:. . i ti.e p litr. f a'' r .4.e. tti p tar Jv.j Ji---: si-1 - M .f i. U. l'.loo.it ar.J c:nn,.;,t io " 'na'ity fjf rf It h tlfpte- Tbe t frrn the II ).: ! Urprt fa', jr .' iTPft f t'Qrt . ii. fri' IF II. and frfi lilix i'ut.lUrl U rnuuijrniu. (Mr. u r la I k-d. .1 rccru - i a Mr.ILt.ii.Lv I t- t.'i i. .ii r j x roar t.alV tLr i1 II- -ir. a!:er Uri"' I' ll -rrasiTea leaJia iUJ.cau.ewt rer 10 in So &y furkka tirtf. f tat: tt.$ if the amcei wh.h Her. era la- u. r ... k. - l,.,t ia t ruuntrv LB ii? r v . " v-. . -. - the Ware-f the UevJatioo. They vert too enTiTtB la t?. bjwr3 of r v- rrr man to ' I '',', trcellectian. The rJjww w thf r scre K'j now euarrl U ia m . ; L e iJ t C ,.wrif, M" en t:. h.cw. l J ur vt tK-virt eii, " evu . Wco-nBavcitwn 1. - . . . - rJ V M , ljrrff .T! " - I ITnJeffect: tad it U i fair afertnce.the tWrt:,. until Fart3rsiUkiKklMTpiH thst, eTRtnallf. 1 nauUr Ut aiU ndpr.iKyml Ow mtr2 . 1 M Cawio,w ,nrt the '- S rvt NVV, .a.1 taw Out i. .J. . j . M kmtM anthoruol v;. mm. mM am ib every nrectUmz rt tn'j w. "w n npcw.itiJ c4tMih ..e wk ptuw wider U fapj Uck vpon the chjncter of U&t gentle- ,,f , -7, cetlfut. .The Iloua had, frwm tnet frrirti, u cH timrt wrf iiirr -.triatDphantrTfuUoaUalbaiid, mll nooScul MtirTefcJ1 tbe UramliO m 4 m !.P!kitd. fur i ;.tend. witia maclx concivwM 'L--t 1 the t torn; an! we frrfroe, i tnU bcliete " lint. H ,tu "re illt t et.K A we KaVf before akeJ, vl cre Hal u.e raain i.,e wru.T. ia aUentUnce'rtjuUr.. rcrJrJ - ' pubri.cd t Cj wtfrtJl. ti c c - with the, Caueue lately htU at lU. h-inoad?- .Weleairft'tlie reader, to aolft the qe'Uen. : r , V ' IK. m K. . - - . . j ... ,.r' ...i.r.. , , miiuuvu uiiri.. ...... , - 1 : . J .. k.t.v i,:miunlld.l M to Bie IMHJM! ri rrj.rcu . , .. , .j- Vermont, aimed to - W.-r"J 'rj'"'. ;j r....;il.lUrM .1 i ma II ini imhi. Ba, - i ' ww mm- m-.m,mm mtWm. i v. - - L" i iu a 1 m ' av! ar BC. ' . ' 1 ria a Am I alavla mfTB IU Ikal T IUI IHLII W hJt V - 1 r UE i m 11U B Wk - - . m m - i ? . a a . bm1b VlkB HPTr ' - - ' . " -.! and. a there aeened to be torae doubt .. .... . ,.,.,1 , .v, , -. , ,. ,, . llOUSE-OF.nEPBBENTATlVJi,-..... phru the" Preamble S".r:LT".:r . . . . . I ; . . . . . m . . f .... I I1UUK. BIIU WUCHU . ajjnlnymJmTwary ix. at UuUemOTWri ref 7, W.,,-! menu of the Senate to the ; v retdin waa received from the to a Committee. president of the Uuited SUteaV io Jhe t -.Thie motMn wu agreed to, without wordt fuHowinjp Z jopposiUon. . , , . t I .; ..n..j ' iA. ltu'J' . The BonTowcd bio dtfr a flflftifl , ' i W read a tlurd tone, and aeut to TmrrArntltire. of December 2'VUi.TCUUCBt'! . n . , r vi. nvrn V iTn.... . Inr th Predeat M the Umtea autet to Ur ... uir . rm'rit.. ik - ( beforo U IIoum wch afmnUoa m h m-jf, on Partial Appropriatioa Bill, were con- aidered and toacurred in v - , ! r Fricfly,onil5.. " AVe bae thepleaiure of aunouociuz, that ia comptiaace .with tbe wishes of the People ot this District, ai 8. BLACKXiiDGE, Esq. our late U preaentatiTe ia Conreis, baa contented tv-...i kin .ntKorit nr 'th to be pliced On the PLOPLh'S 1 ICS.' llic.vuv' - r . , . . . r .i . a ComiBiwionera of the Sioking Fond ter,utiiWPpM purchase theeea per cent. stock f-oi , fciector m rnmmm anu v reB rix..- tbe United Statea, in the uv 1804, was aentoi we u. aiaiea read a third time, passed, land wnt to 'i.-.y,-,- r the Seriate Cor concurrence. , . r' . V " Ntwbtrn Scnlind. - i.i;.nailordetcnniaeltooDDoanraidoritional nuosLien of the oowerof Lonirresi ' 4 a;tice which tuch icrrereign, or eomblna-t on lubject of Internal Improvements, . ?.;tion of neri?n,nrafTto9p.mfthel. j'cdlr aiinsttbe'risht of Coft- . : Mihinrslum ot met lata CO IOIUC bpotc raeo-j ' . . " ' JUoimJ; I have to tte, that,! poaaeM no infer- : 'niatlm on tha aubjeet, not known to Con 1 1 ' frc', Vb'reh can bt dixloaed without injury ".,, .to tht public Cd-'t - .- i A 'jV-? ; , nis moxroe..- v ,' r On notion of Mr. Fol er;it was. i' V-V Ww;;TbatthComfnittea on Naval Af i '. fab b inatructed to Inquii into the expedi oromvidinir. b law. for the imtruction of Midhipron and other warrant officers of . C tha NnTy.in tho intervui ot puDBC aernoe, in ' ;' , , nautical aclence,; practical navigation; and marina tactic..--, K . '': V j';.' 1 : ltetthved. that the1 came Cdmmltlea be in- ' m atnicted to' inou'ire Into the expediency- of JiV ptovioiny ior we acieouuc bjiw wwuwiw m" rfinir.tion irf iunior Sunreona. and Sursreon'a . . i mates, at one or more of the naval station of ; i tbe CaHcd States., i r ' v r (-, . Mf. Mitchell, (of Md) ofTcred the fid. lowiuB joint itBoluuon, wimqh ties one i J-" flit . '.' . . -rv? - . . r -Wherea that 'asumpusnea P. Barbour to strike outthe ' n,mA la y.vette. a volunteor reneral bffi-v Lhairmaaol the l0tnmittee on ' 7' ;cr in our Revolutionary war.'lwa expreaaed . arid. Canals, to obtain the requisite sur an aftxioui ooaire to viw uu wnvry, ne , ves arul plans on that subiect.' ufrs Is" trot, Daniel Parker,- tW alo Adjutant and Inspector General of (lie United - Btaies,- the author, of tbe pidces-which are- how" re-publin in the Rtexster. under' the signature tf UJASSIUS? , Did nottbis same Mr. Par - ker mala a demand, when in office, fur extra services, which Mr. Calhoun, n Secretarj of .War, refused to allow? and was not Mr. P.: discharjed from office fop'sorao tranrnper conduct? and, fur. ther, were not these numbers transmit ted to Raleigh, for republication, by one of burRepresentaiives in Congress, who is knowii to be an inveterate enemj to Mr. CaMtoun?. It ts probablrj that the tkiitofs ot tne Kesister can answer uiess questi v tassiDtyraL LCTi03f ;-' A the Editors of the Regitlet havi On motion bfMr'.M'Duilie.the tlouse expressed a wish ' to know what there went into committee of the whole on the ; ; h mmU tAtn fnr friirminr the' E state of (he Union, orthe reaolation bjMfc-c, mill jcuvi irv, nii 4;v uiuiime, - -v ... , -7 . .' , ior amenuinz tna wonswuuoo 01 we "",v" r --.-r .' ... tj . . j ' i '- a ..' -ii i. jv rJ 4. gresaw oxercieat power, v niteu states rejecting we cno.ceor uj aarvraw.f mu, .7 ,i i.iL.r -i' I Irrtora f, President and Yice-Prtn.' k.:M H U. II o, I in An, inr. uoicomDC, t new ersev, went . x z ' v , .w - . j l. -e .: lfiint. v '.' ' 'f- . . : j.f -a .il' i-j;-1. aenvereu a. opeeciv oi.( omo,iengui iai v v . power, enaeavor w sanaij weir curios favor-or-the bill. ana .ol the power oj . . v .& -".rT-r-t itT' - The Tickef favorable to the elec ria.in?..Jd tetntamat fmnrov. rous that the consideration of th sub-. icm voraDie to W eiec menu. . ;. .vu,' 'VVa-'A Eklitor of the Reg'ster can answer these Buestions;. . . " ''.'CKl .-H'-ti '.':' 4 Oq Monday Jast, Joseph Gales, Esq; was re-elected Intendanyf Police' of this 'city for " o enauingjea and the t . . , . a a . r mar r. j ... r' i fject hou!U lie pontponea. lie nau not xiua 01 aur.iuYiurusw wrrow uj And then, ori 'suzestio"n of Mr. Clay, had opportunity to prepare himseu todis. minority (not a majority, as asserted by ad. VU3.3 'V uu "u n8B,cu " ,u,,,,Vre v . ' T- the, Agister,) ot the Members :ol our the Public Land re'piwted a bill to pro- wat'tho Senate ; was now occupiedvon Caucus nomination; to palm it upon the vide for the extinguishment of the debthhe.8a,nc.mibJ;' and he'was desfrous td public'. ' Biit, tW theV have' been d touowmg gentlemen, were.eiecteq, uny Comnmsioners, vix. K?.?ft :'tV-. V fecuternS irar$--Benjamia l3JKingr William Ragan: .,';.;'K .';,. . I ..i fcm.:.i Jt , . . . decision m respect to .-.'JTie House went into committee of the - . ,'..XV rt v whole, Mr. Foot, of Connecticut, in the Mr. M'Uume said, thM he M4 pyen- necidii4 VBBcKp cnair, on wo unuuisnea ousmess 01 yes-1 ,r try llte rt0pitrtncm, as betore stated, a : . . . . ' t : ,i . 1 i a- a . I iL Aortf arm atul thai nnnrft liarl ttaon m. c . . v . . ' . r - ' MlMle frarWohn Dunn, A. S.-IIi. Bnres,'. Francis HReeder.V''. ;,' ' fF&lern ' if jrd-iJacob,' yanwagonerj ; ffitf Tucker.i',;;:,... ;, louuburgjail trroken--0n Saturday night .la9tthWfolIow!rig priner8brbke' , open the jail atLouisburg and inade their escape; butv were afterwards re'- nen ana as-'un eecureu ia prisnn. via likwrence Staceyrconfined for. murder? Win?; Wolf," for, burglary; and far ne JSS StWASi to be imposed of those whweirl Mr Henibljin, pl wM Pbab'e the subject would occu, felldw-cittzena may ' select and , deei Roads malvtd 4v A Smo( mJ 27aoe if Bet ctentative fthe United Slate Y America i i 109. -Conqrmu mumbled, JIM the f resident ot tne .V. United Statei be Tequeated to communicate Ik- to the MarquU do la Fayette the expression . , f jofdioaentimeUOfpnoundrepect,rrati- tude, and airectionate attachment, which are .Cheriiuied'towardarhtm by the povernment " ' , nd people of this countryi and to asaure him (.;,.:) that the execution of hit wUh and intention " ' to v'it Una country will be hailed by the peo- , fie and joverntntnt with patriotia pride and , " And ATrrftft)t, That tne Pre k f'dent of the Unitvd States be requested to ' , . aicertain from the !arquW de ,1a Fayette, the terdavi: which was: the motion of Mr; weets ago, and the notice liaq oeen ye . - ' i . i: . . .'.1 . . l" - I t0M py the House -more than .the present worthy of beinc placed on it. and whose day; and. ait had been usual, thus (far names will be mlde: public as soon as m the session, to adjourn ovet from Fri- V . ... u rfay;to Mm,day;:the gentleman from' Wsha11 r?cf,ve f.., tear2ta could have time to prepare him- wimugueas us serve, ? f ; self bofwrc any Question shouTd be taken It, therefore, is evident there is a ma- on the resolutions hetherefore, could terial difference in we character Of' we uucunaeni w ueier u. mission. t Tickets,1 and that they vary, prin- The ouestion bemir taken on the mo- . . J . tion to rise, it was decided ia thentga- e'w!1!",?.1''; The CAUCUS TICK tive. v . . . r.1 has emanated from a bodv that was Mr. M'Dufiie then delivered at lenrth not clothed with the nower'. ta form, it.' ..a -" -u cu.u.aMv and which had no right to nterfere' in the resolulions. and ocebmed the floor 4. v gtq Tnaenonl ; runaway; anit jthe other; comniitted for'safe keejngt;- The following extract of a letter, fronv. - Mr, Hemphill moved to fill the blank for appropriation, with the sum of )g30, 000, which was carried, ayes 103, f The committee then rosei & reported the bill with the amendment, and on the question of its ' engrossment for a third reading, was decided in the affirmative, and the bill was accordingly ordered to oe engrosscu ior a wiru reaaing. ; v , , r1- . , . ioiy, vim,, iv. ; Mr. Buchanan presented the follow1 in rrsolntiunf ', ' ' until the House adjourned. COMMUNICATION, - . ; iiiw n saiii raiiiiiiT time whan it may be moat agreeable tor Dim 7 . . U,r . to perform bla vhttti and that he offer to w - TCT .7 0 f l Uiuia a eonveyanea to this country in one ; whose duty it shaU be to inquire in what u ... a committee be appointed, man- I . . ,1 . . . I. . f n m - -r-.r .-. i.c-.-.H ., . . . , jr.. nrtneresowaonson;onCTess.Da4seaonuie -Z. rj v r ' , ?24th December,l7Ji relative to the erection r ,klaii iran io kgiummcv v xy oi wasnmjjton, io commemorate tne E and Means, reported a biH ntaliug a partial t 'Events of the military and political We oi aMvbnuttn WtA HiMit a bsvsrnmefa r nenJ Heoiw Wsshinirfon. mk ha any .thtbjjr' relative; to the ' Presidency j having been sent here by their constitu l "ents for bther,, purposes,; But, i the -v friends of Caucusing contend, that Le :v gislators, convened .in Caucus, do not They hate the exceHenee ,thev cannot reach." Rct ,n Jegisiativo capacity, and, there- V I amforcibly reminded of. this expres- fore, their recommendation or. nomina sion of the-poet, in observing the 'puny " tiori r cannot 'be binding on the,' public roa ma sria. : ' If -O .li. T ... I . .' " ana inaiicioue enona, maoe ov a certain Th;9 i8 but, were it riot or the of descnptiqn of politicians, to defame the . . reputation,; injure the sUnding, and o ! mu station in wnicn tney are placed i Marble Monument m the Capitpl, at theCi- reat Oe. hat ,1s- W (fr the compensation of, Sen. conmlished, and that they hawjeave . to? re- scure the risins fflories of one of the first would' thev hold such ar meetins?- or ttnra AtnA ilnaaa(Mant!itiilei An;hirh ttrui 4 aia. 1 l'.M .L - -. -I VJ , ' ; ' ' 5-7.fv T 3T .'. . .- w , V.. . ... !;,.-....'- S and uTw t?1? Md'rr VSi?"W their proceedings, Be of anyt Th BouaeDv-aeBt, irentMnto' a, 'ijol'Jera 'Tu?;?ri" But the; merit, of JOHN J C CAL- ' ' 'i -' - ' j .j...-.i..C-- .'Vs ftlf StAWMit submitrd th fnllnurinir nfnTM'V; '... .3' ... Gnves effect to their nomination, and An. the ab'ov .bUl, tWhich appropriaUa 65,14d' resolutionn f'fc x 0 doAatf Ibv.the pay of the membera. ..t : w"-v -- Relvd, That the Committee otiltoads 1 The LiU waa reported with the amendment 1 and Canals be instructed to report a bill ap for -Unf tbe blank,' nd waa ordered to bo propriadnc; the annual proceeds f the sales ' cngrotaed fur a tiiittl reading toy.,,;5 4 and the dividefttla of the ' 'j Pne ioint resolutions, vestcrdav tnov- United States? Bank Stock, commencinfr from ed by Mf, Mitchell, of Maryliind, luokf jJT 1823, to the purposei of internal ! . fix t - j. .x... k:i 1 : : i t ji. 1 improvement, to be distributed junonr 'the ' - " I" P,n"luy v.V Sutes nocotding to their representation ,nd Ularquisiaiayette wis country, ana; expended on objects' to be desStrnated by roufl3inS to. cnd l R ational pbip tor Congress within, or bordering on the respec v bin; were read I eecobd time- state may con. " ' - rtuestton being on ordering went to a M, pyu uia uau De ;- i ,: i A wotiou was made by .Mr. Foot, of f i 0n Mr; Stewirtg moUon.?4we abov , ' - ' Cewftocuf,tolajfterolato Uid bt the table;- ' d W.to wfor;furthervcon r . ' ation ot them. f, : -'- 'resolTea itself into a committee the r ' F.h,n 'eW' 8.? t0 '74 whole on the State of the Union,' on the at r ir .t ji n i . l : -r .pressed his wish to have more authentic sinking Fuc3 to purcnase j, , ,fortnationoftl.Jpre8TO United Stitw, in the V, tne,:Wftiien otaics., tue wougni ine fThi, biU provides; that the Commissioners ;-' I 1 louse was not ID possession OI sucb n pf the Sinking Fund beand they are hereby; - 7- "i formation on the subject as would justify authorised jto purchase, during- the yeai one ' -1 ' ' . artinw Anon tti intimaun!f. that if ho waa tliouaand eUfht hundred and twenty-tour, anv '. . T - ..i, y. - m - a properi, the ly apprized of the facts alleged in Ud Statea, bemnjjaaintereat -r - VI 1. - j: J , - .L V KT UW vruniui IIIIUlll. IIUV exvecu. e 1-reamoie, n utu not uww uu no i.:n:. i j . . . i . t . . . . . . ii mm TOin muw.i.a, nullum uu Should object to the resolutions. """V ten thousand dollars, upon such terms aa they s 'u Mr- Urent, 4l iiOUiSiana said, He did may think propel, not exceedji; the follow. 1 v not tooslder it material; to a decision on bg rates above the principal tain iurchased! ,l Mclnl'inll, .kuth. nr tint ?t a that IS to 8aT. i 'ij.. '-j-. ' i.H-'li thewi 4 the United States. But, Mr. Baid,' erceeilini; one dollar and aeveiity.fi, e cert, he had seen JLrttcr from the Marouis for every sura -of ,w4 hundred dollars, ia ad hiuisclf, expressing that wish. ; He bad didon to the interest which would have ac- L:'t seen fi letter aiJiessedtoMr.Darezac, ' , -fayteaUdthat tw hisjntention ofjutyp - , ' .- vis w .sviuicu -KSr- wur cn every aupjoi i couara, w daiuo-t7 tj;? IOITN aV enrravn a. With .. 61 oectto weir nommaUon, and en beam, upon the hearts of a just, grate- 'e thcm "8UrP a undue influence lui auu luiangcui pcupic. j no a uu uic uuuus vi weir leivow-ctazenS; not enemiesjy wange a it may aeem.l It is, in reality; depriving the people o! Ka trnth l familiar 1iih,hi ie.iiii.P it.-, j " L. --r mivirtue.:4na thought and action, and especially, un common talents, little viceservility and dulriess.'are magnets, of attraction to the shalts or calumny and talsehood. y ' n no other way can we rabonaUy ac-f count for the scurrillitv and misrenre- sentation lately circulated; by re-publi- caxion in. uie noingn ., aegisier, unaer the signature of . CASSIUS.': Of all attempts to sustain -the cause of Mr. Crawford; by decrying the character of me oisnnguisnea inaiviauai just allud. eu w, wis is we mosiunparuonaoie.V it bears the indisputable sump of having been ensrendered in the snirit of Httr. mined hostihtjr.VIV ib. the bffspring of pasaioni- we Deing- oi lmoeciutyi . Jij the intended " gall of his pen? we esti mate the character ani fcelinss bf such a writer r The impress of his ink; as it flows ' from his, quill, derives a darker hue from the still darker passions which agitate the' heart ihaV dictates to the band' v :v..r.-: a fi-iend in.Iuisburgdated'the 'Oth lh; stant, communicates tne particulars; ?m '-jr, u was uiscoveredy earv on Sunday ; morning last,- that 'the jail was broken openi, and; that alt the prispnera had made weir escapevi,;;Wolf arid Stay; cey and two vblack ' ia en! Wol f and ' Stacey were connned in the upper JdebN i ( ors' room;v the negroes jbeloir.l B' thir .' aid of eoroe shoemaker's ' tools, "(which. isiacey ws in we oaon. w ?wors.ing with.r Wolf contrived 'to;cut, through t)ie ;,dqor into; the passage; gthe ki?v, it seems, wa left in the door, with wnichi Wolf, betng out, unlocked the door for Stacey they then committed 'S(mie de'i preaaiioos upin we ouisioe uoor iocr,- , arid wus inade their escape,-s they state, about 1 1 o'clock : (-1 hey took the Warrentoh road, and travelled ?s far as , Mir; Outerbrides; and fstransre to tell)' hired a negro mart to pilot them to Mr. r "iki t:u -lVjt1".-. l a..,:- fci sons e, inc jiijju biii;; iu, ueic mcj arrived two or three . hours'; before day, A comparif ; of men-was out in searchi" i n different "6 irections, on Sunday morn 4 ' irig; Wolf it seems had' left n feW lines m hi9 rqometatmg 'that be was ; going on'a;yisit to the! she;itt8;iAbo;ut; l. oxlocki.on Sunday; the, company learned that thev had actuallv. rnne to the sheriff's; and 'S. party 'set out, and arnveu inere in ume o assisi in escorv ing wem oacK io w;s piace. ; Aaey mo elective franchise. The; PEPWS;CKET.von; the contrary, ;originate;f ioUlr tkemC and stands before Temwiout-;.anyVqther suppon.sayej mat wnicn .vteyinay be disposed to give ibHt is neither dic tated by legislative or;6tfter authcirily iMr.. Calhoun's friends brilv desire that his pretensions may be judged fairly by we peopie, ana mat his success may de pend entirely "upon wcV deicisioiu Not so with, the partizans ot Mr, Crawford; they are oconvinced, wiuiout;we aid of a Cwcut he must fall' and it is iur wis reason wai mey arc, almost, M crdy advocates of tftt meahire in the touri now ; confined in the-. duBgeonS.. The ' negroes, finding' that thehite men had madetheir escajieV broke ; through 'the upper hearth into the room above, and. thus ; Viadewer8tar:fTh againbeen tak.en wltheloweK'parJ.Jttf wis; county, ana ,toaay nrougni .oaca, uA liti -ss ?.:-. -4v?j.4:?x ' UIU IVUECU IU 111C jail., T L; , The,followmg rparagrnphirom ihe', Mobile Register, may give some idea of. k The tissue of sophistrr! falsehood and calumny, now in the course of republi cation in the Raleiah Register, in ia 'se ries of letters, nnder . the signature of 1 CasKM," was got op, some time since, 'A--'',-- tThe Editors of the Register "pre sume few Of .Mr.!vCalhounrs friends met Vgej&ern private 'manner, and made but a list of such persoris'as they supposed would be fit fit willing to be put n weir TickettTjieT now Spretuau taam j as a a oi 1 avk . m. . z j w .. i far the double purpose of subserving the fi;;, a. Ridical cause, and gntifjing feeling of i?- todnct m? nirs of this ba personal hostility, by defaming tlie pub-1 .f61 wt maX aoa expect to; hear them lie character, and misrepresenting the'!-0 j poshite!y, i'Tais waVthe ctrarse P0-.?9 rii0??' C6e i wJ pursued respecting the hainber that MrCALHuk standing in Alabama; and confirm the opinion;; which we navs. hitherto' expressed, viz; tnat wjhere he is" noy the; the members E ouf Senate happenintf to ha alt present, after adjourning the morning ses -: . ' r i- - i . . 1: . ; umt Ution to. the candidates, waa invited, when at ter each' had siniKed his preference wy stood 'at the following orderr 1st Gen. Jack1 son; 2d. Mr. Calhoun 3d. Mr; Clayi '4th. Mr. Crawford Sth." MrCAdama. How far this statement roea to establish the political chv ractet ot Una state, the late, resolutions, c tend in some degree, though not conclusively; to prore.V 1 There is however; an evident W jonty for the General. ; tM, ' I' t . mmmmml."':''- 5 -,.' :r-,, ' i f W(4 learn, from the Cincinnati Ga- zetter that Resolutions have passed ...i' r r.7?.. . ,i- itm. bcrS id Congress from that state to us weir endeavors to prevent a caucu: being held at Washington tJixs fct.3;c .

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