. 4 1 s V i pu W t ti(XfT, Vat titr ath'yirio tICBir 4 4tUy mthfiy W WJ St ' 0 Ml peat,. faU Ww.' la wVfl ymn bra ably M?alf Of y lei.- re rxteeati le -' (mf'd W mm! trewgk, mm mUi to star i be m 'ikx. tan. is rattoaai, (a a A in r" tn nlirt.iii i'f-1Ji-' lili Jr..n.n i.raf -st.e .,i. h,... j,,. .j , m ... uMM4tua4Miru4aaHiM '?T1 T!L?llki' "1- J'Ci -U Cl 'llWww-t llkmmkmmUmfymm, U ie ium-L sex A Kll wUbteaUv 4 U t'Ao tax ero edftMOty aBsa-a s tate attseie at hU is, e pouw4 a lie II- U eu smjI ae Mhtmti day, ' ' - - 1 - (W mua irf On knK lb kU! t-wi Lm niMMihitil W e . of M , 11 : rtllAV MlMrttWU, Jl (,T tT, tws'tv IMWlLli IM ample tt takes Jb ' swalea M full aiMlim. Iumm iW mima of IU O "7lfHU Kaieifkftmai, Br. 4 Omt, aawarwej tie MmM aarrjw owf Uke wkete -rW .Wirts? will ba nr.-J im ik... r.. ; '' T. T-" n - T --i '-i 1 n t ' li.i u, (Omt . M iU fall Ui mw w cwJTtd y vo(U a mat f 331 L- -IMDUIUWMIMIillNlMdlkh Xj'B dcrV Bkratr, TirjinU. .a expected rreU in Bttbri Mcttiiijf Hotoein h place, o Mim- fcnkU iriiirmiiir itiMi, aptri 4 iM ar . - . MKD1CUS. A Wl Vb fccfar lh aaittt af ar vkota (anwftrt ia ftUMt.) altoafof Um r- 49pua af iirapar 7 aaUcr ttNiUiM." Im aama a m lad " irawi ay a wy ickW . mf. la fcMiua au UBpnaaapiti Mr det--Xarar, tun TUb SI AH 1 JhmfmU aUte4 yaH.y. IU IH WW tK. EDIT OH 1 aa tinted 1 4c raiu 01 far luvtr. Ilmvs imuli faa at. UriM, kmc aa UMbt u aim ltKHooeof Uta atoat ufUmuar aputa taAtaa ruin latinaioni iaa awtiaai anvarai huhmio Tlr.Mnt;Miw;i ,. .-.. .i. . . . aeiw crnhuiiif the baatr mn craadut o aaiaraaiMi n atnuuoa.aiMm, wimuh iuum umm n. . '. ' w, e. rli. iiiiW n,ll.i a .uiurik aula of tna nvrr ! Ita Ui Mrtrta aa4 UdCtroMA W Jaaa.- Kimkm .Td .nnFnt a, CiUon Aton, r.q. . Ccn. TJ.. plt,, ,rtuated-aa the auuJi aide ia aaottei-nlUga, "J;'! utkaaaa.aijr. Me. AaiUy r. r-a.a Wyaws Gen. 6. oi, m. ti.fkUdKe, e.q Mai. i or rir a eontw.ta oftha aaax, hanof aa rtV,k "VJ?? turned oa V i tulty tyrm, miter .pin'mir C.-4. i . . . , . .. . ,. " "s trailed aUentiun aiM wa th cotton epimwrT Kc .(oarp-N parkins ol W rr, tomrjlVr of the Tre. ! tor7. Tu' 6uim(r ot (pek. Urge ad m.cent. r.ry N, Car!in, in j(Kce of Sitr t GooJwjn, e j. I rhe pinHinj U carried on ia frreat atyle- la a few QJ lec'U. aU J:ol iK-.erlv Daniel. t Um pUce, AiljutsM i CoL " Jdaon wUt h.ve 19i ipindlea added to the 4.rw.i fii. .... . r , j ulliah.rat Tli will eruble him la meat large de- yeMral ar tK tKate. m PUce of Ctn. k. W .Ibana, mtlld,. !iou ht- acllt, mora or le.a efery U, be dec Jived . J m gjxm q.,Btil1f on nwj. We iuthid ,t- iv. U-.at t)a Conjwr. r aM i armri, &c. can upplani ant ifca raw matert- 5fteri(T, Clerk sail at btre lii,e un riMiortani: of I mtr. Co. I). articiDain a rreal ueataad io theVali. lor fci-tU'ng UMiir accou'it. TheSuprmn Ccul'V i tiil in gcatien llej .robi blT w'jonra neit "c k. roi T:R star. T CAI.VlN JOVKS, .IfrZX, ?1K Kry tattll-pint inoivu!ol will reailUr allcw Uiat, ri'irii.K the lat tinlf eenmrr, no ci"ie liai bio mere r- pul!(" iijfrfsnye thtn ll: -r ol mciiic.ue Within I hat pi ixl, it :n 'T Sc einplftlteiill v uil. ti'e door and iiiilua ul' he tei.".i of anihcsl i. - lure been Uiilaa4i ami ! the I-m il. iihilrthro: ic . nl jn.liitiout liave Ix-en io'ii preninjt f.irwaitl loitialtia with tiieir viri mi oMifritu- ( . im. Thr knowledge of lliisfMd iitror) gr4tifinsru eve-1 , SUPUEMB COURT rrtme wliii frcliinintcreit in the advancement ol ("-.U-a-i The widom of the Uegulature in eilabKihlng tht knowMe A-Il.ie it in pulitia and .ic lo en-, Su ,l en,e Vmr U wimvU ven totl.owwbo ciwraa the tpj. .t ot , U.r, an.l ..ntific rtaraich. it . a w rf lUe f u beneflt matt i'nl inme to rfflMii.lclibiT.ili4'-. and examine caivlulU. J , . " , . . ' "" e-re we a.n, ., .,,.' hi. . hef , opportunity if : ?g eer term. We may no hope, p.o i rtu- helivpa. All innovation i to , ''W judicial dccuitona of ouf Sute, while they ewe to rtw.-.t i iuh . lii.u. . stabilitji to the ar among ouraelvea will be received by T!i- ( ' r-.n.atK. re iati o luctorr of a brkfotioe ! wir Sisu-r Sratti, with that reaped that ' their impor. 4iiuii ( il'siRi inkinf M i jwoti eoiniuomaatino uf youi 1 1 snce, kpd.oorrectneaf merits. Prevtoua to the estab i. the Uat uomberoJ '.l.f 3trr I aay a lor vourtli.-o-. lisliipent of the preaent c -urt there waa nothing like ty. in gettfral, ot xUt .Kmmv (yv'P?) bili ia the tub. j ctrt unty. nothmi: like dispatch. Cause were Uunr ut t tf t -ia enmnjuniw-, .(! Ismirth aaice winch liM beau for ytlirt, tlw prtiea andl their Attorniea diol, and aitiy tmnieriut wtnera. it. ai far I i.r- . . ntiM . I hut not upon Ha nut-it a : time hadtnroWu ita vale or them. Mu- how d.tt'ert-nt, thejurlpca are bound by law ah'ch A a ia m.k. - every preparation He con tinplaie, by tiiat time u he able tft farniih ploufh iuiealo any detrutkl, made ot'tbn aame rn, a pair of lucti will out laat aeveral pair of hemp or tow. tie ia only wailing tor the naxctaaiy irun wheclf, ta comuteuce rrmkin tiu-oi. Hope of a larpe aixe nay alao be made of tlie snr, muA more durable than ef iKrtip, he. It i f.urul the farmerj Uui there ia a great aa inc, by putting Uieir apianera to in.tkiiig cotton, and ezchatijjng lhat raw material for the yarn. Some La die have travelled 50 or 60 mile to- theac wurka, and to procure tucli yarn aa they wanted, July IS'zl. 4 ut a aac an aaa aaaaniiTf the Htab that kia atalaaaent aaa Xetreat. and silt b prvvwt aacti lha LAoaua patera imn. jUcr iia. inmntaiutNi time immemtrtfl tiy tuiruervua wrttera, it. at oy own oberalion cx'imds, orrect. W'H il ia in rrla tMi to that special part of your r, in hicli tliat iio. p'rlant article of ilomt-a-to u viz Csjfse, it ilcnotninatcd a foreign poiann," thai 1 am constrained ta qoutiwi the cwrertnetiof ywur ohtervu inn. When, sir, jou eoatider how airong ia public prrjiu'.ice in (afor of tliia artklelbat Jt ia aa esulial item of thc4u tuiioui aaard ia reckoned by be temperate, a drKcioua la vi-raga, and by the Moe a de UgUUul tnriliHl. aweetitia; the recurrence of every aeventb ilay, you-caiin n be tuipristd il your tpecnlHliont on the aua ject li&ve excited both aatmiiahment and dinatitUcrlon. r Vua have denouneett the arti-lu Coffee, by dtaUrinj it a ' ioreigu ioisen.' My own obaervatiotia are lar trow ae gortling with yfmra lave, iu tn'n partiaularthat th Axcttf ivr uae nf Coffee, like ardent ajiirita, tubacee and apiuBi, ia tumlntary ui irt aperatioai on Uitfhnaian t'tera - My . ftfuJi'if- and obaervalion teach me th Coffee, a ntaderate a,uantitiea. it a.eeiille and an atreeabic stimulant. pvamptt (rj( txiliitei ahe apuita, and being lndililiB,J mASmmttmUja' r4H i frmtbfr "in rjartterr-t)eome,- an- lioflbr tb tln State acknoiJ ,jndrituiiand IfyHena, , v f ; . . LtetobtWd uh pt6feaaioiiarMa4Hnr.WM, xoeeannotbe ,p,,,rant of tfia modern friietiee of ..(, mu imlrement aeau We mean not nrnt iiliysiciKni in hi ixtnot,"M tn all dtxefiaps where mufh excitement i eigna in the arterial w venout sj siein, of tiio twa common. nomesue tiovri,gev ieo n invariably re commended ; and on the oontmrv, in , tha. elaa of diteafrt termed Naurose or Nervous, Cojffet i lnvribly pros:ri0 ed, as neknowlwljfpdl ncung more upon the vascil.r or ar. tfrial tysiem thati Hfion the ncrvoua, Yrt, air, it ia in t f f l-.t-t.er clntx of diaease it i upon the nerrnnt j stem tkat, ae cording t out-tlie'ory, such dreadful effect are 'to be ii pr!i'"niiMl 'rmu the iisk of CoTee.. v iln'Tns rimve tak'ti t)e liberty to quealion the correct ness of your ahset-vaiion, I lim-bear lo arge my owu cape rieuc - and feel willing ft rely upou the textiinnoy and ex-' periencf of authors otajstablithrd repatatioa and autjioriiy. la fnitherance ol'thlseiinrse Iprpoecd to mke twooi- three rxtni' u from nuthora of auch high aiithority aiid"extreoe U9efalne that every phyttuiau mast view them for his ilxtk or -parlour vindow bo k ; reijuesLiug tli" reader fo bear iii xnjnd that it iv t).VKpepty (or in()iKtmu,) in which Dr. J conceive ('offt e su extremelr vernieiotit. " A' nrding to 'die ix;ei'imei,t3 ol Dr. fYrcivnl, Coffee 7t lifKtiv Hslringent (oij ai ;i.,tp' il mode, akt aliment a tary Jinnentution, and is puweilulr dative Its medici nal quritrif aeemto be deiived troin the grateful sensation it prorf 'cet on the tomaeh, and fiom the tdlntive powers it exe:-is liin vii fit. Uenc it aesfult Oieetiion aHdrc Un ci the HtlAthe?( ' Vith r-tpeet'ta tle me"r!icl umpertit- of Coffee, exeitant and ttiroulal. ing , tlr.atU t doubt whether it relaxe the animal lalnict, J t shj's' oy ao.ue autUota been supposed,"- " to the phlcg- J io dispose ut every ciuae ol the docket at each urm I uniformity, ccrtnitily and dispatch, now occupies the fiat xf justice. The Court baa beea in aataion some wek and vre understand flint iu all probauiht that it will notxise until tbr roidiiie otAtiguat. Shaukl the Lcpj-Uture f eighteen undr.d and twenty one be ruijr.d by hheraL and enlarged views, and not by a narrow, and contracted parsimony t we may hope that they will go Sri, and perfect our judicial aystea. Much remains to be done, the present Superior Courts are to tally imperfect, wdinatead of bein? the nursery f row which tre to transplant Judges to die bench oft be Supreme Court it i only an introdox!tion.t the bar of tocyoungpractioner. I iiecuUfscMiifhttobeTessoned, andhfc'icompensa!lon kicre. aed. The-:6urt woadd edged would al ways grace the judgement seat. We tnean not ought against me talents oi tjji? present jutigesj we only ad vert to. the frequent resignation, and to the.acktjpwl. edged principle tha the bejich ia not the place for youth.1' Agaii), the chancery jurisdiction ought not in. our tsriroauon, to be exercised by the same tribunal that enf.ircev'he common law . . ( " jNorth Carol nu rs et litled lo ifnportanoe and rtespect in the Union, otid,h is her own fault, if she does ret x-et-cise tlie one anti receive the otter. Her liberality, and p-'.ron-sm has been exioUed , but she may rest assured, al;bi'.ij;h t-kv may cnne rivers to ; opened, canals made eve: sett:ob-of the State, & procure, tlu.of every-hero of the r, y!jpwon, that hhe will never qe'eeive respect r Strive at true greatiichs, as long Ak her judiciary system is so imperfect atui the pure streams of justice' ocb strutted . Cope J eitr Border. . . MtxTaJ CMrUirJlTU Lajt Baltlrf), " Cut Ilttitail, Utclj 4rri4 trwaa SJ4n,liit,; , VrtjjjU liyB Brpl a1)?tn fctt ia ei;tl 4 14 intke, 4a iun. S ma wtap. j pre'! aufl, d4 It ia aiU'aat lias)1 aaaalhl At l5rtiueatica ut tba Anniversary of Ajnerieaa la depeaduica at (hies, N. T- an addreaa waa preaentul ta the-trWiersbVe Gen. VVm. yiovdaae 'ol tho signers of tha dccaaeatHM of IndepeiHlenee -to which Oen. ftoti aaadaha Ml?!? renty 1 Vmfan, 1 he friendly and respaciful addreaa, which you prearnt m in behalf of a nunber of my iidlow-cilisea, who are now mt together, fur the porpoae of celebrating the InUepenUence ol America, gives me pleasure t because ilbnna-'. ta mtad, tuat tbe meaaurta wuich were pttr- sued, uud the firmness of thoaa-jneu who lived and were active in the revolutiouf lauriht foundation lor that eltemive happiness and prosperity, which te in habitants of the Coiled States, enisy. beyond wuat is anjoj-ed bj' the people of any other country, in the world. nd it a a consols ton to me to nopethat tneaame ban. pineas and piosptoitr may be enimed by generations jet unknowav" ' Pn OJTice Ettul&kmentTe National IateHitrenoer it xtea tuat ia t19 Use aouat J poaiage received a-a g8287 1 6 1' coat ot traiupoing K? 3,6-ProUt K8S, iiil. In U30 posuga received, 7:?.67t cxpenaea, R7?.260 tosa !6-t7.l. This tos is aunbuted to tha liiinimirtonof corretKndence between tha coounercial clues and the additional xpeoae occasioned by new boat raudt i That during the present year, other new. poet roails, uvx)lving an additional expenae oi tjO,wv nitre been stablkhed, an4 it is esumated that the reccrpts win tail tin i Tarine aboraart airnu. so or j uiousana dollars i ao lhat tba revenue ox ate ruat umca-tot tbe present year, will, in all probability, fall abort 100,000 I it' at am aiuntaa 'a svav 4aav.aatBwawa r The Balsianora Board of health, on the 17th mat. state seven new cases es malignant lever to hate occur red since their report of the ldih- Ail these eases have originated hi tha paighborhood of the wharvea, one ex- OTLJTWU, iovui wiua UKKV IV WIIIC UVUUt . M lJ Hucr, therefore, that the disease is atill confined to a small part of the .city, and tba " characleriaed.by an unuautl degree ol roaiigoaucj.lue Dumber ct cases have been Th Cay r Mirtfal auuirnoned to meet W: the Cut btmw York for t tha trial of ComraoUore oarron. aurr ine cxawiaauon .01 evaeoe .c has come to a decision honorable to the chsrte, ter aftitst Ofucer,' wha it i Dppoetl wilt be tmmediatfit rftiiisuuti to tue oom aaa emo( tutwaotaf hit eoejtmHeiflaS'r-VI liva ,IwJ otj .: :ujiEFoaTiiKuvDaopno3i.v . - Ws ilrct.thetd(lay:r fov Ualcr! f f AtUdms, la Kmli, mH'i6s)-( Tjff was !td'Mavtatd le e whe daJ tute Ij I'Msdffei, i miatake IW aaiz'ir pa icriheJ t!i phai(.Ua("ao4 tS piticrt icnt. ertJ. ,Aa csmiueof phjriciAie Pads, lesm- mj tms laci isnmentatvij otdercd ane poued u Vioegar (a t adminlslrred thee rWa a daj le aa wtforteoaie reiag k wa'itla.ed me, itroiUrTnanner the rrt&tt ai the ute t t far,titd. We Mtwider it a ttitT tttpee Hah Ikif state latent it tne9tion i aitrdnie or, lha moat dreadful ef All rnaladietj aotl rhiai, if t Becixal, cab be etMlf obtatBtd. ' ' , . LAtS FROM FltAMCE. ' ' ' v Ji'ftP rrk,'JJy,7 ' r By tha brig Oliv, Lnnl of V'ewburyport (rout Havre, and xa days trum tha Usar a, ws have received tba Jul lowiitg verbal in tali. gikce , fluia a paMmgrr. h w currently reported ia Par'ta, thai ir.fm-ma'jou aVl bacas received uf la death a( Buc apart and that Ba bdy awHWrigrrtyrarfaawmr, rtath er h wocld find a place Notre 1Mb or Westminster Abbe, was uncertain. ' . A The CLinnation of Louis I8;h was to lake place at lUnaes, cn jtbe 05th August, and ta the Pejia waa fio much enfeebled through ejrtrcme old ago, the aeveroAny was to be performed by Cardinal Oooaalvi, Jhe ifimQ Minister ot hi Holiness. . - ' " Lat intelligence from Turkrjr states that tba vin guu us uie army ai rnnce lptuanu, tuc urtK l.ora mander in thief cf the iaaurgenu was at AdriaiMiple, a iistance of about thirty teagttei from Const antiaople. The troops pf tha Grand Seignior had been defeated Is, dispersed,. and4 three Turkish frigates were in ra. , diatas in the Bosphomas,. to take tba Grand Seignior r his riches, and hia wives anj concubjuea, said to am.-unt to 800 to hia dominiana In Asia. Captain Lqnt has dispatcLee from Mr. Callalin for Government. , . ' e Tha above intelligence waa communicated by one of the nasaengers who leit Paris the da previous to tile sailing of Uie Olive. '-3 . .! KOTICE. fTHB aale of property adYei-tiseiT to be sold bt M, Mr ' I decal, Esq to vv'arrentoii, wilj not, I hope, baattribot-, J to want of pum-tnal ity en.inj part lor. an tha deli very of the premises,'! paid la cash, int Uidy any evra share, btit , su huodredaod iiy slsi dollars ovar, aan be rol br reeeipt la my possestioa. A balance oi thrca, innusaud dul lsr an upsli, due by Messrs. Andrews aud Jeaet, is tueaauteof lhUl.- ' . " A. ITLUNKETT. Warrenton,July .BVUSf. , , 1 : 303, - .V, I KANAyAV, X 4, M, 0ttJt PUOCLAMATiOS G6ping&t ., Governor e Eaet i'iairfa. THS UkYlOK. ' TOTHR1NHABITANTS Of 6 AST FLORIDA. On the 10th Inst possession of this Province will be given to Col. Hobcrt'BuUer, the Commintor.er legally authorised by the Cnited, State. 1'he bpaoishf Omcers and Troops will tlierefore evneuste said terriury bn the day ahovaroen- imilic awl tfentair,aeopof Coftee oke or to,houi aftar; i!neU "J tbe aame will be oacupied by the USeersand a naul.oi wliit'i Is better.one bam-before, may be of ser- j Troops of the Wmted States, agreeably to th ,ueaty eon. viae M Aremste Awarfaa and present ot 'remove a propon- aluded at Washmsjton o the ir Feb. 1819 he Royal sity to sleep. In easesof tfaymtdic astna, topocbeniiiasit, Warrant of the Siih October u!umor-and other Orders lb ke. &s lc. CoBte often liroduees the best effects n is possession as a Cownusaioner Of said 1 ovince. As there.a dmnpstia r-medy better adat ard (0 believe ' periidt-1 tow . tha.HeMvdrjt ja eaTsated, the Spanish Mlborjtyf m est ttca-t-acnet, w. ty th ttomaeh after fhkine an oniate. at aicliU are abated b a euo or two i already atauu lo you the siipUlsitpn made by our ale rmedv better dai ted fo lieve perisdi-, swn M mo.oenvery is eaetteu, tlie Spanish authority tn , vifdck pneernl imwoi ff tmr.m teWi'-! ,fl exeraiseoTits lunalioiia, will oease, and the American anell. The 4teaviiiesa. Ki.ldmess, head ache, j'eumiuenaa.. ' v . . . -Jr' V aerrafflt offection, which attack some peitonsj W &J t mform you of this importaut ahsnge. I ' fkking an oni of strana Kolt-e Apd in support of what 1 nave elsewhere (aid of tlie use and effects ef Codec n the Ituma at stem, will add that Doctor itsrtob (detervedly frelebrafeil s the most seienti lie ehawacter thi cnunli-y hat proiliiced,) reeom mends strong Offue ia several diseases, ;' attended with weak arterial ac tion ' , He foi-bidaats osa where there ia mtich fcrbiJe action. " Coffee hi uselqh s-Aen itigftien t ietait. 'T he pr!rn- -tnaiieamt'eorpnient ai miu:n bnetittl ay Us use. In ome dcticnle huhiti it proitiiets iiejvous sytnptoms. Jt It (lightly Hstiipgetjt sqd ntiicepie,'Kifaft ai'meiiMry r nentatihn, ico. Jio-ScelMi;Uerby, page 46, and author!: ties t bur referred to J s , 1 have thutK sir, selected from a mass of authority a Tew extracts eurHy 'wirslici(uy of yoiir t.oiioui renteating the. modus oppei'iudj ol C trice na tha ha,inah syttemi '1 1 lie reader VU have lorne in niiiid, as he 'neratei! these -ex- tt-aets, nK rpu altriliOf- W the" use ol. (his artteje one of lh!.tTinst liirmidahla rA distreniiig maladies to wliieb bu nsamtt is liaVK-, that it.' u 4. (I ilrop, the teebnieai ubrasc !)-p'py, ss I wish lo b9 generally atvlers'eod.) He will, have teen bow bryonr idea on I he subjee aarrea. pond with those of the Uanied I'acoUy, to whon both you enrf'myavlf, as well as posterity, ruuat ever remain under great obligations. -As regards the Hye' as sf snhst'urde for Coffey 1 have little Hiy m 'I bote who are bWssrd wilh health will probably sever br injured bj th moderate,.Qsa of ejilteroT thote ar ticle The 1' way possibly supercede the Ooffes, fa eon'sequenee ol',ll. metallic smell which hit been, charged upon the latter i Ibm sure, however, if the fntm i mtop umpire ur old aeqiiaiutaace wilt continue to maintain bia post.'. . .'i.y ' .' ;-',". The writer of- this article baa been assured by a gentle tn ofthegreatest retpeetubility and ot. undoubted vvmei ty, thatriuriiig the period of n entire whiter, he regular ly drank raw fttortt tf Cqjfe peidiein-ae qtart in the aueravng, tha remainder tt Bight. . That through, the Whole' 1 be was anusUaiiy exposed to titciemeui weatittr, aaa , , Underwent great fatigue both ot body and tulnd. . That jfm 1 usually ute aaie,i tie-! tha aenee af ether .stimot us, as was found the Coffeeaa excel lent cordial an fve iand that'tie cwrer enjoy ad halter hh ecOaJifa, ' . - -4." hilichtful restora. at apjperiov eoTernrnent to secure to you tha free exercise of the Ca thelie Ueligin the possession of your property,', and all the enjoyment that tins Treaty' guarantors hsve also in forsacd YOU of lie in kiieirex and nrirtectVnti offered bv our gtrveriinkeut tnfl tlinse who may wish to emigrate lo an y of tne ?pamsn doHiiiiiit1anl parucuuiviy the island or Cuba ' 1 now eeaseto command tmt alnll remain with Jou (he limite.j time for the futfilmei.t of some -prticukafi. ol my iloran snivi, hih reseltttion I expect will receive the sane lion t.f my superiors. Meanwhile, those dt'sirous of reniova ioj,- to tUa Havana, will alTiyt fiud me ready to reader them aildie sasistanee which lie in' my power t sod wberaver I i placed, to testily toward yoa the paitieulur esteem aud regn-'j yoy nre enuueu 10 THE pCRACOKENirviQAVlNV' ' T XV the nDtlerpig'tied IVanch ilutanjrjg gild reairling atQcracoke, do herehr ' reptesent te ttjve- I'uhuc ' (or. die , trsnetit of.Alaeters, Aud owAet-aSif VeVefs, thai ft), jeverel dsije pAst we were of the inioi tlit new Chanel .was breaking otitoufi4.tlie point uf Ocracoke, till On the &d ifit. weUcarue through th wey for the put pot e or tout) ding it out and' have the pIctYaitte t elate, that uo.Uia bhealeist art we found & feet, althunghhe tide had lalleu sever at ii.clie ; and that it t' pot more (ban 5 to. 10 bards across thiaahoat, viheo jrbu drop directly j into two ittiiioms eacn way ana mat me uae doesTtot Croat die. chatinet as luirrierl, but that the. cluxntlel waken in' ajrue titrectibtt vt.tV the tide,' by; which i will not. be likely i SII up, but improve 1 daily and-though the "WirtrJ waablnwlDg fie.h from the 6outhihe chaenef was perlcctly smooth grid -did bet break on tbe shoal as foruierly, And thai e eor.9ide.red it the best and the aalebt chaaDeJ .that w have ever seeu at this navigation : and what is titl more favontblr,' the Shoal bow makes on the irjDer side of the point ol Ocracoke ; and should a vei ael go oa to it drawing 10 feet aod not be able to get over, there is pot the lea&t danger, its the flod tide will bring ber back into the channel. We aouftded the channel again on the 4th and found it a the day before. J THOMASSTYRONi" CHRISTOPHER O'N&AL, sr. - - 3 AMES BRAGG, : v ZOROBALLP GASKINS, , ' , ; ' ' ' JOHN BRAU V $ " WliULlAM GASKINS ' ir ."v'-'lvM.LIAM.TOLSON,"--'' - BEN JAM IN WILLIAMS, ; -Qeratokeifultfii 1821. ( . 'j- . ' i ' te4 U oft Kminded of the thing we know ,"- f Arudpg' jhe bimple,, remediea,. prgcribed (at i Wion.-Voa ate. now going to give a signal proof of MBK cumpiainia. pet nap no one na eiouu your -virtues, by obeying Hia Mriesty's eoromands.' AWrk the test experience hettet than turnf cork thlshyr.ge, tnay all the viaiMiluJeatWeireniustaaaet have ! uaefuftWM in the bllioU eholic od holera madeywAaulbr with ul. herofe resignation, ertse. Aa a imortk. ha. K.mnmn,v ArnvA mRA th unn wunes oi my orsn-e, -iaa apraur ot the aacnuae von uavtt K r ' . rtj "- " mde to your eoMntry ,Whall, as 1 always have done, bear trsttloony M all ikfise I tm spnrisedof, wBp may require it? I IliUter ajj MlT with tb idea you will be happy which is ' the sincere wish of " f .-:.- v .-- J -I I v u rr. - . ft -K . 1 . m vm-. ris;iii4riiu w ennwniusni, , jtnLrn uut riix trn, toionei. St. Aupmine;' July 7. . MISSOURI Th bill enlUled." A Soernn Fublio Act daclarmg the assent of this Stale to the fundamen tal condition contained in A Resolution passed by the Congress f bc Vnited States, providing for the admis sion of thia into the Union on certain conditions, was passed ui the House of epreerittive on the 13th Juae, ayes 56 noes 6. Of these laat, Messrs. McUirk and Heath enlcred Uieir solemn protest pT thV journal of the tlouse.M'he bill when it went up to the leaale, waa amfnded by str iking out all of tlie preamble'; eept:theTfcHatiVe-part.'' Finally, 'a cetifcrence took place between the tw0llouses on the 19th which reaoV ted in aa agreement to strike out some words, front that part bf tlie Preamble Which-the Sehete objected j Vo" after which taytrr tbe St. Iouis Begista af the of the yeat fendei-t exped lent a republication bf the method' of ite nse. Take a eoiDinon velvet corV burn It thoroughly, macerate h fine, pohr upon it a tea-rpoon full of brandy, and edd; a litile 'notniej and augar tonuke it palaiable Theqoantity to be, taken. at a time need nut exceed the , half of a camriioneork, and it Way be diluted with wafer, end increased in quanti ty until care iejTected.i-JV" ,F Jtipet": r-. . -i r;v'-it? derootra,teHl in Euil6pear wtll't iti mr - vwa coonDyV lit thange of eeed if highlj'advaDta gevus. Wheat tertaiDly degenerates if capstar.t fy lowrt, n Jihe' same Soil Benefit would result from changing e?d y eo from n ntlgbboriog farm to JfUoiher j but still greater utility would be apparent if farmert remote1; situs ted trom each Other cu!d be induced to make such exchange! R0M the subscriber on the sUth inst. n boy JOtTT r-.be I about ll)Varof jS, I fl-et 19 hiches high,, yellow complexion, woiw off a white fur ht; cloathing out rconlleeted, tie has; been in my eerviee mr several years, , awrrtilinort eavry pertoe that hn visited Raleigh in t.p course of the Virue nf doubt hss a reoaHeetiou .oJ bim, further detaripUaai is therefore deemed umieeaaryr Should say persoa twC or hear of said boy (hey wUl eanrce; a savor oy inwrnuus; mm ui mm santa ar niaii sw Qiuorwlau. 1 ivilt 4m-4 MWMmi n 111 rihtluA ttw tl.a Bi.nrul.....:. . t m- 'A envacy bibwoii ta namj;u, or uoums u coiiUiieu W .' .. -i flltlF. aubswiber having removed his for to Haywood ' i n 1 r nJ , I (Chatham) and it being neeeasary to aluie hra-buainess 4 WKbuut delay, ha reouftU those indebted to him.' and fetUo their irates and aaauunu s aoan as peaaibta. "He ciubtbuthittoroor-irwflbnEbaase. . p Halaigh, July ftO) It31. r . ;, f r i.. atyAt' rWILlf give the' above rewirdtosny person who wlsp preheud and deliver to Ute la .tha count v ol lvsh. aee. tain Mulatto U irt aamad Sally Adktns, about thirteen veeri old, and well grown of karsgai The above airl was bound to me by th County Court, and absconded on or about th- iih way ol iune last, Ao part of her clothing eau be dtscrib- ed -,- ,t C -v'; ".-.-:,?::?,- ' . --'.--. ."i ' baft at ata aWbi.iWi. V.HtTLYf : V'-- - rw-w L KsskCeunty, 14th July 1IS1. s).aa m rrrM , "A LLSebsaribersltvtliaalllvERrAf wuilit '--that Vspetv IM 1 -LI. -1 ft . ..... v . - I il was psDiuucu ty -vapt. ttonert raratvy are requeued: to take tha earliest opportunity of .forwarding the sums duo fartbe short space of iwo moatas, wlikh 1 enly fitly 'Ueaia . .... . . each subscriber. Refeigh, July t2l ft.. ' It. BATTLAdm. 80-t.' .fwSenh,':ltoss. MaWgatiy Bidebqard .. , ' .' Vditto ' Hecreury and BookjCta , oiwp. rvniua rret ditto 'Bureau y ditto Diaing Table ditto sjiock Cat ' dittos Work Table a v v l Mapte Crib ' ...... V- -; YWsAaHaudS'. - v : t Stuffed ay ChaSx . ' ' It Windsor v do. ". : ; ', ,. -. 9 Arm ' 'do. r '.$. ' . ( . "A ElegdBt Pamtinp lo frame .t . ,; -'" . ditto Prints .:Jv; i-nX. A. 9 Stoves, and a variety of Books, 5-;; 'V',' iMost-of ihese articlea are aew and bshiVruble. awd '.llV good-order j tliey Will be sold aery chest) foi cash.-' i' - Raleltflisrjula ttA. 1AA1. 1 .it . . V - ' - mr -' J . -. . V' Sale' at Auction. V i Tuerfay aie eitt of Augtuyf, wlll he jw wt(mt y ' , 1 f reserve,) oa tlie 6 remise. thtf leeant titnanna (V,. ' ' tn-ivate aaimty, he JUOUKB At LO't lately bcaupieif br 'V'.' Capt. Wlllinm wt, .ituuted aer the Governor's House-' " ia the aity of Raleigh. . 'J ha dwelling Wehs 4hr V roams and a wkIc and aooveiiient ptasnge a jhe first and ' ' sraond lloois, with a cellar and roou.y garret A edaveoieut ? A ; rfk. a I. . 11 . . 1 . ' wwieB,9giuH uuvk ami ounies, an(faa excellent Well ktlifard. Th lota, cootaia six scres.-Terms, nutel at ' 60 days with sufficient security;' aegwiaUJe aud payable at ' vuMcr u u umias tu tsateiKu : av ' V. v t 'r;K?::' -' ' -5 WH"V a-aawajmay aaa ..,. . - - - -; J, - t 'r, n. ' I ' .m. vT""r3 TV""''! -' " ! V . . ri tlti VIVJien V nlSua u t wit tw i. ' sol ieJted thosa' liuHhted to the firm to . make paymvtrt "V ? or settle their aeceunu by nrnje few have paid aMeutiuix '"' ?- ." .mot. w.'.w, nvw amuusw uiw, iMHinm IlKRt BW ' V ' v be-under tha hewuity of pursuiug theshorteat Juodv of Jht'. j . ' 1 j leetlng ,ft -J vC-.'-i - ??.. 4 t kaieigh.jniy 4. i$sko '-iK 1': M-trCVr - 4 ' Bf aoparUershlp of Itsgsdalt) t-Royaorl la dletolvefl. V VV . iuiitttiyt,imf - if? ' ,' a' 'lm..xir..'- -