' t. . , ! i'.Mw vert ev.er.'.-e, tn J J '. c . IJ be e itre : u -!y .1 tt-en a'atcJ. Mr.j ', i rrilne priocelT -;!e of Lit linen. on: ! s not lets exteuMve : he iil acii'iirt. .Vr.' '.; Aa& rtmer en J Slamp. jjij V,, ...m Contvo li&j invented g cew l... r. ite roper and stamp, to i revert f iy of country botes. Tie '.vrv'.Vs U ciUeJ triple paper, U Uj i.c-l ttrou'hout in tie interior, i t tot ua the aurface, and form a bril- : ulJ indelible mirk. Every note! of t!.i triple paper, is dippea thieJ c&es, ana couched twice, m u is teen-, rucally termed, instead of onl y one dip ping and one couchiag, as in the ordi nary paper. The prica .is -one fuurtli mora thin common papers . - - , . ; - j.v - , ' ' ;--.r A PillaVvaadeof curled hairtnJ tail ed the Napoleon Pfllow.isndw inanufae turediB New-York.- It has ait opening ia the centre, and its construction is ad- juirably adapted 'to the prevention of .! - - . II ! lL - I I I rneuraauc pains anu roia in uiej ncau, which, we are assured, tht French are put subject to, as they nsa hair instead feather in warm weather. A New- Yark toaper sajs, a gentleman of that te an- i co-t'.t;' r.i.rx-1 by a. m - v a . vtitVe : i II it. , f v , .it salute 4f t : .'. :rv, i i, hi'.d a tcvee duriu the tn .. .r., at hidi most fcf the pna:ii4e ii.hij.Unt attended, and atnon; others his excellency the Oi'vcraar gf Uui t;r rkorj. ' ' In tLe efeain2.aa e!eat hi", aaJ enterUin-nent ws tiven br the Spai niardj, to which th An dries tit ere trr l-r U ticijv. ia car lu iua tru'p, Cry j-re-ta a-J, :J are n l satls'i-it to iU so, but, L-c3uiii alrmtj at Cti ir.dt viJa al enterprise .f e-ur jple, thfy ar ex. rttin lie InJims aaiti-it t! na. 'H.ey luru.iik tlicui with Uie iuitntmrcu of licit, and a rapport to Hcivca tle ia- I li n. tUt yr: Cjrsrc i f a a r city, !) i.tix.- Ai be cbarrtd i 'i acli.tr face o( sno.cr. coraan'c ia Katjitua Ltd r t' ; i i- r.. i in t . .t Cot lU!c to nuticr t!,e ir.t'.a- Mil Uxae tier u sa ac- i ; . - i - . ; jt.' DrenreJlj treat as tli: tl.arr tcr nur, f ViraU i, aud I ou! 1 bat dlrUX H' ' auht from hf r well eanx?d fame, 1 cr,' t suameatsof Jcaui. and a jts-ort our buxjms..' . . Iiutnell had gtrat eiprience of the rcnerxuf invited, r " ITe Americans cordiallj participated l Indiaii character; but, poor fcltoxr, with in the feelings and sentimeat uf their j a Britih awport ther attat dcaivrd Spansih breihrea, on the occasion. ihiai, and-tw fell a victim to his ova ol Minerva, bearing an intant, re pre senting the new act of conciliation; and was farther attended by the genius of chivalry, as an expressive emblem of the Spanish character." Ia another part of the transparency America was drawn citT who aleens on a Nanoleon Pillow.! holding her banner tf star over the states that it u remarkably comfortable; head of Florida, wha was placed be ad that he bas been entirely free of. tweea America and Spain,-extending a cold in the head ever sines he used it. ,,. , .y ' f. Frttnuat 'Journal. Viduabltl Invention A traveller in recently passing tlic bridge over their i At 'the cercbration'ef St. Patrick's Delaware nver, ocrwreu inwu uurjjay w uiasjoW, the fortuyiee.Uon caanolbol'cxc hL4 or eca L-hci U to 'have, that tcueence ever her ntcr states, which ran iyyj; tx'i te. An the citiz-eo of NrUi-CnSioa le' inde prmlent now th.n they trfre lit or seven vears siocej It ia iaiht t Jci'.lectiin of how manfullv she stool, in fAvurwfi ine ainasementoldancin was pro-' rrtdulitr, and but scalp, wita thoa o4 TrawInrJ, not arainu v inrmu aionf, until a lata hour, and the even- bis nurdertd comrades, is now bleedmgLbut a majority of the republicans of the I nion. . Diis device of Mviroia tu fluencehas beo rvsortcd to too often to hao ef.ee t now; the bate is too sUle to be swaJlowed. The republican pha lanx will remain unbroken yunr mix im is "tRvi-.le and conauer" u mot-to,-Munitcd we stand, well knowing that -divided we fall. . Asyoe have reserved to yourselves tracUd ing passed with' onuta&l pleasure and narmony.n .. t, ' The monument of the constitution in the city snuare Was handsomely: Ulami nated; ana its base ornamented with a en its way to some of the Hudson esta btiMiments. - !; . . ; ' 7 Another of Gen. Ashley's won tided meats dead, making IJ tnen- killed by the A'Ricarees: and It by the lilac k- transparency, Tepresentin the figures, foot; ia all, known to have been. killed of Spain, America, and Florida, appro- by the Indians within the last two or priately grouped and "attended. The three months, C(J effective men; and I figure of Spain was accompanied by that ; estmatc the amount of property actually hand to each, in a parting attitude to wards thjgi ,attcrft. Jiugwiint He- a prrat number of horses, &.e i'lie Ottoes, MUaourii, OmaJiaa and Panis have been to see wc already, and, as usual, profess great friendJiip, &c. but, with, the restol Vie nctehWing tribes,' are anxiouly lookiiij and listeu in; to know how we ( the Americans) are going to get out of this scrape. ; ,-, . I am still in bad heal tli, and almost despair of recovering during my stay here, , c. , .tv , ' u .; , ,1 am this tnoment interrupted by the ajrivil of san express from the military expedition, with a letter Irom iNlr, Filch- i ri. (in, ttrtnv?, Ir. MtlltKt, V. India, all, LiTi-iMtn1 la -i lal S"Sr. HrWa. TnhCMQ, wt. TklU, tt huh. ii 1 1 1 111 ij ?r. ti tin,. Kji it nr xw 5 41 ia '-i . iS It tl .-: S"0 Ma I 4S IQ M 3J W a iro ID, fc ia. 3u; it - 41 I a lx I1! u Soi j Hal". It Ua I4tt; vi 4gMa s, 4i l i'-I S' k I a I a t a 10 " ' 5i . 3 ti a ion -ia n Tl a .50 JO liO a 4 toi'00 1 Si 7$ Sit S.M I7a 8 tl - r a lot a a 4 10 k It ffi a S3t - - 10 40 PF.TEKSaVHf PRICES. Jurwl IS. Uaco.i, IJl: Cotton, a Tobacco, 3 JJ IJ 5D Flo iv T a T S"H fee, 2 a 30( Sufir, brown, r a 12 50 5 Cof EaX rs a 67t-- the pnvilege (which I hope no person will Vpicstion) of an unreserved ex pression of voorown opinions" respect tog me presiaentiai canuiaates, ana as actors of tbe North-Carolina Bant! Soeiety Uomcatic, w ill b on Saturday, th Tha members of the Board are reipectivelv v-vfjueited o tend. - WH. UGnTFUOr,cc.f v Italeigh Pekco Socic., ' TUa Kcr, R3BirT.riAirit!,br appoint ment, to preach an anniversary aerdion before try A meeting of the Board of I)i- vuu promise to follow, speedily, with for Uia4ona, Foreijrn and the reasons which led yon to t!r adop-eU ie the Cky of luleig tion of Mr. MDttffiee assertions. M of September neat shall I be to occupy a small nitch in four columns, if need be to reply. , .15. ? A SUBSCRIBER, i ' Piarl.-'iethcr' the term VM Ua dical, as used to designate a certain rmiaaeipma, wuuesseu iu oiuo ur-i SUft genor reitol, was present, ot gave as er , yunw, at ic ucau oi me ' prise mwil boat withaJarer one in a toasi " May ev?ry nation, be Loyal -Missouri Fur Company, on.this river, teic, propelled expeditiously against the ' tp the King, while the King ii Loyal i which, ,hc says .', I. have , but' a mo . japids at that place, withont any visible ! to the Nation'. " The Priesfai in For- j went to write, I met an express -from a?encr except the currentaetinff on two'nMit ' hi eall ihomsMTM Shn. fthe Mandans, bringins me very unplea- r . ..... . water wheels, which the boat supported. knra .n,i ci.oprrla f!.i " . 1 J wau vwvviivi va -J v w a wi ua Tl,. A',tnw f K. M.tB.Vnrt Sfalaa. t a t r i. -r " '"'r - i it in aepnving me sneep oi meir vyooi. Tjian, says,' Ihat this is a patent inven- . -Among the toasts is the following ve-1 tittn of Col. Edward Clark, member of, ry beautiful one" The beautious Vine ; the Academy of National Science, Philr 1 0f Christianity; as its various branches adelphia, to whose enquiring mind it prfng from one root, may they bear one . ins, many years ago suggested, that tea fruit universal chariti. ' ;. - 4ervhedo, which ihouUlfiretenta$reat-. ; : - ' r trrunacc w me currou, man uicvuut t , commercial L itdUr- lM . editor ot , ichkhlhey were attached, might gain a : the Glasgow Chronicle, after remarking power iiifficienttoprrpel the boat against that the present practice of giving credit the stream. . The plausibility of which fomVtM. is absurd, delares that, ac theory was such as to iuduce him to cording to Parliamentary, returns,' the nnake experiments in 1813, which pro-!debts of the English .Baukrupts, on an td successful, and in 1815 he construe tverageofUie last three years, amounted ted a water wheel which worked a pump to the amazing sum of 3,456,S8C a by the influx of the tides on the Dela- '.year.. The dividends- fell short of ware.: Since which time it is said it has -4,400, little more than half a crown the been in successful operation on the Sus- hundred pounds. " The dead loss is quehanna. and the ; inventor ofifer s to more than 15 jper cent upon the income guarantee the passage of boats with his from trade( of every sort, ' which was maohinery up inclined planes of ten or 'assessed for the property tax. It nearly fifteen de.,-.;:-Vvnj ;- equals the whole net produce ; of the A maclune which propels a body Xip ij, taxes. It 'is six times more than stream by a force derived from the couu- the income of Glasgow from professions ter current of the water, we think is a- ag wen as trade, at the briskest period bout as wonderful as the long sought ar- 0f business. ' ; It is more than half the la ter perpetual motion, and we shall not tal expense of the English poor, although be astonished if people withhold their that expense in part includes the. wages' cadence till they have the occularproof. of labor,' Perhaps all the thefts and '''"' PtovGaJi. robberies, for which capital convictions t v' 1 -TT"- '' i have taken place in England for a Ifeen- r Th season and tfie crops.--We have tUry, fall short in point of value of the t recently taken a short excursion through bankruptcies of a single year." : the countryduring which we male par , Can any one furnish a$ with 1 an s ' -tirnlnr nnir in relation to the ptow- ts.i. Af...i.-1... k... ti .nM...n:n j ' o : iimaic ui nuaw lias uvcu luai auiiuaui 111 last nine years, Almost every where the season has been highly favorable to the growth of corn, And the calculation generally seemed to .be, that after the present crop came in," the price of Chat article would not exceed "two dollars per barrel.--We examined jnany fields, and, generally speaking, ' jnevei witnessed a niore luxuriant crop . Mm llisn Ikii txrla fhl tt 'to repay the toils of the hti8bandman.:jtell, and you to hear, of the barbarity of ;.u -,. ST'J&li&f&fi. J'tl. Jtepi the Indians. They continue to deceive -Ss. '; h'--2Ll 4V:4t e- and murder the most , enterprlsingi of "r f -New-York; July M?i ot people; and, if we continue to for-' Vesterdav afternaoh: Charles Ball. 'bear-i-ir we do' Bot eoon discover a altout V 15 , year of age, an excellent j greater, spirit of resentment, this river Mviroiner, was drowned in the KasVn- 1 win oe uiscoioreu wun our uioou. c -. sant news tne flower of my business is gone...; My Mountaineers have been defeated, and the chiefs of the party both slain the party were attacked by three or four hundred jBlackfoot Indi ans, in a position on the Yellow Stone river, where nothing but defeat could be expected. . Jon and Imraell, and five men, were killed. ... Tlio former it is said fought most desperately,. Jones killed' two Indians, and in drawing his pistol to - kill a third, he received two 8 pears i in his breast, Immell .: was in front; he-killed one Indian, and was cut to pieces,1, I think .we Jose at least 215,00Q. -1 will write you more fiflly boiween thi and the Souix.' v vi, , Jones was a gentleman of cleverness. He was for several years1, resident,, of baint .Louis, where he has numerous friends to 'deplore his, loss. Immell has been a Jong, time oh this riverJirst an officer in the United States' army, since an Indian trader of some distinction in some respects he was aa extraordina r wan he1 was brave, uncommonly larse. and of muscular streu2th---when timely apprised of his -danger, a host within liiui&eif. The express . left the military expedition on , the 1st instant, when all was well. ; . With great "respect, yoor most ob't serv't.r ; m 'i, BEN. Q'F ALLON, - .-T'--tT q it..r.Ji.. iff.!-' (; Eup'tlndian Attairs,' St Louis.',. ' . . tir iL 1 I x ing crops y iui scarcely a soiuarv the U. States, during the exception, uie ev"""!-" wc- rewiicu m DanK.ruptCiesf 1 hu. were ot tne mosi lavoraoie cnaracier. '.fi, 1NDJAN OUTRAGES, A K.5 From St. Louis paper, of July 23. , rArt'l i ,i ! Fort Atkinson: Julu 3, -.-etf Dear' Sin? Hoiv painful for roe - to I'm nwu-cifA on kfif Talani't Vnnn ,l?air, and a lad. not quite his age, were making' a. trial of, Xhe improved jLife preserving Bed-) in the presence, pr .a number, of citizens, when he was sndr .-denly seized with a fit, fell from it into the water, and instantly, sunk. to, the bottom-aud perished. . Apart from this j wistressmg occurrence, vne iriai gave tiie utmost satisfaction, and no doubt . vas entertained by the, spectators that this great jinproveraept, if brought into general use, will be the means of pre erving thousands of shipwrec ked sea- ' men and passeugers front watery graves. S A jeUcr dated Port Talbot, June 20, Rives an account of a .very, singular phenomenon, which occurredin thewa ters of Lake Erie.' On the SOth of May, about subset, the lake feeing Calin and smooth, and the weather, fair, 'the wa iters suddenly rose perpendicular, rush- fd up the channel of Otter Creek, drove ..a schooner of 35 tons from her moorings, : Shrew .her on high grpnnd, and rolled p--ver the bcach.into the woods, complete-. h-inundating all adjacent flags; : This as followed by ,two others of jequal ; 'cijtht, which caused Uiecrett.to retro- Kde a mile and a half, The noise oc casioned by its i-ushing, was truly as ' tanishinor.i i The same phenomenon took f piace atJLiUle Creek, 20 miles frpm tlie ;,tihei;.r-jVf confer. ; a -iff. Tlie defeat of Gen. Ashlv bv the A Rickarees, and departure of the' troops to his relief, had scarcely irone to vou. , B , , when an - express arrived, f announcing the -deteat by the lilacktoot Indians, near the Yellow Stoneriver of the Mis souri Far Companv'i Yellow Stone or Mountain Expedition,- commanded ' by Messrs. '. Jones ' and - Immell, - both of whom, with five of tlieir, men, are' mongst the slain, f All of their proper- Mettrt. Belt X3 Lmdrenci,: S I.anY ready . io acknowledge the obligation I am under to you, for com plying 'with' my request, by 'giving a place to .'' An Observer in your inde pendent paper of yesterday,, and wil- !incly cive"; you full credit Torv the dis play of your liberality, dissenting as you ao entirely from the views of that 't . . -i ?, i : writer, wmieyourneariy assent m grven to the great truths so eloquently por- By v adopting the sentiments of Mr. M'Duffie, vou constrain me once more ! to trespass upon y ou r ' liberality,'' by t beciiina the favor of you to give the po- liticai uenniuon w.me lerin ivauiciu. When applied hy Mr."RPD.n:i doubt a art' odious epitnetj it was 6asy to d'19, cover his views by his ohjectl If I may be permitted to fpok for tlie meaning, in flie principles' of thse to whom it has been applicci, I should say it was only another name for economy in expendi tures; accountability in public oflicersj a strict investigation iiito all appropria tions, the due enforcements of the laws in other words for genuine repubii j? class , of politicians in this country, be the Ritik Pan Soetety, at the Biptii one happily conceived and appropriate. SSSZS ly applied, or not, it must be known to day, (the day following, at 3 o'clock, P. U. out correspondent aa a terni not ofves- Ue'etywui meet at tne same p.aee, oa , , . . . . : , boaiheej. KXi the members and friend of terday's origin, but as having been long e society are requeatod to attend ou both nsedtddistinsruishaclassof peliticians, .? .-.'.'J-fBtt, BATf LE, (,V. See, who, refusing the appellation of-FedefV-- y. ') r;", . . ; alisU, are still opposed to the general' to A CAMP-MEETING wul bij principles that govern' tin leading mca- at oieiiya Meeuni-Hmise, coainaiji r. i - ? ' .-- . i - . counrr, to commence wo the 9th October al sures which characterise our present pon'. chaDrf. Gmnville eountv. to publican administration--Jt'r(rmiabeS'l,ow tho 23d October, and at Union; the phrasers better, relished men v0rembcr. J i-ao. l. LEMAV. t wo wonltJ reduce to the hadow.of'k',.-w.'4,:--'-a'f '"' ;'?. T army-our peace establishment; ' who). 7r 5 TvCatnp lectinS. . - would dismantle our navy; level our ' t hhk t.hap. ia rrwixmwnwj, . - . .' a: "wilisa li-om Lmireborp to torameuoe ilie H30, fortifications, . over which ' the "Star ani ewJ the 7ia r AuMtt. ' " , Stvinoled 'Hannir' - ha , sn lonir anil ' a Buoanoen, mni nwn nnm m iur. apngiea wanner. . nas so long anu chihUMeoiii to uauullgo the i6duil proudly waved'; put down our military end tbawdi of aukukc. , - . . vx- . , .m. l' , S'l. At Uotlitl Aleetiitjf Home, In Granville academy at West Point,f an insUfution T mi,c, froia oJ. t0 eomme..et ih justly the boast of our country and the .,f "2 P'b8r. t wa . . J n..d ii. tl . ii.U Ik. fnili-lli fliairut aimlr. wonder and adroiraOon of, foreigners euoe for .Neuw iiiitrrot, - to whluh the loci allthis npon the principle of economy .rw?te,V ttn v""J in public expendltures.'.v,? : .X?ttTef Mdiell the Superior CouSlbe Wake "'As respects Our Correspondent's re-: eoantr. Ike . Uamn-mfcilne t Meeri.mia will . ' .' : .. Hi,!. ii,. o :i, i.r c.i.m. V rill 1 1 V I W. IHV UI ,' M. ' w ...i. v bvr -one wurjk aoonw than w brrelnfore nnl. marks upon the subject of ". Virginia in fluence'?. in North-Carolina,- we da not diffeias nwch as he imagines.' .r II ' is eertaihj that';'N6rth-Carolina has not thought and acted for herself as much as she ought tohave done.'- -Tliis very indolence of. political . chamcter was, however, laudable inthe origin. Vir ginia was" the elder sister;", to her she liihiul, - . .... s. v. WitvCOMn nni ON. 11 anoke Ltind for Halo. UK. lubieriU'r nrtlr ibr tale, en moderate ' wrmi, a VluHk!eiraet of land, aituaieu on aouilniile of Kounoke rircr, vctt end of T die aouitu lialiLx enunt. known by the name, "UalUrdv conl;iii ing i-igl., "or ninn lianlred acreij a eon.i- wn Wnfnmid tk Ionic nn in matra nf deml.le p.in.on ol wluoh it beared, and pro " " I at ... JS.a. eimta Al nrJtfflt. mJaateteatX. t, f UUWt.1 lltrw- wau" we aweawwa moment, because from her she was ac customed- to see emanate - the' purest eui n 'and boat ' . 1 lie river boitudiK on t-e iiurih aiiln. and olTera an li(;llil aite for 4 null, whiih It i bt-lien-it modi enhno-1 ft vulue. liueu tbe 0- pnnciples of our democracy 4 Is there r"K r '' harigHimn below, and every en. . ' ' . , ",... --a eouraeemnit given to grienltoriaia and nianu. any thing Strange,-. Under this View of j.Bturera above die lulla , feraone In ,,uriit IT the subject; if we should prove, uucon. ; J: sciously, influenced by the sentiments ton,- Out. EJ .(!, itockianding, eulir- of fxr- ' a. I,. I i4lioni m anew 11,1 anil anarcu iui k uu Virmnia? At a mora rnnvumanl p? :;. . , . . ' V . .. - , nod, we, purpose to take a dispassionate and more extensive view of tliis subject. The quei le'g of our corresponden t rie-. cessarily constrained us to offer the fore ¬ going remarks, ty, to the amount f about 815,000, fell canism. Now, as you, have assumed into tlie hand of. the enemy. - - Nr. JM'D's views, t and given your To add to Gen. Ashley's catalogue of hearty assent' to his "great truths,' misfortunes, the Blackfoot Indians have f and as I am unwilling to believe you recently defeated a ! party of ' and killed 4 of Maj. Henry's men, near his establishment at the mouth of the Yel low Stone river.' The express goes on to state, that many , circumstances (of which 1 will be apprized in a few dafs) have transpired to induce a strong be lief that ' Out. British traders Hudson 'liaii Comvanv) are exciting the Indians t US, tuner 10 price w jrom fiuw u ; or reap toWi i1uInlians tht; ill be lowi lor loeli mdV tn jxixn r. u.wr.a, , ... t , i . t . r I. O a u Xeebrny t;. Ci.Sw azamxt would-revile a genuine, consistent re publican; I am left entirely at a loss for the meaninj of the term Radical ' Are vou Bensiblt!, Messrs. Editors,, of the great libel yon have issued against the state of North -Carolinr when you ' say we believe that the A public 'sentiment in this state, emanating, most probably, from the same source whence its politi cal tone is usually derrvert we mean quartet, or reap wuh IMl Indians the, onr aister? state v irgima. .- uu jou ffUitt of ourUory .ftaVybchece that Nortli-Larolina jiw r r. " :; Li A. TJ-tiV.l. a.I. ..nlWi.ot loailinir Btrintraof Virginia? f I was la uuneriiiai ntc Ain.iai uautu i uiv jiiv.vu. ..0 --- TDn tli nfhpr hand; do vou not believe was in hones that, daring the late Indian that a great majonty ol the free men of war, in which ilicy were so insirumen- North-Carolina possess as mucn pu tal in the iQdiscriniinate massacre of our cal independence as the citizens of any other state in tne union, anu wouiu spurn hay 'interference oft the part, of Virginia, 111 Iter pnuvai vuui.i iw ttiui greedy wall. Dot yet gorged wiqr the as ttch promptucis as you wouio, wrare people. that they had become complete j ly satiated with ouf blood; but it appear j not to have been. ,tle case. Like the MARRIED. . In Newborn, on the 31t lilt, Mr." ThouiM J, Emery to Miasl'i-ancca Vail.' . . ' '-'H . " In Fayetteville, on the' 7th iiist. Mr. Wt- uam t luuineiu to wiaa atary iimpucii,. . s Iii Chatham county, on -the 27th ult. Mr. John Harmon to Mia Catharine L&sater. . . In Warrenton, on the 7t inst Thos. Green, Esq. to Misa Nancy .Willig.-?::V''.yi.,;,,;:'fliik;i In Duplin county, on the 3d innt Jatnct Lawson, F.q. to Mra. Charlotte Borden. . ' In Salisbury, on the 7tlr instant, Mr. Jacob Huahcr to Misa ClirigtinaVerble. ' ' r , On the 29th ult. Mr. Hobcrt A. Brevard, of Lincoln county, to alias Sai? U. UwiIion, of Iredell eountv. &fr:uy$J ' K-,.-, fn Lincoln county, on the 17th ultimo, Mr, William' Campbell to Mirn Eliza M'lan. ) AJao, in Lincoln, on the 17th ult. Captain Jacob OrenUto Misa Jane Wutledge. fv , ; j -. AIho, in Lincoln, on the 29tb ult. Mr. Spen I ccr Shelton to Miss Lockman" ' A . . , : Also, on the 24th ult. Mr. Benjamin F. A lesandcr to Mia Hannah Wilaon, both of ; Uecklenbtinr eountv. r y VV "- Also, on Uie 15tli ulU Capt. German, of Tennessee, to lliss Maty Jgcotv.- r.y.$ 5 V tolEKft': In fjumberland county, on the 1 1th Inst Mr. John E. Beebe, in the 23d year of his age. In Johnston county, very suddenly, a few days ajro, Johrj Sanders, Eq.' Mr, S. was a candidate for seat in the Senate at the next session of .our Legislature, tff j,t , ; r "'; . V ' fcoaxcxiiiitxiKt , Died, at Tarborough, on the 15Ui inst. in the 62J year of his aire. Mr. Henrv Ilontef. To this advanced period his health had- been preserved by temperance and regularity, nnd his cliaracter, by tlie most blameless integri ty. Few men have jived a more exemplary life, and none have left it with more compo sure..vtrf,J l.-'.V At Dumfries, in .Virpn'm, on the 6th inst. jolm Lkwson, Esq. ejred CV year, a revol- dcjiwypatirlot.'vV'''5' '" v-'f'fr': . Ancntt Il:tts3. ,vj,-f;:-M Notice ' ' ' MESSRS 'foaenli Rlw irds, William Cronn, . I-hoa..Uolli)ll, Wili-y Stantnn, Willima Kxiiit, Jox-pli Oio-iii, K'lliuond iHcrndon, Inane Hili, SamvaoN.Liioe, a''m'u,Uirutoi- to tlie t-itute of Winston Co-ll,ileoMi v r : - G tKTLKXEJC, T A K lu NOTICE, I am nn flnsd la the jtdt nf '.'Wayne eountv.- at the l. trnce nf JoM-pli Kilwarda, fop debt, nd,ili!l proceed to take tne beneat m tne net oc ui vn-. neral Awcmbly foi'lhe relk-f of insolvent 4'cbt ra,oi frtday ibi!Vibhiit. i llie jtul dour, ia VVavn'borousb. , " - - . -( . , 'WILLI M VILLI t MS. A utrnnt W, t-.'3 "' . "Sflwp , Stephen ItnllowcTI, Jolm Juulce, no. J. tlamiiton. Iltcfi'u tvasfiii-eion, l)i i- ah Langiton, ribur Junes sen'r, Briiion bmitli, Uttvia and isotrue, iwm llobintoti, Jercmiali Cor- Wiesa, juiiV, Aaron I'eiklna, julm ti. Cully, Dcrliaro Pender, John blowton, Bt-iij. lloel, Metii. ihuranl. Lmli-iri(k h(wA. Ilen'ltrniu It llimtincrton, IttlH.en Bovle, Uidding Coky, Jnmet llick '. '.. v-".. . -....f Ur.sTtaiE.-TAKR NOTIRB, I am enn- fined in tlie jail of Wajne, at ihe iiinaiiceiif sie, then tioiiowen. ai enannun V uio iwirt oi r.ann tulkiWelt, fordabu and aliall nniceed tolt.ke (lie - benefit of the aot ot the (i.-nrral Assumbly, fur 1.. ..il.-f Ar .!..!. -... Am l.",-i, l,.v h... S'Jlh inat. at Um Jait dnnr, k VVtotabuioii;li , v. .v AN I HUM l UMiilU .vl. AoTflit 1.1, tU ! ' . v fl Ran away : ITittOM the subtariher, anme time in June ' lat, a negro fellow by Ilie tiame of about S lert S or ImcIics hl;1i. e I made, very ttr1;!it, blaek eimtpk ain, ralbrr aluw inikrn, lis. ixmtJt 111. iii.ui.1 I'mnS li:,'(l, mil I tl.tt.l. Im Will aim foi Carolina, or m-r nfgu of Virgiuia, by the ay of txlgi Titld, b. C. tie, waa brocjla from Yi, Carolina by William Mar tin of Caawell emnijr. lie haa onee ran away r. 6 i. k.,1 .v... v...:..:- fi-om wbenee lie m brnnbi (o (bis Stale, ai.ti old U me in Jmes coani) . Any pcrvm iccwt-. ine a-i'ul lellma in Jail, or ilt-livnu g him loll. sufuuribcr, or in Uolert Martin, iM Itoxkiiigliam touulT, Noiih Carolina, ahull be well rrtthiilid, A ny inl'oriiintio't of aaiilf-llo, directed tif mt. Clinton, June county, will be thankfully iectik ed T , V JOtlN MMIUN. . 4 Jonet eattiily, Ca Aij. 13, 1 I'd Y je-a,

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