r V 4 - . taodred yards e:it tf R soar v.ill,aod ball nv-.'i00rt4 af l'i prttcnt CUil'dog u'iagt ' of Liocatutorv,' tie liJgt tueuhes eesrlj t ' theesat oilU uxrb.'de of the will poed,ad the rvad Iric'jr.'ftvio the Tatksejeo fo-d b ..Vibe mil', tro,kti tt p,lat f t!fe ridge-in-i . noriS-!!! a drct.oa. Tbe lanes tc pied oreiceitrt jMH'uiea oT-ibr:on:mit r It ridrt-VaiMlrUen .tbe road fronting te the f tetlw'- The fulge kit a very gentle slept, aad r"M taea' tGt:rsperd wits a few treei, ; the Iko if thetoiie had fsU'rake lb front . tear than two hundred yard.- Tbeflf the - ndf was WndeJ by I &tsdefe side of which ; 'wa covered with the usaes.'Th road passed ... the western erfd cl the glade, if right arjles, upiKisH the ct re Vf the line, and art this road va fence eitrachfl from th'r1det l foist ep- r'te P' the "Use the pircnaet gaard, ... . iwcivb ro n wr-er fcuuunea q ia ro&a, : V twehnadred and finJafdsabBth fcf the glade, anil six ntirea yard from'the encampment. " 1 Tneiotrtr-krhfiofciiHaJiiilill, M'DoweU.and ; - . 'xJrandtfn;tetng (nuuoted, thetlher'trbOp,- tin - ' er col: ltlewere arranged i tha radfc two "deep, befciadthen J tod without any other or ; ' ganiatie rlord,r,lbey were marched to bat- . tbej5itltVtnfpfl,iiy,l4ft4id,lat their v T... pprOich Ud not beorv e"tie"fetedV The pi llqet' fired atrd lied towards their cai.M Thi "horaeoieb'lpoTi'oed.'otid terniBViVthe rieht out '' r jcM rcalfthey role op within- thirty Heps if me iiuo-mnu nrti ai icaiieat ;waa bein-' 1Q toifuaioa liatf nat eortiplatelr farmed their Tinet tilt aeeing only a iim en availing tkeni,; the V ' , v ! -vuicklt Tccewrtd fronitheif pirnoan ; " ? ' destructive fir whicb" obliged tl w; Mftetne redfaf.'-.Thej retreated .?n ano-puttreu the horte- i tliiordef. -ping mrooga me iniaairtM were autaat - inlf'ieterlP vf the'MnTiatrj Jjind .theu aod ; iavectanilr.t rietionr.''Al a eontenient Ji tancef tKegriter'pat F the Weuieo tallied, : nd rtfqhiisigto the Cghteiefted1 themaettei "- trit aplhl Baring ita coiitlrtuaocfrhe Ititan . v"'tr hurried trt kep" scar -Ilka aortetuan'tft lUelr fmralfit erthcjiicoiti mBd tlielrmovementibe. . i Dge k'regnlar, end their file 'wert 'epe'n aix oright atepa.iftd when ihf front approach- eil the toHei, the rear was'aa houdred and it- v v ' llie tor iea seeing the efiect'of telr fire; eam f.-; oowa tne niii a littfe distance ami were in fair a - 7t ie.';rChe icfabtry iof the-' whig kept the raid ;-V"lt the point between the 'tlade aod the' corner .i me ience, opposite tne centfer-ef tne totfe. Uere the action waa renewed, )The frdnt fired " eererer times before the feaf eime,p(t -Theftd. i yfiea beliial their left: thea ktftlt ltW . -ig1st to frontof the gladte, bnd earner Into ac. , ' nitirvm yiuti VI J ( COT ' All UH10 yldCC :.'erc 'crowdeditoetheVioi each ether's ,;ly I M thai placea thre were Bone." JA the : - reanclma Ofl thev occonUit ,iKam nt ' . the line grade ally extending, the action became general and jobstinate on both aides,- la few ' ' anioutss tUe tttrfes began U retire to their posi. .tion oBthetop of the ridgeVria'oou fell back a utue oeiunrj the ndge ttf sMter part of their . todies from the fire of the whies; ho were fair- - - lyexpoaedtttUieirfire. Htf thi situation their i 'ifpebM:aneaoHtriictife,that'jbe whiga'elt , , tadkto tbebitshes near ha glajde, -and thbrto ..riesjeavlfif their "'ssie ulsitiun toursued dhem 1 i jbaU wy dowo me idgcvi Afcthia merxient captaid-i ilardenjed a,partyMif ehiga into:; the -Tieiu, anu-unuer cover of the lenee kept p i' V'B'Uing are onrthc riht flank of the torlesijand " - r some vf the whig discovering that Uit ground t-onHheir 'fight was mor i ravorabte Itf protect - thehi from the fire of the1 torie?oWiqued in that t direction towards the east errtt of the t'lade., ' ,Thjenjy'e.veM,'g?li' If if3)pUkJripei!:'ei.' - !S, jej coauuuea io :0iU: unui may -tuirncil thedeftflarik, of the. tor Lea a and the can- test being welj rnjintajned in tle centrethe to- part of tbir powtion occupied bf the jw bigs-- i mat quawer we aeijftn oecajne ciqse, ana the - parties mixed together -intwa.inetances, -and en. and ethers of thcta diveatmz themselves of f ijatig bayonets they yitrqck at!eacb,,MJier , nwiih,thbu,m of (beiftid-tnitbU ixraoge : . coutcst severe! of t!i? tories were taken prison ' . their mark of diatinetio'ni'YvVhich. was a (wig of ' . w iL& tiie wniga, and aft bey) in: Uiejir cotnoion ydreiaithfy,;esc8tie flutioqcd.!! 7 - '.j.The thes dlnghteftettheisittori in yiogseasioi oT .tlie1 wMg$;-and their centre' boing , cloB?ly pressed,' retreated idowrtv' the ridge to , wards thrtniU exposed". to -the fice of the ceo Ire j and of captain Harding 'company behind . . fieebce. ; vThe nrliigs fiaraoed until they got entire p'ossesfrionot the ridge, when . they -pef ! -ceiaed to their astonishment. that the tories had J collected in farce on the other side of the' creek, , beyond thi mill The'y.' expected I the fiht - voqld bV, renewed,4 attd tempted to form a .linei but e'dy eightyaix men could be paraded. " Some nyere scattered luting the actions others were attending to thsir woandedMiiends, and aifterepeatedeiKiris not more than an hundred ' s,and4ten:ouid be coUected,.fV'i:V. . ' In thia'perHousiituaoo Vf thingi,it was re eolved tba.1 major Villson and captain, yiflam ; i Alexander, of; He wan,' should hasten to general , Rutherford and arge.' hiirr to press forward to ; rt their assia'tence Itutherford hadjnlrthed tit' ly inibe inoroii'g, and at the distance of ix er seven) fniles frotoi KanisottrV, ni met by-yil-" Slon atid AletaWer,M JorvUjrrieV esvalry . t were started at full gaHopy and cfr(onerv Divio .tn'a inraetiy were ordered to' iiastertdn- witlj pu Mieaable ,s peed.V A t the, - eiid'.4t i wd mta theytwere metjiy others from th battle, who in brined thern that ih e ttfifeabad retreuted. The liiarcb.wss cOBtlnued, and the: trqons arrived -'on the ground v tfre hours after tbe battle bad closed. The , dead and, most of the wounded re aim lying wbci e theV fcli.j-'f'?itri XioA;i;ti,e'ic u$wmftiftti!i siJetiwjvo; hjsd no-armr, and several who hadro , treated ncrois the creeL TIjvy weie joined by otlicri when they yrete tirstbeateu back, op the iiJ;e, cJ lj laiaN!t J UatVera tl '-e-Jt who haJarrin 1 two art btlvte from Lair er creek, la Eirkr tiaoiy," aaJef catafiii VLiia m& JJarra. C!ooe! lre aad majof Ve!ANi jinet thrm, aad tbote of tHe UfWi who.tJ'juiks! tie, . lit, trjitsJ lUe creVt ,14 jnneJ ,te.j a (ha whip got pmMui of IheriJc li--lt ingtirfi thej wenitjBjUta!y rLeaf lltj U ea a atrataem lo aetura their rUc t. iat the time Ual VViHifa ahX Alexander werJh-' natcuei to t-eerai liaUcrNrd, ii.ty aeni la a fi-riflagendor pretence ofpropouiia a tafpenttaa f ketriiitiet. t make arran-tmentt far taking ear of the woonrt4 tad berjiog the tirade T present tni Bag ouyrt from perceiving tb(f amoll oeaibei1, inajicJairei Uterford aot aa other efacer were ordered to rare t liim a. Hort diaUaco in front 0 tUe line.-. .'J'h pmpaitloo beit; nnIetmaw Raiha rfjrd Fernanda J tbat the tJrte alioulJ earrtoder as pnaoaora tvititin Lara nmoief aaj the A the arrangeenU aboulJ bejnade which were rtqacated., la theej time Sloore and iVc1h gave order, ttaj mh of , their ruea aa were; oo foot, or had iiUeriof boraea, aboukl pive. eff singly a as the) coutd; and wbco the, flag- returned, pot more thaw tftj ;rcmiiaed, 'J'lif jf rnwediatrlj tied. Moone witli thirty mn reached 'the .Uiiiiah ar caj at Caiobdeo, vhjn he wa threateoed wih a trial ly m cvort,inartiarfir disobedience of or den, in attenptiog t embo-ly the rojaUvU be?lt aa tonkas he is a Director by paying the fo re. the .tfma apuated bjr the cqnimaoder ia ; rntereiT,"wTitTe joVaud, me ere obliged IUHflj chief; lie was treated ith!direapect r the tenth well as lnterea t.'aftd (f 'we fad but a Britiah itfSceTS .aad betd io a suU ef,lisagree able.tBpeoe iot it, was at length deemed itn. politjo border. iiia)eiic a cjoi t.wartioV- i; At there n f. .organization of either par tyOpr.reguUr retttn)a.,4Vle jaff tjiaactiob, tha,lpssc-ul4iot.' be ascertained jth correct. xtWt AJfiUf'kif; Uj fitvi on Vi9 aide of the fiugi wnrrtfteat!if tbe f, fbe action,, previied.haye tbeopnortnoity ;of .the Hiftka, and oyer rj'3;ockholjer 's " iBoacyrJ' Wh many lay scattered ridge toward thertiiU vJt iy believed tiat enfiXit.enJei'OttC-'t .plaaJeferer'ltbil'.buai'otjA.! niy. jvere r aweq. ao.a inai; t ie loss iu, each aide was. neiry irqmit;. boH t bnoded nien on eaclr-.'aide.verer mounded. aad fiftv tonei were taken prtspeers The nee. had no voitartn. and it could net bevld tonahicb MftfTOaerefrveum vpa this? iAt, Uiey Bot'coWcertjettln'the clofet-ifof' tout tonvfort Tn-te retrospect piece many kmen theytcold recoguisce a'chther,.ri.ln thf friends of the dead and wounded, came in and! ,nnt, biiu L'D Uli: iicil lOlTi .'nRiluoni .aEU a scene waa wUn'esei truly aUeding to the . J!E? oiumniiy4 , -,, , nil ' bai .Ater the action . commRced, scarcely any ordara were given by .the 0iceTe.' .They fougbtl of. white panpr.o tfrpir jp. front. and and.sre inducrjf ac'as Uiejr do through ' inatitations joitviUiry jj uu JjcC- XT ' ' of tlie mea onacf aide beini '. vxcellent! fear'?r"lBit,.''ientleme n.It ls"'unne'cessary to1- iVoaiaruds, who miehtwve bad at this day .wiwffssu,.iL;oaivO 4upur Ultra. wore Ar .v qirceur vr iiiuirotnj r,, uo ;nej doe owe, vi.tVPBr.jecflni.TApenutmica it tu.,L4 inc verr. t,this paperf.rai a mark at:hicbj thefw!.rrJhe. black catalogue of cofruptipniand 'acornnetener if nof affluenceXBy tbe estaUfisb- vurics ouen nrej, an aerera) pf tneimigs were jeoccaiona py naning iniiiiuiiuni, ano i ;roeci or uamc-rami xneir operatiinninTncom fhot in the bead, Toje.treei behind .triticb both j WV ,you , as 'yoV.false your ownndeptft 1 muniy, Jiare fcac yedvced.tatJf ggary" whig? and tories occssiocally tckWlter, were t." , grazed by the balls i and one,tr,ep in particu?ar, T''incje to your c1i)dren' uuiullied and untaint'- ithe Banks lent them money and they have bcin on.the left of , tlie Jtory 4ine at, the roo which edf 'to, guard it fronithsi deadly tripe! .of those j sinking deeper and deeper; ifRettItyjtilt',at ' two,bruthera.iayii deadV' Was abated v.bjtbalm.oajed, ustnUpnsmfj lyraAny fib; last aU tlielr-preperty nii&Oijofd,tQT pay thir ! bal!a,pn one, sida,and by two b) the: other i: odiWap'o- desfKiiUm 'ao Jivrri''As tHat .ivlntft is Bank debts. Tbis'u the train, ?bat net tbo this battle; neighbors. iier jefattq v a'nA bottomed. :'and based jrfpcaii'jmun trnofa frufwTbe ftihki leitmonethepro-v. personal friend. fougl.tagaiost eacb other j-aed 1 'iAffJ ."''; : j !'J - ; p'a becams apecetitoiji and 'ejtpeCuUtiidi ssthe.amoke would 'rainr time to time Uow ettt j ' v' Vi,' Vvr;3.-LACattvDGP.,'1 were diaiterottarOr they becamcrxtrarMiit . by. their example, and they suffered afverely,tdcpreca.tc(J,'tl)at be hadjooked calm Tana. Captalus Falls, Dubaon, !raith,;ilowuao and ieen'JU ravages ! wlthoaf ao rnuch as lifting. Axmptrwg .were killed t aud captains HoostonilMtle finee'rlio relieve'tli'e'peopli'bf their bur- apd M'Kisstckvpunded t)f ;the tories, cap- tains Cumrherlaid,.Marray and , Vaf Jock were killed j and chpnin. Carpenter woondelw either. of the officfri, ur tuen jiad ever been iri battle hf.ir.:,i ki - : ? . Fl.fl II N J 1 ! Son of thc Gtncifl. theEuUa.,y k4Je waa killed the ,battle of ft i -j it kfU.J J M4l4rtH I' .s :T:,,i":' zr:r-r't-oVL i .iv. & i i. iliv- l ne eiectionecrlnirstrufr5le is over.1 you are elected tlie'ConffreSsininaf Kenreaenta - iito.oi ,iib, fivwocrii uiairici a. jput nuuiiciiryi ne is io reap oik .a m;u rewaru, wnen nis constituents, I c'aim the priyijege ptan iude 1 to p'orcliase it, even!at Any reduced price-.thi pendent elector to address you .during youf Ijs owing tmrtlv n the wmied fnsffrion5 of LbViei.. irepose (ro poliUcal.acbieveueat and be j or .couritryl -f, ?.tt v"'p'f 'x- f fore toi again. leave the r aitncultural employ-1 Janiter Ammon I, What orotound bnance . at en tf? which you o mch dignity ad from whic) no"Uiingcn scparate.yo ,but thecall offm vour -constituents in. the seYvice of voiir coun. try.'-i Jl; po?ih'C th'al at tlie philosophic re treat n ' which yoVr brilliant tadents ! musk be buried, (Wr ithe short period ;that precedes lher; daz.7.1ing jsixhiboiiAdt1)e:t'cottncile ofttie na- iion you may leisure io renecv upon ine hottnnuVe .ona.'se .w'tcfi .you I ha ve recently pur sued,'! At such a time, should conscience wake ncerempniausly upon your siditu'de and " point tne sww. moving ringer ti.; acorn", at eeeul'ut "... i ' -i i ' ' : .'a--,". . ! ' -' ' '' . ynu naye.upne, reinenioer ine iriumpuana jsaue of your ,trea(!eries , aiwdt be.','. cffwifortetl. Ypu win neea tnis cons uanon o sustain you again si the indignant reeUngloof , an outraged' people The. minor plots of your political intrigue's' are, it is true, too tnsigniucanto.De .seen, from thf dizzying "be'igfit "you fiay'e aitsinedbiit there are actions of a bolder stamp, whichfc i fear, nil your philosophy cannot 1 coat. int blivien" j real j feel a I rri ust In ri I 'si m Ina ted by i nd ulgi hg lb the analysis rbf'cVunducttVo flagitious: 1 have before; me;. sir your ettcr, against the Banks i permit mt p submit its lucid. views of. polity to sue gverwneim.ins majnniy wnw nave renoereu .'..I. !-U' l L .'.i'l 'LJ.-ff. ' if Johnston, J' , . " AM6 IIIIIC3 III m.iiyri n B ui ' a UUI icitivuvi TI. Iim.bIm' .rl.li.k ... A tlkiA md n....l.inlA.i. hd;,clouds ' ot'diSiciilty and- embajfassfnerit ioYerreand ' w'The farmer looks forward, you. irieir U'gnes i ir route ui;-,reipecj . a ne ioi levying! i.cony!dCihis!m tt--lsfi-To tiif Freemen nf jokntton, c. ivj ia a remuneration for bis labour and his trouble with despondency--he sees that boweer Indus trroufbe'mly have been and howevef griat Jhe Almighty may have , blest his indostry,,be is to reap butstlmill:rbVird;'tV!hf.V Pfdceti offered for skle there i too money tovporchasd it, even at any reduced price jtbis is owing' .eni tirely to tlie monied'insulutions Qfour coaotry, BeTore'the establishment of Banks ' the former had tome eBcoftragemeat -te-cti-ltlvate the i.oil' o:..-m ' : ..' ; . - ,'': " : . -' , ' UUaM.aJ sii ctrecUciy libs ttwldcJ for tit a .tf his brew. , Tew tbe were the U a 4- Vf t&e eaeuitr, aeighbeer eta Id take the word of bis eeigfeeer, eae cooUt la the secant r of anothtr cal t be caMed epoo la a very It Vntbs tar pay the drWi i4Tcr, tftirity'as. uatthao, V often-rieired,,a. cJuld tra.foa aoether"witioif icctrityYMt the brili trait so one without lU This in volvtd maoy bosceat'tced aad It iMatlai ilttelrt ffure mdaitrunarmcOtroKeay Pajinr -v " -i . - i S i . t ; .frunir rnfiM ikiii inf CkZerwar. haeteieaety if tbe-teat-of tbe eomaaait j iodystriou jnei brtke by raJin5 "corltX. ? v U reioed. ThoasaoJa who snixSt hita haJ atney tt.aa eoy eti'er a. 'And pray hi f this day a competency, jf-et afllueftce, by the efubjioroent l Da od tlif operlUoaa a ;iooiB ttiit me natixi iue oeee ivcri th crjftimsaityi have beeoedeced to beggary; ta lead tVmeuaU tie fcet awl D the aecu L.HCaruund voa enjoirVowa' crtinty aoj the ri!y effmada; hM they ceflld oo; trat aloae, coaoues adjiioiftg.and see if tlis iin; a fictJsndhe rdisecftce has beea, that wi some ,i Yet,- you are called open t so state ana nttioaa! coanctls-wbt are eoocoroeU . .. T " ' fii theie inonied tnonWie en4 aredai!tacat Icrio; wiJef and wider tfiiTdiGicBlttfa that sarprvior- U baarow l.Xof.jkadrtmznt rvniTd, y w. r"or uke tQfpe'the JB4afcl tiaaot nvirteall a toairbVthe tedvicr, Cja draw- , preswer aaleiayoil are m debt, unlets t)e cow-'er of the miterapd ITjfbe 6aft'ho1sJ aecarity " mtThity owe tUen thay caaooi taakoinaaer itjor bis neighbodr, Is hy.thar neighbour ' niaed -1 U theXV. 'interest' te t Totr iff! d.ht to thetn. he has To one to btame bat: bis own follrx aad Vhat fbn Mr. Dates! is not t stocihofder by rigUttit. by.eQurteiy.isW-n'at A B ink Uirdt - tor and is it not 'bis inrreatl te LcA DirectoGentlemei), artborow tboosanda and short lime, we are protested, sued, and in mafljr tnstaocea rained and ear aecnnties wUb osj Has then Mr. Davel ne loterest in Datk f 'singrate than the Bmks mnavrreus tbia- fu u not very an oca io nis awraniagi oppor topltr f apeealaVos apoa money, ana ia ii ooi laeo.ms. interest B,?,nJka and have the people in debt that he may; a.. - a . m . - , - secuiaiinr ODon ine o are theTndividaali re' not tajo ted. " Have they sot Id' intent in ana:ienyou mat t. JJp'h interest tn, lUhK anatcneu job irornioeiuucuonaflarwaa . now jiYopming?vObseiyo totfof thenisirhno'ibotethe see oat tbeir motives and Vee it they themVives amlf, of ruiiC.Iuut Ve leayV.'mia bin of your1 of tbis a bqdi ank iiuuiuiB lur . wwusi ei. Mf'ifft at influence, whatever on our B rit,.l k... n'...'l '.l!:viif L': that tie Director, wboWthe ohicct of hts male; dictions, was a competiTor far. a seat ot the ti- iiuiiiu cwuncua r voo. wouiu suspect laanou l'lfecliVr bad-tcen a nembeK'ethe t" that V bad-in fsct dted in their fafoiir monied Jristitotion witaouk ever hiyiilgtiioted attheif ill eflTects, but tjheJ moment he perceived me enemy among us was preparing tj quit the scene ef action to figufe fn another field. ;But let ts review his solemn cDramuscralion$ 'vith the pepleV:;"'l; f . tf he times tn winch we live are portentous, and, clouds 1 of. difficulty ' and ; embarrissm'ent hpvef arQup'd as io w aful !) The(farmer IoqKs tafward tora, remuneration for his labour and his rouble jth deipotidencyfie Sees that antrius trot however industrious ha ma v lave t Te - reatlv tfie" AlmwrTif v mar Vave itlest bu fndua oeen, iiowever f as welt tell your brother planters there is do rain, . owing entrc;iy,to me cipiaa.y -remaps, uoweveri- xne learned gentleman explains this baradoxrv ; " Before the establishment of Banks the far mer, had encouragement'! to cultivate' the soil . -j ! a ..' ..." a -a ''mi ne men uaa some expectancy io ne rewarued lor the'sweat of 'hibrow :! Had , he Indeed ind ? pray honorable air, , which pi your apecstora told yon aif this, you werj too ypang to, know! any thing 'ibopt ,the metier; yourself shut! doubtless," onje 'iit your mentors in the second childhood Jiave informed Jour fejjdr: mind. Let me tell -yon? air, 'they aye duped you, they bave wheedled you t Into an automaton of party i and have put this jargon inlo vour fins to wheedle others. If I Under- stand your language you intend to say 'that cbrn oacim any mniner soiu as nigney prices oeiore Banks were erected ihah'they have since.' JAsk the merchant who" 'then exported "them ' (whoe bead is silvered now with venerable age,) the pi ices which he gave before the Banks werein-1 irouueea ana wsi k now piaio a caie snaii pui you down.'! -J Look at ; the ' prices current : of thbatf dari'tben traco the gradoarditfu.lon of our paper currency and blush at your ignor ance while-you seo produce constantly, appre ciating to a price unheard of in the timea ypii eyloiseiiutyen 'prbceedtssHrf ji few; then were tbelebts of the cotnmuni tyj'nelghboar. could take the word of his neigh, bour, one could be the aecurity of another and not be called upon ju a very few months to pay the debt.'11 .: :-; tWv h&:ifix--fw&w- Z tcellent .ogic ! Few were the debts of the community.' Whv ? because neighbour could take the word oThis beiehbour'.V ergo nrrgiooa'r Would not trust neighbour Is this your plan ingone would conclude- so, but in the very next lenience oti a to ssy one1 would be even-f,;'.Y8o. would, !saspeCt tha the whtcr of tbis riiiiiriiy tf anvtSr,H wkrtU, A : plies aoaaeUbg like dell, bat list 1 apotleaasaea wbecccliUkecacafttN "11 bad the aadacioas iMInA to aaV whea tkey gsie crtd.u UUpra!U The teat seHeoce, atr. qaal.fies Ijbt agaiest Wr. Baie 'Bq Ma fact, seeuritj' was et then so e:al ed, e towJi traat anether withnut tr. bet the Ltnks f tUta ttusM l 'oue stkbettt secant t this b involjed inooeejii nco. ana ai lata ubib B!ackledj ed, hatdacaaU Uiis ptovoi way.ii" 'f k SBspprtinca f-ytur(staoce,sexi)q!lcv aojerea, V" n ... & k -W . . l I. , Vie talame nr r .i Uia ma.tiJBM ai vuuw i - !eDdjrse ? Did-tke -Banks ak the baakraipt let Baeajkvjo. si-fwet'e Vlht none.tvioed by V ' being secuUia Worath crtafM of Ilinks ! f j Are there etetamaay ruiaeiJfof eodorsin. i eren'.tow by pptate ' t fed i tors: s py ianr Ve." nwcoue, l',rthe wfini!et';ut of alt7 -i'riry (to wit the Baaks,)t will U' iwrwW if tne teat of the c-maUnityts rrji ned.1 he'd id BotrVcttlt wild greater horror Jfroro tha e to have llfarsWjJ the; peopled ybd 'fpdA' fToAi 'crp?Irtrte, sar s llee thtj; -ere'st to hteLIWced yoiiji pf tr.eai a the eoslroni! IraV ' V in ?tWbttFaed,yourlpropei tr Ti-odi yie.hain j .ar.i. - . t. i: a. . j lira & . mer oi me nuDt-vuicor paid Jurtbf lland'rou etiftfrate th dweilinE'tGif Inhninrt nl tins is me return'yod 'atiakewjV M ' communication for roar Ptivata.jnedvtationa in (arid iqttjndijrtd,. Ihelrborowtd captt iO out; euintance vifffittkiXjhi !od what wsa the cbiisequenceof .fj Uaf aa soiao hare done ' cbuaequeoce of tbisilmoru- J . r. .1 t - . I . -v . . . but the alimenfiuf extsttlnee' never cioseddia . iv nun. : a ne ei i bupu reasosiojg ai use breaks out with characteristic cinder . Yefroti are called uftoftlo'eonnnrt mento your state and national Councils Who are con4 cerned in these. monied munorioHes and are dai- - uosce Ryiey-iave-aiea-4Ma ie uante make them fail ?y-AJfere .oeiie eyec tmprudent befoi e' ? ffa'jlaiiki epts p"yj)dr golden age ' I -would flog a schorboywho; iihiu!d befool r- t noogh io tldrik' so." - You next ;enf jrce. jour ob- r. serrations b j a pathetic picture tit tote times v; Look.rMjfd you in your own-c6uo!?j' ant ' the eetintfei'-jiidjQiajf . faet'rt; t?tf ? Yesniany men are fejuccdtor Indigence , but to-Jmptttrf their tiin' to Hhe' tiihksr is like aaciibiilg'deatli tojtfie rtal'airibrtathe Tb vigour it Inspires oweim"e alUijes!' terprizes under vhlch aarf constitatitm sinks that aurronnd jonJf.Jil" )-!;v : rofe and nafiaftfff councils. One would think sir you; were opposing somfc candidate fop B aeai se me legislature aa well as Congress, pet haft yon rbanklng friend Mr; , in bis pursuit, of a Senatorial election-"! candidate: of fhig description mirAt have some small influ t ence in dnr Banks, but a candidate fcr.Congt ess Icannothaye the leait,.-i-"'M" kjn- '..- f r or, take, notice, the Banks cannot prosper unless you are in debt unless the community . owe them thej cannot make i inpney. : - vTrue but lor every -cent they Jtti4 ryu do . they ii 6t become debtors gfsorV'Do) they not ! in Aittejing their own notes for your u.e.assum the obligatbmio redeem their whole; amout.t-r and i not interest a moderate compensation for doing yoa this favor in a commanity where bat ! . : for Bauks you would be onmpelled to 'resort to , -! shavers and get niortey at the exhorbitant ; pre- C miarndf twenty -Jive -per cent.' Theban ks I cannot prosper .unless ypu owe tlim ..f WUy . '' did you not "addand ,;ay tAsia-ifoo Good punctual debtoTS are profitable to the Banks 'tis ' ' true bo t h-they 'wantdehtors whom they s' -must ine--seU (tut, and alter all, l.oe half their" cjalms i ; ' No air The Banks are anxious to -dimiiiisiLthe numher of jlheir,, debtors. ; They , are pressed from every quarter with demands t! , ' pay with specie those very notes which they lent yeara ago to you and others, without evt ; frav ; , ing been repaid, It if" not the- (titerest bf f he ( Baokl to have such debtors i But vou say It ia their interest tw'ef you . in debt to- them, "And do you think, Mr, Blacklcdge tha your . v constituents will thank you for telling them they , n f anjaiich gulls as to be decoyed into borrowing ' ) td'onf y that the, Banks may profit by them ? The v. ' insinuation is an insult to their common sense. ,-. - Td proceed('apeaking of Mr Daves, you say, Mb - , he'of jk Sank Director ? Is It notbta interest to pe so? : A Bank Director ge!njjje?nen) canjior '-;y! row thousand and use it aa long ai ho is a Di- '"'" rectnrbonlypaying the tntet"een?;. Wfit sVhere did you get tbia' iorormatioh.l frotft". yen r ;' , . ;.. , wh is a Director of the State Bank or from ydor friend ; who is also a Director of the same Institution ? i K I suspect either of these ceotlemen could ' telliV ' you better. .1 4 4 ft.' "'