VoI. XVi ' i ? ilaiVfA-ciriiia Gazette, -V DELL LAWRENCE.7 ' lu&wrSptlM, three dollar pr aaanai.K a. : fir .ill a Ml .Vtheei at Initl g it saM nM(,i4 m r-PHiotuia4, at . fx aptioaoOa Mitoca.a)B,UaaaJI arraaraaaa afv aii. 'lareruatweal eteiaeedint: af. tar lisra.ioaertad three tiae for oaa dollar. ; lcn(r- anna ior eaaa utioaaw AM lnr to tbe aditort mum Va poaMtaKj." cf? Frart the Rational tntenigencer! " ' ; , -BtASONS 'ACATKST A CAUCUS. " I TV tA ESitoTi-l now proceed, ac cording to my promise, to giro some of tM rwwju'wnicn appear to ,1117 mind 'to prove nliiy. that a ..Congres- tiontd Caucus is ('t under existing cir ' cumitancea") not onlj inexpedient, but . vtallr OTiastifiabte, and contrary to the tilablhhed principU$ pf the Republican 'forty ' iJV V ' ' ; .1st. It i a notoriout fatt, tbat a con faiderable proportioo of, Mr Crawford $ friends iii Congress represent parti of the country known to be opposed to Aim. v The precise number of ' meinbera. go - aitcatesl.' I will not venture to atate, hoagh the number cm Je ascertained. r One thing is,' however, certain, that the jiutnbjer of jMr CrwfordV friends in ' Congress. wfiOb'ffirfrojn their coratUu fentt, ia relation .to his claims to the Presidency,' is sufficiently great to aflfect vJiateriaHy the proceedings ofanyg-ene-'ral Coucua which eohldbe 1 Kem,' and terhapa to'inflqenco the result. If we look at the names of the gentlemen at tached to the Caucus,: notice, ; we find ' that a decided majority of them are in opposition; not only to their co!lea?'ue8, f but to the states, they representWhat- - tvet may be. said of: the memberk roih .Virginia. and Gicorgia, or even from- JI. , Carolina, wilt any .' one pretend thiit ..Maine, New Jersey Illiftoisaryland, ih DaMdiatrlvaniai at Wn f trai4 P ft C from each of, these' states support (mhm are cipMtvi to cxoma tb niont of the people.) boL in this case.tA foctis, that such A Cauccs coaU ot b ntada to ex press rven the opiaions of a majority of the Republican id embers, ana it is, therefore, wholly vttjustifiable. . Sd. Another reason aeaiasf a Coo grranonal Caocti W, that not om of the candidates, except Mr. Crawford, coald (under exittio circumstance carry in to such a ineting more than half if his strength, while.Mr. CrawfurJ would not only carry the whole, bt woald be able to include atnour his supporters many who differ front their constituents The Tennessee members, for instance, could not attend, even to vote for Gen. Jack sotf, nor ths Sooth Carolina members, (or Mr. Calhoun. - But, while it has al ways been the good or the bad fortune of Mr. irawionl v be, much wore popular in Congress than he is anr where else. it has always been his fortune to be sup- I potted by Caucus men. Mr, Crawford's friends (saya one of his advocates) art Caucus-men. Not so with the friends of General Jackson, of Mr. Clay, of Mr. Calhoun, or of Mr.'. Adams.-A large portion of fheir fricudstrtt not Caucus-men'.- In this fact h found a conclusive reason why a Caucus U inexpedient and nniusrifiable. c It would afford one can didate the means of creating an exagge rated impression of bisttreugth, while every other candidate would be denriv. ed,of the means of exhibiting even their actual strength. A a Caucus could, therefore, only be a partial, and not a ?;eneral one, as it could not possibly af brd any test of the strength of the Can- aiaaiei wiin we wemoers 01 Uongress, or with the People, t seems to follow, that a Caucus, at this time, is wholly inexpedient and indefensible ' 4thr; There.-are many Republicans who believe that a Caucus can only be justified when there is 4 contest be tween turn great polittcalpartte, and that its object is to enable one party to meet their opponentwith undivided strength. Thus dunne the ereat strnssle for pow er between the Federalists and the ' Jty - a. put it is obvious that a partial caucus cannot have the effect its adrocatca an ticipate. It mar distract, but ran not unite the republican' parly. It can havt ha tendency to prevent Ihe eloc ton 'from going into tha . House f Re. presentatives. . On the contrary, .it must 'increase the chances of its going there, ":' Mr. Crawford miht have been withdrawn from the contest when New York and North -Carolina shall be strick en (as they probably will be) from the Tut of, his. supporters, and his votes would then hav been givn to one of the other candidates. But m hen he shall become the caucus-can Jidatt, be Can not be withdrawn, and it i eqally cerr tain that the aval tautut caniUJateene er can yield to him, and thus the partial caucus will securt, oot tie election of Mr. Crawford, but distraction in the re publican ranks, and will probably force me ttecuon vuo ine i muse oj represen tatives. . v v ; .; Lastly -The icts I have above stated are perfectly well known, here, to exist. and if some gentlemen, blinded by their wishes, or their zeal, may be disposed to doubt them, I am content with assert- tng, that a decided majority of the repub lican party firmly believe them to exist, and, .therefore, are justly iixfluenced hi mtu uenri , m reiunmz 10 untie in a lcn- gressiotvd emeus, at this time; The question at last comes to this, there can be no general caucus. Can a purtialone be justified? Ought the fiends of one of ine candidates, acting by themselves, to meet together and nominate him to the American people? We leave the answer to these questions to the Amer ican people, in full confidence of the re sult. ' t A DEMOCRAT. 1 . . i. v. " " From the Washington Republican. . : We. publish, this dayv the proceed- ings in ine aowa.ieeung at rnuaaei phia, ' with the observations made by Mr. Dallas on the occasion; from "which it may be inferred, that it is no longer fcwot the four repnbTkan. candidates. W have an entire eonEi!enc ia all of themj and. although decidedly presr ring Mr. CaUxmn, we have.threogb the hole vf the. canvass, treated with an- XiaU&rdrtspect, General Jackson, Mr. dams,, and Mr. Clay (w name them in the ordea of their agei.) They hav all appealed to the good sense, and r'v tue of the people, in the discussion of the Presidential question:, they are all opposed to the radical party, and ready to support that systenycr policy, to the maintenance and improvement of which the present administration has been de voted. - The country would b tab in the hands of eithen arid the triumph of y wicr woum prostrate and crush the radical faction; and should it become ne cessary for that purpose, the disinter ested example set by th friends of Mr", Calhoun, in Pennsylvania, of consolidai ung tne repuwican strength; will be fal lowed by ihe several states, by a con centration upon that candidate, in each state, who writ be most likely to defeat the caucus combination, until the whole power of. the republican party wilt be perfectly united and consolidated. In the mean time, we sincerely hope that, regarding principUs, and sacrificing rer- sooal predilections,4he possibility of a jar among the friends of the republican candidates will be preve nted.- Let their pretensions be fairly, brought forward; but; at tlie same lima, let t&e friends of eacn careiuuy avoid disparaging' the claims of either. : Such a course will be. followed by ; union; :concerr, and strength; and mast inevitably end in the inumpir. ot souna principle and. the prostration of the mostdangerous faction thatbaa ever appeared in this Country, As to ourselves, we have the satiafac tion In know that oar. labors have not been in yainr that the great . cause in wnicn wes nave embarked, js ,safe, be. yond the power of any 4human efforts to aeieat it. ;f umuea oy the sameevo- lon to prmcipiewjiich has hitherto gui yet members -'ryy . mm, movemrit, support Mr. cuhuiuu!, vj wo parry. brem Stated mar pe inierrea, Tnai it is no longer I aa mi a.La. l v mote the policy we "have so Mrs rum a it a tra tvlwill nn-l . . . . Mr. ZarU. ofotcd llie f lto!r? rat.rtl,-'.;' " " ..ink vn iuuu nu ma iirr en :liif IUj di . . enwjon, ai-er aJopted: - , ;" JtcjrtThM tmrd fir ptV le rmjatvi " " U uae their ktat cxertio Itr hiring -js cMiventn at ITrri!ry,. and to otfmny''" pro(e arin( the admiuioa i( roemhiTf ct "', tho WpJattire antWm.t rxprraa appointrntnt . ..i .' by toe people; aa well a apunat the i4mi. ron of flertei cVnen unJereaJU cmbra i Ciftff only a aection ef the &emocrti prtr. f. - Hemhed, That we approve of tUrt.Url. tiona aivd adviren iloplad by ihf rrcc rJ wrd . committee, ,. . .- , Settofa.. That" the proceedmtV of bls' -'. , meetimr b pubtiabed in all the domocratio a , newapapera of th atate. - J . - ' . On motion, adjourned., 5'": .V-'. 1 i'-Jy -. THOMA3 LiaPtB, Chairman.- . Wi.Ui.DtA,,7 - ; . BpaaaT eatTsMMv, f SecTeUriea.' r v - t !S .' ' .... ' J i - ' 4 . Meeting hell yesterday, the preamble and two resolutions favoraSle to the no mination Of AKDBEW JiSKSOK.Mr. Dalrn las said that the subject of deliberation was one ot too grneral isportanre and ' t? ' of, too much national interest lo justify- ' any indulgence of personal partiality oi ',v. i- dislike. It was, the duty "or every citi-' duty of every i xen to. act nport it with calmness arid V, oecision, anti ne nopet tnat the rew in-"; tmductory remarks : he had ; to . mak 6"'' 5 ; ' would be listened to with attentiofi and " " candour;.1. He was about tendering ta rt- -what he believed was the good of th6 . ' m.it was often found necessary ZZZ'ZZZI thf pdicywe navfe country, ana the preservation or the reJ 4 publican party, p sacrifice of individual r predilectioff, Jhe magnitude of which hia uwi parncuiar mentis, ana perhaps his , . fellow citizens at large, could eaaifv an- ' r V H preciaie. a crisis naa; however, arnv ed, which apjiealed forcibly ta h pat riotic feelinsw'of ieverv man kttachpd ta the; institutions of th country) td their1 safety from foreign aggression,' and froni domestic; usurpations! i-j U. , v-Wf InThe attitude taken 'by the ViU& . States, in their relation1 with Eriropean -powers, thotiih gerterous And noble.' was v neceasanly accompanied by difficultielf J x proportionate tothe 8trengtf"and persu ' verance of the Tiol v alliance. There was: fi-' . as the basis of that alliance! a nrincinl I ' 1 so zealously M nPthy to this and every other re- C nd$ the.; peo PWkU principle.wtth hicb the peo ' think proper I ViV m -America ,naa succesm ".'. V."-' - Crawford.' and unite in-ithenall :ofiX?nViP Caucus. ,Wliati9; tnmof AecolJ- where all the candidates are of the same .fceis true, 'Same' extent. STZZS W and should'one be held in such f V?2S leaser it roust be for the sirigle purpose feA:Cri QfMingan individual, andV S ation had pi'ucenAss insL-eviuf fnr, Mi"frawford unonl ' V TflWN M KF.TTNiU " ' lwhicfi. exacted from the many an imnlw weswnntum thatthe Membm speak the I w" ..w r tti?K a" rz nj' : 'V -au" ble meetir "WUKoa f fWw rnnsfirHMittf hut. m this OUgUl aiWl always to be unbiassed.' Such a U'noalone divided the State, became at- . - , .-: ; t; nruAidiriB' must netounaea on tne laeac.K.., ; nriiap a ifot th ffuirMH 1 j.. ...i... u. "Tnstance. tne iiict peinsi Known tc do i, r 0 li t . 5 w j' u",,v , ? 7 , at. ine coumy court nuuse w SrwiseSCaucurbefoLau le iSth of teuary, 1824' Caucus kintended SnJndM m. tUemselves, and must be guuled thatthis ..concentration tould.b. roost, Lw,, noticed Thorn eipe 't6i&nimithiUuofuUic enti$nenitW flectea even wnerca.i readily made upon General JacsuoiM Jnted cliair man.arid I res 1 , -a l - . - -svy .1 but when it is known that it can aUbrd r?l0"5.V e ?mJt: and; the ;. anch' Ihde. it ouirhi not tobftreaort- ' e:f ,M iS'V with that . ' , j- w a 11 1 . 1.11 a L uioiuivi 1. ivno . i are of (he Republican party. The J fid- iharacterized them' through every stage ttt 0f the; meetin eransta nave aw. nany, o wuiuw f-thtanvasg ot the rresmemiai ques- fi..; t ait was'n mot on.i It this De auesiionea, wno uet me 1 nTi v etermined to sacrince personal ,a Tt,. n.it5nn rm h. mM swiuuona; - - Jl . . . .(rtfn .1 a i.ma ! 1 . . ' . . t 1 . I I'm.. . ' .... , 1 .1 r, ienda .or Mf.. Cainoupt, mv rr ftsthtri Pn tier run smteresteuness ,wnic.n.naai-r,Tht vall havino- hean ' ed to, as it fwvmmead, and can do no .possible;" good. .'. u .2d.The second objection to a Cnucus at tins time: anses from the fact that a I rbajoritv ofilie RehiMkwMerhbcrs are uristramed frit public opinion, and by their J-sense of duty ,' from attending' one, .". r .1 A L tAV j ' A--A tMMu-if-of.mmberi of Con- lle(r fhO0.Cef3! Jeave. notashadowofhope.thatti vgressafto theriWof the candidates aHtus efl81wWMri.Krflorill"V pursuant to Ucfiti magistrate who would command c ' Kan Wlla 1 ' ppv si vaj uvivui wm vuivjvu iui uu" 1 a ati m -w uimnpn rnnnt iw irnm tm tAnni f - : reftd, anct the rul Vi? ?mK mipiriap! prw - g aully explained v.r.v-...."". " , rf iio irie iniuiueaaucc 01 our own civuinr .j .lis ' . "r 't A It- . - ..... ... . 1 - ... , - . . ...... . J Jlut in' addition to this consideration lis the only one ever was accused i arising from aVhasty though' no inaccu -f nte''eHr:Pof'0t'(oteikn:'MaUon i " . But he lias beW deceived in rat, oui, , j- ioa I ' .! . .... . .. ... . . ' I reMirneiv py mitt ucuiucniui. uciwnu, nu i j . . '., j Xthei-fforft that vit can afi&rd no test even l P"" - r . . r"J' 4 reacn oi com ucuuuu iu uw i CommiUee, as followsi. inomas teipci, Ge-l r ' . ' -r I 1 1 1 9JT a.l n Ann ,ravsal a 1.1 1 I . il a. Alk. I .... J J I a m- n-a al A ; J .y .the- democratic yie that the tterai wUUiimj boacani iSatnuel Diddle, Henry proceedrng among purselves. r; He ftd- Xj. tlie UornJoseph Worrell, John T. Sullivan, JLew- vejted:., to the v caucus lately held at " ', inflnAncA' In. Pernisvlvania. 1 Is. Buh nd E, stpevo.- f, t wn w : .' . -1 Washington, and uf whir h informatwn t mnvment destrota the last hone --1Lt00.rnPmPiaJi" V ? t)08itioatoMrv Monroe fata tim elation; dpubtedtyrvyasobtajn,withOTtdelayt U bend the! practicef ; T.o iWk. uxu, f K U t,o. ana, u ne is w ue ton Vplet iarfe aa President M tliemted , "Btates.l niihliivnnininii hii untlprpone ai "-rrrr-w tchangeti the subject , Con- ; gressionai vaucusv J.ne people . were ' fauslU. bv Vial tfarwamon. that a -man rmidit be. nominated in iWashmston, h "without havi ni iany pppularitr HvltB the i lauen; tney (ouna Jnat gemieniaD, wno . .i.l i . . 1 II L .11 . - ; - . . . .11. 4 . . i . J r.V. lrl.J l.ltivut will not thp vntfl of that I . .-...-. n.t nn'-tkHu V-nhfirin-ft- at x'-ih-j-.-i s.i. . .i.. .t IfttatA.; of. immnu.' ninnlntinn fljiif VVulilv :, fiku- Ms,1A WwfJ- state be; in that event; given to w.SfriRicnmond.; and Albany,.;; The schenie tunment of this objecva harmonipin andjknowti Wv be averse? to the proceedings - ..1, ,.'' 7 "r-y- - : ivf thaTreaafirvw ''iK:1''t'H: I ti'niMia-'nnr mMrht. by iMsaluility.,1 siTOnltaneoua motenient x sue-great aemo-1 WCre represented by tive nersons one iuvicu its .4 c" 1 the connrmauon vi trie caucus noiwin i erntnent or this nauon. mcnaiv to tne gene iuu usuagcv uv uiv ricputmcau, party w - ' t r V WJr-'Tr l1Pl,d:tteTe,ye SfP0rt-ScoratiSra. pporFA ,n8 WW 't' ' meter of theTederal tan-1 M,. Wathinfrtoniand taking advanv I K.'vii1rfi most unauetiohable manners and oro . ' ' t didateas Mr Adams. Indeed, do not tae of the distraction m Pennsylvania, public against the inridibua machinatlona ajid Claimed by 4 body of men whose yeraci ' t ti)'e?,firiendB.cl Mr'. Cra'wtord -Wor 'btw'tlierlendif Mrallwimaiid violeiit'efforts of Htengly ; combination,, we tj and integrity,coud hot be doubted , s ..' the state of JMawrc, because thev GpniraiJacson, they calculated to dp- should, JuMrfdually id ceetiyelyrsacriace Looktat xtl, but ' fourteen nt of; the ' ' ', deDtUwaiieiiM- emte pn tliConventloi at,HaiTi8bu4 2 tWeentfcfoureip f enjoyed evenll.e should" the'.Pederal' party triumph, in ;n fflSftI1It fif Mr. Crawford' means ?v':rlJs!!S'J?.! semblance a of 1 a -representation liver - ,V V - f-v- v i A. 1 - -: ament and intngue, .at Washington, rfi 8f 'would barter awayke Visrhts of the peo- friends xan . longer speak of Mr dd- terested sacrifice whichtliey have made. 1 tne-afet and most effectual measured, And other f ill. i . . ... J t ,' I j .... I.7;.-. - ll aaam. tiaurtn A t iUJa. Pii1t hftrtllV TeiOlCC.- BH I wKawm th iinh(.H roif P rf the dpmo-ACV nf Carolll nion,l,osritoaCaacnsWing. Hand, in tlie Western Stalk especl-IroreTa Rcc' .8' I PWne, xt. J ISSffiS ofli?tmo.saltad deci. '"i t ally, there existi almtist 'a unaliinidus for ome- eqnivalet)t.:i repeat then, tessary, tor thecommon goou, w qiniiu effccts And wherea itest becomea the I J -1' gave, but eighteen votes; ami tho 7 liNewiYorkv Virginia; North-" ina.ard Georria.irave fifty! .Geor- f alone .voted as jstrongly as f e h njyl-. t,toutniironpar umo, ana ajary- put together!' and one entire half f yoie given u uic nuuunaTeu can- cntVinentaMinstsua'rteetin , several of States. s.k TennsaWi titiie.r J3Ut friend of that measure (whoA prospectiwere otherwise so fair) who auap.ee. cllythe pore prioptei twO ata es only, twrJik and Virgn . , , Maryland and South ri-nl ma nositivA ndw takn a new eroundthat the Uau- with- whose .elevation we nayeeyercon- .w fupunp-fM. nia. j - puvn iaree opon we represent . IrK'n ?S95Sfltt& sidled the Wl KuSt ?orI " vlslatureswhichthrrnemberafrom rtind:o6te ah intrttue of tote fa to b' connected.. Sn minority of the republicait member, of wre. or ihe. gentlemen , who ..played it;, 9 v 4 '&pse States ;rit-sm -w gwat jomt.jnea.ti,.ttie aec; tongrl.opi ntettiptthe-.aacettahied Bnof ont oe, conscious that they have C ' itionTusdy rard as sii4to al election' from gornjc' into, the .IIouso of rity- of Pennsylvania against' Jadical wiU of a Urge majority,; bayrasetnble4,w gone too fa, r Call it, , if ydu will; a . O C.:-l"f5ft8V i9.h,Ai.t1Ains nxeSTwe have not Caucus, and there, prostitutinr thV form of meeting of the friends of a ' nart tula r : ' - taierpberai' frpitt'.rtne Wei4Contrj I wrf-tt'eat(tctf;'.tt W to a J-' I . jt ' v , -' ... . ' I - . -.' !r' I via . i.viv omvi wimm.. .i O " 1 . . : 1 . , . i- . . . - ' - . j -1 alfcMhV "leJMiT eTpedient, in j, waa a perversion w, principles an aouse,ot lonns too mo&strotyi axquieacence'i ?-xf-vS; V. v: ' ,aLr i . !ir i.iir. ai.c; i r t liu aaa iai .a.avwwr i s . ..-a , t jriM4V a n r vriiaa mMiiav -FnADT w m. a -. , nd known wislf tfi;AHinarltntit . thi W'rnnst r solemn v protests, ihe prcsentaUvcs, suouia xue eiecxion come t - I Prom' these' caHe. 'nrK S, tiumlr nf nAor.le ai a canable of electmjrrtheir into, that twdy. Xeniiaylvani was .tn '.4ecl thentselves eriuallv restrained Ut. .-' -pi-.n-4 7 v . rt , , imj pi puoijc opinion-tne ' 4hnf auhWt l-.l .-ki.- . rvery pajtot Vtoted Srates, aiueu i iite mauaer, ay the ! 'nm.i -.!. l"t"--tr . eMnmend to their renubllcan fellow eitkenat - auvn3' .'T't jw- througboutthe nation, actively nd cordially j t,c- ngne against which it was neccs- 5? t.. , . . i:nnnill; T , 1'aAi-lr fft .lira tinr-'oacirin-l v'u. h " iifTi.r'tci icmoera ennm Li thomi. Ui hmt'iul tn I PiiuiKlpnr: and. -ftOUId 'auT , lncoilvem- I uibliciinnuiu vlrB v.ivvu..v w join in ciccunir anunrm rvvV3u.i iu I y vvr i , -i.fc.s". - . . ;? . . - I . v ,l,v. Unium n-rnflhA ratulilnt9. 1 lo nffio nrPiwaiant .'of the TJnitl Kt.toii. Inf all mn v.hn v41u tl.Pte ricih ftnd -uittiu iroin- a iiaucus, that it has, been en-OTesuitin practice iroiuiwo-vvi." mhi-w v. . ..--.,,-...- , ... , tevtained that the'cStoKo tS ri Undt, Congress can the.fiuenc. the caucus.. aided; by fJS w-i U not b md.j.. by a. tutery. rossMy be ATeWkbut tmW,, propose to fbe Several states i an alter, thinfluenjo ot ie.tiwn of, be. chea ed into theu surremlPr. Jt waj' we. Kow.aCaucusisfouiJed ontne ation m that. instruct, or tWstites selected for: the -fV ico PresMencyi will toBUBW,to nomin-tANDUEW JACK- formulable, pmwi?ffo that it affords iai'of .the 'may. ."of themsclve"' adorvt rWprnper b tw'inothmgi t';ifig.-.ecrtein; gQNaatiie presidential tandidate ofe de- upon cie people by tne past, .n v$-- pinion, of. the MrM'ttf-Wc're!i, araendraeniV- ry narhc t;f a c.or5rejs:oi;aLc:cu3 f s- : '. . ' , :-l$ i"''V'?',-- is n:":'.;'' 'v';v'v.---x,. ;-fA;v''p yr'Vf'"'''''--';-'-1 A '-.r -' - '-r''''"-''', ;'',:'a'v , .' - - - . ; v.- - .'-r.-,?wV:,; .- - ' . ;' ' - -