At--.' fee list? 4 !..iuofs e ieprt c&nrtrml in. L Mr. iiaran, Ireta ins comm. Mr of CUio. reported a rtolotiu; duecnnj the Trejioier to pay to-Jortji Medley. S,ct. A wen cpuatjr, bU; wuu. was read the Lrst um and pa J. y. tthcklcctre, from the cjounittre of atnitioas uri t.ncrartcra, rr ported fiironhlj a the petition of acmiry inhabitants cf Besxs- Lt aunty, and rccurnoctvied the fee f wexmifi crui ntutu s4cob tj from ccrun dutvcti wbkb report j coo rurrvU to, ar.d Uta Uil mj the first Caa sni piC'L M5Ucn pretested tWpetituM of tuikdry inhabitant, of Sampson euuiity, praying fur an impropriation of money lo enable thrni to .(Jru out tb Great Cohera St amps wuich -m rcf-sred to the comuuU-e of Internal Ira piorcnirnt. Om motion of Mr. Raine. J'-vrti, That the cooaituttee of Propos. lions and Iterances be instructed to Uiquire l-ito the expediency of reducing the sularws of ' tb Supreme CSJrt Judires front doltaa 1 to 2.000 dollars.; Mr. Kill, of New-Hanover, from the Select jommUtce to thorn waa referred the petition of laaiah Davis and other, reported nnfavorv Ulr to the prayer of the petition, reootnmend in its rejection, which report vasconcur rcdln. 1 The bill concerning the duties of guardian., and the bill to amend the act for raking a fund . for erecting the building and for the aupport of the University of North-Carolina, were read the third time, and postponed indefinitely. 'r . The following bills were read the first time ' and passed: A bill to establish a tight Infantry ' Company in Richmond county; a bill far the . regulation of the County Courts of Buncombe; a till securing to Jane Wellborn, of Randolph county, and Sarah Peunce, cf Surry county, the nronertr thee may hereafter acauirei a . bill to amend the act of 1830, for the better organisation of the nulitia of Beaufort county; a bill to amend the act of 1815, for appointing commissioners 4o fix on a proper place in the count r of vuaes, ana to erect thereon a . n . n l i it . ' mend the actjnf 1821, to compel the Clerks of t:onrt-nou9e. i-nwn ana blocks: b dhi to m- Lie bttperyn ana county courts or Surry to '. keep their' offices at the Court-house in the towaof Rockford; a bill to alter the names of talegitimate themt a bill to legitimate Helen, Jdelula and Benjamin Hadleyt a bill to amend - ' 1 f iLr. o..- c - - - - IUU UI9 JCCUVU UtW Vf UIU OUILC. 19 KIT KB rC- apects turpentine; a bill to amend, the act of . then, entering the Cape Fear River, from pay. . , ; ing pilotage; and i bill to authorise Alexander . Long to erect and keep up a gate across a toad in Rowan county. ' . The bill to authorise the erection of the ,' public buildings of Washington county at V Plymouth, wu read the first tune and passed, ' and referred to a committee, consisting of Messrs. Alston, Walker, Davenport, Black " lcdire and Ormond. r The resohition, directing the Treasurer to pay to Thonms Elliott, of Mecklenburg coun , ty, who was placed on the pension list in 1819, , - '25 dollars annuallv,ln addition to the sum now : Allowed, was read the first time and passed. Mr. I. White presented bin to repeal the 7th section of the act of 1322, authorising cer tain counties therein mentioned to appoint a - committee of Finance, so far as respects the county of Anson; which tyua road the first time and passed. ' ,' .X ' ., ."Mr. Ulacklcdfre.u'om the commiUee of Pi-o-positions and Giievunces, to whom was refer red the nctition of snndnr inh.ihitnt of the . Statp. nravinir fur th naiunm np a lair. ant'. " cifying what punishment shall be inflicted on those who violate the provision of tho Consti tutioii which provides that all persons shall be j at liberty to exercise their own mode of wor- j y ship, reported, that, in, the opinion of the com mittee, the "existing law amply provide a . remedy in the case; which report was con- curred in. , - ,yi - -' ?! The resolution, presented by Mr. Be all on the 28th ultimo, for the appointment of a se ' lect committee to inquire into the expedien cy of repealing the Act of 181 5, providing for tho election of Electors to vote for a Presi i dent and Vice-President of the United States i by general ticket; wa on motion of Mr. Leonard, postponed indefinitely -Yeas 78, Nays 45. w. . ton The star. An extract of a letter from Raleigh appeared a few dars since in the Jiieh Diond Enauircr. r&nd thence reDrinted in that vehicle of slander and falsehood, 7Vie Wasldnslon City Gazette?1 which conuins some very uncivil expressions towards the fi ienda of Mr. Calhoun, in . regard to, the election of Public Printer vVhetljef this letter was written bv I ' couiin-Kcrnlan of M?f Crawford him self, or by a resident spy of the " Rich mond .party,r bsome other hoping s Dartiziniis a matter of no conseouence: its writer,' however, must Have been in fluenced by feelings as mean as the cause is desperate which, he is laboring to sustain , - It is not i riet!tat the elec- -ftion of Public; Printer turned on the o Presidential question, and lr. Gates, ns will ''as the, writers of. letters to Hichmond and Wshin-ton, know it.- lViends of Mr. Ga'.es have cause to complain of his course in this business: a promised to contradict the report, if it should get out, that the election turn ed on that point. Has lie done bos The commuitit-atiun, published in th? llegistrf some day ago, over the signa ture of C, is of a piece with the extract of the letter alluded to: it .shows the writhing of a troubled spirit. When tenure in a passion, much allowance must be tnade for their excesses and what is more calculated to drive them into a passion than to see the faction daily coins down, on the success of vhich all their hopes of office and pre rlrmcnt were rested? Tiis; "probably, may have been the case with C. V' A Nativi; Carolinian. The following feu (Pespril was. occa sioned by the election f a Speaker for the House of Commons. - : ' J i v : 'llic candidates names are italicised, In the Senate one $pitkcrsenongh; but I'm surc - 'if III the House 'twould be Sirciire'it they did ,-1 c.t Miore. . - .' , - ... . ' r . . . u ir.tcr tti.e titor atlic Fr4- l it bitteen tit'jci baCottLe Net.!-! Mldwaf AtUCemT, t ZL .. -'s.i... c;reI utelhgence that tb CrUrtli7 jT"J',, J, . : VraiDAT WOJIMNG. DLC'tt 11 ttn. A " It ltk aOO Mq 0t U mrtr. TP- n IVUr. ar. a-,In- to. Vtd 10 mutt fm. Lcuut. A . member, rj Ho, of teprruu- V ' .i .v.. tmjt .. .Ji ! rvtE u-s W-. ..n u, . rThe rxwmLle and r-1 u Ucrre4 lU ue-, r- JtUM, .nl ta 1 " ,: 'l' Ilationa irtrKl .V. It". . en, r tl t Mnrited that die L;m f, j7k tn.lmnS Cil fc-rv-Vi. (Whm. - tk. lauoas Cotamoct er, mstructin; our Scutort ami re--Unj our Reprtte aUnvea ia Con gress uot U attend a Caacat for nomi nating the PrekiJent and Vke Presi dent if the United States, were under dicuioa nearly three days; and were finallj postponed indefinitely en Thurs day, the 1 1th. See oar Sketch of the proceedings of the Legislature in the preceding columns. . - e understand that there were many who. although opposed to Caucuses, voted for the postponement of the reso lution!, on the ground that the Legis gislature does not possess the right of instructing our Members of Congress in any case where they do not act in a legislative capacity. The rejection of the said preamble and resolutions, there fore, can be too evidence Aata Conrrcs sional Caucus is a favorite measure with our Membera of tsembly. , J It has been intimated that a resolu tion, expressive of the views of the Le gislature as to the propriety of Caucus ing, will be submitted for considera tion during the present session; which, we presume, will test the popularity of the njeasure. For our own part, we I I A nave no nesuarion in aeciaring, as our opinion, that it is a most dangerous en croachment upou the elective privileges of the people; is a virtual violation of the Constitution of the United States, inasmuch as that instrument has point ed out the mode of electing President & Vice President, when neithercandidate shall have a majority of the votes of the Electors; and, if persevered in, will eventually take the election of those officers entirely out of the hands of the people. , The danger and impropriety of Caucusing are now becoming evident to the public generally; and we flatter cur selves that the citizens of North-Caio-lina value their political rights too high ly to allow them to be usurped by any set of men, however plausible the pre text, and that they will, w'hen the sub ject comes fully before them, act as be comes freemen. ' Pennsylvania. -The election of Mr. Lawrence to the Speaker's Chair of the House of Representatives of Pennsyl vania, has been seized upon, by some of the presses devoted to Mr. Crawford, as an indication of their favorite's popu larity in the Legislature of that state, We were, induced, from the many mis representations lately made by. those journals in almost every thing respect ing the' Presidency, and from the ac counts we had received of Mr. Craw ford's prospects in Pennsylvania, to discredit the statements relative to the above election; but we presume that the two subjoined articles, one from the Harrisburg Chronicle, printed at the seat of government of that state, and the other from, the Franklin Gazette, published at Philadelphia, will put the matter to rest, and shew that our suspi cions were not unfounded: From the JfarribwgPa. Chronicle. The correspondent of the Demo cratic Press insinuates so strongly as to amount to an assertion, that Mr. Hoi gate and Mr. Robert Smith were reject ed, and Mr.' Lawrence was., chosen Speaker of the Mouse of Representa tives of this State, for the reason that Mr. Holgate was committed in favor of (Jen. Jackson, ana Mr. ounui in xavor ofMf Calhoun whereas Mr. Lawrence was not committed in favor of any of the Candidates for, thePresidency. Hence leaving it to be interred, that a majori ty of the members are opposed to Jack son and Calhoun, and incline to Craw ford, or at least to be regulated by the intrigues at Washington and the deci sion of a caucus. ; ; ' So that at Harnsburg, the mends ol Crawford pnr8ue the ame measures, that they blame when pursued atWash ington city. For it i a fact, that Crawfords chance in this State is not seriously considered a possible one, and the contest for Speaker was rather a sectional and'personal, than a political one. '. '. ' rnnoidcrin ourselves mere bottle tmliforfl in this strife, weoushtnot per bans td meddle with it; but as faithful Journalists; it is our duty to represent passing events as they occurs It was attemptedto turtf the part taken by Mr. llolgate, in favor of Gen. Jackson, against him: but that had no effect npon the choice of Sneaker. The choice was decided, cn ths grounds above indica ted. i - . ' J " ...i,.m:. i I , .Z. w'..x cans there over Ue FcderaliU. tnatllr.l-UJ"JU" iiunisj;jr. 'Ml rtlemtce to tha PrrmidesilLal anealiesi. r.u j i U wt tk-4 tsrwn. u"ui anealioau I, . t Candidate, Ud nut co- J :JZ2!2. rtTjettS mittedlheouelvesapothabiect.aBd sou f Nan-cro&. We belit it i U the gentleman who saccceded is one of sMMrable, by firsrea, that r deceived. that cus. It is well known that the oppMirioa to m originated from per- .,, ' I i- r ,. e wmal d.tficbon, n tho part of " lucawera, wim aorae coBimuiec apftuiotments r.kdt by him, and from wtber catses having bo sort of relation in uit t'residency. air. LwatvcB bat long been the speaker of the bouse, and a majority could r no adequate reasons for a chanse at this time. iwrtfli Amis v There have been two or three arrivals from Eurooe sioce our last; but there has been nothing received by them which would be intcatngtV our reauers, save ue annexed articles, copied frouiLoudon papers; i' The London Courier states, "that all auestionsrelatinfftolhelateSnanUhSetEo,- Extraordinary and Minister UeinenU in South America, will becooiepleniPotntir7 to Government of matter oTdtacussion in a Gtnerel Con-) ... ... . yrtM. such, at least, is the nature of the nronoHition m.ide be France to our Kovernment.but to which we have de-! mination on our part may alter the ori ginal intention, is a point we xannot de cide. The Globe and Traveller of the Sd savs. that a Consrrett will eertainlv be held on the ajfairt of South America j and wheu the temper of the parties to that Congress is considered, the . result may, without difficulty, be predicted. The following appointments, made by the President during .the recess. have been confirmed by the Senate of the United states: Santuel L. South ard, Secretary of the Navy; Smith Thompspn, Judge of the Supreme Court; and John APLtan, Postmaster Gene ral. Extract of a' letter from a Member of Con gress from the 8tate of Pennsylvania, to his friend in this City, dated 13th October, 1823. " Within a few days Mr. Crawford's, friends, find ins; that his prospects have been completely blasted in NewYork, New-Jersey and Maryland," have been busy in circulating a story," that the Speaker of the House of Representa tives of Pennsylvania is a Crawfordite. This is altogether without foundation, and verifies the old saying, " that drown ing tnenjvill catch at straws,," I am well acquainted with the Speaker; and know him to be decidedly opposed to Crawford, and as decidedly . for Cal houn., No man who was suspected of be-; ing in favor of Crawford could have been elected to any situation by either branch of the Legislature of "Pennsylvania. Out of one hundred members, in the House of Representatives, there arc not ten friendly to Mr. Crawford's election; and, in the Senate, it is not known that there is a single one." Extract of another letter from is distinguished Member ot Congress, to bis lnend in - this City, dated 13th inst. , - ' - " It is to be lamented, that the palpa ble contradictions of the opposite state ments as to the sentiments of New- York, should render it almost imnossi- L I J f ' j t . N tl A - . t -..1 J I . me lor ine puuuc now wiiere jney are to took . tor the truth. -But upon this pomtt,I tiidertake to assert, on the aiitlmritr nf rirrumstiincea which ran - autnonty t t circumswncea wiucn can - notlie, anaoisiaieuienisiroiaiiKiiviuu- ksbeoavejed tome . als of the utmost veracity.w ilr.r . ' a- WMON CRKES, Trustee. Craufford cannot, under any possible combination of circumstances, obtain the ' Notice '' vote Of New-York. He U the oul Can- j ' ' AVINC determined lo 'w off .it my ju dltlate againjk Whom the public SenO-v ( 1 amitraated dtbu as sictdily as possible, 1 ment of that 8Ute has been UnedUiVO-, sliall oBcelnrsiUe, ontU first ilsy or Janosry rntlr nrpaPl - . - w xt, at ll Coun-Hoane door in Aiitborr, lb i W P ' ' rT ' - - -J.' MUtm'mg property, Two negro meu, mm There 19 one View of .the Subject, rot negro woman and two children. 4mm negro girl, cenerally takeni. indispensable, to the, road wareou, ad ena i.iwr patent .ver formation .of a correct estimate of tho IIS1- Sl-.?lf?,,, .1 MJ relative prospects of the two idathern canuiuaiea, 1 uc primary sueugia is nsufficient to elect him. - The contest must tnen ne aeciaei uy teconaaryi candle must depend tne Votes ne ODiatns irom was woo sre Compelled to abandon their first choice1 In this view Crawford has less recruit- f ..1 is. j-j . t mg ground than sny other candidate,nd Calhoun 'more than any two.' ;. Admit- tins' that Crawford is first in Georgia, :fLt:.--i ..'JiMnwfi. Carolina, where is he second? In what other states would he be preferred to Calhoun? In the "six Ne iv-England states, . Calhoun is the next choice to Adams, in preference to all the rest; not to dwell unon the fact, that he is really the first choice with a large portion of that sectbn. In all the western states, with the exception of Missouri, Calhoun would undoubtedly be preferred to Crawford: indeed, Crawford would be the very last of the candidates whom t iB n-ij iaav y w they would support, and Calhoun clear. ly the next to Jackson and Clay in their .AunBt(irA atrAriff hnlda. Itut. ffivin at ' n. ... -if Aat hia friprulu have Mr. Crawford all t"atliw tnenas nave the boldness td claml, Calhoun would be preferred to l;im tn a tingle contest, to. r - r . i ... - j 1 1 uhmxu hi niws w uuu. " cumoc lite senunieat of the stau " 1?' tbaasutb artiticesutbe story aVstttbe Pens .jKs.kertoturathVcuirvutiaUU. TorJU. bur. Resolutions have been submitted t6 both Houses of the LegsUtur of io- nUmd. to M d'uaPDrov of an v eon rrw $ional caucus womtnalion at this time of fresideot ana v. President of the U. states," and requesun the senators and representatives of thai state' in Congrem u to use their influeuxe to Patent t. Tuck. nj. , James Drpwn, a member of theSen te. from the State of Louisiana, has 'been appointed, by the President, with the advice and ' consent of the Senate, wj" ? a is a. J ai. i 1 'rnce, vice Aioen uanann; resignco. . .y-;riun.Mtpuuncan. , . " ' ". - ' . n-????? f , at mpH the Ban to if thit ttatt to Mr ptae, was gtemuy tnarjimtefj pttpfud. DIED. minis vtcuuty, at ine seat 01 uapt. 1 oeo- pbdus Hunter, on the 13th Instant. Csnt Win. Green, a. native of Newbern, and tor many years a resident of Franklin county. - uiciy, in sterue county, ine ucv. sioses Viiuum, ot ue Baptist Church. At Edenton, on the 3d instant. Capt. Le viniBozman, of Plymouth.' At newiern,ontueZrtauitimoiMra.Fraiv ecs Fisher, consort of the late Michael Eisher; on the oOth, Mr. Wm. WUliams, In the 63th year of his agc( on the 3d instant, Mr. Jacob Dudley) and on the 4th, after an illneu of a few hours, Mr. Christopher Dawson. At Fayetteville, on tlie 6th instant Mr, rd liam Robefcbn, arcd 32 years. ' " InPasqOotunk county, on the 3d instant, Mr. Benony Cartwright. f in uowan county, on tne sum ultimo, SsunL C reason, Esq. ajred 50 years. . In Mecklenburg countv, on the 19th Octo ber last, John Kendrick, Esq. in the 39th year 01 us sge. -.;- -: . ,- , . ,:, Hyinn Books.' JUST PTJBUSHSls by Bell ic Lawrence, and for sale at D. Limleman's Book ,6tma. oa Fayettsvillc street, neat dnor.te Messrs. Ittftt !t Scott's Auction store, a selection of HYMNS .,d APlUll liAL SONGS, dtilgned lor Uit ..t . - 1 l .1 u i . .1 i :i misUirof lha Baptist Church nt the Crow Roads Meeting iimiiie, wake county, . L. rrice one dollar, aeutly bnnud -tie ta. 18S -' Jt.St Notice1 Y9 Uorebv elcD, that on Monday, the slli dy I of Janiiarv ttexU at the bouse of John Iluek - abj, in FiaitltU - eountv, 1 shall expose to "s'e, 10 tu mguaat bidder, lor rasuy money, er a such other terms as will be made known at the time, the property, convert d to roe. la trust, fcf sail liucluby, to secure the payment of sertsin debts mentioned in ssid eonvevanee . ' 1 ': , . , Tha property eontitts of a valuable tract of ana, wiiereon uie sstd nuekabs 1 now lives, su- jojittre use lands or Presley C. Parsons Sud thers, on the waters of Saady Cieekt alo tbfe following negro slaves, t! Neero ma Hal, Jim, Btacknose. . Ijlism. sod I'sbor. Wsshliic- ton, Peter, Charlotte soJ Flora sod child; slt ill the Tight, alsiros and interest which tho said John Uuekaby has iu, anil to the etute of lien- 4.4. ,iwuU .tMkrfl.ors., , bog, sheep, tse.tombee with his lioosehsM and ,kie luimture, pisnuuon utensils, & a so .inu "ercof auffisienl tepsy off the ,cl)ani ifopejlW. only such Hie win be made -. nee.n, . ' , , ; Uth tiuiethe terms 1U be made knoa A. M HUNT- t-W rr Dee, 10, 1 823 yu'tv Ti.,l0l.a IlAlir..1 quantity of Goods, and a few dollars in tnoney. A part of the Goods are of the following descrip. TL w r , 5 u I "Zt :pla eolor, two yards of blaek akHb, y arils of ,,, ..Mfere, s yards of figured umbne, and a pistol of a large s, brass mounted. Tii "'7 eoosiste bange wi.iy.- some of h' was sery ragted. rba above wward,ol fifty dollars, will be givea 10 any person that will eivs iaformstioo lo detest and aonvtat the vil- (bins that eomtaitttd this robbery. And, as His biKblv nrobabletliHt tbev bsva mad tbeir eseaue perhaps to the Western . Ceualrjr; Kdltnrs of ews)spera in .TentHMiare : aad. Iwlitna would eonfcr a woe by jiving the above a few m- 1 inser- Long's Mills, Rsndnipb soua. " ' !' ty. N. C. IKa. , m S I " ; State of Korth-CaroHna, , Rutherford County. : j DW1 anOX, livlag on North ha v Irt, posted tltrec "snare mules one yellow J otli8r t; 4hlJti B(hrt. nave a black list across the wethers; thirteen sad s ball hands bich, and about ibrea W 04,1 1 have the common mule trot, and v. j t (ii, dollar, estb. - - , , , . ai.ex'U ;a8BCT0, Rsnger. 'Sept, J9 is'w v- aiip a wl tmmiUHm i'J M snwrl km a lit a iM 4 ( LtefT. 'Ike 1 mmI ibstspv. tarvs am art m a.iaii n e mtu.mI ,"rci w P li aMilaa W MiOvay 9m al Met ics at eiawpauM. ClMfuritfcl al SOarMifev Ik. . . r twWm atiiiaf M aar muh tks trm- ipsl. h rtnrtr4 M lianiia kiatatlf i.M a kiaaart an4 W af aUxa Kvery aticMwa ! k pm4 m ltarary aetavaswssn aa4 mux -I S. Mtlaseu. . . . t . s. rtnut. . Des. t, H2J . , - . U Sardii AcadcruVa THK T radars af Saqtla Aeadevv, Joa atna eaantv, aaaoaaa le tka paltlie, ikaf tkey U ca4 Vlr-lkaa. L. Kn" dsW, a gaaUrfuaa ut kifh suwdiot a! a K as. MTH.Dcasa leaaber.M prcaUa ia ibrtr saiat. narv the easutas; rar 1 be aeonui of tlodtas Ut litis laMt(uiioa is inlcadtd le koj I lor (ha Uuivwulv. . Tallica, biwlluir. Iic'liiir, Wrttne.tjotrPv. Ilutorf. Homaa Aauqui. lies, ComiMNittoovLlostitiaa, Kcglltk Crsoar aa4 Panin, Artiknlia, Uenracirr, Uia Lali saa Gml Laeasev St. KM per aamiia ' Board. InalatHne aaedles. Sta. bmv b bad r ajwctabl (Waitlwa, natauktulSS the Atsdcsiy, at I dollars tar Kosrth. ' 1 ' ' tee't ta ths Ooard f Trutaieet. , , , . 4 ti e A Female Teacbcr vonted. tUt I1 rasters of ths Loulsburg Femal A I ' aadeni) having as yat, laiM lo enraee a Uachar Atr ika aasutoe year, kcreby anskt kaowa, that tbry are still dasiraas te emuhiy soma ntrsoa pru parly aiulilWd to take tharca of lltM bistituiMHU' she teschers tierrloTuiv have iiiforaily reaettail Irani four le live tun. Orvd dollars a year. AppUsatioea, atade la nenoa, or eoasmauieauoos addresaeJ to the peat-Master l this plsaa, eill inuediately k attaixlcd to by the Trustees. . vM. asuiuujji ora y. LpnUburj, De to, IIM : (1-3 Rtntfl nf Knrth.niiflinn. - Hertford Countv, . ' " Court of Pleas and Quarter Session NahiK Tarm 1 194 t . Ssmutl Nicholson vs. William Kii Oi iginst sstlnaslinasaMfl laMSal IM lliSB jll'aWtftsattl liohl lA aa J traat of land near Murftectlioreugh, sucse4 ta ba S00 sorts, mors or leas. aUiuliikiK the t.J. .JP Sl, t IlinVW.u. kl K.IU.! . Ilsuks snd mhrrs - ., M. ...... . - A . - . ...- - bbJ 1 - J i I appearuirto tna sstiuncuoa w ine tcurt, 1 that ua deiendant la ibis ease has removed bimielf out ol' Ibii stste, and is now aa iiiltulii- tant of another state, so Hist the osumI nrecris ut ls -snbt ba served apxw blast It is ordeml that publication be mads la the Ksk igli Mur fr r tlirsa Aoutlis, that unleu the defcuiiant tss at tin util urm of this Court lo ba brld lm Hie county of Ilrrtford, at lha Court-llousa hi W ni ton. 00 the fourih, Monday m Ftbrimrr nrst, renlevv the nronertr sa auashed. or nlrad lo Isa sue, (lint judgment stisll be eulcrtd sgaiiiH bin. and esecution awardra. - - Witnesa, t L. M.. COWri.ll, QU. . , 5t-3m price adv. g5 SI pd. - i ... . . ," ' - v . ' . ' ': I Srnta oF Nortb.Cnrolina. 'Tf-t Rockingham County. . . Court of Plea and Quarter Sessions- November Term. 1823. .. Chas.' Mills vs. Hugh t..v Mills Original f- tacliineni lavted on laiuis. - TT sppeSrlne to tlis sstUfucuon ot the lawr. Hist llueh Ci Mills Is not an Inhabitant Ol this 1UO1 it is ihtiefore oidtrart, by the Court, Itmt t Li-i 4. 11.. fc-i-i-v. ki... lvb.v ,ikut ta lha nun laanon m made lor ttiree luomm iuccc. ld cftmdant to afiirar si our Best Court of 1 W.M Q,nrter siuioM to be held lor .the at the Court-Houm in wentwortir, on in. stn Aienuay in rturusrr next, ami replevy, plead to )stu or detnun ot therwlse juderaent willbe entered sjainat him for the sitaiutUf's demand. a ... r . V. f . . . v. . ... I est, -V KUIt'l' USU.UWAI, Vm Sl.3m prloe sdv gj , , r - ; ?Stat of ; ortli-CaroUaai ' j:f 'm:? Rockingham County. Court of Plas and Quarter Sessions- November Term. 1823. Ssrooel Dalton vs. Wm. Fore situch. ' wientl hos. Wtal summoned UarniMiee IT appearing to ibe satisfaction ut the Cou, liias lha defendant la this ease is not an in., habitant of this stutet ills therefore ordered, by ths Court, that publication be made for Unto mootlis successively In the Raleigh Stsr, giving notice to the said defendant to appesr at tho next Court of Pless sod Quarter bvtsionk to ba held for Itnekingbsm county, at the Coatt llouse in tVentwoith, 00 the 4th Monday in Februwy next, and plesd to issoet otlierwise tho property will be eondemued in the huyds iA lha Gsruishee. ; ' ' : - v ' 1 KVW I UALLU .VA J, U V. .' 5l-3m priee adv. g5 - , .. State of North-Carolina) . Guilford County, tt. ' Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions- November Term, 1823. Elisabeth Kirkman vs. Levee Kirkmso, Tht. inss Kirkmsn. Grpree Kirkman, William v Kirknian, James Kirkroan, Hijith Etrkmsn, WillisiB Adams and wife Martha, Robert Wood and wife Anna; Daniel Heltevait and ; wile Priwills, Furuson and wils Mary,' 4 and tbehetrs allswof itKi-ah Jscksfti, bjf busband Josrpls Jsckion, and John. Willfciu' , and George Kirksosn, jnn'r, Andtew 1 illon . sihi wire narsn, anuurea ana nrirsoi vtin . Kirkmsn, dea'd Petition foe Dower in ' aareeot bind, the property f George Hirk- tnan. dre'd. I T appeal ing to the sslisfaeUon of the Cftirt, that the delendsnts, Thomas Kirkmsn, Geo. Kirkmsn, William Kirkman, James KUkniaii, Elijah Kirknian, Robert Wood and- wils Anns, Daniel SeMetSii and wife Priscilla, - Furgu son and wife Mary, and the heirs at law of t aroh Jackson, br ber buabsad Jinrph Jsckion, Jnlrft Kirkman, A ml re w Djlloa' and wife Samh, chil dren and heirs of Ptter Kirkman, das'd, are not hihsbitunts of this statei it Is therefore erduiwtl that publication be made in llw Raleigh Star foi six webs successively, that said delcuuams -pear at the next County Court to ba held lor. said County, at lbs Court-HoUse ia Greensboro, on Um third Monday of February next, then and there to answer, plead or demur; other iie sai.l petition will be taken pro eontesso, and betas! Whiisss, John Manner; CWk of uld Court, at afllsc Ui lhir4 afondsf of November, tv!S. - r,joH HANxta, c. c. t;" f 14 price nJ. jfiJ Cff.

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