V. . : . Y ' V S V i ' . UALKIGil, (h VA V U 11) A 7, A i' V- 1L i 0, l $24. ?. -v. 1 u ; ; Til 13 STAR, - BELL cVLWR 1 bf ;ptWkreA',,,ir nj;s. o ;. yr Witt wm - . - - - ' - .rc'pt4. Ad vert ! " e4i! &( talisetjaserts rli at otifTlir, 41 tveelT-3 e"1 for eofitiiiosmi.. nittarUtkcI'oi-tao be pouvid. ; political: The Rsleigh Reytep tii Mr. rtwfonl the states of New York, Xir rWu,Tfort5i Carolina, Georgia and DeU - Thi u a vert renerous coBtri- - button, but unfortunately it is made at the cost wtrutn ana justice, it e were S a little surprised that the Editors of the , jifnitet dJ uot throw Maine .into the wain.' After the unusual pains which theraJtcal journals have laker to con. Tines the, American people that, Maine i. ..('inMl to swell the number of Mr. Crawford's supporters, we marvel much SJ. Ml," luofc , cr, '""Mfcy' i.JUCo-operfctiOnouWthwwi very deai, u fct as to the states which the Re-lnib!e.i . t a ' Vrr; ni it hiM naiive atate. ahrf Oeot" s tis aaoptea one. ia wese iacr9, ucui0i r I . we mav find reasons for their support Of lim; tlthongn U pperi. lO Oe flues- v t'onahle whether Mf JUrawford will ol- ' '.7.4, . . . t " i fciia (he former of these states without a ; struHe; tnd we afe certain that if he it 'ub9,c r . . -r-Aj ; : i. . ? WTrM Ut ? . tare majoiity. As'to Uie little; federal Ktatfi nt iieiaware.- we nave bo indica ¬ tions of a preference for Mr. Crawford in tnf of the movements therej, but ir she Bhottia aeciye tor mm; we. presume it will be on, the ground; taken by a'fe deraj memhprrtw tiw House or. Kepre-, " . 7 . ' J-'. '!" ''A.l ..L J seniauvesu some uays ,iui.e uiai Hue 11 L.i-t . - .i i. i:..i!.i ..finn WV 1 OT : ro om leueraust 01 vo, ' jn prefefence to one of your republican Candidates! and what effect a support en Inch troands may have" upon-his popU-. - Jarity in, Virginia and other states, our ma iude. North Carolina too! jShe is eviueotly thrpwft mto the seal? , n a tabulation:. Uiai' the ' election wiij .derolve apon the House of Representa" . trvess i The Editors of the Reinster con ? siiler' themselves sufficiently n backed . hen they.Jiaye.fuo representatives m Congress from ,thattate pa their , side, : Entrenched .behind these ? gentlemen, they throw Contempt upon, the Opiniona pi 'the people; knowing as' they do, that i : r T :. ?: - i i j.tliese opinions are contrary to the senti-, ttents ejsseu , uvea, ana in. cecioeu , nosuuiy to tne claims; of MriCriawford l'. "With. t all I their hardihoodhowever, we think these ! Kditort viU ot venture, t ll ri thai v w rt r . . ;, . i" .. 7T 1.wvrawioru..ia,axw urnuu; popu, ax caumuaie m ijorni varoniia. iney know the fact is not so;' and; if they pec-1 '. 'sist in maintaininir 'fli.: hntrhrwjt ti the obstinacy uperattoiiand, not ' 5 .1 Z VA ' ir Ji i rltef11 f irM Finally: Jet I S tookj at the croudtja on VhitjiNew ' r0rkW claimed for Mi.Crawfonl.' A.Be- ' Cause her lesnalatUre hia not naWd thai! electorallaw. MrCrawford will obtain Udidatefor tbaagrufiedand responsi ' t- the star' Ho li it: hn ' iht ;R.ri bleioffice, ought and wiU,bya fee and yjrtu- Vi.JLi ::"v: ..7: n no caucus at to sustain Jhe nomination ','ofthe miBorify aucugl hereraud to echu the Richniona caucus? I , tedeein its ibledse?. 1 The" frienda vtif Mr, Crawford. w aiiaW .'. will nnn .i -. .r 1 . a' 01 Sllini. tbpir nlnrlms iPtii-o ri ertion has been made to get up a taucys; uui utjwax has inevitably followed; and wears how assured nh th aiithorifw ftf ... ""urea, on ine auxnonty oi treadini so erv CHI ,4r?ZfUi IntelSS t.Ry J th 8-teP8 f -tM "ana when tlie niask will ; be stripped lrOQ lritritrlin ,,l 4l. C S 1 rescntation; and, wo would ask. with nat i a i-in :...t .-t? t. fur th. " Jcw r. M,S. -,W ' 'hail h- vuuuuc"fe .tne people,-WUO i7tvTru iir- ma x-skcnif trt ha " ' -u"ng oniy to scatter deception t,vr the public mind,' "witji a view' to -fmote tha1 views and Subserve th in. tcrcsts cf a VyKTj l ? i rti U Il A:dllate. Jad M nW They fi' it, when: the former, taucus at nted themselves At ?the committeea of pledged itself to support the regular cretary of the Ireasury of the Unid State Bomtnatmn. that it should now nesttate tiut it !' A r-rt,A titt min who eniovshis ; join the cry of the fneiids of the nebnle candidate for tj,e Presidency of the United 'and cir'aim .5 4? 1X7 States that the letter discloses a set purpose ' 25 2 Newilforft state to enfW aeveral of the publishers of new. ueitgates We oot so fend Of redeeming, payers in thi Stateio aupport the claim of esneciar..p ifuan r k .w ' I in i- i. r y,-afc avails mm, 0f the Vmtc4 States, are to b " no event, which can nw be foreseen, Who does not unretand this? v ooir, fwrawford be the candidate of detestable crimes re ; pfteii gilded ew; York j h C 4 kfa ij, : hamea:; :kt K- - vv. C :' r - vi me uauujw uiuy lauor to palliate their con J"Jf t, w. seek to hide it ia cblirious si- j Z V people will remeniberthe 15 f na 4VlU visit tftem with a ioBf. al- -.ievei-e retribution''': ...a. ' 1 . :-' '-) ' ' . v I Fash , flep.' 'ftte r. theMidJ:c,tx:rConnlj G- n: A letter of extraor.!"ri-1- -' acciduiUaUy -- ( nriTTiu.fi.Mn n , ... . ..i ..ai.-. ... . . . found in U.U citj, Ua ! Kaij, it i4 thought txdntoyme with; number of our c?3 tens a to the coarse if. ,wa proper to porstie retpectinj it. A meeting (f several f,enlferoea was accordingly called "oa Saturday, who sptnted a committee to report on the w.!' "Cat a public tare tin to bj-feoM-en on epi Alonday 'eTminp. at which lantetuj tW Mlowinj. Re port was aulntiitt accepted, and the resolution thcrC imra? nJed was ananiraouslj'pa!. iA Crruu. "ThcoffniiHfeta whom wmi referred the expediency of rt uining od publishing a cer tain letter fouml on U public w!k in th ci ty, on tae v6th inUi(; respectfully report Tlut tb commilte have beew thown copjr of the letter refeitcd to, which i u follow . . ? TCew-London, Connecticut,'! 7 : - f t October Sth, 123, ,.. J. 'Dear Sin A you may hv perceived, the BcpubCcan AdocU, of this place,' baa for ocie time t&ken aiv active md very decided tUnd in tppoit of.Ur. Crawford Mid dtiuo crcy. -, Tbe repubUcan bcre appear all am- a we I conjunction with tbe Tinwa, at Hartfordwill Undoubtedly have a jurt influence in thi State aod, . Cwnot the ScntineUX Mercury, of Uartford, would a!o do itt duty ; . 7. ; Tf - 7 8. . ji 7 the panting of the United Statet Uwr Jh JU ,h..t.L .e.tJ. j... IMIVIIMWIWVB - ' ' f"J ..' Wp , protected ojwn a sacrifice af thtr inter. Island I aiiould think there wouU be re- 'republican aufficienU 4atrotic to yuard i Mf ? lor :f!u-?. w e partyj jThe Kew-Ilaven Heriitsjf, it i to be fcareaVwillbefor amalgamation, K X y il li unaouuieaiv a Doint or rreat inoor. tance, to get a Senator decided denxcrae?. 7- " " . . o ' - - witu ttia nigneat respect and esteem, I ain your faithful ervat,? GiOaoi II. CHamDS. 1 AUxitkderjfoUott, Ej. MuLUetotm. Thi letter la directed to Alexander Wol- eptt,.Esq. Collector of the Port, Middletown," laoa waaiyiniruiiijic and was lyinf oq the ground open when found. K g npin&btd in diffeve ;t hahd-wrWiiff front the body of the letter, and it post-mark ted at New:London, Oct. 10. The iiature of! t content being of extraordinary; a ckit, W.h "WTC ?..Nb the' public tn'md with regard to it, Could in The. present ia a; veir interesting period with our country; we afc about to' exercise our highest and most important privitege 4 freemen, nd' citize na of the only4, frpe. go. verament on - eartn:v . 1 ne time na arnvea whfB the United states ha. KtenJ stand among the jnation.f the woriwhiclw while it ia peaceful and calm at home, i powerful Md commanding abroad,, by the influence of tttf rtiwe daily gaming new importance: and the happinesaand liber- .-rftbe eifuena otihe Umted State are ttf bq vitaHy : afiected by Jhe man who shall b eieoted president ot tne umtett suites, tot the four year, nest ensuing; i It i of Coorse h"4 'I ot t"- f e'"JM b ' f.obvtlieiHleW mah who shall oeme fresidenti oi tne untie ptatee. rounr ttd governing them, a a great and powerfulj inatioKt and not the who shall obtain the office to gratify an in tiable;thirat''riower.-nd 'title1 with ''view 5&J&V nd av tkehiselvckto advance him to the office whic& hymlkl Every .thing, thereftmmch -; dicatca the c of baseand improper means, In order to increase, fcr create an influence opoit the public mind,' in favor; of a pkrticu- ou to mmudty, be,; watched .with jealouI Some ot tae circumancea relating to the letter Vderi consideration, which have pre office under 'the natrbnture of the same offt I cer, and that officer is Wm. H. Crawford a I I!JLa. r w .1 . 1. . T:..l I M. ft wfr.11 Tf f.f ia Minnnn1 Hint J two kave already engaged in the cauie; and 1 "4uBM:u Us"- uuuiui5 iuuc v do its duty immediatOy, ' The fear -of one, t. .i, vA11i, t,' nn,;n nr ii " ayj sjiiuuHa w-v fca aa mt s quieted. .The most with fair thin tlie ha occurred to QW oniltte. M evidentinga deg.-e? of ef- ling not altogether of a harmless cast, : Yon Itnill H.ntIi- ht a unli.. PAn.i.ul. that If entmeh a paper publabed in thi citynnay ioe timutoaouoau he made to do it duty; Now mark the change Mom being the avowed supporter of Mr. Adam ntil .that thhe, on the 29th day of Oc tAhA hv CAniinni Crawford! ;, The immediate tvpport ot tne Sentinel ia. requested .to: be Secured; in letr ter dated the th of October, and theupiwrt 0tt he 29t2 of thc.same mo.aU!- Surely thU U a prmnptitude Vhich should ex- I cue our aanymtion: Ana ui tue nexi num- - lbtr of the Sentinel, Jijenur, the champion oi Mr. Crawford, appears, and the praises of Mr.. Crawford have been -rung; in that papr, f i run that time to tlie present, to almost fue entire exclusion of all the other candidate. Now, who is Mentor! If he should be asac.r tuined tohe the same gc; icman on whom public opinion ha kme siu,.e fixed, be is hot a strantrer o l im to jbo-n tliis letter I kd- dre.;c j-wh.-i n,is iff peaks? Vi'hcn vi v.Lich 1 " tjj ty f.ie ifeaJt of Mr. CnVfcrd t the hK c fw" ruiaet, t their caucua im tut 0 Nw-Tork. with rfcrtMtot&CAalcf E lectorti and the ear Ion Uim act by thca for patrioUain, jvt repuhhcantaift, ad tha drnunciatioo wbich ar wAm agwoat uck a differ fVona Om in opininn Wy caiiBot but regard th ctectioa and axneauM of practice ot tin kind, a a dty incumbent on erarv citiun wbn would not sacri&c tae cauM of freed ore and clf-gowernincnt on Um nnhaJloved shrine of lurtv feclior and ma. onal agrandUeinenl. ? ' '.'," . I Our committee, Urelorc,Tom)endUi adoption of the following eolution . Meomhed, a $ acme of this awting, that the lettrr Helmed to ia. the aboa Report, ought to be retained and preserved, as the best and Only proper. noIc of f ami thing oar rect etidence its count and autkentici. Ertrnct froth tht Jldiris. of Dr. James A- Csaia.'to a mating held in Onmgt -cowjy. on the 6th ultimo, at which . ptn. Jatkton ir remnmeiuhi at a tuitabU ranJulate for thi PrtHulenrv. Aftr taVmr a corncreheiwive Tew of the policy pf the European powers, and their de sign against pohUcal liberty. Dr. Craig pro-ceenV,-. . . - ..'V . -. f . If I may be permitted to (peak plainly, have we not ah-eady, in the present electioneering campaign tor a etuet magistrate or the, U; 8 seen ..rapid -' strides . towards' ar'tocracv bold attempt by the ew.to wrest from the band of the petpte that privilege which the con-ftitutton ' of of' Country ' guaranties to them? ' Tou, no doubt, already anticipate me:. lineah in a ConrreuUmil Caucut nomi nation Preoidtjnt of the United Suiteo, wlten but a minority of the members of Congress. and a tank minority it vm, tliat met the other week in . Washington City. .These officious guardian of otir liberties assembled tht!n elves, recommended their favorite candidate, and proposed resolution favorable to his pre- tensions. , uoes, noi mere appear 10 oe some thing premeditated h all tins' ' And it is a I matter . Of no little 'silrprise to us, that, la the lengthy atldrew to that body by their, chair. manVJtr. ltigjles,'h assign, not a solitary rVownVhy eijther Mr. Crawford or Mr. tialb. tin have had prefercn6e over the other gen tlemen who aruamed for President and Vice President; , ' Can "t?J pretend to say that ei. ' ther of these are the choice- of the' Uepublic thai these tu o possess supwior qualifications I to all the other candidates Tt have speci fied nothing 'fjiilie kind, andySt6 men were wanting to palm jipon te mtton -of AmA7i thtl v-amltlatA IiaL n.ittfiri ail nit uuren, which- w ciioice. is uui uet publicaiun?".'ln Una 'scholarship of the J"ef. fersonian school1 I apprehend that it i not But the frienf rf caucoa, in plea of their proceeding, retreat behind the Shelter "of an- Cinjt usage ahd authority. Ilut U not thi lyrany, tne yery rampart mat preserves in vulne raoie the despotism or Kuropef Hay not tbe friends of the caucus system, therefore, still urge, .Congress has exercised tlie right of electing a President therefore congress may lawfully .continue tor co so.' Exercise oi power can never confer right; x But we ,deny that any such nomination,, as is now contain- i i. l - . ... J- u.. r i: . . I When Thomas Jefferson was nominated by a Tiemocratic Conareas.:Hh'e ,two -nartie at that day were nearly balanced, and the united democracy of the ; u nion pointed to . Thonia JeftersoQ as the competitor of John "Adam. Thi' nomination wa nothing mol e than pro- mulging the wul or the whoje democratic party. -) Madiaon waa nominated during . the fcmbargo and war, in accordance with the known wwlif of tyemoctacy. r Monroe in 1816, was the well known-candidate of the Democwlic Partyt but so nearly was hi nom. ination defeated, in defiance of the voice of the People, by a Confrtsfienal Caucui, that the "old mcw waa abandoned bv ths Na tion in 1 820. But the friends of this measure urtre further, in -defence of their" system, that it is to preserve unanimity ' in the Democratic ranW that k f vth voice of the Republican strenirtli in Cohgresa.' ; If so, why was it not manifested?. Can, they pretend to say that i6 isthe; ggregate-ot the jicmocratic party ia Congress? But. after the friends of this oartv failed to gain a more imposing ' recommenda tion tor their tvrom canoiaate,- tney ten ys gravely he na yet tne majority ot tne ul member in Congress; If so, it ia much to be regretted that theres is , ao little unanimity among Mr, Crawford's mends; tor tneir meet ing hn ) done nothing toward concentrating the ODinion of the member orcongres, tin- less' as to1 the ,attr gentlemen who did hot vote torwJIfMkctw Vwmdutei 'WA4:- We are told that there are no danger tobe apprehended from a" caucus nomination of a President; that It is but matter ot, mere re commendation; that the people are neverthe lest left to exercise thew elective franchise The matter then,' gentlemen, is reduced to thi fact:' either tbe caucus recommendation dbea contribute, to the election of their fa vorite candidate, or .it doe not a it doc; yon must admit that it i ah assumption , pfj powers the. voice or not aoonsutuent aaing . . ' - - V i I I 1 neara, ana. W, ne pcopie, m. wuoao wmus thi power is guaranteed by the constitution ot our country, our voice is to oe suppress a. We. who suould at least hare equal weiirht ia the selection, are compelled to stand silent spectators; and our acting intnis passive mode is to oe construed a aeqtneacence on our part. - They, the C'auw mn, without any instructions from their constituents, or witli' out a single clause in the constitution to sane tion them, want to dictate a supreme ruler for tne nanon. 1 1 nus uui smatt minority oi con? gress want to say not only to the rest of the member of Congress, but .to .the United States, Mr, Crawford shall b your President If we let such a flagrant violation as this be made upon our liberties, depend upon it, in a few more year, we.may go to tlie poles of elation anu urop our voies ism w oauoi boiibut it will he a mcre form only; Theft the'CtfBC swn,' wHi r the substance me, the peopkK will holdbut the shadow pf tV ' election. . - ' , r"1..- f vi i'l rfw leave it to the candid ' ' n r.r i . - a - ev. vy w.u rcnecting nunri, 11 ax duriiifr the sesmoo of COn Sthi . : i i r -c t L.vcntlie inoatampic iu.: " .. . . . i j telinj in tbPreidntial clccUtr apo, for inaunce", that ther snay arrive a period Id om rapuLT.c, ba tha mea.bet of Cwirrr, sny w b ehartriJ by as saacb virtu and .nepnblicaoj priocipWa they are at thi dayr--Uut thrra say tbenb 1 S Candidate for the Presidency who i jr-1 aU nt Utrifvm. like other can C dates, he will have hit ndimher of satellitaa at Conrreaa. How rav il wilt be for. him to say tw themi my fnenKfcC as I as mv candidata for tbe Presidency, I wish yttt to Me. all the exertion in your powcS to promote mjr la tere at. Go among your acquaintance in Congress, sound them, and bring over all me imeresi posaiuie la my acaie, ana 11 should be o lortunale as to be tbe sucoessful candidate depend upon it, yo shall ba well rompeitaated for H. roit ahall act in e U. plomatio rantr,'oe yo ahall have the ap pointment of Secretary of War, of tne secre tary of tbe Treasury, or vou hal! f.B aome other post of distinction and profit under my BiinimiHrarioa, win your mmai mail loser by It. Can wo uppose but that ttiere will be some member who wiD not oe ot uch ttcrling integrity, as to reinaia proof against tempution like this' I fear we shaJl have anibitioua men there wno wm be loos ing forward for the opportunity to arrive, when they can obtain some post of profit and distinction ia the government; mr will they be so very scrupulous about the method, to they can but ascend the steps to olice. , ' Seeing tlrere is ample room opened for un due exercise in the Presidential election In cauttu, and room left u to apprehend the worst of conjecture to ensue to our Ubertit; it is incumbent upon us not only to denounce every transaction of thi $lem and arM sWy, notwithstanding their decree hath kone forth, al theytotippose, like thex decree of the Medes or Persians, actum et it is done it has become the1 law of the landi and we, the tpt are to bow in subiiiiswou, ' -. 1 ' ' , . If a caucus recommendation doth not foster their; " favorite candidate' ejection, I would ask why is there 0 much ado made about this nomination at Washington citvP 1 Why did we see Invitation atler invitat on in the City t.a rette and National Intelligencer, previous to their- meeting, so courteously inviting the member of Congress to join in caucus on the evening of the 14th of last Tebniarvr . 1 will not v, that " they chose durknes rather than light, becatise their deeds were evil Seeing that it is apprehended that undue in fluence may ba made in Our election oi Pre sident by this illegal confederacy, and that it may prove to us,- at tne " woonen horse" to the Trojans, it may diacharge from it' cavity theTenemy, armed, even, in the very Vitadel of our Jtierttef,. If we wish io prtterv our freedom free and unsullied a we received it "7 , , , , , i - - h twht and bled to seoure it, I would say l? oniy "orvttaroima, oiji o uie rest of the Tjn.' Iwware- of ConertMionat tau- euteo and U ftf'Um nomtnatitn. ' - Ar we too mhclt fettered ta pe indcpendeiiT, and, like sleeping cenUnels, :u; upon the walls, and at though the enemy advance rapidly upon the last citadel "of otir freeiJom, yet we will not sound tile toscin of alarmf- InWxamining the history of th caucus party, Vo will find that where the people Wither, theV1 flaurish; where the people flourish, the.y vHher. , In th state of New York, but a fevif years ago, the pospects pf thi partran high, bcahow tney nave a. minority, in XHmgresa. 'i men- pros: ct are ainkin? in the treat stated New York. ' In,Yirsrinia thi party i nrevailw and why? Becauso th elective ffnnthUe is vetted in free bolder. , In Georgia and In our own state thip party exists;' and v why?)? Be cause we are, unequally -represented. For my part, hope I shall neyer btf Associated with that party whose view are not in accor dance with the interest of the people. , But I'wish to be joined to that party, whose view rest in the great basis Of the people through. gentlemen, I claim neither brotherhood, nor uu . iuo uiiiuiti anu. , tur i.iub vuwrum parfjd sympathy, nor fellowahip with it, 4 ;.'e'Vr I ' A the Presidential question is a mattJ'of1 the utmost Importance to us all, and one which measurably engrosses tbe attention of the People, insomuch . that it has become the or. dr of the day throughout our country:' to canvass fairly the merits arid, pretentions of the several candidate , to una. high,'- distin frwsned and responsible office, oannot T pre. same, be otherwise than desirable. The hrst candidate I shall mention, la Mr. Willara H. Crawford, who haa, for several years, presided over the Treasury Department of the United states, and, rrom ni opposing the views and measure pf the rest of the cabinet of the U. n ted States, has (rained the appellation of the Radical candidate. He ha been represented to us, by jus tutorial mend, a the roan oi ne I'oopic." it so, how does it come to pass that he is so ofTensive to a respectable portion of the citiaens of bis own state?, If , hisjcbaracter is unimpeachable, and his ta lent of. the first, grade, lit i fair to suppose that the' good' people of Georgia Would ' all have unanimously joined in elevating him to the bitrb office to which he aspires; but, by referring to tbe debates of the late session of uie legisiarare oi ,inai. iswie pn.me'question to give w. vrawrord a Jcguaative recommen dation for the Presidency, we find that able members of tliat body said that, on examining the wishes of the people of Georgia, it was "highly probable that more than one half of the citizen of that state wa opposed to hi election; and why opposed because they know lam, and that knowledge would not permit' them to espouse hi cause. , This spoke a language not to . he misunderstood bv the rest of lhe state in the Union.". We find it to be the case, that, in ordinary matters, the man that doc not possess the confidence of hi neighbors, i not thoucrht worthy to be trusted by them; but when an in dividual of this character aspire al tlie high eat office in th$ gift of face people, the trood seiise of the nation, we, hope, will, al- way "triumph over pretention so preposter ous. .'The President;. or the United states should be a man abtv uspicion his whole life shonl I testify to bis unblemiulmd moral and p' id cLaractcr; and the inference is irresist.,:. i -, that Mr. Crawford Wa ndt distin iiislied fur ciilier of these. If he were, he oulJ he, above all the other candidates, tlie choictf of ftleorgia, and we would not findliinn, " we do Bt this iU j tlie cuniLdate nf in i(i!i;i'L" ' ' pwty ' ' e cuuru .; ' y U.t-w i:. i.omu..-;.. j fjt a rv u..., q almwt a ' t vl I how, Ut. , t i i V Ceor.i e t!. 'i, n a k v r. -t nodu mora of kij.V.j e r f for a lTei lent i t t'.e t . I hare Cw't'ient intce of U r , tjftc, but not in a 4&c ' rrromnxndition, fur Turn , i H ie , r i..,-r!.s A I lec'ion t f 1 tun.fJi t.( r ; ia,. 1) W to d tathe, porta, la this iiis'aure, L' e . IWirgia S c:' I upon toair f of Gcogia aotii.l to nea,-'y if r after tj L tlowt.i-.'id tht b'-C the Pitu UiUMtJ qutt,cm, in a I was t)r the pivot Upon liich . a ainrirt member of either her -: . and yet tie fiiciyd of this cai ' . was on).: io say, not ouiy vo o the n-. 'H ttnion, Mr. t'i,i ttwn ot tl'a.i .ojiU's c!.aicG." i n irjitia ture or f . , jte, hie tUe epreTitt;ve of evpry ,t',. r 'ate, er elected to n unc lawa) for U.rir cotituents, but not to tnan;-f.icimr4 , a tretiJefJtr the Untied S:aUt. ' . Mr. Oxford has been' repTt-: rnted a a cori(.i'r t r(-pu!)lican"-ras a " Jcfl'cr, n school.. Let US t assert,. j. l.!tle and ace how I cut V . Ives. Dut that he is r of the", r these 110 Ik , .wU can, Iv. us n I'cr to tle'f ujpta adJren, a pre cious iriocLiiiient wnnen by Uiratcit, in the year li 98, to John Adams, the then President " Of the United gtatesc complimenting aitd en. . igi-f M the highest terms, the wisdom ,v and (policy of Uiat adimnistration. which had . just passed the ao'ra and ,teihnim Unm, Md' uieiocM r raise ttaiultHr arm v. and to In direit tatot in tUftt of fedce. lie had tlio :, most vmutntitea eonnaence"i in Uie " wi donl atvt'justici:n of the, alien and oeiUtieii Uk It haa been iiewn, ironi. an Augu-ta pp4t (which I have at hand) tliat intt -Hi gendo of Uiese ; measure had reached Mi. Crawford prev.ou to the date of his aildrc s. FroTi the foregoing we have indnbii.i ia proof to convict Ui.n of the cjiargc of bcin.r a fdei)ati4 for, in two of the most important quet-oin that have 'coin? befofe 'Cor.triew ' for the last.' -t' yearn-tha cmbarw .and f ' , ft : 'V the late , war-e -will find that he strenu--."a '";'' ottsly opposed the.ie meaiiarev wlpch werej; ,;- reccAmnended by ..' Jefliason,'-ni order to ,r ; save our imriicnse mercautde capital from - tlie dciolai'mg sweep of thefrencU" decree v and British- orders in council. ' , . - . . .; On the 10tl December, 1807, in an ablo' . I . U . I .1 Ait Vjjccvil, uc fCUUUllllcr4(UCl4 vu VUlircnT, nv IIU mediate adoption of certain measures to give", security to our ghippiirj and Seamen, at our , vessel Were "Captured and our. Sailor im pressed almost within S'ght of our coatg.' The result was the laying on of an Ehibar.' -go," as the only alternative to an open war. The aupport of tiic administration, in 4liat measure, was the trjuch stone of Democracy,, iMow, let ns sea wlietuer all tliot-e who na-at .- profe of tM Jejfertoimm School, hnve . ' been, muformlj cont&lent Democrat, and I particularly whetbt -tliat Candidate for iH Presidency,: who i no, by warf of pre ' : h enunenctx called the Democratic caniKdatei v thought or acted -with" iuWeffcr son at that :: " important triV Kg! unfortunately for ' Mr, , ' Crawford his nartie standi recorded in 'th ': opposition; and on the final passage , of ihl'-' ' bill, this' same Candidate voted in a muonlf ' -' foix, against it, in company with the famous ' Timothy Pickering, and ot hers pf the junto tcliottl. i And on the final passage of the bUI for rortir.ing our sports and harbuis," Mr, Crawtbrd, afler a : vaiiv attempt to de f,-at i (he bilt, voted against it in a mmoritv o"e , ' fiii "the tame good company as before. Aliho' I Ifiv Adams U chaied wlth being a fwlera'-st, ' . k. iimnnl l..a. . - - t v j .v- luwwtfiww iv tiui c, anu nv nas uo vahere voted against bills which niaiinVsf . such object & decided hostility 10 any meaalire of sir. fFerson'sadniintohtitn as those two ' votes of Iry Crowford' If ahy one doubt. to the c rectne of what I state, I refer" mntwuis loiu-nMs w uonifress. tor me year f 1807.,--V V; v '! f:r p. , . '.,; ;- :,I t It i;proved by' ono rjf Mr. - Crawford' Speeches, in IW3 that he, opposed the re- " peal of the embargty when 3Ir. Jefi'emoii and r the party had determined to abandon it, and prepare for more, decisive measures. ; Waa ' J not the , embargo meaaur expedient hi' t its.-' inception when,, JIr, Crawford , voted v against' it; and, unwise in it eontunianee if whenyilr. Crawford voted for;it? JAs a Ftnancr, Jet us 'see bow; (the case BtaiKb, tk 1 ' with him. W find that in one of his cele- IimI.1 mmimI.I. . - . .1 - . ' ft vvvi itjium w vvnKimr- no unus a nus -v take of three millions of dollars in the amount " J' , of the receipts at th pubhc customs.; If he l' " is ao, purified", a financier, why did he uf-, ' . ; . fer so large amount of government depositee V -" to remain in certain Western Bank even i. V longer hah. their casiders hd a righl to " , ask;" and until finally somi of tlicm failedr , , " .v and thegovernment sustained an immensa , 'v' V1 lossr,.?.-;..:' 4tys:tw- , i j. t ; Tbat Mr;- Crawford deserve no credit for .",' ' ' hi giving way to Mn Monro in 1816, when .v " b found that he could not be elected, will ,' ? -not be denied; nor , doea hi conduct evincei , " ' him to be so modest and unassuming, since it ' is well known that hf had no superior clams ,'t on his country rraitude; and for him to - 'a step forward, and to oppose, by. every ma sure in hi power, tbi tried veteran of the re- "- ," volution for th Presidency, and findngi from . his atrength. in Caucus, that: be stock! no I chance to be elected, withdrew,' 'And' yet ' his friend tell us he is wonderfully f modest" wonderfully ,f unassuming.". 'Ye, gentle ' ' " men, Mr. Crawford withdrew; but itwafter ' he had ran the race, but lost the purse. This' , is the man who, at. the eve of the Lit was, '' on tlie floor of Congress, declared the " navy . ' to be a fungus that ought to be amputated , Thi ha been, io part, the political courbb hit. vrawigra pas pursued, and tne puouc re.i , cord place it beyond eonrtroversyt and no,1 one can contest it, unless he be a disci;)!" of' Berkley, who denies there wany such thmj .' as substance in the word. , Some moiitU f " from the most authentic puree?-, e a r ..d ' tobchevetbatNeW Yoikouldbe unanimo'is - - m s i a. .1 ii ,i for him; but now ask the hunched t-ditois ef rfewspsper in that slnto, and .ninety -seven '. of the hundred will tell you 'tiu.f .hi pro, pects are lostr-tliat he is dona in New-Yoik. ; The friends of thi Candidate, I beli tne, dj . not .r-t'-nd to say that he posset' w scpenor qua'. .cLona. to- the" othvr, cand-daUs; but tltey. urge his pretensions on t e nn-e of (.. Bear .with roe, w' , i. a few words, I prevent to' von B"i.ie . s 'rv' .1. 1 t f r u 4 v. v r l V'

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