Cut htm CoaxJj. t Cint f Fleis and Qtisrtar beiM, lUj Tawta, 1820. (Teniae, Trwo. kCtw JttIl. Biwtt-rned TTarseswlar At tdafaett of th court Ut T apa. to the A 4,(.n,. ... u 1-ih.bkaiit atf this U It it A kWut ia lb aUm lVnl ordered Uat jmWieuo U aaada mluUtf. JUklt3uf.tiiC tvoticato ilcdl liaise Hwr at court to a i td 4WdMiy, Mil court bouMia ruaborMrh, cn hM t IstjavUy Auuci text, ptecJ, aatwer as. demur, Xhawu tul ladicM will be lake) egset h". J TUOMA3RAGLII.D.C.C C--Ln hc adv. f4,e7 1-3 Cirt.rP!ai tJ Qaarttr fusions, Maj Sei4 IO A. U. UO. attachment HTAIE OFJf0RTtl-CJR0LI,A. Chatktn Con ml j. Court of pleia and Quarter Sessions, Maj Term, 1 8 10. tvwdoch MeXenx'ie, fcCo... WUiim Thivepeo. mi 'OfJoW Lred on defendani't chare ol fjur IW and bit sar of IU0 acre ofiaiid. IT appearing to the satisbciion f & Court, that the J.7 .ni i km .a inhabitant of this slate I It il Richard CfMN, we. WVUiaac Btsrtc-OrtgW Omrt (bat W VXtm Dart, th dr. svt casse. Mart arCN.rmt oftkc Hiici. I h it entered that acvtrttsr sweat k saade Ur il.rr tfttwllM ia Iba Ur, primal la KaLr-rh, Ine Use mI nVfrwt. W t ifff M Uw Ml Umt i riiu cad (JaarUr He. ton, to be Ml tar sa.fl cm at, etlhw Coarl Uoum ia Piita barongfa, I aeccad .Mo,J.t AngtM Mat. U rrpW-VY ami plead, lrm judgmrtii br give agaiba) ba. Vol, IIIOMAa .lAGLAKD.Clk. tt-5r pnee adv JyJ.75. State of North Carolina, -6acemt County. Saprrior Coart tif Law, Term ol the first Mon day titer tb fourth Monday ot March 1820. rlestar Wlthly, fr. TV..i. WkLlj Pttnlmi for divorce fitci lt M(MHiajrTlrr Uie4h Muxlay uj Mrb 1119 1 (hit ar it ix-ariii(( lo (be auUclioo of the ooart (bM Ihr lrl ciMirtc but bcru laLcA, aikl (lia dclrutlaat 1 lailmj to i( r; It i ordnxJ bf eoort tKat pabliaadcnt b 1 IBwIl tkrM rurmllil In ilia Kl miA L -1 &j . (Wrtfore Orded that puMicatioO b n.aUC tunre,for lc(i ixlantsio eawt in and au.vrr at uc-at nonilit in the. RaWijrh Str, Jin: notice to ihe aul 1 rm ut Um court to bt at Uunaiitnbc Cvmt tloiv, in fc&xUM that fie arpcaX al the rcn court lo ixr i.aua lor (he ia ol Ainviiir, o bp Mooilny alter () lmrih au( rMiiuw. al tltc counliouao in PiUkhorouifli. on liie i Momlay ot 2c(tcu r i.tif, Or (tut pctiuoo ill be i ' j t. a..i... i .nitn'rul. irr and ' cluarte. imu HHKUT nUKUII tlJ" , . BUte of JCorlii.Caroiifl;! " - Grsmtlt Count f., Cecrttfricaj ti-d Qatner&eitioiMaj Terra. IB JO. Miry Joo, r. TLobtt Juott aad oUjcr lrutio fat QT Ippewmjt to tlM aliafactioa of tlM OOOTt tkat .fa-net Jotkc. Bctijawia iorda and Mar JtrtUa, uirce of tiar drfrndaJiu ih-scar. mKabrtaau of llua attic i It W ot&rd thai pUiicaUOa b tMde in tbc lutrigt Star f jc an veHn, tbal unkat iLj appp"' at uut Court of Deaj and Quarter aei t be Iwrli lor tb county ol l.raarillc, at tbc court-nouae in Ox Ion', on Ua brtt MorvtUjrof Augwatneai. and nWad. an twet.or ucavtr to (aid pctiuon or it will be t-trtl cxpar let arid judjrrom jto coufeaao cnurtd wp agtinat tbcm, Witnuf, 'tcplveu K. 8o-d, Clerk of ouraad Court at office in Oxiurd, Uc tirat Mundav of May, K. D IBJJ. bief'.K.SNe.Ui.CLa;. ?7-6ii pnoe adv. R J. Ja. Crt of Meilr, Sprint J eraj 't., P fr ---C aatwt ctk Co . . - Kmrmi mm Mar ra-Me.!, H f a. TT1 1'r4 tU a, be a-bK 0.. lUaka ot U. auirTti tra at lrt MMt afur aWail, timer or Actvttr, j 'y u at'lMl luia. 25 4ru. price aa Mar raaoe.!, ( f a km a ib UaaU. ot u. autTli u-a Mlraa aa4 ctrd-au airi. U NKWIHWUl,,.! V . m-. M u iWinr-rt. Moml.r liJ Am W Pfn aaaa. f adr.S4,JJ. "-SI- Stute otNorth-CamI!n Mtcklenlurg tout,(f. Ma beai.if. igo. Joh Liulc, r. JonaU4 K.TtlUIr-Oril;fu, k-onikrn, U.rataber aitd Mramuoed. I I appcariug ta th aaliataetM ol ib tun .k . 7: , 7 -" 7, w hu a rtM.i second Monday in August next, and, aiiawer and deniur.otherwiaeliiaijudgmeat will u a gaum . THOM iS BACLAS1J,C.C. C. 3j3rh price adv. aa above. STJTE OF jrORTII.VAROLlX'jl, Ed'teombt county. Court til rieaa a.ntl Quarter ttetaion, Maj Term, 18.10. JOi Howell. v Aletsndir Seiwra Original atlacnmcnt Nvitd oti land aod other proncrt) . ITappaariugtolh aaliafaDtioii ot'tlie eoiirt ttitt tbr drlcnd ant in thiteaae, ia not a reawleiit of (Uii lUte 1 It U uHer mi that DUUiention be tuwle in the KaWirli Star tor three fnontha, that unleat the Qatenrlmit appear at iho nest term ofthii aourt too tild at' i'urWouK-i n the fnorili Moily of AanUnaXt. tbu and there nlcad, atiiwer. bio that ladenenl Coal will be taben againat bia. Witneta, Miobarl Urnrn, Uvrk of nur said court, at of fanttaafoartn Mottday of Ma), A I) MlJd- HEACN.C'k. . 2St3ou price adr aa above. Witacn, Koert llenrr, tilerk ofaaMl Cmirt, atoffir- die Brat .MoiHla) alter fourth .MojJbt of Mueli ittO. Slate ol Vorlh CtnoViua, Ilnckingham (cunfy. TAMilam lln-tM I . f-'.tiMi Hunt 1. t. . i . i 111 ' . . .1 ami anorar at nar mm i tit, ti . i v.iit . itMH ru .iMiufiriK'. -Li ini I innru mwt iinuiii ' i r m m iru .bii uh.m Thar-.., been marte aPrear to the tati.r.etioa of tbe I V '" ,'n and .1 u H f .a-wir-t Hi at IMintn! I.l.ihfa. V. B M Ma inibn bill. ' prise adv. C M. p.. tha . Court Ol hnity. ..rirc J erm. I8i0. I-therHoraonlere.lrbat publieatioo b. uaJ, i. .wTT ""S mm lrdlrr. , "' l,rc mta juaatbaa K. IVUti - I 20-orot. pi ice edr. f&Ap. KC'BT. UtKY, Clk ' tifdrii 01 JS'OItTff CjnoLLYJ, ff'arrtn County. Court of Pica and Q tarter Sei in, Maj Teno,1820. BiChafd Daviaon, t. Willjaru 0. Chriatmai Original attachment returned, levied on land and neproei1' IT appearing to the tatifciloit of the cburt, thai Win. 1). Chriatmai the defendant, ii not f. resident ol ttlta atate 1 hie therefore ordered that notice be givm tLaaaid ffa D. ChrUtmaj, by advertisement three npnlht In the lur, printed at Rtleigh, that unleit he appear at the next tarmof tWa court, to hi held at the court heu in TtTaraeAton, on the 4ih Monday in Au ftt next, replevy and plead, judgment final will be en tared againat him. CAS DRAKE, C. W. C. C 2 J-2mi . price adt $4,87 l -2 Stato of North Carolina, 1-, RandotphVonnty. 1 ' , Junefi6th, 18S0. C?TYrlEfiBA8(thave been lately informed, that Heze- ANf Itiali Ifaylor of aaid county.holda a note of band tjiiiut me made payable lo himself, to a Cbnsiderable mount, with Ann York'a name aigned to the tame, as a Witness. I hereby To rtmn all persons from trading for Mid note with a viewer recovering the aame from me. anjr neirs, ur aaaijna, a never pave aaia nayior a nuie to any amount whatever, and should he hold or have holdeo such a note against me, it ia a base forgery, and Z am determined never to pay it. JEl&MIAH YORK, sen'r. 273U. State of North-Carolina, Wake County. Coqrt of Picas aod Quarter Sessions, Maj i cnn, l20. L. Acock Original ttachtnen State of Nurtli-Caroliiia, H'arren tnunty. Superior Court ol i,awf Apul Term, 182P. Edw'd I'attello, ats'ee- 1. John H- PrassrOngmal at Uchment levied in tlie handa ot Darnca ana lJooiti Hurt and Blunt, . Maxwell, Sirnuel C. PaulCon' John Herring, Jcob I'. Wcmmack, Hu-fiti Tucker' Henry Thomaon, Thoa Slde John II. McNeal, Wm! Dun, Gideon llppin, Myatt Harrison, Moes and Burt, neitro el tSctlttendanu inttiwcaae lie aithuMt tl limm ot (hit 1 tato. I. 1 ordered by the aoun thai nlea the aaid flel'einl. ntt appear at the next trm of Ihia court, to be l.oldea at! WitwTth oa the fifth MoihIh after the f.mrth Mwnlav ia I S.temlM-r, Beat, and plead, aiuvrr, or demur, judgment I win be taken pro eonfeaan niU them. 1 JAMr.S CAMPBELL, C M.E. 96 Smi prlea ader giS. ( 8 MTU OP'A'OltTU CAUOLVSJl, Edgttovihe County. Court n( Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Maj J'rrm, 1820. Cotton and .rrlVt, rt. Alexander Seaaoroa Ordinal attach mrnt leiflo land ami other prr.H.Tty. T appearing tu the satisfaction 1,1 the court that the de a rriHlnnt in tins esse, is not a resident of (Ms atate 1 It is or- , deerd that pul.licaUoa he made in the Raleigh AW lr three State of North-Carolina. itj.r., 1 . ' 'irc.irnourg county. May Seaaiont. H2i J Thoa. ilmona Original aitaebtnent I I 1 ppeanrf to the aausfaetiisa ot the booh. tl,. .1.. . nas Simons, is oot a reaidtnt of th.. 11 appearing I Itftidaat TIkii It i tberefore ordered that pBbl,Mikn be m,ue U th. 2! le.Kh Star tor three w-ks, t.iat the said I homus SiraoL, u -rrr "i "r neat i-ourt 01 fleas and WuarUrr be..7 to be In l, farthe county tl'nm.kl . "'S Charlotte, hn the fourth Mon.lny in Anvtist ticit aaii dple,4 toiaaue.orjadgnunt final .ill ht uk. 3? bun. 1. .. .. .. . ueorn -I',"- "'lununiiwuggiin, CBtirt . 1 ll t Inlin .L. 1. ... I. ..!..... I . .1 . e H. Vt. rhil.M .rj"." . " , ""'""" . 'V" . l"" l'l"-r ni ,ne nrai ier,n , v, a luium ui una Slatet "", ll is llipprffir nrt.rA th., n.iki. ... : i , . . - ...-I pmiii.iiuii oc n aat Mi uiae monllis in the Siar, publiahcd in the citv ol itniirl, i iuileminl final win I taken aruii at hi llmt uiileaa the said John H. Fraaer apnear at the neai Witnra, Michael H am. Clerk ou I . 1 m ai mil rnurl t I , 1.1.1 . 1 . . . s nm s. uc v ourt. muse in Wsrrcntoo.on the third Mjuday alter the founh ju. dr in September next, replevy and p'.ead, juugmtDi fi nal w ill oe entered against him. J.M JOUNSO.S, CS C 19-3-ns prion v. g5- State ot NoTtU-CattiVma, Duplin Count j. Henry flraddy, J-Ongioal Attjicliment, letiel on hud. mirt to be held at Tai liOronch on the toarth of August next, then and there plead, answer, m. our said court, 2-,w price al. ondy fcc tliat Aq aluxandeo, c. m nacn avuaa at of. fice the fourth Monday ol Mny A 1 I "20. MlMi. HF.ARX.Cik. C5-3iti prtceadT. as hKov,. la TAT A OtWORTi LJflGJ WJ, Edgecombe County. Court of Pleas ami Quat ter Seionf, May ! Tnm, 1820. David Raroei ts Alesander Sessuma Original atUclroent levied on land and other property, jl appearing to the satisfaction ot the court that the ile.j fendant in this case is not a resident ol this Mate ; It is or-1 dered that publication he made in the Jfali igh Star for three ! months, that on less the defendant appesr at the neat term of' this coon to be held at Tarboroogh i,n the fourth .Monday ', f August next, (hen and there plead, answer, bec tht; judgment final arid be take:) spiinst'liim. I fctatc t North-V3avoliua. i Mny Terrr., 18'20 : O.l r- . . . . . " rpurs, t owpn apart Urigini.1 sttachmem U 1 fktl Infill "C I appeal nig to the jntisfi.etion orihe court, that theta. Irndant J.iseph Sp.ns ia not a reslriM of this state i lib th"rrl'n ordered that pnhliration he made in tin nil"? inr inree weens mat lie I Jesse Smita. Tap; ariugtu the satisfaction of the court that the de fendant in this ease is not a resident of tl.i, , 1, :. ordered that publication be made three months in the Ualcirh ' Star, that onless defendant appear at the tu n terra ol the Uourtto be held t (venansvillc, on the 3l Mondav ofjulr ' and replevy and plead loissne or demur, judgmel final will j See the fourth Monday of Tay A I) 18v0. Witness, Ja. Pearsall.Clerk of our said fTonn . m.. the 3d Monday of April IH'20. J ci.-i . J AS. PEARS ALL, Clk. 173ra price adv. S,I.i-!j 'e and minair ml mm .&.a - - I S - "i llVaVa aVBUOW i picas mm quarter Sessions to be held for the eonnt, 2. foresaid nt th rniiM.limw ri...L.n. .i . ay in Aiiut next, and replevy and plead to issue, or kar! ruent final will be rendered apiinst him. , .ISAAC ALEXANDER, CM. 28.1s price adv S at). JEntertaiumcnf. TItE nl",!,'Cr having opened a public house inSmiUiCeld, re rcupied by custom ot iron. cm persons or constant ooaraars t rorn State oi tVotUi.GatolKia Meckl'tiburg count u Witne.,. Jfh.l fl.r i T:l. v s :.i . t-i . .. "V e in, j ozu. . .k.. i7 Ml iV; V v "i. - nomas i roik.MJa. v Elara tuclmicrt leviol on land. Henderson rigiaal g. 2-53ra6price adv. as thovr 3IICH. BE A UN, Crk. l'pperi "i'C to tfie latiafatrtlnn nfik r femiant, Eiam Henderson is. ruT. L '."iS-?' or So absent, himself that th. 7" ' " wt nn, K- . I l l " . " " ueeaa M 4.W State of Nortli-Carolina, Edgecombe Covnty. Court of Pleas and Quarcer bessioni. May - aV not be served on htm ; It is therefor orH.J "".!. pobhetion be made three week, in the Kalelh Btar'SS iinloss the itfonri.n, 1 "aicign ear tw Quirt or ! i ,iiv iHjurt-iiouse in L.nariottr nn .. l .. . ! Aueust nexL and renl, nr X.T. ' .. """ff i meat will be" enured no swinstT defendant : appear at our next Court of Pies. 2 Session, to beheld lor U.e corny of Mecklenbtuf, art-house tn Charlottce, on the loorth MondL 10 replevy or plead to Issue, otherwise ji lUred np against him. J IS A A P. II VTIVnirn r - SS.3w. nricc adv. Rl so " u ' - Mwis Jones, e. Richard levied on land, . ... . ...... i . rvtic ueicnuant resiumg beyond the limits ot this .tate, ... JL ee to ooticeals himsell that the ordinary process of law annot bt served on him j It is therefore ordered by the Court that publication bt made in the Raleigh Star for three moatlit, that defendant come forward on or before the next term of this court, to be held on the third Monday in Au gntt next, at the Court House in Raleigh, and plead and re plevy, otherwise judgment final will he entered against him, Ad the property condemned to plaintiff recovery. Test, B. 8. KING.CC. SUmi price adv. g4,87 1-3. State of North-Carolina, ! JYasft County. Court (A Pleas and Quarter 8esmon, Maj Term, 1820, ClijahHorn, . , v$ unginai Atuehment. Arthur Bishop J rt appearing to the satisfaction of the 'Court that the de lendant it not an inhabitant of this state i It ia therefore ordered that publication be made three months ip tin It, ltigb. 8tr, gtvkog notice to the said defendant (hat he an. . . M . , . i i. , i r . . , fvar u,c wcat wm w uc unii i or naiu eoiiniy, at l lie . -Court-House in Nashville, on the seeoiid. Monday in An. fast next, and plead, answer and demur, otherwise IK Ml judgment will bo taken against hi in. -, WM.HALL, CO. St.Sma. price adt. g5. Term. 1820. Barnes and Jackson, T3. Alexander Scssumt Orieinal nvnfiieni ktimihi ,nn inn nthpr ixmhipi,. 1. i-J r.u;. ...- -j.. .""ciwi . . .. I-"i 3 . . ,u.icuguiui, uuime, anu me attention be will give I PPanng to me tatisuetion ot the Court that the deren-i both to gentlemen and thtir horses, he hopes to merit a 7" dant in ,his case, is not a resident of this State j It is or-' Share ot pnbhe patronage. His table shall be well furnish-' tnat publication h mse In the Raleigh 6tV for 3 ed with eatables and spirits, mid his slahk-a a it), nlont months, that unless the detendant annear at tha next term , wholesome nrovender for horafs i .nil i.u i..i...... of this court to h hid at Tirhnmn,!,. i.o lii. u,iiir J 'OAk tn JVavisation Cum nut? u dated to the hardness of the tiuiea. i August next, then and there plead, answer, kc that iudr- 117?F'REAS h President and Director-! rfi. v-tr:l I mrtit final will be taken sgsinsthira. ; f T, Navigation Company hare required the navmenM Witn. State of wVotth-CaToMna,, Yadkin Navigation Cmnoanv rJinitliGeld, ane 8, 1820. ISAAC HILL. 24 3m. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Granville Comity. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Mar Term, A. D. I820i aWrn. P. Mangum, tw. Joseph Oakey'g he.irt Petition. T appearing to the aatisfaction ot the court, that De borah and Joseph Oakev. two of i h ,u fnrtD nia otto ss-fichael Hear. Clerk of mir M onr, r mur Instalments of 10 dolls, each, n.., .iL... .IT - ' . . . -v h.H t :...! o.l r.. J "rcniiawi. Coe Ihe fourth endas offay A I) 1820. AJ1C11. 11 EARN, Clk S-Sms price adv as aboe. hedtothe Capital Stock fiK,l;-i r v i ... - .. - i .."c i.een given trom time to time, by puMi j'-rihis requisition; Public Notice fc hereby i I resident and Directors will . ...,:! y, and noticti us advertisemrL . ... .T 1 fc1'1 iiim in IIL Mill I lirprinrl will ..ll . . u-i-f i at aucuon in i lie 'ova a ,"'lfj-''. on Thursday oextpre.edn.riU fourth Monday of September next, the sharesof J'nk in pay tne instalments which have been required A , .j ,v . "'"" tww " ne aavancrd on each share 0 foresaid, with Interest and incidental eWiU aS Edmund D. Mscnan, ts. Alexander Sessun.s-Orijrinat at-1 '"e",KBt actors will, in the name of the Companf. . i .Ui...., , i j ituie lor and Mcnvrr i,.i.. t. .. . 'I ' - ... ...ifiiu- ... niiMiiin an ... a u .. . ... VWUl State ol .NoYth-CaYoAinat Edgecombe County. Court of Pleasant Quarter Sessions, Maj -term, ibsu. tnchmr-nt ljitrl An ltaml arid itV, A. siM.r.aiJt $,rlVi: "' J me sstisidciion ot the Court that the do- J iays previous r.ouee nu. inr.-iuamsot tDlS State litis nrd.r. ih.Jt r..Ki: tion be made aix weeks in the Ralein-h c,.r i, !,... I , I . - - o-umvDij inviiinvni icviet wey appear at our Court ol Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ! IT appearing to to do new lor the county of Granville, at the C ourt , fendant in this case h mt a rcsidrnt of this state ; It is or , J"" ,n vlIro, on me ist Monday in August next, and nen 'hat publication be made in the Raleigh Star, for 3 p eau, answer or demur to the said petition, it witt be m?nth8. that unless the defendant appear at the next term of ncaru expnne ana judgment pro confesso entered up a-! . court, to oe held at arborongh on the 4;h Monday of Kainat nun. next, men ana mere plead, answer, Btc. (hat judg, Witness, Stephen K. Sneed CUrt nrn, I n,?nt. fin' '! ",k" g'nt him. offi. in Oxford, the first Mood .,f m.., a t ,ooV !- v ttness, Michael lleam, Clerk of our Said Court, at of-1 ! 9th June, 1820. A. D. MUuf HEY, President of the C'omps)yj -!8-8ra 35 6w price advgl,r5. STEP.K. SNEED, Clk. fciatfc oiNoxtU CoxoUna, Uupli County. lSurxrd AlberUon,- . Original Attachment levied on land. Jessee Smith, State of North-Carolina, d ranville County. Court of Picas & Quarter Sessions, May Terra, A.D.1820. Leriie Gilliam, v IIinbDa Rear.-Origioa! le vied on one Hook. IT it ordered that puMicstion be ma le in the Raleigh Star for three months, that unlew the defendant . erdered Outt publication be made three month in ii,. n. pear at our Court of Pleaa and OlfartAff !QacaawA a L.. lelgStarlhatuntettdefeiidantaime.rattheneit Term of I e,d for the county and suto aforesaid, at the court the .Court t be held atKenansville on the 3l Mnn,u. r house in Oxford, nn h. at.i e ....... . ,r.te-w-IOtaM'OPn,e,,t fi',ordemar, o5ierwu.KjudniS; Witness, as. Pearsall.Clerk of oar said Court, at Office a i . . f . r . :i mjk 1 SBBU fnunua w oyni taw. l a.....U..I.,!.. .fit. M - .. . .. "nun oi tne uourt, mat the de- JL fendaov in lb I ease, it not a resident of this stnte ; It ft STATK OF NOU t H -CaUuLINA, Granville County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Maj Term, A. D. 1820. John and James Nutiall, sueviving partners, vs. Nathan Bennett Original attachment leviol n ia a I is ordered that pii -licatidn be made in the Raleigh Star fortliree months, that unlets the defendant ap. pear t our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county and atate aforesaid, at the court hotuein Oxford, on the first Monday of August next, re plevy, plead to issue, or demur, othf swise judgment by default wi! Iv entered up ng-ainsi him. Witness, Stephen K. Sneed. CWlr ,f : j - ofltce, in Oxford, fust Monday of Mjy, A. D. 1820. STEP. K. SSEED, Clk. 2 m s price ad v. 34,75. Cce, the fourth Monday of May A I) 1820. I ' . MICH. UKAKN, Clk. 25Sro s priee av. ns abov, 'ir.Sms. price adv. SM 12 JAS. TEARS ALL, Clk. State of North-Carolina, " DupUn County. Saltiuel Davis, - .s... fOrijinal atttehment, levied on land. Jesse Smith, J TT appearing t the satifet!nn nTthe Conrt that the defen. dant in hia ease, is oot a reaidsnt of this state j It is or Sercd thalpuUication te osnde three months in the Haleirb Star that unless defendant appear at the next Terra of the Court to be held at Kcnansville, w the 3d Monday of Jnlv ad replevy and plead lo issue, pr demur, judgmeot final' Will be entered against him. , Witness; Jas Pesmtl, Clerk of ow said Coart at Office, (he H Monday of April 18-. ' '"wicu up against Dim. Witness. OicphenK. Sneed, Clerk of our said court, al office in Oxlord, first Monday in May, A. D. 1820. STEP. KaSNEbD, Clk. Z3vms.prtce adv. as above. STATE OF NaitTIl VJMOLW, Granville CoUuty. Court ofPIeas & Quarter Sessions, Maj Term, A. D. 1820, Gilliam and Yancey, vs. Hamhling Rear Original Attach- men! levied on one hat and feather. WT isordered'that pnblieation be made in the Raleighgttrlhr three months, that unless the defendant appear at our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held lor the eouiu tr and state aforesaid, at the Court House in Oxford.on the first Monday if August next, replew, plead, to issae or de mur, otherwise jodgraeht by dufault will be entered up a ganvtt hun. 1 r Witness Stephen K. Sneed, Clark of our said Court at of. net in Oxford, first Monday of May, A. I. 1 830. , . a BiP.K.S5iEE0, Clerk. ! tS-Sm-price adv. at above. State of North-Carolina, Edgecombe County. Court oi Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Mar Term, 18?0. Richard Grut, v.ohn Everitt Original attachment levied on land. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Conrt that the de fendant in this ease is not a resident of this State; It is therefore ordered thit publication be made in th ij.i:i. Star, for three mouths, that unless the defendant appear t Ihe next term of this conrt to be held at l 4th Monday of August next, then and there plead, answer itj, that Judgment final will be taken against him. ' Witness, Michael llearn. Clerk of our said ron . r Cce, the 4th Monday of May, A. I. 1 820, . ' .. . . . MICH.I1EAUN, crk. 25-3mt price adv. $4,87 1 ' State of NortlCarolina, Edgecombe County. Court of Pleas nnd Quarter Sessions, May Term, 1820. William Drake, asirnee,Stc. Vs. Nathan Edwards Orl rnal Attachment levied on land, appearing to the aatisfaction of the Court that the de h ndant in (his ease is not a resident of this State It i. .,v M,.M,iiu,iu(in ,w maaeintne Ksleigh Star, lor -...v ..tns,uii unicss me neu-nqnt appear at the next 'erm ot this court to he held at Tsrborough, on the 4th Mon day of Augost next, then and there plead, answer, lie. that judgment final will be taken against hiro. Vitness,Mihael Heam, Clerk ot our said court, ot of fice the 4th Monday of May A. D. 1 820. ' . . . , MICH. HEARN, Clk. S-flms price adf. si above. State of North-Carolina, 1 Cabarrus County. Polly Shinn, T Petition for a divorce, and filed at frt v i V.'. ? Term of Cabarrus Superior CobltB Jotuh 8lnnn. 3 Law, 1820. JIT rppearing to the satisfaction of the Court that it Wdelaidant it not an inhabitant of this states it is thert.. fo- ordered by the court that publication be made tiff months m the Star and Register, of the city of Raleigh, iiiat the said Josmh Shinn, appear at the next Superior v.curi 01 for the county aforesaid on the 7th Aion oner me xnomuy in September next, and plesd answer or demur to said petition otherwise judgment pro eon fesso wdJ fee had inlnd 1 .1.- ,.m. Ml ' aJSMta BitVA llgw s,mv. v be heard exptrte. 11 so , .HME? HUTCHISON. C. July 12, 1820. 28-3ms. price adv. i,75. S.C., State of North-Carolina, . Edgecombe County. Conrt of Plcag and Quarter Sessions, May Term, 1820. Randolph and 8. D. Rotten, ts. Alexander 8essmt-Ori, ginat attachment levied on land and other pronertv f W.T-totlie satitfaction of the court that the defen . dsTit .0 thu ease not a resident of this Stato, Jt " d red that pablwaUoo be made in the Raleigh Star for thJee months, that nates, the defendant tppcar at the next f, of court lobe held at T.rhorougTo the' fourth dar of Aut next, thej, and there plead, answer, lux that jodmeot final will be taken againat htra Whnem, IhlHearn, Clerk of our said court, at of fice, the 4th Monday ofM ay, A D 1820 cm . , . MICH. HEAUN, Cik. tWmspticea3vg4,8ri.2 ' ' State of North-Carolina, Mecklenburg counlif Mr ?esiinR, 1820. Henry Lewis, r,. Elisha Cain-Levied pa laod-Orlg'nf, attachment. 9 T sppeariog to the satisfaction of the ewirt, that the de rendaiit is not an inlmbitaut of this state ; It is therefore ordeied dirt nuhlioation be made4n Hie Raleigh Star that oik less tjie said Llisha Cnin he and appear at our next Court lo beheld for the eonntv aforeMMi, at the court-house is Charlotte, on the the 4th Monday jn next, and reph iJm"" f ,MU 0i Judrae"1 "' " be uken o. , 1SAAC ALEXANDER, C. M. B. 28-3 s priee adv. gl 50. State of North-Cfirolina, Warren County. In Equitj, April Term 1820. George Uuehanan and wife, vs. Henry Fills, Admr. & botui won of Edward Bignall, dee. June Johnson, AdmrV of Marroadiike Johnson, dee and others. 1' this case it Appearing to the satifaotion of the court, that William Crawford ,nitT,miuimM. hi. miff. Davis) B Ripley and Susan Ids wife, James Fill and John Oliver Fitts, by their fuardian Joine. l'itta. ,r. not inhabitants this State j it is therefore ordered thnt publication he mad for six weeks in the newspaper-published in Raleigh ennJ tied the Star, for the parties aforesaid to appear at tie next term of this court, to be held at the court-house ia 'War renton on the third Mnnda rW th fourth Mondny September next- and nlead. fb.mur. otherwise judgment will be taken pro confesso a to them. r wiincss, i,eo. Anderson, Clerk and Master tor saw cou.'M at office, the third Mondsy after he fourth Mcada ia , March, A. P. 1820. ' .J :; GEO. ANDEUSOii, , -y-bU price adv g3 50. BLANKS Tot sole at tVtis Office.

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