rr ViIU3U,f Najf co-t r. praiinj ut C Treasarff be dirtf 1 t pay to kii tHe iq f tea d!r, whh le J paid the Ticaury fr a pir iaj. &e.t Mr. Ki-Arr pre-nlJ t y CiUAi tf te bsira f Joseph Canning .late of Ujwaacsaaty, statin sat rtetr anreator Durthivd a tract of coo- Kcei lands troai the ComnisMoaerwTCie nezV.it e. . roafUcated property, amHiajJ the pur-, Mr. Dlackledre, fravw lS commit thae lan-er; a part of LicH haj been ( tee of Propo.it WOs fttd Grievances, eiirtcJ;alJ pra v in reimbursement, mide a rrrmrt, recowMfnilinr the r- TuofoeMinpcuiioiiererrfcrreJ;'M f I jroicr to Lis ctujuIM nj rropoai- tioaa and Grievsiwr. anl the two lat. cr U the totu jutts of Claim. - If- 11 ' . I I'll A iir. uiuDj crci-ijifu a b:ii, incorpo- i ratm;;Mora:itAa Acadomji wUicUwa read l! fit. t tune at.d pwJ. Mr. Blarlled, frt, the coasmitteo af rrjpOTttions and Grievaocea, repart . litis lawa of rhia atate, relative to tlie ed ftvora'.! U the petUion of William artillery cwmpaniea of liSt iafantrr, FeiTell, rccoramemlinj the paiius of a frenadiera and rifleman; and also a bill bill upon the subjvet.. Tba rcprt wi concerning Michael Rjmer, of Rowan concurred in, aud t!te bill read the Crat oantj, were repectielTfread dte third time and paaed. Tlie b H u read time and passed, and ordered ta be cn tJie sccuudtime, ahd, ou motion of Mr. gnwaed . Stanly, pot,fponed inJefiniulj. ' " The bill altering the tirn-a of holding Mr. Uiackledge, from the committee the Coonte Coarti of Tjrell, was reid to m horn wai referred the petition of the third Ume, anj passed, and ordered Edward 0 en, reported a bill in his fa- to be enrolled. ' tor; which wa recommilted ta tlie same . Mr. Iredell presented s bill tj incor- committee with the petition. . ' V Hamc iiuiu wig ocuair, iiiiuiin ing UiAt they had paued a resolntion in o f favor of Jude Norwood, and asking the concurrence of this House. The resolution was read and rejected. On motion of Mr. ILassell, the rote was reconsidered, and the resolution wai thereupon read the first, second and tmra times, ami pa!wr . - i-.y Mr. UlacUlcdse from the committee of Proposition and ,riev,nc9. to whom was ref.-rred the petition of Mi- chael RrmoriMf Rowaiucountj. report- ed a bill fivorable to the petitioner; which TtmA was concurred m, and the bill rendHhe first and secoud tiroes, and passed. : . . ' , ; .Aiwuiii tun ;cn uic nuvi Wing the time of holdin3 two of the Courts of Pleai and Quarter Sessions 1 IA Kill tAiitAal tlak a Af TDOfl I ' i for Burke . fixing the 6um to be paid to the state' for recant , lands, wnsrcau the second time, snd, on motioit. of Mr; Stanly, ; )ostnoned indefinite v. te$datJfroVm 26. ftlr. Love presented the petition; of John Shullei'of Haywood county, .stat ing that be had been ejected Irotn a tract if rna4' MittTnaal from P'niirv nuu. countvlalao the bill to repeal. " i - !. , mjorimH . ,tlrjX.it. if V vl!lV--dicnr'of renealinirthe act.of 1819,' direct. 'P., action o the act of htMonrnin preference to1 Mr 1 Dtincaja.' Esn. and, Mr.'. IVoughton vfef W bounty court, to p.y to certain toartUlcry compnniw or Jiht mrantrr. tW(eB(B . Stiirfurtber, wl atconfi-! M'- D- Thompson of Fayetteville. and lution, ihich, eV motion-of Mr Cameron, fZiZin' dence can be placed ia caucus when ' Mr. HsnrahanV Greenville, N. C. all wuontered to loathe table: second time, and passed. ;.: . r . ..... iMfwk. Ki-r,t Mr. Tanmnann upp , Whereas a resolution was adopted at tba . . . s - rwianiai in- tub Kiars wmi m na va lVtran n iviki uii uuunri vs i iti a a . " The bill to repeal th 5th and 6th sec- ZAl. r"T' !J . V "7 MJ" " ' lstion of the General ;. f Jb t Af iRon A- ,US l,,c ?esion wt our: tzis ature. ior . .7" ' " atate,- requirinir the Board of S,i t'urw I express purpose of electioneering ; Jwnnei, i-uncan, anti ncecKmar were -provnenuo fi.poe.of one . . ,or Mr? Crawford; particularly wheh it 80 nucn,injureu as io un uname w con-- of the services ot the civil e c,c' ru J v""iw ; h r;amwt,Kl !,, tinua.their lourner. - - 4M present year, .to.anr of . " .t0 corporate the -.1 rustees 4 . ,.-'.., w f. atU--r;; ,,f understand the accident occur- ? 'cl " . 6f theUerue Union Acaderar. was read! 7i . J i' , 'vu w , Mj : k...,r... . i.iit : ....n... won, beat suit tlie interest ot s W .inrf h.l hird tiu, -VJ n,a I1"" ef7 memaerou torfgress are op- j ' "V w.L..V'.Vvi' ""r..where it appear, that the "LV C m ."..I .CI " . F VoTq' Tsed U the Radical candidate. LW1 nM nayw uieecnms onnw neei for KMOnyel unknown to - . . - j i - - w n uu'j ' ii i i ii i inn r" wm isaeii aimii tan mini ivpa i-phvp .loners apptiintedto sell.the lands late- ' Yu ,na7 rest assured that the bold ly acquired front the Cherokee Indians assurances, which originated at Albany br treaty; ' ftnd praying that the pur- in Senator Van Buren's newspaper, the chase money, with costs of suit, be re- Argus. relatire to the result of our Le funded to, nun. .-..The petition was re- -'?ttM 'A -., 1 1. . ferred to the. committee 6ft the .Indian 6'lve elechpn. and ,h.ch has trarel-WscrvstUttfJar.V-:;;.. f v, led aa far as Richmond, is destitute of !. UriiartraW presented he-pefctiott-" smallest 'foBndation.i Van Buren ofDanielNoorncaser. of Davidson couri-: first started the assertion; Noah, of the ty.rayinff for, the passage of a law to Advocate, seconded it; liinns, of the dVorce btn from liit-if-(therine.ec Press, bwked it; the Na: 4;n.vl irtM-iinM'.' a- '-S i ' iionai nteuige,acer cave new me io u; tner.'ftir. iwuert KiauiCK.'.at wnose pee mcrs, so tar as relates to .... , t,:Ar ..iiucnn,,ir it u,M, haa liouao she was oil' a visit with her hua-i 'of the Yadkin: and Mr.Csmeron ine Dill, irom ineoenate, waiter. ine - - tj-----. - r . - : oonteT oetitlon of F.liaa .. ; . , . . p - .t -ii r i, i' . t -h.ind. stormed into A room whera! sev- 'c,,,lnl'CT pewuon oi r.iia ttmes ot noltiing-tne county voun oi KicKeuon tu looiuan oi latseuoou." i 7 iTrr " , . v-T on the same subject, which TrrrelLwSS read tlie ?first. and SCtond .ttha wkunV-r th pillar : rttl u'c .auV y w't",V the Comniteee of Propositions a a i .47 , j r i ; . . " eun. lett the house unnoticed, and ra ,.... , , -.. - ttipcs and passed. . ' ' lA t : K V . . . . . 5 S ,V.tThu day's proceedings of. Mosxra. Srsnls-. Trm U L fSiranT. rlnr pri ftnnnintpd . MuiHfSAwaJA4t''kW tU t.i c vmiiiiiii.v vii aim. ari a, aiita aivii.i - i.i :, : ' it. -1 is.. ..e u ii.invui vj -i in.M. 5 .uuuJi ,..v.,C(r o. amena; we..J.actcIarr, ws oa rAi&tnu ri inn i .irrinr..! mini ni n i a state. ' , ' frifV-' On tnotion of Mr. Fisherit,wa3 JCetoIved, That the joint select committee on .1 i.;t,.f m...r;.,iKn ..t.m ii ttlPtlUjVVir miiiv iurg tiiv jtvttiM -J be fnstructext to inquire into tlie expediency of passing a law for dividing -the state into three supreme fadicial districts- be" Eastern, the Middle,' and the Western; aVid to provide that a Sop'renie Cfcjirt be bda by tbe pre sent Judges of theSpreufl Court once a year, or oftencr.ineacli oflaid districtsj and, ; further, toiMjuire eyerit will not pro mote the- public interest to constitute' said Courts as Courts of ChaAcerrr and that tliey -report ,dt ohi or biiimtw bjc.. . . MrViAVardA fdftn tic cothtnittce of committee j; M r.'TajrTor prestntttl a bim fixing the lime fiir Jtvlng ;riot1c&Tp etitbjrbersof ooniis anil notesun ccaam cases wnicu aavil B a vickFol UraTrEff- county, re ported favorafctr imon theWtition,.antl ruRtponrlil inileilnilel tik? y- Air.: Cla'dl Wge'mini iie :c6ininittce ' or Proposition and Grieji anccs, report d a bill in faro of the r?etition of Tho mas S.nmll,' of Chowan , cauntyj whicu 'as real the first iinte andTussed. :Mr,i5arr. from tbe tommittee , ap pointed to conduct .th balloting for a Jriadier General . cf - tha Cd T.rizhte ' Messrs. Stanly, "N. Mann and Ta Claitpsi maile ifepiirt tfbon the petition of Jonathan Vjfa.vep yvilh whs read and, on moliufi.refcoinmittck to the same was referred tn1iv,''K'.!Vy comroittef!. f-t M r B1aclledp1lVoinie committee V.'d'ni' waii rift rr the tetifion- of ; recoinm.niilaxl tlw passage-om, bill for ; the icliff jfjlf, the petitioner bill -K yeacftlie first time, and, n tftiion. an J $J diiloa of ta.iitla. rivxiJ Out V'S 'y elected; aUk report wis ceacsrrt J ii, I ' Me. Ward. fr?a L cofamUlro f Claim, rrportr 4 a result -Jot, d'.r e cti'iS lb Treasurer to jut u H-nry WiV liaott tea dollars. jLlta qarKMatocwo- cur w'ub ixkl report aa datrmlaei la of Cor Cie relief of Etjard. Owen, of reran count v; which UH was read tlie first time an J paste!. Tbe bill to repeal the act of 1 822, al- .1 . . I I I ' . - nnr me lime K noiuinx iwa ot tne Coaat Conrta for the count? of llarkej' aUoa biJl ta repeal, in part, the 4Uiec- tioo of the act of 1S.XJ, to re?ie the mi- porate a liht infantry company at E-' ucuuni nuiui iuvi uio uinL lime ami passed. The bill incorporation Morranton Academy was read tha second time and passed. . " . COMMUNICATION.- otb tmrr9t or'ma .tae. rlT'i.. -i i t . . rlJ'1". ' "".e that a Congressional caucus will -peak the ft??99?'1?.11 " WC' w0Ww' the e,m,,on of Mr' "onroe to the presidency, when a "uc" w" "" I fr,enJ. (.M- vrmwt,wu VI,' "S"5"' imosl alalia nun oi,r l- J J laL 4i V J . ra ma 'fto- lmeit1tenJinS'et ,l 18 ?q""j f " FRlDAYvMORNINGi NOV'R 2 1823. a,, . I . ii , , . i ,i i ', , Extract of a letter from a.hijrlily respectable gentleman, in New-York, to his friend in this place. ". ? ----- . r-r- - ven.'-tftev were opposeo, ana, in aunosi . w v j iuumvv w.wwwv " " - - - p " i: are a maionij . 4i regular uuuiniiiuuiis : . , . . .ecte(J e douhtg. but wliere they ii ,,1 if ... - -1-1 j because they-were known to be un- passed , entirely Un'ougn. jwnicli i caused. friendly tiMr, Crawford. Of courste,.1'" death. wstttanusj. :; Mrs; af,-. . w . ara amIo nhAnt ui rakftl t at lis sAtiaa-.. i frielidly nVaanftiiPresii iiiere was no uece&si itT tO oppose most Bt tbe Jiominationa. I assure youand You 1 -!-. - . ' , ., ' Vi-i a., t , ' ot Edenton, to miss auo sousoury, ot nasn mayote. down "the assertion, that there 1 ners, and the cause fhe;4 deternnn ' ; t ,N s, - , Jv r , will not be Iwenti-Jhe : Crawfurililes iin !' faT "liy be acoatedJbr ..by. , At Rfentoa, W thrtbjnsUrin Captain i ..-'.w. x w ?V ' partial vtleranenlent of pfiin... under Benjamin Bisaell to Miss Sarah Rombough. ournext Leg.slature.VBut Yan Bsren.j. ghe had been labouring for a fewn At Wilmington, onha.ietb imtaat,- Mr. Noalt, Binns, Galesf Ritchie, &c.'think fweek?, frdm the e'lfectsfof a severe ii?Wni.lt.- Burns to Miss Catherine A. Nichols. .. , . . -T n i, i kL mimaf .k,, 'In Duplin county, oh tli I8th instant, Mr it absolutely rtecessary with a view to ness. Mrs. B.had hfen married about W(rf c t0 m Undgay i.kicson "other states, to keep up the idear that 3 years, and basflt an Want enly ; , , Horry-oistrict, 8. C. John W, ?kka, at- -.- l DitlkV ..l.'..f :- e'gt Months oloTW feel tae want f a Esq. of New-Hanover county, N. C.:toMi . . .... ipg, jew orlc; ,v : lut irutH it, mr, 1 -rhj?f'.irl and 1' rarln luinf. ht.cn en- ! .. .. -7 .. , , .... lireljf Jirohen down in out slate by an. '. ' " ' i . ' 'Vf '.-.. ".' i7 . ' - - T A correspondent 0 ersburS atlCII III .MV -SJ .aV!M-W' v "p -v- an i attempt,. &ijr Ueore jiUimt,i to mur, (icr Coi UartWetfloc1.err' shmiT of ndliAnulifln JJI U112IWI VWUIUJi' fc.v.V J.."wvM"'. of obrselvcs." fof 'gTyiii publicity Jo! tne article in.quest mereT state," that '.''the' Wciimstces "ofJUie tiVnsaclionhavib5e rclateti to ba by Col. Tuckerjj ne; .w.-ho was in troduced to us by f espectable citizen of this place, wc I ,d the t&.Iltfst confi dence in the co . ectns3 of ni stats- mPDand 'r"'r' .Jcrretl' ourselves ' tiflcd t:al vtkttcbeea iajaseU aaa ia eusp1""' searlw t ooa ct kaaace, e will t cbrerfVTj cultr; ari..n- frit. tSe ririe- M, ,f.- f . ., . treat tSo laof d.n.rrnt Lib is f oar tol.ae, .wJlJi.,ra,trJ.tho great dX-reaee la tSt t be aaXvavaieJ u& tit ai-natnre or. raise of the um iioJ, beiarca tL peraoa of irwwa rtspectabilitr: Tur.oudJ'e aJ asadera atatea. aotltinj coU bo mare foreip tooor iatrDtioa br LJ tbaa to tnjaro tbe r falatiuo of an iuaorrot iuJiridoal. Nitea of thoSutt DW of KentacVj, U the aaant of 101.131 lUlara. were btjrofat.Frinlfart oo tL 5J instant. nai.in the Uu) amount of note, ofi that crporaEla tWrorcd tlurlor tU tj ..M P"1 jear ' 313 doJ,mN r lUlJieACPunfer. We are informed br a correspondent lirin; in the county of Burke, that a youaj man by the name of trUViam Lay, wa killed on the 8th insL in a couflict with a negro man. Ydbnr Iarker was at the nero nor- ters of Col. John Carson, of Pleatant Girden, UurWe county. asistins to haul ,i . en. - ? corn froti. the field; s dispute aro between him and one or Col. Carnn's nerro men; a violent combat ensued, during wiiicH Lacker received a b!n on bia head, with either a atone or club, which terminated hi. existence in a few hoors artcr. lTte, nejrro made his es- cape; but active measures have been takes to apprehend him, before he, ev , 30 rears; has amall piece bit from his uoder lip, and haa two scars across his breast, a little wore ttout an inch loni a fFiistern Cdrolbuwu. . Stage r ascideiti. -On the mad fiom Norfolk to Fare ttevilte, about 9 miles from llalifax.'N. C, the Stage was up set a few days since, i if which were, ten passengers, conHistiiijr of the fol- lowiuz getitlemen: ilr. Mu strove of person to be jeopni (Reil by such artlessness? isotuin nut ihl stern ad will remedy' theaberijs. We are told fuller, i ul the law if v e staje unme- diately preqedinz lileifie above men- I tioned, was Jalno uputi ln which were nve lames, some ot wjiom were consi- derably injured. - -' ' Chef tw Li tUigcnczr. Shocking Sulci til haswiever fal- len to our lot (a. tlie NorfoI Beacon) : to record an tance Ol SellViUrder, i .mi i attended with ore ilistresstns cVcum- ' stances, than lliat Vt ilUn e aiexnOW . about to rel e. On the m&rnine' of canes Devona tne resch oriustire. II a "J"'" " unc ir-pwxc wit . :t-..f.. i..- . i i-i U.on Uia petition of tUahelh Brkfer. of , . . . ' r ,. c M" ; ,u lUadulphsountvt which pepoil wuconcuricJ low, about RuAthirh, and seed abont.;,, - f. , KnWia. lAnataa I I - If I . . h n .1 I ' . I I i . .V T. 1 1 A. Avariii r' I'liaiaiv- ir Arm.i.ii. uct be lastructeo to inauira into me cine. j Monday, Silt '- tilt. " Mrs.: Elizabeth second and third time, and passed, and order Ballard, consort pf Captain iBcnjw- ed to be engrossed. ; v .v ; - 'nun BaUardh of Gates County, (N. C .""Prnted?etlUO"of!!l,uJiy , . ,l a ' c i - i r. inhabitants ot Kowan county, praying tlie re rose about the dawh of day. and after pofa, acCforthe removalVobsu-uctions conversius a lew muiuies wun ner la- an saauuia uic jcjmi i. woa n, .,.a m aiarm arew, ine wmiiy io ine ooor; few steps of which her btMly, r .. was mscoverea ivered weltennj; in olood: . It. is SUnl Jt, is supposed that she applied her toe . t(k .tlfl tl. ' - ,n1 nuf tt. 0f th-' .nn ;i.Tt--U AW the lod bavin is.-'-. "t - - i t- n .nt-fiVft hv been' trulr amiable in , her disnosidon. and Dleasini in her man - mother care e--. i-i . : -' uh'ingto Jtio'nal Journal of; mrk.l. - n '' jg, v.: ' '. From the ' Wash! I , ; s-. v'nW-,l, 15 . .. ' ftidhof GheriffTke joint British and' American CiJlnmisHiSnappbinted H,1e.r tha milAon of theirtn'eroi' of Wiimn a lew steps oi which tier ouurp . , aa fo, Jhe advent 15 Sf 58. ranncauon ot t. e Wfatr.u w4 journed on ed ncsday Jast to the 1 2tlt oi January iir. ? jc,iicinuH v""v.,Aiin mirrows, wue oi sir; aoiouion ourruwaj tJiey have coine to no decision" yet as to and, on the 13th, Mrs. KUabcth Ueasley, tte aoerogi valuation of slaves; and tbat widow of fhe late tlr. "rancia BeaaUyi V; , the list of claims to be furnished by tlut ' . a . .foi.i..M.i.L !- kl I'.- '.': DeDarttnent of State,, which is to be rc- i ,'. Ml -vi l.L...l..r ganieu as atjmuivc, win iioi oc nauueu tn until 'this previous question shall be settled.?Sh6uld the Commissioners di-( agree ppon thf subject ol the average, the Convention prescribes a reference to Ibe Russian Minister near our corern- ment.' wljoso decision,' ia the name of 'his Imperial Master, will be conclusive. . Aa action fe aednctina was tried be fure oar Soperior Coart lat week. Plea aants ri Corb'tt. Tie circamituocra attendia the el jction. we anderstand, were of tlie most iriTitinj future. TheJarraardJ the tUintiJr4t? drtj iutiart damae, bein; Uta aaiouRt of the defcodant'a wucIJIt 4Meguu. Mjioii Gm. "ai GENERAL ASSEMBLY. SENATE. - IWW'j, W. 2T. Rreeived from the iloua of Comaion, a mrye, ttttinjf thai they bmve pmtod a bill concemjnf M.cIia.1 Rrmcr, of Rjm couiHv; alio a bill to rrpeaL bi pv, t'.w -h -ct on of .tlie acteri&JO, lirrownt:ie mii.tia hran Utire to the araUcrv eommtn'a of HsrSt in faMn7 ipwwdtert and rinemca; aUoablU u Zv V iK"! of holding two of the CouyCOT.ofBirVr; Md Mk,, c., JT fci Tie a d U.llcre Uieretipon acTcraflr irti the first time awl pavoL and the one or nmv l wm rpf-r.-ct to tlie o.nnutte, ofyro. PI" nd IHSV-. fv . : iJ u,e thinl time and pj:.l, aiul ocred to be enrolled. - - . ., t Mr. Kome , from the comm-nee of Prono- The Ibllowm bllU wrere preaenteH,1 ria. br Mr. Sneed, bill furtbr to amend the act "of 1715, concerning tha rovtn of will and rraiitinjr tettort of adminittration, and to pre vent frauds in the management of intestates estates: iv lip. Water, a bill to authorise a cetain- number of the justices of tlie peace of Hranswick county to a propriate the coun ty monies and by Mr. Outlaw, a bill tor the better reirulstion of Die town of, Windsor) which were severally read the first time and passed.-., " T On motion or Mr. Wellborn, it was Assembly Internal I in Half, oranvpart, ngincer, during the adjoining tght, in their opi- the state) and said Board Have the good poo dle or uus state i taiiea to comntv wua uit re auisHions of the said resolutions! : '-- - nemivtu, tnerviurc, iiuwvne ovaiu ui iu ternal Improvement be, and they are hereby .1.2.,,. k k.. -nrnni;.i ,wk the said resolution; and whether or not it will tllV iV.n'll tVll J V4I l J V UUh VUIU WHVU wrva be to the interest of the stat e to retain the said Engineer in tho service of the state any long- en and, if retained, whether tt is not expedient to reduce his salary to a sum not exceeding thousand dollars. . . Vfr Rnrl nrVjunted a bill to alter the names of Charles Alexander A Williams atnd others, and to legitimate them; which was a a- i i' . . l i - i m , reia -nc nm um au piuueu, na rcicrrea w ,'!:pT"T:r""u!:"": :lla:, Bf nf nnmuwurk nnnntetn annroDriate the county monies, was read'the to the nassnsre of fish on the Yadk n and Pee tne south for a presented the Pearson, and. Othess, Were relcRtsd to and Grievances, the House of Commons are wiavoidably deferreoLuiiUl our flext, ; .V;&.$ V'.-r- a t' Hurried; In Rowan county, on the iOth ultimo, Mr. Thomas Masters to Hiss Anne Flemmin I Iredell county, on the 6th. instant, Mr. SCy,of thefoir eoumy. . la. t'UtsylranU onty,' a-M aak4- Vf U I- tlalt.n nF rsasatafAil. ni sT . MiaaxAnn lt Price, Of tlie' former county, v V ..n.1 uth Jfe Poaoiaii, Baq.J Uelleh PConntr of said district": , -yVv V V DIED, ; . In thi. ni'inlv. nn flalnivlirtliA Q Vl in.t.nl . fn iWs eniintv.on Sitimliv the 2 I instant. J Johii Whiuker, Esq. one of the Oldest and ' niost respectable inhabitants pt the ( eonty.. a?tnt, ! v .At Ecienton, on inejjtn instant, in we oui year of tier agef31rs. Helen C harrier, consoi Mr. John cnarrier. " f -v- On tbe lSihinstititJ Mrs. White wife of i)tmpcy vhite, Esq. of Bertie county. j cllwai, county, on tlie-1 th jnstant, Mrs. h Atvet Ustiutnta i"":" Univcrsio Nr Cardlifiaf AN annasl wttoSkir if tjr TrV'tees of ihe TJ". nivcrsity of Noui.V-oUna will Iskt place a iU KseeuiiirsO ri-, louday ?. oiiK, 1st DceetaUrr nest, at 7 ytlotkfM atipoiiunieul ol tU frasmeut N.;. -. Kalrien, i-or-Jti. i rv. i . . t i . i i t I.- T t . 4 at ii ti- ; . otice- ra 9taf.v, ta sn,. rf I. tmWv ' Haaa.as lots kW . its. a. k,h'T ?-f r, t ii. m ( I.., r4a. S.,. A I mf mm . AHVvm ta iH mn!. Notice.- - .hi rental i a mimm w m..!. - kaUal4 (UaM Im vM. f lU .4 vaac4,WlM-iii ibrai urnl, duly i iUw.iial. 4, M rt to tlimikarll m aia ill H .1.1 J , a hr af imwrii a4 kWWr4 (hi tW, to tank. tiMawawt pay m-muU W.5a aafc.tr v.T. .g.j , . j.,- H otice Tliis.V " ' Is st-rva. r.iiitfa PonxV , . anwaeraf lm,vrt LOT! Of r GIN. WUA tUa subMiikM will srrat to bt as r"d as a aud. la tha Staia. r'nr lb 0 rws, aH Wn' IV'k. - WW fV Nov IN, IliS. . 4S-i0am tt' Twenty Dollars Ocward. St IllTCildoia tha anbaariW, im tha Hi iJtn, ve- 4.r bv or smnky alsslt Horsrt lkepb W?fv aa4 room! bia atoms am mm is uf a wr lftUt tosty aoiur, aussmhiag like a ibuKi Br hart b irh, vtett ka.ll tar stretwth. a (n. rnTJe l.rp.' kel aiwl taib; M works well ta the tMt iumI ko, s4 ries vry wellj k srchiI aa4 umi) lo aatab aay acrioa lkt II ikliwr to aa the uii Hon vUl be totiiUJ io iH Uo rsirt. 1 k anbiArikar iivr In Vluib ttlaml, liamediatHr on Kuaaokt. sea stiles abuM llta loan V Halilai. '; :- WAHWICK UOisUDY. jr, vn m, t"a' v V - ,.v,-,Towii. Property. ' WHi4basnM.tsaTI1nrs1lar.the lib 4synf Ji'iiuarr aeat. at- lit Court tlouaa la . tVatlili.ttuu. tb fol'ifrwior lots, or as uush ' thetmf us will ssiUry'th tawa tsiesdii ihcreon !nH cost nf atlvenisliig) lot lt present year, US4, via.'. -V ,v'.f-.- I Uit, No. it, In Yan Woordon Iowa, !b ia by thoJieirs of John Arrauud. . . I Lo', No. 1 1, 1t Vsa Noordoo tows, rtrso In by iiily Aadersna,' ' ' " . .. ; " r t Im, Nm. Mil sad ii, I.i lot, Nal t, I J lot, Ho 4l, in the old part of Wanhinrtoni I lot, . Sn. 8f, 1-4 Im, If . J J, Io rtfmi,tr new pnrt I 4 lot, No 40, hi. lot, S7. intiladiUm iod. ivrn In t John ksifortt' ' ,. . . 1 uai.iw isita urspess iowa4gi?ea in it W illitm Htackledee, jr, . : I Lot, No. I, In the oi l wt of WatliTnrtontf g ven In Hf Urn helrsnT Mihlml Uarapbell. i UH, Kit J0,m Gladden Town, by Aaa Cog J 1 1 ot. NJ J. ia Punio Towa. eiven la br Ml. esjdi (Jotpm.'i. :. -.-aj. - . - "' Hln,NK nana I ! Kespsss Town, given - id by Tei auM IXIaiir. v t Un 44 i-i Lot, No ii, six! t Lot, ' Ve. SO. In KetnessTown, iWea io by Louisa dekeiisafl. ' T 1 . , - , , t Ux, No 0.1, in Donner's aew put, tlvn la by flcttty Ouii Brr. I Lit, No I, in old part Washington, given In by Leiiia Gwriliter.' - . -.1 Lot, No V4, in Van .oorden 'town,- gWoa ' ia br tbr heirs of Jsmes Cuyott, for I88i and I Lot. No. 7V In Bonner's new- partj glrea In :. by the Mm of Gilbert Gary. W ..-... . 1 ixh,ihi iv, lu ui.nuer ntw barb Cirea in by WillimUrrill. - , ' , I l-ot, in. ?, lt, no. 11, I Lnt NO i III f ReSwss 'lwm 8 lxKS..Noa. i and S9. in old purl Washington, V Lots, Nos 4, t. 10, 19. 80, ill ' ii, 1. im 1 J . Vf I .. ' t'tot. No 94, In Honnerl aew part, glvsa In by Nalbniel Langlay. i '-; - ,j, ? Wl Lot. INO. 3'i. Id Old nart Wadilnvtm. Inn ' in bv AbriJiani Ksvrn. ; . ' ' . , ? 1-4 hoi Nn 30 Kespess Town, given in by the beirs or Wiilism lioiMowm ; . . I Lot, No 83, id ll part VVihlnlon, 4 Lots, Nos. 91, 9i, 9 J k 94, in Bonner's new Wt. girea In by .W illiam Roai. ? ' ;i ? - - v Mm. iw Qinuwin van -oururn 4vwa, given in by the heirs of Henry Sttby ' . - ' 9 Lots, Nos 45 ami T4. In Van Nourdea Town, given la by Samuel Woolsril. seo'ri " . . . a M . . . . ... . . a ' . AAAA. I-'At .V, . vvn, IKITVH WT - tnsneirsot uaviu vt ailiee. . - l ni. XT i ma n--. . l (. ik. LJh. T W II WIIIU... . - 1 MM, No. S.l. in van noornon I o rif 0 IM,, not. b. n, o, f, os a. oy. In uiuouen i own l-S Lot, No 70. In Gladden Towiu 1-4 Lot, No.' ivw -f ay Atwof, w v aiv aaif . go Towkif ownupt unknown. -.Jf - it js. u . vw a ii : a iai i a ii Waii.imion, Nov. ir. 1823 ; S-6t C -POSTPONED SALE, r , Valuable Nutbitsh Lands 4 ' . ' FOR SALE. . ' I- .vrnffntAij wiu iicv-v in inv 01 . Fquiiy, held for Granville aonnty, at 8ptem br Term. llie"hubtcribt r will ofiVr at 1'uli- , lie Slt, 'oo Momlnf the Jtb of January next, on tho iremls s, -that eteirsut TKACT iP LAN1, lata tberesiHenea of G.rernor Hswkias, Irererd lobe sold for deviskm auiot f the heirs. The Tract eoiriaiiiS I'lsven-tauiuli-i'd null 6liy a re( Is located on. Nulhuih ereek, la Grjnville ootmtjt,' three miles cast of UlUmtboroash. snd foorte west from W aircnlon, H is aitmimb ly a- mv -lr i. i.l , .1 r. . . ,tisptefl to Uie prouuetinn ottunarso, cotton, eoi n, wheat, and grM, There are suppoarrt to be pe. tween oita hundred ami fifty axil 10 hundred a eres of rich bottom laud, a putt in snltivsiion, all (1 . f . ... f . I . f r . r I rrea imn iiiniumnoit, tiwpi in cmrrnie nn ets t The alsnni.tinn Is in goo slate for a crop, te twelve or filUen hands majr be worked 40 grat ilvantai(0. ' 1 h dwelling bouse Is S'acioui, al fnfOing isvery sunvet ienee requisite for (he son-. Fortiible seeotnnnilRti0-'ol a large ftmily , and ' an me rmirraai ariiiii)$viuniv m-v uu m aimnar senb 1 diet ra hanitsoiutly utuatd in one 01 iba miist lwubh'wilthy, and sgreenble neiKbbor. hro Is In tbr Slste, Z I'ernors withlrg Io pnrebsic, wl lill He jjStwn tho bmtl by the subscriber, or. In Inn 11 absKiiee, by Mr Uiarlis laiuer munner i.n the niemiid. II the entire trat esunot bv srtil. fi eniliii. 11 lie entire trust cannot tw smii, I beivl'led in suit porsbssfrs ' The "Sale will cnmmFM'at 19 o'doek, on a creilit of M an4 two yearsi die pui-chaae.s giving bomlt, 11 u luteresl from U (layor aale, ana two or moie ifftod securities for the pai-dmse mno. : , JOSfcfH W. HAWK'N8.(Wr. Warren Comity, 4 O.Kov.86. mi 48 5t ' N, B. At the Sme lime and plsee, will Le hired out sliotM sisiy Nvgroea) ami aHic crn cf Ooruand Fodiier will b sold, uiir'-rurois lln 11 to be msile fcunwn. t - ' l mr The New! XtTpUi "a Cie Fi"" ee ii'i- but t . . ' flewinier will gilvtsu and furwaid ttiuC Wj.- Rrv. i A.A& . 1 . 1 1 I. ' l v ,: X v .. ...-'-.. -- .-iaV V - ;V"'-'' "'-- 1