. .. i .ii, g-ii L uu. i L-xJiixxan i ui i. , l-i i i.u .u l.j l. uv- ,.u .riu.ii.ijn.!, .:. ..mir. ;.: is.-.. . a i. . 3 ITirB 8TAK,, v J4 .YbrtU-drclii GozctU. ; . BELL LATOENCE;, will Vesaat vitbaat st ! 10 Is s" ' .am.a4 sMtter-lloaOB4.lt it O aitoa oftWs K41tor,aln rrrtT , ir UhOmmm tbrtla far mm 4oir, Urte lk editor oi We M-tl. poi.ixinAi. f Ure, and the re- THE PRESIDENCY.. , fetm to tb Editor dncd DoylMtown, - The denocrttic WiraT wu nfat1lr anlstisnn.which tre encloiwd, Were well feceiTfd md vn&nimoasljr tdopted. .Among as there i but: one opinion on the preidf Dcr, od the Gennuia pN . VnUrW orerer Mr. GAlbovv to any ! of he other cndiiJste.t,Vani. Gaz. BUCKS COUNTY DENfOCRATlC I, REPUBUClN MEETING. Vlnpiuriuance'of public, notice Tve ' in the democratic Ptpera of the place, ; a nutneroui aniteapectable meetmg of the democratic republican or the coun- tr of Bucka convened at the court hotiae in Dorieatovrn; on Tnesday eveninz the ,10th uist. " The meeting was organized bv aDDomtuur Job' ruaa, bsq. chair man, and . Col Wm. LoNo-nd Wm. ; Cahr, ' secretaries. Z On ' calling over the townships, there appeared delegates .from 27 out of the SO townships and ; borousa. . Mr. Lewis S. Coryell, Mr. fflaml. M'Nairt Mri Abraham R. Smith. 'Mr. Stokei, and Mr. YUliam F. 8mith, tWere. appointed a committee to draft K Tesolotioo expressive' of the sense of the meeting, -rhe committee withdrew, 1 and after a short time reported the fol s lowing, which were adopted without & ,. dissenting voicw' V ' I : ' ; - , " eoiw4 Tlwttbu meeting approve of tb convention to be held at Harriiburg-, on the 4th of llfch nest, for the purpose of nomi. ' . rating n electoral ticket for President tnd ice President of the United State, to be ','upported by the 'democratic prty ia thi iratst'x-.":',- y.ri."r -;- .;' .:" ' - itMaM Hiat thk meeting proceed to -fclect five delentes to rertreient this eoanty ' in the said convention, who shall have power ,tofiU any yaeancies in their number. - , : $ Uatohxd, That kt the opinion of thk meet' me, a democratic mationai convention, to bej . composeti 01 apecuu oeieguveiiTOmie aeve. Al congressional dUtricta of the union, should .. b held , at rVTaiihiiigton, for 'the purpose of . nommating-canaidateatwr Fresideutand Vice .': President, to be supported by the democra tic republican party of the United States. , . JfewtiiThAt,u meeting' entertaining ,. the highest respeci for the talents and repub llcin intee-rit of JOHN C. CAI.MflllN 5 . Would be pleased to see him the successor jf s tae yenerable James Monroe. V , , v V aeioiven, tan x. jngnnm, tzq. toge " ther witli such other persons as shall be f ' named by .. the . democratic . citiiens of other counties, composing this congressional ,dis trict, be delegates to represent us in any na - tional conybntioR of authorized delegates, that 1 y 1e held ftir the purpose of nominating p candidates fo President and Vice President v- .Offefe United iStates'i : . . - Xentved, That the Democratic citizens of t Sucks county receive with great respect the circular letteraddreased to them. in comffion ; with their desvocratic republican, citiaens 1 ( ine commonwealth, signed oy touKeen of the yt'1iemocrtic republicatis in Cougreas from this te, givitig their reasons for rtecu:jnff to at r Retelrottd, That iry-nomination made by a J)artial caucus at Washington should be rc- aisted as 4 usurpation, -sub versiye of the great epdfican fmtty-Vt thermion.'''; H-i v '. , 'Mertved,yk$.lte'$itfrtifa tneeting .be presented ;to- our. immediate' represcnta. '. , tives Samuel O. Ingham and. Tkmmi J.fBo - Srt for the course they have taken upon 7 he subject of a confTeasiotoal caucus. V . ( e'SJet4 ,That a standing-comnvtcee 'of t ett'en bo appointed, who shall have power Ji Wcaft; meetings of the democratic party of , -.i nu eoumy, when they may oeem it necessa-K- ty. and correspond with the democrats f the ate upon -all subjects-of party interesU. V 1n meeting then went into a nomination orpersons as delegates,' which being closed, ; the tollowmsr crentlemetr. havine- received, a lJ0rty of votes were declared elected: John - J " ioryeiv ;nnstopher alooxa, wm.r.' Swift,' aiidyhomaa Stewart, jr. . j.Jlood, Eli. Kitchen, John Hart, Joel Evans, , , :nd.V, T.jKogers, Were appointed a stand. v -fog committee for 1824,. ,;.,tv. j ' Xptivrt, iThat the proceedings be signed I . 6 chairman and Secretaries, and publisu- r,'" u, iemocrai twa isomers' tiazette. ; ? vVuuaii Ciifc 5 Secretaries -, . .biKai ; GtMTutMt;? la ybujf paper -if Mon 'J j " a?seri mat the number of per .V.BOOf a WhO. attended ; thJ mtin nJ - Voted forMrf Crawfdrdibr therpresi, 1 ' ?cncy." not, we are well informed, a lows the atatmeat, wVich estimates 40 tedtraitsta in Congrts. ' It lajs tarra bv, and lays bj ooe Senator from Loi- suna not ret amvea; (aprepp u ne had been fur Mr. Csuwroa, would not his proxj have beeo obtained;) ( And then the ' tttpmmble tbicrer" seta down 820 rrpsblican members here, inclod log; the two. proxies toted t the tneet- ingiKl disposes oi them as Jollows: For Mr. Crsmford 63. for Mr.' Adams S8, for Mr. CUy 52, for Mr. Calbouo 23. and for General Jackson 23 aud thesthe u rtqwuiblt to'urct" has either lost or kept back rune democrats. How he intends to dispose of these, no inti mation is pvsn. , To responsible source,w, after ttinc through his $ tirrunenli of votes to (he differen&u&aj didates, proteedST" Mr. City's friend areTtueflj from Kentscky, Ohip. and Missoari, with a few scattering mem bers in other states Yfbj thw parti cuiar and especial allusion to Mr. ulat, oyer and beyond that ofjhe otlter can- didatesr It is true, the Editors have not said they believed the forgoing statements, but have-said, t We are well informed from a responsible' source much pains we understand,'' &c.-never ence that they believed in their correctness. Ine reader will see with what ingenoi ty these statements are presented to the public) while no one is pledged, for then irutn: vet ine seraDiance oi a pteage is held out" we are well informed, from, &c. Forty federalists are said to be in Congress. They have been estimated at 52,. at other times at 45, now 40 hi 'i . i a i . r i ine numoer wouia inerenre seem to vary, according to the notion of th in dividual who speaks, l hat there are some federalists in either House ot Con gress, is readily admitted: but it is de nied those are 40. But, let it be so, for all present purposes" respomtble source" does not claim any ot them tor Mr. CBAwrORp. f v it we will imagine that this" repon- ttote tource" is one or more or the t)2, who voted at, th' meetins for. Mr CAwrofcDwe.ihwII 'see the object of the publication. Conscious that,- .for the people to understand that, 'after al I the , parade ofIn fiiendsabout a Cau cus, -they couia iritrsrer out 02 on the spot, and, two proxies for Mr.vCrawl'ohl, onia t once, oe a aeaaiy oiow 10 nis pretensions: hence, the case needed ofbal little' cooseqatnfe wis the snrav 6ert of Congress are for, for President It is very probable they mishtbtabU to persuade the people to accept c man tkry wihed to have, But as to mem bers of Congress forcing 00 .the people a f mad rot they do not want, or do not ltle, it cannot be donef and when. Mr. n - 1 1 r . m v a . tuspooMoie oocrte, jo come to try it, it will be foand just as bard a task at voii over undertook. As it re gards Mr. Clay and Mr, Caawsoao, a the. ResponsuMe . bource" seemed to have (heir case taore especially 10 view, to Aim, 9tthetn, or it, or whoever, br "whatever the . ILesnohidble Sou res L . aI 1 f . IL . rs, ut writer 01 uua wiu jusi st, uwi, in a single contest between these ten- tJetawft, before the Members ofvoo rress, or before the people, Mr. Clai wU. prove to be, greatly tho stronger man. He will out-vote Mr. Caw- voao, rely on it, in the ircstdeatiai contest, or the writer of this is mi.ta- ken, and so are many more. Bat, one thing more When the " Responsible Source." or any other f source, shall ajain speculate on the subject, and trou ble you with their speculations, as I am sure you are already worried out with such speculations, or twill be, by the time you print this, and are ready a gain to exclaim, " An end to specula tions on the subject" I say, ia future speculations, of this sort, X wish' at hands to remember that not one Mem ber of the House of Representatives from the nine .Western states,' could be seduced into the last Saturday night's caucus. 1 his circumstance, a lone, ought to admonish the friends o the . caucus candidate not to make any calculations on those states, while one ol three ot the present candidates is a live. With that prospect his friends can calculate upon the accession ot Jar, Adam's strength, according to the ac co'uht of " Responsible Source," I leave to others to decide- not knowing, can't say. 'ALLEGHENY. . V': IIE CA&CUS. We subjoin the following comparative List of members present and absent: ,. 'V. ... a?.... Maineiicmn. Chandler and . V , r" ' V- ies J ma popularity among the . 4 ebers." Again, yoo ay, ' The ftd jwnftateinent of facta ts handed to ns a 'Y'e&nfmMhle. nnrM U ""cli pains; we widerirtand; ha been patching, and the " responsible source" has thus - nndertakeii it; and if it had been done, without the attempt to di minish the iirosneets of others,- by way Of adding probability to Mr. Crawford's success, ine writer 01 xniB wouia not have boticeil it with a reply. The responsible source" is assured, that it may be averred a nanareq ttmes over that Mr. Crawford will get as many votes as he pleases to name so he does not hit others back handed blbw.'he will pass unnoticed by the wnter of this. But, why select Air. Clay for a detail ed view of his prospects from among the resir -AuepuDUC may imagine, jouii presume the ' responsible source" will The writer of thisncknowledgcs that he is but illy versed in calculations f members! votes, fie does not Dreteurt to know how many federalist; there are, but he does not suppose tliere are quite 40. His opinion has. been, an j yet n, that if the members bT Congress (to use the language of the New York Legisla ture in their resolution for a Caucus) were to. meet in Caucus or elsewhere, arid vote for a President.'that Mr. Clay would, on the. nrst ballot, receive7 at east 65 vote that on a second ballot, dropirins the V two hindmost, -Mci'-Clay wouiu receive itu anu air. vrqwiuru 78 votes that the residue ' would "be jnven to another, whose, name it ia'hot prober -to introduce here and it ma v be added, by way of speculation, that mere are two canaiuaies ni teasi, ,wnu, in the opinion of the writer of this, can outvote Mr. Crawford in Congress or out'of Conffrtss.vrt't;r.Sj?-v .- In this day's, paper, it is said, when speaking of a communication, alleging 3ir. Calhoun 10 'nave niiy inenas n Congress, .that it were to be wished that, by a couuternomination, or some other way; the tnatter; could le so far reuucea 10 certainly as inat uierc huouki be an end to speculation on thesubject." ?It seeifls to the .wnter of this that tor side (if .you .will1 allow the expires sioni nave tittle right to complain oi swcnlatiohi By.it vthey Jiaye endea vored to prop the nomination.of the 4 out -of 68 ony. Again,' it is said, if th -members could be uiuversauv -ore- Vailed u pon to declare iheir preference," &c I far ai a.list of, thit kind may be desirable' to nave ob hand, it is pre sumed the, respectable aoorce' could more tasily famish a register of the 95 than any otner. : regisier 01 uieirs friends ought to be. satisfactory lo th What a?i register of one's opponents amauer ? n .aUitfcorjfec HtwiUbe foubdamatti 7 8 " 5 3 .7 Holmes, - , - 3 New JIampthini. - . ; none , AfauachuteUt. . , . -,( ; nosve' CotuKtfeift-Mitun.' Lantnan,. -'' Barber, Stoddard, 3 Rhode toJ.-Mr. Eddy, , 1 Vermont. 1 none Tor-. Messrs. Van Buren,, Day, Owinen, Jenkins, foote, Litcbneld, Eaton, Frost ltioh. ards. Ten Eyck, llogeboonj, Tyson,! Clarke, Cambreleng, Collins, Herkimer,' 16 AVv JerKjht. Dickerson, 1 ' Forward. Markley, : , Delaware. ' : faryonrf. Mesars.Smith, Lloyd, VirginiaMm. 3. Barbour, St venson, Alexander, tuves, lAav witch. Tucker, Williams, . M' Coy, -Mm. Smith, - A. Smyth, Archer, Floyd, Arthur Smith, P. P.1 Barbour, Bassett, JVt'. Cooitio. Messrs. Spaight, Hall, WilUaiaaiGaUin, Long, fhf Saunders, Burton, Edwards, Hooks. . 'J- ' 9 6 S. Catttm. Messrs. Gist, Wil 1, ml-,--- ".V . i 2.''.: -9 Qeorgia ilessrs. Elliot, 'Ware, Forsytnlry, Cobb,Ti &omp- . , . Kentucky . ; . none 14 Tennetsee. . r none 11. CMi.-Mr. Ruckles. ' 1 IS Lenimaiuli - " ; none S H(Aono-Mr. iNoble, - ,1, 4 Mitrittippi. ;,' ' v jnone -3 llhtm.-rxa. T. uomas, , r, , Alabama. , , 1 ' none . a Minouri. ,1 . . oones. 3 0 '7 3 25 none 3 3 8 15 .-ViV, 66 195 The-American people 'have now the means in their power of ascertaining pre-; cisely, tlie nature and character of .the Uadical,' I reasury, ,or t Hump caucus. which, has. undertaken, to supercede the popular exercise of the right of electing tne x-iyei ' Magistrates 3- vv e 4 win not attempt to present all the results which an inspection of this curious list attords a tew omv 01 me most ouviuus are suu- mitted for the . Consideration of '. our readers "There are in Congress 61 members There were Breaent at the ; Caucus. 66 memherst and 1 95 being absent, only one-fourth of the 'whole were present. Of the 66, who attended, 62 voted for Mr. Crawford, being less than one- fourth of the wbole. t From 16 States. not a single delegate was present: ana not a stogie meiuuer i iiie iiuuse oi Representatives from 15 States, being more than half the numbe of States in the Ltnionu The 9 westinju States have 63 members id Cbnreis; of these only a were presentiiaose- thi'pe .were Senators!' Froni the$ New -England State,' which send 51 members, only 6 were' present and 3 of thee were also oeuaiors. . i- utevrma, Kiiwi u,i-vrviui, New-York aad Viy nia alone, 11 aacmi bers attended; which was precisely lbs A'7f tho namber who voted for . Mr. CraW4'-. -"'.' ; ; A;ain if wf view the numbers as they bear a relation to the Dolitical tenti- menbl of Coagresi, the result ia scarce Iv lea striking. ' Sabatractin the fe derml gentlemen' from tho entire nuav ber of raembers of CowrrtM, and aaW- stracbag the known federalists who at tended, the caucti, Hack . as M esars. Foot and Ten Eyck, of New-York. sad bChers, the Republicans in" caocua or rather those who have been recently enmiea to that name, but are nw Ka dicala . were less than, -Ofu-urJ of the whole.,'. -. .-., w . From these (acta, a few strikrer re- fiettioo preaent themslyet: : ' j ""' 1st. That tho caucus' was a caucus of Mr.Crawfords friends; and was, there fort, a clear secession from the repub liean barty, against the knowd princt plea of the partr, and eoMtitutina i party distinct from the republican party. , uidiy.-mat it was rot up wholly by the junto at Richmond and the junto at Albany; the Virginia members, who at tended being under the influence oj the former, ana the New York" members who' attended being under the Influence of the latter: and the two together con stitu ting one half of the jwhole caucus so that. if. bv anV nossible chance. Mr, Crawford could be elected, it would be a clear proof bf the triuipph of two un principled juntos : in these two' large states, over the wishes of the American people.: He would be the President o a small and corrupt aristocracy, and not iL. ii :j iir .l. . . i uie r rrsiueut oi me Amencan people. Srdlyv It is remarkable tnat th at tendance from the Senate . was touch fuller than the attendance from "the House; which, may be accounted for on two principles; either from their, having been long in Congress and long tam pered with by the seductive arts of th'e Treasury candidate, or from their hav ing been recently elected, and having long terms ,to serve,, teelmg themselves fref from immediate responsibility, arid, at liberty to promote their own inte- rcsoi, inbit-u ui aueuaing to ine inte rests of their constituents. , '.it'1 Lastly. We cannot but be struck with the whole aspect and result of the transaction. A i lorre ' portion - of the caucussers consist , pf those who were cju'tf tiuicuv n;uerauBis, uuring me reign ot terror m 'So; or wfto were op posed to the republican , party during the late war. Among the .-former we instance Messrs, Forsyth, Holmes, Ab bot,' Elliot, and many others; among the latter we notice Miy Van; Buren and Smith,- the former ol iwhom is well known to have been an active suppor ter of Mr. Clinton against Mr. Madi son, in 1812. ITiere is another fact scarcely less remarkable. .. This assem: Wage ' of intriguers-wer) speak with some exceptions thus under the . gui dance Of those who opposed the repub- u can pan j at ui two great crisis oi '98 and 1812. have selected tor Presi dent of these United States, i f filliam n.-vrwDfora, who mounted the-black cockade in '98, and who opposed all the measures of preparation for1 the late 1 ' L- M 'I ft i. . ' t I J war. ana, snornr aner lis declaration. withdrew from, all danger,, by retiring to France. '' They have selected for Vice- President the man-.(we pass over "his foreign birth) who was .decidedly op posed to the declaration ot-warin loiz, and - who, according to his 'own: ac; knowledgment to Mr.-Bayard, desert ed his post at the l reasury at a crisis of the most iniminehi danger,' in order to avoid responsibility'. . , American people: ii remains tor you to determine whether you will confirm thia dangerous, corrupt.' tod unoreceT dented act! ; If you do, your liberties are at an.endi . If you should pot and we have no doubt you' will ' oot--you' will, by one Uict, crush a body ; of political uttnguars, .- managers, and conspira tors, who have arrayed themselves un der the radical standard, and separated from the republican party; which has been gradually -engendering for more than 0 years, aud which, it once dis persed and overthrown,- will never be matched by any other faction which Can be created in 20 yeans more.N :"' yi(iM-&iy-' Wash Rep, Far the Washlotton Eepubpcan. .0 A SYNOPSIS OF THE CAUCUS, -y. MEMBERS PBESENT.' fo-.rv'j T.tT;..rj;i.'X Senator. .iRepretenkuimem. name, . v . ' T . f wonei' New-Hampshire, ;.'. Komf f ri Nonel Massachusetts, ' , "Hone' "Nonei ' Vermont,; None', None. BhodeJsland.' - 'VNone - C; I-'-- '- Coftnect'utj f'&S 84, Pennsylyama,V" v-' Delaware, r-;-; ' ;jSono- '. :-'Kone" Kar Cfnua. u,t Keotcky, None . Tenaeasce, , .. 'ono Louisiana font Miasotm," . ' ' Koie hont atuusslppL ' Kooe t if - ) :. ? , ) r'on. . , Vooe. " . r None. ., Kane. - Kone. " . Of !l tfu' Stattr mutt on werjs represented bv a ranarVv; or not rt- prtienUJ by , any'1 one. O(;ff y ont electoral 'votes oiNew-Ens.1r i, but threo Saoatora andXjires .Itee- nta -V, live appeared, - and JrHu ihres ot t..'-a ; States, none; Jfrbin NeIerk, a - ': , Of nt Western Statei. hlcVljira V 65 electoral toteei;!y irae S , -.atorl ' f appeared, and' not Ja single inttn!r . IA .Urnts .yjticpreenia' ' - r rom ' . , and 1 South-Ciroll-ia, ' which have J :..V'-J i electoral votei,but 'Benalora'apd 9 -.V.'-V" i Repreaeniatives appeared. S. 1 t iu waoM number present was ; . -?'''- ,'v.;:(;';;; V. ' bcduet enaton," r. '8-4-.'-',-v.' Uemben of House 6f Beptesentatives --'fli .-:.;-... ' - ' ViV ' . , l.v---v - Ofthesefiomi ". Oeorgta,;:; 4Ut fj v .:-VilniL;H.;;7;,x;;i '; . ' North-CaroW 9.;, .:.'-rirr''U ,.; being thajority of ftMf from thew thfU 'fo-yfi. States .only overall the other member ''-i of the llouse of Represept&tives whp tV, tepded. I .Si-f. 'vv;V7 V -; y Of all the States present. Mr. Cw ) 'fl'fri i ford had a majority inAreeonlyt Htoi',? ; v this number we add Delawafe, tHenMrVt ' i,'x " C. wonld receive, on a ballot bv States in the House ofi Representativea,'wf votes; ; From Weaterft' CarolinUfl.1' I, -v r. , K) r'-' JACKSON ANIJ iALH0UifiK5 -rtTlib Irienda -'of VfmMawtirtZ ' finding that all isV4ostlwith; them ia 7. tv ii.1Virginiakndyy-Yorfc, contributed JiiSE 148 to the jCaucusV which fourMfsiiu, . i.-.l--hllcedented .passage ';of, fifflaJs.Wft.V,!''" 1 6rthV''wbol Jwinber ' weseofc finding that all is Viost with them m ivuriiirviiua, unless uiey can urviao ? , BltlA. 'tl.i. .nti.M. 4i.. il.luil. .1, n . . rl - . ' . miwo micuiv w uciuuc ..lie ircfLnv .. . - il.s" .e- 1 1 r making use or a goou ueai omnoer : nana wora to inauce me menus oi uen. '.? . acksoo to start a aei arate tickets ' Their nlah is to divide and rnnfiiw.W v l they think iT threw tickets are started,t X' -; ' that then the Caucus, Ticket my.p6lii;.;A',.,.'. bly acoeed i But, in this, "the 'v.illb''w'::;'- the Hero of New Orleans are not to bo 'it.- i dupe in this atylei itheVi,undeKtaBiiViVv their interest and that-of Jihe fctate too" ;-. welf, to.be taken in' by inch ballow juK'i-.if tificeav fc-Oo theiVopfcV Wetofthosi ri Mj. : already announced, there are Beverara?S:.Av' " vowed friends of Jackson, nd ino doubt there will be still others; ' The general l .? f- , upderstandingLithat the People's Ticke fi1:i(V et wil go for the man who is itrongefit,V;'A ) or who can most likely beat the Radical V i candidate, ne tie Jackson, or Liauioun, Urvi 'V-W'- ' Adams. ,In the great Stat tf PennH;,'; ''".''"V sylvania, the friends of Jacksoiiaiid tal V T boun-artl acting , togetherj, in the nuiattv V iure. it dependon that Statehicni of 'S I the; two wiH be supported. 'lf Pennyl v vania decides jforcksonV theo4t wiltl- tU4 be worth:while making a push for bimr Wv oum mat state goes against biro, then f he caii possibly have'no chance; and all 'YmM: ms interest wui go, to nis jmntflJrt.K--r;-tr houn. 'f Sflk likewise as resrarda Mr.' CaU :?. i houn. Tbe frieJida of Jackson and Cal v;$ iiunu oi suuug on prmnpuf inej are.- opposed to . Cmcieaui, .to Radicalism, : ; 5 . 5 aim 10 vvm.iA. sjrawjord: 'they 'mnst . cobtinue to act together on principle, or ; ; laeaucusues ana radicaU, will ' beat i- 1: them.Xet .the friends, then; of thoseti jl''t as they have ll along done, to act to'il f ether heartnd hand, in suppoi t of thei 'L 'p&MiZMet. Let ihra Tremtmber - iP tn divirlo nd rhnnnp ' XnH' 4L. ' ? ''j ' , . " I - . 41. utAb - -t.. our motto tnay .be found ifl the words of w t Washington, United we stands dividedV1 tyH we fall." If .we, the people, are iruataii1 k:. ' ourselves, bur ticket wiJ I triu m nh. h an-' FOUEIGN ...-,. ft JyROrfGLB.;;;-. p ''v'1 'r-- ''-';- rork, fib. l5, ;-Ai late hour last night, the 'iiackeW''-' shibv Xee, Capt. Stoddard arrived'o" and this morning the pocket ship CWio-i; da, Macey, both from Liverpool. iThejJH 5 Buieu ia company, on ine 4tn oi Janua ' ry,; fcAving' been Retained bycotitri?y ' winds pBy thefc arrivals thexditors ofv,jJ the Commercial Advertiser haw rect-iv'.' V 4 at London papira to;the-2dinciLiverf pool totbe Sd, with Prices CuaebCM' k Tfie packet ; ship W ,Kri. LCpt.ffe Maxwell, arrived at Xiverrjool':froniJ 'rKf New; York, otf the morning of the IstVf

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