Mi, I'Ot J t M di I lr.. U-Or rrr'tMr I a b..l ti "r- C.Vjo Ja..iX f r rift' T-:'e roa'1 'roa MrjirNn i j the 1-.M t, . a .1 ;Htya I niUv ' . line frr y. rwow oaun-i " a- - ..,,; u trad tbe tat time and T5.e reptiin frjjmpection f ,?tm in ISew U.ner 'fountv, e tfc fitxtaud sccunJ Unit aod re- "L.iJ rrjturs."t, iron the v f Mlf , im , of luj .1 county, wcond'ari 1 U4trd pasted, c'vl m dered to be enroll: avorof Wm.ii.'r r4 read e ,f r Tl. (u j-;,crit and empower the com;nivioncrs liJ.niiliGeld tolevjfaoj collect '! Viuo-i 'taxes, and far other! p-jrpoics, . h ri'il the second and, third times, pasiJ,nd ordered tube enrotl-1 ed. " ' '' v ' '." v ; The Spenxer laid mre the Hons a comtnurficnUua from the PaMic Treasa rer, made in pnrsajnee to a resolution of thi J loose of the 4th instant, reqtrir rin? " Utctnent of the several amount paUi ir.to the" Irrasiify, by the clerij of the Sbltrior and County Courts pur suant to the provisions of the act of 18t, ti promote agriculture and 'demestic nfanufacturesjp which was read . and referred to sehct committee, consls t'.h; of ,MesNa U4.Tje, .Alston, liar- raver and MTU&ii. y J . xOa Tnotionf ordered thai the -bill to amend and extend the provisions of the act topromotcagriculture ami family domestic manufactures within Ibis state, he referred to the same committee.4 Thebill. from tiie Senate for the benefit of John B- Whiteside and Thbm as Hughes, was' read the first timtj and passed. i-i-Y:' -' .:'' .-MmSranff f frhnT f!c c6m mlttec ' to lioin as referred the memorial f the society of Friends in Guilford, co'dhff, repoiU'd thaV iarthi. jvjinronf jua cointuiuee, u u noi exneuicui ia ei am 4he.i-j'er of the petition. ' Concurred J.t Mr StAaiTroift the Judiciary tomj inittee, to whom was reierret a.resoiu tion initrijctinK them to inquire w hether any alteration is necessary in the laws now in force on the subject, of selling rest estate oT deceased persons, bo as to provide that executors abd administra tors should be authorised to 'sell the anicts'yvhen tho situation of the estate should require it; reported, that, in the opinion of the Committee, ho alt eration js .necessary; andjraying to bodischar cd. from the: ; ful jher. consideration tbere'of... The.re'or was concurred in, i .Thebill to . anhorfee the, County ! uourf ot KOcmngaam io appoint sotno person to eollec;t ;the arrears of tales hie for, 1 82 CanJ .182, a Vead., the second and tliira times, and postponed '.indefinitely '; '' 'y r . -,1 ; - v ' The bill to altertlie present mode of clect inff 'Sheriffs, and ito'Vest the rijtht thereof iu the free people of the State, was read the first tinM.aml passed.; K- ?,' -'"..;,' .'f-h V Mr. Whitaker presented the petition of Ti tus J. Turner,' of Waket pmyinjjfqya Wilitary Land Warrant; which was read arid ordered to lieon the table?A4' j- f ;:C;-:;''' J;;, ' Air. Stanly, from the committee of Finance. to whom wai referred f resolution; directing ihem to inquire into" the expediency of provi- diiiff by law that two freeholders be associated with the Justice of the Peace In the valuation , of lands in each district subject to taxation, re- , ported tlat the Committee are of opinion that it is not expedient to make any1 alteration in - tnf existing; taw on tnat suoject; ana praying 6 be charged from the further consideWL- i tvTiT KiJ-- liken ttc bote of bcUt tS 1 fVi jn.weiil OUTk an 1 tt Wulu pjm.t ' eftmn.iorri to tiT cT tHr rt roi fmi J-,:.n llV v Abtotota Sovrnr ekl plcr, f fr xSt pnrrpotj, vcr rct4 th &ri tune a4 prJ. , It tul au'Jrijir.;tU erecto of b.-v'.f nver Nw cirrr in Atha coantr, ni rrxl t!i 9 keen.l tim aJ potfpoari iwknuiiely. The kit! 19 reduce Ge tttuSe of the 5t preine Court )u5fc iu read ttit McofHl ad liunt ttm-t uvd paM4. 0 the tccotvt reJ inp, Veaa fU, ' j) 41.4 Oo tM third, cai W, Kr.X 1"h bi1 to al'tr the frrwnt Trxvle of elcrV itn ?hcrifl', and to ct the rifht thcrrof in tbe frr peopl of th state, rn scad the coOad time, and poatpon I iftdc finitely i a, fys ao. i - ; FRIDAY MORNING, JAKVART 2, 1834. THE PEOPLE'S TICCET. Tlie. friends of llr. Cra)rd ini'tbe Legutiture of .this stpctly-ad-j benng to- the principles mhich govern the parhzani oiutat gentleman ia every art of the Union, tit. that of caucusing, or dictating to the people in the exercise of the elective, franchise, as regards the election of . President -of the United States, having held their meeting or Caucus on the 24th ultimo,' in the Se nate Chamber of the CapitolanJ nomi nated their favorite to th$ distinguished office alluded to, w. think proper to sUte.leit an incorrect infcrepccma be Jriwn, that another ticket mU .jnost FZ'&dyfa mifo out, in Which the Peo ple will exercise the 'Inestimable ppvi- lege oi-vunaing n acuna lor iiicni selves'.'' To this endi v uiidersVnd,a nomination of candidates for Electors of President anf Tice-Prcsidept of the United States will beshortlynade in icre, As b in iLe jt'c kirtrU," Tut dLn!'. vf lS Editor, r Ctir fneTiJ," tUt Cere wtrt spward f 103 Member 1 tf Aisnullr reBt. frietd!y te Uie e!ctiua f Mr. Craw- avrtiou Jul this been the cse, is X'lf re anj er.t Oat bellevts, for an iutant. Out U.rir iunie would not have been called oer and registered at t!e meetiuz? -Ve n4lertan4 tlat it is customary on such occasions to &ccr tain the number present. it pricj- ne cessary to have a majority o jive etTect to their proceedings. .JC; this wonld not answer. .-T! wpetel, ordisco veredby a t'aiuvj of thoTjif, that tin 'meeting consisted of a jntnorifyvt tne Legislature7; aol, laercrs, 'hejeast iM oir that bead the bel'rr: If it be true that there waa4najerity,of iht meuiWrs of the Legislature present, whjp not gitek us their natues? , ' This would decide the uestiott at once; and. ntil it be alone, whaiy' remain 'under ou prten Jmpressioni.' i v- 'Z -.-, " Other engagements', ll3( week, will Wot nermitour enlafEinir upon this'sufi- v i tr t'-Tin ! t - i rrr r tJt (rot th uUacnc ti rreococrtsl airanj. IS t!.o rror aKa3 kar fIkt t auke Cae ctvctxMt, t-Srn, ! not tt!l u 3 the prto4 imn K U.e aneavSr C Cwrmi. dmff iKa Rrpretestativcs the Ajm can pclc, to JftJiU a th q Jicabu avi en(a ot ue rrfpa aaaMUteiiicTe- M wj it aaat tlirf dupprjrt and wJl A eomlaA av UwrMMMul Cwtctu No- uatUit M rrri-Wt awl tc-FrFdeitt on th U. S. aad that the SetwMn ad Urprr- uurca ot mit atan ia congr tc rrjBrg to vm their In lueec to prevent the twoc. AnW That a eopjr of this r'rrambU and RetoiutHM b forth with traiumrttrd bf hit ExecUncy th Uoveraor to each of our Sena tor and Heprcseatative ia CongTt Extract of a tetter' te tb editor djt ' -Rxhroood, 11,11. By the next mail yoa may expect 'to hear something ifo:irmlIi!ary operation iu this quarter. The military are all ordered out, 'to rendezvous, some Imme diately at tlte depoti of anas in this city . .1 I.. 1.1 .L - 1 ... tJ uuiers vt hoiu tacmseivrs in ream-1 ncss at a moment's warning, tq repair to the old. barracks of the public guard, on! the iriogof thetarti guni to pertain which, sendee, when neeessarv, a detach ment of Captaiof Ju.thrford' 'artillery rotnpanj will occupy the capitol, or a convenient spot; adjacent. .Whit all this means I know not. but presume it is ' in consenvenra of mwni alarm rritil o . fBErAnjiTO.tT raorr.ssons:;:?. -" iatn. nSitFil,Mtw tkj MM&rr td ti tubMrikTr, a pturM t -Ulll4 Onulow jMMt, a ptM, U wlmj 0 , aabr POJ..U ahalt U M Ira, o af.l MiWr, ject; bt,v betore w, titte our leave oi bj vasl Dumbi:p of who hafe the Reguitr, we would ask its Editors been pouring into the city for some days why they have taken no notice, in their past, and thoae.who are yet expected in journal oi gi8J4uc inw.uiugi, vi a..-'-. , . , -,-- .a . J, , lf - -.- ,t V P, S 8 o'clock; The alarm x not the Governor Maugt to our Legi.U- t -dedij hmvl iost convr,efi ture oa the suSjectof - CAUCUSING? w,th an officer of one bf the reserve corn- Was it omitted tnerelv because its sen-' panies there was a meetinz of the offi- th tVipir own' cer of the different detachments called aoi bm lo at tkaU . t -7 a UiMiW Ja4 mor u t- , ftm - :, . . 1 a r a 4 wheal akU t, 19 ur lt for nivrinf, milk arclit, U T. irvrwlf 4 ihit UI . . - IWiuf Ihna rMtoeVI M Um tpl akariMtrr of lh JmrcUnM a4 4nlwlLa M)t ta ttroitH H" W Kir(ii, kc MhoL it t MUtrrxt f aut.J U am u 11m aekM rMa (ball at all ti fs t for irf4 vita aoiaptrt aura War W .fic ' ' Map for tH iMtrptMe Ol iliaairaling lh ra r (a, f tha cbMira - S. Ta trMt mna aoaoar tW pj iU tkatt We MnnU prahiWMd. ' . v . S. I ha KntOM and Ur ahan. Tmr lLa -t, V rrlat4 b those of th Uniwrait s4 ' No Ih-Uatnliaa. ', - ... r . r Z1. 'l pnc f tHilloai per seaaio wiTl Wc . vv -Mrn tUJart, p.wl ) 4Tmbr?. ' '' Parrata ami Uuardwat, wb vita tar fr-' thr iafnrnkauon. nalt.wi ilmiwR, W luraUa .'f. f le ! ilr rofir, eon.ii.rTT ." J aww dcuulvt aecovat af tb pnuvijtki mmi r tulattoatof Um Irtttiiutinti. " : Prineipat of lt (Utc,tB Aca tesar, - " "v Deeereber SJ, I J. . . , .3U', WISl actin of svrrnEssisa, and keeping the people tion therejf. The report was concurred to, Mr.IredelLfromthe select joint committee. to whom was referred the message of the Go- ivernorj'Wrth . ease. of Mr, i'mendinff the 'passage the respective electoral distric . ; soon as we ascertain the names df the candidates."We',siiaU ublisn them.V In the meaa 'timeV e understand, ? tliUt whoe ver shall be. placed W this Ticket, most be pieugea t? vote tora ttepuwican is President of the tfnited States sTb&' E&ora of'tho Jjegwer atfcear to be o&'endcd at our; giving the. title t CAUCUS to tiieHBeetin g heltt some nights ago in tjtis "city by Air CraW iora'8 menas. euxonies- inav we weie not a little surprized 'that the term CaCM,fnuia?i.naye giTen umnrage 10 these gentlemen; for it is well known that; they, have been the xealous ad 1 vo- catest of .116 measur&r-at least, since tt has been the favorjte ot Rlt.Vraw- ford's parlizans andi ''have inserted e very arucie in. aeir coiumiia- uiai was calculated to rendec it pala:table to tho public. They contend, that this meeting was not a Caucus,?. because tt was called publicly and; held openfy." We pre tend not to know much of the rules or tn.the dark respecting their rights? T - o . . Ami thfl nrv aa ver rrfinnml-Ji I Annr. inj mconuuciors oi a ire-: press, uu hgnd danrou,, ygelf. Thave conceiviug it to be their duty to inform also learnt that requisitions' for" arms Jieir patrons of every event ihat has from the country have beerv complied I...V tuir intPittita'yith, ' It U ushaI for Vast numbers, of and said ced attentively perused by all .tat. hniMini e aiwl S-inTlKl 1 1 TI Willi UaU MJljIV ,aiVi IVl(ttWliVM,w("'v i a --i i- - a, , - viVi.JL; .MAm. IwUncWl fate of tiie brave fccgd are ab- etiquette of Caucuses; but, from;, wha hthe ccnipanyiiigpttpers,onth's we have heard of themi we think this v Appleton, made a repoft tecom. meeting contest fairly under the appclla be passage of a resolution SUowmsri , , .. ' , , "i,"' . lrTAPpkton lttK)y doljaw; which resolnU m , WBi for it was held for the express pur." t'-.-a r ' " ,1 ' : r very secretly to-day information .was Jica? of was itfor the; purpose of fejJ 4. belief that -tne ing'tm concert with the Jiadical plan ....... contemplated a rising and gene ral massacre of ike ftAiea--tne particu lars are not allowed to be developed Some of the companies are under arms. r. T-V to be-in Richmond durig;tle poliUcal ,pnvIegelwo now lay tlye hoidi . BaUiniArt AmericnJ documentheforethemtfinthe prerf v.. ; v J ;- A injr pa'sre,') requestinK that it may be', 'J-JUurdfr iVi. Gibralur papers of the It 13 replete rvM . .... J .IIM'VI ... I, V .HUT VIEIUII, f IUIU tUtn. i .:: .. . .k.. til.:..". a. " . .u. OOCtnneS,' l"Kc,ir vl,c-uuuw,,,s ui respecuiijj iu the rights of the Peow, and his dispo-. Mtfnd, JVav. 5Don Rafael del Rjegos sltiontoguard-thius roadbf facUonr 1 -f.'' W JtoAipJaoe Of execution his property shall 'b--: ji ;s2.Vi Ltlflo.l tv.- suit ;Th?pHsoner was placed infoWflo (so. lentKHl o . net again iiuuviug uicauusnc and tage of this dcterin'iaation, f ndi like the aboot the 26tlt 0r.i27th; Optober and smallest species of thsSmtrte race, who 1 jat when summoned tor t. attend the . ,i - : ... vt- t,rlfMJj tribunal of the ; Alcalde, 'he re- barvmtUh ut;of J5 tBrRei a decide.. wfufal Hiscondem seized upon every opportunity of insult-, natjott produced, a great sensation in ins us with their vPWiosinsaHsijrht the hearts of all intelligent -.Spaniards: of decorum" anil Veracity. We should htit, as usual, the descamiwdos joined hot liaVo condescended to notice them w " . J f" , i, .. . . V , , i r , fawned upon the men who 4cased the in ; rcc,linS,:art)cle' haf "Pmiserics of ir countryiiand on the conceived it l dut;we owejl "i our death Of Uiego, their cry off Zonr readert and he cause of. trutn; as' cbn' the abtoluf Jung , filled tWait! Kie doctors ot a publicNournal, Ho Jetect vocate in i vain eiyleavored to pro- . ' ' . - . re for nim a trial 4y a military cont and expose .their; attempts' to mislead is!ltoni , tw fnr whirh Frdi- ahd impose upon thepublic. Vwpuld naruj anj t'rta Cofernal inquisitorial tribe' . adyise thf Bditora; fi5 th'ifwa aatkes ..had determined he should sufler;- waa j ' ', ' ii ..it. . . A' nMt!pr mVwp nnr Ipsa than tlmt hn'hnd to . cnange meir coursef wior,' uiey M,nj I t ii V ". "e r ... .. :i :.i :u ii voted, Whilst a representative of the people in the;, Cortes,' for the removal of Ins most' ' Christian' Majesty to Ca- Nt . Patriot. A IMSfUftl' JVVi)e4ei-6. This day at noon the ortfi- scurrilous pfimfppics of iXkRalcigh pumsamcmoi nanginff was mn.ctea on tgistcn. Its editors have taken advan It appears that Uiego was arraiffned rest assured, it will neither promote th cause of their avorite; or add to their character as journausw, v i;'-vf J .i -The tilt dieting geological and imnera-1 . -.v. V' r- Our Genera! Assembly ; adjourned, Vglcal survey , be-made of this State, was Electors as were favorable to the elec-; ' roinj' :after a'aea- "ua U.e secend time, and, on motion of Mr. tion of acertainSndividual, thereby die, j rs tV "4rre2iTKV postponed indennitely. V; . t; . .. 4rLsJ. u" .Km-K.l,ti.1l1 10a f 46 da3'' 5 ur .V5Xt-B"er J Mr. U.LXc.If.om.he Select coUWe, to to- he .peoplewhon i they 4 -ghal whom was Kkrffcd the bill to amend.hnd. ev elect, and, measurably; wresting from . , ; P- , . r iil 41 j tend tie -provisions of aa'afcto promote siini- 'i.: .1:1' Vi ..';! 1'. u: ceetliugSr and a list of iihe Acta ; and 'I j; culture and family I turned the bill, re irni" domestic ntanulUctUres, re- ecomrnending airnrftMBiUioenl I to strike ut tlic whole, except the worxiv t I bill,", and subatitistin,- itv- lieu thereof the'V ,f tnendment supple mcju l to the act of last ses. .sioi, tofrtroroote agriculture sn.l family ; do W mestW Manufacture. Tho report was eon f cqrre A in, and thif b " ss nthemled, read tlw . first time and pass. ,r ,' t f 'i - Tbe bilMo aaieud U t oflSOS,' fpf-tl4 I ; fiota uniform ind coin l nt admiiiistration 1 foi j(ticcjthin"1;'' State, j i-ead the third , tiiue'ciidjOniTio., ol'"'v. JUiker. Jostponcd e:jnutfinttely.--Ye T Kays-39. n-,'T' y , ,5 The' biii o jiig ihe RoanoJca NavigaJ jf,..tiou.Comptiny va read the thiri tinie, passed, and wdewd o b .rollod.-'' 7 '"! v ' .'" rl'hcbiUto i , ihc.v.a the KMnff -of a toll itidgo over 1;.kihiL9 rl-'r t the to f tJuli; and to in .-orpoj at,. aenipany tor t....t wns re:ul the t'a'j-d tisc-passed, and ,-!-c enrolled-,"'' .TA?fc. .t'Ti Li"," ii-oirtnb. Senate, t alter V. iii.mc3 k-. I 1 .t. uat.e johh Hunt and' other. ? foSteaa'Ukc ; rt time and passed, .1.' v , .'rt.t ..... '.i A .L... .if ' . inc. 0111, TToni tris.6eoa.VCi. concerning vi Cape Fear Navigation "Company, was read the first, second anil Vl'rd time passed, and or dered, to be emoiicif. : VV- T;.,iT K ' ' j Tin. ' Kilt In awt.tKlicU a CunoMn, Prwil tf iijkw. anu t.quicy in ljnviuson.cotiniy, ana, iu 'alttf the tirue of holdincr the Superior and ''County Courts of Guilfoi lj llockingham and JUaswelLtlic Superior Cirtot St( k 1. nndtiie County Courts of Person, v. : re'J me Kecoud 'aiifl third tijr;3, passed r 1 oi dered to bo en- ( - On motion of.ilr.-tiv ie,;, '"-,,' -';.;' v -i--.'.-rt-.7.,:ibrt tie l'uMic Treasurer pVy ' dollars, for e of the tve ii .. ' , Treasurer lift's 0-1 f? 7." T" V tiieyvere incapablgi of making a select-' tion themseives', arid unworfhjf of being entrusted with crivijege, hich'sthe ilaws oft! i land have ttpressvuar.in; tvpci to titem lias a.uaucua at v n?n--or the pretensions ot, igton e yr one fartlier? t it makers T the VWsuyThe in dit.' ,. .: New AdveTtsemtuts." IlUti p;h;Acadein)v , j. wji ui 44; iters v ntMAr nuutM row utlic at lllih. . H. ... W, - -WMM. Will. M BUI U haw out of the olno kfTor lit let April it, - - -k aetit la tU iicnaral foat VJlfiaa. aa dcal Ut ters.". - --v, .1 CaAhtrio AVcroathr,' Franc U Aadrewa. . . jotiiua AiKBjp Aaaoo Allen, W m, Amoa, . Cal Alford. Wsa. Allea. Mus AlWo. inn. Al. lea, ciaa AraaiHcurvat aikmbj, nitholas A ' if-Jno. J. Brlre-O no. Broad well, Geo. Bar by, TUos Uojkia, Wtbb Bell, Mark lUrk.r. Johaftw Uutbea , Mar W firysn, Ja Hube. M Brlgatlier Gxrl 1"U Brigade, Jno. Urgiuk " Wm.-Q. Uowert. Kobt. Burton, Chariot Aeo . ' omvii JIM. DUOtia. n ; v; A . ,,1 U Lewis Uarpeater, Kiehanf Croora. Jan,! s1 4imle 3, S.m'l Chaoa 3, Jas U t :uk , Clary - '.' A.Cherii, Willi Carpenter, EliiaCrobt. Jno. " ! , Cratiiihnn. Chi. CnoliB. Iju U. fv.mi. ' . J as. Chapman, Jno, Oil ton. ,,'"f . . n . I. 1 : 1 1.. a 1 . .11 . r u .... . . , ay l)ect), J110 Drake, Mr. Uvien, Josiah Oil ' r lianl, It I . Itanlel, IM rn'il Umtley, Uxtj Daris. ' A'. Kaekiel Jna Ev,t. ; : , . -. , r . V- r Mrs, a on 1 aiconer, bun u. Fort, kin .-' : chen rvemnn, A"e r reeroan 8, tdw'U rtaiul- ' v gin, W m. Fottfr, Jot. T, Fowler. ( , ' - ' Jainer Uillet. - , '' - .":'-- . Aquilla HubbsrU, Lewis ITopson, Uoger i IUoaock, Witt. Jienry, Jno. Hall, Itev. Henry v .i..i i.oi.lt. a tt .... tl lj IHII, Jtich'd ' Hinds, Sherwood House, Julia. Benj. Holding, Juo. W. Hill,Joiih It. Hick., iiuu niu iiiniunv or Kisra lianas ' MarT Itv. Naih't Jonei irl.lle Hmk t Weley Jonea, David Junes Brey Joue, Allen Jones, F.ibeWrrd Jones. t(S Jeft'. cvi 8. Did ' Jmlil'p. ir . VVf Jntllium. Jim Jnl.r,.nn ' .!'- . . Johnston,- Jat U Johnston. Atary JarreL. .1 ' .:,' " - A Ma7 Keunon,-' Wiu Kcnuon. Francis '.' r j 1 r ii..r . ii n n i ..i i . M . ' - lmiiuuui, n w a uicannri X, Ann W Lane, J H Lueas, Wnv Lyon, lsaaa Lane. Michnel Lune, Cathsrine Lorr. ' f . " j , JM Colin Al'Ur. VVm H M.. 1.. II Alistcr, I'olly M'Gehee, Wn M 'Cullers, F 6 Msrsliall Mark Moon, Met T D Mason, Fd of f ...iiicr, ii.wn iicm, jut .u uoweil, .310KS ; . A. ii ... . '.. . r tCeo Naaoe, Dolly Korri . v' : Martin Overly ' ' :'-f;' . ' J--jf ' l)n'l Farhuro, Sam I Peake.Thos prie . ' . i ir .ii.. U..I...U. .. .. ; . l. i . i . , u Nimrod KaKsdule. David Ruth 2. Jm n known. ' Abraham HulRn. Hartsell ItrrTr. Rnlun4 11 inos noneion, uaniei u itencoer. ciiarlea - ., ii.. i.. R..kkU i . .'v i .,. ....;-'' 'o-ruunxu ouuiiii. -unn oi.ido. junn searbn. rough, Jat Sweeny, Jno L Scott, Win Sug, D. jX Salmon, Elisabeth Ship, Brry D S Barbara, Smith, It O Smith, Elizabeth Sorrell, I. V mill. . I. .. . : .. i, . i . ., . 4.IUI 0UB&I I 0Ulll. I uw 0HIl, lUUK Scott, tUizabelh Stanlr. Kliia Smith. Jehu Shea- ron, Redding Slmms, Hebcoca Sutherland, Jno Singleton,, uarruon omiin. - it- ., J i hiiitf j Hiyraan ylia Thomas. i t ClsryUpclmrth. ? , . . , ff r Jsoob Vann, Hani Terser, ; r-rWm Woodville, I, ooretla Wallace, Silas i Webb.newton WooH. Abelias Webb. Jno IVii. liams S. Naih't WhiUow. JpS Wilson 3,K,l,ibti(t wara, i iiqs nirauon, wra wombie, ttebeaca I -Williams. t'J'.Ji r-rBnul Yates, John W Toong.' ' v; ' j r Persons selling for . the above Letters.' ill - sar that tney ara aavertiseo. as the rtav not o- ' i iter i. if rut wm. r .. , i .. . .. . .. n .,. i n ouitii ii i.' .i .- ' . .. ..... !v . J 1. . U Jll II- . . IVI. Raleigh, Jan V. 1824 1.3w . ' not by wlia tmwer'tliis iisurpatroti; of power is called- its effects are thasafn and ve tlcnbt not that "tiie feople will uo kwake to th"e tnoti4e's or those who Toorate it to themselves, ai.i sbaw tie.. ..idigfiatWn' at such an encroach irient on ihe'if iibcrties n a spirited knd becoming mannc-V !; Ti J;'- i' TiiMer,tvoriut than' . friends ofMi, Crawford attended; a n in its face itt ewn refuiiitioiifor j Jt. la bepresMmetlithat-any- odiers w,ould have gdne fo'ih meeting, - when the friends bf Mr. Crawford only were' inVited3.i,Woutd jtotll such have been conidereil atttrtfeat asntrttaersr,-: is true that there tverefmanTin, thojl., - .' by r ford bu considcitit voted, or ci r.eeiin;. anu, tu a T jT '. ' m ' opposeto Jir. rajv cKhetvtuoil what is the .Senate, qor Ti'Tcd with.the a ii r, could po lioardntintia nnspil thi nf Rftinn - j . s.'-':,K' ;. '' '-': '.'- " ' ! , We enclose ia tRis 'daja paper, at the . request of one of our"respectablev pat rons ia" tliis city; f'pampile,f,' An favor Gen. Jackson, to able argument it contains1 against, the Ctttitus system, m popular Vith the frjlepds of Mr, Craw5 ford (and, with veryfevif esceptions, Ms Jrietfds www).', in every gee tiortof the Lnion; cannot tail tq aiTcst the reader's '.f-'''....,"e ...... . " ,'-:'... . f-. Congressional w.-Tlie folloyr' ing VreamWe and Resolutions fyave( been adopted in both branchesof the Legisla ture ot Maryland by an ovjerwaelming tnajoritj?'?;'- ' ; The1 LeeisUturc of Miry land wiH view with concern any attempt to control the election of President and Vice-President of Uie U. 8. by means of Congressional Caucus, ( 4;' ;? f ; v .The Constitution of the V 9. bsi assigned to tiongTcss certain i ights and duties in regard to tliat election, concerning the performance of which at the proper time, anal in he pro- pP phmej it is ttnwisa ild injudicious fof mcmbei-s of Congress previously to pledge or cfii)un:t themselves. ' t "' v-. y- -ff . V T'i the 'people the 'same inftrument has as .gned other nghu atict tuitietwrnciiine Jfc. gutlahire of Maryland Re lieve Uiey are per f.xtly competent to' perform Without he a- geucy. pi iy tnuunat mn speoi wofiy uuior IJtOIl the Vefy txtnive patronage vnih which this school hjtt been favnrcd, the : aubavriber ia sincerely grateful. Mlewitl Will continue tola, bor failht'ully in the instruction of those who tuSy be committed tn hia uari. .-! . - ".., . . . . Ine exereiKS wilt Ire ' resumed on the first Monday in January. . " v , Itiltsboro; 0(v'SS..isg3 4j, ; y Mv . " Oxtbr4 Male Acatlemy. a .'TllB esercUcs in "'this institution.' will be reiu a ,m.J.iui lt..i A ... I. .r t ' . - 1HH VU UI. Hin M.tfU.IHJ ft HtlHIJ .DCAl, under ' the 'sonerititeodence of ' M e. Mantes l. Johnson The acknowledged abilily of the sopVr intendent, the theaimcia of hoard and tuition. and the heallhfulneaaof the place, it a believed, vnuiiv iiii, mutiumtj ft? m niga ucgren oi puuiio, patronage.-:. j. , -: ' :,. p';'J Dee. 19, 1833. . .-7 i: . v.t-2w. Valuable PropertjFcjr Sale. i UK Snbacriber, desirous of moving Higher op the country, will sell, on the most liberal terms, his poueasions In the towrt of Smithfield, eonsisling ol' eight hal f acre lots of ground, join ing, making an entire square of four acres, situa- t "O- in the most elevated and pleaaanf part of town. , 1 be tats are haoosomely improveil: On hem ara a well built convenient dwelling house and ofliae house, on. the corner of Ihe lots, with two rooms, kitchen, wealhouse, atablea, todili r house, with other neceasary building! Ui yard and garden elegantly fenced in with cypress pwt and railings, with pales of heart bind, ( painted; 1 the yard and street in front- is handsomely set with, tooust and poplara; the garden in a high slate of imprnveinonti ibo lots are of the richest soil, ami will yield support for a small family. These is on tne tou spring oi excellent water, eo&sid. ered one of the beat ut the: eauntr. . - .-. . medicul'centlemanwith , family, who nukl hi himself iermaneBtly ml advantageoua Ir in ne of the best stands for bnsineas in the Stale, might find it to his interest lo call and see me.' '. ' I -.i?' ;. - . ' .'JOUNT. rVTEARflAlN. . fimiihScld, D. 40, 1I-M.;',., ;," 3 ' s. ' Nort!iafnplonCountv. woufi oi i leas ana- quarter fiessious tJ -'1. . - ' WWVIBW, Villi, U..'f. .'. John T Vugh, llethy Vaughit) and Etittf Bj-.',. , Branch, by hor guardian 'I hoiuav t'eete, vr. '' the heirs and deviates of Thomas Vaughn, dt ceaseu peuuon lor pariiyon ot lands ,t ... IT Sppearlng t th satisruc'lim of the Conrt fhllf H.nfV It. Vinirhn. William Vuiiii'Iih. . James Vaughn, Uenjamitv Vaughn', and the heira or 1 nomas 'Vauctm. oeeeas'.'d, lilie vnunccr.) , and grsnilehiUreu of the-attid I horoap VatigUn, t doetaacd. defcniluntj menlionel in thvietiiion. are not residents of . this stater it is theref ore or- dercd by the Court, that puhliontinn be made in the star and North-tarolina liazette fur hvn . weeks sucoeiiivclT. for tlte defendants to nnpear at the aett Court of Pleas and Quarter Session ' to be held for the countv of Northltnpton, oti . . . . ... . . . ...... . .. manrst momuv in marennext, men anil tlien : db taaen nra ccNiiesso ua 10 litem, lni nearu e pnnfi ? j.' -..-.' . . -' ..... .-.-.ins,;-. Witness. John' W. Harrison. Clerk of said . Court, at Office, the first Mnnday of December, '; a. 11. iz:i. anil In iifn axih nr ill iml.. , pendente of said state.' ' ' "v. '4' - JOHN w. HARRISON', C. C,C , 1 -3 w price adv. g3. -v ,'. Stolen. IJtROW the Subscriber's shop, on theCOlh nit V " dmible ease Gold Talent Uvcr WA't CH, -with a fine Gold Chain. Seal and Rev, The out' " aide eaae tt the watch la ehud. it hua a mitil dial, two pairs extra jewel, detached'scapment,' ' made by Joseph Johnson, Liverpool, and No), - 0i- All ....l.m.,l.. j u... ... ...r..:... a . . " . .... .-. w .... " , ,. mat 11 any walcli 01 the above tirsciiution aliou M - L . Q 1 r 1 ... ... ,. w.i 1..,' m.v, .I 1 CJ.JIII , itf mri 11, aiiiii .iiuulU the watch and lliief he dclretpd. a rruaril id'.' twenty -five.di.IUrs will ba'givenr togellitr with '" the sincere thanks of V' " ' -.r , .""."''-- JdilN T. 3AVAr.H. ' Raleigh, k'l, 182 W r, V i 1-4 , ",-.-, note be considered ,as attached ttr. it yt.-K v, ;.; ::'i:'.v ;s;-;'..'