No 12. - u a i . i ; i ( ; 1 1 , (x. c.) v nin a ma v r, i i Vi.l. XVi run kpuv . . . ' fukUd'', '. , x .. , f tJELL & LA WHENCE. "lr l' ' ! c I JOha.' J, ,ti"'. "J MW w -H.Wm. . i-i.t. .Hi-1nrsrai K '- irkf i-'t Uar In tt !- Oine f .'lr, ,m! i.rwr-Se eth e"i AMlctiert'Olh wui b frt fit" f oft' AU!US3 OF MIL EDWARI,' 1Lr4-i OA RtpnUiOativei f .AVnmV, VV.vfjVilC. !S24t -V pJlC l hare the honor (a request joo L1 nraseht lie Address Herewith trans Stwi.'" it j.itCtfrtpsnjm Notes d DocumnU. to .the House s of Reprpj rtntitiycs of jhe Congri of the United . hare the honor ? erf respect ""full v.-StfV foof moat obedient servant, 1 .: : i NINIAN EDWAttDS. v: 1 v- - ; " - t ' - ; Speaker A r.,JleTn?'flfi 5, '' f ' ''' .-'-' ' Uw''ri,f''K' C " ' 'idVrttl to tki honoraole th. House of i Jiepretenfativet oflM Cmgrniff tht M Vnifti siate. ; f :r-t.?Vf- 4 ' At eertain proceedings at the last . session . sf Congress, ttndertbe authority of the House cf Representatives, and receirt report to ' tour honorable body,; by the HonAWm. U. : Crawford, SecreUry of the TreaJmry, seem ; (otuirt been intended, ud are calculated; to cast upo me' imputations injurioua to my thawcte which 1 know itnjuiC and ; which, I think, I cn demonstrate" to b- gfl, ' f trust no apology can be neoeasary fo my .(iiitinr leave ti present iwy vindication ; Kiia those iwouiationa,: directly". toyouiH , AoftornDl ooay) ill cr uixv u m u teyedto tfle nation through the same channel - bywhichlhxve been jusailed. ,'',' VH -:'.; ' This is a rightwhlch; under similar c'ircunv I should supDoae, ooirht not to be de I tned to ttie-oomblest indjivldual in he Union." Mthiseaseit is dae to tne tistion ttseu, m ) onideiion of the station I lately helaV and that Which 1 bare no w the honor to holdt and, iwiri r the - becuEar circumstances . of, my caie, it Litmphatically demanded, on my' ad 'pntit, hj jtiety piiiiciple;of honof; and every r4 to Justice. fJor is it unprecedented f,r.oirjr ratcmrnU tnj dnoitwntv i1 ' t-tu'ijf c-if: .1, a rrr t,x ponii of co.Wr rmU ha' reuJrtrd pari, at least, vf iWoae ntrm(rat w e un conr awl tW la the Oj;iMOn of lh eojnrnittee itvtLt (;) l'tteer ma ha boany as-ncr in prvjcunnr the li.irsk of EdwanlsvUla li be ni tc a Jepoaitory of pubLc suoxy, "it had nothing to do in orfgrioaUiig th (pct svsteia iiloptt J by Str. Crafod, uf rmoloyin g th local banks, and, tnacrcraliroUacoa, in dV rect violation f ls, by allowing bem per ntanent dcpot of runf huftdwd thAuaaml dollars, equal to a satarv of R 5 J XI per aa num, foe receiving nj"lraiiJttin(f the pub lie money, hic!i the lUnkrof the United wamuwc5d k letters fro-a mnt'S i Cat 4 the mod timj m mil Joo, h rr iotemt.l to ba, and ! ptramtxioa itmAt a i k err, f.r.Ul to Mr. Crmft , TV i of jf litem rfkckrval-tiT tus letter to Cot Johnson, of liih Jul., 1119. . b ch he myt, Yoara of !) U mIl car ta hand .t'ia snorninr;. , Thr circtirBtaice con&cctod with the. IUiJi of Edward Mr, as LrUpr, in the two tetter of iuirrwf IJi vard, submitted by yoa t my'pemial, will receive due tou dVrmtton." In, the we letter, be says, With CoTemor tir,W I bad uo personal acquaintauoe, before the lt Vtr.nit r ' The ooinioo which 1 had farm, ed of his talents anl integrity, from the eIS. ci it correaindenct which had beea carried on between as, boilt in tSo War and TresA. Stales waabnumi tdawithouteonpensaijol'ry Department, baa been confirmed by er. and would hate done, withoul tboar lmmenae sonaj ac)uaiiitancr ' r -loaves to the public, whkh must, nariubly, re- n TbedifTerent aubjects upon w barb be suit from the adoption of phut o coitrary, bad occasion to safe ,vjr wpiniow or decision, to the tetter and spirit of the bank . charter, during the fart sveaion of CorreM were and to the, avowed intention and -Jects of fa rly and candidly tatah his comment opon Congress io grantinf; h. T i . them were jutlicinua, and it afforded ich , The effect of my application to ' hare the I great pleasure to be able, after dne uinia 0nk of Wwardstille made a depository of; t ion and reAecton,'renera!ly to coincide wi,th ptibLa money, was merely to hare depositee him." Thj session here spoken of is the one made there, that otherwise would he been lia which I made the aoulicatjon in farore V had been autKorxed to receive tive nubliot Had lr. Crswford been as much disposed moneys, eoiiectea DjnJic, two fwroeivers- in n pronu j tne impretjjHre lesion t eipe Illliiois. who atone verws directed to-malLe irience, which he was coiiatantlv reeeivinir. as their depositea in the Bank; of. Erard$ville, j I was by those of a few moivths only, rt My agency in Ui s transaaion, increiitre, cua nave preventca a van accumulation ot vna not prevent the depositing of a cent in the vui!ab(e fund," and have enabled him, much Bant of the Vtiited States; and your honors. ; earlier, to have secured to the Bank pf . the ble body may well judge, whether the- public i United: States, V in their just extent, intereat could have been much jeopardised vantages intended to be secured to it by the by the change I recommentleu, tront . the rjjl- charter," w!i ch he fairly r promised to Coo ktwing statement, extracted" fMnv the docu-?gresa in his report of, the 10th December, merits presented to you by Mr. Crawford: -' " 181, 6 o4 t)ie. heceasity for' which,' he The Dank of Missouri had a capit d of g2lil seem to hsre been dulv sensible otvinan 000, of which, the stockholder drr wA out of: other report, ((J roll 8Ute Pap'ervd session it, on pledges pi stoct, loo,! '5 leaving on- ; 17th ttongresa, p. 77,) in which pe saysi " In ly Sj.Wi for the further accommodation of the winter and spring of 1819, the b:ink of the lo either House of-Conerreas, 4n cases which " ertaiiuy bad no greater churn to auen maul- ' ' It will bo setnr that t iras'called upon by committee of the- House of , Representafivei Vef the hk session as a witness to .tettijy be? 'tirf: itj that was subjected to an exsmina. .' fionj iu;h,hal not its parallel Inthe records efsi.ire'oo1iWi'9d tbsitec.lMt''.tapss; . of about twelve nutaths, and just asl was on ''; the ev of my depaftrnf a foreign country, an attemot has been maSi t6 Impeach my " Credibility, oh ground which mtiit havejbeert, i stall dmesjiice,my testimony given,' . 'within the cotninaiid of the honorable-gen- , tlemuri br whom they have been so oppwtwif i To refuse to pernjit mo to repel such in at r lack; in flie olaniier propose'd, would, be, to ' overthrow the longest established precedents, ' and to establish Si their place,' the odious, op , , prei ve4 uiiiust, and indefensible principle of ' allowinir the. credibllitv'of a wltiiesa to be im- peachedi andyet denying to hrm'theVight to" jjuppott it before, the tribunal under whose atKhohty he "had been called on to testity.'- . But, ihdepertderit of !! considerations, Iri --Wgajd to myself petsdrtaUy,' I humbly xon- eive i&at your honorable bodytnigbt'"i'vr'ell desire to. receive my tiindicatlpn, ; and every eortoboration "whith I can give tt? my testimo n.a, ni?oii Acmmr, la order' tc enable you the more clearly .to ascertain tbetruth. of, " and the more satisfactorily and correctly to decide upohj statements ?ioy before you, and " hot yet acted on." , -j ' Nptwkhstanding au the canting about' an ' K B. plot," the; Ingenious. -attempt that v lave beeh made and the stratagems that ,':t havvbeen adopted, by jcertain newspaper uirorsana ,ouic?s, to misieao, ana aeoeaye .t the public mind into ahelieCthat the cothniit- ( tees, appointed at the last session on that sub '. ec-lhad , thorougliiy. investigated all h? 'statements made bv riter under the sifena. w'"; , r Pf A B.'m regaM W eertain suppressed uocumcnis; and that 7V. Crawiord lud. peen . triumphantly ac(iuitted."iin relation to the . ahole ofthem; I ssei-j'' without, thi fear of .r .,f,v"wvuuu umi iv w Known jourionor r able body , that neither :of these comnutteos - extended their invstigationSihte those state- t mem, oeyond about tour paragrajphs, wbic h ,' i . Vere mere batratelleJ in. enmnm-iaVm urith r Z Vither letters and Clatters thatfwere-exftKesstv fhatged, .' nd;inconte$tibly proved, by the ' 'iocumeutl furmthed bH M Cra-wfbrd fumtlf. to have been withheld contrary to the resolaf .' . uvus wuwu KMUiiiinucir pri. ( atioiti::'.;;..-yf,l 'jiT'K ,-, These important stfttemeritsahdahe 't ' Jers and things-contained n iny testimony; have neither been investigated by any, con r nr acteu on DV uie HouseJ ana u my -. - tesjiniom had been. It is nn Tvi vt hv Xt Crawford bimselfi imd. 'sotcIk. ifit he riflnnfi. ' ttoliim to attack it' it cannot be' fur or iU? fhhwldifrom me the equal right of ; h oiJ nd rapptorttng it.- - y 7-;, j 4. 1 r ' re tinilE 'ne resolution of theHiBe note 1,1 under wTiieh li -oi investigauon w as appointed; and to my eX , - -amuiation by that committee: (S it? will be seen hat thejatter fully merits tlte character It ,Tefl W ltj u w" "holly Uiiauthor f ' jzed by any powers delegated to the. coromit- 'i"iwiie me in sowe kind ot .censure. iTsTL1.0 Ahe spublie-'depositek irt-the 'v l i V AWa' investigate j. vuuuuci ot Mr. urawtbrd, or t inqure in- iAlhri.i a. . t . T & 4 . a. . - i . .. uuJ,-:cu. or which- tnc committee ' 1 ee PWessedly pPoin -dV . Whateve ..,ut loougot nj those v.1 -. tsmble W examine the list i,f Wt were put to me,- is (o t , VJteiita they ojiiaie , themselves, and Others. .Upon this hut .sum, its real .banking capital, it 'discounted and paid on over drafts, to tbc amount ofv'S?44, i 34 5 ?. The wbolvi ot . its discounts, i . T . . . . ,1l.-IV . rm a n inciuoiug payiQenis on over araiia, was BJ, 680 43; of which sum, its direotora alone wore responsible for 8397,49 lJ. if' as, is presumed to be the case, tiiey were cbar?ea! jble with ovet drafts, to the, ajnountv.Df J 1; 622 A- ,:-"-'-';.7 . Io tnisbant, tr, urawtorct allowed a per-, monent deposit of gt5,000 dollars, equal to salary, of R9.000 pw juiiiim.' Hi -pcr- m'rttedthe public: money to accumulate In it. to the amount of grb.UJl W, 1A too - course of, nineteen'aoccessive mbntlia, andiit' fe-jth the; 1st of September, 18l9, w'thodt etact- tng ujose -precauoonary returns an lstte menta, which he himself connd'rd efntial, to nlr4the, fidelity of all tho ba.ks; ap pointed to- fceeeiYe-the publiq mortrt-and,i ,1 .- u . 1 r w I WCUiOKiiy, lie receivcu iruui v, u, V m pay e.. .1 ' junctions' of the ' resolution of Congress; of 1810, a- Bixge amouui ot .uncurrent note, somef'of which -were ' not worth twenty five oentsin the,'dollshv:,tr:i'-rM v- Much la hehas,jnystifiea this subject, in several of his.reports, and particularly in that one wjiich is part, of document 105, (in the 8tHSvolun Styte papers 2d sessioaUfth Congress;) in which he blends a. deposite in the Bank o Missouri, of S64.613 $&itt the jipecial depositea- whioh passed through ttitv 6ahk,5if th'tf. States," it cannot excuse, of e eh iucce&fuiy d'sgujse,-tbe flagrant, im- propriety ot.ula najfng received, at par, the uncurrent notes' abpve rcfared to; for; by the very. t"K,urcii,'-, f iuirf.i"ni, .ijfucw that this depOHtt'e,had beicierrtd td the Bank of Misiourt andassUirfrd w,ruV in September, lot V'whichr -was, preyioas to the receipt of those notes. His own letter te the Cashier ' of tlie Bank ov Missouri,, dated United States was, in the' opinion of the en- lightened- officer who presided pver ita vdii retion,ia irreat detrree- indebted ibr?the preservation of its credit to the forbearance' of us creuiiors, ana 10. uie support wuicu it re ceived from the Trewninr Department'- Such were uiy mprcwions 'of itt critical itate, that I fell it my duty to accerft trropositions made hy the Board of Directors, wbTth.'nuder other circumsiances, woum, navovocen, fiecunea.r It is wonderful, t'ueref ore," that, wi'h.1 the'to 1 " Te Wiutd n.Iict-J of tCvtn.rn' puhl e ttieatiun f -Mtr. , . 1 to other 1 L1L rte-rS' (. has beel. and insist On, ntcti fct liU,, i ed wiaklnt; this attack pm . sae, if ry ' discla n iv. hovt.rr, an uhcr rt- inocn the aatsfiw wh-ct Mr. v( them t'jin the bvm i'morem of K ! '" ' . Crawfori resorted t at ts last aeaioa f are susrepcM?. rfl lKaII po ut on: y,.' , , (.'ongrwss, to dfest a eertsia a.pticant . omiaaioi iv! KiiiKii4 dvitr, or a-,c : ,t v Uitd efliee appointtntnt This gelemaa Had Uuers, wh eh witit ta liar bers, -urn j ti. ' been before the President fir tnany weeks. , eated o the llouac, havo keen 6 rxd, He was supported by freittWnieB of the first ' arvl that varis loissuurments hae hiea o n- " respeetabdii), and of different parties, in the cully niade, 1 shiU sttnOute them U i.n i.i- states of UlurfMS, Misauunaod Tennessee, more than fbrgetfufAess. iiiattestion, in.irtis. objections to him were anticipated by hiinarh : tenee, or mxiw ttriheoua, butaiinoccnt viewt ' or bs friends. .'And none were rwJs tdllbolof the muhiect."(r'- , ' .' .' ' resident was about to transmit hisnoavna.; . TtWawiU be su.Tieieilt to shew that th oe. .-; two to th !enmte. IXrn, when a aominatjon ; gative s atrmeuu o 4r, Crawfo-d. and th . ' culd no longer be kipt back, bv any rfti- otneer employe t in the Treasury Depart- ; tisee whatever, and not till r Am, did .Mr. I nvnt,Mr ought iwt to prevail Sga n.t my poU. ,, ' '. Crawford exhiOitols objections. The Gentle- ti e sU'ement on oath. U otoers sh - i 1 '. snan's vesklence was too rensotc, and the a-' sujipose this (orbearancs on my part ' J le ' V SMacf" CO'agress too far Spent, to admit 1 any too astid.ouA, aid t hat tiie eases hich 1 hif '. anencw or spmnatioo irwn himtanJUia he irxinbu are.ev ncive of intennims less itino. lost the snpantmenU.As this case Is smmjr-' cent; JU.t,U be remembered tlu,' t.n-.r viw ly marked by certain.-charactriical trait, ', of lha. subject woidd mii t' bly teller -It J ...i.-V. r 4 !:.!.. i r ' . ? . t' pf this -mell-timtd attack upon me, I reicr, for a farther explanation of it, to my letter to Uf. Crawford on the subject 7 1 v . In the latter part if, tho week previous to my departure from the city, on calling' to take my leave of the Prenldant. 1 met with Mr. Oickias, to whom, in a abort conversatiup with h'un, communicated my Intention of leaving h city oh the Sunday following, (one d.iy before the da'eof Mr. Crawford's coramunica, t-on.) and but tor ah accidental engagement of -the Secretary of State, which prevented his signing , paper that ' it wa necessary fur me to carry to the Treaaurj- Dapartiiiejit,jTill after the hours that Department had elapsed,'! hou.t liave departed frorq the city before Mr, Crawtbrd's coranunication was madet and probably' should not ev!i have heard of Tr, t.U after r had left the Ut SUte. . v But, independently of wlut I stated to Mr. Dickinvhtv intended departure was strongly Indicated by the business I was engaged in transacting in the public offices.' It was ge nerally knowni-and, if It had not been, it was very naturally to have been' expected.? - Deprived of all . opportunity of defchcei a vt ctotyoycr me might, 1 Indeed;- have been easyi buti, surely, the triumph would have bee-t moistgnoble;'1,iJ, ; ;r.,- ! .;' 'By wajf of ayailing'mvself of further chiU racteritical tr&ita, I beg leave to state; that an 23d March; l&l9.vaitd tbo Cashier! answer. dated 25th of June d?19,(4 and' 5); clearly fdexy-ouil insinuaon' against my, eredibility, shewi that To justification for receiviiigun-19o much ofit as- reliftca to this subject, Hiin current, paper- can - oe aenveotrm inai cir cumstance. Besides, he received, Vncurrcpt notes tnat were not, ana couiajtott nave peen iiioluded iitthat deppkite-Jbr, not to toention. other'eases, the-tiotes -which he received on the J l?ank of Georgetown,; Kentucky, were not, at th,at time,evenTeceiyable 4tt the land t y be at the terrogatones' source from i rssd some impression, heshould'have thouHlt it con t Insoection? of the nubile documents is suru sistent with his duty, to !"av6 extended such j clent to shew that, in. repeated instances, Mr, favors a have been noticed,' to avaingle local .jf.iuwfdrd's' replies to, calls upon huh by, the bank? much less to the multitude that shared Haise for Information, 5tc. have beert so tardy bis patronage and could ,'not have existod and protracted, as to prevent the possibilir without n -Vfe, ' p. '", PX f inres'tlgating thenr dufing. the sessions - It would be just' as fair and candid t6 impli- in . which the calls were mdck: and to require cate me in' the' unjustifiable Indulpncejliat-j a great, degree; ('of charity -pottiblyow' has been extended to the Bank of Edwards-1 over, not more than is justly xjue to1 resist uic ueuci nm ne nas oeen as mucn umputea 2' '. I ville. since its failure, as "tdf endeavor tornn, voUe we in any k:'d ot cehstu'e for its. con- tinuaoee as a depository of publio money .af ter the ftdlof At; the time of its failure; its fesource,were," t im well sitisfed more thati airlply sulhcient to have secured its debt to the goverhihent,, But; eyery man of com mon experience aiidobiervatioi) knows, that; tlie resources of all banks in its situation, must necessarily beco rie,more and'jnore impaired, and more liable - to he misapplied. j Yet, atrarigo . and. Sijcredibie '; it may appear, I have Jtever.'nor do I believe, tboughj reside in'tlie same-vlttge in which, the Bank Is lo cated,'1 that, Mr. C'rawfforjl has "coljected-one cf ntvfrom tt5,orf ma'deatytistment with it; or resorted to any measure to coerce ' the?, pajf meitt of its debt.. . tie. Mlio cold find motives for an. ihdiilgeiiCe' so 'exlraordhiary at tlie same itme, so inoohsistent with, and de trimental to' the public intervrtt,."cotild not hwe reqjnred eitUer, my recoinmeiidatidiv or sanction, a? continuing this Bank a d-Tosito . 0 - ... . - . . ry ot. tho pubhc mouey after the taiipt ljy. I corn now to tne report that cotitams tne the following' word,' Via; " The hon, Mr. Eo ward-'late a; Seiatorf?omv IlJhioiai, having stated, oti his examination -before S'oommittes of the House, on the tltb. of February; 823, khat'the late. Receiver of Pubtc ' Moneys at Edwardsville hadr on his advice, and m bis" to evade M'io invite a scrutiny into his con vEven the correspondence which Kcompa nie4 the report in question, tlioug'i required by resolution of the 8tr May, .1822, to be laid before, the House as early as brMticoble, after' the fcommehecmcnt of the then next suc ceeding session, has been delayed to so lute a period of the present session as tp render an investigation of it; beare the firt" Mvuduy inl December newnnpos-uble; ,'Sv ':! "Notwitiistanding all , these circumstances, it .nay hi that MrJ ,Craford did,:iiot intend -to taKtf an undue advantage of tny absence. He must Well know with what iiKlignantoondem- nation sucu an attempt ' won hi ue aenuuuecu by eirery magnanimous arid generous- b'usvHiw What Surprises rh$ mortis,' thuta justappre- 1 hetisjon 6f so degrading a sus'iicinn had -riot in'duced him to have exhibited his insinuation a Utile sooaer, or to have tleclinetl it altoge ther'.'!', But, whatever may havo been his intentional- I could not have been more disad yaiibtgebusly aifeeted 'by any esnnwoncs or itrotagevA that he could have adopted, to de prlve me 'of a fair opportunity of defence;- -m Scarcely con valscentfi orrt a lonip mdisposi tjoft, e$hauted with the fatigue of jtravelling, and. reaitired fo nroeetd bn mv iournev with alt convenient despatch, t must leave him un answered, Or cuntent nt selt with suca a de fence as, with all these disadvantages a very Mi;h these orthminsry rmtk.I r4 etA to my defence aga nst this mal kpropo stste' pint of Mr; .Crawford. : .rv a,, i It wiH bt recollected, that I was not a vo-' lunteer ia giving my y'mony btiore ih committee, and I can conceive of no mo'ive which co.dd be supposed, by any but i most depraved mind, itusled by rts own wicked op. erations. to have influenced me to mate an uncaulid sutement Ato my resporuub'1 tr, in consequence off hrvug pp.i-d to Mr. cause Certaui depoaites to be made in the Bank etf Edwardsville, in prefer nice to that of Missouri; Surely 1 have shown, that enough was known about the latter ba.,k, ' at thet ine my testimony was given, to liave freed me from all apprtheiis.ons in regard to any responsibility that 1 had imposed upon, myself, evtn if 1 had not withdiawn, as aliea. dy stated, from tlie " Directors., ip? of the for mer. But Mf, Crawford doS not den v that he received my piiblicationi; and eveii if h V ' had not received it, 4"having been made iri--two ditfereut statest and he, having been. a ; I have shown, put upon inquiry in regard taj C i u, hiiu miuriiiu ui me ic t had had to encounter, I certainly might rely ,, ,' upon ihe.notoriety of my acts, in tisisri-spect,''--'. a much LeUer grace than he relies uport A a supposed tptor)ety ofiis repealed but un i' publislied omiss ons, to compiy With the must positive' legal injunctions, a an excuse fo? ','.' those. Omissions, which h does in li s le tef .' the 24threbruary, I82J,tb theJDluv.riiiftrt , ; ot tne i.ginnutteot investigation; an.un which; : he also seems, almost; to nisi, that .his viola-" tioti of lus diUy was equivalent to a fulfihtirtf ofit.f 'O -x,- ' It could have been' rio . obiect.'with me id have- istablislied 'n additional, suppressiort . irpontiint for; if time do hot fail me. it w lt v. be seen; before . am dcme witH fhis s .btectg' k that! had in my possession proof, ,wlioso:- v ' - ? ywuiw.j t tvuiu -nut. uc queguoneo, 01 ' DS . r, J' having suppressed; lutv variety 'of other in- V stances, lexers enough, of a much mor im-", . ',' . . portant, fcharacter And delicate bearing, for? ' ,'i, aiyr purpose thatj the.utiiiost mai.gnity could - ; have contemplated, ' fpuible to hetTectei ui; ; , by such'means pp'rVV; & 4 fr 'X 1Ti amnilnt Armu siaAanas UrM st. i f'V . ; Committee u rO m can how recollect it ' 'r Viitn jiuving n in my nover 10 rter to it for vy'f evetjiny conlTact .ljeH enclosing a copy of "he publication which Mr. United States, jor jthe I Edwards represents'! himself to have.; iwade dftices.'; Kor was there iviii tS Ttahk if the . Treasury V-'T)epatmetit,'','''ilJilhe.:. Bank? of! Missouri; from which the latter could Iderive any rights to tehjlar, or he any1 justification for fcocivuig those tuicurrent notes. ' .- -JBut, liad it been otnerwise, it would not oe feW'diflpicok'to 'jSisljfy'the placing of Jbis bahk'tipon footing so different; from tltat of II other similar lepositories.oi purine raotiiey. : Under, a.11 .tltese citciimiitances,'.Uwould seem incredible, that-wuj injury to the! 'pub- he could have resulted trotn the change .or deposit, for which I applied :ljid the Attempt to subject "me to censure, for the small par ticipation 'Bich 1 havr had in tfjs bosiness, ought to be. considered as. a j.kii acknow ledgement ot-the a.wtui weignt otrespoBM. bility that rests upon luin, hose especial au- ty it was, Ut taKeyOire bj the public monej, ; Mvresconsibilitv. however, did not long consinue; for, finding .e Bank of Edward vill. on mv return from congress, sooit atter . , . . . . , - i . . , xu 1. 1: - r money, iuvoived iti bmerJifliculties, t deter, mined to sustain, it agansi tue oangers iimi then' threatened Hi and, after seeimri in safe situation, to relieve myself from all' kind of responsihility for that," or any other bank. Accordingly", lathe sameyeari I rhade a pub Ucatlon iu several newspapers, and in. two different States,' of determination to be held no IonBer responsible for .that; or any Vother banki This publication can be esUb. Gshnl hv.ft nsrt. if ant. the whale; of the re spective delegations,' now fci Congress; troni the States of Illinois and Missouri. It was forwarded to Mr; Crawford,, aud, I nave no apprehensioi.hat he- will ever .deny having received it' " lie bad, tJsb,een put tipoiv inquiry, in regardTto 'the Bank; of Edwar.lsviHe,; by bitter philippic, in ' ample detail, agaiitst-jt, which he received from the HOnv Mi-. .Benton, of the Senate. .Thu.-was Shewed to- Cm. presence, written a letter , to the' Secretary, shdr.t Ume' of necessary delay wt my journey nay ciutoie me ubuijuj prescus,. j jim, wu I retrard .with' the most concern is, . that wri . ' i t ...... .1 .i. . i , : -.- . irng, as i. iiiu un, wiuiuui iiariiig n ui iftjr www er to refer to. and re-cxatnine. eertain docu ments, I shall not be able to avail myself of somi Important i circumWanees which they would establish, -and may be betrayed . into some sngni inaccuracies, to wnicu au men are liable Who have to trust to memory alone. I promise, however; to be more accurate than Mr; Crawford has been, in cases in which he had before him every1 Wtans of beihg entire, ty o.''---t'' Haviriff endeavored to establish my tiirht to make 'my defence- before your honorable bo dy, and taking it for granted that's request so reasonable, under ah the circtfmstances that have oeen- mentioned, -wiU,,not bo denied me, I presume I shall be indulged in every le grt'mato right of defence that belong to mr case.:it;V'..:.;r-.Vr'-;;;!-t;;- Among these, it will scarcely; be 'denied that I have a right-- v-vf .r,'t- --jv V ;w 1st. to corroborate my 4wn. testimony;. 2dlyTo shew, by any means in mv now. er, that tho statements made against me are inconclusive; and, particularly,, to avail my self of any circumstance that is .presented by the documerto iu the case In which I was call ed Jn o tes ify, for tue purpose of Invalidat. ine those suteinents, i" And, W ' t y 3dly. Disectly to impeach the credibdrly of those who have assailed mine? .. -, ,.Th latter., I shall probablr . Waivej for, though 1 hav at all times, felt myself at liber ty to animadvert upon Mr. Crawford's oihcial conduct,Cand' .'defend my own, 1; both, of which he has found me DToniDt to do.' in cases that never'yet bays ftiet tire public fcye, yet l never nave intentionally treated mm witn the slightest indecorum, pr a want of that res pec that is due to his sution (8,) ' Respect foryotrf honorable body" wouldL of itself, be sufhcient to induce me to abstain trom the language of passion,' or abusive vituperation, before yoh. -Respect for myself , would pr, vept me" from 'using it any where' else.'; , 1 cheerfully leave that resource to bullies, po, merceriarbirelinirf,-;and those Who-, conscious . of theif inability to defend their own conduct, can find no beu.r rr-acu . ... , . . ,.. ,..'.,. , . .i sometime in, the year. 1819, nhonncin his intehtion.of rctiritiir from tla, Direttoralup of the Bankt'Edwardavdle, aiidthatb ltd ad vised the'Jleeuver yj- wjtbhold tus deposttes from the B ink until he couhl receive further ordersi'rom the Secretaryj and that the Re ceiver afterwards' informed him,' that be had receivedTA lX'CTB'R. V from ' the! Secretary, directing him to continue! the depoVites; The Seeretary .deeftw it oroper. to atate,-rtnat no such letter from the Receive! it. to beToUnd rn the-Hleeot the Departments that tlie receipt'of . . .... . , ... . . m sucn a letter, and tnat,' on-an examination oi i the records ot the Department, it appeals mat no ANSWER to any sucn tetter, oirectmg the Receiver to eontinne the depositea, was ever written to him,, by tlie Secretary of- tbf ! 4 ma statement pears jnuinsicevuicncc in H was, intended 6' flepriveVne 'Of ,the benefit of my ju'stificatioh- not voluntarily made, -but drawn from, tne br the committee, in regard to the ' Bank of Edwardsville and to. subject me to the -odious suspicion ot having sworn fidselV. , Were . there" any Houbt On this ub ject, would be remold by the conduct Of a distinguished individual, whom -it tijht not be resnecttui to name in tins conunmncauon, and who, since Ileft the chyi hai not thought it oeneatn ins aignity io gu aouui. cwiwun the retiort. and einressu nis opinion that j " nlaced me in s dilemma." i He may vet find k mottr difliculffor his patron W get rid f one, of infinitely deeper interest.- .;.:' ( ueiiuving, as s uu uu'i '"J.b w iwh., I sincerelY and cbnfidenOy ddthW Mr. Craw ford did receive the Tette mentioned in the abo renort. and that it Is bow in his posses sion,' or has been pur. osely destroyed, I can bat regard this attack upoh rty reputation as unparalleled by any thing 1 have" ever witness; ed. of heard ofLas emanating from so respee table jt source, except certain pUma'trvrei and Johnson and myself, and a C9py of it was' troofn,.to fix upon a much more distn transmirted to the bank, where, J. suppose, it ifuished individual of this.itum,diigrace. now temainsf ; - - - '4 ful charge of a guilty psiptioit4n-horst ' He was fully app'rizetl Very .fiffialing, and the pass g of- coutrterfoit- mo- eultiescf .the -bank,, wliich produced my-viiey,' I liave somewhere wet with, in the ditteVinlnafioa to retire-fi-om it. They were' 1 course of iy reading. MaJioous Huuiiuation exmmauon,out.wmcn supplied a 'i .'...-.;- WaiihgtnTisy 'V:f;". -'J-v, V' P'tX :lt.;'Phat, for the.reasoiii therein mention' --H,' '; ed, I made a publicatioj of mv intention taf f. k'.i ' ' s retire fi-om the,s p.rectorship" of the Bank' f of Eawar.isViUe:',;-':.;-:'' rwi-j: ? Xv 2d aiiat I advised the Receiver 6i'i'ubl)flS'''-'' Money at that placed to 'wiilihold iis depo- t", sites from the banki ttjl he Could Meeive- iu&?L - V". . "' ther orders from the Secretary of the Treand ; . ' - ! 3d. That the Receiver did write to the ' -" " .--; Secretary on the subject, enclosing my pub i 'v vt ' V licatipn,&te',-:vi ;M ' L 4tuT lliat the former afterward; informed" ' tne that he had received A' LETTF.Ii (mm,4 J A'LETTF.Ii Wn we latter, du-ectiJig litro. to continue the dew , . .. vjnow-it ip noi denied, ana oare notne,;hae' .-:'iyj:' I did make the publication alluded to, ancf thisl (ould hot have xdone tor the reasontfyi:''i that iiirluenced me, consistently with .tnA V known friendship and intimacy that then sub.' , ' ' .' listed between tho .Beeeiver 'and myself .r(ltf" , wi'ihout giving him ;the advice mentiotied lJ it' .. the second part of the aboe statement. 1 Rut Jft i ' that I did,. gv hat 'advice; is much more V? ' f1 ' strongly tjoiToborated by the ftoWflikt the - Receiver ditt HitiuOtlf withhold' tht depontei'fpf' f, aud Mr. Crawlbrd knows it, .this might be AtV'v established by the monthly returns of, bbth'.p'-'-i : the Receiver and jthe bank, Bnt these 'f 1 in the possession of Mr Crawford. '-.'l;'howe;:V";,:'V'' ;' ver, felicitate myself upon being able Jo satis,, iri. i ' fy your honorable body of the fati t ''tJocti-' 'J'J-: ' ments that have, been furnished by himself; I'. 'c'-'A!f but, which, 'thank;; God, are now .out of. bio I '' .".f powerr:,i,t:- '-"jf 5,-Hii,f .;1?v! 'f By hisiepbrt of the 27th' .'temiry,"i&23i ' (8 volume State Papers; 2d less. 17th Va&. ' A pages 31, 33, and 35.) ft will b seen thali th Y.t Wt'.-" amount of deposit stated to'bave beer) Intha' Bank if EdwardsvjJe; to the credit of the 1 Treseurer, was,: iJ';(''-!r ".VK A'i -At the'end, of thejld qr of 1819, $i$M6?c- V' At tiie end of fhe'H qr of 119, 45,475 04 -v. ,,V"'' At theend oT tlie 4th qf of 1819, 53,191 54 , ; .i Tbe .wo first of these statements are pre.'1'. & shmed to be cprrect, or nearly so. 'The laUer is entirety . 0 berwisc, as will prove to 'yotir' ;1V -satisfaction, if there is any kind of Confidence. " t'K to be reposed in previous statements exhibiV 4 v- ' ed, to you by Mr. JCrawford, " Had H been in-' J? t tended to disgtjise1 the fact of the Receiver's . I1 f havbg, withheld the depoaites, as above staw . , ; ed and to give.sotne semblance of plausibiW V ity-t the recent Insinuation against myaelf,v r ' nothing Could JiSve been more ingeniously; 6-?. ClV rhore disingenioualy, contrived, for .these pur '? v';.J'.'IyV poses,' than this last statement , ilf it had bee i ; ,Cf truly . stated that, instead of $5 ,1 91 59, tbs :-v' .' "' real amouut in depositee at the end of the! 'P ' f fourth quarterwas 98,191 59, the contrast! ' Keiween tnistumvnd the amount ot Ue pre . ,: -A':"''. vioiis' depoaites, might have afi'orded some v, ' , corroboraUon to my statement before the ...-'-v'..i; , C"ouimiUee; Rtit thissubsequeDt events hsvo, , v i J proved, it was v ended to question. 1 will, "-iV .i' howev -, make tiie ease too' plain fof doulnU , V''Vt l' it. iiojt lu . r ferred toy it appear, i' Uuit u-fr.ioiint of deposite iu the Sank Mt-ffi's Li' h, , -, , J w:r.??v'.;;' :- vVt

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