. t 9 lind North- Carolina StatS Gazette. J 47- UAJ.EIUH, (N. C.)Kl.lDAYf KOVEMUKR 21 i80. V I XI. (:) n'lllHKD Willi V, Sbarnana, lore Jlara jT aanum Xli r ill t art itlawut at laa fc,l iciim waBce, and a Mr liitctftiOMat't, 11 art thr i aS lb rVitnr, kaicaaali arrwa,rt arv !" AiKinimtitttWi larl.e lia iMrrtrtJ turn umrt lur uaa ilaliar t--j (. ty .; CcDU tor eaeli vl.lM.uauct. rrnr. Rr IV A. I "I civ ShtKIM-'S SALE. OK iJie -itk d) of -kt.rabt.r, ll-.u, allnr Coart-f lJe u llililkl iui, mil Ik nutcii to (mLua kale, li-r isaml uuii. J, ikv Iwlo i( iracu tula .i I amik, i: 4?a. i)a.rk. I Iah tan I in iluKUiMliuii, .liuu tu ftllU lialed to HxU.ru C.iui. ui o. lai.u til !'oklaniu.g, uid lo 000 dollar, 1 H Ij.hI i i.fc.adr J.YnltM.: lu U tilHaia, lml- ; 'd it, iia A.kj.u i 3 Lou U i..t in Ui4.alaia.li: j. vaaaau lu ovo dW.i.f.x- j a4 k LUa.nh.1 fw.k j ' I utU.4 Kotali.aitu.,, a.i l IWJO niUara, ,K- i ed lo AkiM.u llv; u, jr 1 Lotoi im.w in 'llvnklmxliij;. l-u Iw lOOu duJlkDi, 'ialeii to 1 llUtlu' j "uuili. I Loi-oi U. (. ... i!n - u . . aU uuilara, Usi- d lul VA i -. 5 Loi ol Lm '. ii. 1U alauC.' , Miiuii. lu lOOu uil. is, ilHtU ij V a., t.ull L ur Cumiuiliatu'a t. u 4d6 ACllI Ul l&IKi, UO'. CWCi'ill,1llllU t'. i lit, i'. Ul- iLvj.-! 11. jcic of Ifcinljiiul Merit. i-O, lii'. u U iniil Mmtoii. JU uu Uo u. u ' ') " b Sib 7 tlo Uu kiljuiuim 1. li kimii, 14. ... -1 iti- Mk, I'kicll to I'ti.iiirlWii ii l ui Acnaol uimI ni.joiiniig J- Moo k. ii ir.rrs, u(- dlO'lUCI 1(C' OtiilllUK 3CW aii'iI 01 Ikuu iMljui.i"K Hii j..!. in hi...lii ll kitil Olliti'i, igtcu tu IrraJkCit'l ntt' ijii i.mn 0 Acivs ul UiKl i joining Juitics Moure knu tihtio, fkMuti UlCinu'ica i.klil.ll 128 Acrto ol luiiil uUjUiuing n buii1iaiit, liatuil 10 Wtluj SlliltllVMUL tiiti A.ixA ut IkimI knjoiuiiif tk'n. 1'i.lli.tk kiU Ot!iT9, J3iu.il tu J. M. is ihuu...i'k 01 ,.likir 400 Acrtiot Uml Mlji.ii.iii L.VJ Iviinucli n.iJ ( ll.i-m, Ukteo 10 tkiui'u IhIhi. " JOO Aiircn ot lanil, kiljoiiiii S WhiIi, uwt i.ili era, liuu iu N.IIB) uiii vb. 50 .ncib 01 ionU kijOiiuiib Ailliur Colloii ( lim n, ;nsu.u to jat.n uio KducatlOn. ;brJ and inor rvpfcitlly hj ttte multiplied of jrrVouly knuwing the rxilcn-r ef n, HJI. A. M. kartKr rrtiroed kU H M' KUBUllin H HHgrM; pcrv V pnatuaU of At Wrru.. MaU- AckWu,i, all co. frrlotl of DOT U.Ml MCfltent T'ein it ftjStlU I lot CnDtrtt tvtwef n Spain tod the Culo- tiu h aoiwriuteBUkbc Uitna, w.l lu tbr of tie ' in nt, tit pMtlC, imlniuiffit, 111 thr hnilofu iCCOfdijii; to th iTt iUlhlitC lOfoffr itlD, "hc -laun'. Pri.t. oo 1. w.rrTn.o.1 fcc rt ' U-.rrfl Crt Ur to .rcu. iog u . lucie bl. - w.inuW4 b the ):trr with imprv-rd nicer' sV T wit Jiu7, t Ikr im( 1Mci n trtl rr t in -r i ng I 1 M ORlOt t Itnktc liivikioDf hi ell rtrt t inc Ii t riStoirnl. uc fuh lkl lko .ntnirj U hi. rharjr H H flOT ( Uttinn ii. it tli Ctt exempt ' tt IVtlt time alOCe kf Rf If AfTf ll nun tui,k1ui.H,.i,tftl,. incur, rncu.Di IlKlfW i "-froiu kol.cttuue .nil ctre fo- Hie (uture. Uu dr rtood, Mill ptetil. In m p.rt of 80uTi ,v oortiuratoi i.u jHtihia. ' h. coutrirT, t4 the blakitigi vcith we rrjoT aue I r'C" jin itJkiJf u) imfeMor. oi; !.) llrh.r iirtWd 10 tVu chkr.t from pnlU t rekL propuftionkbl f rrekl kh.'iilii be our "iiri. i t'oloniei, while v. oi.. r-iH. kvj t-ii .., ,. nriai.wmri..irT. kceuf he I1 it ill be imcr bene- 1 a f... -..-..- t- !... V 1 K! 'r ' .. . ' r ... 1.:. . a. .t k. 1. -e 1 a . -.i I 'J net, cii, ir, aciiriiT 10 irecre litem, t wrrtifii 'mtauiu inn v '. ... 1.1 imirr trrrauic in. ii. .i an . vj : o scial in Im JminU and more arrrrabt? to hi"H'. tUal ttiia eliangc inrcia wiih tl.e kltrott una. iu'ui apprvbax Ik.o, kkitcti n. and .(r-ort ol hiaiirivnt not.i .0, aud Dear W arrruion, he eao but hojjc Kjr iLe aaulc frooi Jicae niot remiite M pleinber Iflh. 1820. 35-cow. nntil (nr li J. (i'rniia, (he (.!.. nj. war in) ig&io e xmii u to new w roni, which ' hae gai..ed klm gth antl a. ouirsj rt j.u' .11- r i-i wouiu .uipoe ou ua new uuiies, lor wnicrr we I ought to be prepared. -The state of Europe in u nut-1 tied, tuu haw lon petce maj be pTerrred r . .1 1 --L ; I is aliogether sneer tarn : in aillition 10 which, we jVTlTiT f! " 1 bav iatereUa uf our own to djif, which will re- - ' j iItiofc kL eaK ptrwer rai eiiai le juu tofnrci yir idea ol eiatmg ui!ucuI1k, & nl the uiea 1 III. M&bAG: ' 7'rtsiiii.ht f ti e UhUcd Stater, f boUi Hi urk. at ih opuiii g ot the S'rond SeNsion oi i he Sii'ier.Ui Congress traDrinif. iitl Mi. Jak MoMioF,jun. Fe:Ln- c'llzi. oj the hrnutt, mi of jhe Jluuc uj Iirpi esfvtr.tivrs : In comniunicatinitii u a lew of pul ' c iiflsit s. t ihe cnri'Tir tic -.'nriit iii yui prehtnt l;i'iniri, I dn it ih ptc.t f atislm " ion , hc (iujp, t:iMi)g all circuiiistaiicc. iiito cit'ti!ia fi'tn wli i Ii 1 1 h : ro tttcMion, I at e int cli t a u st; Uivol picckuiiou bft adautcd to iliem. Rt aprctinf; our rflafion with pa!n, no(.iir.a explicit caij now bo communicati'd. On the ad jouriiinciit tl L'onrvs, in NLit laM, the Mimstei Hlenipctentiarj irf the L'nuetl ate, at iVtadrid. a instructed to inform tlie g;crfinirnt of Spain that, if His Catholic Mjrt f khnuid then t ali! he treiy,this governnirnt wuuiilnercpt the Ta tiliciitioii, ro fr . to submit to the JeciMon of the .Senate the (uestii whether such 1 atilictttion shoultl bt rfuiivetl in enchone for th t of the United taie., horoitifaie iti,. Bv U tters from tiiMinistei kI the L'lrtted htates to tlie Secretary ot btae, u at r-jrs, that a rotnmunii ation. in I nom tor tue manageuiert ul ur war, m wtuJa the hT been ucctful. 4f r titecroec dl the ioternal aduiiAUtratint. T:e late ' haut e ia tfie dsverott eot OfSpi ,, try the ; .(f,ubrtMiiaoi of tie nr!t jt(iu uf Idii, i- In eve -' ick irwiwrnt to favrab'. !vc .' ut-n.. t. n derive atft orif of the Cortex, tht Cntira Aooatura . invited to open 'itotiai uai tyjr the settleruent of ditfereiices between tin ties, to which ir wa replied, that thy vv,.tli wi!r,ni;lv 4.per the oc'-liation, provui.'.J ,',e ic-knowledg-iueut their in1ei.emtcore was rujd it b.uis, but nat othe rw'tie. Of fur'her ptocfeda ingp bftiveeli them we tiie oninlonni il. fjcts are known to this gnvernmeLt, to wairaut the belief, thatanj of the potvers nf Kuropc will toko part in the cootet ; whence it tnav be Us. lerred cooxideiin All tiicumslancvs which muat have weight in producing thfe tcul'f that an jidjuuttnent will ii.iallv tae pluce, on the bj si proposed the Colonies, l o promote thai 1 csui t, h y Inenclj coun.sels, with other powers, tu 1 uirviru a, il.u f. I 1 1 i r. a. i .-., a; . i 11 t i r n f r inati.riK .hi. lei-ark, 1 -io not tvish to be under- i couUr.tNi'y p ith his inst. octions haJ t.reti made ''C'l'" Spain nersell, ha. teen the urufoift. Mtim.l u in..U .M.ti. nnv:,.ir..l 'r..i ,.;.itv is t.. to tile, ff-vertiuieiit of Snaiti. and thf the rn..k P""CJ. w' in,h ?overi,wrenT l . " " 1 . : 1 1 . ., . . . 1 . . . " . ne seen in cverv mtei'st ot iris ?;iOht ;i rntui)- iitlv. Iri lliP prufrcss l a r.otion, mha ji'inj; i territory of ci: l ( jMriit sr.d gieat. itimi) iliin.ite, I'vt.y poriion nl w'i.li l eii,?uel ).i Inii'in comnifice, ;fl Pn' U. ' Ij alio :i. in ow;c dfiri ee, liv tl.e chan-ties wnicli uciU t. the coiiiluiiiii and 1 i LniiitM.iiK ol loiei;:ii ' 1 ti lei. mmiM Iih fcti t rye it H.e produt o ! it. W larvau' uuu atijoiuiug HotAUudtrg, Imcil i itl- hoil !ini t p nalu.-tr v ;.;J ent.i)t ise o ui had t!i suhject under ciisideritiou. i'l hi lirok.ii to the internal" concerni of nil 1 I V .... Inw-ct'iii rs 1 et i iv il at innes. ai d in rvt i ; (iHe, tli.l hali.actory inlotiuatioo has lieeo re Jtru i nk ier. . I-, i 1 . je. . 1 ill rt tic Ot lauu uear nix-k ihihiii.i, iwiru u in. ,t. .. , J I 1 .1 i 1 . . jjnn. i; - quni tei , uu (.nilorm and tnal ent oui am.ent. c" lJ ,,lt measures liaie lefi 1 eceniiv adopted 104 'er of Land, ntar Koekiaiiding, hsi.ei) to AN u J. 1 1 i w oui J t e nu. e Mum v. have a iij;ht tn , l,.v uesignnig pet s ir.k. lo convert certiiui parts of 4ireU. . tviii Ct liniler r.irrai:. si.M'rt' 1 u most fftvr.i aU . ' 'ne oroVmte 01 ll.ast riur.dd into C enota Inr thp ret option t.t lort::i ptioils, Ii oui whence toamug. -te meiii into :ite, u.meu states. My eneninic a llfll'l I'ltllMIIIOF inilll a ' A a.' a I nwvi , ut 1 1 vrii 1 iil irnui; 1 .ir . . . t - ol the (kr.uerat.or.fmf that body, vel.ich h daily oa.nyjy wul' 1 am Pimflexl, derm- n.ufH ,;Jk Mustartum hom a vww ot the Tt-rai obriclri to otui as it is ieteivcu. tie Intiully entiuieut whirh w.i. exprrKeett on the part ol the United M-:tes, in the message ol the 9ili of May last, U "tiii enif tained for ptiio. Among tde causes of i&'.'iei, In wevei', vli'.t!r aie inseparable from the t.t la) mieiithny thik transaction, it i proper to port within the. limits ol Fbi ida, imuiediatelj' on 11, X P 1.....I ..Mui. I;... V lunclllJ. )ii.lul Irt .ui t.ui 1..I. ' ' Hiie. l'.'.-su,efc on certain interest-, it is iti'm'ttei!, Sfc6 Acrcaof himl, liljoiiiinJs Js. Marshall nd oUicvs, have t een felt i but allowinc ' !' theii gi eat fiswslio liuit;w C. . uuice. ! "-t eMent, the y tiel 1 act but lit; le lrni the tin r SiTXfZ. JM,W"Mak"' " w"r ..f the.ema.k alierdr.nat. la l.r.ning a ji.m!""' If'Undary when thtre was tio keulement, 100 Awes ul U111J not desc'riU-d, listed to Jht ffiKt. is'i'i'-ate.ol our pi eseut tntuition, it is proper 10 i'heiuject could not be rriuii(lersiood.i An ear do HdiouiMiiok 'ui iuintTRua oi'icii,, bunl at tiie whole : in the outline, eh veil a. ir, i iy accmnmodtftioii ol ihRorencfcs will. It U hooed t Mog to Jolrn biKiti.. ,i. . ' . . !tne ilt-Uil. A free. virloots. end enlwhtei ed I P'f vent all stieh f. uudulefit and nernicioua tira 1 Acre. iju.MU.SJe. uw.. aBuoua.Kt A ' . ., ...i j-t.r.i.... i..l ih ml, ti A? .u w i"Z; , -rj.iv -tvii.iTT m 11 1 1 ic va. ii titvijiics aiii.i di 11 p 1 f '...w..v 1 vv uiv in u VUUU" ......... V. I .. I - ' . . 1 . tri.u h.i it b&i't. .rtiiAkln' . . - t i. '- RViitfto lleui'v 1 1, w illianiaon -, . - L. !.A. '..tl.-l .wl n.t.o i-l,..... la Acrea mijuiiiiu( um m... .j m c.v.i.j, i.p ni-.if vutr.i 1 1 r jijutiva" tir fit 3 ) ui.u vrr.r l ' M ? ' j """ivuuiii huia pei luoueuk oavaiik. lo Acnmi.joii.iiis U13-k.1t hud cUierA, m to ufi? e-, tt om ttir Wsir. whuh tttv ii-er '.livrf.WoU'tin iW 'fcwkilant.' kua mLt.na. a. yeinl obiaclrt to winch, in the discharge of your official d i ies, your attention will be drawn.. Among .t'lerfc. none bclda a more important place than tuc ; ub lie revenue, from the direct operating -.f the power, iy which it is raised, on the pcopl' v aryjl by its nmueuce wi giving effect to every o'!,cr power of the govnnnent. 'I'he revenue depcrnU on the resources of the country. a',u t'-. lacility by wuich the amount i quired is iird U a strong proQl of the extent of the resources, and of the efficiency of the govr. niiem. A lew pro, mioent facts will place this cre.;t iuterest in nt joRtJight beforp you. Om the ioth ul September IBIS, the luDlel and fluatiotf debt or the Unie4 States was e.tiauted at one. bund ret) and iiq teeo millirns ix hundred a:id ilif t v five thna and five hundred a d 4y eight d";ir8. If U lh'ts aum be added ihft i ount of Bv e per cent. 3fwlr ankmuk.il ..!. :.. t. r.i: T . ' jyiig- ioieu i.u.,i; . . : w .te ei:i; , u iille cone .nr litu! tn.in niirir " " I'VN --'Y "dn-in h,., .n, .,te ,:o l Acre, Kiljoiuiii. Jb Cotton ui.d ollicrj, said to belong 1 tin! pieMJil's cnrnc nt finma ot r,rr.r r.t .1 Kai-fa T.imig . . j v; itii h is loi'iiiirtl ( , a'Jn ii,i.Mett ii for ai d 'up- uu AM.wu ..Tu.it.ltta rtlilll kla1ll11r'n Dill HlLl'? (.uui' I . . ..- " Mir'tjtt tu ttif ipj;iv. Wf trace uum ,n the t& buloue 1 4S0 Acin, :iiljoiiiiiig Folly U ll krrd OthtiB,; 5nW to iulig lo fcll Jo)uel" s hen be. I p" nuar character (i rj-tn ! ii, w bit h vt Ii 3tin to the rrtiaoidioary oi ei;: ; t iucs ul.ieh Lave V ' .. . . . ... .... 1 nil .1 ii.i..i.ii.i.ii r.Ki.ni.l am fitlii'lt uml Xi In-- . -i- 11 1 .1. v 1 1 "iiriittn.eii it. 1 no rotiui.-ions viti wnw-n si- . . . j- . ci v ..-j 1 . i ... vei 1 Ihr- ruif i nl r.u oma 1i:i-p !.on i L,.i,. ftorca, kojimiint nami i.c?u,mo iu uciuiie i-j uh- 1 - 1 . , . . - . ' ! u...l il.a 1.... ..,, .. : .. L: 1. .11 1111 tup ii'iittiiu i!V',iiv.vmr n.in 111 l III CM ol I CimUiiiiau l.' ii Or io niu i; '4 th above lunda Kc will (my thfc tnic Oun inereoB lo iue year lbl9 loilbir willi iLc ooalii il all Ci'Uiur. M. H. PE1TWAY,W-J. Ual'ifax, 86th Sent 1o. il-.t price :v fcl V seiitien tran?Miori lo a j,, io ice iiiM! in&taiit e. vere engr.red with th Mate nl peace, preen unusual ericoui'speit.eni i.. otir t t;nnect, und wiihtliawii r it in the second oven with: 11 its I wot tetl liunt cm hl rot fail to be-epvib! lelt . here. 1 he station loo, wliich v, had to stlonbrt rtyne ? tue firitiah fct vviDuient still prefer r! tig ': ! ave Hint comtneicc under the restriction iirrclnf'tre iu pnsNl on it,tn tach id. It is aa ist ct(:y to .collect, that (he icsliaints resort ed to by (he United States-were defensive only, inter tlt'd to pievent a mo-topoiy under British ejrslal'oi,a, in iavor of Ores'. liVitatii j as it tike. wtiM- is to hoo'w that tl.e eaperiinent is advanc ing in ii spirit of amity between lh? parties. The question depending batwecn the United Stnies and Great i B r i 4 ri . jfpect;iic; the con struction ol i ie nrsrartu:le of Ihe treaty ol Ghent has been reh i fetl. by bnt'i nvrnnienis, to the d -ciMon i.l'ii.e Kmpeioi- o! H iSsjii, w!i& has ex cepted the umpirage. bailee, Usberr. for mitittj aericsj Ai$S?i&iifc mob. j'? nltet farnisUMaBilteurices .ntAttuii A'ii2tof An attempt lias bern mcrir, -yetfli fV.r. jnvrrp. merit i Fir nee, to ren)aie, iiv tieaty, (lie coto merce betueen the twtrcouniries, tin "the princi pie of reciprocity eiul eooahty. Rv the last Sale at Auction. ON Friday tl.e 54th of Novrnilfer next, tl ? turwrilu r 1 through this long coiillict, COOi polled, UB we w eie. ill ull v".ibmt reieive.iit 1 nllio aucsiioi., (o tin- yrr- j finally, to bt c me a parly to it with a pnncipal hm rracton.ANn. b. 2' iJ ' V" r "d "e great e?i lions Miller ft-aS y niHeaol U lic si'linK". known ly Ibr nann. 1 t Jillt i 0, , f . e. ...;..;.. ft-MiMcri a 1 hia w;at. -in emulwu !. I ui.d I0SSC6, H'tl to contract COMdPt able dehlS, (lis. irgunacafiioation, U inrViw o te in the Stu its iru- j tui biiig the ordinary course of alfaiis,hy eu2 ! communication Iroot 1 lie Mirii..ter Plpnipnten Vi-oveineiiU coi.kiot in ft Ut ." sf" -M'n- V " fl'i n)entin?, to a vast amount, the di t ulatmii ineili-1 7 ,f United Staiesat l'aiia, tn whom ful VoHv ti. iVoIii of rock, with ihrce .tin, trn.kii.g ,,. unti.auii tueichj olei atiftf, at ore l .me, the pi ice . power It.ul been given, we !eam that the n?eotia mur;, i u. ...... .wk . I' . ... .. . i :..! ..... .! . . I . J fin I, i .1 ......... r. I ll k..4 . it varua ol IK10. lnei ; a naiTfiiKin "t"i"s "" -' m cri iiiin if u' loen ium si i.i;ji o , ar.u oe. ! preMsiug it at another below it, had likewise its 1 due eflett. " It is manifest that the presses of tvh'ch vve platse, fclmpe aUkof Hoiaea, aJaitlc Hogs m Shcep i a juug the Ibrraer.. art: son.c Cue brood mat e, b tir Ar- 7 I ma-.Pnr W-ai eatate.me. and two vears fcredit vill be complain have pi -receded in a great measure ftve.i ami lor the perantml iriert. One year. U(a iui Ir'Ull tlieste. caUBOb. VV lie fl, then, V e take into .appiwed wunlj w.U U rtirt-d iu ' i'l A W KIN 9. vipw the P"!08 8fl(l "Pry condititn of our S9ih Oct 18S0. ' country, in all the. grvat ciicumstances which IS. B. Will be sotd at the same time-aomelikely negroes,! constitute the felicity of a natii!i!cverv itnlivi teinb. . ! tlual in the full enjoyment of all his right the lAVlNGnk,ed Mr. GeorRe W. FreeoTan to take ' &t nesa, Uder a national government, which l?J?i...nt.,..iin..thrthSiiinfrveflr.iheTru4. operates with complete ellect in everv part, with- ..aiaa, vm. .. (. ... ..... . . , ttea feel it incumbent cm them to state that they nave out Oemg lett ID any except ny me ample protec raken aTMt pains to acquaint,tJen8tvt s with bia cha- tion which it affords. St under State frovfrriiments r-cterandquaUncatioriSi in each of which be sustains! wj,jc, p,, form their equal share," according to a the highest reputation. ' wise diSfrlbution of nowcr between them, in nro- ecminaries in this state, and the: uoderstand, has a- motlog t.ie publlC happineS tt is impoasible to wvs given satisfaction to those who have entrusted the'u behold so gratifying, so glorious a spectacle Ctildreo to hts care His character as a good difcipti without being penetrated with the (host profound nariania exceeded ly none, whickis deemed a grew re-, 8(i(j gratej acknowledgements to the Supreme depending chiefly on the success of! Autho -of all good for .uch manifold and ire.U the academy, itbe arraitgciiientsofit will be given up to i mable bleings. Deepiy impressed with these him a tar as will comport with the duty d the Trus-! sentiruehts I cannot regai d the pressures to which Mes They can with conliderce recoinnentl this Insti-i liave advetted otkei wise than in the light ol tution tothe fttention.otparenva ana goarouns generally j miJt ingtructiVe admonitictis ; warnisUS' of tfRS ! dangers to be .bunsed m fulure , teachfng bs , ..h m irv. wit him. on thecustomarv tms. - ! essona of economy, correspomliriu with the im. V lbeexetcises will be commenced under hia care on rJiclty and purity of our institutions, and best tion bsti been t oiiiincneetl tl,ie, but,?cnous dif- licultK'.s having occurred, tiie Freflch govern, n.ent had resolved, to trapfer it t the V. States, for which pfrpost" the Minister I'leriinotcntiarv " of Fiance liad hrjen oiilered fo repair to this city, 1 i , i ,..:..i. , l ' . . ." unu nui.jc miiiai iiiiMi i,o!i ne expecieo. it is hoped tbat this important interest may be ar ranged ofl jttst conditions, & in a manner equal- ly satisfactory to both parties. It is submitted to Congress to decide, unlil snch 'arrangement is made, how far it may be projicr, on 1 lie princi ple of the act of the last sessiob, w hich augment ed the tormage duty oh French vessels, to adopt other measures for carrying more completely into eBect the policy of that act. the 1st Cf Jaftuarv next. Prices of tuition will remain aa hitherto. V By order of ibe Board. EOEGB ANDERSON SecV tyarrentoo, Sept 30th 182(1 4 mm, BLANKS. ' 5c saVtj at tift 0H. adapted to th'r support i evincing the connec tion and dep.t i-encc which the various parts of our happy Uoion have on each other, thereby ugmenting daily our social ine .rpoT&tien and adding, by ita strong ties, new strength and ti gor to the political ; ope uitig a v ide; range; and the late war, tb.e public dcbttuay . be estin.atecl uamQpnung,Mtnfteandas ai)erwaids Ii quidated, to one huadred & fifly-eight milhooft severihur.dred knd tl'irteen thousand forty -nijto dollars. On the 30th of September. J8iO, it a mounted to ninety-one millions nine handrail and ninety-three thopsand eight hundreu ar,d eighty-three dollars, having been reduced in tlst interval, by payments, sixty-sik millions eight hundred and seveotj-niue thousand one hun tl red and sixty-five dollars. During thU teralj the expenses of the eoternmetit of the United States were likewise defrayed, in every branch of the civil, milfcarj, and naval establishments? the public edifices in this city have been rfebmlt, with considerable additions, extensive fortlfl. cations have been commenced, and are in a train of execution ; permanent arsenals dnd mngS. . zineis hav been erected in various parts of TheJ Uniou ; our navy has been considerably aug mented, and the ordnance, munitions of war and stores, of the army sad navy, which weret much exhausted during the war, have been re plenished By the discharge of so larga a proportion ol the public debt, and the execution cf suth ex tensive and important operations, in so short A time, a just estimate may he formed of ibe grealtT extent of our national resources. The demorfV stration is the mure complete and gratifying when it is rer.llcted that the direct tax and ej cisc were repealed soon afttsrthe terrnihationol the late war, and that the revenue applied to these purposes has been derived almost wholljs Irom other sources. . ' The receipts into the Treasury, from everf source, to the SOth of Sept. last, have amounted to sixteen- millions seven hundred and 01061 fiiur,thousantl jne hundred and seven dollars ti sixty-six cfints ; whilst the public eIpenlitues'a. to me same periBa, attiounteu to sixteen million Th artfefcrrcd to, wrVich imposed new ton rage on FtSnch vessels, having been in force from and alter the tirst day of July, it has hap pened that acvercl vessel of that nation w hich had been despatched from France before its ex- J eight hundred and seventy-one thousand fivd istence was known, have entered the, ports of the united Mates, anti been subject to its opera :..!iL..u.......' (ion, wununv triiti prenous nouce wnrcn trie gen eral spirit of our laws gives to individuals in si milar cases. Tlie.ohject of that la w having been ceipt of the following year, I refer you . to th hundred end thirty-four dollars and seventy two xnit9 : leaving iu the Treasury, en that dsy, a som estimated at ono-million nine hundred and- fllty thousand dollars. For the probable re merelf tocounleTvail tle wiehualities which ex isted to the disadVatitage of the United State, in their commercial intercourse with France. it is atihmitted also tn the consideration of Con f;ress, whether, in the kpit il of "amity and conci lalinn which it is no less the inclination than the policy of the United States to" preserve in their intercourse with other power, U may not he proper to extend relief to the individuals in jterested in those cases, byxeuTptitig frca the with new encouragement, to the Industry and en- operation of the) law a'l those' Vessels which have terprtze oi eur ieiiov-ciuzas ai borne ana a-' enticed our pwhwulmut iwymg had the mcacs Mtatemeut whiah will be transmitted hum th The sumfjf three millions of dellar.ithorfct edtobe raised by loan, by an act of trie la. ft sassionof Congress, hits been obtained upon) terms advantageotis to the Government, indicat Wig not only an increased confidence in the faith ol thwnatton, but the existeoce wf a large amount o capital seeking that mode of investment, at rate of intarest sot exceeding five per Centura per an cum. L Ji is proper to Wd, fta Uiere ii row dpj jf, "

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