No. so. r..u:u;n, c.) it.iday, si:rxi:3:ni:r. v Vt!. XIV TUB STAK, T" li A'sl'i-Carotin J Slate VzzcUe, rbintd, wet'. BELL & LAWRENCE. t)Merip(bxt, ihrts dJIn jt sonnm. N'a pa prr it b K"l oul ( least I S3 it pt! J, idnm, '! i ' ; fruivontmucd, tt at ( option of the t n.ooli-Mill rrar'et ire paid. Adwti tucnit, not eeedirr tf X&n lines, lnerl4 tbrre times fu one d..!lr, and teen(rAve eents t'ur teh oeiiiume. A.I llcUers to l-e editors nut be potl-)ii. - POLITICAL. ' JFroraiht Tf'tttern Carolinian. . ; The Editor of the Raleigh Star, ir a nurks, ia th'cir paper of the 15tn inst W enen.ble fathers of the conn- K ' . . f 4 A .i . I trv'" anil u.ri fc. man k-Mr. Craw. Qnnrimpnn nn ins "j ... - ..... .theu break forfli trz t-" t a t r.-r'-Ca- ro..r.a is -t a; :r; !'.: i:-3.a, and !xca? e ;:. Jul !.;.:.!' . 'J. at is iio rtA.-u.n tie fc'.igJi fjrctir .- iv:r Our character aiid pnde a Sule, flrtJ it We can "yc't u!o td' We repeat it, that we feel insured, if Virginia votes for William II. Cra for J at next Pre r-ident, she will not find the 15 vutes of Ncrtli-CaroSIna thrown iato the tarn? cale. . From the JVaihington TiVpuWvin. The Raleigh, Rtiatef, io i hijrh-flown panegyric -a .Mr. .Crawlum, winch leaves reason and truth at an unmea- Orable distance below it, says, " the Pre sidential -chair has hitherto been filled v. the r Wtiments on the "7" na .7 T.r n :,j rww ford!" The Editors soonertakfug a part in the pending con the ments of the radical candidate, that Mh,v need tointimitelhat their kit constrained to pause, some half ' . r i.i.i 1 dozen tini"s. belure wi pdi throusli it. Mpertsnowonen-wresiHciauij wru " , . , .. . " T L La and temperate essays 'in fayor of ei- nd iquie whethec the character thejr ther of the candidates A Thiaia as it were sketching was intended for bur-u-htto be; it is all that the friend of lea? enUWe portraiture. , It M?.: Calhoun desire. Let there be a any rate, so much of the ca full and fair examination of the preten- "cature ,n ts comnositn, that we chal- ions and qualifications of 'the several ""0" V. ""1" r. . . I front nnlitirisn rft rpail it hrnnirh with. tandjuates, and we ao noi iear iui mat 17 r; r the people will then make a judicious ut bein? of ome alteration m choice. , uut jet au come oui -no nip- --r..-...v-, . vmiing intorraation, . or aocuments. 1 6 "'"v-" " v"" ' " ... rhat man who is to be the chief magis- lojtowing prorauon tue cnugs will 4r, iTn.t fitafAa tKm.ll , allow us the use of the word "above Li a iv, -i.,. : 1 beafravd'of fthis character should !' i,ir- rwuru .win ucycr yiYuivc be such, as to face tlie "solar; effulgence h' country in war unless in absolute c, .m a ' v, -, I fsnf.e: to ftwailnwun the hard earninf af ot mia-uay, wunoui a win. h , 7 v; e . 7 . , It is our honest and firm opiulon, Ponest labour.w-Now if this sentence Art Mf CttCioun;- on the score of ta- conveys any meaning at an, u conveys leuts and public services, has higherl"' U"U",H" bairns to thelldency'tbAneither of f else. lis competitors; yet we freely, open our - V """;.. V 1 ! iolumns to', the fiends Tor either 0f the "!uu - u , i p ' i , . J: - . a. ... . I r.l.Tims which are toft subtle to bear tiXm ttner canaiuaiqs, reserving ;w our-1 : -- - - - . T- selves the right of detecting and expo- animation, for the purpose of noting sing the fallacies that mar appear in iw rvauuB. m uiese r,uiiors, ou of their communications: t t" uuJe uf FpreS2eu uocuroeno. The Editors of the Star give it "'T;. wuiui uie inves- their opinion,' that the time Aa been gan inatiiupqruini, suoiecvwas when the public sentiment of the State ""'S"" wTi n . ' was for Mr, Crawford, but, that now it is j Iner, laipt id the Register, otherwise "WeVUl agree so. far; with w are.ioiu me aors in tne .1 . ..j!J.,- 1- iL.ilnlot have hn themielvea dnven from Some time back Mr. Crawfwd was much the public, and compelled, in or tnore poplatthan at prescnt,-for iheri der to ayoij the execration they deserve, Wtt rhU&r and views were not so ful- t( "de themselves in secrecy." fliis is news indeed! f ve cry you -mercy. any rr- -7-77 iJTini.ia on 1. on-Tf 1'ivxr.e mres.,.-!-' t. t. l,ivh int j.lic; but, as 6fT l.aJ the mrans infiu-mitioa, we 'd not 0 rt truth whtOi mw! the paper bt fre pasi over t!' diitortion nf io 'J l, a p i' 4.isctmlir: at tf-e U.-i.ncu, t:u'tT f nud,w .a inai,L!j bruu-M up the cnneo ti'jn lueson, and, aiier ucscaatir; qp- i .vi coaiacntarj b on it to some lenth, Lara contJuiled it'l tf. C0M3I0.'1CAT10NS. roa, tiis sTia. . Give me the m h( IUerJ m'mi "Mcn gneri gjiod to iU '.ialinj.' tie iHH.ble 4r.uaka ton anent 11 hr.fWl(1j tDavRian.) who will direct, with tdelity knd rectitude, the inf ertU cf Tour nation. Thcie are the ily arts L'ich they haTt made of; fur gratifying the mioJi of the pevnle. and touching u xin a string nhich beat in unison ith tlieirheaiU, they have ettftlleil til thkkiM thp man ulinin tS - vfr. iiv uuwn . m vui i wan i lunnnrT. inn - m:ik mir an imnrti country, from iU birth, has anorded us 0n which would last aIon- as a noble txamplrf af what ram, in the glow of language resounds in the wr, p'.enituae ol the pbwers allotted him, can Th mor ignorant of our fellow-cili- accompn.,11. ,iiahur wunt struggle we xens, . confounding the presidential exhibited a wontMifttI display of coaraee I nueation and that of the eonvwitUi. nl and wisdom. Wiibatt Otis at thenortul knowiiirtlittheoniin.pahUiolhm. a Jiearj ia icsouth.aad a. Wailunjton (following the mathematical process of iwMVivi ure"uu"lw vueic, we i our wotttij opnonents.jthmktJial others htj nsfcieu m iauik,KBinsi WHICH Uiermimt tt IH Dl munu sinr it h r. storms and billows of ;adversitj may ceived tlie saactioir f . a gentleman beat in vaio.. , ITie peculiar quality of versed in scientific Jonx With imposi- sank f k.u nut n.iL..I.:..J . t.l I.- 1 . .'l-l ,. '.. voviiw vi6iiiacu(wiuuiueu IUIU0nS DSCkeO UDOU PKln UKtt these, luev those of tlieir more youtkful coailjutors, remain until the mTis dihsipated. and iormed that constitution! which we re- thev find that thrv hava become the gard as the ark of our political safety; dupes of men who have prostituted their and we, fai obedience oj their fatherly talents to the infernal lusts of self-ag- mandate, have preserved it with more grandizment9, " Thus we see that but than Roman fidelity.'. This1 ad inirable of the thirteen representatives w hich we system, in contempt of (he form ot jro- are entitled to in ConsTMSAfour or five vernment under which they experienced have declared , that they are in favor of til inmAMin ilia ' n ,1 . utau i . A M . 1 f I . I .jl!. 1 1 ' . juiviwb ui,uiu tvvuuc9 vii air. ivr&wiora. ana udou mis aumoruv fortune to which human nature is liable, only they declart that Mr. C. is the fa has declared that the man wo shall pre- yorite of North-Carolina; as if the rest side over the great "nationalinterests of of the inhabitants of our worth v state his country, shall be elected by the voice had not an opinion of their own, or were of the same, and shall remain in "office biased by a few demagogues AVe will for a limited time;'" The period is how not deny thatour county, has not re near at Hand when Mr. Monroe willre- r?ived iBspnrtar.t services from this gen- tire from so responsible a situation, and I lleman, ; and of such .magnitude' a to leave a void for the "pigmy faction of shield him from the malieaant asper- a few of the literati of our, country sions of a desiirninff worlds Tiut where Among those who have entered the lists the interests,; welfare and prosperity of io tviuuai ioi bu iniLHJiiaui a jiriic, is i & nauon oepena upon ine exertions oj a William II. Crawford; Esd.ii man who single individual, we conceive it the du- iiuuuus vt icoiuiueuu um save inc d.amc! r, cotitent siTie servel hi country. No Ejection U tnada to j hfm for the pre?iuency even bj hu most 7 iBeterat uptera, and bat ona h . ttated agaiosthim as err I heard, and , v tlat i, -He U 700 ocxn.,, Is this, feUow-citirens, any objecliun at all? Ij ' ..' he "too xmif to 11 the office of Sr cretary r the War Department? If htf is, he lts ne vetaltewn it in any of Lm , actions AVhr, tiim, Uhe "o young' - f toJlwithd'.;n"jtvuheoScofprsideut . of the Uu'.ti J Suites? "Hitherto the .' pmidential chair has been filled by the 4 . venerable Fatliera ef their country . The spark is almost extinct, and soon it , ; win go out. . itasthca prepare a man t ho shall succeed r the venerable fa . then of their country.'- Such a man. ' : f tre mistake his character," is Jon . ' ' '.F0UG1GN. r 4 from cadiz; ' The Vvia Canto". . which "arrived at" -V: Kew'-Yark on Saturday, sailed from Ca- diz on tae 10th of last rnonth. llie, place was well sapplied with provisions. and theYe kad been no indications of a; "' disposition to relax the measures of de tence. , none, however, entertained the -f opinion that the place would not long ' hold out, and .that there was not virtue enoQghin tlie people of Spain to sup-r Krt,or live under a free.-gbvermaeut. '., . ' ego is said to have become unpopular. - Tlie Cortes were, laboriously engaged , V i in the! discus&iot of such projects; as V- . ; might tend -to aid the Constitutional ,' . causa. f 0 r-n a Te . . 7 a. .-. -' :Pieu York, JIu. 0.. ' " ' i The fast tailing ship Howard, Cap tain Holdredge, arrived at this port last evening, in 34 days from Havre., " By this arrival, the editors of the Commer . have received! regular ty of ' every citizen who 1os9esscs a cil Advertiser I tenor of his past life. 1 would notwishjsnark of tliat "amor natrie"; w hich dis-1 files of Paris and Havre naners to tlie to detract from the merit of ny man a tinguishes the true and faithful friend 18th of July inclusive;; and vwe havf i particle wliich -would lessen bis charac- of- his country; to; make himself ac- again ' devoted O'r columns almost e.'i ''' ter in the estimation of hi9 fellow-citi quainted-with the character to, whom h clusivelv to translations therefrom 7 77 as? neither; wouhl I be so base as to entrusts so much. We deem Mri C. a Clouds and darkness yet bang over thft - zens forget the love and 'respect that are duel worthy citizen, and , acknowledge theUffairs of Spain. The Journal duConW i a L:ur..ii...i i in ! l a 11 -. l I r . .. .ri . irouj man LouiBieiiow-iuiui, um a annum lenconium passea upon mm oy tneuune merce well remarks, "t ne nistory lyj' developed as they now are; but we new8 r 8 cr t 4k. C ..( ,: f Messrs. Editors, but we had imagined population ever had a confidence and M J peop.Ie had shewn mitfh more " v,. i;tai !a,i,n ;-n,t of "a disposition to praise and second tlie tegJ-ity, that would induce them to think patriotic' endeavours V A. B. than to " :A!i'.j-..i.f.ii).. ftu rr I discountenance and : execrate j. them. 7 Giaa'i a tr .nt. ..rolWe had the simplicity to, believe, that ell satisfied' he mu has no prospect of having beenfully pre. J . 'VUlUrlilllil. U1S, IWV vi . A-iva vie. w-w.. t ' a il JS it . " , ' That Mr; Crawford has friends in the congress wasasrouienxinpnere CSh.teV.nd wme .efv active lit to Mr Urawtord, or Mr. Dickens. SSdVm We willo a lUUefurthefand give our iey ai e, they could nbt carrry the vote op.nAon,ler.yedaa well from ,conver IToLIaa sua. :; -n..i i.:. sation with the member of Congress, as Ol IIIB OUtlO WllU (.utiu. , uv unit UJ I . r ,. i. Tl....l J gone by, when the greaf argument in fa- ro uiar ..aiwnon:w Uie .?orof 7Mr.Crawfofd,coufi haveen S'fc Li WUK ffectr-toViti that he is the enceof opinion as to -the source of the k-r:Si'sTk-z.- tfl,,J suppressions, nut that the committee re' . : ltil::": frainedfrom pushine their investigation eoce is no tai mieht have done., from a , ntroi tne puonc sentiment i oiui-1- - f , . a,7tjj ne ' Vr!-i5,7 However ensiblv .'it mav be f?ell18 of delicacy towards the Head of i felt by such of our citizens as live lo the borders of the " Ancient dominion." I -the people ot the interior are now aree r nf it 'and are determined to redeem the V is much regretted by the friends of Mr . ;rawiorii; ,mt.: uits mcuua ui j.iuru' the Treasury, and not from aiijr doubt as to his knowledge- of, and even ' his participation in, the suppression in ques tion. Mr Crawford and his friends," continue 'the Editors of the Register, 'challenged any and every degree of an testisation. ? .They were'Misposed to could," . I bush the matter as tar-as thev 7-Perhaps few nersdns have had great- r- iV71 ft "- f "VJ WW WVM T a WV IU9M UVSI,UI reauy exist, rtne trutn, ana notningDut takinz him as a candidate tor the Dresi- hroduced such results..-8nain nre- the truths Thegentleman in question dency, we think him unfit. ' Whether k-gel y in the same situation as Branca 7 has, from his youth,? followed that high the great mistakes in all Ins' official re- found herself during the day of tle7 C wayiu cHuuewc, micbiuuj ui uiu hw, . pri jo congress nave originates ironi jueague. ve, restore now vut opam aiutiuo hb uccutuiiuCTiiu ma uruiei- iiiaoiiuv. or a loiuiuisresniru io ine iuuc-i ivurl sue ffive lo us. - - . b ; ; sion none pari deny; but hat he hasuotltionsof hit office; we will leave it to 1) , The defection of Jlcrill from the wyciuiijr jjci Ycirou n, jmu m uv. uuu i puBLt, iij iu uuu uuw we ueeinun in-1 vonbiituuonai cause, is arapiy conurmf' a geneiamjriBccomingoiHiiiou. f or vesugauon at me present time wouiajecs ana tnat; instead oi remaining neu the corroboration of rtliis assertion; I "mar hit peace, of tonl.'and make his tral between the two powers, (the Cortet , would refer your readers to a number of I intended lofty seat a seat of thorns."-- and Jlecency.) it is now added that, he , the Western Carolinian. 7 His political As to the reasons why NorthCarolink rhas cone over to the French with S008 ' carter, has been as rapid as it has been ihould sur-pbrtbimwe will leave 11 tof of his troons."; We were, therefore cor-" ...i,r,r,i1f Tnn tiifnroai. ur.ut.a'nll.u I Ik. ..,l C U ... 1 ! l. . A .NI 1 ' .1 . ' 1? - C A l iL.l'. ' BUVLCUIU1, VI. ikiuicfc nuctuuuiur UlCtuUM BCUOC Ul UCI CUilKUlVUCU VI 11 I TPCl in OU T SUDiniBlllOH Ol YCSICI UttT . Ulttt ed4.thattiie talei)ts of Mr Crawford zens to suggest; but, for onrpart we the . conduct of this ? officer ! was not were not exaggerated, we see him exer- wiir, if- the majority of the states should known at Cadiz, at the cLte of bur latest cisins- an almost pi-edominant sway in favor his election, trive up tlie contest, Cadiz Diners. We have eivenl amonr our natwnaltcouhcils.'and; witlv''giant and abide by? their decision, notwithH our translations, the letter t)f Morilloto j J M . r 1 i I 7-1 lAiI . . - . . I . . t. . t v . 1 .t . J strides,:,' graspiug iur supremacy. now i sianuing we ueera me oojecuous wemuiroga at iengtn.-r ilia saia tnai, iOit Mr, Crawtord should meet with so warm have advanced to be insuperable., b or I the Sd, he published a new and very en- a friend, in one of your fellow-editors, is we are willing, like the true and noble I ergetic proclamation' against the Cortes an enigma, the solution of which I should I patriot, when he exclaims ' ; )? -7 r I and another against the conduct of Qui like , much ' to read.Tti'J Jiave,) always I What U it that'you would impart to mth! x roga. " Quiroga has promised reward to inUUglll lliai uicni. iu, uulll iu IIOIQ I " " uc ui mc pnenu gvuu, . fUA - ftM.Aminiinril.ill Anp fnu rttfr Iin4- I Set honor in one eve and death i' the other. u.k Hv-v,.....w.rr W...V.1 muvi . , .... -i . ..... find that according to his definition ;of rZTm the . word, the following extract from The name o? country more thun I fear death. Shakespeare would be usefulto Many of S-!fc i.-,i., .sthakauari. na; i i7 7 7 :7 I ru.?- itJ-'a:Jiiiv .. -1 Vtina. Yelasco. and Torriios. v, I uie uesi oi a uan Dareain.' i .'...w V'e will consider Mr. Calhoun's pre . r.i i..r..i:-- s- tj :j:1 laxionoi suwi ueiuicjuiv, uuu uicu tuici -x- w. - i T-.k,' :nr lilt such imminent Deril; the friends of - lZ" iher head lost at bnce their tern , learn the public entiment7i The result Cook, that all the housereddenedw .7 -u- i. i ' iinai-nauon. anu uie umieu voiuo uhjic ,,i m uuri ouscrvuuou as, iiiai iiir.viawi . . r - . ; A . , xf - on ' 1 ford has much fewer friends than either peopjrcried out amelarnf 3 Mr; r Callioun,' Mri' Adams,;oi7Geri. . Jackson. ? . How, it is in the Eastern sec tion of the. State, wia r.nnnnf. from tierv ' sonal bservton, pretend to say; but, f juagmg .irom tne oest accounts, we - .must; come to" the conclusion, that Mr. Crawford's pospects are but.lit'tle bet- ter in the East (witH the exception of a i, counties Doraenn-in vir - I'inia) than they are South of the Yad kin.. .ri'v;'ir;?'''7J'.,'.;7A: I' ' Ifj ;'the'n,v Sir;.'. Crawford and I his ' ii jcimjs senousiy calculate on tne vote I . If we look, at the indications of.. Indian f North-Carolina, we feci confident hostility vhich are ihewin themelvc tlaily, f iller will meet with a disappointment. &11, n consequence of the policy of Mr, Craw. At Mli --.-.; a.4. .ii - ford and the radicals, we may be inclined still 4;mIVr-;TJ ""6'" '-"'CBttH"' ,ore to doubt the truth of the asertio,that ; time a little provokin. to see hoW,ner-JK m;n tni V, .,t ;n ' tinaciously the friends bf Mr. Crawford unless in ubsolihe defence." ' It is a niefencho. . cling to the idea,; that North-Caroliha ly fact for hiin that whenever hi advocates -;il iVt Xr-''?-' r 11 .1 , nnml hl I. ....Ii .fk'.. In tflt k nutjuuutv Virginia, in ail tneir cat-1 1"" . - culations. aa a mnftfr f,-mrs: thpr negative one, or an wsumed one, er one ot it forgotten that, on the day succeeding this outrage on decorum and trutn, tnese very men came to the House with a- pologies and recantations, talked of tlie infirmities bf their1 tempers; and sought to bury in silence, both the recollection and the consequences of their insanity? As the gentlemen at Kale:h were not nresent at the discussions on this, sud iert. we mav make allowance lor tneir ir al. -aa. c i.. ignorance of the 'extent of the impres all the soldiers who- should follow him, and has published a decree containing twelve articles against those who have abandoned th Constitutional cause, which atriket terror into those under us: For. who shall eo about 'i To cozen fortune, and be honorable,-1 Without surae To rear O t'qat estates, )Vere not onors VT rmviftap hv ih mPifc-nf th WMIml still evince a disposition to .oppose the the stamp of merit! U none pre-1 frith a nn.oirtpnrv.5n I French, inch by inch. V kH-A 'Wt&&z$k l'!t's-?,-y? - : Am.ATcnrtvlbrthe despatch, from Marshal. anunaeserveddipmty.if.,: r.;---, If777'?V'-'"''v','1. t .,5a 7'7 177777 La y action atTMolinS deVRey and Mesfifi. JEdilor8jrS'mh6 your corres In Catalonia, the Constitution Jlists i to.oppoi It will be seen, Moncey; ' invest Barcelono on " sharp atMarto- rel, with the troops of Milan and Llo- How many then should cover, tnat ana oarer pondents Marcus and Orlando have be- berag, who were disposed j to raise the - How many be commanded, that commandf. 7 gun a djgCu8siori on the question; 'who blockade of Barcelona: - The Spaniards ' &i.A- Mournprmw. Ihope:you took shelter under thr walhroi Barce7 ; From Uie true !see' 'of honor? "and how much will not consider me as trespassing On lona, which place Was to be Completely . honor . :-i-7 - r : - 7. 1 voiir i patience, 'when I -'tell vou that 1 1 Invested on the loiipwuig aay. ; Piclt'd from the chaff and ruin of the times, I will onl v take "a bird's eve elance". at I The defection of Monllo product l To be new Tarnished? :. 7 -77-: f f f'. I . th talenta. rhs.rarter. anI nnhlir. aer-1 Rpnsible effect on the French funds, by f!fnVthk '1M'nAArm!rie?a' of JOHN Ci CALHOUN. I causine them to rise." 'It is stated, how- , tion in the Jlemter which I tliought its f 7 Slessrs. Editors; I am1 a plain man, ever1, that theyhadub8equently declin- ' hcndVabte editors would," at the present and hot versed "in all the learning oiled, in consequence or me rumor that time, have omittedT-(I say the. present ths schools;" trot my view ol the talents Uallasteros anu iiOpexi.anos iiaa rcr timA. bpcause-it miirht have cone down! of this distinguished man ' shall be aft I taken 8evUleU7;7?lX' - iroir wbI Awrasa ihf. contention for the correct as mv acauamtanco with lnm in aaaition to tne aesparcn wnicn we presidency when -it eventuated iii :the will admit of. 7 He istheni- a man 1 have given below from Marshal Moncey ' - . . T ft' . it i J. . I i.l4ninn.nnln M n f nil . i i . I .tm tr.nC Ofni nflD I irniHIPII nft Willi HI life election oi Mr, jeuersonuiai me re-1 buuuhui oluiiuiuvui.., uu ouijih.-. Vi ; nreentatives in Congress from this state colties of mind His superior intu.. ect ther long one," of au antecedent date. are all in favor of Mr. Crawford. That and talents proctired for f him" tlie oCice I (July 4.) but which we deem it nccesba- they are the organs of the people ia Con- of Secretary of War; m which we see ry to publish at length. . , jit commences ress l will sllow, Duttnat tney arego-in"" B,""g ue ; buicuvc i i o? jniuswmpi.wvvii....u r 4. i vr'raa.fnnl e nrixiM.tit our Upniihlir.'in ' tiovemmir'nt. and ner-itiea which had ueen maae py tne carrn lilt' i k rin.L ivi i a u v a vri va. uo vpiuvuii i - t - ' a- - a . . w . of'tha ITnited States; I am sorry to say I forming the arduous " duties which de-lsoh 6hut up In Figueras, inboth of which . .1 . . . ,1 I k.nn 1.1m ' Mlttk . nai.l,lUn .rt.t.U UkAM WO mil U i - nannAi ' amiaa hhah . tniir niunT wun i vuivc uijim 111111. tviui an ubbiuuuy ti u,u iu ct iw.q VUUV1 BCIIV -. - . ....... , . ., ... I, . J them, f But to clear, up;, the mystery, denes ail the snaiu oi the enemies ot u- J loss on eacr i ' ii .' ' L.tlV. a .iA '.ITtju. I hfrtxr anil ilpvntinfr himaf-lf f Trlliaivpl v I iffir'iall V o( wny.mey can, wiui wuvu cuivura Ti-"--y- r-.- i .... -q . - - o . - assert to the world that Mr. Crawford is to the good of his country,', amidst all Barcn d'Erbles, from whence. u A- iiu rrifo nr TVnrth-i'ftrnhna. i tne. Denis wmcn Burrouna mm on uie i nowever, ivium nw ncu, c(vtihk uuwu we need only to resort to the iibportant right hand and on the lett. 777 ia tne lortress we troop weowapeu . nuestion, which ; has excited,- so . much i His character has never Ixien' im. with him from the4 Whon , with Juna; . . . . i . wi. . . .1 nf. k. . ... n . . . .. .. -. ,i. ... mi trvA i,ii nnii i.iiit m :innp mill ivmimih ajithiti our own narrow Rnnere.i uchchcu. auu unu uuu ucui icu-iuirH wn ".v - - - niuiiiui .lm." - f ...... ed, with a tery triRinz ' i side; Wsfe QCxt informed , ' the SeO d'Urfrel beina- in-, jfjAO.- m,J? 01 ftrtl' ffl.tA of The mntUT.nmh tioua and unit J crarrison MlOa arrived at lamzoca, .