t J f. 'And'sNovflir Gdwli tSidte I Gazette; V ryrYr7k f 'SfWyj ' flvTf y3J- r -7,-7-., - RALEiGIi; (N. C;)VHlDAnvKCE3lBEn SS, 1820. ' . --i j I-. . So. 51. wV. t causnxD weekly, D T THOMAS IIK.S DERSOX,jr. Newest Philadelphia Fashions, 1 AMKS L EELBY uka pk-wwrc iUWtiw lui Irk'i aud ata,taiiUta, Ikl be l caearrd a Cil rate t , aa wha .iU, t tha ahoi-trst nUax. cW mI o piwr di.eootid,wotj at Ibe option at Iba Kdilor.: '. ws aqy garment thai snit be rwjwrtd. tbe latest mains all arrim)re arw lid Adtrftjeraenu Wti- I awl " flroM.u fobioas. J. L ft. fl-utt-i biastr, ttiSl cediag twelve lmc inserted three. timet for on dalUr ' , Hor "Mtitr a a fc riaclleM i'AK k.erintlna. three dollar t annum XaraserwUl Wsr ad iiMiliiliMbiiiMl bat rrt ftxa wtttMwt a least ft I u cents paid sa ao ., awa v Mad l cutj.fi re cents I or eaeb, toatiittiAnae. which b baa p!oYV.a iwiKt aawnUtTw.iieU will giurautc to lam, a( lea, a U (We avblss (Wm. k( i ami bo tenders whs ptetdrv, bit best acknowledge. menU to Uti petrous 6 fit. t'H, bod fcoliaili tmiliiiU- JK Of UrfO A U VnU.'t be exMite4 trUl Iht lUURKt lilt'f fletftn att ialitfr ever j mitid, but Je roli rrta, that tlee eyili exi't im!e ;VKfftl4 l ify ixHaence vt the IU..L., itJ !ut in 4 f ccr t tib they icili e their cx nel ij'us r tl who kicrib the fcV pntc otJW4Jut to tl.it jrrjvijf 6 notify, j.aichiiC avi :i km'Uc ta nj pari .t he Horiu i H i CX-! pt.f abrosdo !uw. tlat after f anl it u bel irrU ,iit -m lr-;e .u ' pnioa to the pf eeot Hosr, err Jra , tHemhatbeeo lullj a'Shi j rft ,ih ' -liaok ni th r .uh $ truch lri;aeiJ to " I wbfn ihej were paid ri-KVi ahr-aJ, anfwerti ' . esery parpoe orpccie, aud had ajerj effect . . pameut in iprcie oouldhave had, except onfy, utiiertBiiingom Uaokt aoi djutrejilu-var i-to- , pie. -. - ' : At to the coneqaencf'o( ape.,rfiig pr'. t WaiTcnton Female Acfidemv. i 7 Jhl ; State of North Chrofiha tf ' "rW p1 -f ' Batumi PluUwpby, and ArroomnynaU, lak. aa In Eq-ui.' October Ttrro.. 1820- - v JI.IJ iTT. ' i ' P , ,7- i agitat n k. -J -w.iMU ILaT t jl-t :v':-. ' aad a eueileM Orrery, are malaatt7 ue4 Jq teaebiar! 1 X tb Jr.,u ijt ftf'.eecWCU Uf.tolrjRU WjMiiwiKl: &i,Ym Jfv. - ' t.oe 6Much tbm.n uir Aeir aid n.ff 4 fcc-unta u.i lrn;-d;1. ra.- um rt luif-i the poir Banki of NorCirarolTna.Jor tnelr rar- 1 usp"Uvd 'pecie pajnienta, f ery opi.'aiioa' V -.v-iyoawU by aa)lef feu.: Jemtms in tbe ti.u.U iuol iaMm Ti it tiMfe4 fkaf -nbtiaa be fttole f.ir' Mfu1u, :-,. .J J-... Wl,4 th. ' . ! ot money wa pt-0tHVd tor baik otes.-i't.e V & -UWv. Mtco.Mvanied by expvrla.eq.1 arc m'o x ek.auo-eatiwi-lv.il, Ibc JUeHJ't SUTJ Ufc W-loa. u.4 1 a W OOUa, Ut the tltne prc- , . " ' . w ."V", 'W!" ' iHty delivered to the We Scboul Iln tirmi for , fcJa.rJ hvuuh ajiear 'afihe ncU tkurt uf tqtiy W betd t wreiS Iclt ry Where in, t'.urope, 6 Wfll tu ' " ,u H"'" ' aiu DUE 0U- I .asidur. ainl ttutiua in .11 III. iave d rii.rtrar ffir linrnln cuiviv .in lanoolnciMi. tu 1,1, . vcrfimt-ttt wi uo fundi Wpaorr 'Uaf,Boi ' kVituea. Jamr Hut, Cteiani1 Mas'.er' c4 ail eourtot cod.itrr ur tt IittltiVxtravaTancifa i.l h nih. ' I V-CUPU war wLlCIi in lh DOaic irr. i' . Iba, equity at Offi,et the lMth Moaday trfkT'rt.e-tWth'' Mon liyiiurg ' WhatrPr U,. r,....!. .V.fir.ana f?, ' tUrww ,,f Napole-n. estlbliahetl their oWftVv.4,.. !. : I I - u t I I . - . I . . V . . i 1 tl 1 . .1 . i. J - J I .iT. t. fcn. o.vUu.u. i V wW.... ki:.Mi.M ' mAl . ri-..i..-j ; .n w--..:eAcJieiivr the cause oi iti.. nil d.sfres, wust ' auu.a period during tliaaeuUm. The Only extra aehnol ' 0 and act f bC4rte parte -K.v . jele.vat(hn TieW above the pettjr bfluk wf ' charges are lor K)ns, mlt, ir ate. and ao.autitto . aod o outer ejtpcnseaiue aiiowtti to be uiemrvd by laa , equity at uiH;e, ue tuai-ua woaa.y alter Ue nwrm aiwt- L.,ur- vy hatvpr tl. " touorLailics.L-aw-i.tihe atxcl, aj are aulhon zed bt their U of icrrtcoibu-. A JJ.sfii) ' . i - i ' ' ' V" !p T7 aiccr uic p .Prenis,or(iuardii.s. - I , J AML$ AlllfL, Q. M. For Music, Urai:i-au4 XJaocir j, eaeli a !parate charge ' '4S-JI p. (i 't made. ', 1 ' . Jjllll! ... . The Books used in ftie Academy taaj Ic bad of he Prin j ' 1 . r .Tfzri-r. tipaUatlheuwutS fire prices. - " uali. t .s B coar. Li.ii) Tv sxcu T i'liere are in this w-inioi7 five pcrsuns constantly enrsr- ' , 1 , , , , d m teacliii g, iiiJeiwuOeiii ot tUe tieparliueuU u .uic, Tug following "1 iirawiugaiH, uuucin.. , uerc arc in o sesioas, udu out unci vacation iu tlu: )var ; the first sessiorvetjsfs aboat the mid die of lone, and the secou j about the middle of .Novuinbuo ' after wlucli Uicre is a tacutiOn ot ait vct-lis to the hirt jr?ar,in fhich tntrrvat thejw'"; ...... .:.t. .... i. . v . . f i t.i iKiiilician of the sut rayjuectae to oe thecau4c of our distress, tel pern Kant trvm U.e toun,ouv ot tne vene- rabla John Adam that at the close of f,.urvar8. i "l .nouo"1 in mfones t. etil fiota the aabiti- whtchtie; iJ old enough to remember, the aame i tuUu" 01 PaPrr specie. rvy-mv distressed have prevailed aa incident to the: The value of money is etttaated h th af7.i' itkf' : pire and achieved th ia-dep.lenc if. Eihpif':? V I m ; I'he t xpciience of the wt Id a thi- poiiitw ' -''Til I at ou-ht the theories t. evil fiom'tbe wbttUiu V'M TUOMAS P. JOiKSjJ ; Warrenton,';. C. Dec. I, 1S20. MULBrook. 49.4U. .... f . ... ... . v . k m . .7 . 11 1 i " " Y" I ' n.uou,, IUU IIC lll.T IIIIU l" 1 KU'V'5V Wl MIC UECCSgjrt.!'?lltTi' . . f I. -4 . in the assembly, fespcetius; die Ban as, baxtii Leeu Lalso ttpqi the message of President Mumoe to fort and luiunea of life. V.tn 6ar the tricea '?fii ti eoramunieated to some gentlemen, ai.'d more dasirl'ng to th pjeaent Congress, that we are iabl to be id prod ce aid property ta , 151, 1818 0d td "''! I read U than aan peruse the original, petroissioo ba ber j alKictr (n aome degree by the: rhangea which June 1819, while the banks 'redeemed (heir V'H r obtained to pot it in priut. It is a piin and a candid", vecur ib !tli5 condition and regulation vf foreign notes wi". specie, with the prices at thia tini;'T' 1 J s statement of facts on a iucstioa wl.ich ilcciJ'v afi'ects tha I cnunrii-thi 1: U ivnulil h. c ... r. :r .i..Tarn. nmlr fl ,wor .ml ...i . aT i . . i " . - . i v m u vv ,.i auc ii in i ww uwa. wi. u uiuiL u nr. ir.!r.,t at , - abb ; a rpmS elegant situation is again offered f (may I not ' ''at'e adept I Ug mtMU Aaay) uiKsqjnmoi.ly in, tor the ib,w avrnmed Bink Banks ot the State to redeem ih .tu smws oruig specie amn early uaj: otjou aslc meat what t 5 "tiCtn'a'for ' 41 'Cft l t!,eale'ves t7 PJotab'T would res Sloek, if treated for shortly Ijing . on loi J'hinK!reek, two miles aborreCulaennt-i' in vbe whole, contains about 3000 icres, first tna seciiou oi couwrt i me rreaier Ti.r r rnna tor raisins corn, neat, umoo, arat i owaceo, wiiu uauy 4)iie springs ; importance to iir te u,ereonranu iscoustnercu w oe ycry qciu.jtue iiaorwin. rthan I rTn mvlf : Vi if . Mnt.onitaiavert eonsideh,ble-tl7e Uwnlliw . II,". u I lRdU 4 " "Jr8eI. let ll . 8pacions,and elegantly fluiahed, at tbrfeiniebae- 'of ' ab.mt ' ,na.V plM together Can in ten tlibusaml dollars, kb olber neeeasarj . ut twldg$ 'tjecidl also four Grists and one Saw Mill, Screen, and .Fan,- Latm t-,.t(, i ami In addition thereto, is about elfflk ttimisblit Ai.'r.li'.iul I 1 ami tn auuiuon uicnw, , aooai eignt nimimia Aupia and Teatli trees, nearly hair, grown.fceginaiiw-He-bfear hnuA sonielr, and n. .lew more years will.iq V.r .preiKabla -1 would sell all together or the lo iripe " of tren)y jWous , ad dollars, payment in atWam yorlvHufH icH (Ue Mills aloiu;, or. Kh ho dwelluig scurtrttely, wjib aiirtirr ot -tlte JLands touUthe our1taSei s, iirOTjde.ljCooUi 6e suited xow woQiil sell for good ueguUuulc (tlr, or utko bi;rwr the Entire pnrehase. . 5 , An person wisiung to buy, or look Ht tbe premises are jnvueu io come iwwara anu examine erery part of the land Ml judge tortll'iaaeives, ami I tenly beleive thry will De p lease j oeyon uieir most itagouia expectation ., M , ISAAC HILLlAItl), Halifax County, N. C. December .1,1S30. 4S.lai, w ILLbet6ld at the Court 'Hod se. in the city oi uaietgii, on me I3th-jday of Jan t.as follows. ';' ' --. . aarr next, as follows. IN THE E ASTERN WAim. . . , ; t Lots, N o. 407 k. 133; occupied by. Jimatba4 xju,),ea o , i, at xs, now iM) property, ojwhtt '..'oHowarj i.m p. " iuu -.Belonging to Ed. mood Lane j' Nos. i 43 aud part of 14 V the property of i id, Royster No. formerly tberornrty lot; '.Merit lihl ' -Hard i .Nos 175,aiid VJt, snpposedo U .th , nropertr of ' Mrs. CiemlooUig Nov5J,.tbe inprty,oCWiUwm Folk Minnt irr tv nit 1 Kos, part VtSI,' 51, iiosrJtUe' nropertr of John .: HA 1ild..J . . . . .U I.LK ........; ...I 1. 1 . ' ' 'V "-"t"u "j.,M"nKS rowers ; hnrt of ;iyToroalfy fl,eprH'e'ty of EieWcl Kllis i the pro. pertTtof-JnliOjfji-eeti t riurL of lir-ar.d wtinl. hi 7 li. ing to the heir of George NicJwtjft V'part of Voa is velfar of the eiiiieus Of this state. Dear Sir, Vou desire toy op'mio'q, upon the expediency ' of the Leisiatuie ad opt i tig measures t compel eir notes with ime eaotoo the payment oi eptcie t fo one can attach lans ntiments on these nomtH the few facta whichfl any.dtri te &d youT ngon the question before you, I shall-Mt ; me tew uonuies oesioweu. en thu letter. canrfot' but .regret that, any pnrtiou of th r a k . . ' m rr . LiCisia:ute thyiK tueiuselve called on at this time, to iiiter,fv;re with the tnauageroent of the IJankV'; arid if measures axe .atlopted tocorppel the Banks to tiav tDCciie immadiaiel v- iimli-r lha petiaVty if .'pay fug heavy ititerst, or damages in case f refusal, there canrfox.be any douot but that the Banks will.be driven iwto measures for their salety and defence, which mut increase the distresses of the country. Tb.it the llauks in.suspetij1i;ig specie pay ments have not conformed to then undertakings is admitted. But common justice and candor require, that tlej shou'd not be cotidcmrjcd for a cqu; se Qf conduct, produced in the first in stance by the distress of the country vand con tinued subsequently in mercy to. the people. The distresses of' the country have been ascrib ed to the Banks : The charge is, they first isv sued too freely in loang, and then rigorously cal led in. .'Iboie charges are unfounded in fact; vVoney, whether of g.dd ecd silver or paper, fnaj be too abundant.. When .die supply js greater than the business of a country rtqiresjitsTalue will be reduced; like tobacco or cottou, its va tue depeids out the, aaodity ,ia , ina'ket.';' And yet, freely as theBaukS'may have issued,Uieir uotcs within, the Sta'tehate uot, depreciated: but in every tranaacUonbetweirjie.citizeitr3 nf produce pf our soil received at all times and in every quarter an uniform and equal encouragc me:U ' -. we trattt- these pressures to tht pecw liar cjtitacttr of tke epveh in which we live, and to the extraordinary oce'urttnees which have iiguall&d ib". x The convolsions' with wiiiU yeYeral of tlic powers of Europe haveleen shakeuV nd the Jong" arid destructive warsirj 'yb' b H were engaged, with their sudden transition to a stat-of peace, presenting in the lirst i.-taece, unusual encouragmeirt to" our commerce? iiu Atitlidrawing it in the second even. wilt, tu iUvonted limits, could not fail to, be sensibly kit here. ' The statidn tdrt 'which we had to swpnort through Uhis long c&fiilict, cpmjlied as wfe' ere finally, to become a ptrtv '., a irj.nn;iuai Lvwtr. uiiu 10 OiaKO greatly No. S$f'venmby Eli Ggstl'jl(S3slipj,'o5edtobe he .JnhQect!lit(vVp.tof iso, V? pwpem X fhoLa 1,3 Hit ve auswered the .purpose of money, 'Fvt 1 i'"nBttrpnirr!'lJ 0 Joel Uifoan. i f" vm o,jjuiM.Mii, jBiner i aitu o,iar irom Wf g; too abundant .ao unirersu oimplai'tit Jihas prpvkiled dfrtne scarcity ;of iut)ney, and of Uie ;waMts:morfank;otesV thetkuai issued in ; loaas, Athink ;Dr.on..thaAWper-iitt'' lisvi beenyed ,iul:iijp(aymenU, ar.d sf ,fa from having -made beaVyjcoUectfjon from theif debt-; rl Iff el confidenpeln- th) Qpiniontji4t fgt hii dr.th.e.am i)ui lojth' isHottt ,iepe$fiittas..rge at it-ever ws.. . v.$uch 4rji esjb,i regard issues snd bat 1 FttAm'A'atlkSil riftjfen I'S.firiA itaa..1 TL ..' It cpiby JskuT: C. u'yatC't Not 7 and 8", formerly -Nos, 88; 69, J04,"tOai"fotn6i-lir Wirarty.!of ..John W. ' tSr .. w-J( i?5 jropertr of A ia Nos. , hef! the ropertji ofClPail.-s Pmms!V,-(- m, the 'Vl.ea. ; -'JUxi partf.jer,cccupie.I liHwgtpiaBiehaWsMis pmt J. I6t belong.ingt.ithe heirs ot Geor?e phola,, - ' : V "order of tho Gity CmiUstiKtiir l' OTMII;'''' recepai jo er&ctins at Xew :trav Unfortunatdiy the.twoefa axe m idjundant thai everyil man ,h rhbst answejt MHe afi&rntttive; VV hea therefore; ts:fo'a.4 practicable ipt vehttisiiscrjBt . wetJi inain in. keftbabi dixerftoduce rid,1aad?)ijitepou caB-fcprbM foljiesfl matii control; sbe.yicjitude efjtrade, itd rekulafelflur ii)enditBfs Tjv nrudene ahd Od ta-O Streets i tun, r ft nn V f kaM K .i.-.Il.W -ill t sixty teet wide, 1 ;;r ;r ' 'V f ...yjwvu .tiint gvss . ' irali uther cha&fipa-rif miaCartntio. wnn . j,.T founded f-i eaeb7 . , -vwrn - TT" '.TO V'- ,,;,f . , -wju pfopos&iy tor aaacuiw: the same, wit lrL Kim k;.Jil; u.j.ss Vf'Y'TlrJ v. ani.tfi ... at . s.iti w. it . a. .a t - . , . r . iW-'irJZ7r runl .w-jneinary isii. "Addre . 1 able,.jwft i VesU? Hwm t.Wh' ajobej d0s : two; iA'sieij the' wliohsto W ftoislied la -a neat workroaii like . inanoCr.tBid ' of ttttfibcst: mfwiiil.i .Tl, wmi. .sn tZ ir . v ' i 7W a r jiooitf tnrae Dunfired and tweliin j , J Homurett sua lourveuh to iront VLPvt uj 3ottr;j on'k stree ne other' tfi'AkXVDf r, Mw.rk.,. ereat vxer'i ,'tsj, Vitigefi heavy losses aadtdconTract cosioerati debtsitiisturbing ttie ordinary course uf a'i-u shy augafsh'tinj to a vat auiom;.; tne cirt.uiattng meUjurn, and thereby e!evatin. at or.c time, the price of every article a6ovea just standard, and depressing it at another be low it, tiv.d likewise its, due effect. It is mani lestthut the pressures of which we complain, iu ugiwi mcinui c, irom inese causes' So far the words ot Mr. Monroe. V ieMiug to these high authorities, I think the mstiesa ol the country is owing to the extraor. dinury tircurrences of the times in which we fivean, softla petty Bukt oiNerO. Carolina. 'fhtvl?an'ks ire censured for sfispenditig pe cie fJ Mots'. '.'fcelo.reHhey are' condemned and punished for this' step, its'cSuse and the ponsetj3en'ce 61 it should be enquired, into oBertfirolm.tai atnong them nut t;Y .lea.t itVeffect, tlve courefe adopted by the Bajik ttfJbe" United State toward1 nil thr Banki, Jiad cpVpelled trie'Baqktf, particularly Ihose'w t'lfe not th of s, to feiall it thtsir'debts in y'o y.'yv" uV"a "tranramaryaemaoa for mocifi ta all the -States was the :'e&;sequeBce ic .wuio. s ana me agents ot each particular Banklwi'r'e active ih draw -trig from; every other BanWv'ajf 'the 'specie tlief coutd obtairj to irive stre:iitV to; t hat-OJiti' ih whose support they .bad particular Mit est',"'' At the same time SpaVjsii miedi Jlr wer parttcalaf ly sought after for sbtprnafit to ihe'Kjist Ibdies,'- Jn thfi season of gathutg.lorth lJirolihidid nat eseape visits tiond, KanV ageutsbrikrs and pedlars, frtjia hbutb:ilYS, tfaiihjp7u ih,. in quick'stics R?(?.?CHI? oti r Bi'ikH and iuvkijig o seoy wa' is a fundamental i produce can no be purchased-with bank ruAea at les than one half the price thev corrirWaWp.f 5t in me farmer penou. in olDet , words, yocatti : f at this time, obtain in exchange for bank Botesy; 'iM not redeemable in specie, double the quaatitr otr."' r?t t produce, which in 1817 jeu could obtain .ftr th'f 'J:-AnF same suraiu bank uotes, which wee convertible -.- into specie, at pleasure. -. Lands : gud iegrte '0. f can be purcha-jed iow for at least one' tbtrjl re'-v f than in the former period;' pavaMe'tOo irtr'nhftVi same abused bardt nutea. lo short, weiertA':-; 1 ration of money, whether1' f uiTlijisj VHfirfif-ffi I or payivr debts whether ' to"rtrivAta uiM-ia -l ." ;ecHinsv-tlie"-WJ,li"'' I? of our bauks'liave answererf.itnJ "'ttill -tlAriA 'l&Ql I to officers iu settlement of exocoH of our .bauksiave answeterf.Snd ".t"5,' -''v'j.pa'pwse oi apcciv i louvt n Dreuv v.vp,7.r i arnplborpoeunities uf;betfl fnformVd; T d notv1?-! kfVow a single instance of deaHngs ween titilSc ' .r fit been made1 hettau.iK ba'nk m.u. -vmI '... . : -. '" -V was paid. Bank note may therefore", WiibViutiirr': V i . l.i . .i A l v ( ..j ,.r... . vuiiowuij U4I jS i par with gold and silver. If there is ay VjcHjV ception it is in the case oi those traders "and A l ; pedlais, who owe money to fie north,; , if theY sS:?rf; take our, notes northwardly, they pass them, at 1 a discount ol about two per cen t-i hey ''would 'Kf' save this loss if they would ship or wagoot 'oirV V' ''' produce abroad to pay their debts, if the ib-1" A terestof these gentlemen, in nurrber cot'bnevfc 1, thousand of our citizen' 'conflict ''A with the mtrrests'ef thef rest ofhis.-ni.,; r cab be bo hesitation in deciding which "inteiittv; f should be -preferred.: ' n- ... I AdmitiinV thd correctness of all Jhat is iajr' i? F ? still the question remains, will tbe irs)arn.4 '4i-- '4 I 1 uk, or io tne peopie.ot tn state My pninU i - S lod is, that such meaure would prrjbahlybe fa7- f tal to the banks and certainly yer injiwtoiV f'f I tbe peofjJe. '':'.? , '-, ;U- i j. '"If rt 1 ' ... I ''' -T-?-0- T in5 yi ""fgate tne amout ot notes Li 'JaWS1 -"' '.imw, J.w.oMqw oi specie in tne- vaults of at one loi a. in fave ol,the r debts. r- In rihjVaVi 1 1, f I Jal h sums ,f spe-. toatign it is udeluWV$ 4 neytaOiejMiijat ccrtHi vl trwtrsbas m prpve.njuujoia. -ny.eotesea 5 oMn ater dT, mad" , If the rffiW.fe: ;f lr mlfmm -is paid'oaiheic specie they weri W banks s Up i;lecie uede pa Lk!7 :7 SS&rJ? fe;- i. Tl W nseqdeflciSyalrr , e.f defe he "Y- &V!V"i ttSMM" 'i3 'ifthKt coufie of tue'r toaVoid'the pVaaltS tures, by ,etrtfyagance;;m4es.nd in living ? were bersikfed iSU datura r.f tb n.k..-' ,,f .L:t tf ;. A Il7 l.f?.E" .... Uom the state or the banka t d hufr. b v: last assemly it appeared thatheii.ba-B sessed bund,and botes due - to Ahem, lor thre? .- ; : millions of dllaf s more tfiahll the01emand wbicb coold he made-.upon' Um;l' Yit itronii' v as this statement jprTetf.tbeni f be, and dear" ''-pY iy.M.U putth,eir:stHvicr Wyohdiftuestiariit,:7l! also appeared that they held btt eyen bundfed? thousanddollars, in;ip$ciet torleefefcatiaa ; which could be madetrth'em f sjx hundred,' thousand vdollarsotboitft :'uji' ' lollar ra s()ecte;to!: meet? six dollars ofildeiiw'x" iince that import -their Ration' W'hW im iY' itoved, ar.4 f eVtimate' thWf 'specie aV this' time:' v& ' fPja.thte Srato- wautdbe ruined, while tbe j.bplh destroy theiK profits and abaot'thSr.nt: s iapecuaji)raaudF.;ro u Tbe a"tewatires betoiePbanks mbsf re v mimp. wnoic j 'iu'dgmiftf.iwiii WWufe therd, unmifidful of the riitftt be enforced ;tb" ihei 'lamount of fit UlionaUf r3 7 :mtjght;t;weroripdaT. ? topay ede;,regai paymeot;willess'.ti tarniaebt.7 , P OTf,4 Raised agathsithemtThey adopted .aadua the whole debt of the iimWt?--.wuKi .tlater ;Altefnative,Jb4 rasolved to felnsa be trbukhf oWin o'nb orfedt uboH'oar beadSl I ttrSPW.m cbis theUt thelsaAertirae:: fButV-wilf tne- deinands for' d s-to the .Lija'i -M-r-yJT T 7.V.".r.r- -s l?TOi;Wi"Pnwoo: epecie pay mental specie he made tinon the banks Firtra t fti JT V I- St. taWfer the safety -til" i .wjir-41 . iurnt ..... i uai as. sure i u rtiiam im iprinnciir kiIamaw.i, i ai .:jit.ij:L...ii't.t j -.i. w. - rn .LWhehad luttMr Ojwa and Sifi.r Jl "?re7 V The distrftsser6f the 'countra- Vrindi. tn tha i bit Jl ?tnUk- 4iL.'A l. tu.i . ' -r T--Avjrartnn.s;iiiieaaurs-t. t. i t s i : t tnui Jinepa ttt nrnrmr and nrnnarii kt ki. - v. v. v - i .i-., . . .... nave suggested, the experiment ought ootld' bft v I' The banks, in tbejieithbwfinititiol TirginiarippledVand "wrjaameim mtM hprYYY 'Kif.7 AlTU---.ii;..4..i ICnJ 1L. x ' ... 1. . ' 'v.': -i . bat ere nut vet buffiplsMta Tekwl .. a.. ?! . : . '. J .....v.j- - - .ivi vt.;1' iiiocia , jlv 'l H helhlbe V. wil rVlad ! V JdidclatcheryCIariditta BankrNpte.Iiit,, drav specie tortltemselve; ;frbe bankws c.Unaed i I ';A7,Ar7