1 5 S V 7 -'BALEICH, (N.C.) I'll I DAT, JANUARY 1C, I8f$. Vol. xy. . TIM STAU, , . , tfELL cVLAWRLNCEl Mr "ill U tent .;Uui at lel $1 (0 it kH l Jtncf, o4 o pi(rr licOutiiiid but tH ;HKNibf (W Mitiirt .unlcti ill ir rrr ri ' ara paul. drrtiai3Bit, cut tceetiing tf z l era liaai.iawrtrU thrtUfor one d Ur, l tveolj-Af cent lor each t-onunmnca. . All Utter tlh cilitort Matt k putt-pud. JLVNXUAL'TREASURy REPORT.' sore deemed on the lit day of October, lb'22, amounted to B1.189.832 CO. Aad.that which was contracted tub quenllv to the lit of Janoary,n312, and tvu snmleeraed on tle 1st r f October, 1822, amounted .' 75,832,8 .8 53. Making the total amount of funded debt, unredeemed on thtf 1st of Octuber, 1824, g33.M2.ro 1 18. " - , In the fourth quarter of that year, there wai paid the turn of 2,263,673 $2: vii. reimbursement of six per cent, de ferred stock, 263,673 32; redemption of j m per cent, stock of ISU, 2.000,000. Reducing the fiinded debt, oa the lit of January, 1823, to g90.777.OCr 8G. From that day' to the lit of October last; there wis added to the debt in three per cent stock, 152. S9; Treasury note' aix per" eent.w stock,' 1,561 87; Treasury note seven per centl stock. 133 00. t ' Making. au Ajnrrejrate ,f 890,778,837 12. - - ? V-' During -the same period, "aere was paid, in, reimbursement of the 'deferred six per cent, stock,, 327,022 88; redu cing the funded debt, on the lSt October, 1823, to 90,431,834 24. . Since that day, there has been added, in Treasury from them, t" : s -retj.ts from tLe e'o turat,in the jrr lolt, uuy be eituuated at SIS.500.6ii. ' ' A.consijpri'.'-- -ortioa of the lands rrlinooished c the act f tbe 2d. of M.t'cn, ISil, a broB'ht into mar ket to the eu. , jeir; but, as it Uyet uncertain to it extent this may be deemed advae, :nd i tke sale of these lands wi'l pr!.abjy absorb a great portion of t'te me of those who art prepared to make ir.vetmenti in Jthe public land, it U cotwdered prudent not to -estimate lite receipts from this source of revenue at more than gl.COO, X); althouV it is believed, that tkey will exceed t: '. ; sum. " - - Under the , c;rciunUace, the re ceipts of the year 1844, uray be est! ma ted as lollows: cu " 1 it is respectfully w.yoestven lor uui .''.' TakASoaT DErKTntMT, V-: ' December 31;,1823. v J ; 'Sjr: I have the" honor to transmit a report, prepared In : obedience to" the 1 1 Act supplementary to the act to es I tablish the.Treasory Departtnent.? . , .1 I have the honor to be, very .respect: fully, s'yr,'your obedient servant, ! . ; - v , : WW!. U. CRAWFORD. : IT- Hon. the Speaker.? - ' .of l!u House oBepreeniative$.-f i I ', Vf.v ""'"'';-''.'' ! I In obedience to the directions of the Apr minnlpmontarv in tho lir.t in tablUU the Treasury Department," the ??tesU per tent, tteck, ,716 73 tna collection; and . further rejection and tTnerience have tended to atrenrtnen ! mr iLzt. amouni to j&3.ijio.yoj au. i . r . . . ..t:. iinrlor Yf t1,al nrnml ... I I thn . nmnlnn thph vntrt!in(1 th.lt ira j 1 uuui l . VII .ft . i. n . -.f. i n 1 1 1 mi i ..M . .. . iw vth.v v w. . - i :v lute'eflheyeari 1822 ni 1823; to. 274,588 85 which will reduce the me expenuiturevot .'We;eaf 1824, without beios onerous to the .The neti revenue which accrued from funded debt,' unredeemed in the 1st of ,"!rf ? Vi '"community; would be advantageous to I duties on imports and tonnage, duringthe January, 1824, to 890.177.963 14. , The n ..-'V .iy'rVi tixt revenue MtttUryjla commerce, and lvearl822.amouhtedtoR20.500J'75991. amount of Treasury notes oatstandinffr1 'tary semce, mc ud..gforttScatons. Deneadal to BU.niifactttre, ofthe . ... ... i . y . . . . . . ? lirnnanr.p.. inn an fip.nanmenr. revom!. ..... . The actual recemts into the Treasury, on tne istoi uctoDer. 1825. is estimated . ..7 r : counirv..: ... 1 . . : during the year 1822, J am anted to at 25,122 00. And tbe amount of , Mis- " V..? ' ZI aTJvJZ-" ! 82032,427 94: vii. customs;,17.589,M sissippi stock unredeemed on that day V , ToT": " n ni. i I i ....... a r :. 00 oto- ct 1 uu 11 wii vn,v.i. ivi nu ovt r S rSr L including the gradual increase of i :rr;t: t .V . n't: r 1 v ci:;. " 1 . uumc cc7(c tne navy . 37327 ,31;-Puti ic ueot, ' aira vihik bis ifii ainiisv ait iiitn i. ntnif. i rt amm.x. ii.. tiriM a ;T - ; ;tmv.jmvuuniur,tfKyear aossv.-v 1 5.314.000 00. t Matinz anassrez&te ot Mt4 TI MIU,. VU ioecreiary ui me treasury rcttpecuuii v 1 : o . r .0 " ' . . cnhmit rim Ulnwin Tlnnrt;. . s. 1 1 U &ti. Jimated tut the reimburse TZT.-J:.;-L .w- .; .ment of deferred stocky in the 1. in uu fubuc nevenue ana JZTnenat-1 deeiV4ei .33!; purpose. . Of the glO.Sol.OOO ef :s per cent stock,' redeemable in . 1623, about SJ.OOO,000 will probably be redeemed in that year) and there u i'd remain on' redeemcJ, after tht application of all the means at the tlNpotal of the Com missioners of (be Pinking Fund, about 85,331,000. Tlti fcutn, it is believed, may be, readily eichiutd for. Cve tr cent, stock, reOeenu'.'e in 1833, and it is respectfully ujre-ted that provision be made, by law, for such an exchange of so much of the six per. cent, stock a shall not be redeemed during the year 1823. ...- . - e views wlith are herein prent- tomi. 816.500,000; Jwund,jd opon tlxe jdea, that no public lands, 1.600.000; Unk dividends, "iraorumary expenauure is iu u ,u- 330.000; Incidents receipU. including 1C Werer. it be deemed.ad- arrears ef internal duUes and diretttax, '.'f to give increased, extension or 50.000, repayments .of advances made ctiv.ty to fe navy, or to aid in objects in the War Department for" services or f internal Improvement it is believed Bupplies prior to July 11816, 50.000. UB J.' Mating together. 81850,000 00 To qaired.'msy be obtained by A judicious which fa to be added the sum of 6,466,. "vuion of the tariff. Such a measure nfin on ::;-.k-T,.,,..- -r. was recommended in the last annual re J7U.T UU! . tlUaUllM" III HIT lUIUj, t." I . . . .... ; . f ter satisfvin? alf the anDronriitions P.ori WIU1 Tiew m m chareablo unon the means of . 1823. tne reteote and the flmplihcation 01 its which makes- the entire means of the All which is respectfully submitted . WMM1. CRAWFORD. TIIK PBKSimSNl'Y; , From the Cincinnati (Ohio! Gazette. ana aireci ux, an 6f the 1823, agrce, sub- from thestimated means of 1824, will presidential contest.it U certain, if there V7Ti--Il sUntially; with the estimate presented leave in the Treasury,; on the 1st Janu- be any truth In the expression of public iiooo t-1 rq4 Koa eA i.,mf. rinciency 15 m U1 proceeus oi uie puunc aemanus oi me, year loxt, a uiuauce, i peonie are tooning lor me eiecuoa tu a ! Qi4 rv?nijf ? ? fc? land,. and that -u tinderstood to have estimated at 89.792,716 "41. v rry ;; f ; man lavourable to domettic meaiurtsr- an VI " , ' Ibeen the consequence ot aa expectation,! , .under the existma jaws, there ;ia no ihis is certainly the. sentiment ot the the expenditures dunnz the ,yea,r :j k. .k .ia-.hnu.'i.. s i... I vv. , :rtk- .runm... J. ..25m0UDte,.t? ! '.woy 03 viz. waich were relinquished under the act lance remaining irv the Xrtasary on the I ment which every where pre vails as suffi. ?,!M'RIoJntlcf.: .,nd ina'ellaneous. of Ae r Marfih. j82fiand which are 1st of January. 1824, or of the suplus cient evia ucef of the fact.' it is also fW&m& muuaV '8erv,Se.,nci.u sunnosed to-Present the stroneest in- which may accrue durins that tear, can 1 the 'aentimeut of the Greatest oortion of ding tertibcauons, ordnance, Indian ae- ducementa ;to purchasers; 3 would be be applied to thadischknttf the public the United States. ; What method will panmenii;..reyoittonarync, nunury ij-., in'.iheensn. debtilnnta'-tbe.lsli of Jlnuaryi 1825. be uken to concentrate and bnn.the reara"M nnor to the 1st January. 1817. 1 J iL k.-. . . I . . r.i. .A; .lIl . . . . - -s . . ... i r. T49i co oq: l j- - 'nowever,ineaqucipauonsinai.iiau oeenigeuerai prosperity yj uie uauon, mat so icy 10 Dear pen a single point, or wneu) ,035.iKS 295 navai kttic ,ncJu"nS formed, bothv as to the circumstances larne an amouot should, be drawn from er any well disested plan will be attempt' VLS , 7- . .V which were calculated to have an influ- the hands of individuals, and suffered to ed to i insure ho desirable, a result, is a -mo .puoiic .wui.wsw w. ence upon their productiveness, and as lie inactive in the; vaults of the Banks, matter of serious concern. We place x.eaying a naiancein mo areury, n thfe results have been completely re- On the other hand, the high rate of in- greM stress upon unanimity! for on it me tSt.pl Jan. 1.0ii,OI -i.O .IM .iJJ. i- 1 .ri. k-l.-J tluN.rn tint tnntt nf tKo Jrroat tfflniint nfdoWr whlrli I AanenAa otrorv thinir in nnintnF nrinri v ine actual receipw into inetreasu- rounded apon gam(i. principles becomes redeemable on the 1st of Jan. pie for which the country is contending ry auiing me turee nrst quarters ot tne those which governed in forminff the 1825. renders it inexoedient for the ?o- Exclusive of eeneral Jackson, whose !v ft i .. p i i . i vr . i ' .. . . . . . : o.i'. . . lay be satis-1 yernment to apply to other objects any j election we aver would be imjioliucon sis of an es-1 portion of the means which it may pos-1 other grounds, however friendly he may porters there is not enly !ar and in ' . creuiu;. but is amoti' tlie mt in . telligent and ioCuential class of the peo ple. In New England t have It posi tively affirmed. Cut a Mr! AdamUei ground, Mr. Calljoun advaric-; and should there be no chance fr Mr. Ad am election, that Mr. Calhoun will be supported as t second ehoirt in .all that part or the country. In PennsjrU" viiiia Mr. Ca!i.oun is also popular The moil inCueutial, and we may add, the leading journal of the successful par ty ia'the late election in that state, has .. long been advocating his caue. .The people respond to the same entimen.s . hence we find in their numerous celc- . " bralioos, Mr. Calhoun is always ruin in- . befen and toasted a a favorite. , We r aliould not be surprijied if the Lej:i!a- ' tore of, that state wereta nominate both ' lum and cencraj Jackson. tbeT first for ' Uie Presidency, and the second for the ,' ' Vice Presidency of. the United Slates.' la the South, particularly in theCaroii- 1 nas, MK Calhoun's popularity is not dis- putedWe might go a' with: fuifter ' general remaiks, apd also extend' the subject.by enteringinto parfirulair; but our object is answered bv phin''.'.h'nge- ; neral outline ot Mr. Callioi s Lrescnt standing um prospects. We 'believe tliat these facts ought to be made kndwtt in this part of the toinmunity. Hereto fore his name has scarcely been ir.en- ' tioned in the western patera. The at-' teMtionof our fcllow-citizns of the state las not been directed to hin s a pro- ' rainent candidate. They have known his merits, but have doubted his chance ' of election. -We wish them pot 'to be" precipitate now, but to reflect, and make up their minds from a view of the wholo ground; recolecting, that the niitnlavor- . able to their policy, whq Is certain o u ... niting the majority pttiit.dgmtsUtpat'-K ; (y,w ought to be the one to whom they' ' should give their voluntary and decided ' ' lupportvX:.. v- - . year.aoija, are esuraatea to nave a- rK jnounted to- j510.174.U35 o: VIZ. CUS- factor:i , nrenftnteil as thehaaia of an m- nnrtirm of the means which it mar nos-1 other grounds: haweve friendly he may i i f al - j nr-.l. il I ' l I . ''.It y-. . a . s f .' i. . . . umate lor tne year ib. vvun uusi ses oi matins so auvantaeous a reim- oe to internal improvements, mere are yiew, the. Secretary has the honor, to bursement. -. It is believed, uoweyer.lnow three candidates among whom the 1 ' - . 1 4kni r t a a t initAriuAriiart pa v n f Fva rlkri llAtMADtii narr Ola "I t r 1 l ui H ILl V i . a i staict ' t utdb vivi t iiituuTuucitvc umi tw vuj i uviucbuv Lai vy iaun iwv-va, j,v s vs nvuii u. outes, aou.uw w, arrears oi inter- . ist. That the gross amounf of duties ted. if authoritybe given for the purchase Mr. .Clay and Mr;Clinton;u The talents nai auties , ano uirect tax, anu inciaentai on imvottt an,i tonnae, which accrued of the seven per cent. Stock, amounting and sentiments of these gentlemen fur receipts, J02.728 15; repaynientot ad; froni the t st 0f January ia tlie 30th of to 83.610.000. dffiing the year 1824. at nish no just grounds of dispute. They vanceS'tnaae in ..roe war jjenartment. l ' . t .:.... :.. . .i -n x" j ... for services' toms, 15,019,392 74; public lands? ex clusive of Mississippi stock,657,505 73; uiriueiiuq uu uiK u uie vauK ui 1 ct-jt ' ide n the War ueprtment, September, last, inclusive, is estimated such rated astriay be consistent with the are all experienced statesmen, and ali a It n Ka th. P t f at 8 17.W0.0U0 00; and that of the whole public .interest.' A It . is now certain decidedly in favor of the interests which tne na- admit- tsclf. 1 1 , a .1 - J. . . . . 1 ! A MaKinztne total esumareu receipts in- thatof the game period in the preceding the holders will be willing to-dispose of which one of them will Uie people final !!iJ it, during; the interval, at a fair price; ly support? ; : , ..t . PAVlSr- ; nd.wtn tne oaiance three first quarters of the year, is estf- and. as a gradual conversion of it into - Iu answering this enquiry, every fair- in ine ircasurv. o tne ist January, i i . - rL-i:. ; ...:n -j: i-. . , , . I iiiaieu at i,uu,uuu less tnau tnat oi uie i money, at sucn iiroe", buu.ui bucu pur-1 iiiuiucu, tauum uiaii, win uivesi iiim- lloj, terming an aggregateoibx4,Dei,-i . 4-. r k.' Mfi;-. I .....i.i k. mna. r.v.Mht ;.! .tr. .t'oii ninii. ii4i" i,;.n-.ir HUSS 01. ( .: '.'jr-; I -oo. ' .. . : 1 m-utinant i waii1i1 ntitat nr1v.ntft.ltn'rflfli1ina'tn ilAi1rtk fur ihnt uriA wIia he expenditures during .the three od: Thai the debentures issued du- sreous to the moneyed, transactions of the 1 has the most certain prospects of success. nrst ouarters oi ineyearfezj, .esti- r'in tj1(j three first quarters of the year community, it is presumed that it would land on whom thp whole party can most mated tO have amounted to gll,4.,47 lte 'unilnta, 1 AtO nnn tvhirli I ha mn.t arppnrahlA n lt hnM-. fiafeilv liniteU. Without this ilherai Ani : . 1-' . . t ? I ... i . 1' ? It 1 uu:,yiz.cit, mpiomanc, anti misceua- Cxceed the amount Mue4 during" the ?eu?;: V"! Vi ? "' ' corresponding period of, the year 1822, ' It is, therefore, res: that the Commission ipectfully proposed, jrit of accommodation, there can be ers of the Sinking XuifcanittiUy, land without unanimity the 989 37Rublic debt, 3,751,407 17. The exp6nditflre during he fourth quarter, are' estimate, at 83,894,559 74; viz civil," diplomatic, and ' miscellaneous, 489,704' 11J military service, iucludin: fortifications,' ordnance, Indian depart- pient, ; revolutionary and rniilitary pen- no there e people. ?, f . of this nature, vtpresuibni should . ne- us astray, jn op- mind should re- nbt deceive itself. .Tro- nueof 1823 'V- J'?v I ins 81.- 85 -'on every &100;indditi6n to ceedins nutfttVthia iMrinciple. let. every f '11 TUrti ftiA valita nf rt ntnuaf 11 nrii. I Uia IntorAfit ln Jilt BllrK ktnrlt on tHfltlltlAn a.nOllire serioU!k!V tntl tllfl nrevfrit .-O... V. 1 1" i-U w Al .! . v. . l I hit .1 Kflll 4.1 if la anl ihn Mnam I -1 nhon I It'iinrl rA O II t hrtinrnrl itniliA -fj-- 4A- A n la nil t 1 if TI fin. rV I It diaa department, revolutionary and mi- Wre outetandw on the SOth of Sep, ven per cent, stockduring the ensuing ' In jadginraf subjects pepn, aniiing .um? muuut, ami tembet jastf anj- chargeable iipon' the year, et the following rates above, the our Mhes pul i ""r;" r" tr-i" -J t r revenue 6 ;1824, was 1,403,000; which principal sum purchased: w 4 u ver oe penmuea to lead . . . ' '5. " X. Hz3 is 500.000 more than was. on. theaame l. rot all stocK purchased pelore the position to jacia. i ne the graduaiincreaeot the navy, 1,770,- leas ..u.r.M tk-'rail a-;i -it. .Tn.,i rtrr-ii.ili..ariit lUATi 111 AUiliAl. V A1L1 " UM UT I U Uiruu II1U IVI 1 V A A A A UwAU aa a, a aa v AAV Si &.KV VV 1 w WW. r a CVn or no Caacus?- Tlie friends of Mr. Crawford have relied entirely upon their success iu getting up a Con 'res- v sional Caucus to 'ensure his r! on.' . Let U9 see- how tliis machinci works, v ? In Virginia and Nor 'h-CaroIina the be-' lief has heretofore I th: ' . C. '' would mako a sweep tl .U t. . vcte, 1 but the trial has been made in both ' States, and, to the anazeinent of the ma- nagers,' the caucus machinery is found, ' to be out of order and entirely unma nageable. - In North-Carolina it failed of producing the, eipected eCTcct and in Virginia incredible as it may seem -it has been' hissed off!The resolu ! tions of the Legislature of Tennessee a- gainst a caucus nomination of President which were laid before tlie General As- . sembly of Virgirija at an early period of its pfesent session, were referred td a committee, of which Mr. Tyler ,wa i Chairman, which committee reported a preamble and resolutions adverse to the ibjectof pur Sister'State, and strongly.& " With great ability! urging the institution f a caucus. -1 he preamble and resold- " tions were taken -up on Tuesday, and ' after a long nd interesting debate, in V which their adoption was contended for " with a powenui weight ot talent and in genuity, their further consideration-was a postponed to the 31st ot March the n suat decent mode of putting questions j to sleep for the session The vote was 77 for postponement, and 76 against it. ' Iitlterto we pave looked upon this state as the main pillar of Mr. . Crawford strength From this test however," Me infer,- that although Mr. C. mav main tain a higher .standing in Virginia than either of the 'candidates, he is very fari. rom peing me cnoice oi a majoniy oi. cleexported from the ifnited States, in j day. ' --ik- prospects of the tliree gentlemen named I th ' ii .i ? r . the year endinsr on the SOth of Sentem-1 , For all stock purchased between From all the luformation we can col . I... -. . ............ .' I l ' .... .. ber last, amounted to 847.155,711; tie- the 1st ot April and the srst 01 July lect, anu we nave peen uuigentiy watch ing 2,718,568 less than those exported nexte at a ratei not exceeding 75 cents on ing the developement of public opinion in tUn iioar tii-ni-oflinii' am! iUn vnluB nfl vvorir 1 fm ilnllnra in aililttiun in ill in. I f(r miintllR ' U 0 have nrrivpd nt rtinrta. Sions, aiming tlie muitia, and arrearages Tni.rlPil in the vear I terent dim on the last mentioned dav.:-4 ' 1 sion nerfectl v satisfactory to. our own prior to 1st January, 1 Z T, 899,449 , 93; ctld: on lhft 30th Senfember last, was I 3: For all stock Purchased between minds, that JOHN C. CALHOUN'S naval aemce, including the adual m- .g27,53o,469) being 5,244,267 more than the 1st of July and the Ht of October present prospects' of Buccess are much Yut3 VioTroo' t -l- 1 P" those exported in the preceding year,; next, at a rate not exceeding, on every brighter thah either of his opponent' deOl, 1,778,029 24.i 'Making the tOtal AtL 'n,. Um ammaMM valim nfrh ilim mnunf af intrt uhii-ii If in niinillflrilv CMtmA In fiAVM hiPfi crrA. estimated expenditure of the ypaf 1823, Cmjwrts into me fPnitd states. dorinS would have accrued on the last mention- dually increasing from the start His - . - - - C S ' a A ..-.: w' - . . .'.- the year ending on the 30th September led day, v, , f. . ' 5, J ' I talents, Ins Services, bis principles, and -J i . v( v-,, u...-. : .vu,.l, ... .v th -vpar unrtino- nn th Snth nontPtnltpr I p1 dir. ireasury on th? Jst January. JtU4, n i sti : estimated at R77.486.432: which I i' 4 ' For all Stock purchased between his esemolary political course, have e -rnrv eifz a a-?e - i - . '-i. - . esti.nated balance ot. by.304,055 "77 . . . h - . lftQ tkari.thnae imhort tht 1st of October. 1824. and the 1st of cured him fneuds amon all Dartics. and Atterdeducting tipm Uus sum ceyain ed -n thc prec?ding year, - ; , January: 1825 the principal and inte- warm aupprteira among the ablest and nalances of appropriations amounting I , ft -1.. iii om. r ,a A. .h. A-miwiiao. v hoot mu .f H.p ntinrf Rnt witinl 4 O.- r.r. r tf I. I I VUll. UUI VI.V. hwumhi. up m im . ... v .. ..v . . y. ii.ivh.vi , j- ;: ... ....... -.. - .. ... w.. v. ; 5'0'Vuc. H which are neSSttry house bonds; in suit, which, on the 30th L In proposing to the 'consideration of not now to speak of his qualihcations: to ettect t ie objects for which they were f gentembcr. 1820 was S3.1SO.000. f Congress this application of ihe surplus our present jubject is to declare that Mr. severally made, or jure been deducted .. v itha -m t1le year 1822. means of the years 1823 and 1824. the Calhoun stand high as a candidate for . I ' .1 ..I.I T. ' 1 . - . : l ipon me government, i tne rresiuency, tie ,nas. powenui awards ot the com- Inends in every section oi the llmtd e treaty with Spain, States, iind has been gradually concert- i'ebrnary 1819,, . have jiot irating for months the views and efforts U how-1 of that party who advocate the policy ot 'eously internal 1 improvements and domestic fhosJ manufactures. . In New , York v tevera not less respectable journals , have declared in ed before the vear 1812, and whiclv as I fact., .and: the. conclusions deduci.ble J tjajni .par, i f Irflm th A-hmnto-rnii I i nrviiint th " . . .. J "L .'-. I ZZi::?J:r.r?AM 2.793,ooo, and, in the yWJc pronawedemanaa t . u.a..vc Ui , c,, oooj whence, it appears, that, although in providing lor the oO remains; which, with, the receipts .reduction of , 313100 had Ukeo place UUsioners under th mho tne l reasury during the year, dJ. whoie period, yet the amount of the, 22d 1 ..vuiu.u. uh..u iot ucj(..i6)- 8uit 0B the 30th or September last, been overlooked.XU is believed nrrent service of that year. 4 way greater,: by 22,000,'than on the everv that funds maybe adyanta; I '. J 2. Of t!tB' Public- debt. . Aim f ilm war nrprcilsnrr. , AnAnlWxl . for tli 1iar.harwA tit 'W . i ... . , - I l l.. I " ' J - " " "-w" -v. 1 wv-.w .-..-. - j. - ."'.Tlie funded debt, which was contract-1 'Upon ' a consideration of. all 'these claims, by the issue and sale, at "5 t the peoples-Mr. Colston,, who took ft part id the debate on mt Tyler's pre; v amble and resolutions! declared his be- f lef that if the feleption of President was ; eft directly with the people of Va. they would choose : Gen. Jackson in prefer- ence to either of the candidates. .The General, we allow, is a universal favor- ' " ite, as a toldieri and his popularity as a 4; candidate in the Presidential; contest,1 is rapidly increasing as well in Virgin-' ': -ia as in 'other states; but we have no J -dea that he would be the "choice of the people of Virginia to fill the imnortant V office of chief Magistrate of the Repub-' ri . rnmtnii rr'i j , . , , ,, - . , n v vm 4-cttuu. . . Wht is it that none but the friends faf Mr. Crawford are in favor of a caucus? ' Why, is it that his advocates alone see A.. . i . : i . . . . uaiiet iiijiermiiuiig tne election m no- . , decided in tlje niode pointed out by the ' ' constitution, and without'extraneous in fluence?- fh answer; is. simply and v plainly this they know that Mr. Craw- i- i - . . ri j .. .... . i . . i iwru caiiuo. ue eiecrea wtinout me eia of this homination-they knov that hn is not the choice of the ' and that i: .!' e . , i '.J ite reiies ior success in me ; uingcon- k. troyersy on the personal Inendslups he" ' has formed with influential members of . Congress. , " ' Tia their vocatio'n, Hal;. and shall not men labor in their voca LynMurg Virginian, ., -' , , of five per .rit, stock, te-Ibis beljalf, and tlie nuinbr of jus sup-JXion?" Lynch '" ': - ' ' '. '.,' ,s''-V'. . ;.'- - Y - -, -. . i : v-.. ..-:.', .:? .i'itikjjt.iV: ."v ' i A- 7-. .V- -A. ','i