e.ei . m f .rU-.. - fV 7 p i i iU frxcut ot a r- ( kicut nat W lU Ox itiUt U ... k - Of-vuav-4 a nrtniipW la tie nod. JJ-a a i Cawevt w hrch coaki Mb eoavtnej, w su U not only b mi-r defective lhaa rx pr. but Bxtat conSJt M (fnnll minority t liixt re--mx trout 'lon-ickconipkie as it uc And. second ly, that any rouaUot) made by minority of t!e rvpuMica rcj)rentue in Courcv, Setng ewcntj.'Jjf an rtocrUc kttrm;t of a few to ci'jCl uuj r.uny, M'lswpportcdby aay usage or expreaaiorr t jubU: tun.uo to give U auction,' would bare r.o cliid to cona diwce, form no rIVir.g point of uaton, but io eviubly t ni to produce ifiourablc diucMioM iithsKi i'',tii nirt thmirltuot the na tion, which mi ,rht injuriously ail eel the pcr nianem mi ttxAt wir cuumry. In addition to these eniJc rations, there is na more immediately connected wita theiu tcrests of Pennsylvania, .which baa not been without considerable weL"Kl in our delibera tions-aDa lh propriety taft pledjrinr our selves to abide the ilotia oi of any partial nee:in r of members of Congress uit might atUinpt a nomination. Tbo assemblage of such meeting being unauthorised by the vhold repnblicao, party, and iu re presenta tion f cit defective, the party would neither attempt nor desire to excrciae any control o verita proceeding V which, thus exempted from proper TCinonsibUity, would be left to chance, uninfluenced by f be aalutary reatrainta rf public opinion, and Che candidate selected might happen to be one whose views of na tional pulicf were tbe mort opposed td tbe uterestaof Pennsylvania: and if we were to at tend such a meeting, although lucb a candi date were nominated by a majority of bat a -mglo vote, we should, according to tne usage in these cases, become pledged to support him. though, in opposition to the "united voice of our constituents. : Weshoul&be wholly al a loss in such an event, to and any excuse tor baring taken a Hep so adverse to jour inter-! est, and pa incompatible with tbe obligation j which your confidence has imposed onus.! We hare, therefore, " after tbe moat mature , fonaideration, concluded, thai whetlier we regutxl the preservation of the. Republican party, by a rigid adherence to the fundamen tal principles of republican pohcy, or the KTeat interests of the American nation, or the tnore immediate Interests of Pennsylvania, it is equally inexpedient and improper for us at this- time, as- republican representatives of Pennsylvania, ' to attend any partial meet ing, or Caucus of members ot Conness to nominate andidates for the Presidency and Vjce-Presidency of the. United States ? . tAnd in order Hot you maybe fully inform ed upon this subject, in time to devise some tv n ;lL",, n so fr.it rt tf lDnylvit.;" ' . ' - f.jj r- iij a caacas vin auty- tJ 83; but tUe voice ot the ttPtiCy. t1. vote of rrruvSYlvaai would have n fiht ia ti tlc-ciiua of aatV a eaacus. n I thf j woyl J come eat it bo in J Kan J and foot, perhaps, ta YOte for (r man of ail other whom Ptaajfiax least appravca." . , - ?r t4 tr. la.Jou-v s -t;'.'-Cii.aa. Ir I Ibe r-4 hx EjTfri. kwjM . a&4 ii-r i rTy rek.bcnjs !iitc cjttt p-'- Vural4 tkuifN cutUatly Uan W infavorof Mr. C'biKMiA." , . Cntmor- CiU- Kra. AJann, Cia Secretary ef State's' JIOT.MF.S afcaul We wer infrnic J b th members ef t! e General AseiuU, eo their re turn homeward thrvuU thlt town, that lJjt Zyt tlenJi J ball, on the nirht oo SatunUv.the ?ih ult. there wasex- of the Stli InsfanL in commemoratioB ofi UibiteJ a tJera!le steciinco ttlladkal trainer aoa in ne nause i eontmun. It v, !e recotlected that (he Lernalature t'l IVnnraaoe.at U last . - a session. Adopted a p:tniuie atid reaom ttuaa, tliftapproviuz of Consrekional taticuata for naminatin Presulenta of (he United State; a copy of thesa re solutions and preamuts wai sent to the Executive of NorthiCarolina; with a re of the liattle of Orleons. Gen. ackson.and from. 700 to 1000 other persons attended.' V.'-V ;'c 4 . " , Public balls were also given at Wash ington and Baltimore, on the same eve ning Jn honor of the occasion. - " fkorlh-Carotina OoilJ--U having nnpt ihv ahouUI ha laid heftire the Le- $een doubted by many that gald has e- Uislature. -Oor, Holmes, in his mes- verbeenfoand in this state, to any ex- coinniuuicating Ihetn, took occa- tent, we deem it proper to state, for the information ' of those' who bave any doubts . opna the subject,' that, a few weeks ay, Mr. Benj. G, Barker, mer- ... , . . ... . ,i . treatest rajre; they cenwred the Gov. in Uty.of pure virpn gold, m small parti- . most nu.Ud tenn. ,nd a m mi a sion to express, in a manly and candid manner, nu aenumenu aoinsi tuo out ous practice of caucusing. A ' ; - , f In doinz this', the Governor only per formed his daty; but hi menage threw the partruns nt MrUrawlord into the a m . . a cies, sutacient to nutiie a solid bar ot desperate effort to rally their party a the value of 1,000 dollars,' which he pro- gainst printing the messare; they r!li :r.i - 'i - ed the whole strength oi the Dartv. to nntv ftlci m via J ' . ' - I . . ., ... . - - weihingaearly 400 penny weight, said I ej. , . . t i to be the handsomest specimea ever ThVstrnrale. howeverl' dul 'siot end found in the state; as - respects purity, here: the message v-aa sent to the Sen- brilliancy and shape. This piece Mr. te,t and a desperate push was made at Barker, intends- to take "with him" to V thuere:,on the PUjon to print it, kt v I r.. !. t "i f- .1 J the Senators were equally divided, and cw..a,f MiwuW reuaiuasiii 'H the-Speaker (Yancey) gave the easting city may bave ocular proof that this pre- vote asairfst it, Thus ended the affair cious metal is actually feand in large at Ualeighj but we hope the people i wil ma'M;'4n"W.wt.jn.M.i:nv v-:--i:4ivlaet a mark nhon tliisaffiur, . ' "tj, -a i- r .j - At v A ' ii Gaonel Holmet is the ; Governor of e-trVer .m. the free people nf North-Carolina; and mentioned piece was found In a imall it ia not barely his right, but it is his du- creek in Cabarrus countyi which empties!fyio warn them of every 'attempt to into Rocky river; and that the first gold deprive them of their privileges: .V.m..nA u- . : I Iooks opun uie practice ui tuutwjwij modo of .nomination that miirlit be renerallyj - , M i a'i-: .".!- i acquiesced in, we have, ixT obedience to a ul 1Vr ine P'aniaiion oi a Mr Keeu, tense ot duty .to those by whose suffrage we . who came to this country during the re- wtut uio rcasuns upon wmca u is iuuducu. THOMAS PATTERSON, j DANIEL TJDREE. . , ''GEORGE PLUMER, V ; i; - JOHN FINDLAYi : ' t JOHN BROWN.; ; r 8 D. INGHAM.1; ... - . .VJV PATRICK. FARRELLT.' 7- , JOHN lTOD.t'.W -i."V- immediately after its termination. Mr, Reed's children were in the habit of fish ing at night by the light of torchea,ln a small creek near his house; and one nicht he upon the practice ot caucusing as such an attempt; and because he has, id conformi7 with 'his duty, said so, the partizans of Wm. II. Crawford exclaim against him in the bitterest invective.; " ' N TFeslem Coroliniari. : t Extract of a letter, to the Editor of the Frank - 1h Gazette, dated Hamsburg1, Jan. o, .'? ' ."The democratic members of the Ie sislature eonveped last nisht'in' the I)iii-I C, Ver'ifk. do. Jinacs Llid, cf y. i:,.iutri:i.B'.-rjaa.ia W.CnuB- ta sn.beqient XIct.Bf olUie Iioard, NkJols J'. ldle was re-cicctcd 1 reJ. deataf C Bank .Vrf. Int. , ' Froa td Vihinr.oaiIlrpnLlic4. Ojr readr will are. in as article, aineJ U. arvl ntractwl fixm the T-itei- igcncer, a I.. riplanaUun ot a dorse made bv Geuci 1 Saun Jer,ia the course of a debate hich took place in the lloase ef Representa tivea, on a motion of Mr. Hot J, relative to the Ortlnance Department, that from B to 10 doiUrs per barrel bad been given for corn in 18t9i or that Department. It tarns out, on investigation, tMt, instead of 1819, tt wasHlti, before te commence ment of the present ad ministration; and. bv reference to the prices current of the .i . i i ume, uiai ui corn was puixiiasru at the lowest market price. The rear 181 C, every one will remember, was re markable for its' coldness, which pre Tented the corn from ripening, and caused the high price ot that season. . ' "From tbe National Intelligencer. , , fltmiiii! I BotW. in the renort of the dcbaU on Mr. Flovd'a motion to refer the Ord nance report of January last to a Select Com mittee, that you represent Mr. Saunders, of North Carolina, as statinjr that from 8 to- R10 per parrel had been given tor Corn, in 1819, there must bave been some mistake in the re port of the debate, as there la no instance, ia that year, of a price equal to that haTing been i . It is behevea, that sir. Haunders most bave referred to a purchase of Corn made at Green leaf a Point, as no other instance has been found in the document referred to, in support of the statement 'The purchase a nude in 1816, by Lieut. T.T. Stephnwon.betore the commencement of tbe p merit administration. It appears by the original voucher, that he agreed to pay at the rate of gl 7 5 per bushel. by turning: to the prices current in this Dis trict, at that time, it will be seen, that the gen era price of Corn was from gl 7S to 1 8Q per bushel. . ' :, - It is proper to state,- in relation to Lieut Stephenson, who is dead, that thepublic never had a more correct officer In their employ. The writer of this communication was well ac quainted with him, both as regards his official and private character, and can say with truth, that he was remarkably strict in the purchases he made, on account of the public, whilst dis bursing public moneys at Grcenlcaf a. Point and that he was" generally esteemed as ay dung man oi great worm ana lniejrmy .-. . ; - it. , Jfiulunjtn, Dec, 31H, 1823. X. , V SCAli.a. . ff J. S t, ' . '. Lin .7 -uit. A; 44 1 ij , 4. if ' 1 um, r I 11 , J U' ) , Wur, It It Iit !H tl C Ul ti U Jllil , , Con-.. x IS 14 lfi!ifa ttt -Uiw - 10 is a 14 YVmr. Sid. 000 tn w "fula SUO Ga.toUi4. UiO t lauiui, 4o .' 4- 41 a 4ij 4 a J Iro pmr torn. S 100 IjlOO . lH. 10 ; It H I loUwra, ti ti n a inj , ' 1 Potior, k'jt. ISO . . . . Kuta, J to a ' ITaK-JvOa "". f.lmlia. Hi fj 7a a ! TJ a SO ' Ri,r.t. 300 a SSO 40'.0 4 40! , 1 tall. LitobI 10 a ts V4 tl " f i . , 'art's 1st. 41 ii SSa V ' ' Srr, UMf, ill i lt ' Rrotri., 15,3 t, 10 to a. t) ! Tabasco, evt. on a fKa 3$i - - " . TallBa-, f IU 4 T 10 a II, Wkrr. $ 411 sr. a 4n 40 . rmcr.i cur,r.:.:,T. CRA.ND LODGE. OJixri of th Grand Loit of XoriU-, Carolina fat thprt$ent year, vix. M.W. Robert Stranr. O. t taster. ' 11. .l rancisL.Hakes,).G.idsrrr.i4 I K Tlmmas Clancy, S. O. IVanicn. - .: iiaiaieei uuiett, j. u. H arden. H'ilIbni Boylan, G. Treasurer.'. ; . Alex. J . Lawrence. G. Secretary. -vv Wm. M. Green, , Wm. I. Newborn, . -Colin MTver, I Louis D. WHspn," , 1 ho7s 1 hompsou. f G.Chap!. ' John Peebles, Ja i 1 naMorzin.G.LtcturcfL' ' ;'n.i.. it wfit V vuu III. I usuo, r. K. Arnold,; V .j " Bent. B. Hunter! j,: , . Sam'l F. Patterson , (J, 8. Deac$9't ; ;v , Neill Horton, G. J. Acacon. . . Rich.T.Brnwnrigg, G. Marihat. . 3. II. Jacocks, O. Sword Bearer , TjW. BIackledge-f5.,urf anfv ; Broi John C; Stedman. G. Steward, ,i - ;v John Lumsden, GsTtyleK THOS. J. ROGERS. rr aavjj4iB jtAniU'it' , . JAMES WILSON. I SAMUEL M'KEAN;.- I 1). Ih MILLE. 5 I , WM. FINULAY. ; WasUngloa, Jan. 6, 1824. M .4' Extract of s letter from V democratic mem- j, r ber'of the Pennsylvania delegatioiPhrcon- j press, to tho Editor of the Franklin Ga- itette, OHtca vvasiungton, Jan. o, ltut. ( I send you the circular of the great er number of, the democratic part of the Pennsylvania delegation in congress to their constituents, explaining the rea-! sons for the course they have determin ed to pursue in relation to a caucus for the nomination 'of President. ... You are aware that there are 20 democratic mem bers belonging to the Pennsylvania de Iegatimvin both houses, 14 ot whom have htvwhile thus i employed. tlicy disco- tate c-it(J, 0 8talrs to do 0ne yere.tl some,UiiBg hmipg ...very, bright measures relative to the, approaching at the bottom of the creekV which they contest: for President and ice Presi too up and carried home, to their fa- dent of the: nited StateB. vJoseph ther,who supposed it to be Some metal If wrence.Ps. the Speaker of the house vr. ,"r .?z- 'Z' of representatives, was chosen chairman, of but little value; but was shortly after ,mi 5ani-s .TU . Ran rnf Favettc .wa informed thafUt was, yurtt g(Jd; " This appointed Secretary. Several' ugge8;l h handed us sonie specimens of Jn V . . 7 Wnyrit Academy! ' IU R exersises m tho . V syne A'eanc my ill V - reiuintut on the first Mnnriny in February next, under the stipeHntemlenee if Mr. Osvira, ffoni Chapel Hill, who is reeommsmlod I y the- President .of the Uniririiiy of Norlh t arnlina and others, aa eminently qudiQed as a Teacher.,'' of the Laiin aud Greek Laiietteea. ar alto of a . isomplete eourse of rihgtiih studies. the attuoonor the Wayne Academy i s ; wer part ol the laK'i ve do Murder iryOn . Wednesday, evening lasi James iMwe, jr. was committeato theiail in Salisbury, bv the Shenft' ofi Davidson couhtv. for, an alleged mnr-1 dei, perpetrateu pn an industrious andihei'ihr ? " .. tXa ;t;, -''f t "! boarden l.a had at G .rvv. v"' "-VfV. "J lo respscubl-femilieseonvenient to the cmle.' tbe. name Ot Joseptl farK.A.-:-!-.. - Jmy, vher every Beeessary attcnlionwdl b iiwi : '-. '-,; f; r: i'i-r4t-:4 fVettern CarolbltanMv tUt morals f tho students. . , , b.The prioaof T'litioo will b as low at any r f':."n ' ' f i 'other ohool in the. Siata of tha same slaniljnir, HoWlrng Orem,,Ky. NOV. 20. ' 'and will be reqmreu'-.n advance. . pleasing information induced him to seek for more, and, shortly after, piece weighing upwards of 28 lbs. was found;' the shape of which was not unlike that pf a plough-share. ; .; ' -'' . We understand that there has been at least 100,000 dollars worth of gold tions were made, and considerable dis cus3ioB took p!ace.,General Barnard offered a resolution to call a convention of delegates to be elected b the peo- ' pie for the purpose of nominating an electoral ticket. Mr. II. Smith propo sed that the democratic members of the legislature, in conjunction with special delegates from the federal counties ami city, should constitute a convention for found on this plantation; the principal part of which has beeri sent to the Mint that purpose uMr Stevenson -moved at Philadelphia; and that a company has the appointment of a.committee to i-;.ii v.V..j 1 sii irl report to another meeting thebest mode ),'- ... ; s - ,b.-v v r of securing to Pennsylvania her due I Cabarrus and three of Virginia, who have wei2ht in Ae presidential election, and signed the circular Of the remaining j- purchased from Reed the exclusive pri-J of .uniting the republican' party upon t'siv-' ivlin' have Tint . ain-ncul '- ftnn tmreca' ..:i. r u..i: .! . I that siihiprlv Finall v. the meeting ad- ,' "1 "V" w- ,, VIICLTC ui iiuuuus 1U1 euiu uu UI9 uiauui - V, . r. UK. M MAM A A M A ... . .1.4,1 H ' . 1 V . k ' ' . H ' '...1 lAtlMl.rt ,A ..11.11 AVfAllf II fl" t ' ' .-' V . I v All tlie candidates for President havtf some friends here; but it is astonishing ji ' u.csiWuv..cu.u.v seven years Imunicote the sanie information to their The manner of finding it, is by shovel t - . . . I OVriai SI IVUUD M V Sh awwvaaawaa-- constituents in a different way. Thnex ing the, earth into largewooden troughs, that the friend a of Mr. fyawford should thn tmurimr water in and wash nir entertain, any hopes lornim in rennsyi- strict examination not in the house of. representatives' can be found, who are willing td avow themselves in , favor of the treasury candidate. . Another Tfarnink to the intemperate. On "Sunday afternoon, the 4th instant, Michael Carroll was .tounrl ead in the woods near the road, about five smiles from this place, For several day he Others are UnOllalifidlV OnUOSpd to at-Wnd iWn Miinnn a-nfa. n anil Urastdriw - j -' - j, , t hiiu v i a a. J a uvhi iuj iihsvi aaa mum w hoiiiij a cially instructed ot their constituents; .Vs , . . ., . , i, ,. more than Jiv$ members and one w not Known to have expressed i; " " ' ?r " ".r."" any opinion on the subject; '.o'i that, quantities have lately been found in the wuii we civcHiwii vi one, yvWyi'ee wiou; adjoining counties 01 Ausonauu iioui- the V democratic members of consress from -Pennsylvania are united against a caucus tinder existing circumstances. i I give you a list of the states," with thii number of members from eaclu who are I generally understood here to be for and against a caucus, goaiery. Y, dian Antiquities which he has discovered FflP thai rrustnsaW SpringliAiitt, lit Jn; tS24 ; r- 3.3 at his Salt W01 ks oD Drakes .Creek Valuablo Property r For Salt i a vv y a v w iuiivw a. a wua win - k his hands were dijrjnr i 1 :i e ii r- ug anaj 1115 uiin -- . iiie TOumry, win .sen, on tli mod .I rvral for Some purpose, a few daVS aero. theV lrms. his nseMioni In-the town of SmilldieUI. came to numerous fragments of saTt tSiLSSi boilers, With the remamf Ol furnaces, tfd in w at elevated and pleasant part of grejit quantities of cinders,- coals, &c. fwt ' Th l"t handsomely improve on There was every indication that our pre- hTJ rd"e,l",K . ., ....... ' " nJ Ofliee hone. on the eortief of lh lm. will. decessors usea tne spot tor the ame lw0 t0Mt kitehen meathonse, stabiea, fwidtr purpose for ; which the General is now, house, wh other necessary buiidingsi uo ynnt ng it. v Among the specimens which "" i"" vr"T "'" ovprea. post he brought us, are pieces of the filers. ;n- 1 nev are maue oi xiay, mixea wun a shining snbstance, not unlike the com- posiuoA 01 common cruciuies, as nara as our best potter's ware, about a quar- ter 01 an tnen tnicK, ana irom tne curve of the pieces ?we would judge that the), vessels were from two and a half to three feet ih diameter, with flat bottoms. The ashes, in vast beds, have turned to a atony . substance, resembling pumice stone. The .General intends further excavating .the' place, and examining the whole extent of this ancient salt, man ufactory. 4 lie informs us that trees of the largest dimensions grow upon the with toCust and poplarsi the ratdeo in a hieh Male of ImprovatveiiU the lots araot' the rlclual soil. ana wm yieiq a support io a rmail umiiy,: i hero ia on the lota a spring, of exaeitent aur, considw credone of the' bet in bo eonntv .i-- v ,1 .j A n meuivsi renueman. wun a anihr. lis New,Hampshire, Massacbiisctts, - . - Khodc loland,-. r Connecticut; - ; Vermont .. A New-York, - r2l New Jersey, t Pennsylvania 1 Delaware, . 1 MarvLwoV j 4 Virginia, .KJSS Noith-Carfti !-? ,7 '' -- 8 IS 4 .v: 8 : . is 7 Senators vacant ' ? Extractof a letter from a gentleman of the J first respectability, now at Washington Ct- ty, to hta friend iu this place, dated 31st of M December. , , x'n P. The Caucus is struggling its last effort in I had been indulging his habit of intera- ; on ."Saturday evenin. he left ;itill whli a view to sucecss or death, or whether " v ug, ? th had better .void a Caucus.' and let him his retU Ol home. WlUl a DOttie 01 W DISK ey . take his chance among tbe other candidates, j From his appearance, it is supposed he vuc v; ins B.ruiijcai iiich uu.uKncu wi wi I Qieu m a HI. ' IJO Was 111 IV YCttia fef a Cairn: . Juntf a Cairciw. i Congress. .The frjemb of CraufoM are now perance, and ' - . - w - . ' MA.mKlna.nl KUT.IT.turl . Thaw sat Vrtn'nf I 1 .... completely bewildered They do not know Ust intoxicated. whether they should make their last eflort . . m-. . j wwi. ..:.,..... j.th m ,k,k.. house about a mile from) . A "4 :.:.i:;-;7 South-Carolina, .m ':W:'11 ;. Georgia,,;''vi::-::".9,!ut:N,"'v:;t'-'?'i,': Kentucky'; fi ciff?J4 :5;A TcnnesjkeV rlS-'-: 1 i:r'Cv Louisiana, ' llimissippi, Indianna, lKinoisv.'V;, Alabama, Missourjj 3 :1?:;'?MIJ one scfialor vacant. 4 f '68 v others, that if they wished to destroy him al together, tliey should nominate hin in Con gresaj -';, for that the. prevailing sentiment throughout the country waa decidedly against Caucusing. V At least 20 of the states, in Con gress, are opposed to a Caucus. . There are not more than oo or 05 members of congress who are willing to eo into Caucus: ' out of which only about J5 or Jd are in tavor ot Mr. Crawford. - The balance, who are in favor of a Caucus, say they wish to preserve the as cendency of the Republican party, . " U is the decided opinion of the members favorable to Mr. Calhoun, that if the election should eventually go to the House of Repre sentatives, . that he wonki stand the nest -ifcence of success. There ia aa overwhelm- fv number f state against Crawford; and w i ttnmnv . &lAllMlV,,f?.!f??-: Sr.'A At the seat of Judge SeaweH, near this ci- tv, on the 6tb instant, Moses Moitlecai, Esci. to Miss Ann Lane, dauguter ot tbe late Mr, lien. ry Lane.; t.-.,--; -n,:'-- '., ',-. ', In this countW on .the flth anstantT TIr. James M. Brewer, of Tennessee, to Miss Ann Csmp. 4 - - ';':.'..;.-f''V-' ui At Newbern, on the 3't'th ultimo, Ih. Asa P. Cbadwick to Misa Mary Marshall. ' : v At Mrs. Austin's, on Handcock's Creek, on the 18th-ultimo, Mr. James Bell, of Cai-teret county, to Miss Elisabeth Cooper, of Georgia. , sAtFaytttville,f on the 24th ultimo, Mf. John B. Williams, of Chatham county, to Ms Codina C. Baker. , ; V"-ii'?.v. ". - At Edenton, on the 4th instant, Mr. David ten rootd fi himself permanently and advantogf-oaa. ' r in one of the best Stuarts lor bdslneis i the Itatc, might Cud k to his lutereii to eull and sea . - . JO IN T. P,.TEttQAlN.- - f BmitliBeiil, leo. 30, 1823. , ' I 8w . ". n'l , 'I . . I...IIH.J.. , . i.'i i 'r .i,.y" ii, ., tui'i'i fill,-' .i..,.ii-,l- I, 1 Yadkia Navigation -Company. -.V , : , HEUF.A8, Stnek , outwerihed to this , Coinu.inf hms been. )itrn iimn to lime . " declared due. and payment iqiiiid to ba iade' to the Treastirer, or Agents of le Cov.w j, by . divers Ml virttaemenls ln' the newtpapvra SO-t TIC, tlierefort, is hereby given lo tah eriJ t bers on whose stnvk all or, any part, of (lie 1st, v' 2.1. 8d.4th, 5th, th, 7lh, Slh, lli and 10ih ln F stalraents ranmios anpai(l,fhat pa' inrltt is rtoairn ed to b made on or before the 15th day ol Ja- ": ' onarv, 1 844, to William Johnson, ot Sneedtbo rough, osoa county, or to Alexander Nesbctt. ' ' ot Kewaa eotinty, Agents ol said Conipr i stid that tbe Stock of such subscribers, on liioh all ot any part of the above instalments remains vn paid, will, on that day, be sold at auction, at the' Court Uouse in the town of Saliibnry, N. C. . :.,'-. U: 1). M VU PUBX. Pres'U December I, 153 ;s: , j. r su-5w - it.;: U. States, on the part of the govern ment, jor the present vear, vzi Nicholas Jiiddle, of Pennsylvania, f - Manuel Eyre, of ,' E.J. Ditj)ontt of, Delaware, . Henry Eckford, of New, York, ; v , John. t Aim, of M aryland. ' i . . At the Election held at the Banking t t ,?vcnt of the iocal Candidates being House, , Philadelphia, 6n Monday last, of age. Hillsborough Recorder. . Tlit Bank of Ae United Slalet-lhc following centlemen have been ennoin ted by theVrestdent of the United States, j Miller to Mrs. Ann Pell, widow of Mr. Wm. with theadvice and consent oi tne ea-?PelU ate, to be Directofs of the Bank pf the ! - On the 23d ultimo, Mr- John Rothruclt, of eteaes , county, to miss wary Miner, aaugnter of the Rev. Jacob Miller, of Davidson county. in Mash county, on the Kid ult air. Elijah O. Portia to Miss Jack V. fJiderwood. m ? One hitndrcd and iimetu roeaibers are against a caucus, and only 6J far that measure. ' ,-; ' - y ' , I have put down the whole number of members, including federalists', because it is difficult in some state! to ascertain t the difference, and because when they 190 i! withdrawn, Mr Calhoun, who it the second loice every Vart (where he is wit first.) a oukl hare the ' best chance of uniting the states in a state vote iif the House of lUprcsen- tatives, as tho national Candidate. . . ; - ; , M l have just seen, two , very- intelligent leaders froirt N. York, who are sanguine in the opinion that Mr. Calhoun will eventually get the vote ot their state. - the f dlowing gentlemen were chosen Di rectors for the present yean 'ys .:..... John Bohlen, Daniel W. Coxe", Joshua Lippincott, R. M, AVhintney, ITiomas Cadwalader; Richard Willing, Alexan der Henry, Joseph Hemphill, Samuel Wethertll, Lewis Ulapier, raul tfeclf, Mr., cf v6Schusetts,t am told, is jr. John A. JJrown, Cadwalader Evans, .:; A '.-;': DIED At Newbern, on tbe 3d instant, Dr. Wm. Boyd, of New Jersey. - l- ,-;-, ' . a . r a.JCU.CTiC, vn( vuw .liVtmit, , . On the 28th ultimo, Mrs. Elizabeth Roth- ruck, widow of Mi. Valentine Rothruc'k, of Stokes county, , V - - V;- :.'. in Beaufort county, on tne 1st instant, James J. Selby, Tailor, 'J AKES this method of returning his thanks to 1 -F J ' bis eustoroers and the publis In general foe -j the many favors be has received, praying a eon Uniialiw of their patronage. ' 7 , ' . ' , He further ikes into consideration the prcv sure of the times, and Is resolved lo work low, f' tarmsking sny kiiHlof works ddoetionwHI be allowed of SO per cent-r from theanatomary pru es for prompt paytmnt, on or belnre the delive. ry of said articl'v.p.uncinid attention aVill hot pold mesecnting the work in the neateit and mottfanhioimble runnier .. Oi deis strictly attsml ed lot likewise particiilar.diieetiona. , Jlaleilri Nof. l4, l8a3, , t' 40-Steow' f 1 . Miss Lucretia Ellison, ldst daughter Of Tho mas Elusory Esq. , ; .' . 'r , - r: PETERSBURG PRICES. i Jan. 9. Bacon, 9 a t0 Cotton, 12 a 13 J Tobacco, 2 50 a .10 00; Flour, 5 Coflee, 25 1 "vHrV- subssribcr resiieeifnlly Inrnrms'lhe B eitizens of Raleigh, and the public that be has iuat received an elegant' asiaon ment of .Watches, Jewejrv.and . Rrittsnia V aro. together with a bdndanrr.e suniilv of Gic- and CarriK Whips, which he is Hn, nscrf to sell low. Every attention will be paui to the Watch and. Cloak repairing business. . t v . HSNRY KUNSMAN - Paleigh.'Nov. tC,ls3 . ry . 4Mf , T" ':. ". ' " " " f areriEccrtained, tha proportion fer acid IquUe sanjuine ai ta Kg. Calboyn's succeiy m'jri? John Potter, of P'-'th Carolina, )Vjl- Ja J8 Sugir, brown, 19 a 13 .Salt, 7?a S7f.-v Of Vt7 lMry(w(xu ..-''v- " .'''-;' . ,.'. ',.,,';' .... '::.'...-,. ; ' -v . ' - .' .; .v.'.:'-'-'-:.' --.' v .:. , , -',.- ... .-executed at this OITeg 9

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