vHea f4 t lalaUr, it ft cqrl.aW pie; teJPt.e. Tm cfi i;ptTst ia our cotatj court. In caveaeajeecce f what U technically calle. (fbaotj bwoH cUsMttg with the regihu Jorj trial, U bat I attco IM Close mi ool ef de lay ia tM daitiatsitita f jaatlee, tjtU, at tS aaa time, brtheae end eipeasive ta tlx pAtiea GUftal md 1ajraaiij tad pprea ie t every efieer of ike caarL A atparattoa mf those duties a ad power, by the crcaliaa of what may, with propriety aod carractutu, be called a countj court, for lh peeial ptrpeae of transacting all coantj ntii ouer than that whtre the iatcrvenbot of a Jirymay be ueceaaarj, weuld.it teerat ta lue, be productive of iohaite benefit, by expediting bu ni,aud thereby eaaomttia; tint aod ei penditure. A farther detail of tha conteniplat el improvement must ta the letult of jour reirc. lhe insolvent law of our State, it appears tii air, t e ausreptiole of amendment. Their defect! I endeavored to point out in ray last com BiuHtcation, and wiil therefore, for the present, barely obaerve, that toy tyatein of lawswlti:ti operate witti equal aaveritj on the innocent and guil y, must be defective My only inlicitude in, to -hield from the iroa-haoded creditor the innocent, but unfortunate man. His perann, I euinrien'ioualj believe, ahould be held invio late. Let the fraudulent debtor on puniihed as criminal, hv tha infliction of corporal punish want if jou please, or In aoj other way that niy he deemed beat t arrat tie pro;res of fraud, aod ive fBcacy to the just dm.ind ol the creditor; but I must maintain, that it is yo'irdutj to place the honest debtor oui nf the retch of an ignominious incarceration. This relict of barbai ism, o rpuiianf to the genius and spirit of ou government, will I trust, so n ar or later he banished from so mild and happy esy-ce.o -f jurisprudence as our own. The interestiugaubject of Internal Imprnve tnent lu-. beeu duly considered by the Board created at the lat Assembly, for the more tm mediate suprintendatice and control of the pe cumary ami physical resources ol tlie State, ac apar for that pu-p.ise. Their report will be submitted in due season. 1 cannot, however, drui) the subject, without the expression ot a fir n balief that most of the important o jeets we have in view will ultimately he attained; and that, upon the whole, our prospects a.' e flatter ing. although, at present, elouds and dark ness" huver over some ot our operation j in par ticular sections of the State. That snme money, and perhaps not a little, has been imprudently expended, is readily ad mitted; hut it does not hence follow, that the objects ate unworthy of pursuit, or that the prosperity of the system is not identified with xhe nest interests of the State.- Your duty is obvious. Examine with a scrutinizing eye into the yarioui operations ol the system, search out the cause of extravagnice, aod apply the cor rective.. The science of medicine, to vitally interest ing to our citizens, and so well deserving le gislative attention, has as yet, with a lew ex 'tieptious, passed unnoticed and unprotected. And it must b admitted, however unpleasant thn Ailminuiitn. fhnl thtri arn h'tir f.i aratoa in jUaiaw4ra-uaditin"i in a leta rpa U ble condition than in North Carolina. I' he .question naturally occurs, why is vU the case? The answer ia obvious. Because in almost every other part of the country, a medical edu cation regularly acquired, and formally com pleted at some public medical university, or satisfactory testiuumuls of professional ability from some respectable and legally constituted Board of Physicians, is essential to the attain ment of public respect and public confidence. Hitherto the limn of our annual sessions has b-.en almost exclusively devoted to the preser vation aud security of property, while the lives, hcaltli, and happiness of nurner eu and intelligent population, have been left at the mrxy of every pretender; and thousand and tens of thousands of our fellow citi.'His, I mi;ht ay, have lallen victims to the impefical efforts ot a host of intruders. The youth of our state whn have h"en reared and educated for the profession, with that na tive modesty which I trust will ever character txe them, advance with heci.miBg diffidence v their avocations, while the moie adventurous quack, presuming on the ignorance aiid credu Hty of the people, runs off with the spoil. Tins certainly in no one instance can last long; bu from the tacili'y with which these persons change quarters, and from the eagerness with which aiilirted numainty seizes the offered re lief, the first fruits are but too often gathered by the rah though ignorant practitioner. Under these circumstances, what inducements have mir young men to trudge up the rugged hill of science, and spend their tune and patrimony in laving the foundation for future usefulness? True, the intellectual triumph is exquisite; but of itself it is Insufficient to sustain the diffident and desponding vouth who finds himself pressed by so many difficulties, and finds too, that his very sustenance is taken from him by the cna eveters above alluded to. Again, it must be mortifying to see our young men constrained to abandon their native state, in pursuit, of medical science abroad, where, tun often, In reaping the fruits of science, fo reign principles and foreign habits are formed, not only opposed to the genius and spirit of our government, out measurably uisquauiying xneoi in other respeats lor uselul lite tnug exhaust inj, as it were, the last earnings of parental, industry and frugality, to obtain what might with a little cltoii, be as well obtained at home Let me however observe, what may be deemed superfluous, tuat this medical board will not pre judice the pretensions of any practitioner of the present day, for its operations must necessarily be prospective. This subject presents so many interesting points, and in truth is so susceptible of illustra tion, that I must believe it is only necessary to interest the mind of tha intelligent statesman to perceive its importance. f ta avtr Cut sis JiVrlr4 bU-seat mav to expected a t t maaAer ia hica tHa aaajical brd, iWi alio JeJ ta, ahu(J he clta MUStd; bt tHat it ia as anlr practicable, bat 'S'y PtJt I lUntk c rtttoaillr dbtvA tby advart U late u.f.rt tocM which hat atttaded the efforts of uaay of oar ister states. Let me tbea entreat you, as the turdlao of lS people's belt infereits, to tii sohjoct, of all oiherg tK i., -t ioterettin, a fall, fair and dupaunaate cansijeratiao. It has not beeo my haSit ( davtl beyond the limits af toe state, and of cuaiao beyond the pHero of yoor action, fir jects to iatrrest yar deliberation; bat the v.ul importance of one of tho moi ardent and la toared discussion which has agitated the union sinre tho forma tiwn of oar girtnent, has, and wiil on the preient occasion, divert me from tha uniform tenor ot ray course ; for to look on. and nut to feel for the issue f the eventfal conflict, would argue an insensibility anJ patiiy foreign hum my nature, and an obduracy of ff eling uuLnown to tne patriotic biuum. II success a'.t'd the gi'tntic strides of the friends of manufacture, and the onerous burthen sought to he imposeJ on tba agricultural, and indeed mtuy other branches of iodutry, ahould not he averted awar with our boasted equality ol pursuit and freed on from unnecessary restraint, h'.thertn the pride of our country. In Jepiti J-nt ol the political operations of the contemplated in crease of the tariff, It effects on the fiscal re sources of our co-jntry, must produce a crisis distressing to the hilanthropit, and oppres sive in the extreme at t'ds time to the agricul tural and commercial part of o'ar population, already borne down by ait anpe:edeuted de pression of pneej, unpat rallcicd ni the history of our times. For if the snurccs "four national revenue are dried up by t.'ni adoptiu of the system, the enhancement of price in many ol the necessaiie and convi'ni.Mu.es4 of lite, to gether with a correKiidciit l.;lliog off in the prices of the staple commodities of our country, will not be the only oppressions most deeply to be deprecated ; bui a permanent and irremova ble direct tax mast w (csjried to, to replenish an empty treasury I shudder when anticipate the Consequences ; which must result ti-ttin thts prevaleuce of such , counsels. Uir tallow cuiieus, already borne down by a reverse of fortune, and struggling fir a competency, to have a host of officers and it system of 'li cet t ixalion superadded and permanently quartered on tliem, would, I fear, iD'juce a delirium in the pu'dic mind, subver sive of otdei' and ruinous in the extreme. 1 am aware that no act ot legislation can grow out of my remarks; but a silent acquies cence, while the chain! art: forging amidst the rencril expression ol pjMic sentiment, would e a gross dereliction of duty. The 1 1 nits of this address forbid my entering 1 at largo into tae subject, were it necessary ; which, however, I am persuaded is tint, alter the luminous discussions which have baeu go ng on, in and out ot Uongress for the last twelve month9. I w.uld nevertheless barely ask, if it is just or equitable that th; independent yeomanry of the country should be maiVe tribu tary to .the degraded and debased population tut is the growth of manufacturing., establish ntenti P Or ii it politic that this virtuotw and MeltieoHt Teoaiianrfytbe only .safe depositor? and' shield of the liberty of the country, should by tKis hot-bed establishment of workshops, be ultimately tfinMgnmated with them, or driven y oppresMon, constrained to abandon the fair and exhilirating pursuits of rural life, tlie pro- i tic nursery of heroes, statesmen, patriots and philanthropists. By an act passed at the last session ot the General Assemoly, I was authorized ami re quested to cause the south-western boundary ine ol this State to be. ascertained, extended and marker!. In pursuance thereof a corres pondence wa9 immediately opened with the Go vernorof Teiinesee ; but for the want of au thority on his part to co oper tte in the business an inevitable delay ensued until tue meeting ot tlie Legislature of that State, which took place during the last summer. As sunn, however, as t was known that the power hail been deleat- ea, mc supicci wasresuuieu ann a nope wits ai J' .1 - . " I -- I - L first entertained that an amicable eumnletion ol the busiuess mihi: oe etlected H ii riii t K m sent yeur ; but Causes Deyontl OUr COnll'Ol hare p evented. 1 am gratified however, to have it in my power to say. that no unpleasant or unfriendly collision need he apprehonded. In the file marked A. are contained the re signation of such Justices of the Peace and Field Olrict'.rt tii have been received during the ieces9, together with the resignation of John Ii. Leigh, Esq. Solicitor for the first Judicial Circuit, and of Judge Murphey, one of the Judges of our Superior Courts of Lav and Equity, a gentleman as highly esteemed for his private virtues, as for his able and disinteiested devotion to the best interest of his country. To supply the vacancy 1 was advised by the Council, to tender the tern. porary appointment to William Norwood, Esq. of Hillsborough," a lawyer of longstanding, and doubtless known to many of you. . t shall howJ Gentlemen, close this desultory address and in do'tiig so, permit me to tender you, and through you, niy fello. citizens gene rally, the unfeigned homage ot my respect and gratitude. If, in the discharge t' the duties at tached to the Executive Office, my conduct has been such as to give efficiency to a government of laws to impart in the smallest degree, vi tality and energy to the benign and happy insti tutions under which we live, and finally to meet the approbation ot my fellow-citizens, I can confidently say that my highest ambition will have been gratified, and that my fondest and most ardent anticipations have been realized. I have honor to be , - Your obedient servant, JOHN BRANCH1. ., The message being read, jras ordered to be sent to the Senate,' with a proposition to have one copy printed breach member. Thursday, wVov. S3. Two other balVHing-j for tfct) 3d engrossing cierk, ' TV artM mt'tjKts otQwl im tW lwt(fsri Htmf, reWt tt tbct mu6u CwmtUc. Mew. 4. .ISWw. Oruktm. M. .ff Jmm, wrrt ay im rmm k u'o f tha public kbrary. MOrtL .f Jmi. St3in,tm4 CI i rr (ivpoiBUsl a I OrW l-w Um tKlwni ml titm . Hauart. aiaOe a Rayrt jrrJ la. lm ki h IikI Um im MaW, rr iirr ihti rrh timrac ftsail prfil itt w kwaiacts, Trl; la U Coo grrvaianal aW) The AwmmI Krpeis: of J aha II ar ool. faU Trttrntrrr, m kaall ia aa( rd, bOB talc Um kalv mttaia tn im "or rrtmmrj, on Um lat ol Weiabef, lo b ft 1 56, U. SI fwr Ihr r rraan rr r"l lUtaart via n-l, t tuo a.MiMr. MHianr. Hn folloainr rmaUr aria aa Il lit S1-.I .Mr Alatna 1 Hraol'iuoaa, prraamtrj St-atr-fda) : Va brrui Jolia llatarttaaS, fnblan 1'rpaaurrr, Iim act lea ifc U Lia annual nMOrnca frtt-rTM rt-i ii r-I r- I . n mm! irl tnm of a. a acecxiats an-i ihr aFora ol Uie 1 rraaur cfice, be . - - lUcrtfute Hauleil, Int'ie Sroatf, Mr. I)krr latrwlaenl a rra-ibitioiai to Ta- . fi tKe teat if Mr.Crului, a Senator fro. a Wake Dwiiii allcgiaj (Hal be ia a Cla-(vuan or Preacher of ilia lio't l. rUl)Y Mi!t'lC., SO.. MB We bate room for little tiM tbti week I ban Luc ... B . of the Pixaiilent of the United State and the OoTrrnor il thit Stte. The Treasurer's Report, winch arai setlerday presealed, i oeaeaaarilr oroitted. , After OT billotingi ia the House of Bcpr-esentnt'rei of the U. Sutea, Mr fajlor, ot' N ear-York, i elected Spea -or.-Mr. Lowndes wat 2d best. TUENOUTH CAROLINA Ti. We yesterday liaal tlie a-Uu.Uct.ion of viewing the head intended tor this miperb sliip of war. ll is the fi gure ot Sim Waith Kleioh, tha first lounder of tbc State of Xori.i Carulina, cXxuied by Mr. Wo.li, of this city, srbuse skill and judgement in tlie scieiiceo! sculpture, is known and admired in evtry part of the world where Philadelphia veasela are known, In must be an additional sattataclion lo our follow citizens of North Carolina, after having tlie fortunate lot ol giving a name to one ol the tinest vesse a in tke world, to tiav y her prow ornamented wuk a masterly likeness of llietr original founder, by one al'tlicabieat artists of Pennsyl- vn'- l'ue boat o Sir V alter acknowledged, by die VJ ib juuaj ll .UIUII1V jlll ll ttl fcu. IIUW luc first pnnts c.Aiit. Tbe Commtsioners of the Navy, in Ordering this sig nificant bead for this noble ship, have evinced a judjf mcni l!i it rert-cis cr.-du. upon tneir ttiiderutandiiig anai oational feeling. Pliib. Gat, FR"M FU VNCE. The fallowing (say the Ncwburyport Herald, Nov 10.) is a literal extract trom tlie letter of capt. MUu more, ot'htitp Jne, who arrived at Bordeaux from Nor folk, and of whom the new tonageduty of gl8 per ton was demanded; on which he loimediately repaired to Paris, whsrc be writes thus t "On my arrival in Paris I presented myself to the American Uonsul, Isaac ox Bamttt, Esq by htm I was introduced to Mr. Galfalin our Minister at the court of St. Ciotid. to biml. mark: known ny situation, and re- tptested his intercetsiorrin my behalf. He immediately took up the attair, and we have this morning, Sept. It. received a favourable reply. Thus I have gained my point in opposition to tlie belief ot almost ever person in France. Mr. Gallatin himself on hearing a represen tation of my perplexed situation and request, said to me, there is no relief tor you, you must pay tbe duty, ne vertheless, if you insist upon it, I will render vou all tbe assistsne, ia my power i be did so, sad we have gaintd our py - DRpa,HTriO this life at Harmony Hall Orange county ou Friday evening tho lHh inst. Elinbeth F Basvyer daugh ter of the late Capt. Willis Sawyer ot Dei-lie county. Entered, ON" the Stray Bonk of Rutherford county, by Thomas LiiUs 9 buy hone, about thirteen or fourteen years old, Gfteen hands high, a little hump backed, his left hind foot white, the other appears to have been cut with a rope ap praised to forty dol lars. JAMES ERWIN. 46-2tsp. State of North-Carolina, WASatlKOTO COCXTT COURT 4JT RVJII Fall Terra, 1833 Downing Lessry, vt. Lewis C. Freeman. TBVV1S C. FREEMAN, the defeudant in the above j case, having failed to file his answer at this Term ; and it beins renreseniei! to the Court, tfcat he is not a residet.t ofthiaSuta : It ia ordered vhat naWicitlion aocorthng to ol this stats : It is ordered ?hat publication ccorlms I la b ms-'e in the Raleigh Star tor three months, that aa- i leastne netcnaani, ijcwia t- rreeman, iH5ar ai our nri Mill.,.;,, t'.ie second Monday in March next, and file his an- laer wrrecable to law, judirraent pio confeaso will be eu- tered up against hi in. lest, 4r-3ma price adv. g3 50 J. EVE LB r, . M. E. Notice, ( TH T Comietl Moore, late of Wake Cotlntv, d -d intes tate, aud that at November Term of Wake County ndmiitiatration on tbe Estate of said dee'd. was co. mitted to the subscribers. This is therefore to notify all persons liaviag claims against the sakl estate to bring . them forward properly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law, nr this notice will be plead in bar of a recovery. Those in debted to said estate are' requested ta make payment, as no indulgence will be given., ALFRED MOORE, WOOTEM MOORE, C A(Hn n' Nov. 21, tMO- 4r-3t Public Sale. Xllirc aadersigned srill offer at publio sale to Ihe htjthest bidlcr, anon a credit of four months, ( the ptlrehaarr I giving (food security,) at Oxford Granville county, .on the! ninth day of December next, all the nroperfv conveyed to wemoy vvcn iwniei. mr aeeo ot aasignmeiKin n-ust, consisting ot several valuable tracts of I ami, one r twone-. croes, and a nuinber of other articles too tedious to mention, They will also tell at Col. Cooks, in the eitv of Raleign, on the 23d day of December next, tw valuable negro men, house Carpenters bv trade and well known in this aity. The purchaser of them will he required to give a note with good aeearity, negotiable at one of the Banks in this place at ninety days. THOSi B. L1TTLEJ0HN. 6 AMU HILLMAN. Trattees. 4T-3sr. Nrf.S3d.l2Q; A Teacher Wanted. AN anmarried gentleman, qualified to' take charge of a Private school, and to teaab. the laneoaeei tt. brepara- tory to Collegiate course, would meet with an elligible situatioa bv an eariv armlioation to the subsoriber. or to his neighbor. Doctor Thorn as HnnC No person need apply bat tseia as an proatiee sattsiaetory testunonuia, tutu wixeet moral aepqriment. WILLIAM h MARTIN. Near Williamsborongh Granville Cennly, N. C November 800,182 Kepncs: at laua srawn m uae lrraaiure, l.iaa imprrauoua purc'taarr T.""fJ rmrl IL - axu lai"wil na,ie raw auraau anaipiini uw ii.irtTiiT in , lean oil tlic prcprrt I., ticui IV d-acHars wfhia Metal auua. avil tbc aa.l JoSi. Hay- will br jjiaeu ihe day uf aa'e awl ba ta 'oaraiornce fhcrrnC rniicir. an mart' ifilma DlicJ w uli rairt ol Uie i rraaur J otttce. be it at Anrtion If f W Uaxaxob rr, (if U,r f iw, lUr U.r .) " . 'a . f-t, Ca MiUa aa4 LfwJ ..v.-i ., r. -r iKt 91, dae'd. In St. I IL.a- i5 lKre Muraca Bgh, out lo rof Htnac i work. Tfea Mdi M luaU ta i r.lwri i..t art ; ilo-ii notr lulii atraaao Tha Trrt. ihifd of atuch it ctrwA, t.i ta now 11 cru. -j. ukJ entMidrtvd tHJ'iaJ lo aviy if llir Mnarlilvir h ki I l.c w.ick of tlc roil i ad iww i the dta i I rak til tU rjarfe -a ii i prr.a id (U i wl parxiUM irKxit firai a-tr ,... ih. t rrn.iar. a fartl.tr Urw r,Kno Itilcrtitfd ttOiKr-ap,). (Kn'Kfa a i.Ui. g to ica idc ptximara m cU un r.r. KJta. at U.c mill. Ur '.O. , Uinat. n-ar it, nc lo the u nhar in IUI -(1. ' Ttrma of p.wnt, 12, 1,- ,,,,1 ; J ravntha c-d:. tk on I he ler.na br.nv l u a. I - 1 i n TIIOS C-O.lB'i, KVr. of J. I U Sen' , dc. 'J. i8 r. I WILL sell on a iberaJ er.-lil. an I at a low priee, n himI t it rear lliv I Keirc ; llir lot cm-tar a fmf ' acre well fr.ie-., ihr H.mr ialai i ami c.i.v i i( t i. tha building, are all n. w ; m, ell fluibt.l, ei.irsii c all nc aeaaary out hiKues ROUP PA Sl.l.Y. i'li Not. J at !!?. 4? if. Twent-(ie Cents Kcwjiiv! t N'AWY frrna tin- au'aetvi- i i , lldn thii i eoifi IX ty. " rolina, on tin- I'Jihol Vngtiai, iHJsi, 1. up. DTt-ulme b by th.' uaiue a'' J a -ira iit. I'ou'wl lo the liairers trade t lie -as about ift yi an ol-1, km 14 ni l mj and niue niotitl.a to aerse. 1 mill Kie the abort reaM.1 a any pcrwo that si ill deliver the ikiil boy lo ine aud no t Xietia es p. iid. HOBI'.R'V STEW ,wn Nov. So, IS20. 47 -Hp. Lost or Mislaid. OS SaturrlT, the -li i InM. one small .Morocco Pocket book, eontriiiiiiiif, tive ilollrs and forty ce is in .sh, bewh-t ihe tiilloa-ing N'otea ai.d at cliims, (t wii) two io cutiuns against Mcphen Coor, lor abml aix liuiulret! doll ,r, otic note on Stephen Coor hikI Jiisd- l olerjr. for aVxit is hundred dollars, on note o i James Musj,iare r. for a lout two liimdred and fifteen dollars one note on John kj (of Josiati) for litty dollars with a credit on the aanie ainouiaf of credit not recolleoted, one note nn Ihniiel Peacock for a bout ten rt- twelve dollars, and other papers not rec'illccled. ll persons are lor warned trading for any of tbe above named papers, I will give a reward of ten dollars to any person a bo ill ucincr uie rocKet DooK ilh lU aontealS to mi-. NIRr. MUSli '. VR. Wa nesborourb, KoT. litis 1820. T ?w. 1s.NTr'.UEl ontlieStisr Books o. Johnston eoni.ty by Jaoob Brooks, on lire 4th in. one ay mare aliout i.ine or ten years old, lour tee: eibl iuolit-s big'i, with .i white sirtMlt In ln'r toivlw ad, left bind luU bite, xml leit eye out. Apprnisud to 'ii Dollars. GULLT, HHnger. Jehnat in eonuty, Nov. -'ft, 1 SOOi 47 -.w. iNl'ElfEDon tbe Stray HiKika of MtattRoinery cnniity 1 5 fieorire Kirk, on tbe intl iust one bay hoi ae loortc-eu bands and a ball' liigli, lugged to be twelje yestrs old, u.th a small star in his face, both bind feet white, a small white otl the right tore foot, Appraised to 45 Oollars. KK-II. S 1 Ulvfca, Hanger. Montgomerr county, JJot. SO, iSiO. 47-2wr Zaucliariah Pendleton, .i t il ile I'aylar, J ,tv f 7' jl nprtE Public are cautioned to be on their guard, lie will lief steal, and runaway. HE has bee:, in Stutesville about i roontun, he was borfk in Pasquotank county, tiai ia a little suartby stark eyed and black haired, boyish looking more than a man. Ion ta play On the fcddl, prt'tenttvAn b religious, and will be- fre faentiy ainging hymns. He hat a wife and child as ia tin derKd tn Washington county, ' 11$ hat been c-ndeavoui in W 4sa whole ot' tb tlra he remained here to get - married anin. . Ho has go as mnen m netas wrtHMtd; taaMafK nn taken asray a black clntse. Saddle, bri.'le and Blanket dint was tbe subscribers, besides an elegant Coal patent he bad to make, besides the subscriber is security for nira in at-su-rai Instances, when he done it entirely to kelriend bun A re wart I of fifty dollars will be paid to - deliver liim to rue in Stateaville Iredell Cotinty, Nor lb Carolina. li. u ORKE. Nov. tO 1820- 47-Sw. N. B. He bad a white hat, an elegant drab colouix tl super fine pair of easimere pautaloon a striped vest, a grit-nisti coloured slip or surtout. , (TjTls Editor of the Edenton Gazette, will publisli (liia advertisement three weeks and forward his accttunt to (hi office for payment. . Notice. : N 'Vednesday, illi of November Inst, the anbseribet ' will sell flt an on, at the. (ate dwellitij nf .fosiiilt Rat tle, dee'd. (in coufi mity to his last will and testament,) tbe following propertv, v'n. four or five hundred barrels oi Corn, a parcel of foddi-r, Peas, VY beat and Ootton; 8') besdl of Sheep, 17 do. Cattle, 50 tfS. half ft Hogs, I louse -bold and Kitchen furniture. A part nf tbe a'tove property will be sold on a credit of sis ant) twelve months. Bond andfc curity will be required. - - JERtBArTLE, Hpn for the ExcuutrkC 46-2t. Confectionary and Toy Shop. Dl) W continues his Cnnfeefnwiary businens at bis former stand nn Fayetteville Street, nearly oppo site Miss Susan Sehaub's, and bss nnw on hand a very Rcne ral assortment in his Iin, viz. Candy of all kinds, Supar Plumbs, Peppermint drp, Coriander H. Qarraway, a varie ty f t;ordiala, by the bottle or glass, Liquorish Hall. Al monds with and without sheila, Filberts, Tamarinds, Limer Juice, best Spanish Segars; and many ' other articles nM mentioned Also a vsrb ty of Toys ; and he is in, dai'.T ex pectation of receiving from New-Toik, a supply of Bloom Raisins. . . . He is sineerely thankful lo his friends as well as passing Strang era for past favours, and will endeavor on his part IH merit a continuance ot puhlie patronage Raleigh. 15th Nov 182a 46 State of "tfortVCJafoUnn, IT 'ulre Connttf. Court of Pleas rd Qtn ffr Heion, Aupist Tprm. 1820. - o..Or5;nal attach. ' ' nomas sonnw, n. v. yi i merit levied on Lot of land in Raleigh. mrj Jtefendant bavinjr removed out of toe. sta, or g0 conceals himself, that the. ord'marv proeeas r t .... ko a-rrnd on him : Tt i thefffo ordered i h . rt t,tt trivertiement he made 'm th tar fos that if the defendant dra not com for ward onov hefor the next term ot tnut."irt, held on the third Monday in Wovember next, at uw Coiirt-Hoose inRalei)rh. and replevy ana piea. .-cr wise judgment final will V hv, an4 the rrroperty eoa denmed.ubjecttop1ainf.fr 1teaf9kjavr c C S9 3m price adv 9U 7$. ValuaMe Und k 31it1 i - TO the Jail of 8tkeeouotV. on th 7 'T of September, 1820, rteeo of TP'- tow complexion, Vy the b lonn toJohn lrke,of Newbnrvfonntv. onfh Corrf'". Serminton, Sept 7,