its'., I 1 So. 50. RALEIGH, (N.C.) FRIDAY, -DECEMHKB it, 1823. Vol. : IV a Ay a THE 8TAK, AVf JG-rof ia Gazette, rMu,vet-i,tj BELL A LAWRENCE. : tnriptU t5ir iol!n -ver . Xa f- iU ba Mat vUham at UH SI 10 U mI ia !, ad ao paprr JtMoaliauco1, btt at a, aptioa f t- KJiior,lrt illu rr-i sp Ira mtii. advartiseiaaBls, ao rrtli"T Sf- urn is,tiina4 iKrca tiea (or Jlr, ant iaelJ- araia ior """ "" Nau Tt . -'T . r T. .,4 ... l -"i .... .... - " I . ii.ih.,,Uw, ill u a waicn. in ITatr.f rtrutun it,Ia,I I . r. .V- T -M. ..I j; i: I l i I it .Ij.,., I r i c " - i -0. .. i u axBMta, auu nsnif l ua lUWBl-IIU. Baa TO c t' iliiera jtO ' TV ' ,cwro,non "JtM republicanism, m UU of Ballssteroo was But lnow wsj i frrfttctih ta h iurrarJtd fmr I nrorfll (a f f tick r Pnrtn P.1- I. L.roTrr! to-i mJ a:tlV-Tpclw "!! J .,5,1 w' P- w u lUtfil. in a Utter rrom Madrid of rtiiut the KLrCBUC OF COLOM- had been taken. r...S wmm viiii u vi au iwic aumaui T ui ir i Tr m ll n rrttf hia -a a l l, -. ..-.. . - I r : - . . I s a a .f :ii,t:. AT-. , T ; eipeu.uon is w consist oi uaa oeen lorceU 1 3 rctir. to the I jrtr KSTbVeolii.r A letter UtreW.fn Pan., U.tfO aoldier.. nominallj SnaniarJ. in the Wantl. r; on which a battrryuf H, r ft! 'C f H11 a3lMJ. WuiIin j of but fitted out it the ripen of Fruit. tweBj-four r a. ,nd two tkirtcea-iflcii ?t?Al?ilU BxlUrtW army u tfferUnt without attended by French Arj. iud engi- mortirt pl.'j Oa du. i. i.Tn t. I? IH" "na-S-nr ofUe 4uc1e,wych neerfficer. Some other Engliah tho 5th W "October dimion Vf two Si mi S 1 were,apprehenieJ. AU thelinUter. per., in alluding to U,!..ubject.rema,k, thousand men. nder the commandof tue unioo; aoa will be notonir eon. r.rj ri fit. u.. ' 1 . . , Vioa tb Middletown CL'Anierkaa Sentinel, OUR NEXT PRESIDENT. " But Ac il ton young? TUU U 'the in J, -and nearly the only arjtjinent. t Inch I hare ward aay one oiler ajamst the election of Mr. John C. Calhoan to the Presidency" He i too yoans," ay many who admit that he is in every other repect wetl oualified for thit re hponsible $Utiou. Is youth a crime? It not a man ordinarily in his prime at for-ty-fie years of age? Would it not be uesirable to have a Pesidcnt in the prime and glory of bis days? Mr. Cal houn, if elected,' will only want one mouth of beins forty-lhrte ytart old; at the time of his inauguration. ; If the cir cumstance of, age might be regulated by our choice, we could not wish the next President f$be older. v ' r'--; " Bui "after right ytart tee tltall need Mr. fallunmfor a President, more than wt rioio do: let him wait, and he $hall, yiUoubledltf, have the next turn."1- So say jome; but if Mr. Calhoun is now better 1-c r .1 . n' . I - f quaiinea ior tne ouice man nj one oi the other candidates, why not elect him, and trust in Providence to furnish us with some suitable' successor? The sources bf life and wisdom are not like ly to run dry in our country io eight yearsfand at that .time, and perhaps even four years hence, some greater man than Calhoun may enjoy the confidence and favor of the nation. .r-'i ', The writer has been' personally ac ouainted with Mr. Calhoun since 1802; andean attest, that while a member 'of! Yale College, he was a firm republican in his principles and manners; was one TrTJ L 'l Ll mnfbrcbennny.andcartain. m,i,k.o..; 1 -.Mi - V V-" . ucw'5.,aucu- ' ' .. ineuuaeoi uelluno has rciu&td the tJotteral, or tho fcaHe. speak ol these .51 7v P "nS the , A pnvate letter from MaJiid. dated appointment of Ambassador ta the Court troops in terms of the hSbest edmira- , Indus tribes, thajianv other mole oT the 20th, stites tUt the strtng rcpre. of Vienna. Uon at to their appearance and dUci- treaung them which has hitherto been sentadons made by M. deliuteaubri- The coronation of Pope Leo 311. took pUDe,Tial)rf-'iiA-k- adopted. LDaer the patronise of Con- ,nd, ihroo;h M.detVarji.nd thUll place ont.-) stliofUciooer. . . aded the hai bour of Porto Cabello, and "- "v ,-.v. -v- jironirr remonsiraccea w tha nuke dTi 1 jt 01 1 unur&i nas DrouuMteu i a navai attic a menace ol of the Secretary of-War, there are I Anmolerae. hsve had ilu lfir.H nVr !th'"rntrance uf all forcim new&nner(lbv aei. waa fitting ut at la Guifn :' at present about two thoutand Indian 0n rerdiniuid; the sentences of ti Uc- into his kingdom . . . , ,, s and .Cumana. The ship, which hd ' chdjrtn in . the different missionary - nrj are' not confirmed, aad theexe- The great CounciT of Geneva have arrived from Holland is to lead in the schools, engaged in learning not cution of his own decrees are suspended, passed a law, suspending the liberty of expedition. She is a fine ship, ono of the common science, but all t'e 1. -t It i whispered, that tlie,Duke explicitly the press, for "one year ; - ' those built 1. Napoleon, and carries needful arU of civilized iif..'Prioci- declared, in his remonstrance, that, f On the 9th of August a fire boke out sixtguns. , - . ;. -. nallyunler his autces, some of the his Majesty did. not revoke, the decrees, in the establishment belonging ,td the - Indian nations have begun to cultivate which were calculated to produce civil United Brethren, at iSarepta, by which FURTHER. FROM, COLOMBIA, their, lands, establish county limits, war, he would wididraw all tho French three-fourths of the wiiole settlement ; The following is an extract from cue erect court houses, and govern them- troops, and leave him entirely to his own were bid in ashes. . , of several letters received by a gentle- stives according to the pattern of our resources.: Ferdinand, it is said, was AccounUfrom Stockholm, of the 10th man In Baltimore; . . republican states. This mode of keep- fool-hardy enough to say, Mlet them of October, mention that Mr. Hughes, La Guayra, UtA fifov. 1823 13. ing our maian neignoors at peace, cost withdraw, I am -powerful enough with- the American Charge U'Aflaires, would " My letter ol- yesterday informed far less' than those expensive Indian out them;" but hi Minister Confeskor set out in a few days for St. Petersburg, on ofthe fall of Port Cabello. - The wars to which the. nation has formerlj thought otlierwise; and th'High he wat on a mission to the Russian Oovern- importance of this neirs you know how had recourse, "Thirty years more of tfie first to suggest the plans of ven- ment. ';' ' :: ,:.''r''-''' to appreciate) though bt two days old. such training as Mr. Calhoun has now geance, he now felt alarmed for the con- The Banks of Bristol have followed and our hearts still full of joy for the commenced,, will probably civilize all sequences and the safety of his own dear the example 'of the Bank of England, glorious event, we already turn ourat the wandering tribes within our nation- person, which would inevitably be one and are discounting at four pet- cent. ' teution. to the future, and speak of re-" al boundaries; and render further ap- ofthe first victims of nonnlar venerate,! . :v ; i ' pairing the fortifications, which have propriations for their instruction, lor v Advices from Bayonne ofthe 18th oft ' 0 FROM MEXICO. :. , ; , j sufiered by the siege, and of putting not . treaties with them, and for defence of October, state, that the King was to Declaration vf tritr bv Mexico a"ainstmty this important Fortress,-but tho ,t 1 - . " . l.ntiMllnilr rAnct in, it.(. r.n.K a ,r l MttlRM. AllA I. nl 1 .1 .1. .1 .. mm a . rhenwjmerin which Mr. Calhoun paring, but they are not to be published hostilities br the Governor of the Cas- in to atUck us,- a -warm xe disbursed the appropriati&n of ten till the result of the iorder is known, tie of San Juan de Uloa, against the i hoP6 J ,nerchnts of the usand dollars by Congress, for the which has been sent by the KiDg to the town of Vera Cruz, has compelled the SUte wSl.1 Pen ftei.p e' an The unexpected commencement of giving our enemies, should they dare a- IBtriM 1UU United and place a, , our frontiers against their barbarous in- leave Seville about the 18th of this cursions, entirely needless. . - - ; month. " Several Decrees were pre has thousand promotion of civilization aroonithe sa-lConstilutional Commandora of tli fir.1a.,nrm p.- proper value on this last victory, Porto vages of our wilderness, evinces his tresses, ' especially those in Cat Jouia, measures consequent on an aggression Cabellowill,'in a little time, be a great sound policy, and deserves- the thanks respecting whom some apprehensions unprovoked bv its inhabitants, imd war-ddepot of conamerce, as it has behind it a. v vv'j uiu iiMr i Kuuig .re enutrcajueu. ae nrsi oi uiese ae- ranted DvnoDolincal considerations, l v "J "" nun .. ..(.m:,i,..i. in,, .r i i ... i , . 4 . .. ....... .. . which would have exhausted the whole (the NeaDotita appropriation, he has co-operated withl of individuals me missionary estaoiisnments oi uiner-1 minent part ent religious aenominauons; ana of the best scholars in a class of about n,PJ weir leacners, uiercoy onng- condemned seventy members; enjoyed he confi- e government tne m- more or denceof all who intimately knew him; lmdual chanfaes ofthe, rtl.gious com- are thel - -i,l,i ,,i ,-' munity He w neither afraid or a- Is le of orauie c.naracve aa auuug wwet v . i:T u V T".v" """V iw""?w?l ''V V v - ,l .L,m, nZ r- mat the same conduct be pur- v" v. w with all Spanish merchantmen n A,mbIftS8ado l England who would iftV arrive, in TrhMA Wt. frnm Ku-1 tand clear of all claims and enee- ..., v.Uw. .-- . .-, ., i . .... . . - - - r i j t r t r - i .. i. i.i .i l . i i . . ...j i-. j h, ii:a,. puDiic service, even snouiu tney oe re-1 nression ot the Constitutional armv: no rnn in ffie snare nf four mhntha. at m meup, nu who wouiu vnus oe aoie 10 "eu iui.jrvUvf.:. !; 5.45h.5. 'If lw ' u-M i..-.--.:.4 i-.l- .1.- 1:--. T : T "',7"". . " - , - .irtinaatimtnnlptWpH .ml 1mnart;l: vi 1 s a 1. . n ukl..hua . iuliuuoi luoutia uvuo , . avav uw io vw rw 1 1 1 1 f 1 ikiiisi un nil 1111 1 1 iiiiiw iiis a-f vn 1 1 Biirnnnnr wn & 1 imar tnia raanniTinn Tt tm 1 v ---tt. wuw iuuui a fpl Ipil DT nUUC VI IlIB VUlTiPcUlUro ' kilo I. P w ... - I " - i a buiuvivui, w suavn a vovihvivu w u r. ' . . --.i.-.i ' M blamed at all in this matter, it is lor tw-UmiT till he shall have nmnfied h int. I Irnnum nn rnfinnf .nA nf frt Mqniitz, alter lus many years residence llOOOrauie luucncuueutc u vuuuuvumi . I . .7; ' r-. . . -.. ...... , . , . i".'r .l. 11 ci-' 1 nublic life has trained him many friends pamaiiiy 10 an reMgious uenomiuanopa, geu. fpuriicaaoKm one ot the Coun- days from Havana or any other Spanish ul"l'?."."."B''" ' le PUU ,c fiU.Vm?r received cils of War.-which sUlUo formed 1 av - -a 7 1 .nn:aAn. i u ... nn . u 1 . i . v j-t .1 . a - . . . a opponents. He cf ouclics to no man; is J"""v" 7 T" :r"rr . ty and . decided republicanism he has r""uau'v v. uiego, uiereiore, - wouiu oe sacnncea.i 3llj ever since maintained.'; For prompti- best .togetterf and Jw-wiH employ the a second decree orders tlie pacification sued ; . most efficient agents in promoting the of all the Civil authorities, and the sun-1 tht IUUV ttuu Mswaivu v . nui At anil olimil. .11 ,1 Vn.l.i .,t 1 general amnesty, out in v 1st.- It is ordered that all . political "v"" , I ' "l . . n manner: a matnumhir nrlmprnf.l. i-Alr.nn with K n,. the highest valuebut more of thi3 : t , who have acted a pro- ish nationxease. v. V another opportunity. ft , . ui the Constitutional Go- - 2dly That, nsing the lenity dictated f " "J u,e PaEe J111 w e outlawed, and many others by. tlie philanthropic principles of the PP'u" wena, juenatz. anq to exile, or to punishments Mexican, nation, it ia ordered that all D wea. to some or the European less severe Among the former Spanish vessels immediately leave ; the rurV v " . . . ino ' leaders of the insurrection in the pSrts of Mexico,: without proceeding, as transactions connected with Zta's loan, Leon UT1820: all the ' violent tha finvirnmnt mJo-Kt to .mh. ?r t was, thought right to recal Iievenza and anmn Pni;fli r.hiori LnnSo. ' - i' " Hand at tho openins the new loan, and , (lie that purpose. A third Decree expels 4thly-Thkt all vessels arrlvin- af. "nJ nome, and General U'Averewe i .i n,. hut i.4.Afti.n.iatt"u,u ' - irom tne apanisn aominionsau loreien- ter the exniration of those nenods. wil "t""" U",MU,"U? iy K" . V u.c lVu. w "vw r Our .excellent mditary school at era. of whatever: nation tliev mav 1p t hnrm fP,l .rc.inUno-1 i u nf.vnP 5n consequence of which hehasob- all. Witn tne wnoie routine oi.ousuieiw . pu;nt. th reservation of oUr for- h Mav have tnt naW in th f kp,.- if i. na-m;n..i ... ,;u tained another important mission.' and nnaWpd thfrnv"nne of our nublic tifications in the best order, the present tion,"or supported or served"the cause of be, from this moment, all armed vessels. et mt ott th ff September fron. SET-s the revolutionists. ' A, fourth Decree 5thly That, aftfer thepe'riod of four ta, to embark atCarthagena for . otneers; ana aitlioBgn caueu to uisuurse j , . un, ,. l,, - i..,u :.,ini...f.i..i.! : .,i f-A..V...- .ki. th ITnitml KtatM. h.r-. uwk.. . t millions ol dollars, through several nun i A- nmu. h. Mr.T.w -,! Af !: I :i ...:n --: - .'..... I Will have arrived hv the tim.hia tvarhna . .. ... . dred'agents, the funds partment have been manag witn as uu.e o88 as . fctote8, and one whom the free and sove- tW Decreet is deferred in the exnee stye mercantile nouse n jeign 'citizens of this happycountry tation of ceceiving every moment the He is economical, by being accurate adl,, . Vnnnr , , 1 rk ..!;wi:i.i ri!.f.i,u vauy yu? .,v.. u v. "V . , ii Wnnld be. I am confident, not the hv not vet Buhrnitted. tTillUxde bigoted chief ruler of any ,h accounts from Cadiz, state, that soil will not be admitted to aij entry un oer any nag wnatever. :p r- :jf,, iim order oi ik o. u. v r , , " FRANCISCO JOSE BERNAL. A Mexico 1st Pet. 1823. rou. 1CONGUESS.: ' .. Monday, Dec. 1. - This being . the day established- by ' the Constitution for the Meetins of Tlii? Js the t8th day that the castle Lthe Eighteenth Congress, at an early DOU1 nouses Extract of d tetter dated t Vera Cruz, Vet. 12. I . - , tuinap rM nil nnn i f 1 1 1 a . uiiii vui.uiius siaaaa i t 1 1 ti r rnT iirsri ii i iih i rwnrii rrnnns inn i r wa laan n i lAa nnn w a -i a.i i tis.ii at s ihm moini'irv . .ui, wiiw, ivt iucwjvi 'r, -L...i T:a. r r rr.Fiiir.iTS. ii.. !. imi. - - ; - -,- ... . i.,i..- .. . .i.a i r'M r - for his frttealitv; would suffer our Ul uw Wttlwu: v wy m ;r -vfm' V V w S?u iawrrV" w. 5" provisions, were.. e.u-;u ,; j cir - - o . r . i i i . a noannrrn . irnrtn or Haria tv h a 1 ma i . ehniu - .. . h.H i 'kMiifui h nn4 ha i i i tri - m important national defences,. and T-I,. r rrrr. r"rZlT .. ;vi i uiciit ftii.v, ... nuuii uui ucaub uai : ouu i"un ivw uihwi respective froceed- "I . .!..' .1 ... 4k. iu.,liliii.ii 1 li n . l. .1 . I .u- . r nALA aoirv should I be to We a Pre- ?n? P0"".' KW "i I w. uuWu commana o. sid d most TueailB t Vjauui-vuicii(,, m u-hbu.i , . , ..i.- 4l. l .,:..... -':; I:Lj. !,r t '1 t .. . . - but a ft - " . j r " ' " ,,t s- i v" , t"1"" jw imh a'war wvvvu mvqv rwil i .r.f ft. vl I -ii v , . I , wm r mm . v . FROM ENGLAND. J ? - I 'incyunwoiucveum pan; ne only- gave us.iDreet me lion. Air. uaillarp, irresuicnt . , . ri - . .. r. n.. i iruuidius duuLCHiiuiit i dii m z'jui.inT- uiiTirp. L;m. Kiinprrfc oi rnft i oru irm, luutw ine tiiiiir.. bimi raiipfi I'm v'1-.nui rriHt fiomptnino- ia rccd lie rooi i a . j ' iTrw-iurAiivtc. i. . i - ...... . . i j . . jzrr"1 ;r-7 '" i - ; :" - ' rr a - . . i.i f V . in a sound state; anu tne would waste millions not expending a few hundred kcrvo them, would be foots ali Mr. Calhoun lias always been an ad-lceived i-Ais.t. fiii linivwl-aal "en fiVftn-liJ -! f!ari IUVKI1. Ml.V-" w .."v. , ' - same be said in truth of Mr,. Craw But th former centleman is at the time sensible, that the universal exer cise of the elective franchise can be pro; uuctive of the public welfare amoug a well informed people alone.and there- lore" lie would have the means 01 Know A private letter," written on the 28th, IEdkHsIi . frigate Tyne,' has donti every Senate to order, at 12 o'clock it. - J.?J itl.i- i . .--. ... - ri i .1 . an armistice, I neusuaoruw ior me appointment to remove the of chaplains,', lor supplying the ru-m- Wnertv in" the bers with, newspapers, and for the ari- .The Columbia sailed on the 2d amo"S them, was the rumor of the stores, but in vaiiwthe old,fool who com- ointment of joint committees on eri- i - ' ? i r . ,..: l. j i iiicuitLLC ucuaiuuc ui t iiicig - iiuiu i iiiiluub i .iiiirnovcui-ci, ouu i r-i'-f "-i.i.. . k--u.i vTk- ..! l: r,?l k fir.t nf that innt . . - - icuuii yopna. . . o-C.-u v iu r:.-M r; T ' - ..i,i be little doubt entertained as to the in- ty. ; ' j a .. ; i . d rv.., k. ivuhvm ,vi mix ledge universally diffused,and, so tar 1 Regency. . condemned to deatljCavia was his judger. The crime in the act of acchsa- tion against him was, for having voted as a Deputy of the Cortes, the deposition oi tne King, anu; iuB upuusuuu wi iac own destruction, and that of the ci Ine town is now nearly deserted, -till n Irfimin-tt nrimar'lv'i-oni.mii a. .V WH w. . W . .... 1 KB. MB. fWUV.T IVIIIlU9f chambers. The OnJiammt, however, J which only can be got out with the great states, ' positively, that the intention j est difficulty and damage. We have The followin; bad been abandoned, i; ..vV'.'t t 'V- I nearly all our goods off, on the wy to Amonz numerous decrees issued by Xalapa, wherea deposite is established. -rs I- I -. - !! !. S ' C? til- I fi nA 4Via 111 cf ATVI HnilQA MmiurArl1 reraiuana. since ins imvu v oevuie, tw ..vw . vU funeral ser h J : 5 ; , 1 j ",T . ' 1 xL. r..n...: r . ; f..l .. I Th I'aetld nnw ap.ta th ii-t r a,.deducationinthecom- v On theau iM-n.. . ..flpariiinai the hlrihii-rht rier. it is stated.tbat France is to cou- yiee woe perioiineM u rr:rijrv: ?V"r."L. ot very citizen. I. . . ' . .. It ir.. k- r " .i. .... Ttlu L hr ntV tinne the' military occupation :m Spain m the Kingdom, v wr tne repose i ine """.""V? . - .;i !,-.- BftiiU ttt those Who nave (Ilea Since le I uow pniie iuci vnaum, wnu uau ueu lu , gainst him thoaccusation, that bo dct Va certain ex-em, ""-"fe-"- Tih. f March .1 820. in the sunnort of the castle for security, are detaitfed as vernment,fromementci mine!" , For the or- prisoners, with their 6ney and pn: who uo not consider, tnat wisaom ana hu.u. ; ..Vn mflt;0 of , iunto to gelect ,uch books perty., ; , ' i-,.. : s ol our reputA- fT which are proper to form mea who ' " It will be a glorious day, whetfthis ,at ignorance bS Mrirri JJJ g f nfX may be worth supports of the altar, servile of the Duke d Angouleme is o- bhcea to surrenaer. wehave nve cun- boats and K large well armed schooner, under the command of Capt Cochrane, diffused among the which it is, intended to accomplish. if - By the last accounts from Pans.npi- irtue are. the foundation lica ii institutions;' aiul that , and'Vicc! support the - When useful human ; tease to be Generally ; people of tho United Sates, . adieu to" civil "and religious iV ere the Amenca -a e great mass o,inepeopemi3ia.u .j-- -v- ,.'omK f - If tl, account which we find in the question " tcho thull fie (tut.; nm rren- wno- were mpy . v s ,S.J. L 1I- w: .-T: . !,.. fmm veniaybld possible, is the entire disbanding of the theiv Mina nor -Rotten had tRodered. ,us liberty. Spanish army, a now consWuted. and V The W.. w re-established; and in the offing to prevent sup- md religious liberty. Span sh armv; as now consmutea, anu .aue i-u,, f " p.ettin innmiM.- ' - rleoKgnS to remodel "it upon a totally different the General ofthe Capuchin, appointed &?J,- , ofthepeoplemSpai- J:.C:, . 'Z:!& iStU find J th. COLOMBIAPORTO . CABELL0. :&nfiw be under the necessity of re still continued. 350 tamilier natt.- f r.W" we learn : itZtaWia 1 ceivino-r,0m some falsely called LTolv Madrid, and many others were prepar-lto the affairs ofSouth America, ihe IalUuayra, , we learo, thateariy m J ffi-?i,0 i?!!-11.. i! IT.: r. knrt for York Chronicl states, that the Emperor A- October the besieging army fcnder Gene- Tuesday i Dee. 2. ' - ct ...inunications. re ceived from the iSecrttary of War were ! , i . i . r reaa, ana orucreu, witn tne accompany-, ing papers, to be printed;;r-.ttl5r-Ji ;. ii ,y?l .' ' V December 1st 1823. .-, 6tn: A-rceablv to the resolution of ,tha Senate ofthe United States, passed on iho lst of March lust, direcUug the -ecretafy of , War to report, during the first week ol tho present Session of Congress, the number of Revolutionary pensioners in each state, at this time pn the list, and the amount of mo- ' ney received or receivable in each state, on : account of lievolunonury Pensioners, I cere. - with transnut a statement showing tne num. . berof such Pensioners in each state and territory of the United States and tbe sum receivable annually in each on account of said Pensioners. -,. - ",, I hav. the honor to be, very tesnectfu'Nj your obedient seryanW" ''' ., . " J. V. CALliuuxs.- - - : Ban. Joh Caiiulbo, : ; ' i . .' . JPmideni pro tern. Senate -U.'Sl.-: ''' "'-J D-FABTHIBT OB Wa,' i ' ''V.-f- . 3d March, 1H22. ' Sihs' In compliance with a resolution oft! i Senate, directing "the (Secretary to iiVforiu the Scnata of the original amount I a ment, lately obtained by the Uniu-l . ', the District Court ofthe 'Eaatci-n 1 , . Pcnnsjlvania, sgauijit Colonel V..,ii ,.

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