r vni fr: "V. i i t - fs U J" I .l.il -i .';t. 4 n .1 5 . t c. . - .--7 ' a. MrtJiraf6lhi(t-State Gazette .r i .1. f -i . v . ; - . .- , i- (..it - , ' . . i, .4- . i .. . . - .- - - ? ":Niso.- :v::i-'V,: j:fr:; Raleigh, (N;-o.) fiiiday, 8kiti:mbi5U r,' tssir-a i i.s, . , ? -ToJAIL ? . fi v ; - . " j ' ,.',"T. .' orTrnu);rVnirff;lvV . V ' ' "I Tr.n.ur. i Vrl I IiTl. llliaa L. DtrMson,- relr C.tr wio pr t UBel Locke, Jnlo5 tin. iftW4wmrr .-rr.r?!,-l,n. vJJ!! IL'lr .t... iht 0UC.V. lD.Mtd. ..J th. -i. de.in LWcka to Uia Li. oa ika.l3ta.la tha . V In m lSZlr tfurcsaid, woo d moi to fupTcd lb neoeHiiyaf riT' inr )v th utual iwitii of call utxxi them t ir -Mra l Oii4 cur of- mn4iKt of Jut y, which kiihetlo prT(i nn kM eowlwcir to the pvrtlie iuientfl, thM ix th csUbliihmciK.of that kirh chu-cler, m . nioe Olficcr, which ihy kv m dear rvedly kecjnlr. el, d the public TrtMurci1 viD thetefcre oMidtf b hM proptri tt) lted hirBMlf ltirdt alicoMCrnerf, bci. W thill haw rc.inOd lheo, With U Urcby IMant .vpcta't to M dMt. that lk nM J 1" Jin4 when U, Moniet dm nd becomar (tiS io Ih4 ' , , f" " ' . T'j " ,'i"".Ut, tr the current year, tmm TaxaUott ,t tery t5 t t pWfUii,oiuU.bU.ataraiaSutcA;W I OrJvrcJ. tnt iulitutMvi U md i he W.Urih bur (or . JOltJi IIAVOOU, ruq. Trttire;r'. i waarw to m huu 4tx uia aouiar mart boe.M t.lih--iU tuVir - JlJt.lo ' Tto.Utr et aari ylraJ, awcr o rlimur, or jul4r.( ai J.VeurrU wpOctl-a"- l;r' n tmuuj" ' I Jhiiitution, 'beim a aoue 15 ; M"tK" "forty ".feat -t- 1T I7-' i:'7jrrz. "l'Hft.Coiwittea appointed (or the Utinveraiir olrN6rth Carolina, iab M eoutratt ftr abrarlivg tWWliigf of tliut aviJ, jid two nana. Wig,: wKh ibinpk pt iHr tar oi4'V koalwWnfJ 4no.tr idtaai J-Ol M' tliick at U.a, lut (obta tnuara amli, andTc ahe 41 Inch to dte eaiUfc -f ' :.;''--' Ic w fha .onraatsaUi M reqiitna ( foiah aMnylffa, aii, aa.ffoHMr, aii cry tber Acrial aaaryf to a jpomiiletioa, ft lli twork toi rrmova Uit old ' aliioglua. atiHiJillnjC. an J to iiA.th and feeliter tb ort M r' befor tlx?1(Hh y f JaaaryMt'- "w( ni,; U ;f . f :v PropoaWor aha fffr of (jnu on hkhthi work mar , ' 4 JOHN IIAYW ltViJ!Vat IWr4:-.iu; tfl ..L'm 7 WILLIAM iDtK.' ) AtJin tor lbrCa&.- J UOO, 5 m-Uaaof appoiatmtai is . a. 3VlKMeleal ieturea t5ireomfeneo')i the UoWfalty ' it MarylaAdDa the last MtdT,l OctubfllMl dalmred by ibe follovbtg aatUontn,, a , t ,t . -.laaniy iraa vilfe Sltaru fattjaon, C4. ,t, r.' Mutena MeJica Samuel Baker, M. Wir?" L ,1 'ortct Richard N.Hnll, M. f"J t" - 4 j i-twitetli4jjiaa-a.MaacU McDoTelVM,t.i --a -."4.. jaw--' .' ',r arlbn BAT1LE AT tlAMSOUR'S-U atVd pilucetl'Sii- lfehVV "Clintotf tit Virtfdl'the A -f .'.'i Hn .y.'i j j.y .vm'..1.!! : P . ' ' f a left 5est- ),icji , M.eM gt tno, ouo in I' tcausoi iu revomtion .mera weteoore ruf?? troops tabth' AeWaivlTt'OH,' to' ii'c id a few .tvecki alter tht'tiirrecitlei' cfharlei. ori,"detah'denta,'of BfitiiK troy bce'ujnttftl.e 44sn;teii a t 'col on ef "Bf o w tile" ma relied tip the S. jc'ajD.bap river fn'd occ6pcd',Ait;iiita 'lieatcdaqt lord Cornwallii 'nus J 1 i tit L .11 an tae Waterec. ana lord Corowallia 'pUsltcU 4d;.taCmeiil. woyeaienl'Jvta thyeefold I'tfAi, tq interctpt.ttie ing WUU,! leirrConjtiAMital trpdp to 'the'Vejiel ,of gVnertl fdnd atChWIestott.i,; the ecnd, to ip$a ad.eajr co'tifBonicion mm Ika ScV tan NetAcinenti on'ie'l'tttlkiv f1rAitfiUrrVr.pb ndCTknia.'ti'.arlr W.l rW'thtrd i1ii.'X,2k'i. Ute Wig? or the Vii6a"i(ejt1einerit Vthi C (aybav,nd 'of; . toe,;.ootVeteiVVb'iatiiti'' rAiiirut-varoiina.; , ettec iilch U'c'se mbvdJ 'enW were cilciUte'd to'pruduV ufbn "theub tic i tnUi ai,iacreaa4 ly tbe deUat bf 'cefo fid Pator4nd'the aVautitcVof h4 hiQh,,' The atatea of.uuth Ca'rotiaa aoiT deof'sia'yieWcd B.'oltfninsibn to the iya ''authorit.' aod tte corn. Ihander fa eltW. Sir llchrv tlirvln trharl'.l .with ttie nr.aln arm for New-York; leavifirf 6ri- tnquanu troops qr ine lotiUiero aervUe. erlt9. AUMSTliUXQ inform tha M.'mhrai nf kl I "Ll . JiV. I L. I 4i..j ... I 1ig.tb.t ih H well prepared to aaeomooda hem will, l''f C9'1n(f dejeWaA lord Ctif nwaJlll.Mrho hoation tba tuM reaaonabU terma. Her i-ooiua are laice ! tmittediateiy f enarrvd "to ChafleitoQ id'eitdbliali wd aoaveuient and aiuiMod aaar the Ciairt-Hooae. . ... '"fjucll cpuiiiierclal, regulaU.b'a th acw atate at "Hh aora, Raider. kai'.; .,;, m" ij ? 17- iialaigh, Ang 30itf(it.fi T 85-a a WILL bo aokl h Frid-iy uit Slat day nt September next, . , ... perwoal a periihkble property belonging aeaid enato, co fMnip or Eleven iikety Negoeai num wamin it, abiUli-ea, boy aad gtrkt AlaO Uoublcl and Kitchen Furoitura; a jiiooj which an elegant t'iltM S!iip,'a excellent eight day . -alock, i-!o Uord, UioiosTable, btdiaud Furniturt, Vlate, is Kt. lit. Alaa 6ne.lione,Co nd Te, Uohe 'Ternii4f Sl Niiie maulbtciedit for all tauma; ot"e fnurdullari. IJw aad approved aucunoty will b rtuir- i TOUNGtllenUentan who fUi obtaiiief tfi'e degree f A M. and for ar yeara put hao aaiwriiilfcixled an Aaaderoy tntbla atatei M ileairuiaa of eogpnj'-aa Teacliur: In aoroa privet family lor, twelro tauntiia, eontiiaeitelag tUa lat of Uetitier oesA . Teaiiraqiiiala of Rioil lieportmeiit an be produoed. Lettera aiitlreued to the uuderagncd at HllUborouffh, (iMMt paid) U be attended to. i- ii. . ' . t A ti, WtBiTF-U. . uybjborMetwN.C. Aueoat IT, WU.' &5-0t. K T KTERED tin the atray honk of Orange county,. a dork' TU bay Marr. 4 feet riocbee high, l ight eye out, a apot in tier lorheaii; had aoi e back, goea aumewliHt lama oa the left bind Wm; Valued at g 0. ' V - -1 . Kterel by Jame Mordouk, Haw-Fieldi, a bar Horfci 4 icv 1 1 itiehua higli, aodilfe apota, bliod of the Wt eye. 13 or . 14 yeara old Valued at S . :" ' W-'i ' . ' '"- Knterud by thomaa Tate, Itaw.FieliU, a fcrcy Mare I dr lyeai10ld,4ei7ineUeliijh, valued atgttl.' , ,': B1KNAHAS O'FAlliilL, tlanaer." L MiUsborOugli, Aug, i?3,,82t. XQOK.: I.OK k Xegrb Fellow who left me 60. the tfth f atareji lant. by U.e mm of JIM, M dark or faUtok eowplex.. ion, rattier a high fondiead, aod t think a little Inclined to bo bo.rn;eil i of Uia middle ttee, and about 85 or 26 yeara . Bd but a few daya be('oio that tim pureUted Imw of a Mr. W. Hijdoall ot KonhoroberhiiMl county. Tits - .ginia who Watctio tne Uwt the aaid fellow but a frea null Child in that eountr, where" it it moit probable hrwitl.. uc,.wl(vllo,- , uaTonuvouui ontuo wijl endeavor to pat. 11 aln. nah( or deny bi cwo name aod Jim rbiia t ,oo TljHiloiaoriliujitiite, North Caroliua ittMlVirtiiil, are yccjoeMfd to cai'mine Uieirjblack priaoneii for Die deten tion oi tlitr aid Mlow t artd if aecored iin4 n in the liifeo" .uta, ao that faun agaia of Jo, Kbove ,. reward will be promjy jiaidv -.. i , -j . lie anid fcIlo ,ia of a good oounteaanee, and would W , 'eonalclered by any peraoo .1 beinrf very Bkely. 1 1 lannotf sll dviei ihe U10 di4hlns In which ha mm 1 . fevnlljjii, I. .l .- t. 7 . . : 4 "- - ' Uiiog riqutretl, and tu Arrange the cittt adioia itratiqit yt the statcv leaving J.rrtt Rawtjoil iq ooinirfand at Cato6dert,'Norlh.Curtrliiii hid not yet heeiv tdtaded,' find the hdpea Juf thi revof 4, tion jn he. foulh icemcd ( rtfettOnJi!ie fforU which lliat ataie should hjake A. yfA ' ChArteston aurri-ndi.Vt.'d'.i'ii'ihk 4' ..fMli mibiithattto'rtei reaUd"col'on.1I3utarl in't forty mi!c;.phth ittUr tnontfiTaileiorUe he WaXba aettUihent. fgttetoNwth'CaVoH. jTve. jUtiaJo. iasse, aa by the 5t1' 6f .liiiia ncaily nittts . buadraa'tnea' artea.hled neaf CliiN t 'nOi chat dar inteiLisence va . i r. I...J TarftitviWaa vo hVrcturo id Carnhdeci hn the best dar Hie militia. 'aftWtftibV... lottc that ider lord IUwdoli'i'Jtd, Aya'xb-creelt thirty ilea aofi.h of CiiirlatteViad i.aucd order. 'fir tVi'if to repdexvwus oti the IO.H at Reea'a deal at. th cliec at CIaiiott.'t.TP "d.-rf..c. ed bj'gcriera! Ruthcr'rtrivitKWdera" t Ha v their arias in goid rcpak iiitt'ba 'Jo reailtnc.a ,tvi, nuuiucr vat., t major uavie naving recov ered (rora'the' wound reciv'iij.iiii-. at-Sto no, again tOoK the Held, and barlfhia cavar.y w.i.irrc .o rctoquoure oeiween Charlotte i& po.hde d. ' tvn .iafprm'tid of the Advance of, :narfof (he frbohs 41I-V4 14-4-1 anttea the pUota,tian, erehteen, milea n'ortneat' of inlra Jolte.; ,T); militia, to llie numti. of eight hun dred, prompt!? asuembled j and on the 12th, haviqg .heard : that !;)oid; 5Rafiddn'had riitlred to tho Hanging rock; general Rutherford' ad vanced en iniitsa blallaid creek, v' On tlie lith the troops under Ma comraaad acre organ tyeJv" jThe jeavaWy, sixty-five; in uuinbe. ,doder major Davie, "were ea uitnie-J a.4 'ilrnirnnn- ' an1 famed tt .m.trpopsndefcapaiBbbiinmoM iod Martin j a battalion of'three haidicd ii -ht . Sfnce, general Davla . t -1Tii;'':i' f f'i X11? 4w" .teaehitda'AiW, with hfa feuard of twenty fc.vairy, vlwted Catatv' bi Indian town, wz or eipht uiilca distant from hit en. g?$WW-ut&)u above the mouth ?f 'KfH'1 Wkon-he.eaat1..aaik'tif the Uataw ba mer. Ilia Carrion, hei.dd by their general; Sew lUverl bad lett their towna on the prbe4inCeven1nVtl. join the troojpa under Renetil Huthtffdrd; f urlostty ai lonj Beenvedto have induced lord ftawdon to vlait the W-l l but bu'Mroacl;Wg IndLana. whii ne4roTther houHt., irtaJcrdaliip duoovered two lirh. Five (.indred remained end. r tlie nue- diata Cffnmaridef generai rTuthfrfonl,' -lathe evening ot the lith lie. received ieteltigeace that the tone! were embody. ig in anas beyotid tha Caiewba river, in Try en county f, sboet 40 mile's to tha ni-rtb west of his then position, its itiUed orders to colonel Fiiwcie Lackc.t. Row ho, and raijor Dtvi J WUIsonaf Meckleabarg, to (antaint Fail Aod Brinddn. and also ta ether officers, t- m k every effort to raise snea te disperse the ?3.tV, It being deemed ittipolilic by general Ra'herlord ta 'weakea bis vwa' -farce, (Mitil the tbje(t of lord ftawdoAeHptJitian s.tf Ultei.a8Cerule'd ' s '? 1" z' ai ;-,i-! Ua tU 1 5th geaerat IlatXcr rrd dtsoced ttVflfniles taies'atVf C1.Arlotle;i Oa tb irth - ba war4t.forroed thalTlard- lUwdoa had retired Towards Cembdeaj hd that the touet-i were asttmbtcd in force at Rahiaour'tnUl, acoi ti; kbtttb fork i-f (he CatawbA.' A aita by tbd fianidof J.hn Moore, whose fatkeir 'and UmU resided about six miles' froaif Rarnjofjr's ittill, had joined the D.-ittst) arm j the preceding win fer,a6d leaving the" Uetachmetit' ihdef Corn. walliS bol the atarch i from tJharlea ton to CAtnb- den, he arflT.dat his faW-er'aon the fihof lunej wearins: a 4 word and aa aid tattered init of re. gtianthls.- Utf a'dnodRead hirhsalf As lieutenant; cotchel'tif the" regiment of NoVth tJarolma lot auiii, comaanaeu oy coiouei joUtt iiamjltea I Halifax county," He' save ta the Deoole of ihd h'eigUbe. hood the firat particular Acccount wblctt ihev had rtceived of '(h seigi and capturef af cnene. too; : tue advacrce of tha Uritish troops to CAkbdt.n. He appointed thsieth of June for veoine . or wn the 93itt in the mornissj a.ftvf' miles la advaoca. at tba- Ttitkaiegea furd The ciprest was peKHgcotat4 2iJ oot reach to . Iwoel Xjecke..Tlic mprniageftbe 19 was wrtt v sod tha anes of general IUtheiord wen wexa , snot order. . At iuid dyhp.weAihej..clesrtl ' up, aad orders we.tj givse ta Iba men. jto, slia , charge Uieieguns,.- Thisdiicbiiga (f odectd SO ! aiarn to tbe.i.eigUiourhpod,., sad ,tht peopJd . thinking the toriea. were, atttmpuog. tp croie the river, many f thf re cAtntio wflh arras atl . joined HutherlQrd ip the eteofng ba crossed : k awtwakaa. M.I a.awMa.OM akA-l at . T PkAS f 4W1 lm ' f rrlM avi pifcr mt, 'Vltl-aiNCUf ijkwv,jMvfc a viia - lUmasi'. iVhtn Hatherford crossed Ua ri-f ver,t vas believed. that he. youtd orch in iha night aod atts-ck tha .tsriea oa oex(: raoroingi . but exjiecUog that his express ksd reached" cpU Locke, bp . waited; flipkVsrrival, Hi at ba " mirnea ue-rtAay marca tni;;drcaroa : atuclu jt At 10 'elockat nijlit colyel Jams . .. JohmUm, ipjf Tryoa lcanijtyi refche J, Huthera ford's camp, lie had be.en dtapAtched bj cp . iaael Locke ta give notice of his i&teption ta at- -tack the tories at 'uprla the .next corning, spd requesting IUtUerrvrdVcopcratfoiv ..Hither frd ib the canfidepC eipecUtjop that hip ex press hadrtachsd.colonel Locke shortly pftef , (tplonel Jobn.saq hkti U-; m&4: tt niptp ' fasat potil fc next tnarnieg. j - fcV.j ii r. ' ir r. ' ,v iIp pursuance pf; the prdeis given) tp j Rolontl . Locke sod pthpr officers At .Ma-M' fffak pn -f he Uth they severs lly callected as many tyiea ..' 4s they could i;a.d, pa the morning pf tha. 18 tb f major Willson, with sixty-five me.n,fas5-pd the . Catawba at Tpoi's ford and : jojped major ",M-' ' V." 'v '' .'r " snlsscmbliug of the peopleluthe Wpods.on Tal, 'Jppwtll, wltbtwenty.fiTa men -iTbey pasted .l! t.l.i.Ji vtiJ. .1- ri.,- m 1 !..... t " j . . .1 i diao creek; seven 4ni.es frsm Usmsour'i.1 Tor-i ty men osstmMed, d Moere told'them it wis 4. , l ...S .i. ..I' 9.-'A ' II- .4 .4.4 . . . . J out mc tti-hi ui tura vvrnwaitifl mat tney SbOuia embody it thft tfrner but thai thyi with alleth er'ldyAl suject shdUd hold themselves in rea diness1, ihd iM tha mesa tuna get fn their Jiar, vest 1 thst hcAir thtTgetrjing pr the hirrcst. tt.w-inlrl 1, .TjITI. . -k...44! ii' ..-".t ' i -viMbMi. w 'i vvqi 'i uviaiuns fur the British army and that Its' soon as the cduo try'Coahl ' furnish sphatstenca JtP the r6iy it wduld pdVAAc IritaoUh CtWlina and gie suppfirt ta the rayalhtsy s fa ,w a ; ij vBefure this meattn broke Vpan expePs af n ved to foforra them that taajor Joseph MD'w eir.tjf Birrka ourttyv wilh' tweoty Tueiiai wilkin'Cigkt Viitep of thent in search of soaiV'ot the priitctpal'fteraetis'of their fcrrtv CiinfidAt oMhclir strength they 'liesblvecr.te attack'' DTtreil f fVopsratiias beiita uecessi . iti.i . ill I ik.i a. . . i at . . .y, try touiu nvt murcn pntti'iiw feext morn ing i when finding that be had retired, they pur sued fuiii to (he lede of mountains which epi-. rsie the eoaPtie's yf Lktcolrt ptkl Berkp, Pad not bctng ' able , y ; overtAka him, M der'e d irected tbem to .Return hpme and meet him on tha JSth at ItAmsours.. .On that day two hand red men met Moore", kftd they Warahihed 4m tha tjext da Mfx mini pthers, amongvUvro wsNichplgs VV elsh, a roijor- ip he regiment eummanded by colonel IJAfnirton'.- Up had ii4tl fn that neiglu borbood, and had joined tteJJrTtislf army eign teen mooths betora, ; Hp was dictlv from the L.U-.S -:.l;i. i, e - -i ' loriuaiuiq or a rtcli rnnatilar-. bte number t! oipeas, by Which he'aooght to allure' . pmeJ whilst he'etide.Vnril in others aiti account of the puccess of' the BrV tisfe army In all tlie operations of thesottth,and uib idwi iDaotinypf tne wliigs to makp furthpr d :1 lllll 111 lor I C-rfl Pf VolobeTOora4 defest.iy sun oi rrjnthetltals. and evhmida vpposiuon.- rjis eouduct bsd tu dtsii ed fenect j and much moreMconbdehca m'i Wspsd in ; i!in thAn in ofpherMore;'FvThev rcm.iicd fed campcd'u'ijtil th0tiiVdttf11rsr.ft'imVdb. tachuient commanded by coloaeO WLpore made an unsuctfessrur attempt to. ciptore colonia Hugli' BreyartJ kDUr Wjpf'tfttp'eph-MtpaWyi, eaciiatwhomwith a numticr :bf tvliigs, camp trito the beighboibotid. to hart asp the tpritCs who were ksleriibfifcg,, t; -Z tiy;thpjih hparVy tltiVieen bVndred men Vsd assemhfed at; RatrtfcopiVVric fourth Vt 'whom U-ereVithotit Arms: General RuthPrford 'resolv ed to concentrate his'forcp Arid Attack' ihem', as sdoh as he Icarricd.that lofd Uawdoq had rctfr- cd to CAmtden.ui ; With this viw! be m Arched, on Sunday the" lath, froiri1 his camp s-mth of j vnariotte, tothTUckascgee ford bnf the 5 Ca Uw;ba; twelve miles iicarcr to Raasour's., Io - v - r 4. . 'VV'". i;i.t 4.., .. U ' - .:r-. t ' r- " . P 'Afterwards brie-adie'ur P,iwitl navtrtn whn r.tt . - " O ' owva-f w MV ve f .theactton at Cohan's ftrd, on the Catawba. ; J-.;" ;; "r " cuuniies oi uncoin ana huu)4 ertord. ,t t-. : , ....h . . , j tl yeirVl, governor Trypiv iavlng'f defeated the rulloruie .bauie6t AUamanee; douched gei aeral Wt4dtp wUh a brigade w u,, weatet a countiei alid directed btm to eauaa the people to- semble at cerub itatiom and take the bUv of AUeinoe to hi a mijeitf oieprfte the 3d. "? A part'of IVaddlpV oommawd haa ItHltedat Itamabuifa- ami adjoining ounirjt bad taken l,he oath, ,,Theeert thought tbt Una oath impoied upon them 4n obligatM .."- w ui vuango .oi circumitancei nor the con duct of bis mjcstyS government tould impair,' Tbey aoiiered to the royal cause' from PottMieatiouS motive, toere were few Amonr them wbn h, .,i;h intvu.. matloa either tp puderatand or explain the true grounds us the river. at rmht ang-cp with tha position pf the toriei.tejoiu the dstachment of their frieods wha were assambliai. st tha pnper fords, .'v At f 4i , r.j lj.. :..:-,t l, t?.it.- fF IVV Jiii u;i v,i. tin) . . i i j.. wtW lorty nr a.paucr niscoramanu, tpey-oi4 . ' . ' . tiaved ItheirmHch p the. east side pf Motfpuin - ""' ',V"I creek j and.on ltjriday 19th, they jotued xoIq- I pel Locke captaip Brandop, and other; OfScerp, J with lwx hpadfed an,i seventy men, The whol fsreo united amouptcd ,to four hundreds Theyv entampex,-cn -IVJopnt sin creeks sixtpeo )mil,-i from Kamsour'sw .T'he officerp taet io paotnciL ' and tksy warp unanjmpas to the bpiaiotx that wvpiu ob uqiiiic if jctniia to mac ostumn, ias , thp.tofieicould Attack ihf m after a oiArch Ia " few,hpur$i nd frpta thcinleriority df tfieirffiirci1 thpy hadno douRthe tories Jweuld- toarchf joti, 7 them as soon as they learnpd where they )rrd v-: . Itsvts first Arobosed thst the v .should tro l. the Catawba It herills forth, six imiea .a-thefrff reap, ana wait tar reipJorcereeats, believing that with their fore they could prevent the . tones irom croBins. to ibis it was Pbjeeted, that a i retrogrpde novemacti would , embolden tha tb rips, whose numbers were inqreasiiig as fast as Drobablv thur own inmhkr, .-n-M -.-.-. r l r 4f - 4.4,4, -vmu chviuicii .4. ,-; tec they had recrokted tha'river snd no VHrli. " ". Itional security, pould 'therefore be abtalned by Lpucamovemeau-, birttithxbmJ ' ':-'- :V. ?ltpft'oaxt.prwerlulftt thaytbbaU toareV'C.-'? ' iltrtctly dpwhtiie riser and join general1 Ruth-" v crfard, tvhP wPathea distaot fromv-thent about A- v :thiH7.fiw'bklpy ... ttaa aaiil tWy-demeot''-'''''' could ha made- Without riskj at in I making it, i t they tfutd na, ha&'earir tavlUiaiurrathan they V - ; werai fTP this prudent propositioh It Was pb V, jecud, that aearl all the effective whigY of thAt ' v v v pectioa of the country ivere from' home, 'eithef f ': . with' theat'-endraf i Ratherrortfand! sach' - v oiovemepf would Uave their fpmiheSanprotectT ' ed and their houses e xpo.ed to pitlago t that rt would be als a dipgeMus moremfent tV thpm selves, tie the1 t6rieP might bp Ihti-PtioniandA ; they might pneuht-ir thetpTip their1 marcb.' It was insinuated tfiajt tli.se prcpoPiflons proceed ed, if not from fear, At least Iroin an ucwiHing1 ness tonieet the tbries, and therefore, - , I: H A, third preposition !wa;; made which wii, - ; that DotwithstABdlng- thpir tlii parity of force, ' they should march durieg the night aod ' attack 4he tpr(iep.iO'tbetcBpje8k.y-iiext mpraipg"lfe' 5 " was paid that the tpvltsj being ignorant of thcif i ?. "". ' ' ; force and suddeoiyattPpked,: could ba easily 5 rputed.fi Thp. tnore "prudent memhere of th - '"''.", council copld not brook the insinuation ardice, apd trusting td thatfortute whichsome u A tiroes crowns evem fathtress with success, (t ' wap4 unanimouslyvrtesoUed ? immediately to ' " - ma;ch, and at day break attack the tories Ce-V ipnei jpnnsan Deing well acquainted with the 4:'" country,1 was inatApiI?'de8pAtched to, apprise U general Rutherford of this, resolution,;: t Mojttp in the eveuina taev commenced thefc- mArphdrpm Mountain creek, and pAssibg dowa tito south side of the mountain; they.halied i at : ; the Wekt end of it About an hour in the night; 'v' and the officers convened to determine oa the p'laig jf; attack. It: Was agreed tht the com pa- ies comtnandediy CAptams Hallj ?i M'Dowell, and .Brandon shoald act n hersebpek and go ' (o front l. n other ! arrangemeotp were, made, , and it was loft to the diBcers to be governed :by t r circumtan:eS after they- should reach tba ene n.y.&They resumed Jlhelr march, and irtived wtthiid mile oNhpfaemy -aamp atidsy , .:s';.'vv : v f,ly- r i reicnra 10 in tr.ia narrative, in.-, - -. . t. . j , - .-. .i-.- .-, . . t s r . ut.ur4"irc.. rnwMi An k. . m. 4 .1 - .t m. .. . . . r 4. t .r 4- - . , . ..... . .4. 4 . v ... . :?v-; ,v;'--- . .l' , ' : v ?....,-? 1 ':.r ' . ; - .' v '- 4 ..--.- 1 : r1 - ' " ' " . . .-. " K -.- ' -- '- . r . ...4'" A. -'.." v' -v-'" '-i;v'A' :'Av -A' m'i A-.:v.;- , . , , .r'-v,, ', - ' ' ' -.'".. - ,.. "4 .. . ; . iV. - " ' 4 . - .- ' -.. - , ..." ... - "' ; v.1.- :. ,., , i ; -A - V- 1 w j v-- .;. -i',- r,--v 'srj-- rti. . . ' t : .V-.A.'.'": ' i;sV:"' ';A :aa-?.via;' ?.s 'A.A"V A.-A'JV- , .t-.44. N., iA?:- 4!'" V 1 '.5?;.'-yi ,-'A .;A V.f f at' 'c;vj. .4.' v. "'"i 4' AaM.