J a RALEIGH, (N. 0.) FRIDAY, UECEMDER a. Yd. XIV t . ' ' ' 1 ' THE 8rAH, Jai .VifftV-CaroMiwi of Gazette, FaMishcd, weekly, by DELL LAWRENCE. Committed. I ar .1 f . . . v ma jail at M . - . . I . w VIliA. A i b av i - . - .i . , I. atmiom aa tka Wk.la ntmtlm. inilWIIMn,kb y. wag er tm nun. af the rvay fiTtt aa. ftr will be aaal without at I MM g fo b a aid iaedvaaaa,a4 a ptprt itoaUnod. bwl ml tnw "i"'" w w txiirors.aaies an trMrmrrt m pw tmniKlMIlt, BfM ItaiMlH at tar liaes.lnsertod thrra Uaars for on dollar. aai mn i or mg wnnauaaea- Ai letter la Ibe Mrton nut be pc paid, . . -- -. " mwwnw, rickad FaycttcTillo Academy. , .... - fill mmim. Mtt UatM a.. . . m. f .iik hie u ,iJ7 .UL r.r"" ' nmrm aim rwlt mm. il k. N ""W M tta law mu j .l lint . - - r r-w uri,M'MrjLL .a KraWtl5. 1 ISi. ' 47 .tf Notice. mlllS IaxitaUM M offer arfMti I u j ma soainera Dtaua, aag oa cMtcd oa tUe maat apprared priaaiplca.aad pra- k tki Hh aupcriar leaahm ia ever ereaea af Mil a4 oraaaeatal eaoaaUon. Thia, with III )xUhy iitaatHM aad moderate abargca for board I rd lailioa. matt -iniura It liberal fiatroaaee. n writtt atteailoa will bepaidtolha ooo act and moral! of tbooe atcadinf H. . TP.nwa pkii DiiiRrrn Fml Uepartroaouaoadoaud by Mra.na. fnc1Iw"'r1. PHrrt pouiwIt, u um..llh aaaUUattaaohen. . Uka km away. RiHlimcata, '. ' " t SO Kaadinr and writing, " ' a Knsliab Grammar. .neirat aad Ma- "lea. mWj lt t." . " P-"oi, ae avord aaaa. aaa (km laa, aaoe aalaabla boa. aad atbar artiaira aal CkTaMTV ! rami i i n u .a.. . .... " - - . " " naaaa ta ulrtl, oa raT"7lWMaof j A adit .U ad aaeartty. 1 irrr iU be mere full made a. ibe daraof la. . , 7 on Mranaa bnh. .k. ! j . t. -r -a- - .-., UaalcO, 7t""H!"7t r farard,dal, aaibea laU, itbia tka tirta prrd li Urn, or otma UI be pW. bar of raaoaarV. Tka. t 1. . .. 7 ,H" J"' ooatoa aounlf, I .. , "'iaimi la make imma. .;v llaSiMtinUaneKro nun.br lh "'fJ" la iuii aa rraide la Haleaa A . "i-KwruniiT tiu k oncred aa H.a in ofCbeWartoUdmmt, SoatLCaroliua II. u 1'"'" mt a-itn a tear nmler bit rirti . , , . - hilh. . mi acner I. A. nintvrvn n ; r- aar urn "prrtKHU, at 7 Urinilla aoanu. artileiaeati M made. . in p. Or. M Y. v . V .-s A"r,iibma WUIaaMaaoVr dera Geoeranhr, with die ue of tka Mapi kGliibea, Iliatorr.Chruaology, Mrtholopy. Uhf-taria, Belle L,ntrea, jampaanion, isaiurti rniioaopaey, Botaar, with pi am aad ornamcatal Keedfe Work, S I Moiia, ttufht by Madam Voilli, lo the bet) liliaa atria, per anaam, R60 ner quarter. 80 I On. uuglu out of the Inititation, $100 pel a- UnainfT Paiatin;, hnd the French Language, it twiwri naiiTo o rnace. (Draarlnt and Painting, ' J French. J- - (J CUnioal department, onder Dr. O Drl. The Latin ami fireek. Language, Natural and oral rniioeopiiy, ivyie, AMroaomy, Mat he. aura, uiomeirr, ami Aigeora, ki, ENGLISH MALE DEPARTMENT. Rudiment, A.- jjs Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, EngtUh -t Grammar, Ancient and Modern Geo- T graphT, ith the eof the Man and f . uiobet, , . , J Pen and Ink provided without charre. AUi-af 85 eenuoaeachitudent, for Wood, i ner, aia. Hoard, inelnding all the above branchet, tx pt Muaie, g3J per quartet, payable in ad see. - . . WM. HAMILTON. IT? Forth t'nfiretion of Parent and Guar- Un. the' following genllemen roar be referred !' Jonn a. t ameron, eq. rretinenr ot the hnol Committee, or f he Ret R. H. Mormon ttyetteville, April 80, 1133 ' 18-1 Sra Notice. tlu.uiiTE.D to the mil of Comberiaad eouit. aa tk intk -r " u.T hoeall himaelf HE.XET- (lAK IS. about I fort X l.;i. .i. ' . .- - -- &' niwa maue. .Ii omP,el". " "bout or ttyear of age. . . .t ,u noma at tut of Henri, oo eounty. Va I'ha on. i 1 -u-. - f . wwaa IU WVIa V taka Tbi ' P P'VlT'Tfcbarjea, and p . . .. 8HT' M AULTSBY, Jailor, . wt ii ib, uea. f, I are 5o.jf Committeil IWthe jail af Franklin eonnty, oa the ih in itMut. a neffro mm. wlm mcii. i.:.....ir i. . ? .rurwa incnei nigh, lrk enro. plexion, aod about twenty Jive ,e,r, 0f age ha it a tolerable alioemakrr. h ... ka. . .,. AM Ik. J . . . .-..MIC u.c .mm. ne tiaie that he belong to Joe nome. an Indian, livmr in th .i.. .r 1. 1 ad that be waa D irehaaed n-. P.:L.i...r Virginia. The owner it. thnvrnr. 'n-tT.' aaAmaa f.l . . . w 1 ProPy pay charge and "V' . . I. G PERSONS, Sheriff Loouborg, Sept. 18, lt93 s-tf Drawing 8c aihtinff. MRS. MARLIHG Pamiing oa Pam advance Draainr and mimg oa Paper, Vclvetaed 8aiia. at . a L pam laaflvaiiM I Miomiare and PortraM Pamtiar. bt ""Wl priae, paid it, a Not 7. HAULING. I , S If , Notice. 1 yiLL be told, on the nintl of December V V MILOn It' m month.1 ik. lu. plantatioa of Joaeph Mioler. diw, the follow, owing proper!;: One plantation known by the "inn tract; .o the pl.ntaiiorj where be died, I loth wilt be aolil or ivnimtt ! tl ku Je. hogt. aheep, wavon and ceara. one vok'e af tn noaituoiq aMI kitchen lunu tare, plantation working tool of evei7 kind, corn. ...,c., .IK1 lunurj artieiea to leilmnt to men tion, and prol.ably a part of th nvgrwra The tie will continue from du Ju. .11 :. ol(J. .. ' T' ' T - " November 14, IS 23 JOHN FAKRAn, F.sV, 4r.3ip Hii Hards ton Academies. HR Eiamination of the Pupil in the Mnle 1 1 Kptnuiiit -111 anmma on I huraday. the Oi and that of the Female on Fridav. the Sth ; eeember neaU '-Theexerciaea of the Male A. fMeray will breumefln the Brat Manday ta . ; -WM.BUBT, Seo'17 Stab, county, Nor. 20, 1 K2.1. ' iT-Stp patches, Jewelry, t?5cV; rHB euhwribcr reniectfully Inform the cilicea of Kaleigb, ami the public, that . 'he hat just reeeivea an' decant taraort- Int of Watehet, Jewelry, and Brittsni Ware. ttttier with handaome aupply of Gig and riage Wbipa, which be ittuapoaed to mil low. verv attention will be paid tb the Watch and ck repairing Duainea. . Raleigli, Nov. 18,1823 4C.tf ; Jailor's Notice. I IT AS aommiltcd to the jail of thia eonaty, on f r the I Sth ihilint. a .... J'- k:. . 1 1 uir 1 " - v ll u.. r . eon aayv lie belong to a " r. lr oaten, of Laaeaater innin. ..r r . ' . . , . " - w", inj Hinju.. .c . tar v inones u.gii, eoranletion twiy darkj a- m uaiii wjirua uii loreiieiifi. tit.iihai a aaaaai . mu negro it reQueMed to coirie lurward. nrov hi. nmiM ..l . takchim.way. irhewinte'd tw jatrtmt in vuen caara. ,. ' Tle above neirro wa i.kon ,k. 1. . ... TT " ' '111,1 .11. u. .T"1 ,,n"" Swp. whioh, by a late Uw . ..... cuiitica me laaerMip lo.one lourih ..I. T,,uCi t , JOSHUA A. POOLl Jailor, blisibeth City, Paaquotank ' y 7. , . county, y. IS. 1 J k of tho Notice, r A VtNG it in view almrtlr in rennva from tbia atalr, 1 would give a barjaiu in the aale a followuiar nrancrtr. It'mr i th r.li d lUlricU. vitt A iU imnravul In. ih rajeiieviun and Uavie alreeta. Ii nr nn it an excellent dwelling houae and all neoeaaary ap- P-P-if e Advocate urt tki Sihft it FfiLV?ToZl Sute " ufe for Mr. Crtwford! W tut elie could " Gloriov$ intarnpa." meaa. -. . Wt wUl pat (he Rltlmood EiKjulrer fttafc an cipdulioB of the utements of the rCntCUmt AdTOCat. anil tka Ir xnracicut Aibanv Arna-ir tk.r. quirtr u not .iwilTtnjr to aacertaia and embrace the trBtb, at har rery great cause to apDrehend: from : tk. jreptorai of that pidetnie disorder to vnuco ueaetpair of the rnvr.miw. preaaea hat v ttnerallT inbiettd .hm -n1, VlZ c"tkna, at m hick, the uwaninauona were earned, on which thoae naoera fimtirt th; tma. of a triumph." Msaeil. In 1 oroaf m.i joritj of inaUnces, rtnhaiont kotttft to air. urairfora. - One mitance. of Wash ington county, la admitted in the Verv Utemeat theKnquirer quote. The ofliey inauBcea .are universal exh h tA throng t)M fivegVeat northern and weat em districts; in resolutions for giring tie cnotc ot blectora to the Peon e. hv lam of thU Sute, a the next election: which werennretnittrnelr ortDosed hi every Crawfordite, whenever oDv waa loond present, either m a convention. a a messenger irom me junto 01 van uurco et. V0. 8dlv. To illustrate the ' Gtotioiti trwmrth" for Mr. Crawfordia the boastful display made bv the Advocate ana Argus oi the great victory of" RE GULAR NOMINATIONS" and the deieat of the " OPPOSITION:' we will give an example, near at hand, from the 'j uwuici.w) ustne Delegate Convention of the aetond Serikforial District, which met at Newbunrhv nnmi. : . .. - uuieu aa avwea AJiU-i; raw lord candi- date, Mr. NeUonwlio was elected without opnosition. Th rnrivpntinn consisted of nineteen delegates, of which but three were friends to Mr. Crawford! What a glorious .triumph for the Craw ford faction (parlv we would have said. but the word has no application.) Thro' the rest of the State, exclusive of the penjiage, lor a comfiuruble miileaw, ud oopu. Jrs. our own distrirt. it wo. ol mran.B.r. n r..j 1 . r . ' uuui yiawiuiuue couia oe iounu in Ped at Di-eaent bv Mr. RiMi.li: clioua ttore huuao 00 FuTitieville atrtrrl, now oe ennied by Mr Hendonatid oniirfeTed one of the best aianrfa for liutines In ilia riiv and a dwelling bnuae with. garden and eut-itouaea n li!.uny alrect, ncw.in Uic frvum ion Of Mr. Lawiynce ami on pa ' the (tore lot. For term ap.;l 10 Henr f Fotter. " " , lNewbern, Nov. 1883. KS'KEEMAN. , ., s 47-tf J Van Wagench IAKES Ibit method f Informing hi friend, 1 ann ciiatomer mat Be na idk reoeiveu irom iw.iacK, a complete anortinent 01 uoach Ma la' nt Saddler' material, which ha will dim feuT on accommodating term, viz. ." '(, Morocco or asaorted coloura, r !f ; U- 'llMl.K I.ns nf....;n... n 1 . . .1 !" . " rlngc, taaaelaand mrmng, . 1 Tapped anil plain hub bell band, ' Main atrairht do. bands ' ' - )ouhleand tingle do. plated joint, aeh and Gig handlet of varioua pattern," 'lated biaitch iron for carriage, , , '! 'iKted gigmounting In tetta, No i, 8, 3, 'atent bouaiog. winker and front, ' s ' 'ull platcl coach and fig harueaa, ' fancy ribbd do. do. ' jili...j..t.i . . .... . J :. run puieu concn ami gig ni Ha and curb chains. ruled, cnnripoailion, and bras knob, Plaiap joint, tack and wood aerewa, . J!r Jt gig barnet mounting, in acta, ' paned liarneu rnnunting4 insets, , t fldle tree, braaa lack, tie. ate. f liidmr bridle bitta. and atlrrno iron.' . ' flan, on consignment, an avaortment of Lndiea'' uenuemen'a riilyig taddlea, valieea, aaddle n ae ' 1 1 i v, 18, H23. i 40 it att Bank NothCarolina. Raleie-h. Nov. 27. 1823. ESOLVF.n.' I hkt A' Dividrait nt Tnu. yi eni. on the Capital Stock of thia Bask, be. inetame it hereby declared for the laat ball F' livable at Kaleitrh nn iha nnt Mnmlar In Nraliernext,aniiattheeveral Uranchet fit". aj therB(u,. . -i- n y ' iw WM. II. HAYWOOD, Cathieh Notice.- taurUy" the 0,h December 'iiext, ii7-?"u highest Imldef, at the late Pi . 5 te"e. one exaeliintGig h liar ilia . ' n,0n.Too,- 8- A credit of nine 6,Ven-d ...ind .proved aecn- ;' .;:''0UN.,.Lir.ON,iw;. 'ai.''!' . A,'mV will, the U1 aunexetl. ' Notice! tratn rf u ":;!,SM""e'iaa(iminif. Lr.k " . lne ww the taid de-K-"Kl'h",, -- 'theniicat r JIT11' U,UnHi plead Uate """.WTi n thoae indebted to I re !! m"e immetliate mrant. . Nioiar':0NKGiY,AdmV.1 4S.3tp Jailor's Notice; jVAh-tK VP and lodged io the jail of thia jt, uic wm ultimo, a negro itan aamed I8HAM, w I torn. 9t he btloora to Joaeiih Knalnw. of P,.i.l.in.. V f t , " ' 7. ."j v. onq negro t -well known In thia place, and wa aold. eieht n. til.. mnnim . . . . . P . - q,,iwc7, uj mr, sooner, or iniplin county. The owner it requeued to comef.vr. ard, prove property, pay charge, and take him ;-.-CABLE8 U. MORKI3, Jailor. Wdmiogton, Aug. 3, 1893 JJQ.tf A Ruuaway. ? NEGRO ISUAM, who wa committed to the jailof Moore county, N.C. an the lTihof January, 18i2,and etoaped from the tame on the 18th March laat, hat been taken from the jail in Nath county, where hawa imprisoned on the 20th of September laat pat,.and again put in the jail of Moore county Said isharo ia about 81 year of age, S feet 3 or 4 inehea high, dark eomplexioii, and yt Ire belongs to Sam'l Young, or the State of Alttbabant The Owner of laid negro will come forward, nrova nrnnopt. n ehargrt and take him away; otherwise he will be uiacnai-gca according to law. 5 , DA XX MNEILL, . . "; r-M-i , Sh'lT of Moore eoiintr Jn.2,tJ23. ' - 5-tf . , Notice. ; ' -;l IOMMTtTED to the jail of this I county, on 1the 9th' day of October laat, a Negro man, who, when first examined, mid hia aame was 4JL and that he beldSVged to William Vearae, of Sai-- ry county, out ainoe tayl In name t HEN, and that he belong to Joseph Martin, of Stoke eoijtnty ,J5aid negro is bout 80 or 81 year of nge, frnm appearance, and about $ teet S or 3 inches nign. w brow n complexion, ineaka nnite autlio- ntative. and look very fierce. The Owner ol taid "egro ia reqiietled to come forward, nrove nm. prrty., pay charge, and take him away, other. i. Wl" "Teieaea at the law directs.' v , V:m-TVy ' VAtS'U M'NKILXl;- ' v ' Sh'lTof Mooroeouary, N IC.' Ndvember I S. 1 M9.v-, .y ; ; ( 1 :, y AT if '.'.'-'','..' Notice. ' rTTUE tubteriber. It nresent PiWm.l nr X diAelemy, in Johnston eonnty,' is dttiiv u. w engaging in a Jimiiar situation alter the present year, with which his services in this in. ttitulinn will elote. A line, addressed to him. or to David Thompson, rtsq.jjoat master, Smith, field, Johnston eonuty. N. G wilt meet with tlie earliest attention ', , ti. L. HlLL.t July 9I.IS33 82-lamtf 4 Just Published and for Sale, AT THE STAR OFFICE, vi S'isf ft FOR' I mi r . V " ... i . Catc&atedfor th $tut of'JVbrih-CartUna, kg ft lr Country Merchants anrl nthr o.n T supplied at he asual prices, and on the short. Executor's Jale.V S F.xeeutor of the laat will ami testament of Col. Uan-ora Sntherhind. lata nT W.l, ounty, deceased, I hall,Wl all his lands, on a ! iwoann inrej year, according to huwill. Thia landlt elegantly ailoated.lyingon both aide of the road grading from Kaleigh t Oxford, It mile from-, the former and 5 from the Utter nlaae. It U adantel in iha mli. s ..i. . ..... " " wjtb, w nt, auu 1 obaceo. - he improvement are, a comfortable "dwelling .house, with, four rooraa oeiow atajra, aad a ore place to each. commodious store houaei all neeesmrv out build mg, and a mill. Near the dwelling UAsr is a ne. vef failing spring of excellent water. This pro- irnj vufiEEnsv 10 e as vaiuame a any in the eonnty. Gantlemen at a distance, who may feel disposed to pdrchaae, are invited to come and view, it before the day of sale - At a credit ol tune month I (hull aril all his perishable proper- vimwni iH iiocaof nurses, cattle, bog and tlieep a crop of corn, cotion, oats, folder,bie the iiouae and kitchen furniiiire, the implements of husbandry, including a agont and carta, a svt ot Ulacksinithi' tool, a (ill, and other aniclca tlieaalt will commence on Mond.,v. tliefificpnih oi December next, at the late dwelling of the urccmeu.ann win ne continued Irom day to day uiiui ail .uaii uc auin. - .HKNRY C00DL0E, Kx'r. W Wake county; 80th Nov. 1133. 4r-3t rOlJTICAL. THE RICHMOND ENQUIRER, And the X,T. ElecUdtu The conductor of the Enquirerruotes from tlie National Advoiatt an accuunt of the election in this State, headed "Gfarvw triutrmhl--the Slhte is safe!" auu manes me toiiowin": euuoriai con clusion frdm it.-.';i ,''' -' $ " New-York U safe. Tire western counties have stood firmit the Renuh. licans have triumphed. Ththezt Legit- la'ure will hare if decided,, majority of mejnenas y rr. u.. vrtwjora Kven the New-York " American "ia " chop fallen." We congratulate the Repub licans on, the Vote of New-York." . jV What must be thousht of ah Editor's resnect for veracitv. or of hia retrard fnr editorial character, when he thus wil lingl founds his deductions, and com municates them as truth to his readers, upon the declarations of a notorious fal sifieras the Editor of the Enquirer has done i this instant. Mr, Ritchie even goeS farther than the Editor of theddvo- wfy and makes the declaration positive, which that Editor; with all his tooted brazenness of misrepresentation, ' did not dare, here on the ground, to convey, but by way of insinuation. The J3dvo- caie does.:iOt venture to name Mr. Craw ford in all his statement, (which tlie En quirer auotes) under the bead of " Glo rious tntttnphrjj '!;(, V;: The Enquirer reasoned in thia mode Tha N. T. Advocate is a Crawford nj convention: and whenever there was an opposition (out of this district, where it prevailed against the greatest Craw fordite strength) the opposition was not to the sentiments, or Republicanism of the candidates but merely to rive en- cotiragement and countenance to anma self-nominated men or to the inrln. pendent dominations of fAe ieovle in their own meetings. T . u : 3dly. There are a multituda of in stances, throughout ; he State.- whi-i-a canaiuaies, w ho were inspected of being friendly to 'Mr. Crawford, have naH .. J I.L.!! .. . au jcu ueciaranon. eitner in their own names or through their supporters, for fear of losing the suffrages of the people, that they were opposed to that ponucian. 1 bis was done by the Craw iord candidate; of -tins district, nwumgtonrwho, after tlie election commenced, in Suffolk county, authori zed declaration of his preference for M r, A lnl Tl. - ... . iiuaniD.. x ne convention candi date of the 4tli district. Mr. WAvte i so, and almost too late for his recovery. 5imtn h ow" count7 anj predilection .ur ir. vrawiora. . Alter this St. .Law rence county cave him an ovcrwhelmm. vote. 1fc,;,,---:0.,V.r-:;i..r , 'If, from these premises, Mr. Ritchie, of the Richmond Ennuirpr rl draw sufficient hints of the dffeftof this tlc wc wouiu suggest; to Him to wnte r for confidential information to Mr. F on iiurm who has lately aaid in tk:. .!u al.. L- . a . miis iiiy, mat ne considered Mr. tJraw ford's chance for this Stat. and also observed that his did 6ot extend to sustain Mr. Crawford 11 me tiepuuitan farly refused to sud- nnrt him ." Dl.k:- ... . a, , . " HaV7-tVail the truth bf this best, by 'Wrttinsr to anm Crawfordite friend acquainted with that personage and ascertain whom he in tends to suDDort next. Thia full well, that all Mr. tY'a chflnrn nf srnvpaa. taiilk ,!a Ci.l.'u.--..! J l . if, u ed afonce, if Mr. Van' JJunn shoulc declare for him iV. F, Patriot. ... Elector of Prendentj.T. anKiVr, 1. ( . . .... -- j . im uc;u nn eauy agliaieu ln.tlie Liegis aniic. a resolution passed the senate ast week by an unanimous vote, which proposes to ascertain at the next general election, whether the people wish , to have the appointment of elector in thir own hands. When it cam before the house it met with opposition and a motion Wa made to lay on the table, i This motion was lost, and the resolution was passed by the house in the shape in which it was Received from the Senate, i Those who onoosed the resotiitinB8 did it, not because they were unfriendly to its object, but because there was a bill before the house, which went to rive at.- a. f I . .. e uic appuiauneni oi electors to , the peo ple at once, without waiting to ascertain whether . they wished it. When they tet for the notion, therefor, to lay the resolution on the taM, tKr v mut not be nden(ood at pnneiplttt jrivinw the poner tothepetji. pte-AJjnu., Journal. . . Election cf Garemor.Tl.'S pronotj. Uon to give thia election to the people . ia rtnewed-Ther- aeems to be a tJif- . ' ference of opinion u to the particular . manner in which the iwcnla 4K.il a...-. dut the privile jfe; Sotn, are for giving it to them directly j others think it would . btfoetter that they should exercise it by the intervention of electors; and accor dingly two bills are before the Lerisla.' ' Jure embracing these two modes. Which win nrevail tt is impossible to predict, , Bat that some chanffe of the bretrnt ar. ranwroent will be effected wo are di posed to belieye Is certaia.5; LegUlatare i of North-Carolina; - ' - SENATE . - . Oa motion of Mr. Pearsall, it waa Ruohtd, That a select committoa ka ap pointed to enquire into tha axnedi tennfr the Inspection Laws of this 8tate and tftat they have leava to report by bill Or otherwiae. J , Tho followinc eentlemen wtra t c aa aw . pointed to compose said committee, vit. Messrs, Peiraall. Burtn. TuUr r and Beasley. . , ' Mr. Burgrs presented the petition bf aundry irihubitanta of Halifax county, bit .majnivi Duiiaingaioii-Diiage over the Roanoke river at the town of Hall-. faxt Also a bill to carry tha nrtvnr ar the petitioners into effect; ; which ,'wa ,' read the first time'and passed, .-a ", . Mr. Graves presented the petition oi Sarah Pennix, of Surry couhty, praying that the property she ndw has or may , acquire be secured to her Referred, Y to the Committee of Propositioni ana It Grievances. . 0 ..; '.-'4 . ., --'.v. Mr. Whitfield ijfesented' tha f,.ltn,: mg resoluUon, which was, on motion of , Mr. M'Leod, ordered to lie on, the ta ble: ; ; ' v :l''-,U-'k..p - - Motived, Thkt the, Botwd of Interna) Im-' proyement Instruct, our 8tit Enrlheer to'' urvey and lav off tlie rwrt-ji ftw a r " the Fall of Nedse River tn r...u Bridge, or any point on or near th laid envk or war, or any mtcrsectina; trtream, make out a plan and estimate of the probable cost, the pracaUilhy of cutting the ame, and report ' to tins next ; General Asaembly. , Also, to re port f ' the practicability and expense ' of renderinr ' , the nvtr navlRabld by Lock and Dam, with - , the view of tha.Engineer npOn both woiecu. Mr. Bryan presented a bill to amend an act to provide fdr children 1rn af ter the making of their parent's will; which was read the first time,' and re- ? ferred to a select committee consistinjr ' of Messrs. Bryan, Gibba, Albritton and ' Callkway.-.- -'l'' Mr. Wilson presented a resolution iu - strticting the Committee of Claims to take into consideration the claims of a portion bf tlie Militia of Carteret coun- in called ihto the service of tlie State ia " '' the year 1821 ::-:s t Mr. Wilson alsO presen'tW prti. ' ' tion of Johrt H. Hill, Colonel of the Car. teret militia, praying Hn allowance for f services rendered in 1821, in a tletach- -ment called out to suppress an insurrcc tion of slaves and free persons of color in said county. ' - ' , ,t: , , ' ,0a motion of Mr, tove, a. messagtj vvas lent to the House br Com innna nm. " posing to ballot to morrow morning at the meeting of the two Houses for a . -Treasurer, Comptroller, and Secretary of State, and nominated for those offices the present incumbenfi. -:v , ' f The emtrossed hill tn rr.l . a.V ' .ja ill imi k ... the 4th sccion of an act passed in 180G: to revise' the Militia t.r t,;a cto relative fO 'the Art'dlerv Cornnnnsoa p - Lia:b,t Infantry. Grenadier n,l niHi. tfien,' was read the third time and sent to the Hoijse of Commons for concur rence. ::yr" 'fp'Ahf :'Cy: , "The bill for the ' better 'ratrtiVattn. " the town of Windsor, in Bertie county. v ' v passed its third reading. . , t , ;, , The bill to-amend anict conrpm.nV , proving of Wills, &c. waa rejected oh its fcecond reading. -. ' - . s ' 1 wr. aeaweil presented a bill to recti- ' ate the practice in tha IP VP ml I .ill tsf at 1 .. . Of Equity in this 8tate; Mr. phifcr, a bill '' directing in what manner the laws of , ' our sister states shall be tiaiv.t i - dence in this state;, and Mr. Harrell, a ' bill to repeU n act passed in 1822, to encourage the apprehension of fHnaway slaves' in; the Great : Dismal. Swamp; ' ' which were read the first time. ; ' '' ' ' Saturday, -iVbu. 89fl " " Mr, Forney, from the Committee of V Propositions and Grievancea. to wh AMI ,..:'K . !l9,,r.eferred the petition of 'Elizabeth VVilkins, of Burke county, prating for a divorce from lier husband, ircported a " bill to tliat effect, t - I ' - . A- message was received from ' tho louse of Commons. Bronosin ta hnUnt immediately for Governor, and nomina- tingfortheappointroentGabrielllolriieai: . which waa agreed to. - . .,