ed p, t of i Rejtmat, ai" wt3 "tSose j (7a at this plAC. & Uiom wh aacea-d- Ctt river, hae beta ardatws ia Um titrerae, Irat thoM da ties hava bevo1 prff rmd with a real, cbeerftilneas and efficiency, which it highly benoraUe U thro, and wbicta entitle the a to the approbation of their country. Where all hate dona well, and all lire "been teilout to contribata their whole and entire power ta promote the public service, it u m deliratft as it is tiiiucult to mention individual instance; but that the combination of c'urnm atances has enabled tame t perform u re titan other, cannot b doubted. The Colonel commanding ha been light j gratified with the promptness and alacrity manifested bj'Mijori Woolley an t Ketchum, in joining the expedition, and equallr ao with their' lulweqacnt onduct. - . ;:; VThe efficiency of Capt Armstrongs company, and energies of his men, have been preserved in aa eminent degreed The Captain has manifested his usual skill in the management of his company, and has given every reason to' place the greatest confidence 1it .the'. physical strength and force xf his company. In this respect he' hai satisfied ' his com manding officer ' ,v"' ' . i With Captain - Riley,1 the' Colonel commanding has been highly pleased lie lias been skilful," discreet and uo essful in the management of his. tneo and the boat and. public property com mitted to his charge. ' His efficiency and prompness in the execution of orders, have been conspicuous and highly honor' abletohim t t ,'V. j 1W. (isle has not onlr nerformed his -alutr to the 'entirt satisfaction ' the Commandant, bat he has done more; he fcas frequently volunteered his services to perform important duties,' and parti cularly in saving me puunc property in -the large boat, ' when 6h"e was sunk by a severe storm at night.' He effected much," and in a manner highly 'gratify ing to an wno Knew the circumstances Although Lieut. WicUife had the mis fortune to lose the boat which' was com mitted to his chargel it has been evident that his zeal for the good of the public service has been equal to '; that of any ther gentleman with the'expfidilibn.'. In every station in Mich- Lieutenant iBradley has been placed, he hqg' given an tire satisfaction, and would! ho doubt, had he been put to a more serious trial x i me gcuuc.iicn vi uiv t?uti gene ral I v, the ''Commandant returns 'his -thanks. ' Lieut. Cruger has performed the duties of Quarter Master and Assist ant ComitnVsary, in the most correct and Acceptable man derf and; iv' addition, rendered rmoortant services, bv vblun- teeririzbis services as an extra Adjutant lotne Missouri juegion, curing our ope rations. '"'"'', - 7," J , , 77 v" Lieut. Noel, in discharging; the duty f Adiutaflt. has'eive'n the most entire satisfaction and the fullest evidence of his ability to perform still more import If has fallen to the lot of iieui, Mor j-is to perform the most important du ties, and he has done so in a manner lhat cannbf be too hishlf "commended,! Whenbur boatV were lost,and much f 1 our ammunition- either, lost or da- mased in a exeat eKreeTwe found Tt 1 . iv. T n. J i. it. 1 'Tvpmcea-anu weiprepareu.iiy, uie ac tivity and attention of Lieut, Morris, 'and that too without delaying the expe Wfiorf single hour.T ,.v.,. v . Tiie Lieutenant's managemement and direction of the artillery, ' would' have alone honor to a master of the trade, AThe men who were" "attached to' the f artillery .'deseWenbtice; and the appro bation of their cbuntify.'Tbey have that of the'C6!6nerfcomtoaridinLfIn a ljiah degree; prricularly,.ergeants Latlirop ana Perkins: the former of whom, with ne of the- six pounders, made 'very The 'Coloriet V commanding cannot dismiss this Subject without aarain' men tioning his Very great . satisfaction' with the pallant and honorable conduct of 'i Gen. AshlcV, and: his brave and hardy little corps of ;monntaincirsV althbush subsistence, they persevered in '."noble daring," without a murmur,7v.Tlie Colo "Bel commanding only regrets 'that he can offer them nothing more substantial than his thanks.'' 'Xs'-ii(G feriitoO rflieftftiofefcravatScrTf Aeir ftpbjg. ad wtrt InKeli t and veamcn, t tMrt UrtWea w itiU:U !;rcteL'qaent3y.the nrigad!rGerf rl k d.s- 1M COnmodoT ha tell iLc cil nnn,a.l fV. .-v,!..!-- . r. . . . J r K- - - i'c m mc ruun I butn'Hl , ti. office, ail an-rypJ . 4 -' ' Uowufi,omareUtUrcalrtie.Uvesnbi- tlul sort ef -,;IrMDI1TIt ; lated to endear U. new Secretary, not calm ycJ, belligertats feel duriov an u . Tr TiV, "" f " only to th. Navy, and the friend, ct amutW;.' It laWrely U be iVd "Vj&ZSXXcork thoe who are now aafrnnr iiuIm-nr t th.t tk .t.. .... r- ik- i, J - . j . " ... . . . J an a pnyatioa, bu t lo the people gene- .buckmj of all nartieo ia oar sister U(a, V" .".W" n ve now ue ana tbat Ureoles & utoraUred Freocli. pleasure ot announcin-. It exhibit all me i may anita with Americans, and be thost qaalitie of decUian. correct coma worth f. tK timicrtloM k judrmentand feeling, mhich are arpa-'country into wtioso bosom iey bare ratify ofauchimporUDce)aoc to 1uia two received. t - ' ; ' i in whow they mceU to, th highest pin-, The Torto Rico privateers carry en a aacle of public esteem and confidence', most daring warfare against the com- ' utnmgum jiepyuiom. ' Tnerre ot tho united States. 7, , v,v The brig Otter, owned, vessel and St. AueutSnL Jut. SO. carvo. bv Mmstk. Wm iinr tt-. Tne treatr with the Florida Indians, rv tirav. hf liotnn. k Ut1 hn f. so iropprtant to ns," will commence at ken by them and condemned," anderthe Moultrie, near this cUvi on Friday, tlie erwandless nretenca that k1m u fim.H ainccpterooer. ; , oat as A pnrateer. She had a afo of . ,e received. by the., last, mail one 830,00 only U men all toM; S oar nujurea ami nrtu iuwpaptrt all the ronades, 2 swivels, and JO muskettC Col. Hnmpnreys, Indian Agent for the Territory pf Florida, with about 300 ol tbe western tabes of Indians, arriv Degraad'$ reporti. " fHioekinpA ? man hv n.im 'tT ciup near, .atomine ureea ,roers.' wno was emnlovpil with other jo the vicinity, this f city, n Friday, on the Salada dam, was taken severely last-The aoutliern Indiana from Oki- ill while at work m that place on Satur humkyt Chicuchaty, &c,, are bow ia" day, last a week. lie remained pa "the Mnr'iAN .sl m.II - .1.1. a it . , A a . k a .... .. . uuMul,.iiu,wm9ein()i ai toe same DanKoiinerivertiunngtheuinetheotner e ace on Alonday.or 1 uesday next. The hands were at work, and when they tcas hiefs ;ani Warriors of the different ed.ndeavored if walk op to the house tnbes are reported to be favorably lis-!.with them. Finding himself too ill to pro posed, towards, the .propositions which ceed, they left him, under .the expecta- wiit be maae them through the Commit-'tion that he would bcableafler A short sioners by the Executive of. the Unitedfrest -to : folldw"themv Not, however, ,,-f- T, . Vi tm , . t ivi . miiui? nn iDnniranre. Rome limp i- - Cot. IlamDnrevs.1 with hi rfetarS- Lter dark. Mr. RillintK. h aiiiwrrtpnfl. men.notwitJiatanding the" delays of a ant, gathered the men together again, circuitous routeana in crossing rivers and many smaller streams intersectinir the country, west, pf tlie Sewaney,. ac; compTished his 'march from St. Marks in i5 days. i We Are informed that lie speaks , favorably, of the , practicability of good and dii-ect road from , hence io mc western parts ot the-iernfory ot Florida, and' that with snch. a' highway the journey hence to Sit. Marks may be performed in' six tor seven' days.' ThU is approximating the two extremes", East and VVest of tlie fTerritorr of Florida nearer to each other than was antictna- ted.'andwili have, the happy effect of remoying any erroneous impressions of tne geograpiucai dm -ot, uiterest, and make us leel as an united peonies The trial nf the Rev, William Horran! charged by Mafy Barry with being th father of her infant child, closed on Sa turday afternoon,, havins occupied the Mayor's Court during one entire week. lie was pronouced by the mry " not guilty,' and the prosecutrix was order- ea ro pay me costs, T i; . : -i7a is the second time, within' a year, that Mr. Ilogan has been arraiim-l t:u hum uicu lor a crime peculiarly in consistent with hia character as a Kd- manj Catholic priest. Of his entire in nocence, the tribjunabi' of his country have twice declared themselves perfect- J I '. 1 ni-i .. ... f ivcouviuceu rim. paper. By the arrival of the bri-iantine Un- daunled, Captain Hatton in S3 days from uemerara; we nave receivea the Koval Gazette of August 23d,' by 'which ' 'we earn that thn Island has been put under Martial Law in consequence of . very serious? insnrrection of the blacksr A' preacher had been put in confiiiemen t, Chargea with being the instigator1 of the, revolt; nid it was the general opinion that he would be 'huns. Many of the negroes had been killed by ' the ..troops sent against them and several ' execu tions had taken place. . - " ' ' i ' ' ' "'" Norfolk Macon. , tf. Mijof aal die -'.frlK k's4 ij'jj'tJ a dayi eiUrly oa -nidif and acu4,' . h . . . ' . .-.? w 4 -U .t , i, v C M Mck , ma k foond.' X trial j t A roud how patAuU viW v--: I. or, trvitb Uid virtue abte! - j, II ark! to th wuntin-r wmik . ' ' OaararytH-orreHftj., . ' w U topia aUU tiot tm be fcuhd, ' N or ailaotSUrfMi tiM.-"-! , - ,' vvJW, Coy. 25W 7.J., ,& . j4 I tC1 i-'V MARRIED. r ; ' In tL5i county, at BcfbUle, (he seat ofVn, I M icsaaii lloutr. . 4X. C. HoIUmI. 4 MdUmt, routon, VM. -7-Ma4is tt, te w. 0H. laiwrpaolj I ar."i taU W 'tl-wirf . . , - u Ma , via ev as t 10 . I'jo ; 4ia so is vJ si a lorJ a ts 300 tii si o II r iOOa IS 44a 4 lo t II fltl tut fi 4a'i llaWi IS Ic-ltja SrM XT. aiTa. -"a. 44 a 0 II A' Tl a, 1 1 5 i & 400 i 10 I SI v 41 a 41 J&100, a , K4 io til ao-i) ma fW i - ir a a H 7ia 0 I. ( 40 a 4 .' 1 H 10 lal 41 SO a n a ' SiO a Ua . 10 to 40. 100 II . . -i PETKRSBl kO PKICK9. . - Ort. -Baeon,M0 alt) Cotton, 10 a 1 Tobacco, 3 a 9, Plour.6, Coffee, ia a S0 ', Suffar,brown,7.30a,X2 SOi Salt, 75 8TJ. Vtv. : AiveiiUtiei.ft.'v;v Stona, on th 2diaatant. Ur. Robot a Cowanjl r! ",rtL of Uaiinipt, to Mi SaraA Stonav- , . n. ia arrea couair, on tae join uiuma, ur. i Toco. JohA Madkin to il Mary Rearca, and, on T.ltow tlie ?3th, Jfr.' Jamea nM to, Via Anna Head, ' Wb..' . f a . m1 a - . ... . ai i-napu iuii, on TM'Xjtn luonio, ur. UimLiom L Care to kliaaUdetia Barbec, daiititcr f W Carbee, Eaa. .jt .. . la Hoa-aa Countr, on the 2o4 ultimo, Capt Joha Ilouxton to Vina Manraret Bam and. on tho Mth, Dr. Willbm M'Kav, of Bampaoni county, to M Maney Ilall, daujhtcr of All mand Ilall, Eaq. v r. ,--- k- - f ' At Plvmovth. oa tlie S5th ultimo. Mr. Gea Ryan, of Bertie county, to Mm. Harriet YtA- dleford.4 ' V, ' V' ' ' s A ir ' .-j? , r ' in i,njfoconioc county, aicw aai agn, aij the aeat of the bte Jolin Vt'ard, "El. Jeaae Powell, Eaq. of llal'Jax county, to MUi Nan-1 cy Fouuoa, of the form or connty. . . ,1 Leyi Daon, of P.raon pounty, to Mis Sarah Jv!l. for u'ri. v , 77 T4 T-4 j Bolton, of the former county, v. . ; 1 &t t,t0.- .i v J v.-.;- . 414 -'.'' tr 'd1e1)v -.S In fhu City, on the 7th tint tn tlw 50th year I gKH aaannunodata 0 fi or trtty mm W of her ajfe, after a short, brt aevere indiapo J of Oia approaaliing licaerat. AaumWr wiiU aiUoiu Mrs. Martha Marshall. reUot of the L.t' UOARU. , ". , - , ... , Joha ManbaD,'-The unitbrm tew of U Ootobey 1 0. 1IM ' f , uut csumaoie woman's lite, was such, aa had f , .i ' ' -. Miss Relay v-1 " TTAS jiat rataraad from N,Twk. Ur 1 aha baa taiehawif, for cab, a nrrTl.n4 ell wlretr t ranriMnt of U mm rwhhm.l.U MILLINARY AND FANCY COOUS, wfcaW'.. aha aflaia for aale, far 4(n, Ue aa kvi of ' rain, quant aaa aa aoia to .tuiavitra - 1 MN Benjamin, 8.King; - -41 i and proceeded with them to the place wnere wiey supposca iney nau in ntm, and searched all night, but without find' lng hint. On the ; next :,day, anotlier searcH',as made with a stronger partyj but also without success. On Wednes day lasf, four day's after, bis body, was found by two negroes in a cornfield, a bouthalf a mile from where he had been left, pd shockin to tjfclate; partially de-j oureu uy me uuz.?,aru3i iiia,tK)wei3 were entirly fori out, and his flesh in several places "picked from his bones! '"-'" :?Sr: 'Telescope., ensured not only the respect, but, the .deep, bl h (W lllie JoflC9 ' - jehregartofafl who knew her. " MUd ia her WvritX U araptml to .eaonW.ia d ai: i.". U tempepfiabl 4n her manner-kind and . f . s Meab of iha anproaohlna Gantrd Charitable in her, (lispoaition ahe -conciliated AtaemWy a iib BOAUD tie hm nrnvidi d to. :4" V the eateem of ket acqunlntanc,'and waa be-' wal good rooma aear Mi daellitie houtc, and . V t Im-Kd by all who intimately knew her., iTwO ,eilntd hi dialog roomr lie aamiauat to a a. v i, affectionate oifsphnir are left to deplore a osa 'trr''In traveller! at al. litnea, aad to a ham tbe .i.;-j ,i. ii. , . .IriArkf - ,HAnt; .tn k - ,,L i. wiucu, ui tnem, w urepanuiie ana a larre t. . , " " r",M' ..8'i ! retnrnbg bit it circle of relativea to Lunent the deprivation f" ,ok.i'a . a dear and valued member of their family. ; w V - LTOTi2d?r tr The?4ececd had -beetv fcraconaiderabfe .Mi .iiuiiiu vi tinier. v , tainment in tba pity of BuMcliv and kopea, Uiro-,.J V. hii ah exertioi a aad attention, to cspericacta ; ppV mahi styling himself . ,M.j le Mombray," -. Public "Accuser I time, auaohed the PbChu n,:,'?:k;h': StfiSlarti. and, it U oonfidenUy hoped andbeheVed, wan Mi.d nnK Um . - preparea tor anouier ana a better wono. ' ' H- " ' ( CaimmncfeatMf, j ' -7Xt Wilmington, ,' on thj 3d inst Hr. Nicho. las Van Hoeaen, a native of Hudson, 1. Y. At SmithviUe, on the 30tl ultimo, Mr. Jojyi Crissome, pilot, aged 2f t - " 0; : ' ' la Cumberland countr, on the 37tu iiltimo. J Alet k'Allister," acn.,Eq.rtabouJt 50 rwi of , on tne 28tn, sirs. Emily.F4rans,wite of llr. i juim ivana, aea aoout 10 years. . .. . ' , 'Lately, in Bkden county, Mr. Paiiici M'la tOBh, formerly of FayctteytUa, ' tii' In Uupun county, on the irta uiUmo, Xo. - 1- a eominniaee of their favor,' t v. m- I Raleigh, Oct 9;.,;:wj A, ft '.-4f4 V;. ..:'. ii-. 7 ! ., .v " ' " ' '' i ' f . a ,vgs.-w r, Cooper, von of,Muj.John poopef, about 18 i-Vyk5r JUtely in Perquuhan'j county, joaeph 1 ,jf A RU ARFT AUM3t ftOKG,ppotliet.e .Wi 'q- 7 . ' :Vi Mivl Court. Houei' raapeeifuU' iul'urina tla In' Warrca county, on the 20th ultuuo, Mr.,i Members of the tietwrul Aatnmbly tlt alia ia v Eldiidcrc Clak. in 'thft S2d vear Of hia as-e, i i prenated to acooitmuxliite SO or Si with Hi..l7 f - ii : At Warrenton, on the 2Sth ultimo, Mr, John : Hwfta of Board will U law and neaHaiablei'-f. i. unvitc, in tne ata year oi iuB,a(re,4 i,.. ,T ;T , -' """i, ", m mu-, $ ,; Murdoiih,' relict Of Mr, Bertie county. . i , .Lately, in pate county, Mfc Henry Cope. land. pfv.'; ; v 7.,-t. '., f r.ji'yl' 'yt'l f?n ; (ooxiiinhaTBf:.-'. i ' Died, in Warren countr. on the 2lst ultimo. Miss Harriet D.,' daughter of the late William Burt, m the 25th or mtti yearot her aire, Bhe au&tain'd her illness with the greatest for. ' r - W. 10, 1833 -'s.Jtij v,vr- 4lJttitT,; i, ., w"iiiuiot, uitj i. gnoo uauia on :i)f lot,1' PMlaJeJnJiia, Sept. 20.'. Extraordinary Suictde.-Thi morn two and. three o clock, an unlin Uioult tie Mombray irom lHuy to loia 'at the sovereign Court of Caenln France, put an end t9 his existence in a singular manner s -Mrvde'Mombray's mind had been for many years past hauuted by many ima ginary foes, He was the special object of vengeance with' the French govern ment, whose displeasure he fancied he linil inmirrpfl hv hia TifilitiAnl. nruniotid .n,I h oK,,oo f m ; ii-At 'Fxtenton.' on 'the-22A Mtiniftw MYbT Mipr?,,"uo, W-wweiWgwai -ft k few rooms V " W f Mr, JohttMurclau!! iiiawiui " f -at viai loaui iva vi a a m i w seemed, to have, little to do but to work his destruction V t They ;h'ad poisoned all the wells in his neighborhood, artd when Mr." De Mombray wanteda drink of water, lie was . obliged; to,: go fi-om- Jiis own hftusein 9th street,"near Lombard ad far perhaps as the Northern Ltber tief ' Sometimes he ,took a boat,, and from the imddleof the Delaware obtain ; ed the -necessary supply of pure' water, lb was equally difficult for him to obtain a wholesom e loaf of bread , 1 In vain wks it that Mr. De1 Mombray published ad-; vertisement alter targe rewards for, secution. to. iconvjction whrt wpri ittlfitfinr ao-ai ...- ii'tuL vf JV u briirUtes . ' ' , a 4 v . uiviiwvi 1111H14 wvn; SHLkU M wvvuua. winner rlP,M, ?"';'"m7" ..ov..,-. wenesaof ospo8iti(onndun;ittocUd,moaety whom he had beetr for ten vears a nast wtiU-ii n thi! chjmctnrittic f tvmaii -MrTi uiasLei. ' aite 4iumuvv viieimta, rente, mm wuiuu iiwismui prcv""cui.uu' Leiti in me naieiirii bhp, re incrc;isfid i:atherthan diminished: and:1"6 w her. t Her deportment waa disedi,'aidAlcfeadant.toapptart the Stray. 1NTEttEt f iJ 'Wph eotinty, by Joheeham,MIlnf-iin1f'1 I)eeprivar, fira milea.abW WaddlaV'.K'rrrt s v-) titnde, and saw the hoar other diaaolutionap- T fourteen liaWti ami a half bitth abmt bel'nrc, tad. , :,K... . Q, k.i . M.V t .11..' .......... I I I. 1 L LL1I s . ' JflURbll WIUlUUI-IJ KllVto.DUVHUV'ib'.UWl UR I'll IVCT , IKI IDU consolatft motlier to mourn in penaive regret the early loss of a dutiful child, while the rcit of the family join to deplore that of an aireg. tibnate and amiable sister.. Nor ha she U fl her family alone td grieve: the numerous cir. maah-aaared. ri:iVrl'tr- vSept.iir. H?3 herhlqd Jwry P Wli'N CttAVRNHr'Vy: State of NoilihCitrbliniuS'p 1 ola A Siniintntnnnaa aihuh ahA flDBV IcitT Tl- i . Advertisement ottering ; hintr iw weh tof w.wortk to.l' 'TVlIv.'ii the discovery tnd .pro-Jthhold for a moment the feebn of aympa, W e WSi of thosevperson9- theticaorrow. Society, Indeed, has lost by ?&WS n 7: . ..I. , - , 1 ,v . . 1 j , fi !. 11 NaImhaii W .II ,l Khiilwl (l,Mln,M.I,i,li.l.l .i. j nst hia lifet' In :-nej aeatn a yuuauie menuer, ana one 01 its , 7 ".": ,v. , eret nf. Jaflt, adjoining Robert Walker. m I annearmr lu tlie. i.,mirt Ihul I ha . ' I In tt li eaac ia pa ri ; inhibllan'. .of tbia aa-t ?7 una atttice to iim- ? . next 'Cow bf : - AVo are happV te'state, j tha the ''.'Se cretary -of the Wavy - hhs sent aVedical deputation to TliompsopV Islatidi with a view to enter into the critical 'exaipi ;ination of the state of our gallant little -.Iquadron on that station;' and with pow er, if such a step be judged necessary to rrest the progress of that fa tat "malady which has already deprived us of so ma ny gallant officersyantt threatens a still inore iextensivetlestructioii to order the temporary abiindoninent ipf soinliosplta We a climate. t lTie defecation consists a ef four navy surge6ns,s wno' stand, high on account of their talehtl 'Sbdexperi nee, and :iJt whom the: people "are justi fied in reposingthe fullest confidence. AVith a patriotic fearlessn'ess'ahd dis interestedness',' which teflectsnew lii's- re on his reputation, Commodore Itod-J PPra liaa .nln...J l,t .t..'4 4..'1 company ; thir delegation; aiid ha'a' left; for a time, the lucrative ; station he has filled wth so 4ticK integrity and effect, V the head of tht Board of oyy Com- i miBsioner, tor the purpose or autniuis ? r);fi;n A, - O,. T1 Af J. nn, M .n7 whilst the urbanity nd'engappnff iwnpUcity ftsea and Qujuier t ion $0 he katd fcrldvlV"- i iBerences between the Frencli and the:der suspicion, for relusin to publish Ins 4 bj ..;iiul,-.t.0fnu,h andreiteyvn!d wiwew4emuri nthtr&Lj I portion ,'of the . "population of jadvertisments, though he, was cdnvinced VKnew berllejnotnmie of life waa aerenc, Lpx16"1 KiualMrMl be-'emrttd acmnw bim 7 j Orleans, seem to be ori:tne eve .of ;that the reluctance of other to insert and her sun had -tista with that vaicloudodh A '"PVVrr'1' rJVP'.ri f ; f ustmerit;. Since the memorable bat-ithem arosd Irom a dread that tlie also ;briglitnes which promised tof hctftiehda ;. '.v'.'P" -P" a rV7 1 bf tha'tS 3an'uary,a814' that dty would be poisonediif tiiey exposed the PPynt fi H'&aA ' tithttiJitil?MS evinccd,a spirit of laudable . zeal, in deaiew of the French emrBsaries, -S. w wi, i?. 7a T.tiL l " - . a -f i 7 . ' p . I a . . a . , jlWHi'-;H, UV1 H1VUW - 4 .v,-a aaB4Miuv I ajj - ri'r" ' 5 (1 Antericait New a Ims lormin-r weH. disciplined volunteer fcompapies. a iiey nuvc generally j tu icpnsequence otjrtie.vajfierence fo , language haWts; and jraaqners, kept np the distinction betweep French (Cfeqlfr. French) and viiici ituus, ciiiijji tiiiia irom iie .omer fetateailS This lias been frequently pro ductive of unhappy schisms. The 1 Le- k isiaiui c, suiuc iuui: yr uix jrvars suict;, formed a jegiojj copstife of Jill the voiuuteer companies, aim rin(;onse qnepce of a regulation, adopted in times of danger, authorising the enlistment of aliens., many a Frenchman, not natural ised,' have crept. into their , ranks,, and have latterjy become so forroidabla as to cause much, Irritation and'exciteoWnt, One of these, Mr, Cuyillier, was about a year since, ppointe4 a,,oiajort in" the4 legibn Tjie America companies iro tested against, the ; appointment.? The Louisiana Guards; nptler thee command of Captain '.Kd ward ,FennQ,f positively reiuseu 10 ODey inei oraers o ine aiien majoriiV; Cant. Fennpjhas-beenf irregij lafly, arrested and -iried by an : alien court martial, and deprived of his com mand, as well as disfntnchisetl and de- ciareu oigqualinea tromj borainz -any irnitoAi! nJI i.m-mKnrr n hpt-fripnl. 1 tlOn an1 dailTeiT I in Oi. 'Knnan ni'ffi him '. K:ij. 4K..., ,t,.,-!K .ll.r... f !. ' COM Q.lN.-and a Mare. wl.Ieli -1 troilefl to him ttuwiivi ivtovi, nw v " . iii u , mm luti vu(M uis ivumwwh hvi, iw - t ' . i . . .,1 . ' - . ,6 and under continual dread flfatta his lifeKltlas us estate; Wm .mii u.auS ..,u. .vpuuv wbich wy h. character ith ,i V ' ,... U l.r.i.a tea.a--0v. irf1 ifai cm..,!. ' man .rf hia enem v' wh ch Probably led 1 v .fns?a .tnaeora- , y nd j., fcffimi,.; man as liianemy, ViDicji ropawy,,j, ,,ftg. .wiucji .!. wii dwto:.,,, -TOfti 1 wpeat ha h lurkiog about l7 him tins morning to. put an ena to nis .; gwshtid In life. .But these avail nought in Franklin eounty. The Mara that, this fcllowJ roiraTrifli BiinrinfrH. v ne ml urn xn a.; nroinnirui? mci were nai uic cusc. jie buu . .winaifca Mil oi - tot iHnvs.iofi. i. m asrK Borrei. ? ilnU uvcll. XI Ut DllC. llil iciv uic wuiiu w lll, UM- nra wan, hum ictii mm vi,mi eheriah the remembrance of, and to admire and ; face, with a eooaklerabie or in her forelv td. , jj A; Montgomery to. Sept. 11, 1IM ' 89-3tp, 7, iU, m-iMihii nf 'nnipdpr. knd blew out th bd uved. ut She .?i1j".i.i. ....i pu.i,..i,i .ii;nk I eheriah the remembra rUr"u "rh'a nrnintbi iwmainti n''a0 he noble SctiOt of a Short bUt .pOt- he dwelt. Thi , morning the remains ,kM ftnd virtuoua jjr., ,;,..,-.. , 4-. Ul VIlV UllllIJ ATI,. XV ai.viiiwiuj ..i .it wlMw,MM,aMWM,Mw taken ti-om among the rums, v ne was.a mkn M elegant appearance anarehned . ri.:i ' ' 't' "military office in the. state." The cuards i.' k - a ' i a . - ' a . w protestca ana uetermmea t support j J ' " ' - i . - Prom the Buffalo Journal of Sept.; 23. i- " Pvot old."Jlobln3on C4-wsoc.w-r'We learn that .when the storm of'theVth inst, comnrenccd,MajQr Kceler, former fypf iOnflndagoCountyv in this' state, was'kssiiig witha-daughter,416 yearj bt age, in an open boat, from one of tlie Put-to Bay Island, ia Port Lawrence. When about 20 miles on their way, the boat was wrecked on the ." .Western Sis ter' a desolate Island of about 100 a eres:"4 With an bid axe, the .crew', hol lowed a log td'serye for' a boat- and when the gale, was $ver, two persons TlRONf tt to (5 years of age, will be lafcan to 1 4.!,e BOOK BINDING bniness. , A lad (rum Ilia eountrr would be nreforred. v ' Hleigti,-Oet. ! -tf,.. "Just Published and tor Sale, ' ' AT THE STAU VVriHIu, c r - . . iV.- '' 8100 Rewaid. -m IV il W a Y ft.m llin. .nltuu-ib'. nl.nf.. I ft, lion, in CheaterCwIa DiHriat, Sonlh Cam-' ' : lina, etrlr Inst autumn, two gro men, Cbartea,, and Hill., Charles is of ordiaary siae, well made, yetlAa i eomoleakM t. remarkshly Intelligent, v,7' peaks quick, is aboat 05 years f vt h4 aa i'f pnitlitsed iii Heaofort aonnty., Bill absconded ' i' ;t" with him ia about SO or 23 years nf age, ialow.t . aoil lias a scar, I belief e oit one of bis eheeks, ; ,: ) merhanaa soar on bis liead, i ia also ineliaed to ) . ' ' a yellow eumnteW and beats on tbe drum tol- .7iVj erably well; Bill aspnrehatedhj tba aeigbbor ';,;,; ' hood of Snow Hill. 1 ChaHes msy, prrhps,-at ' 'K tamptto psasbimseiraaairiiamaiK ineaoove e : reward wilt bt f;ieo to sny person who will re-; . ; turn thera to my pltttatiob, or half the abe r. y r, . anLiH Vgin waoy person ha wUle5' enre tlieni in jailo in proportion for elther of , :K K them aud aWa mt tntormaoon. i '.;..;: rMA4Ail , . . JSi, 1 4 y when the gale VKaOver, two pCTSons Country Merchants and bUtertean be piiTNTl NG""4V- t fs were despatched in' tt! for .assistance- WppVed at tbe wual pries,ando the short. iWfY irti Is x f' rt Theyretaracsl m time, t ve t-e Km eatoolit, V, .,. 'JMV Qeti) s I Of eyery dearhj.t'iOB, eaeeuted X iAt Office; , - -. V'v -o!:;v; ,:fy--m tif.-:'vt' '' "'' ',-'-;7?:" ' ' r v..:.r ,v '-...c:v.';-.'v. -7 .-..j v7 - T f 7i")J;;;, 77

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