v y 0.12. RALElCHfK.C.) FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1621. r "tTI TTi 1i 'TilB OTAli; VJi.AVrA-Canrfta CaxetU, . ' rnwi.W.ea'r,Vr . J 7: tiELL &XA WHENCE.- : .lJt .tki. fkfM eftllaM Mr o-lTt ft. wrV.B WM St least SO is ale' Yte eastae aftae Carter .aalesiall .rrirr. -Maui. 4rwttl. at scocsmg af- UMMBe,inerte4tlirtiMror eedoltar. kni t - sts eartienaaeav"- AM letters to t hum ssest h pw-ytif, I jority of tbepeepTi, ami aotby Die votes ' ol in states ft mi a mioontv at tha m- pier This meeting, therefore, impress ed wrtK these high and serious consider ations. Dunk it expedient mot t osm at at this time candidates for the rrf- DREW JACKSON. , VT rest U no mi nation a poo hi wa superior merits and strong claims upon tb (ratitntU of his country, aod not apoa tin wmkncca f hi oppoaenta. Ad ah! a ' advocate and juugt, a distuiguiahed legislator and . A iv from th Franklin GasetteV ' -" , TIARBISBURO' fcONVNnOJT." rracsdinn of the Convention assembled at atdrncj. ana vic rreatdeocj; ana do gtcror,' aa incorraptbie patnot, a rtaotra to racotaniend to fha ialfraj ( akiifuU' brara and luctewLl gexveral, their fellow citir.ena, U an electoral and an enliihUaed atateaman; at the ticket, a list of aaaea whoae hirh atand earl r Mfli. be Was a aotdier of tka in; aod. Unquestioned claims to public reTMoUon,-. twoiinled prison ar in a confidence are the beat, "hilt it u the British prison; and daring the lata war, nly pledge they will ask for the wise he toiled thruothliardships, thrangbfa id faithial discharge of the high tnutltigne and danger in the service -of hia coantrr' nc do. thereiore. eamesur recommend . Gen, ANDREW JACK.- am a a ia. . wnicn rear oe cennaea ujueni. - And on the smtiou, will tb coaventioa sfTcc so to do, a diriaion of tiU qacstkm was n,rrubur?i aUrck 4, 1834, for the prpow callod for. to end with pOstpoMmcRh and on 4 fonnias; sa electoral ticket to be Sup- the question. wiQ the convention agree so to ' ' potted ' bv the democrstie republiesns of pstpene, the yeas and naya were require 1, , WnnsrrTsnia, st the ensoing;- eJectiea for aod are as follow yAa S, nara 12(K So k Jtates. . . " i i .v. j I .. . . . . n . . . .. . I MmOlnit I hl fhci(ma1 Krir rd aBpouiu,Dy iu uon. ot smcinr out au um iouows tne worn i . - - " - icUociUKhsrfPennsyWsmsCwhdinoylnhst. in the nrst Une, sod inserting the fbMWsttihed detuocracj of JOHN CCAL . t convention to nonunstav . ticket of I lowinn. :. , 'i . . ' ' " IlIOUN' hik -enlirhtened views of na- electors for president snd Vice ftsideMof Rtsolved, ttat tlie alectorai ticket, Itional policy tad fearleta devotion to suine election, one nunuru ana icmjr-uie SON for. the first office Jn th rift of the Amtrinn iiMnl. 'j1- . , '. '. ; Aod on the question, convention adopt this resolution, it was nnasimousry de termined ia the affirmative. -, t V ' ' agreed opon by this cohTentioii.the pablic eood, have made him the can- inr 7oc Blfat,-q. Presidentj WmomjTOta for that great aUtesraaii,- reTolu Hrlv'n.. Fjo. mi Jani Simnrler Eta. Vice 1 1: -. rj. i a -m " ' tt- ivi iiiunur Blum u hiv utucni MSSLtifc -fv! 4A 'R? DREW 5ACKSON ai President pf the -Mr. W offered the foDowior preamble Vnl,VState, ;5 ' i ff .: "v d Riolutioa: iv . ... - i-, - , I Which was ajrreed to, and the resolution as .Wbereaathe democratic citnena tf-wp Mtw&tn.iuw tlcommonwea conierreu . opon jtnja convenuon me Dower tQJiomiaate electors for the high i a i r n : 'and important offices or President and Vice President of -the Raited Stated -And whereas, in makiB these nomina tienB.it is our 'duty and our prid,e just Jy . to i represent tne senUments i and 1 wishes of our constituents, and vigilant- 1r to' euard. against ' ultimate ' defeat: solationi '-., " .. - . r Jte8oIvtd, That the convention u6w this illustrious, statesman this sincere fnend of Jaoksov and of his country; And on the quesuon, iU the eoarentton adopt the resolutioo, it was unsnimousljr de termincd jn the aurmatie. " ; . On motion, the conrentioa proceeded to the selection of electors of President and Vice Presideot. : ;. -'c--1-';" v Un motion, ,;. - -' - . k: " Iiesolvtd, That a, committee ht ap proceed to the notnlnatipn of a- candi-j pointed to draft an address to thecitU' date for Vice President tot the United 1 tent of the United states, recommend - States, to be supported br the demo- jin to their support th? distinguished cralic renuhlicans of Pennsvlvanie f a . (citizens whom this convention have se- And on the question, will the convention I lected as CanditUtes for President tnd aaopttbeaaaDe,a snonon was made oy Mr. o. lyite President. v' " ! v :! $-2 a- w postpone " lor tne pur- . which was arreed to, and ordered, That pose of mtjrodftCBr the following as a substi-1 MeMr,. WUkins. M'Mvaine. Walker. Ocle IT A '!",", . ; and Fox be the committee for that purposs. iiMiniiwrniMin, mil uva nuivuiw E Vanlnsrf That K x..l x . . " ." I fuwivi.Muiii, um vvutvuhihi uc-1. I in motion general Committee 4 . . I . , 'i .i t biiuii ,m I wfiumiiMuii vi m VAUUiuaiG. iui i .. t .'.I, . - fi tuupiucnugii. uiimc uiuucuiw leave i18tl quiesce. .'In and 16 promote the vie ws of i , thedemocracrof Pennsylvania, byvo- i tins for that treat republican statesman, patriot ana qero Anuita v JAta SON, as the chief magistrate of this wrtkh.-'-- V : v And on the question, will Jhe ; convention agree to the asme,- motion was made- by Mr. ftoberts to postpone the consideration consldringit mor;e prudent to leave to state, at the seat of eovernment thereof. the college of electors, hen they shall Und that the said committee Inform each have assembled, to vote for such person J elector nominated . of his being placed as may meintppear w ua uieaumuate n tnc ticket; and should the said com a isolation fo spprova the nrumrution of; sathor fths ..' - . t!.at Y Mr. Crawford aod Mr. Gallatin, saade caused it, and bro 1 1 V t ciurtry i t j tt Wssbinrtoa . He KadVomo difficol-Ht. llerrtnfore, tins !'....! vsi . ' a ft. a a I I . . . it to jrei tis resoiauoo- aecooded, aog mioeoiju i. . i say ti ahen tht vote waa taken, it flood 123 is not true as it K i:.' r r tf t '.t-.t, against, -and S.ia favor f .jour .little nd the history of t.e t.ncs .iU.'.-.s r? Washingtoa Caucus.' -'J - , . ' in'the aserti. i. The pv'icy f ti.e U, The policy of virginui is well under. States .towan's our Fout'.cra Ir stood here, and although aha can drill had been of the most liberal and f 66 scattering members of CoRress ioto Jmg character, wo ha3 cherisr 1 ins, par, and caucas, ,to register, the decrees of I protected thcta when tla first -WU Kichmond, she can getbuttww tncaout jgenceof Ahj dispOMtion cn t: r j art of the whole, delrgstioo in a state con-jtoba At variance, was in ari aault cp ve&uoa in Pennsylvania to Her then on our oot posts, (Fort IJaims,) slightest support to thi Virginia ticket.! where threa hundred - women And ci.U- anamust not suppose that her mere tat I urea were botchcrea and burnt. Un can chaDW principles,' or convert a i-!der the orders of his state, subsequent! r nofity into a majontj, with all ita proper I r?roved by the general government,, attributes 'Tfuwert nor that, because JACKSON marched to meet,and aub. ner lavont.e' can dtdatea have usually Jane tnenu me uorse shoe hattle tcr been choosen. that thercLre. anv can.lmlnated the war. And here, as a nrc didate she mai prefer must be chosen. I vious condemnatory sentence, it is alle' our wiav aoy anu-repuDiican .meansiKu uiaiovconuoueaioaauanauesirov which she may resort to in older to sup-1 even after the battle, waa over, thereby port ner naave canaiaatea wm bo sanc-ienacavounn to eniorcc ma taea, mac tioned by Pennsylvania, v I am aware I neither aubraissioft nor surrender could that' you preferred Mr. Calhoun to antlnnd protection:"; Facia need only bo other candidate for the Presidency! presented. tet the authors then,' by You cannot entertain . a higher opinion. reference t( the " life of Jackson, at . oi nis talents ana genuine qualifications pg sou, Ttaa tne account oi this oat than I do.'i But! have indulged, ner-1 tie, and so far from discoVerinir anv hacs, an old fashioned notion, that the I thing to warrant the imputation cut. jrreuaencj ougnt to oe Jtept as tone as u'v win una, mat overtures i,t surrexi'' r. poasioie in me revolutionary une, ueiver wers w&up ana rciuseu or tne oav aw it to ur country, to venerate, and lagea tnem selves. Uen. JAtKBUN," A. . - L v.u. J. A a. iv icacn uur wiuurca spirit of those' times. safety in it. and it furnishes , . . . . - . . . r, - : !... " uaoie lesson to posterity. , Mr. ualhoun I Pnieu vj an inierpreter to propose ia ousht to be kent longer in tho field. I them a aurrendef and to snare the fur- Ilia vast mind will infuse itself into the ther envision of brood" but instead f V vitals of our system, in whatever station accepting it the Indians opened a Cro 1 ne may oe pjacea. , t he same may he I wnicn wounaea one oi me . party At r said of Mr. Adams and Mr, Clayi the 1 thia battle "four van ieho huff metered, - ' as - wa a ... I a. 1 1 1 . . ' t- .a" I ti I repuDiio win pave employment enough tana wree nunarea women ana cruiarea for all her best talents, in which thev I were taken prisoners'. rX'' - cannot be degraded.; I rejoice that we I ' i Here la this mighty unfeeling of : t. ' z vi . i f . - ir.... .i aL : a nave bb crear a nvairy oi virtue ana ia-llcuvci w"we uib iiiiuitsirou sousm ia lent, and ( wish to see them all emolov-1 be produced in the public mind, is, that ed to the best advantaffeAvThe hiirhesf every soul, and in cold bood too, was.' honor "of our country is a nobler object I put to the sword: whereas, on referenco r i.!a'.... t' - i At . t i . I . aI !.J Ai-.L.:i . oi amuiMo. anu inose wno enueavor yo I w wb uuu uiai au ovcriuro obtain them: through faithful efficient ror aeveral sarrender waa made and re- Dublic service, whether in ' the -field or fused,. and that three hundred ersona" tne Jcaoinei deserve our respect and 1 wer "taaen iw owenerea, as cnargea . , , ft A r. to venerate, end agea themselvesA Gen. JACKSON," JA : a ' to venerate, the aaya the historian, perceiving that fut ;,l':-. '". i.V .There Js great ther resistance would. only involve tljem '";' c rnuhes a most val- in otter destruction, sent a flag accom , ' oi I'ennsvivama lor inia imrjonani omce.i m.Hok ..ortoir. An nr h. " ,r -. " . ,. """wMvwunu MMkiiy v vuunucuuc, ,w line (l is uie UU vy I every www iwiunii uw yiNk nu :.i ' JJ&$& f"!? ,ector ' PPse the flection of good citizen to resist the pretension of tnd Pc' was toncluded between theft. v" V ventiohametomoiesolutionofferedbyMr. lected tliey; are hereby authorited :w; contrivance and machinery of petty ea- ofthe peace, aftd stipulation of the trea ' - f vTna.lh Veaa-and navaSietw twniiiMiLivtrstnke the name lit . everv UCh Uejn1hnl:srThA lAriaiririJn lli'Sim' t 1 of pwwe$: tliavtHirposf of iutroducingl arc at follow yeas 9Vrys S3. So it wm de off the ticket.atid siibsUtute another or I formed her haabe.n a frw. and inole war: and that; inasmuch as Jack; wK5!Se of the public, lln concluded ;the nesociation,' h.-is . va wea wviuviibuv l VUHIIivuilfl is aa in siPiswwwa. iv.hvm nviiu a a - il Wa. 1.. ...kAU...l Sh 1 . I 'i . i v .ft a . I aU a aw : . . Atl .. jn . . aT .t -vi w a. a- '"a.' I .! ' J V . . n ."S..i w.l I - v uvivw0 Miy uviuvvi,ouy a v avuLiVA(a.ifef j of Petmsylvania feel themselves' to form I an mtewrai part oi uie.qemocrauc party J ofthe United States; add with such feel- I ings, in ihe election f candidate! for I the Presidency and Vke 4Veeiiency, i luev can; alone act r itb i ruaiont-v ' ts$ thktparilTi whk Uher cohsrsteiiey or !ib hope'ot Mifetjr;.'.: In departing; from via course, tne seinraie states, or ma- tik seiectiora f and adhering to, par- titul&r Acandidate eaa hwdlKfairtn1 Xfodttc the result of a inorrVerettidn ;by f"$ ihe electoral colleges; and a deVblation Je ooti ot the choice' h the house atf repreaen- i;,!, I Jtati vest 'Such a ccurrence eulHiot ! fail to inyolve;the most alarming cense I ueSices, the.least of which would prdb I VJy. be ii election mf these high officers i t" uiu.iiuucriiy- oi, tne peonie. AV ishuiit to avert the chances that uiav and it ought to be so understood: but not therefore to be viewed as the author of i ' l ' a . -i ., Itk- .,;i .v.ii..Akt.. ,i i - iei uusuio .-wppo&iaoH io any otner eal u,c m-w mw.ii uiuv.n rtucr . 1 1 J L ij .'' . 1 it..': ...iL. '.. li.i!llJ Wed a. candidates for Vice President John wmmiKB P? ."T - W,r C. -Calhoun, Henty xky, Albert tJanatin, ariy .vacancy .which may occur in thes William FinHI.-nC. JnhKTmt. nanlM Mnnttm. ItlCKet DriOT tO the election. ,'! - rocrv. ' And the aames of tlie members be-rv- Ordered that Messrs. Motton Citojrersrse- ihff eaDed over," it appeared that the rotes cretary tf state - Jacob Bucher, JVilliam we did not eh, But itis the old story so harped pori 3 .a a..a- .n . .i . . v i . r, r... ' n..,.. ii.n. st iMk'..j i.h. a.w.;.t.l tp.rta.in v.rv hiirh rfesnrr fop anma f tli lift 18191 InO same Which Abner Lftcur.K f i . . . . . - : -.t . .....! iV. . Douglaa, Adam H. Orth, and Jehn s. Weist- tertam vry high respecUor some of the ' toiyiineaame wnicn ADner t.acocic Bnp btJie coininitt,brime pur others, but because they claimed our pressed in hia rcportin' the Senate," and pressed in the said resolution. 'Jf:0$'$i, highest respect; and , harmonized most thosam which ;the honorable Henry v.. , j-, ,i i coruiaii j xne avnoie ' reputnican interest I "7 :y iccihisij ui geu ia ite iuua(j uamvw. inn,. buiuHuwvv -vi ni rn eraie. ;T IMIM.' KtAiWuS W 'rpanondencft. to Consist of not leak than I ll v ? ? 4i three, nor more 'than nine reons, he hK-mKaj,T.r l l AA W1UVU Hll KUIWU, I' I 'I ' "a J I ' I. "-- A ' C " it. ' a A 'I n -V ' ' -V V " i " "J " i'," K'1 tJiririotioii, me convention a i ........ . ... 1 I'ttl A - - A , -. . 1 . I A. A I A, -.. v-l'- . . 7 . " .. " .. eigmao tomorrow moroing..tv5, imv-tuui jii ue iurBi?"M w.uiBgouc-, . ' vMarch S. 1824. the .'convention au we membera present; He, B.' Porter,' from hoxt 10 Votes; Albert Gallatin had 18 Vvotes; WiHwm Fwlky had 8 voteaj John Tod had 8 yotesj panied Montgomery had I vote. - Onrnotion, Messrs. PoHer, M'llviune,nar. nard, Walker'and pgl were ''appointed a committee to report resolutions' expressive oi. jne sense oi tnis convention, on uie sud which It is assembled.' of iterires'entatives when hit soul ''melt ed to tenderness in behalf of Arbuthnot and Ambrister lie murderers of nr.- e, whde not a aympathy, with him, eat for those of our women arid clin- ;h their .councils, ha.l atchered. Mr; Clay -r Ai-i . r. i .r a cituuuuiguiio uie paiuiui incr Eewlufi ncfc?. lor dents of th war, its origin he, fearca , . . , rwy, Vi i - .ir.nnvfntian. aurnea ; DV.uie ncesiaenui phv""-"" w. i vuuuLiun shu vmi d n tounn irt 7. .' o 7. ".ITi'. ' 1 1:- -r jia;" .t.v: T." eoi'erf,-That this' ; conventtoa :dis-1 convention YiUn4he cnuiitry .W tintriedand EWy H L?00"111) e Jr di.astr8 evihi this meeting, represen- m,,Bl; tin th. iiWftAA amww. j bers .of cdrigress at Vaaliingtunl at 7cn "i LLa. A.r-i.i whichWilliamU. Criwford was n Xiotmnafion rhiul: htf'a rn;Wf h Paie.a ior xremeni.,juiu.Aiuen, uaua was numi az- r.. "rr ti.:.; i . a -a .l l ,..( uu ior ice n wiuem, as u was a V98h!nn. t xv.L-J r Ailerant enaxtae from the. establivlfe of rw3 - i..j:.i-r.,-v- iffi aage of the repubiicaji iiaxiy, being held offiresident. wd of Albert fJSallatip.of D onty: contrary tiie kown kPnnalvr. - - V: d-.v,i..'-w.4 1 wishea and sentiments sofa larse.ma-- ,- Mii.uui, i itc i rawMii , l ... i -.i - y, ' t . ' r' Q on tne quesuon, wm me convention ij""v i v-w.r ihft lamntifc trtatv .nt '. .iAa mm.m laft. I inr S ltM m a M AO irflUHIM IIUII UlR BISVSJ III TV IIMrSirillliri) I I J . C u- . .1'. J . 1 . . 1 .' T .:..-..,'.,' auu puutiaucB.iyiuaLvi uie wto. " . i a j- L t; fnJ ' t-""',,''- rwn iiacasuo; a more uictatoriai spirit; , of , the delegates" attached, thereto, te affected I to disbelieye; That thefeoplc he had tiever seen displayed in any in published,-; ,,;.V-iV,:v ; W1" i ' JAwn nuuuA t ta, "rreiu.eiH.i"i'r";T""- .- ;v.. y.,.w .u4li,ua, Tere ua numinnuni otminas: ' What j r acuiv srAivuiACK, i 'z wr .vfuuiwwa vomraat if exn.Ditea, between the con-, f - t c wmiim witfivfl 1 J converts: all wilIiniHv voted in th ho.1 a..i '.;..;,i.1 j -a' 'a.v' r1 1 tT" if " . v;i. Vrainf' llief. thatlhOAinanairement f av h "f i It ' . t.i ' - . . i l tur aflhtlCF threncalvna nomAoMl . CI . . . , .. . ... .. .... V ' ; (r W MMM. "A: ..y'A J . r. I " ----- ...wi . AV1UVVI (A Uj IlC , mfltlTI ' IU MIU.T.fl mi. tlMlfl 1 t. W . . -r,M." V .. Extract 'of abetter, to the Editors 'of the Washington Bepubhoan, dated tlarnsbur, .aiarcn.., i v: tta And so it was determined in the' negative. V a. I L .' . '. . t ' orit- iialieJj..x fitv,..,.,.Ajf,t.. vne-oawnony oi tne party ny uniuns u 7w.uw,vua ar a jvvaa iujj. iuuvtsw- 1 . ,, ... . , - . a " m ' hi? the.folkttiaa Miitatinr 9 . j; v 1 1 r unon the most deservinr lor the omce i a i . cj - the-loltowingasja-substiitute i $ WhertS thi,intpitirln- rftniflr hp has yet been lio flafiafactarv- ascertain- ment of tlie wishes of a majority ofthe j William 11 Crawford, one of the candi publicans,, would-be ,abIeim;iufnlo-1 Mr. Clay, and thoge who quote him as L ,COv .uciuio w cuoo, oyi authority, should impute the r ridde- hicrt to bind tUeommonsann cnnnpn.l miioIr . r.i. .".i .:i K: i.s ' trA-.: i t..1 Alt. ' " i-A " li'lt nf nlhsn la.is.li-il.t:. 1. Mt. w . sn-n.,. .. . . ,. . . miu are U'tniavvYnis. nava l'i irfliurmnr nr .in, inifo .ni 1 1 norniiS'i T"" . - . -r - - , . rri - . , t : ... , J . i : :: s-r t t- i ""Tr"" -,-w i . - r ri'"it AAmn.,n.i 4. .rn, .v. iiia nea. , ine neoDia nave awaicnrt fn a r-i v- .1 . (i : - . ..... a: ' ........ a AL.Attv .wuimihuv w i wi miu imhiu '.w.i T ' i I . " - "milc vuc iuiuca nutv auuYT. tnai tiriii' . Knowledge t therTight$. iHeir Voice ln) JACKSON acted in that ne-ocisttioit ha$ sounded through Pettsylvania: ithasunder the positive orders of trTe Pi esU reacnea me ions; ana pweiiea s wough I dent (M r . Madison,) and is. entitled me vaueys 01 Jer mountains ana with far h of f h whr4 " W Mil a.. :.;jL' KAW .communicate to you 7" " - I all IB LUUTCUUUU . LOilllUL LUUB1UC1 . U1Q1. f . m a " . . Another moUoirwasJlhen hmde -by ?Mr. a.,,;,,.'.; U,v a tiwr a'af.1 were as toilowi Roberts to osrnone the cnna;dAlioil at Ihtt ..' .".--v "r'f-r Sf, J of President but 'with Ui single yiew j ilto promote -.the i8treC?nd succes of great" republican 'party of this union; in I date only, 1 and "4ri the ! vain 'hope -that cmuuii 10 canawatesior the tresideB- uw American pcopie -mignt ne tnus -aery and Vke Presidency. ; And w bereas ceived into' a belief that lie was the re pe democratic party of Pennsylvania gular democratic andidate4vt "i au vmies niiuerto Deen governea "T tt uesire taru-nmnt hnrmnnv imnni I ihat. . party,' fliVuuglioute; j Jing to a Teasohable ext -nt their 1 -Mr. 'Porter, frr And on the auestinn, vrill the convention Was determined in tne qnentmous vote;two o PHEStpxirr. iGeneral A. Jackson - 1$AJ ;'William II. Crawford f- ' ' rTOK.vrce raEalOKirr. -John C. Calhoun $ . '87 - Albert Gallatin i : 10 'Henry lay '.'.'I0 " Wniiam Findlay " John Tod; i. Jt & T iel Montgomery 1 , lf a second ballot had been necessary i j to Dbtain a.maority, there would , have against bim.VThe tocsin is already souu ifinicja; vi jiivr uiouniaillS. ana WlUll tnr thn um of i h wnrd Hemarifl " ' fa. .'i 1 . : . 1 ...w w-- ' . ...... v.. .tVV unaiyweu wreijguitney are pressinjrfor-l Obnoious to the honorable Mr. Vv tr. ward to the maintenance ef theiajihts.I and to the suppor.of their fAvorite can-1 tain be, Tor executing the order ofhi -tef '-''-t I General.:: --1 say the governrnent direct. V -.-."a,-. v"w niuim-iWa nimwai) 11. nnu 11 was nis tiutv a a faithful representative to obey; if there''" Kit rttllf , ,1 ilm (mnn4ilttA . aA V:... 1. . v. .... tm .itii.tAlulll-. IJUk . IU , UliU. General Armstrong: who was Secretary at War, and who spake tlie fiat of the' executive, m the instructions laven rel- difference. s , Fears now.are berinhinE o be entertained for his success; and as a consequence, detraction is to be resor ted to, and unfounded stories circulated 1 m rn. um rnrnmiTUfi. iiiiukeu .u-bllcbbluii ui u iulei iiiurB-iuriiipiii inn ina niii crnrv r rimnit and i ai:.k a. ii:. j . . . . . UU IVXtlaUlleS tor initivul... a. atnn I thev-reroosted thefoTlosrin" SMnltilloii'' IMir-r!alhnon..A'',..rh mHninx vntM ,i;....t:...A a:. iA Va t'.J I . . " V ..V. J"' vvv. - thereKrhav. ..5A!.j'V;rr:-.J ak7 Tt; -ITr"-- i":r :";Vrr tMrr .pcu .an, rea w me, that 'tl rniiftfi 'A,. a.i: :vi ?., ... , .-I ... j - , , . t.wu , BicduiiieHs ana uisinieresiea- ess ftmctiS !their;. brethren ot 'ther , ate5? Anu wKereas at no time in our iciy has a tautious and conciliatory ':rse heenanore atroiiplvcalled for 1 1 ITi j .. -r - a- s . " -r --t : " . . , , it av v- - v - ether 'we regard the preservation of Without detracting from he atknow- J would hafc been for Mr.; Calbouri 112; t to know , that Jackson is tlie- People's B IJ1U IUDCU UUIT .J T"T 1 weFB r u Puu? u ?J ne.wnftW iaoeas vorpus uspeoded I with, the Creeks should take k'-form'af,. v oribHi oeinanaa ; .ciuei magis, a- straction;, whicMhedeiegaus yery pr0. apd a Judge;con&ned cruelties practi-JtoKether military, and ba in the" natnra ' - round whom the navr unbounded confidences the Tiour of as Ions as their candidate hud 4 reason- not and Ambriktofi aia to he mAA I. A 3?"lr "l ??:a--?-?? - . 1 ; - danW riot tried ddis - 1 kus 111 me 'council, tna ,in ane :ueiu. 1 iwon inr thie rMauin inn ih naiiu k,H ..Ari..AI ... rrL......' l .. , .. i . . . ,t w . b I. Ull.ll UAl LC 1 1C3 Ul LCltSUlC. II II HfHI'll I ATI fr1 1! .1 n , , 'AMAr.l 77. . A ... I. . . A I. I . . . ' - , 1 ; t'tja i nations , and tliS, stale : of the no one is so pre-emineitly possessed of i Id; it has ot only become a ques- UioseJ qualiQcatiotis I as General, AN-, n of niiehfr rfLnunf tioUrt i iir lhe Jce i f rrcbident of tricJ etnd tJe? , 1 AtlLatthat election VaUV,, Thoie who vottd for Mr. Cfcy, Mr. tWla- r Clay 6., ; ; ,;; 1 candidate, and that he is the dapprons. , a nc resoluUonsjto , support! the can-1 competitor f Caucus management, for uiaates nominatea were unauimoirsir his oroncntsm their maiestv. n na ii'iijju-u, jHu on cutwn miiuiiui wcisii c:iu iiu. .reaimj to ran sac K tne vo iwa!e u t! e irinertlo tin, Mr.Ti , To and Mr. Monteom- m lvuLled SO to do; but Cr. v.o Ai ,Lave',Vor-l'f)f.:lvIr. -rd accordinglyj'of .the saccess if jlmr f I tuete 'cannot be l.tjc i htcstnai.;!y t' i ! "e m l "come forth' m a! i 2 ... . J, v ..I, the fjleaniA'; it Iin-P- 1aO,1 ' ItrlV-tt flrtf 4S ifAlfv T ' peace, nor intended .as such; when nu- 4 1 toil cohvecarrts, &recipn"d interests,".' were to be regarded. ,,I ) s tH intruc-s t tior.3 V": e riven: no such r. . Jer u-ued: .T: 1 bat' very .reverse" coursS yp. crd-T- eJj'tO wit, that It r tbciri U.e r.ature-, sned ana- cry m ere j : a scirotid C.ill.i til, tlP 't-Ccn,lyt.leK,.C3tf .: lt;V r(j, or lj patr, r.ovcd'- J CI'J ' u eha. td v.; Wr- tLc IT. ' . , V . I . ti a f U .'.on, and t. c. re v;ere tho - - f. ... ' -t. - " " Itfeir i '