: IlALEIGII, (N. C.) FKIDAT, JANUARY S), 1824. vt. xv Tin: sr.vif,. . ! Jti.VjrfA-r --! Gaxttfe,' .bell & LAyni:scE. mi?jU llirr tS.lt.wi per amnaN p ")wr li br ntmt wHhmnl at le &l it) il paid ia alYur o piper liout. tat at 9 upt . T tbt Kilitort.mkM ll nvp r 4hl..,l Jrtiictnoi. not eiciiaf 6 , tr liiirt,Sntrtel tld-rc uinrafor one 4 ilar, ' .i) lntj-fit on" ' r ricli ciHitinoMvc. AIMtlUn to Uac e.lui,i null W poM-iid. Enaciel by thf Legislature of AorlA Caritina, at U tatian m 1523. . 5 public acts. , 1 To rfulate the practice ia the se veral. Court of E'jtty.. ia this State. Making -;it the duty of the Court of Equity to direct the trial of such issues as may appear necessary, according to ilia rule in Chancery . t j, 2. Repealing the act of 1822, to en courage the apprehension, of runaway slave m the Great Dismal Swamp; - . ,3.' To repeal. in part," the 4ta eQ6ou tf the "act of 4306,-entitled an act to revise the militia laws of this state re lathf to the artillery companies of light jnfkatry, grenadiers and riflemen. Re duces the fines incurred by artillerists to the sumo grade with those ojf grena dier and riflemen, , ' ;. r 4. To secure the nghta cf landlords against tenants holding over, after the expiration of their- terms., rVVher a landlord gives his tenant legal noticcof the expiration of iiis term, the tenant is prevented from pleading' to IiU suit of ejectment.j . -- ; , , I 5. To re ulate tlie practice' 104 the several uomu 01 jwjuuj iu mis iaie, 1: 6. To amend' the act.of-1819, enti tled an act relative to the apprehension of runaway' slaves. Allowing the per son apprehending' a runaway in the county wnere tne -owner resides,, a re Ward of three; dollars V '.;... '. - K . 7: Concerning the public lands in Haywood county This act makes it ' 1 - - It- . (XV . : - u . an inuicmute wuciivn ii;bi. m remuve timber fHO,:o? cultivating said land. ' Amerfdinsthe act of 1808, to pro- Tide for children burn, nT the niaking f of their parents7 will hei'S 110 peti- ioa iHe"prjirr vjf nu within twa vear alter the. probate, m will, the "executor, executrix &r admipis- trator, before the legacy i paid, i3 to call upon the iegatccs, devisees,' &c, to litigate their respective clahau. . In case t!ic. child shall have no;'ieuardian,!,the I Court is -to appoWt a special guardian. i 9.' To amend, tne act 01 ex- I cmpting vessels . under1 sixty, tons bur- paying pilotage; ; fSuch excinption ot to extend to 'vessels of more thin fifty Lton9 burden; and vessels , entering the river for the purpose of making a har bor, &c to pay pilotage. t. " . ' , . 10.' Directing in what manner the lawsf our sister states shall be re ce"ived in evidence in this state. ("This net akes it lawful for, either -party to Srodnce a la ; of anotJier state in evi ence. which shall be drawn olf by the Secretary of our State, certified by his band and seai.'witnine seai oi ariii 'Carolina attached:l A --iV.- 11.; 10 amend the act 01 1777, ;or- jfppoi'ntinff iheriftsrahd directing their dutv in ob.ee. and for bbliafms the late sheriffs and oilector&in artears to.c- count for and pay thelame.-F lhe seve ral County CbuKs to require a. bond, ivith two or nioreecai'ities in the pe mi sum - of 10.000 dollars, from the Sheriffs w ho shall t hereafter be ap nointed.1 :;'A&- ; 15.' fesikctins the reservations of certain Indians in ' the lands : lately ac- rjuir9d by treaty from the Cherokce.na iioil. r'l'he Gove 1 . r to appoint two CQtriai8.sioner3Vwlir are to inquire into Ihe; 4ittes"; pf lands claimed bj tlii.Iu uiatis; to contract ' loiv tiic'puichase ol the f auic; aitd tj report o tlie next C5e ncral Assembi;:. '''.' '; ' ;v 13. Critcrning tlic Univepity of N. CariinC Troiiibiting - liorse- racing, Vock-fightfngiDelecticua.,forjinem hers ot Congress and Assembly in the X.ciflity 'of tie Uoivei slty.J T 14. Authorising the payment of tnp: lievto Clerks ;of Court of ttef ord ill i ei tain cases. "Provides t! tat defendants may pay mrney to the uierss, although no executioii ir,ay have been issued. 15. ForJ. tiielf lief ftf such persons as became purcWfirs of the'Ch'crokee lands sold under thV4authority Af this ftate. " A ftay of proceedings given to those who purchased in ,1820 Andl82i,1intil the lstof October, 1824. Trea eurer' authorised to receive from pur chasers one eiglitli part pf their instal ments, and to postpone the remaining par.s of such instalments for 12 months. - 16. Extending the time for registra tion of .grant, mesne conveyances, power ol attorney, bills of sale," and deeds of Lilt." . 1 7. Fvepealing the 4 Itlji section of acUof 171J, concerning servauta am! staves. 18. Repeal;?ig part of'the I0tb lec- tioa 01 the act U 17, UkcU gives to the warden of the poor of any county io this State, rr iheief the poor of fc-ij county, kit ur, pitr or turpentine tLat may be condemned in said county. . 1?,' To faciliuto tlie navigation ef Nue "river. fErapowrs the County Courts of the scleral counties throngn which the river runs to appoint over seers to work on the rive r.l 0.' Amending the act of 1803, rcgji latin; Cescents. (This act provides that no inheritance sltall descend to any per son as heir of the person last Keited, un less sQcn iierson be in life at the death of the person lat seized, or shall ei born within 10 month atler such death. SI. Uoncernmz the Caue rear ravi- jatioa Com pan v. f Authorises the Board I of Internal Improvement to subscribe I 2J.000 dollars on behalf of the S?ate.l J at. securing io me wiuuws i laies-1 ST ' I . I tatesthe Bumluof the Dersunal estate I of their deceased husbauds. where no I ainared claim the same. . v 1 ' 23. Amendin? the act of last session, to provide a revenue for the payment of the Civil List and contingent charsres I of government, r . I f.24. Explaining the sectnd section of uie act oi -aauy. to, revise ine muiua laws of this State, rclati veto infantry. uecianns tne Dunisnmeiii oi per toi sons of color in certain cases&fJPersonsj ot coior, malting an assault, witn intent to commit a rape, shall suffer death without benetit of clergy .1 , v 26. Authorising1 tha Issuing of Treasury I notes, j. 10 tne amount ot luu.uuu aouars.j T7 ' amonfllntf .nil .vnli! ni n ir th. fth 9t. tion of'the act 1814, fof the more perfect Jrr..:.f.i.h.o.. J f, vides that no free persons of color sliaL be en- rolled, except as miisitf'ians. 1 :v 'p. 28. Amending the miLtia laws of this State sUtive tcavau-v. Nocavalry officer to be rirr? relative fnmmidaiiir fjni K k. Mri-ii. nni in wi,. brigade thev reside, that there are four coin- paniesof troops. i J . I 29.' Amendihjrthe several sets of Assembly act of . last session, entitled an act sup-respectin-r weijhto and measures. Only - tea- pe,nental to Si act; passed at the pre- uers ana aeaier? Dy proiess.on io nave tae.r weierhta and measures re-stitrrioed.! : u II - t,i .i:..P-i- il r female debtor whatever to h imtiitBnedJr 31.' AuthonsinrUie distribution of the to- I nave ine muxia wa con,pliecupr.na, snatvVillialcW amnouieu anions uie vmcera ui me several regiineiits 7-f j.;-..A.lF I ,32. .Amending the Jawf making provision tor widows. . j he widow ot any person dying I intestate, to retain tor her support, m addition bylaw, to the articles" already allowed her one bed and bed Furniture, And clothing family domestic manufactuie, all kitchefuj- niture, loom, bureaux, wheel and cards. I 33, Appointing commissioners to lay oft"! the state road from John Lyle to Absalom 34.-DIrecUnff a sreoloarical and m'meraloin-1 wers .01a Diace. ana tor otner nurooses. 1 mi is. T.i.. i.t. . ; Ua 35 Authorising Certain limitations of slaves by deed or writing. ( Fronde that every deed or writfrig tor a slave, which, d contained in S last will or testament, would be ettectual, shall be a Cood limitation in the remainder of 1 i.K.u-f . - sucnsiave.j , ' from Huntsville, in Surry, to the Virginia! , Tn i-onnir nnTimnivuro tli mad Ip.rlino- une, oy me way oivap v-ivm,. s,, . .v.u..c.,u., wi r.v...-..i of the act of last session, to promote Agneul-1 ture and family domestic manufactures witlun 1 " -"- v L I , PRIVATE ACTS. ! l.; An act to repeal the act of 1821, altering the time of holding one of the ounty-jVOur1,;1" jperue V ."2. For the better regulation of elec tions in Guilford county. : For, the relief of iid ward Owen, of Person county J r.-v ' ,"..r;.r?.! - A - II ..i . 4 t Uestorin2 Michael , Rymer.j of Rowan countji tocretlit. w-'f' 5. To emancipate Sally Zunmerman, a" slave belonging to tlie estate of An- drew s Caldcleutli. deceased. v late. oftoiemlatetht patrol - of Richmond Rowan county. - " .. -:-.- . .. .... . - . o. laraiier tne times oi uoiuing t:ie County Courts of Tyrrell -county. f 7i Incorporating the Irusteesot ber - tie ;Union; Academy. ' .' 8 i. To repeal the act of 1821, entitled r ct to alter thetimeofolding two of an the Countv Courts of Burke county, r Making compensation to jurors of tiu papenor ami vounty uourts oi Tyrrell coudty 10. To amend the act of 1822, enti tied an act supplemental to an act, passed m 1784, entitled : an act to ap piiin't commissioners and to establish tne town pf Mor2antQn.'y..'yjw l'S-.;'- -s'r ' iCll.jFor the better regulation of tjie county to appropriate .the county mo town of Sta tcsville. : aies;:':;:, 12." To incorporate the, Sandy Creek 13. For the better regulation of elec tions in Guilford county. r f ) ' 14. Conccrnirig the commissioners of the town if Greenville. a : ( y; . . - 15 Repealing the act f. 1822," enti tled an act diroctingthc tiWand place of sellins lands and slaves under execu tion, so far as relates to the counties of Perquinions, Pasquotank. -Randolph, Brunswick. Sampson, and Camden. , i -Ifv To amend the act of 1822, enti (tied an act making- compensation to 1 juiors of tlte Superior and Com the ntv Coails cf Moore, Carteret ad Brtie, aa so Tar as use saa.e rvutes to loore, county., - , . 17. Iipea!iP- t.e act u iis, enu-1 tied "an act q riemeaui to aa aci.1 rasd at the 1 u csian, entitled an act to allow ct rvi-wion to constables idtrtny. ' , in thp. counties ! Warren, Northanip-1 ton and lirunuck," so lor as relates I to the county of Awe. . ' v . lout 13. Fr tlie Uttertr tion l we town of Windsor! 15k Incorporating JlergintonAcade- mv '; -- -' - - , 20. To amend the act to extend and 53. To alter the names of Charles A improve thelwo madl leading fnira I Williams and others, and to kiitiutate Wilkesboroush to tie Tennessee line, 1 so fa as -respfct he appointment dj commissioners. f , ; lounry courts nt Buncomuc. and . . 21. .Aulhoruuns Inomas Love, off Haywood county, to remove off a cer- of tain buildinz erected on the 400 acres of puuuc iaau in ine oueroKec pun.usc. 1. 1 1 .1 Al i. . I. nan 22. 'Exerentin: certain citizens in Tyrrell county frrnn public duty - ia ada a part or uurnrucs coun- tv to Hvde county. - ! : f v - . - 24. Uegulating the County Courts of llichmond. county. . 23. Amending the act of last session, entitled "an .act supplemental . to n aci, passea at me present uenerai seinbly, entitled. 'an act for the division lwjwau county. . xu. ror tne renci oi joruan uenson, late sheriff of Franklin. 2f. To legitimate and alter tlie name of Sally Smith, of Stokes county. ; 28.- lo alter, the name ot Joseph ocott, and. to legitimate hi:n. ... 29. Amending the act of 1816, re-1 spectini the .Academy and town. of ' Smitlmlle. ,-, - u su Authorising the makjngofa turn- pike road from Ashville.vby the Wann Springs, to the Tennessee line, and jn- corporatins.mpanT for that purpose, twiwauns a oompaii v lor uui purpuse. " 31.' Incorporating Charity Lode. v . 32. Auiealing the 4th section of the - nt nfi,lpMi Afcs(,mt;. pnt uA -f.t . .. v : ; : tor the div isioo ot i&owaii countv. : ' .53, Incorporatingkl Oreensborough Lodtre.No 76 Legitimating Emmery Pcazer; ' o i j i . a .i . ? SSSuppleroental, to the act of this session, incorporating Morganton Aca uem v, st. Concerning tlie tluty of ferrymen across 1 the Albemarle Sound and its , . ' , ' " : "j V ::V --auiBuuiug 111c act ui 101,' tor 1 the better protection of the health of the I inhabitants of Sinithville, and its "yi- .;'- , -s, . ' -oVl-i-.ifj a' i .e . jV JO- vepeaiinc tuc act r ,ioax ui recting the tinie and place, of selling lands and slaves under execution; so far as respecte tl counties of Washington flnri Kw.irnnv.. "-.u'S.-t-''-. I n m t oy. a v, auer ine names oi wmxti h4. n.: n ( ti..w. ; j c menu, xrailici i . 1J1CHCI,; auu IHUiard Brefwer. of Martin county and 'iio legitimate mem. i tu. . io ' estamisn ana .' incorporate t .k-' a . . y,. .. :. " ... I ...... . i. . . . . , in Mecklenburg connty. l t :i-,;;'Jlers. in Davidson county. 42. Altering tbe jnode of electing tnf-1 litia otticers in Uates county. ' 43. To legitimate James, Milley, and Unice .Smith, and for other purposes. 44. lo prevent persons trom. tailing timber into the j ennessee river, or Su gartown Fork thereof,' within flay wood county.' .- '" r- 'f 1 ' 45 oecunngto .Tsally Hampton, of J Stokes1 county, such' property as she may hereafter acquire. 5 i1" : ; , 46. Repealing the act of last session, j county.? ' I 1 h( . ivepeaung tne act ui 1010, enti- I tied an act to repeal the first section of J lthe 2utn chapter ot the acts ot lyi, so j far as relates to the counties of Robeson, I Columbus,' Ashe, Richmond, Moore, Duplin, Carteret,' and Johnston, so far as the same'relates tcv the'counties of Robeson and Richmond. f v- j ib. juivorcing r-uzaoetn tviiKins, oi I Burke county j trom her husband,, Wm. Wilkins. i ' : ! . , . 49 Restoring to credit Jolin Clewis.l of Brunswick county,' ' ' 1 ' 50.' Authorisini a dertain iu'mber, of the justices of the peace of Brunswick 51. -Appointing commissioners for the tter regulation of Llizabethtown. 52. To alter the names . and lesiti mate Sally Ann'-Woolard and Emeline v ooiard. 53,;Aathorising the Coniity Court Robeson to appoint a committee of Fi - i:ar.ce, '" " ; '. . .". '.;; 0. Amenuinar me act 01 iai to compel the clerks cf the Superior end County Courts pt faurry to Keep their oihcea at tne Uourt-house at Kocktord.pi Washington to appoint a committee ffi ss. AtTiPriilmn' nift nrt M 1 K'7.9.. pnli - fled an act to amend n act passed in iVfc. rear 1518, entitled an act to amc" 1 art passed ia the'jeir'1815, tolacor- port tea company, and make a turnpar roiid lrn l'ungo river,, ia Hyde coun ryfc io nrmoutn. 3tx,&upiemefiU) Co the c : : i tMon, tncorporatin Morri . tu 57." Amending the first section of tk act ol 1818, directing a rea l to be laid and opened front Leaksville, by itocvionl, to Wilkesboroaeh. :. 58. Audior'uing Alex, lon to erect and keep up a gate across tlx road in Ilowan'counfT.. , ' t ,.A. thero. 1 s , m -GO; Altering'thetime of oMinz Jhc 61. To legitimate and alter the names Emereldr, Elias, and Ellis Thomas. tJ2. Divorcin Daniel -Noomcaser from his wife Catharine. 63. For the relief or Anois'EIack- man. , . . - . . 64.,' Concerning the' Clubfoot- and Harlow Creek Canal Company. .eo. Amending the , act or ITyj, ap pointing commissioners to fix on a" pro per place in Wilkes county, and to erecr thereon a Court-house, prison and iioi;ik 66. Concerning the sheriff of Cum I berland, and the1 special justices of raveiievuic. .. - b7. For the better regulation of the town of Nashville, . 68. Alterins the times of holdin the County Courts of Washington. ; b9. Legitimating Pnancy Johnson and others, of Moore county.' 70, Securinc to Jane Wellborn. o: Randolph county, and Sarah Pinnix, of Surry county, the property tey may hereafter acquire ' ; ,V ' ' "7L Amending the act of 1820, for the better organisation of tlie militia ol or lieauloi t county. 5; ; A- v V .',.72., For the more convenient ad minis tration of justice in the County Courts or KocKinKhara. ' ,", v r : 7S Amending the act of 1795, ap pointing commissioners to fix ' on a nro per place in Wilkes county, an J to erect thereon a L-ourt-uouse, prison and stocks j 74. incorporating the Xjincolns Agn cultural "Soeiety.' .75. f Lstlbltslung a poor-house 1 Chowan-counfy. . '-.v in 7U. fcstabluminir . 1 own Creek Acade my, in Edgecombe,icounty, and incorpo rating the Trustees thfereot?'-. - P?aung,-iMtci W esianusii a mm r ! 1. . a i -x 'j ''ti" " vumi ui c iuuic iu vyuiuuei iiiuu tuuu ty, and for other purposes. 78. For the regulatiqn flf the" County rh,..t. rnh. k . - - . . - Courts of Buncombe. 79. Annoiutinir couifnissioncrs for tlie town or owaBsborocsli. : 80. Incorporatin Friendship Acade my, in Du pi in county -,ar::''Amniliti'Vtb" urt nf lftlT- ,1! 111. A- j i: i :A. , v t rctiug roau to oe isiu out ana opened v.. t....:n f. .. Hum oicilciK iu Aiui tauwu. : ' 82. Authorising Wm. Neal and Isaac i aru, 01 iiowait county, to erect gates on me roau leaaing tniougn "lueifpun 1' u . oet v.; e , ,. 1. .i " r . .. . . b4. Legitimating Helen, Mehala and Benj. Godley 85i For improving the navigation of So. l o remove Obstructions in runc-i creek, and for other pu eposes. 87. io alter the names and legitimate Melbry and Charlotte Stokes.' t 88. Altering part ot the line uividin the two regimePts in aurry county. ? . v ' - k .ai. a j . it " oy. wuuioriains , ana airecuuz tne Sheriff or Davidson to pay over the taxes, collected for the public buildings . ... . - . . J " to tne commissioners ot public buildings tor said county '.90. Repealing the 7th section of the act el le2i, authorising certain counes therein mentioned to appoint a commit tee of Finance,' so far as respecK the county of Anson.' " , ' N , J I'L Amending the laws concerning J wrecks and wrecked property, so far as wrecks and wrecked p respects Hyde county. J f 92. Concerning the County Courts of I Moore and Sampson.' ' . 93. Exempting cert;un citizens of IBeaufort county from certain duties. 94. Establishing a lijrht infantry com- I pany in Richmond county, i S a 9 yo. Regulating seine fisheries on Blount's creek, in Beaufort county. 96. Establishing a Poor-house in Rutherford- county.-:-vD:. " ; -d''--', 97..To legitimate B. F. Jackson. 98."Authorising Daniel Dougherty, of Lenoir cou nty, to erect a bridge across oflNeuse river. : , V , i" 1 99.' Prescribing the manner in which Ithe Sheriff of Buncombe shall pay over 1 tne tax iaia ior ouuuin; a uourt-nous I in said county, V , v , ' Am. Authorising-the Uounty: Court lnt Kinfltirn. ' .a. Directing the appointment and time of holding the Beard of Appeals for Waaairgton county, and for other pur- 102. E.tablishiig a Poor and tioiL- house jo Uuu, in cuontT. . ; 133. AuiM)din the tttdrrt'm5 tlie me ' and place of sales 01 land and . slaves ander execution, so far- as re-' ' ,rcU Rowan tounty. ' 104.. Amending the actof 1813, to ter and regulate tlie annual tct t'ons . in Hvde couaty. - ' . 103. Divorcing Jacob Johnson from. ,' his wife Hannah,' . 106. Dividing the mtutu of Ire Jell eounty into two regiments..- 107. Authorising the erection of the , nblic building of Wahitrton Coufitv lOv. Kepeaungtheactof ISlg.aMtKo-. rlsingtliip wardens of the poor of Wale.;. I ' craven and Jones counties to lay auch tax as may be necessary for the support t tne poor ot said counties, "so Ur as ,' respects Craven county. ' ; V ' ' . , - 109. fo amend and continue in Lrc '', the act of 1820, appointing commission ers for fixing irpun a suithie place for ' the? public buildings in. Hyde -county, j : '. and (or other purposes. :... f : , , HOtXn keep open Goose ereek in . v' Craven tounty.' ." . ,: r x HI Foe the refief of Elizabeth Hogi . ' gott. f Guilord counW. r! ' ' I ." ' " T12." AnthtiriHinv tli'a limnT'c P..',. " of Rowan county to lay a taxkatid ap . point commissioners to buna abridge . acrosa tbe South Yadkin river. T.' . 113. Anthorisins certain persons, to , piise, by lottery,' 550 dollars for. build' -mg a bridge acrosa the South Yadkin.- :f 114. Incceasm; the Constables' fees . ' in New-llanover county r, ' v ; :. t' 115. Incorporating New-Providence ' ; - Library Company.. wi. f Jl6. Incorporating Uie Milton Male Academy. ; , ?.';'. of Donlin.o' , i." . - ,,.ef'.;; ': 110 t- ia? ' -1 o p ' ." 1 v ' n & . v MU.mwa WU Tranter's Creek. - i. ;.'..c M' - r- a n. u'irii iniinir 1 lis .Hina nannraM n . yll9. Amending the act pf last sesr , t sion, for the better'regulation of the A . County Courts of Cabarrus, Moore and t 7 "r Montgomery: so far a relays t Car ' barrus. , . . ..- , . 120. To authorise and 'empower the ': -f: commissioners of Smithfield to levy and fV" collect addkionnl , tavue and fnr itM,' . I I '- . ' , ''t:., V Xi ."' '...;. 121.. Amending the act of 1812. di- 'tit 'V ri r i m Vim Asm a hnl m mm a a ? a X 1' ing overseers oi roaits in liichmond countv. .' -; ?? ; ; ' : ,, V ; " . -H.: 1 2?.. To nrnvidA for i,m,nvnr, fl,. , rors of the countr of Wane. ,1: c ; . - w w up j j aa. VI 1 . toll bridtre over the Roanoke river nt thin ? V 1 town of Halifax, and incomnrAiinf L n -i- .'..,. ........ i 124. concerning the Roanoke Navi- w oration uompanr.". .r 'is-... f.i.rvvwi'.i,- 125. 10 estabhuh, k Silnrmr rAir; ! s of Law and Equity in Davidson couniyl 5 V and, td alter the time of holding lhe Su- J iV penor and County Courts of Guilford, ? ' Rockingham, and Caswell, the Superior H vvmi uwivtj, iiiuu; wiic vvuuij sOUit5 - Af.M, ,'vf,. ,)'?: . - ;v. 'r.:i. the County Courts of Cabarrus, Moore and r Montjfomery, so far at relataa to the counties ,i . ! of Moore and Montgomery .- , :. .,'4 K wW .V VI LU ITLMllULn . 11 . IV. Aiirl.t. n. KA .f TUTU A .. cuuiiiiitwiuiiers io extend tne t ayettevuia Hegmatinor the time of boldiiig the . Superior Courts of Law and Equity m the $t& Judicial Circuit? t.i; lay out a road from Salisbury to Beatie's Forct. H f 130". Amending the act to appoint eotnmis. 5 U- :C-, aibners to view and lay off the hmd leading1 1 i'uutjLijif cuiiiniisNioncrri in vipw inn i . r uic , in ircufu county.. ' , , . - ; ... , , 131. AiUuM-ising1 the making" and improf w 'vtf t nig- ruau uuiu Ahiivuie to uuujenoro. ; . .. i- ., 132. To alter the names and legitimate T - ' John H'lnt and others.' r .' . ;, a .(iS, ft 133. Extending the time whhin Which conv-'i;1-' missioners were autboricd.to acceive stibV'P.;-', scriptionato build a toll bridge' over,- Dan:. rv'-- river rtukt Milton, and continuing in force the act of last session, inCcrporaii a" coinpany ;. "-j; (of that purpose. :' t , J'V-) . '"' RESOLUTIONS. &'!v. ;; 1. A resolution -requirinz the Public T Printer to attach to the laws of 1823. returns of the , Sheriffs and Clerks ia , . this state.- i;..-.' .. 2. In favor of Judge Norwood. , ' , : ; 3. In favor of John S. P.usswunn. k'' - 4. In favor of Job Gargis. .. ;':V..- ' ' 'vSt In favor of John Ray. ; 6, In favor of the heirs pf John Rice.? f 7; 'In favor of Arthur Hutchias. - t l 8. InJavor;of theTrustces of the U- V niversity. fj'' " '':' -; v'.: ' -; ' 9. In favor of Joscpli and Ann Wjnn.Cr ; 10. In favor of Thomas D. "Watts. , ' 11. In favor of Dancy Penticost. - 12. Making compensation to Super-.- - ' intendant of Public Buildings.; ' ' ; 13. In favor of John Taylor, son'r. - 14. In favor of the Jieirs of Samuel ' . Carpenter. . . 'A"C.i -':. n '15. In favor of Wm. Drew, tho At-: , s torney-tJeneral. -A-'j'K Pi '- "MO. In Ihtorpf the Vestry and Mem- ;i ; hers r-r the Protestant Episcopal f'mrcSi '' in llab'vli.' . - ;' . , 4

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