Vra vrw'utj fe tU-t U laleUaXe- ; titan for tue irar. A letter trx PtTrwrTsan r( fSe 7th Mir, pm a a rrpvi r, " tat!!., e Vretr tonlcuitdaat of the tuwm of tinner 'jit 4 l!.t, coTiTjf c Jrr of the furirrj a woti!J U t& C frtt x .is:(n1 W r Ct 1- frr toward, tedtvlt in - 4 the Un hotUJ. we P' iv ! fWH ...ii .1,1'rlT r!!irirwinJ ti ttandarJ of Li- trtr, atit ni.rmrit very satis, w.ifg oini al Uie un time ri?or S treatment, when ctpCured, if be hosLI prit in bit eo r The pan rJi commander received the Ctg and VaeU'.r, sent back the tueuta&r, and tmaeJi&teW eetRmrnced fire apon tb town. . ' J'trpipim, Mrj 1 0. Extract from ar private corrr pond ace General ta- .lXoaniea. I hare cuainaHica- Bsr h.m not. to fire po the tJ wyopinioa u them. hit it, tual ttroyed; and I can auore your Excel lency, that if t partae hi widi fijroer far iUr, U U lHt tor mat of mum- - i - T Uc Ueeri of the amict f bl Oi. Majestr. ' - " . " j v -BAROXITEIIOLES." OsBoAoTth 15th annoaiKe the occi- Doile entered Vicb n the filhJnatua of PaLpsm ftf troopt, wt.o "lTiere wl a tight tllrmUh in the vrre received wita thoae ViMportl of womI of Tuwt, betwera Olot aud Let- jar to which the are now accustomed, p-wut, . mhtrf e lial about SO wen ,Tb anprnchea to Barcelona ari eon iroanJtd, lie e:nfj enntioaed hit tuirea. . TWn(veni-nU ofMinaare retreat, pattd over the bridge of ttoda, uncertain; . the lit he JescenJed to ovfr tlie.Ter, here he aliawioned the wjrj Cordara,'aaJ appeared by the left ba&k of that river, and retired apon hesitation of hit march to have no fixed La?aaet,' Thera it wu that Xieneril aJan.it J onlr desirous to avoid anca Doriadiea entered - Vich. an that the jagemcot. '. Hie troops art diminithing eaemv detached 4900 men to re-atceud ever daj. Thoae whom 4ie fore iblj the 1 r, by the rieht bant. and taking eolitted.take advantage of the moon the road from.Vith to Rippoll. passed uia defiles , and night inarches, - to throujA this last city and arrived th desert." . , ' 8ih at "Campredon, . place.' sitaated 1. w FroTnvthe coipa WocLadmPampeln- alMit three ie5e ftwa our frontier, ria, they write 0.1 Uie 7th The city it irt order to cot off onr communications closely presied. within short . cannon with that place, whence General Dona, thot, by 6 battalions and 8 sqoadront, dim drawtall his munitions aud provi-;of the 3d corpa of Candy division, sions. Tlie entry tC this in Campre-' and by StKK) Spanish Rovausts. These dun was announced by the'sudden and. forces will be augmented in a few days, unexpected arrival of those same monks, by the arrival of 5 battalions of th14th who, on, the 4th. at o'clock', in the regiment, front France, and by 3000 xaoraiflg, had go out of the town with Navarrios, whom the Brigadier, Santos ringing of bells, to repair to their respec-' Ladon, is bringing from Saragossa bv tive eonvenrs. rid -take bossession of Jaca-' Tha French and the 8nanin tjieir rents and cinoluroents.- The arri- Jloyalists live in the most perfect har val of the enemv at RiDDoIl is also con 'minr-Mhev are rivals onlv in the zeal firmed by the way of Cerdagne. J-', i with which they support the fatigues 6f sjn we i i, i"c iuujjiuiui i ivippuu me aervice anu me ngors oi iub easnn. ' fled to Cerdngne. egreading the news The garrison of Pampeluna, which is cfihe arrival of Mina, in tlieir town, composed of the skeletons of 5 or 7 Die troops were under arms lunng the regimcnt9, and 500 militiamen, form whole night f th Tth, expecting mo- ing altogether , an effective force of less tnentlr the arrival of Mina'a troops: buf than 3000 'men. sustains daily tosses the obiect of that Chief seemed to be to frnm Hptirtinn. Thev dare no longer occupy Camjwedon, apd thus cht off the to hazard any sorties. afresh meat is supplies of General Dopadieu.' A con- already very scarce in the city, while i iun auio vuiijr i n iui.li , iiuu ii;oiij iae U1WCKUH1 U Hp ciijuj K'Cl auuil' started from Olotl returned on the 8th dance. It is thought that if the batter- to Pari. v We know nothing hf the ui . ing trained were arrived, that Parape- , tpriir nnprat'uina ttt iUe.M two Cnnm. Inn, u.-UKtamrinf th ofronrrfi nf - - - - . I - r-r " ILI1IM utniwHiiuiH V j vtiui Wt only know, that, on the th, ten Us walls, would not be long before it Dfitiadieu ordered the 7th battalion of opened its cafes." Journal aetlhbatt. the 15th rpfrtinnf nf the lint 'which hnu TK. remained at St. Laureat de Cerdan, in Gallatin js not without hope of return order to covyr that part of the frontier, This worthy representative of the Uni to march immediately on Olcrt, which ted States havinsr asked for his recal iliey did on the 0th.i The enemy appears on account of his family aftairsjias bn-j in no wise disconcerted by our entry into y' obtained a limited leave of absence, j CataIoniat and those of tiicir p artizana Mr.D.Sheldan.Secretary of Legation,' '.who remained n ' the villages which we remains as " Charge d' Affaires" of the occupy oppear satisfied with Mipas ope- United States darinsj theabsence of Mr. rai)cffi;.,lne sold'.cis of Erote's division, Gailatia, OmirtfuJione. Mch remained itt Cerdagne; deserted fextract of letter from our Corretpondent, everyday, with their arms and baggage , dated, Htr re, Uy 20, 1823. . Ihe otltcers olthe. lfaita nreteoa that it . vT fr mi in riw.r hprowWK fnr js because th(y are not paid i,tand,. in, wnaU9 passing in Spain.v There is a N.fact,4he inditary c.iest bavitig ; follow- rumoi. that . negotiations are going on. u ure iuv u ..v.v, w.v.. ad ar tne jrrencn nave cainea nomin no ijhiiict en, iu ivout ,vi. Di,t ground; and it remains to be seen troops ol the raith. . - J ' f: uhi'ther tliat is hot. in fact. a. disadvan- stfe. went toward Fort CabelSa, takiur Coco labia wav. ien, iws days march frooi Cor, near alenoa, ke'fell in wUhthe adt aoce pan! of Hen. Pti a action enie4. and AJ Jiale t trmrwii nrnipwuirroaico. w'.i . J . i . -i o.: A. as in several outer acuoos, in owbim Geaeral dilared a waat of courage, leavintke field ef battle, and his array to the Mercy of the eaemyt this is the ram total the news received to-day. I rncIoM a trut copy of letter Iron Gen. Pan ow the subjcU . , Lxtricttf fnm Cm fan. fJ : Wa have just given the Spaniards .a dreadful beating, aud I may safely say wilt prove a dekth. blow to their hopes. My advanced guard yesterday encoun tered the Cavalliers urgos del Com, which I must confess harwsed- as no little. The lloyalkts, thank God, have paid dearly for their temerity. The Cavalliers de Valencia, a line Span ish Regiment of horses, have been entirely cut to pieces by my troops, principally Creoles of Camcc a Mo rales fled the field precipitately after . simr the citv. and the best part of his forces. All he has now with hyn, (being thinned br capture and desertion) a- mounts to about 1400 fighting men, mi serably' clothed and fed, whilst our for ces here are 3,530 effective .men, , Mo rales has made good his retreat to Coro. I only wait the arrival of a frigate from England to :-operateoy ea, wnen we shall make a desperate attack on Puerto Cabello.beingpersuaded that it requires an effort. The momently expected force, and that which we already have at La Guira, will no doubt be sufficient to effect eur purpose. . -.. . The brave Padill has forced the bar of Maracaibo, and captured the forts by strength and stratagem, on' the 19th, af ter an obstinate resistance, with the loss of the brig Mars of 30 guns. , A large Spanish schooner was destroyed by the Independencia. -. The Capt. escaped in his boat, but a few hours after was lulled bv order of Morales. The erobd neonle of royalty have changed their opinion of tma Moatrn jyero, anu lonaiy iook up to us for salvation i. Hie town of Ma racaibo, it is said, has capitulated Viva la Republica. , " Accounts received at Curracoa state, that the liavtiens were collection; .a strong force at Samana, with the inten tion, it was believed, of making them selves masters of Porto Rico. , r n0- f l'i fcaicra..7j 'K?eerji; ar-i - STilu'ih aght aud ud-uno are cooLneJ t 6a narro freciscU pri wa!t; 14 if f- Ynttmm ofa rnia'a lrtr. and the s-it attached to iacarreratioo, will oit te nat his Jott coatracted debt, w vaje t-lM tr for a. eiped-nt. Bat now (he sowary and detuning havt tSinr to tempt .them, to corrupt and oVpra their morals. ' Tho acan- da ef imonsonmeni w remM., their libertT C be obtained upon eatv terms; and it is qnite indifferent "with some of them whether they possess pro perty or not, provided they etn get wherewith to gratify tfcr en1 V" i SV " T peutes. , . k ' Predents in successful Operation are unquestionably worthy of imitation; and, as no other governments, with all their refinements, in their present ad muVntratioss. have been able to digest a system competent to relieve their low-creatures from the calamities and sufferings JnciJent to indiscriminate imprisonment, I am really afraid the laudable attempt made last Legislature will, hi tne sequel, prTc lf"i . .In Ilonett Debtor of Montgomery. , liyometuh Alayirtvemvor: to ..them. '-Mina 'has fallen on a tespbr4!ence.- e learn fiim travellers body of hiicountryroed and cut them up v tliat tlie CoBstfiirtional Government has at R moment they thought him 1 oat." forbidden anr intercourse; dabns from . " " , the W inst.WiUline parw giopaioocco, Trom the National .Advocato. . pied by the French," It 1 true a we haver - .KMManj'-" . stated ; that the greater part of ihe fatni- FROM THE SPAlSH.MAiN. Mcs at all easy in their cucamstances, fly ' - ' - Jiumc0? if at surrpach: Segovia waB evacuated Repotted capture of Maracmbo, and to ' cV which the scholars, of the artillery , We haveliad for several days past school earned off to Uodriiro. aJlthe ma. ifljinj: rumors of the fall f Maracaibo tirir na ahandoned fur want of means :atrd' defeat of Gen.' Morales, air of ; f vtransnortation- w Madrid is ftlmosf which, however," wanted confirmation , r ...1 i i : ai . .l lit. fcrw it,v vram Anmi vuo . 'Mesi'iieu., jjverj oouj i retiring in uic j ni, v .Attdalusias.' ;Th'e roads re incumber . have received the grateful intelligence r.l -h , .m.riant '. mrrvinv nfr thii' thtt thercDorts are true, and that Ma- fticst nrec'ibua eftects. " There is. how'rkcaibo has actually surrendered to the ' cer, no defection ambn the troops,: victorious, arms of Colombia; and fell in '.. anu tne nanas oi tne aim no not in- tne iwhuwitik ninuurii - - r crease, vine occupation of the capital . FO THE STAR. ,. 'y' " Meitr. Belt U Lawrence, , - Walking one of our reservoirs the other day, I observed a great' many aeaa irojra. ia tne sianant waier, m a mitrifvinnr fitafp! and I hnic TAKiuin in suspect that an oi uicra are in, tne same condition. ., ;f '?. If the Commissioners wish' to keep the citv from being? unhealthy, whv is this not removed? I also believe that there is an ordinance to compel tlie owners of cellers, containing stagnant water to have it removed. Why is this not enforced? v t . CIV1S. . . aiarmcu ai me moucm, r' i no neccssi- , ty oi cscory ng tne convejs is aireauy ...v Iftlt hs icertala information ids 'bee,' re-' ccived of 'the'formation 'jf several gas trin corps in't)ie ptovihc.cs,' " We kn6w that the pn?aners, to the number, of 0, , ojadc at the 8Yir tf Lotfono, have ar- . rived at yiUoria.'The ctTurts. however. . tne raitn proved unavwimp au rerusep, declaring . with; the greatest erlergy, that the preferred to be-shot.?,! "iV' Turn, Met 1 7Tne M oniteuc ifflb-! iisiiu io-iay tne utuowui'j wiegrapnic lispatch trsrasrhitted . frvm Bavcone, . I tls I3'th; at 5 o'clock in the evening: i' ilcd Quartert'at lirina, 13tli2.lT'd,eloc - i tie ijiittiar brnmu n mi r jrrrnnr mm jinn. . u. lhi J'uuiiu. ti. n u. ins uukf oi f Augoulcme amyid here , to-day with V the reserve from Burcros., f Tli8 Dukfe vi liesjrioenrerea vsiiaaoiai yesteroay. lis vanguard is on the Duero Gener- : l Jbert was to have been on the 14th at ITAliiiiazar. K 'V : i .: .!,' i (1C1UVIUICUI III HI ICOTlim' ' t oriy r ot a letter trom liaron dU- On the t9th inst. iwft Sriarikh armed schooners sailtd from' Maracaibo for Porto CabelloV&ot kriowin that the Co lomhnn AdmiraL PaUilla, had crossed the bar a - few hours 'previous 8nd by whom they - were shortly captured; the wnoie neet men siooa to tne lazoon and at day-licht Admiral Padilla man lied these two 'Spanish 'schooners with seamen and marines," ordered them to hoist Spanish colors and make .sail for the citv, and that he would end a tew ' sail i n rc"hase, "Nvhichi however,'' should not overtake them; all things being pre pared, at 7 A. M, the - mancevre. com menced, the whole Colombian -fleet niade sail in chase of these two ' decoy vessels, they were seen by' the, forts, which, hot suspectiox the trick, began to fire .on, the , Colombians' and protect .ti ...i ts i. l uie su!tMi5-n ouiium' auiuwuers, which i ',.l 'l . i. . ' anchored Close under , lort at, uarlos, and j-emaineu'in battle array, firinj blank cartriges at Padilla, till his fleet engaged the forts. A. landing was then effected from,, the" schooners,' and ' the; crew entered the fort with three cheers; in a few moment!, however, the; Spa- niahis found out the beat, and were thrown into confusion; this gallant little band of Coloihbiansharrassedthem in the rear whilst Padilla in front was pouring m a gaiiing nre, -tne caruuge now; oe FRIDAY MORNING," JULT 4, 1823. COMMUNICATIONS. FOR THE STAR. roles., 10th M a tl addressed to the nlar-!camelreadful. the Colombian hrin of "Kiail Moncey: -v. V ,1. yri-wtlaan ; was-, sunk by a point blank "aionseigncur asi had jesterday 'shot, and nearly all on boaMt perished. ... tf.e honor fo state, I was advancing my I Morales, finding hTs situation's nad one, ... t. uj-uu, i iuw, mivu 4rtuu wii 111c irncavcu -Hun-ma aiiuj iu uiui nur, -. "road the rettvat of the enemy upon Bur ieavinz Admiral Padilla and the Cot om- T thiuting that .tho. -point .ef Vidia bian forces in fws"w ef bis trong'tei Metm. Editor f noticed in the Observer and Fayetteville Gazette of the lath May, a piece (extracted trom the Raleigh Registerat the head of the insolvent act, passed during the last Legislature, to liberate; debtors Irom imprisonment for all debts contracted subsequent" to 1st ; May) appreciating the wisdom ot the members, and expa tiating: on the salutary consequences that would result from the operation of said act. , . ; ' ,r; . -The members of the-Legislature tin questionably deserve our warmest ap probation, lor . the sympathy ot feeling diaplayed in their honorable body, in endeavonng to ameliorate tne sunerings produced in consequence of indiscrimi nate imprisonment, by the ' passing - of tbe act' in- consideration and ought to be appreciated lacicordingly; but, i a-yoiding-Scylla they, in, ray opinion, run agam6t Charjbdis. And ( will,1 as an individual, presume to predict that in less thiu five -yearathe act in question will meet with tlie same fate that the honest debtor's act niet with session be fore lass, . and its successor met with last sessions ' -tvv-.- :-; But if experience realizes the haprry eonsequeiices anticipated in the above piece,! shall 'unhesitatingly become one oi its warmest, supporters; and, conse- auently." shall stand aloof until tim the revealer of all secrets, puts H to the test, ,!! there-was any method of dia criminatina; the honest front the disho nest, I have no doubt the act "Would be pregnant; with ' the salutaryHconse nuence's that' would flow from it suhse quently., ; In order to secure payments for the-, futorei Creditors ot every de- scriptioa! will have to be on the alert in, making, "debts." Consequently-' crffdit wul become more limited,, and the ho nest, unfortunate, industrious poor man will be debarred from articles that arel absolutely, really; and essenttally ne- cessRy ior nis ana nis lamnys subsis tence and comfort. )'"$, . Fourth of wry-The following is the order of celebration of the 48th an niversary of our independence: The day to be ushered in by a dis charge of cannon, at whieV time the military will parade; another gun at "when a suitable return of thanks to Divine Providence will be of fered up at the Methodist Church. At 9 o'clock the military will parade, and at 0 march to the Capitol Square, for the purpose of forming iu proces sion, where it is hoped the citizens will generally attend -more particularly the ladies. The following will be the or der of procession: . ' ,1. The Military, 2. The Ladies. - 3. The Executive. ' 4. The Judsea of the Bup'e Court. 5. The Citizens. ' From thence they will march to the Methodist Church, where the ceremony will be opened by a suitable prayer, by music, by singing an Ode, prepared for the occasion, by reading the Declara tion of Independence, and by an Ora-1 tion. V.- -l ' , : At 2 o'clock a public dinner will be prepared at Mr, R. II. Wynne's. , THOMAS COBBS, ' n Mar thai of thi Day. Tlie following gentlemen, in addition to those already announced by us, have obtained licenses, to practice law in our County Courts: , : , ' . Dillon Jordan, jr. Fayetteyule. L. JIybert, "'do.- ';' , William L.. Muur, liiaden. ; JBryan Ilellen; Carteret. Hugh D. tVaddett, Brunswick. Murder On the 6th ultimo, about sunset,' as Mr. James Lake was return ing home, near Mechanic's Hill, Moore county, in a one horse waggon, he was shot dead with a rifle, by some person concealed in the woods. He was found next morning, by his brother, in an e recti position, with the whip and , rein's in his hands; and the horse, being Very gehtie Was' grazing oft the 'side of tiki road. .' Suspicion fallinz upon a man by the name , of Abeanego Manes, as the perpetrator of this , font and cow ardly deed, ne was arrested, and com.- nutted to prison for trial. ' ' H T. Suicided On .the 25th ultimo, Rob' Murrell, aged about sfxty-years, late q: Lincoln county, in this state, shot him self through !the head with a pistol at Norfolk..- It is supposed that be J was in a stv'te of mental derangement whan he commuted the atf.' : 4 , - 1 girls and abr, all perfect asd tx and born al.; two liktemaced ' . the o6er two will not, I ta , Ivo many days. They wei;lej ' . two pounds each, and measured f. UM14 bchesin lecgxh. Tha mv-r. went the nsual time of gtatation. 1 fc , her two days ago, and she certain t ;t remaiVaily well. bea wt take into a&. tiJ era tion the cat are of the occcrrcr.ce. A more detailed noticr cthit cae ?j be. published ia some ef sur mtj; journals . V r" The market faars the Fayettevin. r..' server of tle 2Ctij iltimol is very ti.a of Cotton; , the small lots that brought in sell readily at oorquotatinti. one lot,. of only. fair quality, ta tecs sold as high as 1 2 .85, in consequence of its beta neatly put op in strong imm. ted. basin and roned-AVhen nfm. - ters find that there is so great ta ad- vantage in bringing their cotton to mar-,' let in gooa oracr, it is presumed thpr . will be induced to give more attec',,a to this matter. Our merchants, awirt" (jf the advantage in foreign tnarketi of. having our cotton reach them in gooi ' order, and profiting by .the experienca of the last fill, have ordered a lu.Tident ' supply of bagging and rope, of fee best quality several jarge' parcels ire JJ " ready received. ; Although the ouan'aty-' of cotton shipped, from this place ex- ' ".a . a . i ceeo tne quanury snipped in the game period of any former year, yet it is con fidently believed that the general crop of the country will fall much short of wnat was expected some months ago. Ilour There is do fresh Flout ia marketthe first parcels of new wheat that arrive, will command a rood nrire. Corn is plenty, and dull at quotations,' I In Tobacco there is nothing doing. , ; GroeenM. Coffee and Molasses ars' scarce, and if the river continues low, a further advance may , be expected J particularly as the Almingtoa market . is quite bare of those articles, j Sunn are plenty. v: -; From ilaarua The. fast sailint ' schooner Blue Eyed - Maryl CaDtais, . Gardner, arrived at this port yesterda. eight days from Matanzas. Capt Gr ha& ,(urnished us with the following ii formationi-i-Sailed froni Matanzas Juno 15, , under1 convoy of the U.- 8., schr Jackall, Lieut. Coiiadt. Stevens," which vessel arrived the evening previous, 14 days from St. Thomas, hating been exposed to very tempestuous weather, 8s ; torrents of rain, during which the offi cers and crews suffered much for tha want of proper Accommodations, wbick their vessels do not afford.;,. It Um&t easy to conceive the sufferings snrfpri vauous oi me omcors ana metrof womr : or-'s squadron, except fromttpww ence. But their alacntv is unshrinwinE in- the disejbaree of, their duty, uhilec . thousands . of . discourasint xircunw . stances,' through . which they are sup porieu uy.iiie araency oi meir iesire i be useful. . This feeling pervades every breast from the Commodore down to the lowest othcer., 1 here, were still many pirates in and about Matanzas, who are only restrained by .the frequent, sudden, and unexpected Appearance of Com f orters liKht vessels. AlthoneU rega ar. days had been .fixed for convoys , circumstances, had prevented the ren- ar arrival of vessels for this purpose - and the freebooters are thus left in a state of most painful uncertainty" as' to . the chance for, ' tlieir;:: heiUshw6rkJ There would ' be rno security for eur . commerce in those seas, were it not for the support of regular qonvbys, and wita a more efficient force than , the small Schooners now employed, as the Uvt$ of tlie valuable officer qrid men ettyloyei ' in them are-in constant 'Jeopardy. Com j Porter, had. given, notice, through his agent at Matanzas, that one of the arm- ;d vessels under his command, woum eave Matanzas on the-12th and i28tV of every month, for the protection of WJ ' ' NorfolkJjuMW From Cnni. Patter' a Sauadrorij-"Tbt ' tJj 8. SchVi Pilots Lieut Comd'tCt Stribling; from Vera Cruz.'abd last fro ' Thompson's V Island, anchored under Seawell'b Point on Sunday night;" $ left Vera Cruz on the 27th of May, ar rived at Thompson's Island on the 9ta msUand sailed thence on -the ,11 to m this pli.ee 4 t.& S It will be recollected that tne r v . A-few days since,' a death by yellow fever occurred at the quarantine ground i. f Ji- . '''' .i-J 2'" i'ii' i ..;A fever, of a. very malignant charac teri rag'es on board the U, 8. store ship Decoy,1 which arrived at Norfolk' on the 24th ultimo trom iliompsou's island Several of the crew died on the passage, A person, living jin Isle ,of "Wight county, Vi. writes to the Editors of the Norfolk Beacotr, that ' a free begr wo man, aged 29 years, ofa sanguineous temperament, on the J9tS ult between the hours of S and. 12 in me morning, wu delivered, of Four OiUdrrn, three was formerly a merchant vessel, trad ing between this port and Havana; that she sailed from this port on th! 12th March, was captured by the pirates oi the 24th of the same month off Point w condido, and was re-captured by her pre sent commander, in the barges Musqui andpallinipper, on the 8th April, near the same place: since which she has be attached ) Commodore Torters sq"?'" ron, and actively employed in crui'"o against theSle freebooters c? merce.. '; V -IV, v V-.'VV ' ' -. The U. S.- Ship Peacock, Car sin, and Schr, Shark, Lieut. Com J Perry, were left at Vera Crut . t 27th'May-the latter to sail two a)J after forAllenlon.vii.Tamptco.a tiie former to return to the s'a"V about three weeks. .Lieutenant &tn ling states, hat Mexico was p h J tranquU when she sailed, Uwp1!

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