Q. bit kitherta aaitaioed, thU devtlopatbt haa excited aaeth surprise. .( and Halt, the mail rahoere ted mlir derrra, were hang, praant to their jaat M trace, on Friday last, at Baltimore, between the hours af 11 and rt o'clock, la pretence of a large concourse of people. Such pu 'i.hjteot ever altead such atrocities i .Vat. Int. ITth Uit. Eiyftttiill, July IS. Governor Branch, accuiupaoicd by Judge MurpHer and J -hn D. Ilawkin, Lf). arrived in t:i place Thursday last. Hit Excellent cy wi met a few miles from town by a ntiin nr of pritlf men, attended by Hsj Wright's C.urp ol Light Infantry, and couducted into town. The otjsct of the Oiternor's viit to Fay etteville, was to attend a meeting of the Board of Internal Improvement) of which, by an act ol the General Assembly tho trovernor for the lime being, is made President eX-ffl$ie. Prer ent at the meeting. Jod Murphey, Ool. Con- ocr, jo n ii. nawKins, jaroes tnasoa bbu rant Hatch, Esara. A nets. (Tia peiLiu! pUnti.- Tuey f.roJiei i ali-ht itl tattaa Tta to mir. . .Soot other pisata mty hevt Msllir n&rs tie proper tie t, bt the two abavemcotkred are the anoat caaiMOB) beiogfaand elrott all over the U.S. Iey are oat eacomicoo in Kcd-Uckf. Urn ktn,1; Ik iM. : k. .... t lrr th tha die wore they are both annual plants, aUw M of tk iWf iM wHr ( WUt whih rftiy raai'y be dettryed in tae meadawa at I u maka wiiai MirMuin a pM haT by pu'.ling theia on befe tneyripen the.r aeeds., iI"rLsr ,fcLkTJ"!lw ? r" M b ciio-im mcj jrw ioo noun ar.u cmje dtM,. Uttrg at U t. shoold not be allowed to pasture heie tb.yi grow,ahd the second crco of hay, lmutd be cut rather earlv , (hen the weed are in tdossotn,) aud barnt oi the ground. Shoeld the hoias and cattle happen to eat them ontwithttaiuiog, nd be attacked with the eatifatlsn, tt.ey may be eored in a ringle day. luM la lk- Sw I lr i mh-I t1Uii ri afT.w lai aa .a It.lrijS. UU 80, 1IX lkwjs zimmkk; PKTF.n.4liUUG-rihGJ.'Mt IKFOUMS the rotJi trnrklly, that K. a (m VwkI, Mi til It ktrp aa .Mnrlmrut W hu.a Korlr, o4 tt by feeditig the-n p eutifullr with caot"a lae orkoit.Uti Kisia. Fua-ou, t whxh appear to bs an effectual antidote of lliie Mtu" T vl?" i peco'iar disorder. , ! '"?'V. r i. ,i i .ii . . . a Krp Prler Ptattif't ffBwit of (I oo cabbages should he at hand, the leates a.ittr mit ai iiihe l. v . oi turnip, raaunrt, niustrr. and soch otnei plant of the crticiterius trite, might probably answer equally as we1. I venture to hint tr,at rabhae and the rru- ctterou plants inijht erh.ip become an e!Bca ciom rroicdr in the morbid auvtiin bnux .t i w ..... j . . . ii:. t? ii . AM i j . 7 ..... : on men be an e xcpost t n4rnrmrrrn11.1l in.t il 1 Ik m..t.hr nf III Knarrl. lelt thill . I ' paDy lor Kiieicrh. 1 hey were escorted by Mj. Connecticut Journal Pitt, all in tlu xtatc, and how many other u.e own confcuion r ale not known ; but 11 m arben confined in our jail) is to be believed, be lid married 14 ivot in 1813, and we hue hei'il ol one since hisge does Dot exceed 3') pr 35. Important to A. Carolina land claimants. llie treaty between tin; States of Kentucky 4r.'! Tennessee declares all the grants North of of Alexander's and Mjnstrdl' line to tc void ; lth"e who have grants situated in that ilMrict ef country should have them ideuti&ed a .id run out by lt of t'ctotier. r tbej nny not avaii themselves of the benefit of vanatit. At the late commencement of the Universi ty of New-York, the degree of Doctor ol Me dicine was conferred on the following student from Norths-Carolina, viz,: Larkin Hats, Lau don Clanton, Shadrack Qd-que, Albridgton Br!wn,and David C. Freeman. ' The Senate of Tennessee bave come to reso lutions disapproring Gov. McMino's recommen da; on of a stop la and a property law. They jay it is inexpedient both to prevent or postpone the collection of debts, or to prevent the sale ol a debtor's property unless it shall sell for a cer tain proportion of valuation. As to the other iciie ne.which enters into his budget of relief yit. ce: t fkates, or s'a'e treasury notes, to be jssued toruugh a loan office, at a very modei ate interest, and to be received in payment for Hi wasee laads, or othi-r public dues, its fa(e is sot socertaiu. Fourth Census. IMTERB 0 GATOR IE3, To be putt by the Assistants of the Marthals, to ihe heads of families in iukiner the fourth Censua or Enumeration of the Inhabitants of Vie united states. 1. Whowij.M the firrt Mondr in Aognit, 18C0, the heart matter, mittrui, tieward, overteer or ether principal perton, at tfte caie tmuf be ol thi Un.ily f Of Fret HhiteMale were iltere, on f ou that (lav, id the Urailv, unuer teu years ot age t Of teu nd umler sixteen Between lixtppn pihtocn I; Wkat number (meludiiig the Uetid) of lizteea and under twenty -six t ((Deluding the heail) f tweoty-dx aod under forty -five ? (intludine the head) of forty-five and upwards? 'Free White Female, under ten jean ot age f Of teu and under sixteen i (including the heuit) oi sixteen and under twenty -aix i (including the head) of t wenty-six and umler forty-five f 1 (including tlie bead) or lorty.five and upwarus r Foreigners not Naturalized ? J persons enguged in Agriculture t in Commerce ? rations, tobacco, Sec. It is by aiimiar anaiogie M, - r .ii J t 1 r -. . , v . iiiusi 1. niiMill 9 Ulicn c I JITU, alio . r. n.rn. il artillrv nt Mat. VriTll O n, V ViV J ' ,e3ctua! remtMj.M are discovered, or succedane- mfantry, over the Clarendon bridge. nmt :i.,,.,,:VM . , NVe are not io limned of the particulars of; 1 'he proceedings nf the Board at their late H- we understand however, that the whole 1 : i-.r 1 p iiiiriii ufrL'A in inn near p i t pititii i h - - r-- - " , , 1 - . .. Ilamilion Janes, Ki .uoroe at law, to Miaa Etna weie examined, and we are, inclined to believe derwn00j uugUier 01 M V. Henderson. inni a ravoraoie opinion is enisruineu oy toe Ii 'ard ol their future success. Obsirvtr. 1. i.i. io n quaititty ot very aaay irr i.a Cn Powder, aa d wsuctt bl awt fu. n-4t 1 Valuable Land aud Milla run S HE. u , 10. 11 12. Dow 1 many rt.o (Among the persons engaged in manufactures, are to be f Mate Slavei under fourteen ? "J of fourteen and under twenty-six ' 1 of twenty-aix and under forty -five ? (.of lorty-fire and upwards Female Slave under fourteen ? of fourteen and under twenty -six ? of twenty lx and under forty-five ? of forty-five and upwards ? Free Coloured Male under fourteen'"? forsfts.l 17. ' U. I) How many tt II. . jj, 'iflymany Si tt. SI. 4 . w. n: 33. Ho, many J Of fourt:en ami under twenty .six ? 1 01 1 f ynOJI THI ALB ANT TATtMAS. Jfiau;rarion. G jvci nor ClisTor a"d L.tdy rived in town from New Vikon Saturday rmr'iing last, and at one o'clock on the 'ame d.iy, his Excellency and t'.ie Lieut. Governor. Tat- ler took the oaths of office et the mansion ol the .1 I.... 1 ; . irmor. i ne oa;na wero Hunnnisiereu m ery VV otlieVltt, Re-naiain m the tott ijkeai naleigh July Iff 1820, vMcU ijintt taken out on or tteJoT the tt ej Uctubtr, mil be sent un tt the Oencrai foot OJjice ot dead tettcro. A eats Willis, Arnos Marv, A I - t'.. I f solemn and impressive manner, by Hh Hon r Anderson Pejton, 9 tha Chief Justice, in the pi esence of a number ail-h Hartlet, of highly respectable citizens, who called to wit- U8UI'W. H-'nh nfss the ceremony. I he nature ot the several B obligatinos which the executive officers of this Darbee Nanc?, state take upon themselves, ana the soiemmtv msnop api. . with which they resumed these high responsib.- uies, renoereu me scents iruiy inieresung. Bv Uaker Sinn, Uepub. S LiVATIN OF HORSES. Row many twentT-aiv tuid under I'ortv.fivK V.01 tony-ne and upward f Free Coloured Females onder fourteen? V of foorteeu and under twenty-six ? 1 of twenty-six anil under forty.five i ol toiij-nve and upwards r Row m.nv m)iii.n.i4niu. lrrjtil TnitlaMM nnt Tn-rrA i . - .j , r. ' "M there any f erson here nrithout oettled place of rnuMincer (and it so) what was bis or her name f "v9 there any person belonging to the family, ccca lionaity abtent from it? (and It so) of which sex, ud what age, color, and condition r 'r -The assistants will give notice, if necessary, to fion to" Pe'0B, over lteen years of age, of their obtiga- antver these interrogatories, by reading to them " "B..ecUou Of the Act Mr G MORE RATS ! JWu-I orfc, July 13. ' reene, whose reRicnation of tho office a very singular coincidence, Sutu day was the Bancb Willis, birth day ol the vene. able Lieut. Governor, who, Jf' in the full possession and enjoyment of his fa- Baker Stepiien', culties, has completed hi f8th year, and whose Bryant John A. term of service on which he has. entered, w.ll not expii e till he has reached the patriarchal age Bufiatow John. of four Score and On. Bridges tlizabeth. THUNDERSTORM. SXai? Petehsbubs, June II. On Friday evening Motion Kdwai-oV last, k severe thunder storm passed over thi 1Tei Qin, own anu me aojaceni counvry accump&uicu uj t;ole KiizaDetn, 1 higii wind and a tortent ofrain. Much of the Partis Candis, corn was blown down, but not materially i.ijurea. j. Ti e Iisbtning struck a stable on Mr. m ien.:' Coiii -arah farm, in the vicinity of this town, which was en- Copfaud Cii'i. tire y consumed, together with a gig horse. s me 1 At r . ! a. n-. n Clifton Sara 1 hay, and a few farming utensils. At City Poit'.t, cole Lovd orC. Brannin, the ship Wilmington and Liverpool Packet was Coher John, struck ly lichtnfng, which shivered one of her rrel Berjamm, mast, and otherwise injured the ship. None c . D iho ciew were injured. We have not heard what Dunn Boiling, other damage wa sustained in this vicinity. lkf,1?,,,"?1,." . e tho much was anticipated, from the violence of D.riev Wi'imiu, ' the waid and the exireme seventy ol the huht- Deiki)i'lJJ. N.Rensher, r- i r i r ir . j uupree riaiej, ocu i. Durang Kiiil, tunn llurlmian, Davis Samuel, 'i.. r. i Hi. ,)!, Aluuiist every farmer in this country is well iDetaoy John I). arnuiintr.il with the existence of thu'disense. in i liavis Itev saiuucl. . . that noble animal the horne, coin mot; ly called Slabbers. Mr. Rafineique, professor of Natur al History and B'Jtany, in Transylvania Univcr s ty, has given a few ideas on the nature aiy.l t l- leets ot the disease, as the iioe ot treatment. in a communication to the Western Review;", the classical name of the diiae, is salivation it consists i:i a superabundant secretion ' oi tic saliva or spittle of the animal, and enures a tr jub!e9omdisoase at the mouth its enerva ting eS'ccts upirn the system ate well known. Mr. Rafinesque seems to claim some innit fjr himself and his fiiend Mr Bradbury, tut having discovered the origin of the diaordei - that it is produced by a species of weed. Tin idea has long prevailed . among the farmers of New Englai d, and was probably suggested by general observation ; the horse subject to it nW when fed in particular pastures. But Mr. R. ii Correct in his facts, has the credit of having gone still lurther. Uur readers shail havp the bene fit of his remarks, io the following extract t Two kinds of weeds, which grow occasionally in meadows and pastures, produce this disorder, whenever they are accidentally eaten by horse and cattle, together with clover or grass! Sheep and'hogs never eat them. 'The firm and the worst is the Euphorbia hypericifolia, a small milky plant with opposite smooth leaves and very small wjiite flowers. The second is the lobelia inflata or Asthma.weed, a larger plant alternate hajy leaves, blue flowers, and swelled seed vessels. Both have the leaves ovate, oblong, and slightly toothed.' They both blossom at the end of tho summer, when of course the largest and most detriment al. Being mixed with the second growth of clo. . I . . 4 1 ' " . ; . . . . a ver anu g'oss, tney sometimes oecvmc entangieu thereto, and are eaten by horses, who would probably reject them otherwise. They may MTU!", subteriher will sell on th roort ateomnvtdttlrff M. terms, 6U0 jrrrartf Law), or a irt of it, itbio tirc and a half milrsof lUWrf?. ; -x wfairli, is a kralUiy hlgksV tOMiwn, vheirl now lie also, a S and t.riil Mill eaT ly im-w, built on a very aonttant ati-eam, and ran with Vet, eiiy. v bout 75 or 10 acres ol Ike land ta eoltiTstioft, an which, i a very nrr.Etable Crab Apple Orchard, tefMbrr J ith m her kuirts of orchards, eofitaiauig 4 or ( 0 tre.- 1 lirt-: is al, 4i) or SO acres ut rteb meadow land, which c,D he w:,trred with little votk from springs that levtr lal. 1 he land i vtrt hi i' tinihered. and a better W-tereti , On Taelsy the 9lh insCinl ' ttucl eumot be tumid B t'h' enuntr 0 soil is well tidspted tlcu-1 to the suhura of l rtii. eorn, cotton awl tobacco. I'rrsotai detinnit of purchasing are invited to View lb prrmisrs It rms an'! uyotent will be tuadattaty. WILLIAM DANIEL. Wake county, JulyvQ. -tl Committed. TO the j lit f Pi.4'i'tnk eoanty, a ranaways, two aV gm men, wdnoall themaeWes JOHNSON, and WM. SnAVbR3. Joliown s a youpjr likely fellow, about li years if age, very black, about 5 ieet 8. or 10 inebea high,' speaks rattier alow, haa a down look, and syi that be be. longitoa Hr Jaiuee Hooker, of (he town ot Waakingtott io UiU state, and that tie haa been lanaway nearly va yean. v illiani Shavers is about 4 Ieet S or S incite high, about 36 years cf je, yellowish complexion, ha a, Soar across b s breast, and one on (he bll ot hit right tnunsb. nlso, one on the rirht side of bis left hand near the joint of his thumb ; says lie is free, and produced a certificate of liia I'tv edO'B, signed br James Uoelicile, as Clerk of the Court of Southampton county. Stale ot Virginia, bat net nTiig the court seal it is supposed tt) be a lorged paper. 1 he ooer or owners ol said ives. It any. are hereby no tified -to come forward, pay expenses, and comply1 wiUi the law in suou cases maie aau pruTiuuu, or cisc wicy ni w dealt with accordingly. F.lizabeth, July 3, 1820 price adv. ftlS SO. SB-om. S Konnea'y Rt. to.. Ki.&bell Sm..ou. i Leslie Koben, l.iles Jkc(j'), I Liggm baniuel, 9 I Ltles i'f..neu, ' Lee KlizabeUk B. M. ' Morris John, 5 J Manuel Jesse, Mann ,lnruei, Modeorea Beujamln, J McKii.nie itiJily, s Mvrray CharLea, Marclin Lludii, J Men-ick George, t McUade N illu, ' Mooie Kaudolh, 9 t Morgan Nauecy, , Motley Herbert, McCarthy Timothy. N. J Nixon Peter, Nance James, Morris Aleaauder. J O. i 0'DryantCpt.Rittd, P. . Priest Wn. i Pool ui. i I'aiker Joel, O Perry I IiOilus, Ellis John jr. tllen Jd)cj.h. r". Pish Jsrrtcs, Fon Mrs. Kliaah II. G. Grady Dennis, tji itlis lolin, x Grant Jcob, German VI iry, Gully Calvin It. Ned (U'm. Hi!!',) High Lytxlwich U. Hackney Steplieu, Haley NVilliam F. HuokaUee l-rny, Hawkins Sam't. Ilea' I Jnmts. Hurp SVilliamson, 'I Hniris Jaiiies, 2 Hicks Jane., Horlon Hardy, Uoiiiliev Abmin, 1 ioi tun vv illiHnis, lluld'jn Samuel, J. Jusi.ce Hannah, 2 Juney Joseph, Jones Riiltey, 2 Justice John, 3 Joruiiu Dixon, Jones Youngy Jones John VV. Ivev Nathan. Joues iCiohtird, . Jongs Davis)- K. Kennon Charles, 3. King Michael, i anion jut'ge. retry I IiOilus, i Parker Cloty, f Powell Tui'any, i Powell itobert. i U. 5 Ray Rabert, 3 1 U..gMlikie Uenjumin, i i Rogers Aaron, K.CIiards Joiiii, i Kag.tu W illis, Kooeria Win. E. r viiuue. ciiiian, 5 1. ogers Capi. Uenjaaiio, jf Sheri iff of Wake, 5 5 Spain 1 horoas, , I Simons Elizabeth, i Stephen Simeon, J Stevle Saniuvl, j Self Wilier, ? Scai'boroogli Daniel, SttickUno Miithew, S Simons V iley, ib'uiiUi General B. bcott Joseph, i Suf Samuel, Sowtel Obedixli, Shaw Zucbarinh, i Savenner Ashley, ? SniuK Benjainiii of Johnson, S ted man '1 iinjR4 U. i SntlofifcCui tin, : i'liaW Ask, J Stufdevunl Allen. S 1 . s Terr ill John, Tate Wot Tauket William, ; TliOmiiS I iwlnle, 'I uruey W illiani, S Tiite Niary, Temple Rurwell, J Tciuple liei'j.iiuui, 3 4 L. Utl--y Harwell. V. j Vanrolkin Curger Peter. .. w tttttte oi sKotth CaYoUna. Rowan County. Ovrt of Equity, April ierm, 1820. The Administrators and Heirs of George H outer dee'd. tfc James Bryson, and others. - r 4 kN motion of eoraplainant. Ordered that the defendant! 3 fJan.es Bryson, Alfred" Brevard. Kdward Brevard, Sarah A Brevard, Knjenia Brevard, James Cbesnttt, Uuncasi Me Rsy,John Taylor, Janus S. Deas, Mary McKay t (wife of said Duncan) Sarah Taylor, wife of said John Taylor. Var garet H. Deas (wife of said Janus 3 Deas, and Harriet Cheat , nut, appear at the ,. rt ef Equity to be held for the Coutu ty of Uowan, on . ti-j o Monday mftct the tourth .Woe. day of September next, and ani r t v' . .-.ye. .rcr, at' tupplemfutal Bill, filed by the defendants in thi wue, or the same will be taken proeonlesao, against theof t.nd .the jiilj ct matter thereof be decreed, aceoiilinly and tlmt this Ol der be published three weeks in the Mur psinted la 'ialeish By orler. GEOaGE LOCUu, C. M. E July, C4 h 1820. price of adv. gS. S'J-3w. State of North Carolina,- Rowan County. C uit ot Equity, April Term, 1820i - . iVillinra Laughow, ts. Jcssee A Pearson and F.liia Pearson, Kxeculors f the last will, of Richmond Pearson dee'd. f; Jeasee A Pearson, Joseph Pearson, Kichmond I'eurson, Sarah Pem-aon, (JliHi'ltt Pearson, f-lits I'eiiTaon, Rich. mood M Pearson, Giles W. Pesrson, and John S totes ' Pearson, children and Heirs at Law of said Kiehmbnd Pearson deceased. ' 1 t' appearing to the satisfaction- of the Court that Joseph Pearson, one of the defendant i'i thi eu:e, rlnrs not re-' ile in thia State, it is therefore ordered that pablieatton bV made in the RaleigV Star, for three weeks sueoessively, fop ? tlie said Joseph Pearnou, to appear at the next Con it of Knai C':, -t to be held for the County of Rowan,' at the Court f loose ,-' in Salubury, on. the second .Monday utter the fourth Monday in September next ; and plead, answer or demur to the com- , plainants Bill, otherwise, the same will betaken prooanfu ?o, aud heard expurte as to him. ' GKORGE LOCK, C. M. B. July, g4Lh 1820 -pnee adv. J53, 29-3 w. I Wat. ; Wed Jkier of the Phoenix Bank, we mentioned Monday. ;a now stilted to be a defaulter to Hnstitution to the amount ot 147.500, dol- the R Y' reSre t add that it is.' also stated, oraw ''J "'cohditionaHy secured for not thaa on half or ono third ot this amount ; atklns John Will. son JThomtis, 5 Woodard Christopher, i Wolf WitUamL. J Warren Wiley, i Wall Burwell, ' Wru-ht James, 2 Woodard James, J Warren Kedley. ' ' Y Yancy Charles. SAMUEL LUM A-Y, A. P. M. STUAYS. Entered on the Stray Bo, k of Anson County, "N the 13th Ju ip, 18-20, by NalKaMiet Turner, a sorrel norse, sour ieet seven inches hicli. .a: star on hia e out, 19 )r on a small bciU noise, Kur Ieet seven inches high, forehead, legs' hite up to his knoes. left cy old, t!ie ead of bis tight ear eut off, had oi Appraised to $ 85. ON the t'Jtl Jun sorrel IV'ZH. bv YV limn HvOe. a Marc, 14 years old, 4 l. t t 10 incites high, large Mate in" '' Iter face, hind le;s white ho to the hums, a white soot 00 ' h,-r neek. hpraisd to g 40 ." O.V the 37th June, IWO, by Allen Dillard, ablaek Mafiy 4 feet 7 inches high, ten years old, slioil all rounds thick mane, tale snip ou her nose, ewe neck, thin in flesh, and very dull. Appraised to K 38 ; TUOS THREADGtLL, Ranger. , ay-stp. -v. . j ; STRAYS. Entered on the Stray Boole of Randolph Wy, N the Slrd Msy, 1S30, bv Widiam Smith, a black Mare, 9 years old, had ou a small bell. Atinraistd, . ?t tlolbtre. . .J ON the 13th Jnne, lS9f). bv MoseirSwalm. a bar Mar. " eight years old, C ve feet high, shoes on her fore feel, bran ded on the left shoulder with, the letter It. Appraised to 10 dollar - " ON the srth June, 1820, by Thomas Fentriss, a sorrel Mare, about 14 hand high, marked with tlie saddle, is a natural paser, had ou small bell, and was judged to be 13 vesta old . ' Appraised to 99 dollar and 50 cents. ' OM tk t loli ib.vi K.- i-j,k ni.u . ..i nJ.. HE Museum lately behtngmg to Mr. Lavrrenee t ..Wl -. .M with .m.n i.i. i hi. r... a . Newbejriy ha been removed to Raleigh, and is, with ; blemish in hi risht eve. A nnralsed to 80 dollar.' S1IUB VI- GAUDMtK, U. tt. Sfp. - MUSEUM. 1-4 the addition of many other article, opened! for exhibition iu a spacious rr-om in "the old Star by i Mings. It i uow the property ot a Lady, who trill devote her time and attention lit it. and who is anstous to increase its attractions and ue- foiness I'onHlioos ot whatever is-rare"nd curious mart mtUanc'e, 85 cent. Raleigh, July C0.1S20. 294f Tkewise become mixed With the Second cmp V or natare, will be tbarklully received, ami , ticlesdepoMt- k- .nA k ,:.ki t.-1, U I... iea,n oan win ie scu curt, vi a.iu uu.y reiuineu. ftUf fAtm J usiya ya VtV l IT lU IV 9 V IfWS 09laB.l t U Ve tc arisen the -vulgar opinion which ascribed this drsorder to the second growth of clover. Both the above plants bave energetic proper ties. All the species of the genus Euphorbia are strong drastics, and tho Zebela infata it has been usefully employed in the cure of asth ma and other disorders ; it was one of the In- For Sale or flent. ffTWE Houses ami Tots lately owned by judge Seawcll. i Fortenrs, applv to Willmin I'alk, or in bis absence to William Boylao, Etor to the subscriber st rin'ifax. B0BT.A,JONKS. Joiy IS, IMO. . v ' ,89-tf Kntered, OS the Stray "Rook of Montgomery eounry, the 4th jiurf. " by Joseph Picket, a Vrigbtay Horse, supposed to b 13 or 14 year old, 4 feet 11 inohes high. Hne saddle spot on hisbaek, star on his forottead, snip on his noser hia right lund foot white above his socle Joint Appraised to twenty-five dollars . JACOB COCHTtAN, Ttatiger. July, 19, 1820.' 29-3tp 1SI BLANKS lor sale at ttiia OtWce, . s.' ,11 ri'i it I 1!' a- 4.