i And North-Carolina State Gazette RALRICS1I, (N.C) Fill DAY, At GUST $5 180. .o. a 4. ft t i- Si: fVBLlSMKD WJ LKL1 i!F TUOMAH ;. WI.lO.Vf jr. Br w,ia-N' ptcrUl he SActnii J (mm! lu aa a.l m uPr u,-," ' ' tw i . ..1 .l..rt., ..r.iu i.irf a- jii arr r ... ciKlii,- iwelv '" maerted three lor o oHaf (r. ty use yr.ta '" each cttli.aiiee. T. .rtjrfm! a lea.rfcl M un.r dwcooui.ued, U4 a ol Monb-Cifoniu. Hie uevira -rot tn itutM'tuiiiiicuiMUtc lnda .auly acquit. ,vin Ike Cherokee tmiuua lo b .Rcrcd for Wilton & SAeUou, fjlcjr mii4rr. flutist ami ."'. i; i'timim. tsi-tCl t-ULLY ittlor tlu-ir IrteiiUi aaC the pebltc ii (ei-ral, tint ibey li.Te curaniauccu Uic above kuaic. 11 C- aal ill vanouawraiasiu:! i neir worm, men ac exrc--- , . -..fH.u,erior, .., do,- ,. tlii. !rt 't'' .T I Na ' . . . ...... 1 1 i . . t rrr.ia .d ja. vu( .ili Ka.ik mj. f . ? lara iiu ahu. nealilckar ia .liiJ'C- i. "i 11 a. . e . ltJ UAKICl.. W . " - wvr.J L. - " - aw lkuur .JoJv JO. ! a ' ,.,,i St-- - f " t I aaradman . l . t a fan --- ijcgr iv aprraticea will be ukejt is the' above had Valuable Land aud Mills ' i "5 G-jcariswr oia s.at af .WiA-t r,'ii for hale. A Proclamation. f IHE aavbtrilr will acll mm Lo moat Haimiw)ila ; 1 rfltK 3. b kA act ufibe C pf ra.1 rmtff tf trBi,lWitiai UM,oriinn u it, nuiu iiirta, JJ UJ a Lall nilciol lUrc l t ua auvn, la a iiraiuij ru;n at- hr Wiilt Mil rrt AMrfk.ii avrvara a i rum Trlu- iL, MlatrWu.it. orab-rJa, el.u.. 4 or u.ea.- g- AnUand.n. da h.TCby U-clwa and make 1 krm M ala. V or m) an-a m rk 'xla lui, ki.k l-'O pot; aJ fir th duijx.! kfrtCAtly to Iw vra.l aua hula na k Inu unaM iatl aefcr La. I ai law ftMa laMa. a.iaUl tar hbtil al WaytartTlllC in l aw Uuaij la Trry kcCjCaiUv-ru, au I a briUr VaUrvd tts Cc I "f lU) ouu U ik day ofCIOber MXt, i traal aanajul b iinuxi is mr cuaai ui aou ta we u ataayum atwai. taar atopcftajirnaaaaai. w WAJnn.aaton;ra apjiuc tur Utat purpoiar. Oik e'.g b pal of the purchase money will r;aif- cu w ui urvuawi ai umt Kirrw c t mmm airiu ccuriijr for tUe payriirat of the balance, in the fullowing inaiaimctita, vti' Ono cirik al Uw- expirtiM of ike twelrc monlh ( uuefnmh at the end of two yean t one ...X la. i k. u, .1 . . V. . . aa limn tt uic fcitu ui tuicc jmim9 tounh t i lie cm. erf smr cif i . NO r ICE ' , . ! rTtT Kf. Hi.l r-aajna .,. tajr iuavi Marat, a Cl Tr nf Jv 3al, i.auawcr (4 aaicl ia, ohj J-rtri, A.. ' Foi- sale if U)iof ilaywuo . w L . No. 441, in i e addition atTl jti 10 laad -.vwu.bulh uiiMrot.d Apply o jiiuo. v. otWi i. Hiltgh,Jiipri:, 13. 1824 13-tt buutl ItaUtib. 3; aw Notice. ANAW At f ern thr auUrilor la Jue Utt, Negro fellow br tin i..'.uc uf Juratiu, In-it u' common ac aod wuil) Uirtf oi 't ar yean of ae, t purcliaacd of Cui. ti.iloii rot ul m Ooiiuty Jl. C but iuiTe reavu bvejicvc k ia uu lu tn- m Wkrrrn eounty, ii. the i.ei4h bor. injd of .Vli-a t'aiui.iu ahom he ouoo LUoufti! i ix- VxrO ui l euty duliaia X ill Uc jfiTen tur Um ucintf atsU( ; u. ajit Jul or lUutv uoilara liUinrti) W awtrict avuav. c Aroitna. v July 31.18 A W 6VaU o .oit Carolina. tjie IdmiuiAratura ar.) lle'uaof Georg Uouaer dtx'il TV 'ui.ci :irjoo, auil vlit ra. I a-iuou ft cojn-ilfc.caut, Unlcreit litat tbe dtfcmlaoia Jaiue ili3.,i , . iu 'jevatil, Kr!aiJ ftrcvaril, Sank A Uf van), U4-: .iu hrvvarii, Juiuva CUeanul, Uuusan MfO- Juy, .luliii l an .or, Jauua .. Lea, Marjr Mtttaj ; (jteol Vi iAii.Ciir. Saran I kjloi Me of ahkl johu 'l a;, tur, pi. I A ..i-..a (.i-.lti i.tvaiii J.i.. it -1 ' '.as, null Harnet (Jli-.v ajur, k(nki at .be -oa. t u! r-qni'v ... ue hi. . I lur (tic l.cuii Or o; ..o .uii, aii uii it.o.il Mum j an. r .lie louilh rfinu ii.y j( St (.i.iii,! r ncxi, and uiih.j lli Hill oi ice.oi, S..;i.i.i..i.Ui hitu t. l:.t liuli i. ."j.u in Uiit cuttat, t- v W I. V I i I AjO.ilfbKt, ltlia Ull'IU ac.l il.e Jji'j-c. uut.ri .htiai-t ''cartrcrf, ;.Coor!U.((l , .;.,.( lft.r 0' wtt J -jii'iaUi-li LVic ntk II. llic SUi iil.'.l. :u 2Aih Ili. Ltittw oi kv . S'j.." .. 1'hc ate will cautiuur two arctkt and no longer. C'trn andcr mv hand, an ike Seal of the S.alr, Caloh.on in tfh uy of uguat, A. D 1820. bitht Gww JOilN BK.VNCn. JMAltK, J SerrcUira. 32 d. W.M. PLUJ O the jail of PaKlOuUu.a. n ranaat, two taa rro meo, who ear. Uteiuaclvva J' II.au, anu v M SilAVKIW. JoUaon U youu liktlj fc llow. about ii Tiara of ar . Terr black, about t lci S or 10 iuolicl biajh, apcaka raihrr aiow, hat a ituwu latrk, and a)t that be oe ioorlO lr Ja.-ea Hooker of I he town ol V aafaTtaptoo to tkia rule, and that be ha Urea rimaT nearly fire yrara. Williaot Shaveri It about 4 tect i ui 3 iuoluet high, abiwi 36 fi'art of ae, yellowiab. cuiuiihrKio.i hat a aaar acri ai lui b.taat, ami one on the kali oi hit iigkt tbumb, ,l). .i...- , . l.id i iht atde uf hit letl ban. I near uic joint of hn Um b. ana lie it fi ee. and proriuecu a ceildicale of hit freeitom, tizucil br tatnea Koeuelie, at CUrk ul the I Ooiut ol iinii'iaruptoii euiil , uta ol Vu gini.i, but uot liaTiDg the court seal il it tUiOJied to be a loryed palx-r. The onvcri.1 oauertot' ui : si :. if aSiv, tre iitiiby -tiScd :o com f i-warl, im) .-incut, i, ami aoiaply uli the la in axU jweii.unu: auJ roidi.C, or le t.e) Ul be and all otbera tkat Bay think proper to anil oa hinj O. Privut Entertainment. riHi& atibacnber hta ,aichaed tiie lloase JL Lt furinerl v ccupird b? Jan!t Mi-are, at a Publ.a Hmk in 'tlie i(y of Kalekjh, aad ha reiuDV'Mt to lh.- aaiae, where b- inleuda kei pirg a irtajao ol Kotei laiiiiuwL for the acaouiinoilmtion il 'I rav.lU ra. aa vcrw I", oom 10 it . f t wrm L rt Wrm ai. . . a-. - -- . - ... feat rrpcatt it arv r qt evrd to aM If ta 4h -wJb tnktf,di-iaa;.il taWr - ... Ur afa).t)( or ilwa j . H be inW aa the f uerty 1 aaaj mf ' TMl '-H',.',J'aV." 'v Raleifk, Attpat XT, II -0. .n.Mi If lkOatMad. ktnlloiitarwale ofJrk rann, w rav etOy d-red lo auAu i) ea4, mt iunkcr.aarae mtm mkepTwi. , 1 Chatham (.ttiuy. Court of Pleti Qj ier b. taV, Mn Se. iom. . D 1 Afk rflehard Rmkb, . WUlkva DurkeUrtgiut aruchnraol Utieil. . and the remiinitir ' T eppceriof to ike Cvurt that Hitliaio Rairke, Jhe day. 1 iorreaid s It it wrdercd'tlaat adrei-tiaaaaa-at k made for tkrre , month ia the 5ur, printeil in Kalrnh, for Ike aakt drl ! nt to apiiear at Ike rst ''onrt of Ph a Mad Q-jancr . kmt, to be held for tai l count) at the -t-mrt kouae ia H. u-koi-oah, oa th aeewd Howday n4 Aortal b-it, lo rwpVcry and pmal, oth-rwi judi;uil will ke givea wrainat kim. Ve, TH0A etAGLANl;. CLk aOJioa. price mrt 7f Jailor :S'X ikse ao JJU 10 gV-Oox Yellow Spring ijHH ut)5Criter itpcci u.i mforini 'lie ci 1 '17.-., ..; .iiii-Co ..I i ::a. i d all i it .. ' who inay bo (Lipmed, cither fi r the lien it oi lioallh or for supply wkb iln; beat provender : .. .,. . . . nig in me pcoauiary eoaaarratuueiit ol the timea, b mt l etiuccd Iiia ehargea a law aa ponaibly can be aflimli .1 which arc aa tollowi Jft 9 ptr utunth, (lod(tink- iw-iuid,) hreakfaat t ecuta, Dinucr VJ LOflgiuj 1U ocr.ta th rooii.t are lrv. -; o K.i-v, iuo.it He ill alao ki. p Moraetai tc Ibllowiii piflk i V .:oIImic pei o ih io ecntt per day, ami lii cei.ai tinic fcl( tke at..Ui . ire vcrj lanre and in eav limit order, whioli w ill be Tot Wit, bvinvitit oiti aiuiChiielil ' all ir'. aubicribrra b,.ivrig been appointed by an ad t& iA nt U jikUiure of tbt. .ikteof Nor.h CrH-na iaA. . h'-ia oflbe .i.io.c lottery i having .-n?ntd two boptl aor thf fsiihl'ul performance of ihe du'.ic ainl ike pay.,., ra -nt of sJp'izrk accon.m to law, nuu ofJer to the pCafr ' lx ihe fj!ioin SCH S ME. t T.cketa at nre 7000 recrcaUon .i. iat. . nl CaU i: Uu.' n uauii, Ikal u aat lakta, aaJ now kei pt ibe alKivt: . which are titoaed in a fi.ic de'.il.iful country, near that uuiuit of ll.e Alleghany, i Monigoinary "Ui tj , Vir. an J o; the direct i u.efio..i Uie luj.mlo auo uppir part nt Nonh-t.'ai-otiua to all lh ; ..Kb,.. ltd ualeiiiiR piau a m T. iiginin, and alto, in. al ly ol the uixin iguu H oi.. north -e. ii and et.toru naru i l Virginia to tbe xu(b. In aJi.iliiMi to the ai!v-.Mi ri t tnce Si T.irii' Uadi. -, the su aw.v r Uk Ilia that Uu aalul-ritr of ln' iUiio.niU..i)( at ureN free from nli n- i..,i uno ,r the ixeniciiuil uualitivl j tlie W'lT, bieh, i -- trial, b utiali3altnn, anil iiuiueioua expvi-imeiilt ol ivt a. i.-.ry vff.ans in removing mai.j tlw-exa-.t incident ta tU '. 'iu a.vio, tilth at all culaneitlt Ctini.iiaii.tt, uiii-a9 in lb.' blatb'wl' and kidiiiea, and all ulruuc aifeciiona, ami ii u-nnpMrablc . Uit- iu r. atoring ueuiliute I habits, a.tu. j'ui i u.VHn..Liy on the ay a tent aa a I i.i, a dinrtt.i. ii ( wi.ieh la tni extrjiniiiiia . tut I bo auutcriker oaauot refrain, oa the present famaion. ' tr da expruaaiug lti thaiika, lor pott favori, and aolioiU a cooa . tiututtioti uo Maiu will be aat wd lo neuticr every thing outu. foi labia. . Iialeigh, Augaiit lltk no. JON'1'.S. SkV4w. 1 J IS 30 165 2 Prise vf fi giooo 5U0 100 50 80 lo ia a 1000 500 7i0 600 165tt livO Divisiofi Orders. 7ih Divisino piMi,. poateia irom! r-pHE Major Geuer.i o. i;.e fih . f ,. u. .. . . I ..k. . r x- 1 of 468 7090 . Subj xt in a deduction of 15 per ctot. add nut blanks to a t-nte ' s The maiiajrer tru: tug to the puSnc spirit, which hat niuicrtoauo aim out,'ht. m anmnaie evry lownim I be jSellt Bonnnrt (if Pilurtirui ntviin will, h m..ri th.n anv itt'inaw from the Stale until about (be tat of N ore laiber next. The e;se 0ar naUonal honor andindcper.tlenr drpenda,' coi coiuinaud i.urinr Uu abauiaa Will deVO.veou DiidKr Uc .... v. - .1... .1 . la-....!:- 1 .. . . j :.j:ij.- v . ' unci i t num. uit iuc fftu uiikkc ui cmik iiirHdi HiaiTaiiu ait auil of the public at larger w.Uuj. n..le Miean to coropie ibe aaleof tickets, and iht dtawme of the Lola tcrtv. i : The present achemedi.rtnoteintracelLe capaol t oeinl W hitaker. On Wedaetttay the tftk day of November oet, the tiro Uegiiiienlt of iVakii -ind ihe Kegioicnt of Cavulrj- atiaelicd to the 17th di irt'le, witr bo rcviewcal in Kakigh by (ho Major beoaral, and inanectad tv Colonel CaJwalliuiui' fetate oi' IN u iii i.'tii a ina, Vriit i..r- . n.'.tu . Superior t' m. : ;.au, '- . jniKlb OagseH, vt Jrtiu lptu AlllVOOT. JT appearing to the muttkcribb of ttia Court, that In-:.. 'T8-'M tb defeadn.t caiiw; r.i iuur.u in this stat. , ru dme;l mat pobiicatioo L- .'. ie :cr tl.iv t too. ih .1. ti e tor ittJ Italeigh Remitter t h-1 r : s ihr .'.-i d'.f.-..Uu: avpa;.'!' at tlie next term 01 tout c u t 0 be Uth: al ii s Cuurt Iiihmc in t-harlclu i. ii.. s.x:i. Vi(I va. Akrlh Mouday iu "plei. bt r uj-ju, . u.. e;.l 1 li s f. Br iia,a .--eereeanu uu-. ti-! w.ii'je tntnvtl uj. au HutoiniDg an liit prai n .a u. '.' . l- j;, tH j..:.2. . . .;. 1 4lh Julv 1S-j0 price a"v 5 0 n i-aaa . .fonet. the Inaueeter of Dniaion. of whiuk tlie rtfnecthe wbicn tne manager Hare given bond, nor a-t :t j ttnstlT 11 u. 1 .a a caiLai-liC i toe-ther with tlio acoon.niO- "wuraanuanit ami an oinarNaouewmeu, are murta 10 uu xcrnpiaic raise: 111c sum auiiionzet oy law : vci at U 1-,Li.. ., uhicii ili suns. . .lit. pk i.g, a Iiiii'Hcli ahull lit-equal ""Uo ,t,, in. i,,. !lt am w.ili-rii t" i.lja.'i.. ll.i- ai...tr. uill he dlll.ia glfen ll.niv l:, be aaifu! -ni u.utivet to mduae K-ntlemei and ladiet oooaeruing wiuah, o.u:r U uifcci) oedes .,. biveu, , serving to themselves tiie right of proceeding u. l'uiur l. 1 j ..s o - i.-'M-..u jj viait. aaiy arii'Hict iu ui aiaie, 10 give , i and Ktiveru tbeiawelvet aacoruiu.ly. The oHier re- experiment it untried, they have thought prop..i to pro mi uf the 7ih DiTiaioa will be revicwod in April aejt, p04C ihe ttrai class on as small a scale jt poaSible, ii ai- u.. vlatot' CeocraL BIRD S, GKU.i.'i. rt at ilur '.be State trNorth-Caroiinu, iJupiin L'vuhty, Ju' Term, I .-30. S-n-.ti. ' S. aiifo. d, va. Joh'i C:ugion. JT anrv.ariiig ta tliu fca.:st"viioii of ilic tourt, that the Id. fe:k.l.uil 111 ih'a Cau is iw.t a rehi.ieiit ol t.'i.s S ie 4 CHARI.KS U. HINTOrf, B0BUT FENNtR, Aid do Camp, 2-1t fcUttt of ;o: th , n . . , I .ri .1 R w 11 . lit: v.iiri u-i 1 - - - - -,av Wiiitj'i.tlll'ait-aaalT.l larbara Johoaou va John Jehot,aat uiiou ! Liv.-..oe aaul . . 1.:. .. .vt.-iun.v .1 T appf ;innfc-to the taualaet Lc Court, Umt John , ucusMl! 1: Jiihaaiin (he defudaot e..i:noKfou td in 1I11. Suie j uu.. ' K ' , ' wEfi'd tit.il t. iit.llAtai'iAi. K nv.i f.. il.. . t...a.. : .1... 1 . . il i-iiii.'i 1 ia r"lo l iliect 're, ih..i ub.ica.liuu Lt, m.u.t 1.1 ihe iaiei,li S' i'-. h ee 111.; nt lit, tiiat he appear i llic t.'Xt -Hint 1 Ci-m; ' - held fit '!i j county of UupU .. at the C. it.iu-.e .:. K-'.aiiSV lie. -m tje t.-ir-J Moinlay i.i Cl.,tcr in n .ti 1 faefe u plead, anwvr r Uear.a.-, or judg- ft ii. be filtered ajfjjfHjt ! 1 1 r. . 1.; m. a IVai-s.iil, ciui W ot ttu: saitl court at cf- SA ; I, Clerk. 3.i".lni . ' ..r h ".. '.5 cmt xoat biiiiiiCHIioii be made fur tlir.e MoniWi in ih,- M:ir asd iali;li tigiver, that Bul-sa t!i- t id defedilanl ati; ar 1 the nesi urn , of taid Court, ta U. h Id . t th. Co.nl -Vouse w v-aarmtte, on Ihe unit M')'.!iy utt- i- ! ;u; :i. '-.ouday 3(.r,o..n.ber aejtl, and enier hit tiea if any I e bat. a . '- Judgment aid bee t -rtd up against him aacorniug Utlie prajer of the I'ttlliouer. I . , GTA). tiHAii.V V.t :. S. C. L jaly4tbU20 price adv. 20.3m MIL STAGE $ ib I EJJI BOA T i vp FPHE Pateengert ia th .NTaii Sutje IW-m Fayettevillo to .1 BulOraora, by way of lialeigb Wa.'rtn ori. Veterkbuf, ehiuondaad VashiuSt.v. City, will, in future, tl-ep "t "trrtnton, the tceohd night, and reach the Steam Bo.itt wtomae Creek tlie third dav about aix ia the evening and JWUioore the itJi luv i ,',.... . ! i. li..c , "J " ' " 1 . ,uai iW wio:r IJUIC rl Prlor,n3 about three ilav ana a half . 1 he line beinir in mall... nA- ... .. -..t ff.ptrieatduuoait'i an.) every intention be pwd to make ai aceotamodauoas Kgr;cahU I ail I ve publi e''neI ' tl:"' he fw on htnd.and Su . ' - v wi iiiu- .i in t ioo r onet, oi niti Ai.M, pi . 'at! iJiaudinrs i)ei,.-.i C 'hty at luiy made in tbe V. S a: d wl.i, b be fur. n quantity oa Very entv ui u.t tlfP Peter nwqa.1 lil 111 an teriOUIX.JuK 2. To 'Builders. iLS will 1 a r.a. tt.-Ail nr tKa Rinlr 111 tk m v-w niAt ua. avrwi iaw 11a mv k.;i.v. or Hal't UiiithUe -itli tpirRtMr.ncxt, for --iillllir tan M .1 . - . Ulllino" an a..i. , . .. .. . . - . aV ? . ttueny,.ina uasoiuc ttoo by M leti. trthi on. 4giit X 1820, SVattb of Srok-th-Vju.volitta, ' Jenne'. Hoord ird Kiizubetii !"ur.er, 1. Thr Exectr tors and Lclrs at o'" Joh:: Turv.,,- dec'a. I'fti tiu ifor d'.s'.rihut-uix. ai' Appearing to ihe court that lha defi-ndants in this .:asi- are not tih;ibkati's Ol this Stale. This pubhea i,!:.isto require the &kti tlefendantso appear at our i.ex.1 Superiot &uit, to be held tor the county of Samp u:i, & answer lotne eUtiofi abovetnentioned, or it will be taken pro coiifesatw Tesw HARDY L. HOLM tS.Clfc. 1 3'2-3ms price atl.v. $3 75. .40 Dollars Ren ard. RANAWAY-Jiom tlit suhscrioer-, about two ulev east lit Hilis'oop.ueh. on the'evenin? of the HOth altimo, two negro rare, named. GEQiiGE and I PRTKH George ia yellow complected, about 19 y ara. of j age, about five feel 9 or 10 inenet high, and slightly Brand ; ed on eaeii check,, v. bieh may he diaaovere:' by eloaeexami. nation, he was dressed in a eheOk shirt, agooil deal mended, and nankeen trotter Peter it a black Ullow, of about the an 11c age, and about five leet eight inches high, tolerably thick set. dressed in 'a eoatte houaespuii shirt and trow sera. 1 They were bought in fke ueighbourhood ol Tarberoogli, and it it fcuppused they vfll attcu.pt to go back there, Or to Kdeo ton. ' ny pof ton yho will Hpn.hei.d tid negroes and lodge tbeiu in jail to that they can be obtaiued by uafhall receive the above ri.ard. lnoriuation to be tent iota, Hbsorikera at lwraytville, Buiaaombe aoauity V YVm.D. SMITH, ; M. F. LEWIS. Augojt 11 1 900. 34-Cw. Shriflfs 8nk lTll. be pmiiively sold on th Sd of September aext, oniler the C'trl-lloute iu ftttiiihv:ile, w to much t-rof,at will hi- tufTWiiM to pay tin. : .x !ti. thereon, for the ve" 11 3 and IS 9, atn' con ol ".'vtriisiilg. i8 trros land on tou et. i-k, belongiu to Uic'd Purrtsb. 320 do , . . SCO do " u 5W do, " on IWl Swamp and Mill Creek, " aj'l .10. ' bclong'mjrini to " it v ' on Town CiTii.k. j iiiing i'eter fiaoac's laud. n .. M.-.l Gi'Nnge. helonpii(r o Mhi ' .ilk-r. "iMJ .in In iri 0:1 rnvn Greek, joining tiie aUive, boloag. i.ig lo lary W akee 300 .Iu. law!, cm Town cr. .k, " . belong i:ig tt' Mary Walker. lv do land on Town Greek, jutulng Peter Gavse aud Mrt Loveil W'Jai'.S'a Man SV-dker 1 000 do owa Creek, belonging to the estate of .Margaret a!." " 31 .!) ! i'i.I in I owi Creek, belonging to tlie estate of J110 MeKii.m-v. 100 do. land nn Shallottee, given in by Aaron ( Imrra 140 do. " ' " M " II M ( u u u I. ( t . u it t ., 4 m . i a ,i 11 . 11 Pmil Swaoiti- inlnifip. 1,-1 Kurtiii one 01-two additional classes As toon as a suf$cient number f tickets are v po. i of die di-wing will c,tlmmtmc., and the pubm w ). be nui.fi d through tbe medium ci papers when ih'j Jv-w. i;g hasclnsci. The prizo will be paid within sixty days ai.er the drawing. Hint all prizes not ddmanded within one yin from the drawing wnl t;e e'TObidt reds f jrfeited lor (He oenciL id lav; lasUtouon. - ' Sanv'l Mitchner, TlioO'8"" Ilice M. Lloyd Hill. Managed. fbri't bfleld, Johnston Co. K Caror.na.. g N U. If n drawing tak -s p'aet) within tw.lve montftt'. from tlie Srti diy-ifMaieh next, tbe purrb;se tr.ouBk u ue rciunueu ror au 'icwn Dcugnt, wimii cemanaeOa FO ElUXw 100 do. aoo do. W do. 40 do 26 .I.)- 200 do land, Fi-om the L a ft,.apet.ff July 9. TIM ;ijdU-V. -a the house f lords eu;rdiy at!?a! r.f reutV- ' me liusincs WsstransJict Lrti Di,wRpre Tei teil the fallowing petition frvni htr ii ajetiyV' li Caroline Rtgirt$ , The. Queen obKcrving the most extrattnJiiurv rrport mailB in the house of lords br tlie fewcret c m nittee. and now ljiog on the table, .'cprcscutiit" tae house, that the prcpaief", at this tnoment, It detent! henrlf a. Fire Dollars He ward. l-v.iwparucuiars wm oe made known on appUca mr .,.:., . .':- r -- -j ... ' Kehlmn? . . ed P'"1' n(1 Ponied, wilh tn poLEN from the subscriber on the Tth night of this viuuinitS. , J. i I Pa .. - 1 1: r. . u.l.:w o.!:.-.... t INar 'TiSl&ni, on UIC Cioait icihii.k iiuiu ivauciu uinuiuip rv. in Chatham county, at tne head of Hocky Uiver, a toe cloth Wallet, containing the following articles vix 3 1-2 y.irds of blue Broad Clo.h, one brown Broad Cloth coat with Metal buttons and he snespun stnped lining, one pair mixt homespun pantaloons, two waistcoats, one of which, Vas blue with Ivory Buttons, hei titer a hew mixt one, two small hpoks, a variety of buttons and four dol lars and elc-bw renU cash to thief that took them calls his name John BtarUng, Is alwut 5 feet or 10 inchaa high, of a sandy complexion, has only one eye afrd the o thcr is not torvhy run ou(,sya he got it hurt at the bat. He of th Horse SUoe. Any person put win tace uic taiu Starling so as I gethiu. or my property, shall have the above reward. , . t' " . ': " N4THA2J McCliySiis-. Jury2Wl839. - 32--. Runaway, ' rom the nobactiber on the 25th tilt, a necro w.man pttned TKMP. about 25 veara of nOttAhluk ... . . .... .. I n .a An Um.m Cg. ; "w" .!.! tviiiv iikiuv.i tina iiv iwvp. v.. .v htn u 7 urn when small, she speaks freely i EdW t01K Ar y Pcrson wno w111 brinff bep to me l-urh oountv uou!. 9 miies Norta 01 Taibo- I KT eonnne her In anu- iuil an ib.l I awl tior atrain. " t nsndsomely rewarded for their trouble, aiadaU ""onable charge, jfifa TVWlilVtJU lUuLla, beil'r. ' helbnKitit''v William iilbei-l j : il. aM f--. ii tinda..fBtiil Sla i na ' 3'2() res Imiil on lovinCtaek, belonsmaj to John or .- n,.l v ... . . ai. . V William c ird 1 Ine Queen also states, that there are ariTi ! 159593 sor 70W 18758 41 MX) IfiCS do on Hood B Smit! fill do between Town Creek and 8rarreoQ creek, be. Io:gintol F Uurgwin or B. J -iilth.' j 300 do ob Lockwood folly, beloaginty to ibe sauk. 10 LoU ill. Brnbtwick, George U. CletJierelt. No: 4 live aores land, naar Sraithville, lornerly pub Ha land, belonging te O. Itoritaj. M $ she M " near do. belonging to do I . Alio tlit. following: Lois tn &mM'jlla, 1 1-9 Lot. No, S. Lemuel Crooker . ruler ti arret. A. II. Toomer. , SI, SB and 9T Estate fKToome. II " W.Cock; CO and It, 3 F Bargwin. 40aBdOw.Thos.Eife 4 Estate Olivrr. St do James Wallet. 6t A. M. Hooper. 76 WJJ. firitdUt 7S ttatats Lewis Roherson. 80 k 81 R. Mater w 0 ". f Stephen Copes 313 " John B. Osroaohe, 92 Jno. It Londoa. IS Owner unknowa. 30 $8 tieo. Cameron. M f, 18, 6p, 03, 1.3 of 19 Jno. Will. C LoA. 6 It do de. A. GALLOWAY, Sh'ff. 0Mts priee ady. 85 ! n ii .ti H .. n i ..1 I! n h u 1 37 r.r. tl- ' ti ili A 1-2 t StirO I SkTra CJ Skht Skirts w- C Kinr to Isaac Elhrklge or .1 F 8rgwie: ? P?" ' 'Jreck, beiongiag to j r. Buigwiu or ceeomg.4 1 he Qures therefore,, pras thtt:rtviM a " 1 . ' ' L . b heard bytrxo'aiifl toaehi'nekQcb'matw-' tere' Lord UAOHt thea urged the propriety; of counsel being heard on behwlf yf the Qaeert, aud said, that if the petition vrai nereed t. he,. abouid tote that ci.orwel be called in, laorit; Lives root stated, that after he had obtained;. ; lcaye to bring )o the bill, he should move tjiat ) copy be pi eseoied to the Queen, and then tli44 : petition might he regularljr taken int;o coDsidcr; atiuh, llie petition was stronglj supported .bfZi Lord Gaet and other nobtemeo on the side oT rv the opposition; but the motion of Lord Dacr ' tlrat counsel- bt heard, was negatived without a, ' division. . . s . " .. The eatl f LrRrooulhf n rpe to submit tj 4 their lordships the hill uf wit.b ai had, giveia a. .1 I 4. . 'a i . : mr nonce, ne men moveu inai a nui o pan t anax " - T penalties far depriving Caroline Queen of Bng j lantf of her riuhta. DriTiIaa-a'. and Dreroattvea. ti t- o f o : m . I should be read a aVkt time. iTae biH, ol which.: i j tne following is a menu copy wax toeu reau ojr ; the cierkt . v . . . , "tA And whereas her rojaV highness not odIjc advanced: tle said Bariolomo Pergami, othervUe 1 Btriolomo Be amT, to a higji aiiuutioo ,. , har royal high ntma'a . household . and received hirikj Entered, . .. . . . . . . . ; . . a a .T"i l Caw tne stray hook ot Mecai-nMrg awnntr, y awib . - .mtr- ,i I M.t.iih. kr. . Uk a lona-'.hita ia bi nto nC TVICe, nd bite leet, branded oa the left bUltosK. wilir. I taoe, three and suoux tt.A .:... .L... L.. iiai nuyiiiuiiaauvuv nci that in high and -confides? ier reyar hihneosN petsoti, aften hands anl a haifhigU, supposed to be i ou beatViwed tDoi him oibpr treat abd extraor' t years old-.mr.gft to 0 do tars . - ' 4iiiarv marks of favor and diUrie!tK., 4.btioed' llt.im. ' W-T.WTH'5JS;; tiorliimorUmetknightlwauAutleiio I ''-iVf . 1W Wl

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