if 'V. X'- 1l 1 'a C ,Vi i.f. i i . 4 - J-root Us Wulrfffi ErpcV.caJu ' ..-... ;-"" v-' ' ?.ywl with the fait tovoiLj-U ' TB i short a4 weak d witty V- Vnr ma th- fcrtr lirVt , . ' RXocr wahtbrnm to mark wa, ' '- Aret-jrrnnr.,byCasea. There the ler fntwt the " Hay or '':'. win pt be, - y Ani tbe dl wiflnodaaw d a r Ueul, " --' . . .. 1" ' r Tit witfwtaatr? enter ' '. V - id A BOOM. .. --' v(- ' r T7f n4 ywnrkh the -V ,tiv.vpcluntteyTlmuteT t S - TWU be not of mind r tnjght, - V ' ' t .. ,w-aenr in flutter . General ChmdUr wD be there .--' I: Te atreLandboU. Hector- : ."' with Virjrnia ir-t ; . W ' v .. v . r,,tb Albany director , . 'Tvi, with h foreign P,, "J . ' ZdvarA, WitKam, s mew,. v "... '. . i mmtrin brain and dirty faces ? ; ) SWSow knevee, with form to ock a- s ' . , Btngghnf, one, 7 oa,to Ctto. ... ' . '' .''. i ? - nf . ' Uliuciitf from the South tbejrflifh- , 1,-.. im rw j ' 1,' , v- t ' Ti thetide of fectioa towinjr , r TthanooatJtMon'ireljn- f ' iKcrt 4 ff(f of Maine V Weitetn TUVwkingfiroly-- , . INewTork,thp?ffev, . t r ftpecUeteewidwoufthre'r- . v Shallow knarea, w'rth fonn to mock ua ' ' ,V StrStIingr, by one, to Ckicui. ' ' ' VTend you with fee oA bMiijchl Where all e?ee will rladly meet you. if you take proaeyte ' !' . :,. kttrf aoul wUleprinjjto meetyou Where toe demon w ueapair j . Reignethe mant of the hour, ' , , And erery aara munrucr unre, Jortleimtherac for powef t Ijihourert, tuite4 for the job, . . w;n k M at close of day. ? JBaritur, fUyd and fVefti anA Coi5-4 JMHm, ready for hi pay v'.' WnihtnaJarerarfcroen mistaken' . V f. ' - Smyth ehall ecarcely aave bk baeoiv ! ?i Gallant C from Tenneasee , . ' :'j ' ' gome in rHoom, and ome in glee 1 . Shallow knarea, with forma to mock ua, ; hunfgiing, one, by one, to Caueua. t-i.. . - . . 1 J t ' . Tvena yo witn me oo iwmguv , , . ' Oaucua in hia couTt'preaidea t ; ., romie and power invitei . . " Traitor point and faction gwdea. , , Hwte away, then carpe diem! . -- Ttana that would prevent yeju fly'em! ; - youth and age, with different fiuteas , ; , ' AU who hope,: or ak for plaoea t. , Tolly, with hie cap and beUa-w ,1; ' ; Itwhneea, with ielteonceit ttat iwella ,, All, with empty forma to mock ua ,, . fitraiwriinff- one. bf one; to Caueua, ff-ft. v Extraordinary Discovery tf a Murder. wt il. lajit r.aie of note in which , the torture wat osed in Franc fcefore 7 ' thi Re volutionr. was one f a vert extra- onhriar nature. : It is observed bt the Trench Editor of the collection of cases from ".which the following is taken, that the ' ihost trivial f circumstances j majr - z tometimes , be w considerable lmpor. v ' I tance in the investigation of truth, but t especially in juaiciai enquiries, wnere a , 1 trifling incident ttajsferve to leap the character or save the life of, jin intlividu- , 'i hv etplaiDjngtloubtful or1 suspicious vx 'snpeWtrces;vThis'ohseatlonhecoOr ' t W'rs fully exemplified b v the follow ;t - . . ' t i An English Catholic lady, nanied ' X " ' take the waters of lUzneres, stopped at i "n Jnn in a small town, where she had ; yf lodged thereceding Yean? There ' was' . ,vnlirs. ijurxon was, ociigeu ia put up 3 r.rr -r.rtfk.tai- K nnleiarfofriiVindntlnn 'T which tould be obtained for herself and ' her Waiting maidV The Iktter, after she , had attended her tnistreafr, preparedto 'X retire herself, but when nearly undress H eJ. caught a tlimpse of her figure in a , rf IAI JiT MltlMivu uimuif aiia oi vvuv' ' I am. iiHnad tnsvrif .Wliirh atreiwt nMrin. site the bedX ; VVhen charmed with her eican 4 ed from her, with some other etpres sions.oi vanity pertediy natural m a French mrl of her ase. . At last, nleaaed ' and satisfied with herself, she retired to ; r8t, aitd beiui fatigued with ' the day's Journey, soon fell into, a profound sleepl 'When she awoke in the moroin?. she , approached the bed of her hiiatress, and ; drew aside the curtains for the purpose i if waking ber.; .-.Jodge what was her - surprise and boitor on beholding the corpse : of "her , mistress, swimming in t Woodl' She uttered a piercinir cry. and instantly fell backwards deprived of . . -. a a' - . . a . Senw ine ,ianaioru, on hearing the shriek, ran pp atftjra, burst Open the door . and beheld a sight, which for ft moment frozed h4 With terror., v Recoverinc ' nimseir, however, ne caiioa on his.ser v" vaht, to whose ,care he consigned ;the unhappy waiUn, maid, and directed them to intend her whilst .he went to tnn it a lk l at Anrtni inn an lream m" . t.U!- t ate' Tie latter immediatel y proceed 1 ed to the. place, and ordered the servant iro io.tti.i-u uhui iui uici;, IllluruiauOD could be '.'procured.' The 4 proceedings wereioEsitne ftmd Tras subject to 0W9 appearance,, the' words. 'J Ah!; la ' fati blanche! oh! la jolie jambe! (what i 1 a 'fur skin! What a hausome leg!) eican-' inliitiott latrtTPfitloea, tad tw- tWin appear rvl U Str plkatr hr, e- trace waa finally HWircrJ.hj whch aa art at Lhrrtr. Tiii.howerr, waa act u2cirnt f ben bc peeaanrJ aneef there prwadlr 4eUcttt tpuita. to irrrBroacliahU innoccac pjart4 aa 'lt want. Kh therafort cotntder- eJ. that by a er Upi diacWse fra k'lC Hvnuni mmm w i . 1 . i ' - ' pietetr txooeraiea, am. a uw- la mi4e lor km tiatt loer in u nil f pwblie opiniro, th fall rat f aaiU utiifactiei. . , .; . fur thia frpoM ah took fodgmgi t A millinera, vn hvucxi oer wim work, and enabled her to lire withoat exhaaating tb little aon abe had aartd frarti her tarnurn whtlat ia the lemct J iu n.w. . arr havinv hrm in vi cramoTea Deanr ww nwul wm & a a" had oecasioa oac oar WPi irwn CO erer'a ahop, which waa a ear to join er's manufactory. One of the ioiner'a mefl. who was adlusjng himself with tinging, soddent j. itopped. and after obaerTinr her for a moment, said "Ah! la peed blondu! h joiie jambd Recol lection dashed across her mind, and it kurim i.tmt to her that these exorrt- sions, directed in her, could only havej been learned from her own mouth, at the. tie ehe nsed therd under the cir cnnitance, which it has been necessary to describe The manner in which the words Were uttered fixed i suspicion in her, mind against the man, but she concealed her emotion, and suffered no thing to escape her which could induce him to sutpecther feelings; After hat ing finished her business at the fruit erer's, she repaired immediately pa a Magistrate, to whom she related the cir cumstance which caused the simple ex clamation thus repeated in so mysteri ous a manner bjr the joiner. The Ma gistrate immediately issued his warrant to apprehend the young man, whose cha racter had l ready become notoriously bad. The usual forms of criminal pro ceedings were gone through, but with out producing any thing further than the circumstances related' against the accused. ' The case, nnder these cir cumstances, was considered to be one for the application of torture, which pro duced the "expected effect. The man Confessed that he was hidden under one of 1he beds in the room" where 'Mrs. Burton and her maid Slept on the night of their arrival; that he had remarked the conduct ofjthe latter, notwithstand ing; his constrained position; from Which i - if! - .1 i :i ne ilia not move uaui uie ucuuie iu me house had retired to bed. and that then. furnished with a gas and poinard, be committed "the murder in silence, and escaped with the purse he found under the lady's pillow, lie further stated, that the maid owed her safety to hfef profound Sleep, and to the h6ne he en tertained that all the suspicion of the murder would Tall upotf hetrThe re port of a surgeon was obtained, from which it appeared that the wounds had been inflicted on-the deceased by Means pi a snarp cuiung lnsimiueuv, aucn ns described. This evidence, together with the fact that the man 'soon after the murder had anent monev verV rtrofu9e- iv. wliich it was probable; he could hot have obtained honestly,1 -the . relation of the servant gin, ana the contusion oi uii monster himself, were considered suffi cieht 'ground for his condemnation and hi execution, whicli took place shortly afterwards,'- . ...... . . r ' IJoctof Boaw6rtli,v AVIKO aeltled hirotclf la SmUhfirtd, bf- Irr hia proretaiooal aerviae to the ciUxent ,;reb..l, IS34 Just received, a. iresh sapply of, ,:' medicines; paints; &c.h i 1itt dmly expected a new euppTy of Groeeriet, whlch wiiti tbnaa oh band, torn oriao tbe following ariieleai '':- :'V'r" "i '" , v uoalaad Hmwo sugar, ' ' . ; ' t Coffee' and Mohttiea, ' '.-?'. - .;- ''. 'f r Yaung Hymn and Imperial Tea, first quality, Frendk aad Apple Brandy, -. ;' ) trotiea aad other Ramt, , VTh'ukey and Hollaed Ciov; J; .... , ?, jUadoa and, fbiladelphia Porter, , t. ; . Ditto Muttard anil Chocolate, ' - " , Wine tttorted, la Bottle aad Draft, Speriwaeeti and Tllo Caadlet, ,, ' fc JDatket and other Salt, - . v k ) ' Allpie, Pepper and Cineer," '. r ' tttt Northera Soap ndCopneraa, ' . Povder, Shot and Bar Leal, :: - . . Beit Letter, and Writing Paper, Prime old Chewint ToUaeeo. . i " '... Smokina- Do., . " MaoabaQ. Uanoee aad Sentob SnuffsV Liquid Shoe Blsckiog, of a superior enality, Ibe.winM and rorter were principal'! lected for medical use, and are well worthy the attenGoh of those who wish to obtain them pare ute.; ;; ; RANDOLPH 'WEBB. ? N B. Fresh GARDEN SKED3 daily . tw ti ,vii. i .7- t-sw . I f Fifty Dollar Kewaid U AW AWAY fram the Subscriber Jon dm Cd Febi uarv last, s dark mnlatto fellow unurf BRN five feet tight nr nine inches high; twenty one or two year ot age; very sjuick apokea; with tr oa one of his bams, occasioned by a weal at dn. It aMMMl k i. r r of S dog. It i expected ho is patting for a free man. - Any person apprehending the said fellow, hall receive the above reward : ,i r - O lri-'T -.-- i- . x JrvaJi aja a-- IS, i p. exJojJtttoa Coty.OoLl.lJ i,; G.,VV111BERI ExV ' Jat CeeClTe, r- U Or aWaey, Jw,( r7k' f 1 twarJklrea, i a 4. i-A J UkHtl yina7CiMkiai.7iMi. , , Vn i I r fmvm wry .fcif . , rtrTZD ZkiltA. . . ,TT. i uvkoe.M sfcto. mM efbwt reerl rwki Fr ih DrtiRi Medicines 'J (key rrer for ik at be hMk makr mew Ime At'.ltit roM. A atou tkrit late arttoUe are CWttckam tha. 4 a lew doaoa bottle ef , '8AL 5RATU3. - wnces H HUWTER. Ralaifili. na.ft, ISS4. - I EaterUinment at tbd Sign of the m (100 yards wtstof tht State-Howe.) t aw kWlNQ to tbc aoarehj of mono and Ike I I keauacM of prormont, b uWubi f of. ten hia ternee to tbe publia to aoomaiodte oa the follflWif loo terms: - r . - . a A" aA t ar oreaaiatt aoa aorta leea, u eis. Uiouer ami born fe-d, i 60 do. Supper, lodgiog, end bores feealnj ijhl 4 moruiur, . $ 00 Mao and horae per day, ' 1M . JOSlaH DILUAK1). Raleigh, Jin. OT, ItH. 5-it - Notice This. 'STWHERB ttnovat Col. William Polk't. tor X eale, a number f improved COTTON SWVGIN3. whieh (ho aubtoriber 1H trraot to be at good a any made in tbe Stale. For toe termi,poW to col. Wm, Pol i BKNJ. t. ALKXANUCR. Raleigh, MoT ii, 1883. 4149-oam tl Fayetteville Acaden). SllUS lnttitnliOD no offert advtoUKe equal I to anv ia the Southern ttiatea, beinr eon- ducted on the mott approved principle!, aol pro vided with superior leathers iiv- every branch e aasfUl and ornamental education." This, with ill heallhv atuatwa kod moderate aharrrs for board and tuition, mutt insure it a liberal patronage. The ttrisiett attemioo will t paia to the con duct and moral of those attending tl. . . , TBRMS PK.li QUA RTKU. . ' Female Departtnentonti noted by Mr. Ham. iltoo, with assistant teawbers. a "v . Ruditnena, , ( . V' ' - ' " ' &a SO - Kaadiirgand Writiug, ' , 3 Kitglish Ursraroar, tnelent jind Mo."i , dera Geography, with tbe use pi the I s,' " : Map tiGlobes, History, Chronologyi ! Mytltologr. Khetnrie, Belles Lett, 6 , sSv. Di.:,. i 1 i , 'VMimpoHtiua, , rauuwiriic;i i i .' Botany, with plain and ornamental I : ' Needle Work,. '., vt.i'-l Mutie. tadeht by Mstltra Vollla. in the best Italian atyle, per annum, J560 per qosrter, 80. ; Uo. taught outot tue iostiiutioo, 100 per to- num ; , v. , ,. - -.llraailng.. Paintlnc. and ihe Prenah Laniriiap ty M. Liilshey, native of France. , .. ', Drawing and fainting, , go ' ' Freneb, ' 47"- " , (6 Classical department, dniier Dr . O. fJavi The Latin and Greek Language, Natural' and vi oral .niilotopny, Logia, tronoroy, Alalue raatiea. Geometry, and Algebra, gS- a : ' ; '"'.' KNGLISH MALK DEPARTMENT. I Rudiment, . ,'' . '' . r, e ... a i t g3 ' Beading, Writing, Arithmetio, English ) , . tirammar, ancient una oatrue.i t p.uhv. still ,hH flu nl'the Manmtinil r , . Pens and Ink nrovided without ebaree 1 A ta of ti eeuuoa each student, for Wood, Water, he ,; ''--;sr;:?' '; f':,V-.-:.. Uord, ineluding alt the above brunches, ex eept Music, ' 3S per quarter', payable In ad-faoeo.- '-. j';. ( ;:';'. v.M. HAMILTON. iTor the tatitf action of Pareriu and Guar d , the fallowing gentlemen may be referred lto,ofm i Uameroa,, fees. . rretinrnt ot the 9eb.J Committee, or the Itev R H Mwrisou, , FayetteviHe, April 89, lSa ,.s;v, It-lSra v . yalrjaWe. Heal, Estate . V lR ALB, WITHOUT RESERVE. . aN rhurday,the 4th day of Mareb nexvat 1 IHo'closVi on Uie Dremise. fit-beine the fdnrtb day of Granville Superior Court,) will be old to Ihe highest bidder; on a credit of one, two and three yean, the tenements It breseat Oeen pied tty nr. Jacason xancy.in vxiara. . t he lot contains no wan, of an here nf rrbund. beau. tifully sitdsted, wKft a tae story dwelling bouse, wen nmsheo, ana sameientry eommoniOH tor fxi-re family, together with 'all convenient out rhousea, and an eaeelWnt garden. , The healthy situation of Oxford, the very excellent society of tbe Village, and the flourishing condition and good character of ha seminsries of . learning', are an vantage that thf public rasy not generally, be apprised of, U1N TON bt BKAME, , renruary ,s iaBS.V:..',V ' MS.f. i.i i Hi . I I" I' -V- Mrs. M'Kee - IfILL be prepared, on the first of Aprt V next, to Mpeomaiodtite a few school ch'il. drea wlrh HOAMiilMU and LODGING. , ,. She it detiroas If selling the HOUSK in which she resides, togei ier with the) Lot and out-houtes nelonging there 'and wUl give potsestion on next, .-cs-ij r a-- rv' - .l ithe 1st of Janaar !? I""1!?1 o on. three ' room, which be lan ,w" ""s w th, on moderate term. ;y nuueign, Jan. . ; .wp inh'Books." f. :'ef:--1 -i. i , T..:"vi'i.,t(4i ' JWT PfJBUSED, by BeU kUwrenee, nd(or tle at D. Liademan'a Rmk on Fayetteville street, next door to Messrs. Rom i a rM A L sONGS, desiened lor the ciwr3.a A : ' .a . nseof Conrettion, by the Rev. John .Purify, pastor of the BapUst Chnrch at the Croc Roads nieeuog Mte, Wake county, N. C. Priee one ' I u ft dollar, neatly bound. ie.n.un i st-it i. A A " H-fwr-" r-!TVr:a 1 !"lT!SlKuXtTr3. :b CTfcr r?-"? Jf?.t Teat MiHH d. aiABTIN, Clt tate of North-Carolinn, . Montgomery Comty. Court of Pleal and Quarter Sessions January Sessions, 1814. Pwkaei Kirk KU CrMrcB -0utt an mrmK kricd oa Shy ita of wod, aja ia Daniel B.Ira. Ftaaoit ttta aod ebert II appeariHg lbl ibe eVfcod-tit, Ktt Crowell. k a wbabuaa4 of aaotaw ataio, nrdeiod Ibat poblicatMM be aaale. ia tbe H.lcigh Star to u neU that walrte br aaprar at the eeal term of tha Coart. to b bet 1 at Ibe 't UvrraoeviUe oa tkeSral MomJ.y M April arit rrolrvy or plead to mvt, Jwlfiwent iH be ea- lered uraiaat hw for the f mount of the ptaia- tiff demaad. real, - iOHS B. M Tl.H, tjl"k. rrw a - atute of North-Carolina Franklin County. ' , , Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions- December Sessions, 1 83. Mary Driver, v Areil Oriv. r, kat Dner, J , eob Oriver. Jordan llriatr, Martba Driver, . . 'IS . 71 Driver, oe- Marv Driver, Willie Driver, Kan bad TbOmat Driver, bier of Sbao eeatt d Prtitiua lortlowrf . 1' tpueariMr to the attitbetioo of the Court, I tliat the defci mtame, Jaoob IMver and Jordaa Driver. are aot' inhabitant of tint ttatei it u or dared bv the Court, that pObiieatioa be mado la week in the St 'State cf Nortli.narolma, Crt c H Qarter Saaa Coart Pl Qjarter Sr :.. - 's v i t'jiuary 8eioia, 1824. i . . Not ibIxt Tmn. Ibi3, Ifeary UUmU i T LaawH WU . TV rrVr, 4l ilra-loall--j . A-tiOo. far 4-u-rj Owe, yr ? ir.l . lDERtD.Vt om tn. Am fctt-.,.. ,i-r,th.t unlem they perMttmliy ,,0 .ei,,- tai,w. -S t..oeanf ur oart efPh-a. D4WI M'N Doear before the t attiortnf qui and Quarter Seurant, to be h.W for uie county of Fraoklio. at the Court House. Unutfrarr, on the Second Moo.lay of Mtreh nest, aad file their anawer to the mid petition, the petition will be taken pro eenfesto a to them. - Teiu S ' rWTTriKSON, &C t Prlee Adv. fc 6, 6-6t State of North-Carolina, Wake County. ' ' Prin rt nfflnac and Oiiartpr RpHKtnna. rt u i. ii u Denjamm A. Barham v. the beir of H. Has- deeeasrd. Via. Stephen Hasstin, 9tepbea , IXHastam. Jamit Plumb, litabetb Phinib, Solon I oe', Maty Love I, .anil Miranda Has . ' asm Petition to s. II lands. v ' "t'" IT having been made appear to the. satisfaction of the court, that tbe defendants are resident bevonl the limits of the statet it is therefore br dered thM advertisetueiithe made in the Star hnd Novlh-Qarolms Gaaette, ait weeks, that delen.' .tanta lUHft. fnl.a,BMl' An rw kGiM tK nm-wt I!m.: rr Court oT Plea and Quarter Session, to he held for the County of Wake, at the Court-Houe in Kaieigti, on the third MonOa) ot rebroary win, iiivw ana intra a, answer, tioo, otherwise the prayer ot the heard, and a decree mad out aecirdingiy . V Teat. 8. KINb.C ft Priee ga 6v.v M State of Nprtii-Caroliua, ,.i . j, Hertford County'. ' Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions VxviNovemDer lerm, 1828. Samuel nienoison vs. wimam r iney uriginai attachment levied on the defendant right to a ' tract of land new Murfreeslorougbruppeed ; to be 300 acre, more or leas, ' adioining" the landfof Mr. Peggy Oiekbiton,' Mr. Sally Birfktand other, is.", h h- . s , . T appearing to the Mtisfaetion of the Coart; I that the delei dant in.lhi ease ha tvmnred himself out of this state and n now an iohabi- lam of soother state, so that he Usual process el Imam aannAi luk wmaammel ntiAA liiiMl Sa la. .aaaJu.im m w . )uwv arv arvcu upon himi it ia ordered that publieatioo be made in the iialeieh tar for mree montDs, wsi unlet ine aeiem'ant appear at the next lerm or Ihiat.niirt to Iw Ki-M tnr th eounty of Hertford, at the Court-Iloue in in- ton.ton ihefoorlb Monday in , Tebrhary neat, V." r ti 17 i Z. l t. ...,. replevy me property so attached, Or plead to is- ..a, a S. ..at L -.11 a. a. .1 . 1 ! tie,, that judgment shall be entered agsintv him ana execution awaruea.4 : -.. f Wk.m,; , t L. Mi tJOWPERrCll. 51-3m pribe adv fes Sf5 pd. i. . ; , ' 1 'i State hfj North-Carolina,- 'Roekinghani County. . y Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions . , November Term, 1823. Cha. Milt . Wu'ih C .Mills-i-Oi-igSnal at. . , uwDincm icTicu en lanaa. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Ceurt, that Hugh C Mill I not an Inhabitant nf this .statfj it ia therefore ordered, by the Court, that puoiicwion no maue lor wree month ueee sivvly mtbe Raleigh Star, giving notice to the said defendant to appear at our next Court of Plea and Quarter Sessiops to he , held for the ountyef Rockingham, at tbe Court-Houte in Weutworth, on Ihe Ath' Monday in February next; and replevy, plead Uo issue or demoi? o rtKe'Wie jadBment will bi.iitelfdtniui him for the plaintiS" demand. , ; j --r ' l est, KUHT GALLOWAY,' Cv C. SLSmprieeadv 8$p . .., ...; State of orth Carolina, ; : r Aaan County. I Cobrtof Pleas and Quarter Sessions November lerm, A. D.182S. r Henry . Jenkins :v. Hardy Whitfield Original - aUachment levied, ate. J . . rpHE Court being tatisfied that the defendant , 1 iathls earn i aot within this state, ordered that f publication be tpede in the' Star shd State Gaaette for three months, that nnlem he. appear m. w .i (ci mo wu ovri oc xieaa anu Quarter Sessinot tn be bald In Nash vine, In the county of ,Nash, on the Second ! netday in Feb- roary next, and then-nt there 'replevy and plead, ka judgment ? will -he entered against him for tbe debt demanded.-snd the estate. nA property levied on, condemned tg pay the plain titT recovery and eost..':"5' ' -J- - : J'"- . - H G .flLOUTSlT, b.'C; C. natnwo. n ov.it, iss -3m price ad v g$ :: "W"n subscriber respeeiluMy Inform the I oitizen of Raleigh, and tbe publie, that he baa just veeeived an elegant asssarV ment of Watches. Jewelrv. and BriUania Wart: together with hsndtoree supply of Gig and Carriage Whip, which he is disposed to sell low. ' Evert attentjnr will benaid to tbe Watch and Clock repairing business. ' ; , ..-. t ' ',J.' '"fJIRX KUNSMAN., RaUifh; Nov.lt, 1833 rvv;;.: ii - State of Kcitli-Carti;- ill Maeela oaW.rt to (or u.r -uWlWaUta,aMk.oa.,ftw .'turuTr: i. aa atu , pre .T"51om:v WM. Wuv ; UtP or North-Caroliua, ';'1-.. RockjAglBnCotmfy, V Court of Pleas and Quarter Sesaioc ; November Tern,, 1823: , Somael Oahwava Wow For Original op, , , moat--I be. Haai aaaaaord Oaruijba (T appevtatteaanaraotfcM of lU Coor taot bdHeodamibia oaoa tl aot M babHaat ' thU autet ki tberafor ortlerad, w tbe Cc -it,' ibat Bobliootioa bo mado tut tt,r , wet to tuaoeaaivrly m lk Blei Star, en,r., mm 4m 4ho aaid oWradant ta mnnm u . MU Co,rt af Plea aod. Quarter 6eaaoat to U fo, RoakliwtuDa aoanty, at tlw IUk . (Imtae In -Wtatworth, oa tbe 4tb SImwU. FbraryVt, aad plead ta keaet otberont lU errj mM be eoademaed m the mad.!at yarataooe. ROBT OAU VVAT, C. C. 81 Bm prioo adv. , - -' - V ' II una way 4 f u- , -VEUKO 13HAM, one vataewftWatd teiU , w jailer woareeoataty, K C;oa tba iriiv Januarv'IKS, and ped from tbe tan ttetSth Mareb lat baa been taken from 1 , ' Naah county, Where be vat lb S6' of Sautember Utt pttt, in sonr eoumy. Sak imprnoiiad en and attta cut jail of Moore aouMy. Said Jtham inUxt SI year of je,'S fet $ oa 4 loche high, 0, t . g . a,!,, Th- ownerrf , weejro vNI oome forarard, prove property, otbemaMhe mi EtLli ' 'Sb'ff of Mooroooot, Ui. 2$, t23 . " - Notice. ' : t" lOMMlTTfcb ti the 3ail.W,Cabera J county, on the tOlh of December,' 1S2I, negro man, who calls himself HEX RT H -HIS, about ( teet S inch high, .vlender .'mt drk coniplexbo, and about Jil.or 88 years of, and says be belong to Thome M'Gee.of lleui co county, Va v I he owner Would do Well : come forwsrd, prove property, pay charges, 1 4 mke him awav ".'u',v A MUX M A IJLrtBBY, Jailor, Fevetteville, Dec f, 1828 .404 ; Jailor's Noticed; Fi i1KKK UP and jodgeir In the jail of (La county, on the 80th ultimo, a aesro mu named ISil AM. or Isom.- Sava ha belatn n Josvph ttow, of Charleston, S C. Said oejo wis piaoe, ana wt oia. -eigtt w n'" mojitheamee, by Mr. tXpar,of Dapk , Sic to mid prti.f-wpd PTffT'M nduke I a petition wiMbe ; H:LE4 B.MORitIS, Jailor, aee-irdingly f . V WihninRton, Ang. 8, 83 " 1 .89.tf t v . - iumcu it uo,c i JTtROM the Subscriber, a reiy light ntiUt o boy, named GKOKGb, about HH or 30 yen tg. . and, between fire feet ten iuvhe anu u2 teethighi tery thin and spare, wjrh a very far-- lumau hub. in7 uim, nair, Teaemunng tntt a white niaa'e, but inclined to eurl, and biulitiU beard on the upper Hp and point of, the chin, liews a great deal fef tobaotn, is a good barber, a "tolerable carpenter end hoemaker, a eeit good house aervsnt atid eoaohtnaui in the lef capacity be was serving when he ran off. Iu fuel, he capabh of turning hi hand to any kindo? labor; very linmbW and pUusiblot and rn of lor no other cause known to me, but the far 4 getting whipping lor drlnkU.g to an exeeii, which he ia much addicted to wherever bt es4 get it. . Tk likelk he my attempt ta Pm hion - 11' a.' . a, a . . f t If hie lra m hia Mmni.i, h.-.u. nmck in hia fjvne , hK haiLnn h. k. la . Um Sne.1 ; broad ojtth oat and atriprd sunitalonnss Hf . .1. il.fl.l . i Bantalonnsv He lonniii'iv aeinniMsn in mi i intti airMu. i of Chatam county, NortliaroliBa-then to d a . W m Gaston, of Newbern!," Uorth Carolina- """'j ""fligcu it ar. MUHie, wicomey m ia. then to Brows w. Jarvit, alto of Newbern, a . . . whom I bought aim. He had a mother and re . lions livi(g near Pitttuorbugh, Chatham eoonST, Nor(h-:rolina, where he vat when I bon i j him, and perhaps he may he made" for ti i section coubtry, or attempted to reach tie stfaboard tiierefore all master and vwwrsui vessels are fbrwanied horn employmg mil U the law ill be rigonmsly enforced agsk , one on whom the lacfmaybe proved.' One t. dred dollars reward will be given If taken out oS tbe iaate and delivered 10 me on Ihe Ctftvbi, three mih above Ltndsford, Chester' dittri Soath-Caroliuai or fifty dollars il taken out of At sfnte and secured in any gaol so that 1 gtt l 10 againj twenty five dollar if taken in the tWf and delivered tome ashbove'i oraeenred otl 1 Ketbim awalav .-v. "r" ' ' . . v h - - i'i,v FRED'K L. Jf. PRIDE. . ). HtiW.Af.i'; .-M - FlrtRN.Valnable "NEGROES, eoniisi: of men and 'womeni and araoor whom "' excellent cooks, house servant.: bottler , c For further ii.lormation, apply to the Editors ebJM88a..,,,, - a. , T S-st -i-For Sale,:;. V V4LUABLE TraeV Of LANDV"? j ,1 Wake coouty, on both sides or Mineer. within six miles of RVigh, north of .Crubtr'' creek, eontaininer 389 acre, orthereanoak "; joining the lands of Stephen Haywood,1 Bnrvc' Jones, uerrei Kopert, and other wc offer a great bargain w the sale of this Land, ';, if not sooner disposed of at private Sale, '; without reserve ?be offered for naif to the ' ett bidder, at the tavero of Mr. Jeter. Hi h- lelgh, on Tuesday in next Superior court we Apply to Sherwood Harvood, Esq. or to the us dertieoed, Z v; V ',; ' ( : '&r - i " ijsi 1 1 - . )f At. HUNT. . f ninklin Cponty,' Feh ls,'li24. ',:;2fjr;T)o RN AWAt;rrWuie 'in.beribrn'''e 80th instant, hi negro maa TOM,t t peuter by trade, about 35 vear old, dai 1 plexion, and, of common Se He ha a of clothing,; and generally wear brown I pnn frock coat over several other II chased by Governor Branch at the tale bte Gen Carney' estate in Halihx where he tnav attewnt to vo. "He is sni" smooth spiAen. .' TEN DOLLARS will l" t for hi deiirery to ma If taken' in this ' and double that ai d taken out of a.e ' and lodged h jail so that I get him ' , ' -if ' - .B1' T' , - fitlclgh, Jin. 23,1824, 64 ft: