J No. St. HALEIGH, (N.C.) FRIDAY, -UECEMBKR 0, 1823. Vol. XIV TIII3 STAR, JaJ yurU-CariHa Gazette, '. Pabliakwd, weekly, k BELL & LAWRENCE. irrptUt1irt dollars per nwni- pa per .ill km sent withaat at l gl 10 l paid U ad ranee, a d a piper tiamatirwed, bwt .1 fM wpliaw of lk Kdiiort.aalest all airwaiar ara paid. AdvwrtiarateM. wot wxedint if tee liset.Uivrtsd lr liaaaa (or d-4lr, M'i twwwtr-avt aents for each o.tlmiaM.. , AH tattart to tka editor atit few (mat-paid. - Hymn Nooks. JUST PUBLISH Kl), by Belt fc Lawrence, and for aale at D. Lindeman' Baud Store. aFayetlevi)latreet, next done to Mewt, Hon k fawn. Hnatum Mora, a aeiratma or ill M ! mA bPlillllUL SONGS, dcrned forth im ol C'ongrrwadona, by tlia Bev. John Purify, tutor nf Ike nnplitt Church at tlta Croat Road Mectieg lluuat, Wak. aouuty, N. C Priaeoo dotlar, neatly bound. ' ,. -'' -.,-Dea IS, 1133 VM-St., ;; '.- .'...Notice : .V;- rS hereby given, that o Monday, the 5h day of Jncw v it, at tbe hnwae of John thick by, ia Franklin aount). 1 aha.ll expo lo aale, to the higbett bidder, for read isoney, or ou neb. other terroa at will be made know a at ibe time, tho property couveyid to me in trutt, by wililuckaby, to secure thepaymett of ecrtaiu ilrliU mentioned in laid conveyance Tlic proiierty consists of valuable tract of bud, whereon the (aid Hookah) now live, ad. joining die land of Pretley C Pinion and e tbtfa, on tba water of Sand Creftj alao the lohowine; negro tin vet, via Nerroj man Hal, Jim, Uiacknoae, lthain, and t'abbyt Wattiing- i, Petrr, Charlotte aail Flora and child alao .11 the right, claim and interett wluah the said iia Hnckabv hat in. and to the ealata of Unn. jtraiu Hill, dea'd; ilao hit ttnek of liorfet, eattlc, no-t, tneep, nc tog-tner with hit boujlield and titriien furniture, plantation utentili, Wo or so ntoli thereot a will be tuftieient to pat off the uifet aforesaid. Oulv Such title wilttbe made it conveyed to n.a blMUN CJBFEX, T.fattee. Dee 13, 1823 ... t 5i&w . D !lars Rewarf17 ON th. night ol the mtt. the tul'fonber t rre wt broken open . nd rob it. d of a quantity of Good; and a few dollar ini money A part of the Uoodt are'Of the followiiigjrfetcr4p tiou: , I hr-t yvriit peiitte eioui or s tu.m pur nli! color, iwa vii1i of black cloil; . 1 fvkrdt ol lHe asirr)i'i'C, 9 yard of hgtired . Jirie, anft a putot o 4araa a trat'oounifi. Hit Miner eoojitieil of ehotie entirety tome oi wliielt m very iMeted. i'ho abore reward, ot sir dollars, will be ciVen to any penoa that will give itilbnastion 16 delcot and convict the ' vil. Liut thtt committed tliii robbery. And, at it it Uigliiy probtbie tiiin they nave mane ttteir ettape perlmpt to tl Western (Jouatry, Kditort ol newspaper- in 1'ennetsee and Indiana would confer a tuv.i- by giving Uie above a few inaer uonun uitir papcit . ' - i, ' , f JOHN b: TROT.' 1JUwg's Mills, Randolph eoun. ) , , ty, rv . U. Uec. 11,1 la .. State of Nofth-CaroJina, Hertford Cownly. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions November Term 1823. Sanocl Nichottoo t. William Fiucy Original . attachment If vied on the defendant1! right to a tract of laud near Murfreetboroueh. tuiipCK-d id be SUO acitft, nxue or lew, adjoining the Ikudtof Mrt. Pfgy l)ickinon, Mrt. Sully Banktand othert T t;ipearing to ihe taUsraction of tbe Court, ll.nl the defendant in lliit case hat removed himtelf out of tb'u Mute, and'it now au inhabit i ant of another state, to thai the utual prooettof law cannot be terved upon him; it it ordered that nublieatinu be made in the Haleicli Star lor vhree inoiitlia, that mcst the defendant appear at tije next icno of tint Court to be lirlii lor tut county ol Hertford, at the Court-Houae in V m ton, on tho lour th Monday in Ftbroury next replevy the nronertv to attached, or plead lo it- c, mm junjrnieui Mian ue entereu a;;iuiin hum tnd executi6u awarded. Witnat, L. M. COWPBU, CITt SUm priee dv.$S tS pd. State of North-Carolina, C uUjt J County, n. , Court of Pleat and Quarter Seiaioas November Term, I82J. rjitabrlH Kirkatan w Levra Rirkataa, TVa aa KirkatiM, RMrfW , Willi. Kiftataa, Jaaar IXiaa, Uijdt KukatM. dm J Martka, ttobm , ' Aim, UumtI SrlleY a4 "7 f ftein, Vurjwm d wii Mary m tU h at bw of SMrak Mwm, bv kar J"1 J ' "i Jolia, WdlUat Mdbeorfa Kirkinaw, jnwV, Aadicw lloa and wUa Sarah, whiUrew aw( bHr.a Kirkatt, aVtc'd Patntoa tor brk WO MrMai land, tba property of Ccorn Kkk . a'd I I' apprarin; tn (ha aafebetiow of 0t Court, that tkariehmdawtt, Tkoam Kirkman, fi. tl T"' waiiM fcjrkMai., iaoxs Kirkaaa. Klk Kirkattw, Rabrrt Wood ud wile Abm. Oawrt Sellevaa aid wUe Pritcilla, Furia- aaw and wife Mary, and the twin at bw of Sarah Jackiau. Wj bar hatband Joarpb Jackton, inhi. Kjrtatan, Andrew Dillon and wife Harah, chil. dren and hrln of P,ier Kirkman, dt'd, arw no hibtWntt of thitK.tr it It tt.erefore ardered that public be mad. bi ft, RaUigb bur fur l weeka aneaettivelyv that said deleailant ap. pear at U next fouoty Court to b held for taid Caunty, at tbe Court-llouie la Greentboro', on the third Monday of Pebruar) next, then and there to antwer, plead or demon otherwise aaid petition will be taken pro coafeno, and beard exparte at ta them. Witnria, John Hanner, ricrk of aaid Court, at offiaa the third Monday of November. IS3. .'"JOHN HASXEB.C.C.U 5I 6w priee adv. g5 5. . Statt of North-Carolina, Rutherford County. P I. ID WIN H AN NON, living on North Paeo- let, "potted three mare mulct, one a yellow bay or bpanitb color, the other two dark bayr, all three have a I lack Cut aerott th wether thirteen tnd a half handt bigb, and about three yeart old) have the common mule trot, and v lued at forty dollara each. ' ALKX'K 'JARRUTH, Ranger. Sept. 10, 113 ,: t 41-Stp- Cnitad State, and a tnajorit of taw wSob "umSero Elector, ahai be iteoeawary U a choir. " Am! thouU no teran vwtel iur arctGn to Ue t'onaututioo. aa View Prrwi.Ut of th UniUd State, havw avajority of tk vo(n of im WBXMW annuoer WT FJectora. Um Uta Pm. detrt of tba United State ahaii forth wit tatu hi proclamation, caJUnr apoa the Elector to eowrena) at , on the da v of , there- arier, torinc purpoae of cbooatnja Vice Prwav dent; thai tho Eleclnra, whea to cocvensd, shall choose, hnmeILtely, by ballot, a 1c Preaident of the United State, and a majority of tha whole mimber of Ejector ahaU be aeeewtar to a choice.' Tvfday,Decl6 aier,t4 tie umber of mile of Poat-road ex-1 nutlet, and wilier (null arm, forth ittiinr bv law. b each State and Territorr. for of low U. S'ates. which bar i rach f the three rears next nrecedinr tha I ainca th first of Januarr. 1 ri .n,i .i... a, 1 ' .. . V .1-.. , M- arxoaroi Apni it at tna numoer oi nuict of wucmrr aouc tor proooaala was rin mm mm imwt, mi UtIIUIl Ul JMBU W U KIIUII, , in mil m BHrananit . . . ' 1 hi fnllawm nm!r. .a irm ITi. ,i i r. ' i..ji . . wuirwct wuuli t utc criT cipenac oi iraniporung-me tuui I .vu?uj warn wrj imtcrtH e4 m sxJL etl, read, and laid t.ver fr con!dcra-j the yearly competualion of Poatmjjter, and I '4 i an aerr tarlnrr, fhr i mal LI Mil T . . I III! I III III! Illll III! II III I HI M Ml I III III! ! . V Br Mr. irWoll: v of the amount of poMagw which m Mr. Isacka, ot leauessee, pmposeil. r. That the jminteo on Com- Twa. iem.,07. Z " jai an atnendment, t atrika outtKelast mere and Manufccturea be intructcd to In- .T; '!TTv 7. Til' JT Clauae of the resolution, fin italirt I an.l U,. .k. a: r.i . uiajearijoawico iur ana airxillt uiciu rca-1 ; ;, .. l " "mw vim muciKj n aiuwinjr draw nv lAKuicnci w iijwinr unw-1 i ... - . i w luirn ia iu nnni ina in ah.i.m ?k . rffoVwto arrear. . . contract, were made, and whether there arw with leave to iwport by bill or otlenme. n- a.:i: " ..I.- her persona beneficial- lm dj Mr. r.afon: ' ,V , Iu "o. who ther . u "k.7 "- nhA Tti.ttK. t.,ji:.-.r.l-:.4 ! I ir. Kent, oi Maryiano, ouerea ine I . an h. k. ;,.r. ' . "r"vr quire if any, and what, amendmetta may be "'Iowing resolution lor conaideratiOD, lha reaolution, at amended b Mr' " neceaaary to an Act, entitled At act,rel- which wa. laid on the table and Ordered Iaack'a motion, was kdonted ' bve to the election of a PreaidenA and Vice tobeprinted. A , . Mr. Williams, of N.C auhmW.,! . L President of the United Statea, amdecUnng JtJLt, That .Committee be appointed f0Uowin " the officer who aludl actw Prewdett, in case to inquire into tbe expediency of maUna- such iwJ? TK.. ti.-r..sj' -V V.7 - . wwofwtpaomeea or both President I an appropriation of the pubUo lands to the UtabaTre nu l!..? Vmte4 and re President PMWd the Wb. purp.7 vr X" "a maue " lu currc- which be mav not deem It 5 ' im la pursuance of notice er.-nVr.ter. day, Mr. Dickerson and Mr. iiil mcs. of Maine, called up the aoveral tesolu- nons, proposing amendments to the Constitution, in relation to the, infide of electing Presid which were oJered session. These together with the reso Just Published, Aid for sde at the Star Office, A PAMPHLET, XT1TIZ TO TBI CITIZENS OF N. CAROLINA, On the subject of the PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. Dec. t, 1823. r: State of North-Carolina, ilhckinzham County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses' .ions- November Term, 1823. tins. Mill vt. Much C. Millt Original at . tacl.meut levied on lnds. T tpnear'uitr to the taiitiiietion ol Ihe Cnurt tUtlluBh 0 Militia not ail ii.liabili.nl ol tliit tf I it i Jiererorc onlered, by ihe Court, that publication be made for three month tuecea. ilj- in the Ualeigb bur, giving notica to Uie "in ULlfi.danl to aoptar at our next Court oj rleat and Quarter bcttiont to be held fur ll "Hint) tf iiockixi'liam, at Ihe Courl-lioute in ventworth, on tbe 4lh Monday iu rebrcart "ext. and replevy, plead to iatue or demur; o- ioerise judgment will ho entered against him w ui plamUli demand. V lest, ' KUll'T GALLOWAY, C. C, l-Sm price adv S5 ato if North-Caroliaa, ' 1 Iinrlclrirrhftm rtttinfil. . : Court of Pleas aud Quarter SessionsA JNnvomhnW Term 1R2.T. ....' Sanmel DUW Tl AVm. Fore Orieinai kttaeh. . fient Thoa. Neal auinmoiied Gafnialiee B 1 SPpearimj to the aatisfaolion f the Court, i- " ueieiHiuni iu una case it uoi an "tbllant tf lid. .i.l... a im i!...w.l7.r. nntfHul. ht U Courts lliat publication 'be oiade for three "-MMcMivciy III uie ivaieigii otar, 1,1"' "Kite to lIH ,-Mi ,.Oiidunt to anni ar at tl "it Court of Plea and Quai ter Seuioat to be V xur oclum;han county, at the Court "'Ule in V... J.....1, i. il. Jil. TLtAuV li February next, und plead to ittuei olherwite th n,nlierty will b condeinneil iu the bauds U the """"iliee, ' ROD'T CALLOWAY, C. C. -am prise adv. gS or UltANKS, evtry description, for Mil? this OBit CONGRESS. Mr. Mercer, u talea fi and agreed the Cumberland Road, tit rrted A t0 ,-. , ' . hill for the continuation of tha Curn- . The re , u:. on yrter.Uy o!TciT.t by berUod !lad; which as twice read. Mr. Allen, dt 1 rnn. callint for a Lil anJ committed. of Distribut.n; Iit Office, waa taieo I The rrsotuti p and sirred to. Mr. Allen of Maas. nrtsented tiie fut- lowing resolution: J?rWr4 Th4t the Poat master General bw latioo Yeferdar ptobw,!' Cocke, wa then taken an r,- hT !r i iiiimi... ' nn if. a r. a . i . - ... immwin'r mm . n , , - "UIUf( Mtt ir i, 1 Ut the Preai.lnt J Ik. if . be requoiej to coaimuni.t t .,;. j: . a ml ... .. .. ... I , uhtu a ia mj wevorw mis i louse, a aotte. i vi ... iumticij ror nnnnn r.n i. pona in a m proportion wtuttneappropris. aiUic.te, rvlatins; to the prewnt condiUoa uoti wmcn may nave neen neretoiore niaae futur nwt, rf in ravor ot other tate ana that aaid coin-1 fhi. ...... r . i v mittee have le.e to report by bill or other. - A. Wtlf?r "n d.V rcourse. - Ban wn ii .nr. rt , n i h t. . . wiw. .1 M.V.IUU viviu iii nu e. lr wii Kenivedm That the Committee on Militafr HViM k. int....1 I. !.. . . t juirw into mo expo. Preaident of tha V. made, from time to i relation to Uie, tntide of Mr. Rankin presented tiie foHowing tffT Committer on It Cl!tKdVCe Prit,d,nti resolution, whict, lies one dayof course. aSrfaShw ered br them, at the last d, That the Secretary of the Trea- suteYto oSSf to L f010 e together with thi ran. k- jTL r..-.:., .vi .r Wcs to be wde,fxorati ...oo.u... inw wjjciiici ttii;i me reso- i jury, oe oircctea to lurman tni House a par-1 time, of auch trmi .,,,,,, ' , . as arc not wanted, or are unfit for nub proposed by Mr. Benton aud Mr. Hayne, were refen-cd to a Select Committee, consisting of five members, and order ed to be printed for the U3e of the Sen ate. - Receivers of Public Moneys in the I and Ofti-1 Jjc service. ; wanted, or are unfit for pub ces of tbe United, slates, who tday nave tailed I Tha .nfM.J k:ii .I t , . to make their return, and payment, of public L ef"f Sed b,M 'ipplernentary to money, accordins; to law, or, when required " , . V,c "u"" errors in by the Treasury Department, the amount making entries of laci at the Land Of due from such Receivers severally; the time fices, being called un for coni'ulnratmn The resolution submitted yesterday hen ouht to b" tn .P1 10 - .Mr. Rankin said, that, since Tester. ISoTf inStrUCftinSn. S SSSn h had various sugg'estion. into, the expediency of authorizing aoL ........ .u. '. it .k. I made to him by members- for whnn ji.i . - I paaj iiawiii auiu uis iiaiuca vi wv iwvva wwvtw i . , . additional number of sloops of. war to tUch office are situated. ' opinion he entertainedferv high respect. Mr. U wen ottered the following reso-. wen as irom- tne present Uommis lution. which lies one davs . - V , aioner of the General Land Offices and Reerr4 That the Secretary of the Tressu- considering the vote of- yesterday as a ry be directed to lay before this House a pledge that the House would certainly statement of tW sum. of money that have act m the gul,ject and feeiing A6Swll bccu raTtu in uis irraauxjiyra uiq, iwu . thn Wit-al.mil.l n fti lOllO I , " -"'"" UUBBIUIE) - SENATE. ' ' Monday; Dec. 15, 1823. The following communication, re ceived from the Department of War, as read: - VHiartmmt f War, Bee. 11, 1823. Sist: In compliance . with the 1st section of the Act of Congress, of the 6th May, 1823, " to amend an act. entitled t An wet to reiru. (ate trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes, and to preserve peace on the frontiers, approved 30th of March, 1802 I transmit; herewith, an abstract of all licences granted bv the Superintendents and Atrents tor Indian Attain,-to trade witn nt liiaians, snewing bv. and to whom, when, and where, irranted. .. . . . . , , a with tne amount ot ine Donas ana capital em ployed, as far as the same could be ascertiun- ea trom tne returns wmcu uave Decn nmuc to this Department. 1 have the honor to be, your obedient ser vant, J. C. CALHOUN. To the pastiDixT of the Senate of the United States. Mr. Parrot offered the fellowin?: re9o ution. which was read, and laid over for consideration: ! 1 lietolved. That the Committee on Naval Affairs be instructed to inauire into the exoe. diency of autborijungf an additional number of sloops 01 war to oe Duiaanu qquippcu iur uiv service of the United States.5 . . , ; On motion ot Mr. Jackson, it was ordered that so much of the President's Message as relates to the Public Armo ries, Fortifications, Military Academy, and Arsenals, be referred to the Com mittee on Military Affairs. On motion of Mr. Benton,, so much ol the President's Message as .relates to Indian Afiairs, was referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs; and the communication from the War Depart ment, relating to the sair.e subject, was referred to the same Committee. '; On motion of Mr. Knight, so much of the President's Messase as relates to the Post-Office, was refeired to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post) Roads. ; : - . - In TMirsuance of notice eivcn on J n- day last, Mr. Hayne introduced the fol lowing resolution, wnicn, was reau, pas sed to its second reading and ordered tobeprinted: --- -Retehxd. bv the Senate and ffoute of Retrt- lentativea of the United Slate; in Cengrei assembled, twt third of both llnUKx concurring, That the following amendment to the Consti tution of the United States, be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, winch, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the States, shall be valid, to all in tents and purposes, as p.trt of tbe said Coorti- If no person voted for, according to tne Constitution, as Presidentof the UnitedStates, shall have a majority of the votes of the whole number of Electors, then the President of the United States, shall forthwith issue hi proc- lnmntinn. Mllinn- unon the Electors to con vene at ,on the day of thereafter, fur tbe purpose of chooainff President; tjiat the Electors, when so convened, shall choose, immeiLatelv. bv ballot, a Pre-iiiiMlt of. the be built, was again read and adopted wwr. j a . i n ... treaneaaaii, uec. n. The resolution submitted yesterday by Mr. Eaton, instructing an inquiry wnetner any, ana wnar, amendments are necessarv to an a.cc rptati tnDioo-i .. .....m. rr. - J -------- vvmx tuiiuat V V wi'iw vrar tuc anua-B vi ifuuuv I ..a . . t I tion of President and Vice President, landsintheSutesofMiourunnniiis,lndia4ia. wishea or eentlemen, lie was and winch declares the officer who shall act, in case those offices are both vacant. 1 was again read and adopted. Jnumlay, Uec. 18. Mr. King, of New-York, and Mr.' Ohio, Mississippi, Louisianna, and.Alaba-' induced On a consideration of the whole ' ma, designating: the yearly and total amount subject," td ' move that the bill be re- 1 1 paiu in irom eacu oi aaiu ; onueai ana now committed to the Committee On Pub '' much money has been obtained by the Gene. ir T.nnHa tnfK j . r t V 1 ral Government for tho re-payment of wluch t0 TOade 8 Prfect.a these funds or any of Uiem are pledged: also, P1; ,,e" '' . s ue House- concurred in tail motion. Macon, were added td the Select Com- the yearly and total amount in each of the mittee on the several amendments to the above named States, arisingfrom the three per . . j I amm . .......klA ... tU 1 .. i LIT . Constitution.. . I .h" - i p TT J I. . !l rl r"" U WIHU 1UUIB. U HV. IUtVO OCCO !- S e r j . . o - a 'wvv wt,aw vtuHHvt vtiuv luruv wr witnH wassT fifi'f nno nl i li atvI dcfnti Wai 1 1 aal. I ... . ting forth the injurious operation of the dnesdavJ jDec, 17. 14th section of the Act incorporating the j The resolution yesterday offetd by Ylanlr if thu TTnifnrl ltifuj an1 iia trlnn. I If.' 411 ' . C If .1 i . ..!! uuun w u.v.v. ii.b, r;iu6 nlr, Auen, wi jMaasBcuuseLts, caiiiiigon mat me same may ue nmenueu. tie Legislature of , North-Carolina, ferred to the Committee on the Judi ciary. i ?x ;v SENATE.- ,. .:--." -:. , 77turdayh Dec. 18. Mr. Love, . from the committee ' of V the Postmaster, General for certain de-1 claims, to whom was, referred the reso- ' tails ot his Department tor the last three lutioa instructin them to inquire into HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. - Monday, Dec. 15. After the presentation of about 30 petitions, the Speaker laid before the House a communication from the Secre- years, was called up, and agreed to. j the propriety of allowing the claims of d by I a detachment ot the militia of Jones The resolution yesterday offered M r. Hjinlcin rnllinrr for ' lial Ika la. rumfv fiii o a ir naa ' nA,mnA :M ...H faultcrs In the Land Offices of the Uni- j pressing, outrages of slaves Sec. in 1821, ted States, was taken up, and agreed to. reported aurestUution directing the Trea- ilie resolution yesterday ottered by I surer, comptroller and secretary to It Mr. Owen, calling for a statement of iauidate said claims. - tary of V ar, accompanied with a list of the amount and application of the two" . Mr. Love, from the same committee, licences granieu to inuianiraaers;aiso, per cent, and three per cent, tunds pay-1 to whom was relerred a resolution in Ins report tod tho claim ot Joseph Mar- able out of the sales of public lands, in favor of Sam. W. Vick, Sheriffof Nash. 1 11 i ' I . mmr I n il " r . . I a . .. . " snau. . ; -, - tne vv estern ana ooutnern states, was reported the same without amendment. - mi ww i I . a w .. I . . . . 9 l he toliowms resolution, onerea on taken on. and asreed to. ; ..: . I which was read the second tune and n Fiidav.bv Mr. Wcr. was taken un and I The House went into a committee of liected. ' ' agreed to. . the whole, Mr. Condictrin the chair, on I Mr. Hawkins, from the committee ar4 V' Revived, That the President of the United the bill, supplementary to an act.' an- pointed to conduct the 'ballotinsr for ' " OUCCl UU ITZUUC'SICU, w WJiiuaUlllavc .V viae I House a plan for the peace entablement .' .T iA- IT!i 1 a. a -A. . . .. . . I Amtit ad f A n A r WMnari1 1 nn trvt lha I iiraa n I r alattail rection ot errors ia making entries oi l land at the Land Offices." This bill enactsi That, where any mistake may have been made, or may hereafter be made, by any purchaser of the public lands, in designating the tract intended to be pur- Mr. Poinsett, submitted the following: lietolved. That the Committee on Naval Af fairs be instructed to inquire into the expedi ency of authorising the construction often ad ditional sloops ot war. f t ' ,Thi roanlntinn wna awrpd to. On motion of Mr.JUercer.it was Reioived, That the Committee on Naval Af fairs be instructed to inquire into the cipecu Mr. Peebles presented a bill concern-i- ing usuryi which was read the first time;' Mr. Graves; from the committee on J the militia laws,, to whom was referred X " a bill to amend the tm htia laws of thU TJUMo.-.. . . i . . . .. .. ... chased, such person may exhibit Lis, own affi- BUH! re?or.la Mme .without ;; davit, and such other evidence at may be in ainciiuiueui. : i ue um was read a se- I h!a nnirfr. ahpirinir the niiatake to the Rpiria-1 r.ond liiilA and rpiprtol " - -- - ': - ,'.. ter or Reviver of the thstrict inwhich Jie Mr. Hatch, of Wavne, fro the bal iSmenofS PT," "l6.:'! the Committee on Naval ,Tu STw for the ensuingyear; reported that WiL. , - : be instructed to inquire.iuto theexp. . . . tn. ,,: h I ham Davidson. Edmund JonM.Thnmaa.. of securintr in the medical department I ... . . U ... -.,,:, t a ntn. I W k. I Retolved, That Affairs ! diency i ol the Naw. uie.Denents oi proiessionai isai . . . :,: r.i,. t. . . . . . g W UUi VII IU CIUHIUWil V " mummm V. I and experience, by a due i spporUonmen Uthorized to cliange tho entry, andtranafer the pav of the sun-eons and their mates to the .. . , Um.- i,.. time of their actual service, and by requiring bee enteped jf unWd; but, if sold, to nv an examination, by Board of Physicians, ot I tnct hMe to entry. Providedt H ,h(ji au persona PFy ing .ww .-v. "... . be utiimad a mistake has been made. On motion of Mr. IVickliffest was Henolvedm Tliat the Committee on Public f jnda be instructed to inauire into the expe- tirncv of revivintr and continuintr in force the provisions ot tne act ot congress, cnuueo, au act for the relief of the purchasers ofthe Pub lic Lands, prior to tho 1st of July, iVM). Lacey, William Blackledge and pavid Gillespie Were duly elected.; ; H ? v.!;-:. : Friday, Deb. 19.. ' On motion of Mr. Harrell, the commit tee on the military lawa, were . instruct- I ! : i- . ! Mr.. Campbell, of Ohio, ottered the Jed to inquire into the expediency of so fnllnwino-. to ha added a. an L.inend-I.tn.ni;ni. kA i..... r .i ,:i ci.- ment to the bill M Provided, alto, That if a patent shall have issued for the .tract to erroneously entered, the patentee shall, by a deed duly executed, amending the militia laws of this State, as to prohibit free persons of color from I performing military dutyi and to report jby bill or otherwise. Agreed to. Mr. Shipman . presented a bill to au. theaame.M ' --' V'f :;4:' ' thorize tne administrators-of William , The question being then taken on the IStreety, fate Shenff of Bladen county, : Mr. Aflpn. of Tennessee, offered the bnqui.hto the United states! us right in following: ' .' ,f . mf a . I .uXmb aXto of Mr. Campbell, it-wa. to cUect the arrears of taxes due him; v . . , ... . t I . ..! in thtt . ft:rm.tl "A A l KV I Al r. I'Wll a It 1 1 1 tt l..iliml. Itnnl.H.;.. Post Oif.ces desijrnated mstriouting inuix taiireu iu m i iijitiiimi. juHjauuu in the several States and Territories; also, the The Committee then rose and report-1 F. Jackson, of Pasquotank county? Mr. duties required to be performed by deputy e(j m u amended 4 The ' House 1 Hul, of Franklin, a bill for the relief of Postmasters at such omces, witn tne reguia- concnrred in the amendment, (of Mr. Ifemale debtors; which bills tvere iA tions awnjsmj CamobelW and the bill was ordered to tha tint W.,,', to letters, c. oesuueu wrumww. l"""-J . a'A ft.- . v,;i- ...r. .... , n .,: . r kf - t a- i - 86, noes 52. " proceeded to the consideration of tha . Jliuriday,uec.iv. ; f Mr. Stewart, from the Committee on letters, I l?ntj. tinQt.muta. t The resolution fies one day, of course. - . i 1 Tuetdav, Dec. 16, n. roaiilntinn vrsterdar Ottered Dvl bi! for the relief of such persons as Lev :atne purchasers of the Cherokee landt,

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