i Tki n ruber f BiiUtla t -.L i 'tie s'.v.e vd" PenasylTaah i I: V.vv hS4.l2UrevoIaatr. I Welave herttofe stated, t'.at t'.e ? ' tL.iI of Internal Im;rove:ne nt l.:1 1 tie- Ucd that the m 8r-pr0r'r..ite I f r clearing oat the Flats twlow the town o! TJinj'-00. was 1.1icient- for t'ut Eirpofce, anil Lad authorised theSulo agiuetr to contract i'h pero:.i f ,r t!,e eipcutliia of t!.e work. We now Sire the It,h-w of in'orinin our rea.-i ders, that a contract has l?ea entered into, agrecibly to the, provision. of die sctof the Lci'laf ire auJ the direc tions of the Hard, fur Uie sum of 15,000 dollars; and that tSe contractors will proceed immediately to tie ,'ekec'ution , of the work Should success Attend the experiment, and of tjhia we, have n of the ' least doubt, the advantages will be great, 'not onl v ' to the' town, but .)& whole ftaie.-The ill tiratmn. that the por, ' tion of tur citizens hav.e received, who hsve been, ia. the habit of-trading in 'Virginia, is certainly 9, Very, great ducement to wish success to the under taking ff'7m.wifo JlCorden c . ' t WashinrUn. 2th MarcL 1825. S..H All 'hprsons uarmzMiima of intlem- 'ftitT fur'iSlavM. or other imtte properr t,"arried iay from the United 8tates by tlie BriAsh officers afitr thf exchange of th j ratification of (tie treaty of peace of ZeC. loll, uciwcch ins uiicu 1 1 States and Great Untain, anU in contra ( Tention tn Uie ipuiauou in meunii ' arttele of that treaty, are desire to take ' notice, of vflie' , following articlein the convention cancladetl at St. Peitersburs:, f ,n the 12fli of Jury latt ratified by thi rreswcntOT tneuimeu states, ana im u$!TctionB whereofhave been' duly e : Whciii the axyigo v1ua of alae ahall have - befiacertrieu and fixed, tie two WJrom.a- aipnen aHali constitute a board tor tbe .exami nation of Ittf'cki.na wbicfe are lb be tubmit ttA u t?hen.. and thev abaH notify to the Se cretary of State of the United SUtea, that they are reaag nrtcerv a vcpwnva qj c ami tthfr 'priitfeprt'pertS, fof, whtcK the citi- zehi of the Uiil('d-lrif,itea cLim indemn'fica- , tioiij. it being o;iders!5fft, and hereby tignied, fhat the cttiumtwnhkaV Mi tote cognitatue tf, iwr recehtj " ni'vhaK hH Britannic MJetty .thai! not lefiiirtd it make cmpenatitu for, anj ctaim for private property ptidef thejrtt lardm tftoT'. eatp if&hau, tut ttntaine4 in the laid tiet, And hi Britannic Afajeaty-her-. br eheasrea to cauae te be prqducedbeiore the .nnmmiMintv an materia.) tou'ariw aacertaihinr U facta, all the evidence Jof which Hia Mnjegtt government mkv be in poaaeaaion. oy rerurna .from Jlia Majeata-officera or otherwise, of, the miMbetofslam' earned 'aw.' r But thel evidence aO produced, or ittdcfectiveneaa,"! IDHll noi g inmrwiny wwvirim wuicu jphJa.te otherwise aaUKtUctorily authenti '"Sated"'. ::"t-.:V f -S ."r i : v ' ' , , . , ' ' .' .". f Z 'The Coramission-pfay be expected to tneet in this City ,by the first of May fv J , . 'ldharleaion, March 14., s fof,fPhiladeWiia): arrived here jester day, in five flays from HaVana we learn .thit grt'at Activity and tustle prevailed there. Drenaratorv to an apprehended ' attack from: Jth8 'British-: naval forces in Tthe Wesflndies-Eyfery seaman found on 8tiore was impressea. into ineir ser .... ...... M . i 'i. j... l.?' -4 ,vice and efforts 'were making- to put tfieirjnilitaj'y defences in the best cotf-dition-Thc TJ. S. brijr Spark left ,Ha- vana a few? davs before1' the Leuisa. 'bound for NorfolK.- Capt. Jones passed er of ves8elsat that.;anchbtage which ' wire? probably a7 part ,of Cmniidpre 'PorterV quadro-wrioi' 'i Caledonia, vaptain. jjonaioson, is be-fowr--She sailed from Canton n , lhe JOth of .November. Captain Donaldson l brin?3 lnformatioiMoL a Ary.dkastrous t : . I t-4 il.. .1 w v men occurrea in auwii uuecuays -thousand houses were destroyed. '' , Hi; "'After, the ; f preceding paragjaph was riuen, we were mvvreu uj iu. a.uui en with'tliA fidloWinsr iriformationt , William Smitlv nd- Mf II. N, iKitchenl suMrcal gbes ttthe elirp Cale :dania, Jtapjtain Donaldson came .ijjr bnjt , eveninj?--they ; eailed; from Canton Jhe 10th ot November, and left the vessels sis reported, by the Cj)met at "Iolme?s Hole: ViththeexteDtion of the ship Co4 ; Wmbian.'lCapialn Shearman, of and for 'tlits port, which" vessels, sailed uctooer :two, and iras spoKett-Dy tneuaieoonia an ' ell , off Sttteliaf,l W any of the American -'vsselst-VoufiV - be detained on account oi a estraaive; ure wnicn i'thcfiisands dwellings orthc natives, and ' i all 'tU'd'factori&s and jwareliiouses of : the ' foreign rhercliants! with the eceiiti 6f i uiai OCcupiKii iv air. iiuhj;, Aiuiu i in- -ladelplda, " v.lio behaved' tao nobly, , AU.rovnp: uis doors open ami proyiuin i ami disti luutin x h". sstorcs i'or -the relict ,' -of his dfbtrcSit'd c mntrrticn, without Fee of reward.' I t of ttic property be - ' loii'rinK t f."' Ai. i icans v. as wvi-a.' The tSuilors and boats of the British ajid f . ... . - 4. . t '.AuM-ican vessel were or m l on wiore to as ist in "'.rotcc;" r tl. iioi'Mty of ih!,r omj.i crs. U he Biitish t ununo . du. e, v.io ,...4 n vei v respectuuic lorce jurf y '.ore, ''it'ere.i cverv f-si'-ncc in h . .rower to t-.'.c ...cnc:ni:t. a lie cstiiiia- i Cert. .!!!' (! 8 broke out rm the cuaartcr cai lea. jiog lMtie, which' continued ibrr four days I U4mveA 5 frnm. ten tto IvteAv. ' v!ipta the Gulodonia sa i,r;ould I" to ' t . a- '"' : Ljue, oat r ., v - .Mf, U.iDliliit Tie C'.-c' 'riiai carr all ,r. 'je ' ..f of ' e 11 t.ui tr.'J I U 3 oti i 1. Ia f-iciry occupied ue-..rytJ . but -tha ybole of Uh gonial were siv.d .uthe ls f abool one day last, saysWe nndcratand It Wi-l oua riot took place at New llavf n a fV hunured and twenty dollars. , No exer- and bear ! toyttw nre4 ia favbr ' '' aiari!!. S ilel r ' r ,r e by the Chinese tt'of sellin, Afir uSda, r-u-d fc Ur-e pT ..1?.' I u ?0 w i ; .oj til tut dtmOire element, they('t';ip?yfproijof. audhadUaUbuilu1 1 P iWCimHi, i r, (ur V vulci.ng1ta just puniai?nt inHict-1 SineYew did attc. , but ao scntmlo- V4 '" " " mA4 " ' lU rt worauip. , v ; "a , v - Cil wUicli Ud beca treviouJy pasled, Mlni, i.u DtrM . .';. Rioiaibete brnurV ' fiat; alUibugh the weather was rerv bCJ" w ir.i j.a.M .ThfcLitcfiHJAinerkaa.nfMan. clement, thev wo.Id not Uuch a ration. TS,mmJlZkt7,V' uai a Bince, , oenieea tnei student oil l wj ,iree w sacn eiaipiet m ooedi Yale College and some fcftlie citizens. 'ence lars of the rad. , w f The particulars we Jiave'nat learned,! de ptatioa of the- Coirtmissioners but understand that it was very serious. wlJtC(1 on kIIicksatii principaJ cliif. Two or three hundred ..aludenta beinrl'' rtwonstrated Vila him onttf. eed le gU, Some k bruise4 V limbs 'and blood r faces wajr the TesulL ; Soma ofl the students engaged have left town ; v ' i .- a -i - ' 'An atfpnrnt ' aiu mA. V.1 -L rday ' niiht last.- to curtain letters from the Post office in his eitj, by eans of maciune inirouucea tnto tbe opening ofthe window through whith the letters are deposited--Freeman't Journal. o;V,'--;vv.' .W . CPhiladetphia; March 10. ' ' i esteruay aiternoon while divine ser vice w,as performinff athecliapelof the state ' prison in - Walnut-street by the Rev. Mr.. Chauibelain.-a desperate but 'fld attemwt was made bv the prisoners Vesentfc effect . their'escape. ' iTie vuapei i siruaieu so mat tne sisth Street wall formsne slde of it. Thro' tliig walf;it was their intention to escape,' and aftei securing the keepet who was present, wtm U.CIH, mey commenced ueaiiTJYi quic er, ri. ujv a. iaa v. no. nassmo-tiip m Streets had hpard them .r..i,V tt, .olr through it rewired with 'anumber of citizens well armed, an d demanded the U 'aoori handed . . 44...(.4 kev of the door: this waa Win hamUt the prisoners , were ordered lo present themselves at the entrance as their names were called overt .intimidated pearance of, the armed men ed and were immediately secur! If.' S.'Marines, at the Navy-Yard, turn ed out , , with great alacrity but" before they mmved the insurrection had been quelled-6. ; LY"?,.'. i ne steam ixiat iennessee, command ed by ; Captain -' Campbell,, bound - fojr Louisville, Vitli a valuable cargo; and about ISO deck, and 1 8 or 20 cabin passengers, on thefiight of the 8th inst. at about 10 o'clock; struck a snag some distance from .the shore,' jviwch caused herto sink in a very few tmnutesveon: Kr nastenttera. ;; An occurrence of this ,,4,, 4 , 4 44 U 44J r , ,4 4' 11.1 1 K. . .4444 . . 44 4 Kl CJ j " - ; m .mvii nu iuau; , i.oa never before taken, place op the Missis- ng II. V XJUl tneirenons werel .. W ve? . i" " ..".ja wwon wnej m exttmi p(rong thit uaper Ulrlrustratedbv thenrinrinat tpin. smce, annormous riSM,.weiell- ;:v p"a. . prowiwa toie,rr Ume, una ef .Alraiiillaway. who being informed .W?vr "was crat laT&T . .... v. r : -i - r --. . - v - i 4 tna imu minhi. i..i. ..:..j u. ... i. . Sippiv The, boatandargo was estima-tbeea ted at about lSQ.OOQ dollars 1 1 J0ec derv tuc: Heneel fanaker, ford, nejrro fare not known. ri-, .-.V;-yife'lv ,",.'r'.'!' thetats havTng perforated several holes through her s&es artdiitin.' - 1- ,t 'rl .Ivf (.- The ateam boat Vornmrce, Lubbock, of. Lexington, Ky. Mr. Pooli of, Baltimore, ' . -jfliZlJ jiflv-uTi.Aw; jwi-: jwkvhin. of phiiadeinhia. andJUr; Cana! now penetrating, difters tom theUofTeroieaaee. C ' ' "the surfetd., We cin. simply ofl,exngton, Samuel Cooper; of Ken- feefehe passed through thin Stfita of r ' 1 li. alVen' tai.aahTkMi.; i ky Oawd Knaw, doJotih Curbyv Samuel; ifm, rnni. '4'. -i . '-' '" ard. decLud . , -j. r-v... 'v , V ly John -Steward, John' Kipler, JMra ;:, a'j.1 - . J-i2.-'iir-iii- x '.. '.: : ;. StliPHEK ioxvr.NiC .iri ,and4iiJ'JMr;,TeiyiJaihea'Br .1 it l. ...... x iiniri mni was wasnina' iiiiiishii ny rni- . , . . , , i - r boya, and ten paasenarcrs, whose namea sine oi nis canoe in a email creea.n we - rv ' .,;vr ;:l:ri.n'V:-... . . ,.;',!r;f':ra,";."'iVW f retteTille, oe'Ihe lUteigli road, Itia renorted iri the . Montreal IIe- front and Crownuf the head and exten- oa tlia wen awle ol in Feaeriver. ,eute. a raid, that one of the St.' Lawrence steam ding to the lower Tart of the back of the? :iVirZ lf bo:atsthe:Malshamhas;sui,k4 wintpfino- eroundin vconseducncfc ( of whole of the face, and deck, teanusand bit- 4 fret 9 iuehet hiith. and valued at to dot. was to. have started yesterday at ' 12 p'cIock,forIlamburg4iutafter,hefcar-itlienJ go wasTill on ooara,' ana ( preparations uapiiuj iioascu wic uui,uuim ioiu a r '.' -' .11 , .r 1 -IA' t J. Ar.A44Wr..4). 4444.44 14 fn-.lt44- r'nl444l4li 14444..V. was ascertaineiu tnai.a Bogarfiiogsiieauj r'u vu.,w wuUj -iutignntnti f which had been taken in, ' suppo rnrttninoA Hfl- ' WflA, filled - With CTWi' powdctl- It had been "Haced within a few feet of the turnace? ana jiad not its Contents been pi'oyidentialiy discover ed, the consequences would; in all prOfl Kahilitv. I.uvt lipln diiadiul.--It Wa8f r'.snrr -tof' lake out Considerable! tV):iin of the c;:-ilarorde'ri'g.ktV -'.KLSiS it; which caused" a, delay .of enr day n ; Ei?v the time "of the boat's departure;, t- , i - - Charleston Courier. ff4t.. T,t.iimmnn1. nf Pittjshurnr. Maine. ! :' ..mi 4, .. " r : " ri' .' ' I '4MI4-4V I ir. irom lara s-if'atiu i j ," y 0'e.oci. ,-4411 '.AHn.4. aAt " Vifoa .AtiTirlnll'Klf'M .144.4.1. ml rwithherVatlinir. on OcractrcW UrtMVu a 1UII LBItV Ul .044.. ILUVLVUVjU....! i 1 1 . i i Wednewl.iv. the .5th iistant. v Crew aved. TasA, Recorder. i "We learn thatduring a very severe thunder 'storm on Si .arday night last, twoTtoTO hf s 'on the plantation of Mrs. SaraIiS:;''!rlI,in bt. Jamea;.. far Lh.. wee Etiuci4, by t' liHitiiing and ci -""nil d.to'-cthfr v. Ii r'cveji negroes, , e killed by the LtVl.o i PP. liiiu.:. T,.-t-,..t tf 1 e I ' aitrmt tt k treaty wij tie CL- . kee lul uvea tniljr nuUKiMM'r. And, frvai tl.e d.K4tin tnimfct J by it naiion, &e ii l.pt little or Uat tit mating in A ;.-).( next w ill be wre MccefuL under tha eir-xtatioo that D. Indiana would at Wt atf-nH th. or mtv " the inside of a lent. . We . . could wislKhst iivilized sociA v shoeld L ; .tion C He, heard hem". through their ' do ot regard them.'. We can pay them rqpl; - of Geora must. be contented with jhat land they have. already got, unless they adopt the idea of a certain titled son of Mars.nlio bHuI be narae- i r .1 : ' . , ,. - . , IfHia tor rh fMU4.nf iftt liuliana ui.iwl in the same relatien to white men a the wild beasts of the wilderness, and unp me lormer uoin uieir possessions by force whenever douceurt tun fail of their i'i usual effect. Salsvi, '(Aias.) Afarch 3. DSID2 lanueu. n was ai once aa-rceu lO present it to John Qumy Adams.as i an " AdlLyoa ciie it two dollars ner acre : f "kc,b,r'ie I .T"' fj our .lahdr lV,u ipgwered ia the-; . Mumriwua j SaiwoVuLiMk negative, he said , Very well, we know 1 ' aa. J Kaatarguraa , itSAalue, and can l.eep it-V A for ApiJte'" "4l h ?4n' clairo$ vmir people have'aalnst as. we tV . ' n'.llJjr?,I 'iti.': 7uioa i selling oar. una. whenever they are properly presented.' ' The&a thinss are most infallible indications, thai theuT I. Vn4n.-wisf'. n.aMH. . A nr ........ w . ? . . , . . o ..-v., w- I iA Nith. ovuic-jiaiuicMoui-jrwuenucu. uu m'lM eimu ot utrful i.l.oi I . .'r 1 PK0Jirite testimoniaUf the gratitude V fyfX?r&, Fishermen for his .most able and trw, ldreaied to Jmei SeLell,Ti . - A , M .. r - 44 . I ..' T .4. I . 1 i nsnermen lor ins most awe and tn lto t"6 Fisheries,' jn the neoclatk , eit Th fign wai cohfinglyii Ions of - i oten d byth api-. wA ft care, in order to, preserve ' they obey; wcased mabotof ice, and .transmit-; B'cBiwJT6e;'"? wth letter f.-om the.'' ddaora,to the Ii;an. Secretary of State,' " . y , Wheeling', ' (Va.) March 1.' i Enterprize. We have heretofore mentioned that Mr.' E.: Phelps was bo- rinn frtt salt-water 'on the jnargin of - ing cteekr hear'; this place. -t"At-" me oepui oi 4u leet, ne struck: a vein ol 4 1. 1 ' j I . a v a , . "h, salt water, bur not suruciently large, to answer his purpose: he has -continued,1 to nerncvere in nia emerprize, ana nis well isftow; more' than "severt hundred and ftfixi feet deep., M i'JPhelpsr machine T"C ffir IviritHr ia nmruillAil Kv Ana linraa he has ffiaulayery important improve k n . - . ' .. .4. r.. u ii. u ...ux. liaiCHL IIN 1119 IlllCllLIUIla- C I SUB wrm WW a B. IB , te U80al mctnod, Dy tlie appUcaOon 0f the same power. v As few wells have sunk eo'deep. geoldgists mair-wish 1 know whether the 'annearahce ni'dfin. ... i ' 4 4" . I. . ... '-' .. . inch he is those nearly nnttror' BuUftmshott!;'inieati .burying tlieteeth in the Jleshy part&t.,7I :'i ''Vi l,A.1 P00' wliad aufficnt fJ ;'.-:fof mind to dart his -fingers to'thte eye's .- n . .'i -i ",, oi me animai, wnicn nc tnrust into wiuj nucli lorce a as - he could,1 the animal his. dreadful bite, .thus - f A ineviiajj c i vuiup. .in w h.h muw use to raorruwJltt-a,uma ; evenins. ai lor the iurpfle ot aumining n.oe oe. kix-mturriv Vlcnibcr. and tonridtrinc form Ur Order of the Caiman. - ;vm r, LAIliD, Ord. Sere. . March St 4u .v ' MARRIED v b , A rVewben. on the I Xib inatant, f r'. Stephen H Forbettn Mis Maria Tivdale, CaugUer of iriliieounty,ontliei9tJiint.Mr IsaaeHun. sinor it cure oressmss lor.xiie wouhui .ne.was iier, vor ai dressed in the Colonial Hospital, and is' ' - l!X-wl IU. far m awaaa.. . - - aBBt bv' 'WV-!- 'K.MfV-v I 1 1 ' it Ji ' i I f 76 -t ' A LB. , Alio tbrer . dids, prinM i reUiU I 4ri--r p-'V'-'l 1 iiia.MOUA8at'.i.;'i Apply ia :-' s t- 1 r; r'li''v'Vr;'i' 'i'':-fr.:,.': - ;'-rt-:--tos it.coTT,; ter. " . ',y-' ' t At Salitbarr, on die ;b instaot, Mr, Dankt Crtt, t It ;r aa f t 'i It 4"jf r-m -m', jr3 ' it M ftn, j . ry. l ..i it jrr. ,',., Mlralit Ir. MdtiiM e a (anaar wfplr, I arr juat re ceived ha Toltiw SCKlto, .iil.a4 addl- CakWje Ck Fndv. the Slat Mkrth . m heanld k 9 at ike Uta lrtli' houa of 3ritt lie ihtoftwei hii., for ii lk H"hu KUeMn Vi HtirifH, a arr. auma vcr R. al arohare. lha kalr aneo of tha Stoak of Cmeerlri oa liaad. and tun- '7 anusira km) leototu I n.iUon, bciooewp 10 .i.l T . a .. . . ' .". : Vch.9T, j -st s . J-.l)UlN,Ks7 ' C7 The abve$ale i potfponed until -V (jOO)J pppoftunityl i.l Tn,!,i !nrii'r f bAo6... w .fe-Wj tnlHHIimmit in F-tTAif..,!!.!-. . f . , 1 1.. 'A pnrioaiiyi.WQsi.itefl wiih, tha l.il..r '25f f"W.oeJ d, by, let- !,, wreaied to Jamea s. Kijetuville, .1 M - i vChiia;.ir4 aW- f ! bcj; M irrt rluZl,,VC OTrVi .df i oWil.. fs iitceiy neat. Inula. KB OlUAKS, " I I I I. I N I I I. 4 41 . 44. ' ... . . C- r . v." I . ' 4 . - . i - - iii i ' 1 1 ii 1 ' ' r ijtm trim niM. 4iH....i.-u 4 : . '-r t . . , eoniiii ff of won.en, toya" and lrlV l9n Io"i'lfrnok,litet, lately oceupied by M 'of theift Ter 8S Je V Bd!jo'm Sti,n h lhe"dra tnak of Ur Go roved eurky mill be rtnuired- Uelore I '"pdw'e' y rf ,a fth h Coi which ei rty I ol anged.' -.r a v ' ' jif?" an exieniyp. and valuable M.leeiloi : t'.HDITnBiii'ft cnLtfiiti -A U'retb innoi-Urfl Urillih and othar Ginila. It '.nnly tine ' .iami acproved : tile projieriy i el ngej. v . i HBto -tTOW I k ft PORTlrn , Ex of John Foater, a dee'd 'March II ?2-w Tei Dollars liewaid. ,.;..$. an I . day night iat,a nro boy; byha natne of; 1 ' 1 11 . ., . , V . . . 1 U V aftl.t, at tA eow tboua in -Waah, Bhar " f 1, iH.. ""' u? lDre' w J'Ii2"'t it n ""i " i , aw liherprerty o V; W; ttodbnit.4 i. a ' Til A41 4W.I,.l.. Vfln4ii.il I 'll-l. . 1,1 ri. rar'V " Lr"" uj"4 i,- 'l'QWff. kRopkhi v -v v , .-V ' A lota, piren inb W W HiunJ i t CumbcrUnd county. i1-.. ''lastii',) t?irc ElQHarrewarii ! STOtlCN frwavfit'! ttoiiaefV Vk Bounty, (in the atage road, l tuileliouih if llali.itli, lata laataot, u rt- moroeeo ruidit. 1 , etwuiolne fivu doHr ia catlii one j oii ; dollar, in favor of Crawford Tucktri a Wia v h It I ueki rv. the aubKil. dollart and eoi n juilirmeiit aeuimt (,'attiMrine bmitli. for S dollur onil ootlt beaide other paiu-ra. not reaolleeted.' i The above note and juilgitien were paid eft" and taken la by me; out i egieeiei toekncei Uiem. ,u pcr40ar nereny lore warned, agaiaat trauma; lot ai.y ot the above papwra, aa they ari aatUfietl " The abt.ve reward will be paid lor tbe reeofery efiue otkv et book and blner. - ' " FLKASAHI8. 'MaranW-.f. iA'-y at i i, H J. IEN half barrel of Hie abovi ai ueli- for bale .'by N H tltlllMU StCo. Al 1 .., w, peri.ir uditr bevtr HATS, very light, 'and mnaWe lot- the appntarliing tcaton. M arch I. ISMi. - . ' . M-et . Five Cents Uewaril' V.', II A AWAY from the employment of the 1 1 Hibwrtiwr hi apprentice, ty the name ol JOlS IVe.V Tbe Hid apprentice i about IS veura of k- S fct 104 inclie Ivith, llclit com. ph-ai !' All pron are forewarned hai-boring llieimil appp niici;, a the rignroflhe law will be enforce! airaim ;ln-m. Kouynvi paid for lit delivery.' - ' ' JOII. . I'l'. 1. Kaleigh, Marcfi 5, 1821 ; , 10 3 a tanner nu carrier, a boat iMrty ear M ace, I lec-l 0 or f indie birh. ka on one of Ua arm, occuiont'il by the cut ot a haife, and baa low a tbutub nail k a lelou -uaieign. MarebSO ,JJ;-.:-' ,.-. -tf ' 1M1 Tun. i:Li:k;.i. " I' ' I t?- IV,'- ..I tl lt ! n.mi t ..lr( ii a.lt ( ' I IMS, ttuktHa t i . c nr ktm 9k iti..wiiii Ps.ii g 1rra.ti.J fy mXMlfm lwb' ntikl. urn. ni wry .. j fa. I ,' r '( '-a iht t t.-a l. t'f aiif" a a an mjo. imrin cl !. w-l Km W-W irfc are jrj ti' t u 4j u- i.M txtrUrel H4fe. If i e1 t.lei-m ra n, will, and awl Ujtr4 (t .waii t br:u,f iMaal4a th kiyK H hc!U.n a rtt H Ur' cttr, ad aupa.i.a vi.ii tKa .uri 11 .J maat aitvik( liter )man-i, B j,na w Ke. I'ulWt wiM ka Bridil at lha lun, u wui.e. a.l f. rpuir boarder tkra pa U.t ibm ro.i,l rrmt. - - '" II hnpra li- t.4 e'.4 frinvU afxiiinua tt tara. ai.d urnrT a,. I t,.i it te h.r aonfmt mtdi.itiot h.mcll. hesiUri lor UK, w ,V4 b ,d m hxuar lt tea lorrMUala,t(uHiU aij be ialiaa la a.juura aahil ta iba thy. . . . . . - '. v. KOUtiiT U. WYNP, Marck , I Hi. . ., 10h tA-'Vahntsr,-.'-': ;r TllO aBlrl-ntnTt both 'oinr ana f un-y. ' iiif perUMlr. eaa ba fair altaoev of rtiit rtiabW amploTnmt at mj Ua ard. Bra a. ilea waat of Srtvtl.ficUl, N. C. U arjiliaaUoa la naJa la acr rcaonibl iina (o . " ! JNO M'LEOO... Boas w; JbhMtoa air, , I04w y Aucllon; and Comnissioa Store . IMIEaabaeriberaaNaoiiaUal'frraelvirigtoiir r -. etgnraeuU nl lir. ene, lry Vtxit and ' lard ware, ahlcb tliey will aU lo fur avili. or 'orgoOabla aoui at Tbey ba tl pittcj ia at.ire. 4 tilida. gnod retaiUn Uoltura V.st ri i.riiaa MaooadoS(igc 'i 10. Ua Mr A do do i i ) OS bbla lt.l eelored Cuba aod IU T 4) 1 '. u -J - 4 . I. a Sugira 8 ninaaLiirniaa Hraadt. S nan. Juiuuim liura . r r - t.-. - . ; . , . una Ku 411 Jill t44144f .ffV k' It bbla !aiif and Lamtt Sugar , v . ' .. Si bag prr Porto liioo t offee i 4J i" it d'i" good fit. Uonupgo -, do ., , 11 bbla green tlopjierai ' . , "Staaaaa Nails, aaaorted ' ' ' do ' ftaitiul . . ", , .5 ; , ' J .1 dq 1'r.m Chain and t V.'eelinf H SlOboai AViudow Ulata, I by lOaud 10 If lit. in whole and hirjoie . l -, . i A ail aatortmeiit of Dry Uoods .. ' " A Jfreat taitety ol Cutlery , ; -' - A birpe ttwoi tiaeat of Bouneta, ailtl a varli 4 V varlefy- i ,,'- - r.':V ' f ,i. LBVY k CO. -FuretteTille, 1JI.C. Fb, Sl,18i3. . .w ': UamiUoh; Lemoino VauWL ... ii-iV i': fiAt.R op niiv r.fwiTis ' BN Monday h tllli Maroh teat, wt ihlillV ell without the Ikdsi reaerve, at the !or eia, .- londt,1; - cam. : rile an exienio and valuable ca.leeilon of ' ' reb iranoiteo Uritiih and other Gi.oiie. It ann.. ' Uta hi bait of M ; . t v'H -'.,: vj' ( ouper. Clothl and CaMlmerea, ("heppard'i) ' f of all eolom 'IdiiH I'etiw Ch.tli , i ' . iaretingt Baizei Jlanktisi' Nup' ;o(lon. : Dombaxatu, Cheki Irub Unei i Uliuiir. ' -) Caliooe tii)iglan Veaimgii Silki MuditiS. ' IJottnn and WorMed Hoaej ambrlo. ., , DixpenM Lttwna, etc eta. ,-t . v ' ' Aail, In firt, nearly eerr article that i requi. '-. red to aaanrt ai yxtentiva WKol. ialr and 'ittml -v-S tore i' Jf he Qaeih re generally tf the vary bat quality, and ntarly the wAa'a have been re eit. ty . imborttd, . So ante Jia been lately ..Itered 10 ili - . . public aalonlalad to altraat ao much attentiou ai 1 . Tbe ulb will be continued from day lo dy. 400 fo COO,' 00 day and I90dyi-fn.ni6ihto J0.'-d I moothabove Riuoo. 6 mo.ni,, cre'litinle tnuit be aeeured by aunroved emlorieil negoti'tle noiea ' . f HAWilu,lON,Lr.MOIVEkPNKII.l4, ut'It,.s.:-', i'-ii Truiteee and Auctioneer!, 1 Petehharg, e.b. Is, , , , 8-3t Tptygtiters nti Stationers.1 LriSM K auDieruVr hvvliig lately eommeneed f l tPt.l MAKING on an eateoiive acale. will, be enabled tq (apply order tor all kind e paper. Tb. y have aliu ennttantty on band a ,e ncral anortnipnt of B'x k and Slutioflftry, which ' tbey wMI sell for CVmA, at very rettoectl nrieea. : 1 -fi-aKssm t u. wauvs. rnuMciphta, sa i venin, isv3. , t f-t5,.i VlSoticea Ms friend .and the poMio are veapeetfiilly iaforraed.'that, owma te ome dmnhnint- . nieiiia, the bnpa of putiluhing tha M UN ION," in (hi City, i bandotied. ' 1 howi who have gene, rbutly iiiterceted thrniaelvea- in wlvancihg the tpeciability of my I'roi oaul. by their gotioe of tbeni, will pfcaar accept my thank. '-' - ' Maroh 14. m ,j T. LORINtf. ' i - i -i. r ' iT , -i'- t--.. - in '' ' 'Virginian. ' ' ' HR race horte Vug.alan will aiarid the en- , Itilng .ion at njyaUbiM In MecKUinlmrp' : couuiy. Virginia, near Taylor' Ferry, on v btoanoVe, abnnt five mile aouih nt the cnmtJ .' honaet and wiiMte put to mare at ftH do! Ure r . .. Uie aeaaoni which ron be diicharged by the pay' f meut ol' ibirri -five. dulUrt if pul by the fint . . day pf July neatat which ilm the tnoq ill ,. y eapfrei but if any gnilem.n will wad nx area " v or become reatiootible for them, tlie puce ill be Veilnaed to thirty, dollurt each, if paid aa-'abwrtfi AHe dollar to tbe grooiujuall iiinivneea, , uoki - i4etitive PH.turairr, atrongly enclou-d, and ;:it Ki vnU' 'hoana I'aiitt boi .o reponiibility tor , V reii!etitierei'tw, llumgii.tlie givateat poMible aai-t )iall be t!ik.'i to prevent eitliti-. i : . .. ' .- U cannot be eipected, in ne ' i.ner i!ver," ' liMinent, tbkt I klioald Irnae.bwrk hia pc-lilgrre , through d long race of ancestor, for two th t ee ' , eentnrieB, a baa been done by hia forrorr oi ner-. :. and breedar, and rtifit d to lie puro. Suti'ice It . to any, be wm gutten by tha noted Mali. on feir Ar, any. out of leiltnx, one of th beat mare ever ' raiaertjn tl.ii country, jrnd partkv of. the Very .' tiett. blMod in KnglKod and Anieriea. hoth by the tlit and dam ide- 8ee Mr. Harriaon lt jw 'a ; . ndvertUenient. i t ) .. a,-. U It ia also deemed unneeeary to give a detail. ' ed aeeonot of hit pertbrrnaiiceM H i thought fuU' , ly nfficient to any; that in teept.kee and ' pur-f, he won for bit oneethe aum of R',;;5, and w, and ia etiU thmiglit by bin. to l e ttm .i4t bore ever raited i. ihi or ny mhtr e(,im- , try, He. la ebeutiCil bay, full aiaieen !- i hiKh, of great beaut) . fi"? tntucle and e t bone and iaure and ' "" Urntfu.i. r; and b) worthy the am "' who a iahe to Improve Ii.. i -J i,-: htteaea-general', iuUio . . ' .. , -., U tllUli,'., . ;'Feb.6,iW3' '..-.-,' 7-S ,' .-. .