4 V if .-A - v iff- At I: Ik , Stat tf Kortb-Carollot, ' .!.' "isa Opuniy." , Ctwut f Fie an 4 Qa&rter BmW& Nrrrmbr Siuon. 1&23. , JiUBm, . a. lMkk vvkWyOri. OXDCUfcO. That vvbrfW mi m (W ast Mr at Ikta Coart aa be brtl m Grvwlr, aa 1W Aral ef FrWwry irM, aaa) mdcvy, or Oat pt as illy W. tadaaaa aaa d Jt X lV bjauaTt Mjt7i aa ikat ynlliaeona af lW aiaac k an aw a Iba tut, prfd ta aUleajh, frar Ura a !, " A mm treat IV aSaatee. ' v Aunt, CKOKGK RVAKS, C. C 47-Jat pnatadf.&I tO v State of North-Carolina, Lincoln County. Superior Ctwirl of Lw Octolx Term, tr n . - - A. U. JoXj. tttru Beting. aUsaana Beviags Patilioa for Diver. TT appearing U l aaoafaatioe of lb Court, I dial siaMoa Betiaft, th defeadaat, U ant ta laLaitant af rh Matei it It ikwaw erdrrea by Court, that tubliealioa ba aade tare atania ia lb KaWarlt Star aaa Wetter Cerolioawi, fir. Inf aotiatt tb4eranaM.tBat a (fpcar at tba ml tapertar Court af Lav to be acid fur Lav Hi fotarth Mouday aflrr the totu-ib Moaday of Jttare aext, Utea aaa there W imiv, bi". or deal or ta wid petkioaf otbrrwiac it will be take pro aaafeeto, an adjudged aaaordiafty ., ' . Wit, Lawao Hreaeraoa, CWrk af Mid Coart. at Offis, iba 4ib Monday afie the ih Mondav af benteesber, A. I. 11(3, and in the 41th year of tbe Iadrptadeuaa of Uia Uoited ktataa. LAWN HENDERSON. 44-Jmpd State of Nortli-Carblina, ' IX Franklin County. ; ' Court of Plea and Quarter Session ' , l 4 ' September Term, 1823. , "Latter Carriaroa ra. Archibald H. Ureen-ori fc- pnal altaebioemt Joel King, aura bio ud tarai-, she. . ? , . - . IT appeirinr to the Mbtfaotioil of the Court, i tbet the delendaat ia Ibia aaae ha remored MiOMir oat of the Mate, to that the omal proeeet '. of law cannot be aerred on biia: It ia ordered,' ' .tht publication ha made ia the Raleigh Star lor Hire month, that anlee the defendant appear at uba next teraa of thia Ceurt. 10 be held lor the . eguat of Franklin, at tba Coart booee la Louia burg oa the teeoad Monday ia Ui-eember next, ' and itifad to liaue. the property will De con ilcnaed ia tlie baadi of lite carnithee. 4 Teat, . ; ' 8. PATTKRSON, C.C.C. .- price adr. g . -t i5-3m - State of North-Carolina, ' ' ' Lincoln County.' Superior Court of Law October Term, (. ' 1823. Mary Hooper lothua Hooper Petition for f . f . , IHwce. .fT pprai'ingto Uieialiafaetion of the Court, I that Joahua,lloo)cr, the defendant, ia not an inhabitant of thlil eutej it ii therefore ordered by ilia Court, that publication be 'made three , niootbi in the Kaleigh .SUr and Weitern Caroli. . nian, giving notice to the defendant, that he ap lr at the nest Superior Court of Law lo be held for Lincoln county, at the Conn House in Uueolntan, on the fourth Monday alter the fourth Monday of March next, then aud there to an lwer, plead, or demur a tali petition; other wiae it will be Ukca pro eoufetao, and adjaxlged "accordingly.' x'-'". t Witoeu. Lawaon flenderaon, Clerk of antd Court, at Offiee the 4th M onday after the 4th V " ' . .7. .V-.- t .a Monday y of SeptemBer, A, v. ix?, ami in me 41th year of Uie ludenendenee of the IT. Stati ,.- . . LAWN HENDERSON. ate, j 46-3m price adv. 87 ,y M oiaie 91 itjyriii-tvtti wiiuu, Coart ot Pleas ami Quarter Sessions . November Term, A. U. 1823, Henry .Jenkiul . Hardy W bitfield Original attachment levied, bio. rilHPi 'Court being talitfied ihut Ihe dt fendant J. .In thi ease it not within this Mate, ordered that publication be made in the Mar and State Gazette (lor three months, that unless he appear at the nextiei mnf the aaid Court of Pleat and Quarter Sestinnt to be bald in Nashville, .id the county of Nsl. on the second I uetday iu Feb ruary next, and then nrt there replevy and plead, Ito. judgmeut will e entered against him fpr the debt demanded, and the euatei, and property levied on, condemned tu pay the plain tff s recotery and cost. a ' ,11. BLOUNT, C. C. C. N ash eo; Nov. 11,1 883 49-3m price ail v gS State of North-Carolina! Guilford County, m. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions . , November Term, 1823. ' Elisabeth Kit kman vt. Leveu Kirkwan, Tho mat Kirkman, George Kirkroan, William Kirkman, Jarart Kirkinan, r.Vijah Kirkman, WilliHiit Adam and wife Martha, Robert "Vood tod wife Anna, Daniel -Sellevan sikI " ita1riscilla, Furguaoo and wile Alary,' and the heir at law of Sarah Jackaon, by her , huaiiand Joteph Jackson, and John, William ' aud George Kirkmun, juu'r, Andrew Lillon and vita Satv.h, ehildren and heira of Peler 'Kiliuuia, dee'd Petilion tier Dower in 'J00 , ' aorctat land, the property of George Kiik- v utan.ltl. , I I pperii:g.tfin satisfaction of tli at the defendwnts, Thomas Kirl ivMkman, William Kirkman, Jamei man.de l. . , in 01 ilie uourt, Kirkman, Geo. lame Kirkman, F.lijuh Kirkman, Robert Wood an wde Anna, Daniel Solletau aud wife Priaellla, Furgu ton and wife Mary, and the heir tt law of harah Jnektott.bj berhutband Joseph Jackion, John Kirkroaa, Andrew Dillon and wife Sarah, chil dren and heir of Peter Kirkman, tlte'd, are not inhkbltitniaof ibia ttatei it I therefore ordered that publiuatiuu be mle in the Raleigh Star for six wtekt successively, that said defendants ap pear at the next County Court to ba held for said County, at the Court-HouM in Greensboro', ,00 the third Monday of February next, then aud thete to answer, plead or demur; otherwise aaid etitioa will be taken pro couktto, and heard expurte to them ;, . Witneta, John llanner. Clerk of said Court, at office the third Monday of MsTenuber. Ui3. JOHN HANKER, tT C:C ; Sl-lb price adtft5 8?. State of Noith-Carolina, Court of Pleas and Quarter Session- ' November Term. 1823. Lcmnel W'asdeu vt. Thomas Priilgen and 0-th-rs Potltioo for distributive share. OR I IKK Kl), by the Court, UiM publieatinn be made in the Raleigh Star for three month, ttial uub ss James Wasdea, who reaidea without tl.M limrtaof this Sute. and itoa of the defend ant ia hi ease, appear at our next Coart of Fk-aiaod Quarter besaionito be betd for the raxiniy of Green, at the Court House in fenow. ; Hill, 00 tbctecotid Molay of February nut, ' and shew aaute to th contrary, Iba pei'uioo will ,hf rakea, pro eoufetao Uii a deareo made be- i Aitrrt, WM VlU.nMS.CI'k. "'st im prie adt gi :f- Stat cf North-Carolina, Cort t-f Ilea u4 Q'iarter iaa NortKibrr -Term, 1823. ftaurt ihoa VTau r-rr On-J aiaal Xaal naaiird Cr IT aint a tba atiafitiaa of tba Coa. 1 I bat ib aVfaadaat U law oaaa to oat aa av kabMaat U taa mmtn It ia tbrraaort ordrrad, Vf I aabaciti b aaoa taraa trrf b iba ftaleti aw. nai aa Iba oaal dUt.aial Va arpryl aralCMrtof PWaa aad(arter bcaaa bUd tar MaaWiacba n'i at taa Hoaaa ia Mratrtb, aa lU b alaada ia I'abraarr mil aad aatad ta iawi atbcraaM Iba prearrt laraaab i 01 aa aaUaaiaaa la tba aaaaa at tar nOBT G ALLOW AT, C. C. fl-apriaoai ft$ State of North-Carolinu, v JiOtkittgfum Cotmly. Court of Plea aud Quarter Sessions November Term, 1823. Chaa. Mill ra. Hurt C Mill Orifioal at taebaaeat Irricd oa iaada. IT aparariac to th BttitfaaUaa af iba Caort, UatilarbC Mtlbjiiaotaa iabauiual af ibU ataf! ' io ibcrrforr ardcred, ay tba Court, ibat puMiaatioa be aaatla fur thrra avMtha aacara. airrlr ia liia lUlcijU Star, aoliaa ta tbc aaid defeadant la aprar at our acxt Court ot Plea aad Quarter Sctnon to be beki fur the ooontf cf KorkirKtajnt at tba Coart-Honaa ia Went worth, om the Mk Monday ia February Beit, and rrplcry, plead ta iaaua or ilrmarj o therotae ju1rmrnt will b catered anitiM biia Teat, KOBT GALLOWAY, C. C 81-Sta price adr gJ State of North-Curolina, Hertford County. Court of Pleas ami Quarter Sessions November Term, 183. Samuel Nicholatn Ta. William Finer Original liaetof land near Murfreeahorough, auppoaed to be 500 acre, aunre or lesa, adioinmr tli Unda of Mil. Peggy bickhiaoo, Ma bally . , lianki ana other, j T appearinr lo the tatitfiictinn of the Court, I that the defendant in thii caie has removed bimeelf out of thia etate, and ia uOw an inhubi 'ant of another atate, ao that tlte usual procr ta n law cannot be eei-ved ntion him; it i ordered that publication be nale iu the Ualeieli Star for three moot hi. that unlet the defendant appeai at the nest term of tliii Court to be held lor thi eauuty of Hertford, at the Court-House in W in ton, on the fourth Monday in Februxry next replevy the property an attached, or plead to it ue, that juMgnient aha 1 1 be eolered against him, and execution awarded. Witneie, L. M. COWPEU, Cl'k. Sl-3in price adr. gS 95, pd. State of Noi th-Curolinu, Northampton County." Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions December Term, 1823. John T Vqtighn, Henry Vaughn, and Eliza B. Branch, by her guardian Thomat Peetee, va. the heiit and deviaret of Tliomn Vaughn, de eeateu - petition lor partition ot lands I T appearing ta tbe satisfaction of Ihe Court, that Henry B. Vaughn, William Vanehn. amea Vaushn, Beniamia Vaughn, and the heir of Thomat Vaughn, deceased, (the younger,) and grandchildren of the said Thomas Vaughn, deceased, defendants mentioned in Hie petition. i ""J" 7i . , V n ' rre,u'? ".r" (lt'iaptrl It tllP I .frllPt. Hint titlKlltaltrin lit mail in ; "jr""""-"- weeks tuccf ttivclj, for the defendanla to appear ' at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county uf Northampton, on the first Monday in March next, then and there to plead, answer, or de.nur; or this petition will he taken pro coul'essoas lo llieiu, an J heard ex- pant. Witness, .fohn W Harrison, Clerk of n'nl I Court, at Office, life first Monday of December, A. D. 1833, anil in the iSlh year ot the iude ! liciulence of sxid state. JOHN HARRISON, C. C. C. l-5w price adv. g3 Stolen, ".IRQ Vf the Subscriber' shop, on the 29th ull JP a double case Gold Patent La ver WtlCH, with a hue liold Ivhain, beal und hev. 1 he out aide ease of the watch is chsel; it bus a gold ami, two purs extra jewel, detached tcainnciit mail by Joseph Johnson, Liverpool, and No 83'J2. All autuhmakei t and others are solicited. that if any watch of the above description should be 0 fit; red for salr, or repair, In stop it; and should the watcA and Unci be delected, a reward ol twenty-fire dollar will be given, together villi uie sincere inanKS 01 AV'.i.- -(-"'' JOHN Y. SAVAGE. Raleigh,' Jan. I, 1824. 1 -4w aT ' Notico This. FxPHrrRriitnowat Col. William Polk, lor B Sale, a number cf improved CO TTON SAW GINS, which Uie itibscriber will warrant to be as good a any made in the State For the terms, appl) to col. Wm. Polk. BENJ. F. ALEXANDER. Raleigh, Not 2'J, 1823. 48-49-oam tf To Country Merchants. CHEAP BOOKS & STATIONARY, Fir Cut A, or Ci. i Acceptance, No. 9, AbrM Fewth iUitetPldlatielphia, ( opposite lohe't - Hotel. J C" 'f t'tE subsciiberwhohas had the management I and disposal of the late Benjamin Warner's stock, has commenced the HOOK and STA TION RY business it th above stand; and now offer for nile, at very reduced price, an exten sir stock of Books and Stationary, eonsisiinc; of Law, Medical,! beolnirical, Classical, and Mis cellaneous Bonks; particularly, an extensive v nety ot Uie latest and most approved editions 01 Ensrlish, Latiu. Greek; ec rrench School Books, and articles suited to the demand of Gouutry Merchant. As lha subscriber intends pnrchasiag reneral ly at Aitetion, or for Cash, he flatters himself that those who ntay please to favor hint with call wilt find priors satisfactory. All new publl cations, regularly received a soon as published. ju t UKIWU. N. II. There being a BUUK. HINUfcK aU tached to thi establishment, Records and Mer chants' Account Books, ahd Blank Book of eve ry deaeriptiou, ana be ruled and bound lo auy pattern. Nov 37. V ' " ' " . S50 Reward. OTRAYEn cr STOLEN, from my pbnta- O Hon, near thi plate, on luetitay night, the 16th 0 ilus month, two brown Horses, nearly of a lac, one about six and the other about seven or eight year old. The largest has a sear on bis tett ancle behind. Both were raised in East Tennessee. - Any person who will secure th thief, and deliw th Horse, shall recivo tbe above rewar'Voe 'iO dollar for tbe delivery o meiiortea. . lr-r-v T. . TAYLOR. CLpeUillDe.S,U?3. . Si Sw mieigli Academj. tnrVtT. r a af aW laKaUoa I aaai aa aba trat MaaaVf ia 4 aaa -- aVr Iba aaau ad aap tWKw IV. blrria- TVtaauaa T batbiatUMaWaad raah aiaartaiai IV a d.br aaa) bav bitbata giata aaacb Muaatcooa, U Lm immM alaaaa aOl Oa taa raaigaaiaaa at Maa kA a. Ill Wr alaaa a taa teaaate n mmA ia Baa twaJT ttH aa ta af UW Board- -Tbe TtMHi ar barpy la"ViTKf h Wt tbc pawarM act. that taia Lady, aba bat bora tat fifed i. ib hetraeuja aad ,caraaieal TOM LwVa, aaaare ta iba- " " lactr baag ywaag Lantra, abvtbal iher aaa. a lib auaSdcaca, aataaaead berta lU frieada aad Pa"- at Ue laataatbai. aa rrery way ' a,aaauau m ii Ajvm mt Wn auMiatsaeal kZ baa bara aaada with Dr Ma- W.IuJi. abat bat brea aaoalit ailed tba Cfaawaal DrparUaeat af tba Aaada- aty, ia aaw, at bit aa reM. V "P " ado iaatractioa and aaremrat. For mor particular hforatioa iwiMng "u " wbica thl lirpartnaeiii daated, tba Pubua ta rtltrrtO to lua AUerua- I'be Toitioa fret of tbe Academy, for a aea. a oa or half year, are the follower: lat Uata spelluig, Heamog, eouy arilir.s, 2d Cl.ai 1 he lxir airople rule in A. rithnwtie, eoinmiitint lo memory tbe Knglitli awl li .raiiiuiiir, licogra phy of Iba I'uiudSUles 1'Uiu Stw- 3rd l.'faea Arithmetic, fleorai'hy and Kf)K''! Grammar th.-oujiliiiul, Maili meull af the Lalm Language, Nccdli wurk, . I- 4th ClaaJ The Latm and Grer Laa (ruaret ihroujhout, Kletociu of VI atha. malic Natural t'hilotnphy tt Atlruao my, Rhetoric, U-j;. lorl Philoaophy aa.ICheini.lry, ltmaing. Painting and Kraarmrtery, Each atuilent it liWewiae retiuired lo pay 50 eenti a tewion to the contingent fund for Cre wood, rriiain, tec. W. llILI-.See'y. Raleigh, IVc.C. Mi 5- Ruleigh Grammar School, OR PREPARATORY PROFESSORSHIP. f B 1HK I liMtin ol lh Trtitteea of the Raleigh Academy in? lriveD tin the Ul.ittteai ueuartiueni e Institution to the ante instruction auu . on . . manart ment of the aubtcriber, he propose! to et tablith a Grain mai school, 011 a plan, ol which the following is a brief outline: 1. The number of pupils shall be limited to twenty; but Ihe lohool will go into operation with tea, or wilh any lesa nun.Der. t. That the attentioti ol the inttructor may pot be loo much divided, the pupils shall not, at any lime, be distributed into more lliau too clattti. 3. The ohiret of the chom shail be, to pre- pare the pupils for entering, with credit, the U- ivcrtity 01 mis state. 1 lleiugtliut redueea 10 tne simple enaracieroi Freimrtuoiii froiensortntp, anu ireeu irom the distractions aud draa batkt incident to more extended plans of instruction, .the school, it is hoped, will tend iu some degree lo promote the interests of solid harnimt. 4. The school room shall t all times be lur. nished with a competent number ot Ancient Mait for the purpose ol illustrating the geogra-1 pity ot tne classics S. Th tin of translations amnnr the nunils shall be strictly prohibited. 6. t he sessions and vacation shall, tor the pre-: sent, be regulated by those of the Cniversity of. North-laroliua. 7 The price of tuition per session will be y- i dollar), paid in advance. Parents and Guardians, who may wish lor Mr- ihtr information, shall, on application, be lurnieh-! ed with the aabscriher'a circular, containing a , more detailed account of ihe principles ami r eolations of die institution. .- .1. tj.n'it..i..Frl?fii- vv. M rnr.r. 1 cm, Principal of the Halcii-h Academy, December OT, 1823. I -3t. .Classical School. I lllK subscriber having removed lo the City of Raleigh, would take under his charge from eight to ten young gentlemen, lor in struct ioo in the Latin and lreeK LJtng'jaje", and in Uie ele mentary Branches ol tli Mathematics. His wish is, to receive that number into his family as boarders, that their moral and religious deportment and improvement, msy be a care fully attended to, as their literary acquirement, I he accommodation provided for ihein will be liberal and genteel, and the regulations of the school such, as to meet the important purposes of advancement in science Fur the accomodation of the inhabitants of the CiM.frora six to eight day scholars will be taken, but the whole number taKen under charge, will be limited to righteen. Ihe course ot study will be directed on a principle different froiu ihe modern mode of lui- iior,, nnd calculated to make tbe student sound and throughly grounded classical scholars. The schcol will commence on the 1st Monday in Jan. m-xij anu uiere wiii oe two vacations in in. year, corresponding in time and duration wilh those an 111c uuiTnajij h tne o uiie. I he price ot board and tuition will be )51W) and tuitinn w per session paid in advance, which will include every expense but that of booksand paper. I'he price ot tuition alone, will be per session, likewise paid in advance. 1 he subscriber 1 happy to have it in hi pow. er lo say, that his plan lias the sanction of the Rt. Rev. the Bislop of the Diocese, and the pro mise of his co-operation, in whatever may render his service really profitable to those entrusted to his ear. 1 GEO, W. FREEMAN. Raleigh, Dee. 90, 1 823. 59 3t In giving the sanction of mv annroval to Mr. Freeman personally, and to the plan of tuilion proposed to be pursued by Lim, I am happy to present to the Episcopal families of this Diocese lhe opportunity of pulling a po tiou of their youth under the immediate care of a gentleman fully competent to what he undertakes; who in a few mnnths will be in Holy Orders and engaged both by duty and inteiest. to the most earnest endeavor to instil into the nind of those under his eare, not only the principles of tqiind science, but those sound and long-tiled principle which are the safeguard of pure and undefi led religion Iu this pursuit, it will be my pleasure lo render him every assistance compatible with my other duties. JOHN S. RAVENSCROFT. Raleigh, Dee. CO, 1 8.3 Sardis Academy. ft VIE Trustees of Sardis Academy, John I at on county, announce to Ihe public, that ihey have engaged Mr. Thos. L. Rags dale, t gentleman of high standing and much ex perience as a Teacher, to preside in their semi nary the ensuing year : 'I he tourae of studies ui this institution ia intended to prepare boy for the University. .Tuition,. Spelling, Reading, VV riling, Geography, History, Roman Anliqui lies, Composition, Kloeution, English Grammar ana Parting, Arithmetic, Geftmeiiy, the Latin and Greek Language, etc $20 per annum Board, Including candle, lc. may be bad in re spectable families, eMvcmeot to tbe Academy, at ( dollar per month. ?' . - - . --.-i - ' L , :- -it : WATSON- . See'y to the Uonrd of 1 matt ret. Dr. IS23 I, I ya-braaba-W .Tj Mta Uxrwae aa the Andreiri Sc Jones1 N.CABOUNA rUIALE ACADtatT. 1 .11! S baauiauaa abwb, darUa; tl paaa .Ll area a Oxrwae aa ifca r aaafc-j araaaaaeiwa,aaa aawat ti ar ti,, t wut . . a- II hi I -- - . - l.,.., if iimliri-. " aaraaa. ... .f V- aa caatr M it at aaiaU-baarat a bare tba pi ' atU aaa. atM Urward, prat praparty, pay Caargrt,, lunaM. i a a i laawr f"P ta aa aaay. fT - - at vji uirirtn , Ura aiiaradlba laatia eaar.aartb ral rraaeat at tawn- Tbe paaia' are awatraaatd ba aw,.;. Vraeiar. Jrala-arftV. AVraVITarw, amjj!rmmm. Jaaaary, ttti, aad aaaapad fraaa the at. , Tha lanaakar board, waaiiag. aad lakie ia laa Itib Marab Uat, aaa baca Uba U,a , all the abore braaabea are aiat) dollar par at. jl ia Kaab aoaoty. aaera b aaa lpm- t XZZik at aAwavr M-aie. aaaaf aad i- lb VUk af Srplaataef laat pa, a4 a:,i tnEEC thin, doiar. peratta-a U,-U.f Ulb-IW Moon ,-aty fcl U. J am ia .Uolaura by aoaapeleal awaier. , eouipletioa, aad a. J I b Ubmrtia Sia'i Vv VboCrai aealoa will ead tarty ia July, lb aa. of lb but of AUbabama I be eant-r cf . eand ia Uecemaar, ahta ibe auly rjcabua la taa aegro wui aaa I or arc, pro propmr, v I ear tahct plaae brge and lake bint iwaj! at her an Ikanateatdf aduaatina Uia all lha depart- diacbanedaccordier to law. , ateal ratUcali by lb aid of aa eicclleal epua- ' UAS L M KtlLL, ratua, ih Lalba of Natural Pbikjaoyliy, Whyau. lr. and Aatranoniy are illuatratad expenatraul- Jaa. OT, 1123 . ' .! A A . .;.ta mJT m uiut) rcnacrvQ whjj of . I acre are ail Uaelier aonalaaily engaged) ihrea exaellent Patno-Korlta are eaiplojea iu IUe me deal depart meni, aud tbe model lor Drawing No r;ZK flowed6 1-Trueh a. ar , " lk I.e. authorited by Percale or Guardian, and tba Principal are determined ttricUy to enforce the rule prohibiting Qticry in dreia. In tunncr, co lored cotton tlrcuet, aod in winter worsted atutfe will be worn by all the )cung Ladiea. All the pupil will board i(b the I'rineipati, who pay auieialtentkMi lo their hellh, tneir manner, and their moral. 1 be public aad pri-! v .i.a .lotioo are re.ial obaerted. Jolinatoo VMinty, uct. I, 40-if whiltt evei7 thing aectanan i aarefufly atoided.i . . t rjieh pupil it expected to briag a aurerlid. a JailOr'S IlOllCe. pair ol afieela, U.nkem and towels bar lr owa A?j j lo tbe utes ml.erwiar au extra charge wilt be made of . yy ln.Vilnt, , ,e,r. m J? Ft , hi name JANUARY, and aayt he belong, t0 , Q-tthcn pHymeni "' . Mr. Ca.ten. of Latter aouuty. tUteof lou i ' marte, approved bond will, iu all insuuocs be I cro(m he lbotlt 40 yearald, and about s I CAItiKUi JOST.PII ANUUF.WS,? p . ... THOVIA" P. JlJle !4. t OxiirJ, Granville ao Uee.l8i3 SO-lw Fayetteville Academy. f glHlS luatitution now offer advantages equal I to anv ia the Southern 8ialet, beinr con .ducted 00 the most anuroveu pnncipiea, auu ura . . . . . r rided wiln aupenor teacliert iu every urancn ui useful ami ornamental education. This, wilh its healthy ailualiou and moderate charges lor board and tuition, roust insure it a liucnil patronage. I'he Strictest attention will he paid to Ihe con duct and morals of those attending it. TERMS PER QUARTER. I Female Department, conducted by Mrt Ham ilton, wilh assistant teachers, Rudiments, 2 SO Reading and writing, 3 Engliih Grammar, neient and Mo dern Geography, with the use of the I Maps Klilobes, History, Chronology, Myt loloev, Khetorio, Belles L.aUrci, fG 1,4 Composition, Natural I'hilotophej , I Botany, with plain aud oruxmental j Neclle Work, ' J Music, laugbi by Madam VoiIIa, in the best Italian style, per Hiiuum, g6l per quarter, 80. Do. taught out of the Institution, 100 per an num. . ' v -,;'i"' Drawing, Painting, and be French Language, by M. Laisney, a native of France. .' Drawing and Painting, g6 French, ' C Classical department, under Dr. G. Davis, The Latin and Greek Languages, Natural and1 Moral f hilusopliy, lic, Astronomy, Mathe rnatics, Geometry, and Algebra, 9. ENGLISH MALE DEPARTMENT. Rudiments, g3 Ueading, Writing, Arithmetic, r.nglish Grammar, Ancient and Modern Geo- I g. ernnhv. wilh the use of the Maul and 1 c tjlobes, J Pens and Ink provided without charge A tax of 25 ceiiltun each student, fur Wood, Water, ho Hoard, including all the above branches, ex cept Music, )35 pur quarter, payable in ad. vance. VV M. HAMILTON. (rjj For the satisfaction of Parents and Guar dians, the following gentlemen may be referred to: John A. Cameron, Esq. President of the School Committee, or Ihe Re.v R. il, Morrison. Fayelteville, April 29, 1823 18-I2m Hillsborough Academy. is sincerely Grateful. He will still continue tola bor faithfully iu the instruction of those who may be committed to his care. ne exercises win oe resumed on tne brst ! Monday in January. I Jtiti uuu&iis, rr'l. i Hillsboro , Deo. 28, 1823 I -4w Koanoke JNaVlgatlOn Company. AT Mary Kenoon, Wm fcennon, Frtntil a m Y a resolution of the Board of Dinetorsnf Kenlock, ir. IVu Kibber. , ' 7, tne RwilloVe Navigation Company of the ,lh of ,a,t mon(hf lhe llockholderi of the said (J3 The Editor of the Milton Gazelle i re quested to publish the above until the 1st of Feb ruary next Hymn Books. JUST PUBLISHED, by Uell k Lawrence, and for sale at D, Lindeman's Rook Store, on Fayetleville street,' next door to Mesait. Ross ft Seott'a Auotion store, a selection of HYMNS and SPIRITUAL SONGS, designed lor the use of Congregations, by the Rev John Purity, pastor of the Baptist :hurch at Ihe Cross Road Meeting Uouse, Wake county, N. C. Price oue dollar, neatly bound. ?v . Dee 18, 1823 51 St Notice. O AVING it in view shortly to remove Own ; 01 me lonowing proierty, lying in tbe Gity or inerwise gel uiem. -.u.6i,, n wC, ,tn,ivvcu im, ine coroerot rayeiteville and Uavie streets, having on it an excellent dwelling house and all necessary ao pendaget for comfortable residence, and ocu. pied at present by Mr. Birdsall. A corame dious store house 00 Fayelteville street, now oc cupied by Mr. Heudoo, and considered one of the best stand fof business ia the city--audp dwelling house with gardep and out-house on Salisbury street, now in tbe occupation of Mr. Lawrence, and on part of the store lot. For term) apply to Henry Potter i ' ' , FRKDERICK FREEMAN. , Newbero, Nov. 1835, " a.. 47 if , , . l Blank' Checksy-rv- Oa the Sttie and 'SewbernUauk, far sale at u. -i-L a 11 : . 1 1 . ., . . . r . . V"?-"ive;; fTr. Notices. 4TtUalUiTll.ua laa f4 tOblMmTDaa iba .4 af C J aaaarj, oa iba t&b af latra,Ur, ' u anra ku. aaautla blatarU lirvkT m ta Mt-aaaMlara-ra, Ull.abaat i fat I laehaa bb, alraaVrr a .. mm . wa.t .a i, 1jHfi aaa at taa saa t eyaUeriHe, Ue. r, tin Km .V Kan away. Shf of Moortawat.. Fill v Dollars iJewaid.. "1 AN A WAY fro tbc 8abaaribrr. oa & Fcbi nary lad, a dark mulatto fellow at. one or two year af are very aviek tpoieat a, tear oa oue of hi baa, naaioaed by a M auraxl by rowellinio it it aaid be baaa atwrta . of Ida abveka, wbieit wacoeaaaoncd by tbe l.u of a dog. It ia expected h it patting te f, man. Any perann apprcheftding the aaid Idiot ahull receive Ibe above reward. G. WIMBERLF.y. feet B cr 9 inches high, complexion very drl n nas a small scar on ma nreoeaa, near tbt hi. over hi right ry , . The owner of said nfgro i requested ta eoa forward, prove hi properly, pay barret, s take him away, or he will bo dealt with at lit law direcu iu such cases. The above negro wat taken op witUa the b mits of the Dismal Swamp, whieb, by t Ittt It, of ibis State, entitle tbc taker-up to oo four,!, of hiTrmjue. ' ' ' i I V JOSHUA A. POOL, Jailor. ! r-iizaoeiti joity, ratquotang y-. , aounly, Oct. H. '. 5 , ' r' Jailor's Notice.' v T 1 ItAKRN UP and lodged 4a the jail of l! .: eoi'inty, on th Stfth ultimo, aetrt) tm named ISilAM,or ttoni. - Sayt he belongs It Joseph EnMow, of Charleston, S C Said aern it well known iu this place, and wat told, eig:a or nine months since, by Mr. Cooper, of Duplin county. The Owaer ia i-equestett to conic tW. ward, prove property, pay eharpea, and take bio. away. CHARLES U. MOttbMS, Jailor. Wilmington, Aug, 8, 1823 ' 38-U A List of Letters EM AININO In the Post Office tt Raleigh, the Itt January, 18ii4,' which will, if not u keu out of. the office- before the 1st April Mil, be aetit to the General Post Office, at dead let ter. s.,-: - '-.(,., a - vl Catharine Abernathy, Franai Aadrttr. Joshua Allen, Capt , Anson Allen, Wm. Atom Cade Allord, Win. Allen, Mitt Allyn, Jno. A! . 1 1 en, Elixa Anniited, Wm. Atkint, Jichola A j mo, i... .t f'f '- 'i'-'. .. . f I B. J no. J. Briggs, J no. Broadwell, Geo! Hsr- by, I boa. Uojltio, Webb Uell, Mark Harlcei, Johnttotj Bu&bee 8, Mary W Bryan, Jaa Butbtt Brigadier General 17lh Brigade, Jno.' Bargvir Wm Xi. Bowers, Kobt , Burton, Cliarlotte At: Brown, Jno. Buffalo, . -. j C Lewis Carpenter, Richard C'rboro, Ja Chamlee 3, Sam'l Chunn 3, Jas II Cook 2, Clin A. Chevit, Willie Carpenter, Elija-Crosby, Jaa Crusinbary, Chas. Coplin,' Lua. M.. 'Joinptw Ja. Chapman, Jno. Clifton. - . J Boiling Dunn 3, Dudley Vanoleef, Ln ey Decoaty, Jno. Drake, Dr. Davies, Joviah Lil liard, R. T. Daniel, tklw'd Dudley, Lirzj DsvU ;. Etekiel Ellis, Jno. Evaus, ' Jr". -Mr. Ann Falconer, Susan Firt, KjV ehen Freeman, Allen Freeman 9, Edw'd Flint' ran, Wm. Foster, Jot. T. Fowler. . j O Jatper Gillet. VV ;V j iZ.Aouilla Hubbard. Lewi Hopdon, Rottr Hancock, Wm, Henry, Jno. Hall, Rev. Hear fOH the very extensive patronage with which , Hardv. Isabella A. Hinton. Thns. Heneir, Wo. U Una school has been tavored, the subscriber ; a, Rj0h'd Hinds, Sherwood, House, Juli Howard. Jordan Holleraan, Rev, I bo, iirtt, Behi. Holding-. JnO. VV. Hill, Jotiab It. Hicks, Jno W Harris, jaiue Hintoo.of Adam Basks, J" -Mary Ivy, Nath'l Jones (Middle Creek,) Wesley Jones, David Jones, Brey Jones, Alio Jones, Etheldred Jones, K G Jeffreys 8, OsvW Justice, jr. West Johnson, Joo Johnson, t T i iu....n i. r Ink-., t 1n.l Xr wm L.ightloot, U till Liockuari x, W Lane, J R Lucas, Wm Lyou, Isaac, Lane. company are required to pay to the treasurer Michael Lane, Catharine Lowry. ' thereof, on the first dty of February next, the f Colin M'lver, Wm 13 M ears, Jul M sum of five dollar on each and every share of Alisler, Polly M'Gchee, Wm M'Culleit,T stock held by them respectively. Marshall Mark Moon, Rev T D Mason, Ed, ot A, JOYNER, Treasurer. 1 Minerva, Tho A Mcra, Ja M'Powelt, Mow Dee. IS. 182.1. i Marshall. AlexV Mvalt. 1 ff ! JV Geo Nance, Dolly Noiiav' j u Martin Uverly ; J' Dan'l Parharo, Stm'l Peake, Tho Pri" tt Willie Robertson, Frederick Wgb. Nimrod Ragulalr, Dpvid Ruth 9, Jas B Uogen, Abraham Ruffin, Hart well Reeves, Robert Kay, Thos J Roheson, Daniel G ltencher, Cbstl Ray, Jas Hobby, ::: -,': f 'f'-.-itf'-, :.' S Burrell Simms, John Shlpp, John Sesr!) rough, Ja Sweeny, Jno L Scolt,, Wm Sugg,!'. D. Oaliuoo, Elizabeth D Ship, tkrry D SiiuisS Barbara Smith. R G Smith, Elizabeth Sorrcll, Saral Sugg, Bazil U Smith, Tho bpain, ' H Scotl, Elizabeth Stanly, Eliza, Smith, Jehu SIh ron. Redding Simms, Rebecca Sulhertandi 1 Singleton. Harrison Smith'. 'X v'-' '. -i ) '"' 'J I'lulip Tidy man, Wm TbomaS. v; f" Clargy Upchuroh. .- -' .' ' Jacob Vanu, Dan'l Verier. ir Wm Woodville, Uicretiu Walliee, ' WebhJ Newton Wood, Abelia Webb, Jno Wil liam 2, Nalh'l Whitlow, Jo Wilson 3,EliU" Ward, Tho Watson, Win Woaibhs, Bebecc' William? f -.?v5:':jfr.tv'- T Bazil Tatet, John W Young; "hi .u!.r Persons eallinir for. the. above LelterV this state, 1 would give a bareain in the tale 'my that they are advertised, a they may olv" it . n : fcurTiI. P. M. Raleigh, Jan I, 1 824 IJf;V Just Published and for Sale; AT THE' STAR OFFICER -'3341.. Calculated' for tlte tiate f North-Carolina, K - v - . Wm. Collom, of Philadelphia. ,K i dj Country Merchants bnd otheri can v atipplied at the usual prices, and on the abort est notice.' J ; J?ofg-A Otk.W. V

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