0 HAI.hjtJH, Y.T.C) PRUIaV, MAY H, 1624: o. to. Vol. XV; Tin: btaii, . SndWh-Carolina Gaztlie, ZZ .t " ' P"4 - th ,K "let ll rretrw ubmJ. .Verliteia, MM etnr(tRr , m , itN, Jnarrte Oirrs U"" (: OM Oollar, aad IreatT.fi ae-u eats; rt'! AU leurnto lbs editors taasl . , Cc.xtlt r-N-ardoUU ot:l.t ot to txciu a' momrtVi surprise. But, it aJo ip.tnn that he, and Lit " ofnV eer of 0v Treasury Icpirtinent," ba npt been aible to Cod a great number of crther let ters smd even tome of hi vmm official ones. when required br other t3 of the .House; or, if they could mi been found, they were wwei Of this, the document rami? ed by (uinae If afford both abundant and coa cluaive proof. tlany instances mirht b at ted. . For the Mk of brevity. I will kilude to a few of the oolr. Serenl casra of th!a Viml are prcaenled b? tb carreapondence with the Hank of liunta Ule. I viQ refer to bat one of theitk This Utoo caockuire (or any artifice to "elude U and k rerjutTT but a bare inapection of the document tbeoaeWet to be conrinced of h.' In b t letter L. No. 7, to the reiiden of the Bank of HunttWIle,' dated tlx- 30U Jutv, 1819, ha aara, "Tw will perecWe, by the contents of MY LETTER OF THE 9tl IX. 8TANT. that the failure of the Nashville Bank, tad its dice was. at that Mm, known to this Department ' tt was then foresee n thai the Bank of Huntsniie couki not fail te be in. juriuualr affected by that event, and by other oi m wiiar nanirc, wnnai wcpj men sniicipm ted. The- reasons itatcd U MT LETTER Of THE 9th INSTANT, in favour of the prompt adoption; by the bank, I took tha aWjWtl, W V1aw Tha ax rejmrd it a a proof of teaacrky. I paper rrnaiad ao tiioe befur ta 8cr. shall, huwevar, coot cut sayarsf with barer tary, whOa be wa saakinf tha report, after I far Ihna t bun, aod tirt he coauottitica- ted to fh Houk. a Let it be rrcoltected tLat Mr. Dkkins is ooa of Mr. Crawfonra aihiteawa tiat aae,- aod er.jars his highest Mbfulrnce. Now, if thi eoileatan swears tho truah, 1 would ask, how it could hart happened that to naay It t Vera of tha correspondence with tha Banks of Huntsvilla aad Missouri alone." ware aupprea. ed, without b. Crawford's satcaafi? . The doeoment. No. 119, before referred lav most indisputably proves that' apwarda of twenty letters of the corresooadeoca with the latter oank Were suppressed, on the rat call for them.- and that these very Jcttua were lthffic.- If, then, MKXU.'m did col lect, and -lay' before Mr. Crawford, off the pcpasa, jUtd aad taiJVed, relating- to tho Sub ject," which It was so strict! r ordv4 B do. and swears he did by whom could the sup pression of ao great a portion pf the corres pondence uin the Bank of Mitsoun bare been enectedr IT not by Mr. Crawford, bia own aUtement sftowa that it amH ke been ? by Mr. Uickuns. To permit ao flarrant breach of trust and confidence to pass with impunity, is to nracii'M u. . If this aupprea- won escaped Hr. Crawford s notice, Wra he answered -the first caQ for those letters.be of the measures necessary f the tranifrrtf) ctmld aaf have been Hrnorant of it, when he the tmhtie monrvin the Dossesuon of tho bank. I shortly afterwards comphed with the second . . . . i r .... . ... ...... beyond the permanent tJaposite, remain tin-1 cr oy transmiinng the very uuen tnat naa impaired. .-!. .' '.'-V I oen suppressea. k i ex we nave never nearu i i - .' - - a a .ks fr m . is.) This farter, f the 9th Julv, 1819. U also re. n w. uicKina nae oeen punuuea, in any ferred to in letter I- So 8. from the President I manner whatever! and from the relation in of the Bank of Huntaville, dated September, t"ch these gentlemen stand to each other, it 1 819. Yet this same LETTER OP THE 9th cannot be presumed that he ha been vea IVSTANT, whose "relevancy to the subject blamed. . ',, . . ... matter, of the Call", admits of no question, ' Apun: Mr. Crawford, in his testimony, " was not to be found on the files of the- de . My S !t ' uslal when resolutions require nartment" or it was Durroae1'aunoreaaeL 1 information which the recorda or filei of the . r i J r I 1 rw . . unite aiiuru, 10 scna oopies; out wnen were is a, press of business, the ORIGINALS are Mr, Huntarille were in the habit of aendina EX TRACTS of their own letters to each other a novelty that can scarcely be believed to I nave occurred. -,',," i But, besides the triking variance between It is' difficult to conjecture any motive for sending these extraett, instead of the originate, unless, it was for the purpose of emitting and with, holding something which the latter contain ed; and-if Mr, Crawford "never sanctioned the omitsion of ANY PART of the correspond- ?Tmii7EDWAUD3 AllDUESS. r '. , . eoxciVBia.J ' I win noi' rjhmit to your f.onorable body r.- .m.rV. to- shew that the neralivc statements of Mr. Crawfml, ami his " ofRcers "7,. rmsurv Departmexit." however oon- AentIv teCed upon by him for my total ovefM throw, are uo incoiu.uTc w u inu.c ' Yos have been laformed by him, that, pre. .tptto for hb correspondence with tieloca! banks, whkh were made the depo : hftMibne monef. it had been nsual to r.. .n calls 10, sir. Jones. iu cuici rk, but that, in these ca-, another clerk ktenselected to collect f.ie letters, &C. which were called for. V.'hy this change was made, at tl at particular-juncture, (beina; AMlv unaccounted f" by. Mr- Crawford,) is " j . . ... . l left to conjecture. v as air. e ones incoui uoj . tent to the disciiarge 91 iwsuuiyr ,u ten k hulJaiu the Department forbids such a supposition. Had he proved himself ,. naworthy ofconfideucel It so, be could, not k... .'mrd his station! and such is acknow- t ledJed to be his stern, unyielding, inflexible integrity, that no one could have . supposed v jam capable of k subsepriencf in any unfair i-e. 1 confess I regret tliat the change. i Cm made: for. had it not been I cannot resist for it has not been communicated. V- is. belief, that 1 should have been spared By an examination of the doenmcnts No. 66 t w.iu-ti of the labour of this vindication, .But, and No. 119. it will be seen that more than I sometimes sent, at in tltepreeent case. -ithoiitvicldinfftouna-ailin!rreerets,lmust I half the edrresnonde nee- with the Rank ofl Thus.it appear, from the oaths of these J . . . . I .1 w I . . . - . . I . . 1 . . I . . 1 I 1 J be content to taJce iQinpt aa 1 nua uiem. 1, l Missouri, thouffU called tor by a resolution ofllwu Kenuernen, oax air.- wxaona aeiiverea therefore, proceea 10 esamine, wic wauiiiuiij' line nousc naa oeen suppressed. Ine im-i" lu -ung'u uu, ruuu aiii u ir. that k offered asrainst tne. - ' -:V m" - ndrtanceand verv delicate imnort of a few of Crawford: and that the latter sent them att to i This if substantially, Jsfc 1.Thai no sucVlet: these letters, will be noticed presently,1 in House. No one therefore could reasons. -.kfim the necciver fas that mentioned in connexion with another subfect , I My. expect to find COPIES amonir them. xor euroination j i to he found in the files of ; - But; though there were two calls tn this Yet, upon an examination of the correspond the Department J?, That the officers employ, ease, either of which rendered it the duty of elce with the Huntsvillc Bank alone, it w'd - d in it have no recollection of the receipt of Mr Crawford to have transmitted nfl the tor- be fdund that about one third of the pages it such a letter. ; And 3. ,'l hat tne records 01 respondence; and though, tn answering the occupies, ana more wan uw proportion 01 we 4he Denartment do DOtahow thtt it wasan. aeeondcalL he'expresalv stated that he had lettcrvare gaen a EXTBACTS. These, swered. v. v , , : t Itmiwmitfed the correspondence requii 1y c"n be ORIGINALS, unless , Supposing it to be true, that this letter can: by the resolution, except two letters from the not be found ?in, the file 'pf the Depart Receiver at St. Louis, .which were of a confi, xoent," it by no means proves that it was not dential nature,", yet, your honorable body will received by Mr, Crawford., . ., find very strong reasons to doubt the cor. ' . Thi is not the first Oceanian on which I have rectness Of tins statement, and I shall be much '1.fnK-mt that a.' letter received by turn I aurnrized if the tlwrd call, with winch he has I .irtM mkI:. ha. kav-r. ..,o:A.M A I Ml. CrffWiortl statement, m havino int th j. rnn id mil iir iimiiiii, w ugh lb wwnsniiv aasnr - sivf iuuui vvinuutu .. auaai aEwsa auiuiiicui a.u n ----- - . r fnr mv riffrnca. : , ' ' -, i. -'i. I draw from him aU the corresoondenoe. eveu 1 eriginale to the House, and the feet of this Wndine myself inoViiy iriisrepwented in I witltthe Bank of Miasouri. . Ti omission of case, tne transformation of those etigtnal into l . Lr . . i : . t-: mA 1 1 . .1 .1 1 . 1. .1 ... .. ' .1. . I eafitirnnta. f-n I it t .Tr-nnot.inn or li-ast ivisuon TO a. icncr 1 nau wnntu w uiu, u i icucra, nuuiascu w w wuu miciiu.iiuirui 1 .7." ' . ' being determined to vindicate myself against I he" accounted for on the supposition that they the insinuations tliat were predicated , upon I mi rht have miscarried. - But this is a ca- lt,J wrote to hiraon the 5th Jan.1821, re-suality4o which the : lettersor copies bf the questing a Copy of it In bis replyj' dated letters, of the Secretary himself, which should 10th January, 11521, he says, "Ine letter I always remain in the department, are not ha- ht the 5th I l.lo.i Th insiani, noa, oeen sougni xor in vain, jiir. i pear, as ineeweroitne neceivcr at r.awaras-1 -' "j - w.. " uv t, wuu Jane states that, accordmp to tho best oj ni ville seemt to have done. IT not it win be I .lnc8C "nrww nave own ubuc, auu loisieo icoollBCtioikhe considered knot of idescrSp-l difficult to account for the absence of a letter I tnta.the place ofJi erigitalei ,;' lioBtopoonthefiles.andthateonseauentlvit of th30th Julv. 1819-Whicb is Dreaumed tol - " cannot be too much to say that there ap- was noi. men. u,ius recollection is correct, n i uare oeen Sfloressea py but. urawrora to me 1 1"--- ' ,u,6V.uu- accounU for the absence, of the letter fromjBankof IdassouiiuDonthe autiority ofa re- IfcMm the files, and for Ita beinir lust or mislaid.! 1 nnrt of eommitla rif thu Iiriaiatiir nf Mia. I Mr. Crawford must also have fofTOtton the liu Utt.. Vk; ',,nn..,i r'nw. I S :. ;,. i boo - ' ' I resolution of 1816. when, in direet violation of J uwii.c .uua waiimw V i. ."..i w.w" iwiuii ,1 I n m.iuu ' 1 -, I . - . ford, in hi answer, impliedly repeated one of tThii was a committee appointed td et- rts. positive injunctions, be received from cer the insinuations above inferred to.- This amine into the concerns of the Bank of Mi 4 " ctl batiks, in discharge of their debts was nromntlv renelled hv m and since then, snnrlx Mr. rrawfnrd'ii lettfr to that Rank to the United State, and at par, the larjre a- 1 have heard do more on that subject 4s" '. I were iubrhitted to the inspection of the com- mount of uncurrent note, which, in his re4 ; rom tliis case alone, it, might not be uml mittee, and. the report, which I liave thehon-lPrt Pe drmi he did receive from them, reasonable to presume that ;some similar disi or herewith to transmit (11) tontains ex- But hi memory mnt have beep much ywuon may nave oeen made, ot tne letter, now tracts from several . them, among which is bmhwi.iiuui,iii w m question. . But with every motive to make one from his letter of 30th July, 1819, ot which ul"cr pwu'. inj iouui ousmeaiij ior, such an asiertion, Mr. Crawford has riot ven- etpugh apptar to prove that it was embraced 1 hall-ahow that be ha made, two palpable turedtosavhe did not receive this letter. It hv th call, and ontrht to have -been eommu. and important mittatpmentt Ul reirard to it '.will not he Airttenlt tniifiiw that hUHiML I?MfelnUm:' 5nH.A u . mm fiiKi. Beinif called on by a resolution of f the of infinitely more imprUnce, have been rp tion by the committee,' for which no imagina-1 House of Representativesto Ute the sutiount wvca oy mm, aoout.wmcb, it mignt be truly hie motive can be perceived. ; : r1: Til uciwwtw uyw . said. no such letter v tn h f.M,nri tn thn 1 t ha nt (im. tn tinnn tvdrni fnri. I the local ban It, that had been made deposito ries of the Depatroent.,' He ha sometimes ou particulars that are disclosed by this re- ie bf public money, received from the sJ e another depository for them, in which the let- nort I beir leave, however, to refer vour of 'public lands, he admiu the receipt' of a ..tar, mentioned in ray examination may also honorable body to the contract with the Bank "TK6 amount from the Banks pf Edwardsville, khavebeen placed, s. It may have been addre. of Missouri, as therein set forth. An inspec- Missouri, and Tombtckbce. But," as an ex. w nun -witnout the addition of Secret- tion ot it will enable you to decide at once nwnu wnwiw, c rcpu uunc uum ry of (he Treasury," which we have seen whether it is correctly represented in Mr. ave been deposited in these banks " be- gwvely insisted on ai giving him v. right to Crawford's report of it and whether he had a tatt the date of their conttsT under which, CdnwUer anv letter iiriml wmr" crht t wifhlMiw onw r,.rt nftht- nprmanpnt they agreed to account for the public depo- ! Vfrt exclusively KMrnstontatten of bffidepxi.':ande' MpNtemluuevea, be. . j , - vaiauiy. yrne may have ; considered it fore . tho expiration - of six month " al ter it , . u 1 ww mow uiteHuiTwuiy mna. powuveiy W of a description to go on the filesj" and ceased to. lie employed to receive the public 7er to bf meretreeentatton and .an indefen 4huinayi"ii abserice fremtfie fileV or -its moheya..'- -- $i - ible atiology, and ymir honorable body can- ,-v8 'vi miiuhu, , oc very naiurany ao- iinregara to me icnersuiainave ocqn aim- --, eounted for, according t the pra&Ket-at the ded to,l wiU barely remark, that, if so many of Jbe contracts themselves. ; I will refct to on- '?cpartieht.rV?.:V.vc them, actually belonging to the Department, ly one of them kt present .The very first ar- v .f ITi. wk.UJi: rJt? -.:--?.f''i il.' .Ti j H : :i .. Z lu-lnflh rnntrart with th Rant: of IM. ,2 - -v iwoauiiivy vi una suppoauion isgreai- couia now oc louna on - lis mca, ii wiu nwii , . : ' . , . .- " r , . , V tfrcngthened by the following case! ; be strange if it ahtdl Jiereafter Appear that wardsville . tinder which it Rtexved the first L Between 1816 and the. Slst- Decemlier. the letter of the Receiver, at luiwardsville. cent of publM! depoMtetj- u thefollowjrig ,1I9. he received important communications has been overlooked; or,' if the former wtie wWf vu: - lt. That the public money cn the ubject of the illicit introduction of a trorpoaely suppressed, there is nothing' hn- haU be tittered to the, credit of Ihe Treasu wrje number of African slaves into theiirni- probable in the belief that the latter has shat- cAM which may be seen in document ;4.Mate which Stronirly implicated One of ted the surae fate. : v1. ; u M: - ;, K oo. tetter u. o. 1 ano-, nis particular friends. . By a resolution of trie 1 But this letter may have been receiyed by v . But, for his own .opinion upon the subject. --"" ui Representatives, ot .the last men -1 Mr. Csawtord, and he may nave forgotten I een in a case where there nad been noex- jyMeuoate ne waa directed to tey ber..tb lit -Vi --i ' ' ' ' I press stipulation topay cash,"! refer your ;ic ui ucn conjmuuicauons as ne s. I lua, 1 presume, I may lainy oemonsiraie, nonoraoie ooay to nis ieiier o. x, to ine received since 1816, and eush mjoritiatien by Shewing- that hi memory haa; been ex- President of the Bank' of HunuVille, dated WwiweMe in relation tq thfeillict intr. tremely treacherous, in other instances, of fax Hth January, 1818, where it will be found Wit, not withstanding this positive call Voon 1 bea: leave, in the first ulace; to call the atten-1 Merchanu1 Bank of HunUville t place of de- I assert; and I chaUentre iuvestiraUon. tion of your honorable body to hit oath, be-lposite. at its particular solicitation, It was tue did withhold letters and informatiort fore the committee, , ' " V 11 ;l ' . .4 expected'that the transfer of the funds which Ion uiis wbject,;imphcatirtg his friend, I Iteeardles of the alutary mdmohitibn of it undertook to make, would be effected in J QUKht to have been communicated to the iproVerb "of the glass windows," he ba funds that circulated at; par at. the place r-wwf aua some or which, he aid not e- treated my oath somewhat freely, and, he can where the transfer waa directed. As the I f2fj? if0 n Ine tie of the Depart- have no reasonable cause tp Msompkin if U$ Receiver, had been directed to receive the i.. ,;picourse, it might be very truly said twn "shall uhdercro a ilisrht investi?atioii, - i bills on no bank which did not discharge jmm,nbat no uch letter are to be found I V On hit examination before the Committee, J them in specie unoft demand, it was expected uie nics ot the Dcpartmentt and -that: the I he tays, J neer tanctioned the emittioii e that the bank would be answerable for the a. ANY PART ff.the corretpncencer . ; mount deposited in specie, or in biui wnicb Now let us hear Dli. Dick inn, his confidential would be received a specie, at the plac to clerk. On the examination of thi gcnUeman which the money should be directed to be before the same Committee, he saj s, It ja the transferred, tunc it ahould ttAte the contra vene rnl direction oft the SecretarVj when nw ry.w - -i ::.'.' C ,;v f-tr.r;--. formation is Called for, 16 give tverytfunt that But this i not the worst case: he has, in relates tof the subject When, the caQ was the same report, misstated the amount of uri madtt. I looked Over alt the Papers, fled and current note, which he did receive from unfiled, relating td the eubjett The papers, I those banks, making it muck lete than it aeht after aelc's ed, are laid before the Secretary; 1 altg vat; and some of the irenetteraia and in thii ciue, he dil ected roe to collect eve-1 the correspondence with the Bank ot Missou staling enough to carry res aflea eoovtctioo to your own uuads of the truth ef it . Konc tail doubt who wdl either read er bear the tetisnoay exhibited to js by Mr. Crawford The snppresawd letter B. No. IX from the rVeaadeM of the Bank of Missouri, dated 1 1th October, 1819, and B, No. 1 from-rhofna KcdJxk. areat of that bank. dte4 ltKh F- brwary, ItCvi.Uken ist connection with Mr. Crawford's aettfement with tho said agent, wm prove that the sum of 1.175, which he (Mr. Crawford) received from that bauk. tuougif artfully aUted so aio diatruiao the fact 'waa composed of g2X) of note on the raaxun Bank br Alexandra, and K8S5 on the 41 V . , n 1 . . . . Kimucr Dana ot Alexandria. - Hu own SMPDreased letter R. No. 7. elated 29th May, 1319, Contains notiScation to tha baak of Uiaanun. of the failure of tha former of these banks. And a friend haa furnished me with the following extract from, the file of the National Intelligencer in regard to the lauer, vus -Augasc sain, wiv. Tne Me chanics' Bank of Alexandria doea not redeem its notes in specie, and ita note no longer pan ucrc currently. .' - - . ine suppressed letter. B. .No. 2i ftom himself to the President of the Bank of Mis souri, dated 14th November, 1830, and the rresiaenrs answer B, Mo. 26, dated 12lh Dec. 1930, will show that he received from that bank 40,156, m note on the Bank of Ten nessee, and itt branchet, Which Were deposit ed in the Branch of the TJ. States', Bank at Louisville, on the 2lst of May, 1820, to' meet A report from Luke Lea, Pension Agent at Knoxville, to 3. Li Edward, of the Pension Office, dated 27th Jan. 1833, shows that these notes were." mutl en the branchet tfthe ' I nave in my DOSSessiOn nrrvW that thna branches -stopped payment In the summer of isiy, out i deem it unnecessary to exhibit it as every, member of the delegation in Con- Kreaa, irum lennessee, as weu as other mem bers ot Congress, mustJcnow that they had r.:iAj . . , . ui ieir notes ii specie, long before the notes in question were received by Mr. Crawford. It is onlv necesaarv to add. that none1 of these notes am included in the amount ot uncurrent note reported by Mr. . Now, though the probability that these mi. Utements were innocently made,- is some what weakened by the sinDres-aon of the let. ters that, would have detected their inaccura cies, I do not deem it necessary to insist that they prove any thing more than a greater de gree offorgetfulness and inadvertence, than to have fprgot Or overlooked such a trifling af fair as the letter mentioned in my examina tion.' If they were intentional, it would prove the statement made aewnst me so much the less entitled to credit , ' - -;: ,t: , In making denosites in the local Banksbf uuiutiuiau, iiiiiicouie, and oi uie District of Columbia, (in all of which place Branches of the Bank of the United State were established,) and, in some instances. continuing those depositea for yean in sue cession, without making any report. thereof to congress, Mr. i; raw ford must have torsrot 1br vera longtime, indeed, and on a great variety oi occasions, potn tne letter ana in. tention of the following Section in the law es- uDiiiuung ine nana: oi tne united SUtes, Vi2: " Be it enacted, Ve. That the depoaites of .1. . n e -t- . . T , . . 1 . mic uiuiici w iuo uuiiea oiaics in place io wuicu uie saia ttanx or orancnes thereof may he established, shall be made in said Bank 6r Branches thereof, Unless the Secretary of the Treasury shall, at any time, otherwise order and direct; in which case the Secretary bf the Treasury thail immediately lay before Con gresji; if in session,1 and if not, immediately af ter the commencement of the naff tenia, the reasons of such order or direction." ? . i; . Indeed, I am under the impression that, hot withstanding his compliance with the above requisition, on the 10th December, 1917, which proved that it Was then fresh in hi recollection, and though his connection with Tne Banc ot the- united State,' its pressirij wants, anu uie nature oi uie ousinrss he Da to transact with U. were all calculated to fe cal his attention to that nart of his dutv. al. l .. j i , i ' uiobi every uav ne nimseu nas. in some one of his reports admitted that be had overlook. ed it through " swre inadvertence;' , ; 4 I reirret to have to say to Vour honorable body, that both the tate of my health, and the want of time, absolutely compel me, most reluctantly, to close this investigation of Mr, Crawford' veil-timed statement airainst me. In this situation, beg leave to refer you, for further facts, of which I might tinder more favorable ciraumsuncea. fairly and successful. Iv avail myself to a few ot the publications un der the sine-nature of A B," herewith trans- ttutted. r .'j;:. x Avowing myself the author of these bubli- cations, and, with the exception of a few un important typographical errors, and a mere withowt snakmr repwrt thereof to Cor ore." aoeordiag to lawr and . , " , S O. Thai be has, in several inrUnera, with- ' heU informauoa and letters, called for by th4 ' Hoose, and which a was his daty to have ' - , eooimunicated. - - U OadL Let it speak for rtc!C - " ; For apecificabotia of these statement. 4 ' efTcf the publications under the algnature of au, B. above atenttonc and tins comniun.cav , , ' tionj and,- lor nroot; t offer that which the respoetivery refer Vo.,', ' . , i, ,'A1 this I do deJtitaiverjn for, tf the tacu sratea o true, no rational man oaa doubt that , they snu weaken, at least, th fuKf of Mr Crawford's statement against me. - , 4 a wui nox cnarge una with bad lrTentionf .. t in any of those acta. It is more property the) ' ' . duty csT other 4o Inquire into and Judge 0 , that matter. .1 do not as for an investing ." . tion of bis conduct Such a request oua-nt - saaeo aaturaSv to be Moked for from him If. " . But 1 will aay, tliat, if being an officer of tho same government tinder which he . uolda . his office, 1 have wilfully cod isudicioualv mio ' rcprcvciivcu niai, iat sii foregoing aiiegv tions, it b a misdemeanor that would prte m'S'-- , unworthv of .the ofjet I hold. -1 Invite him, , j or any of hi nenda, to make . thia cha.go t-. against me, pledging myself to sraivo all no- ' t tice, and, with all tlie diaadvantare of ab- " 'V '. enee. to tubmit.to an investigation theivof . 1 by either or both House ofConms, and to abide by the deciaioU thereupon 'If thUjjro. .'c poaiiiyn is accuneo, 1 trust we anaU have 00 ' , - more canting about an" A. Bi plot. As to . r ". m'yelf,I fear not the Consequences of any ; . s?.v fair investigation, for I know I shaU be ajale, , v whatever may be the result, to justify myself - . to the nation.' '.And ' never bavins obtained : - . ''' any office . by tho slightest aacrifice of inde- , - -s T .: pendence; I never will owe the holding of ono - to reluctant forbearance, bt the courteay of : . - 1 - 'V. my enemies' . I will nnlv artrt that It aitv . '..X..1 V ' - hereafter bo made, stsoafy to take adranUre- vI; i? of my absence, by those who. have for born, . "' to attack xpe when I could have had an' op- Iv,vviiuij u, uGiciKtuisj linacu, 1 must oeg Oi : your, honorable body, and tho nation, to sus pend vour opinions, and to be assured that ! there ahall be no avoidable delay in vindicating-'' myself.-: 1 have in reaerva much, matter r,f defensive accusation, and should most certain- if ' 1 ' ly have invited your attention to the report .i '' v; Huntavilh;, and other matters of not less im portancui had timo permitted.' t ; V - iWiaiAN EU it An us. ' nfieetinj, jro. XprU 6, 18.4. j A A SENATES. 4y : ; , Saturday, May 1 THS-.TAB.IVy. tunjiojon Uj ,1 nave no recollection Wthe receipt of them' fo having been de-- PPwamhispwn private bureau, those offi- lwC,rr ')ave no Weans, of ascertaining the IhZT- "'e very niotives for withholding ar m 5ef wouMrendef fruitless afl iUtnufi , tothem u,v an examination of the records of the J. - rt- ent. -'And yet, there i no doubt of ilieir SrX?-'-r v "' .wl, the ' strongest the iw.r:;:, . v,.v cru wso verbal inaccuracy in regard to the time of a eertainjreport' being mad, reasserting, be fore your honorable body, ami the nation, tliat the fact they, allege are substantially., true, I do most respectfully solicit that they may be taken a a part of, and be printed with, this communication. In order to strenethen my claim to this indulz ence, combining all the rights pf defence; of accusation, and of asking for investigation, which can entitle me. "a a citiien of the United State, or an officer of their government to appear before your J10. noraoie oooy, 1 00 expreasiy sute: v ' v - , 1, That the Honorable William R. Craw ford, Secretary of the Treasury, has misinan aired the national funds.'VT'-fAfH 3. Tliat he has'recf Wed a large amount of uncurrent notes from certain, bank,' in part discharge Of their debts to the United States, contrary to tne resolution of Congress of 1816, 3. That, being called On by a resolution of the House of Representatives to state the amount of uncurrent note which he received from these bankavne has misstated it, making it less than it really was. r, ; -.. v " '4. That be has, in his report to the House, misrepresented the obHirations of those banks. or some one of them, at least, and predicated thereon an indefensible excuse for hi con duct in receiving those uncurrent notes. , . :f i. y : The blir from the House of Itepreseh' tave, r. to nmena tne several net lor; imposing dutie on import," was agaia ivi wuuuciauvu, IU VUUlIIllV tee of the whole, 'ti' :: :i, M'l - J ust previtfus to the bill being brjered V wUe' on the table, yesterday, , Mr. -Holmes, of Maine, had moved to gmendvi iff, by .'.xcejting ',Sunh;.:HotttviiJ$t Vte andRavmt sDuck, and liustia '''Sheet?; : 'i ing from the duty of 25 per cent ie y-.f-C W$ty vied on other- cottoir, silk, flav or hem-; i ?a nen fabrics: and Mrl Rnrhoup hal - t. i , . .1 1 A . : t . .. k . . t :.' eu iu nuieuu tne amendment,' oy auding u. to iU as nhother exception ,y Gorman t Mr, uarixrar now varied hie motion ' by withdrawing the words Gerjnaa f Knent, and proposing to add totbo St. exceptions, V Uznaburgs, TteMenbtfrgt, oiii uurtupe.-. tk.' ..JThe question - upon amending tht; it? amendment, as proposed lryMKv'Byr.'V.r.A---5'vy---. boar, was put,- and decided in negufVMX Yeaa 23, TXmpm.&u'W,T - iW-- T ' The question was then urjo imen' question was then UDOn' amen&i ihg the bill, so as to" except1 Russ(i Duck, i Holland, yRavena Duck, - arid t tuissia oneeungs,",irotn the duty pf , ; twenty.five'per centJ which it n coit ;r$i :??S'i tern-plated to 'impose on: maimMare V ' V,t of, cotton; silkflax,V hemp. Mr. &Tf& Lloyd of Mass. abvocated this amend- ;.: ment.l. Mr. Barbour tJien . moved an adjournment, and the Senate adjourned.1 ;''" ' - 7 h M.' Jackson, from the joint 'commit 'rl'f' tee appointed to consider whatbusines - v rs necessary to be acted on, at the nre- Is .-i'-.': sent session of Conj(ress,and at' whai time the session may be closed,' submij- t? ted their finaf report in that subject; stating that, in the Opinion of the Com mhtre, the session of Congress may be 'i : , terminated on the 19th:iustant 1 The v-. report wis laid noon the table.V V Mr. Barton, from'thetJommittee ont public Lands, reported, without atnend-i t menti 'the bill, which originated in 8n I ; nate, M to enable the president to sell and dispose" of the refuse' lands of the "-' visited States1." Mr. Barton, the Chair- v man of the Committee, stated, that tha ' committee believed the system proposed. ' 4: in this bill, incompatibler with the full J . and fair execution of the riresent iv'.'?l'i- tembf raising revenue from the public C 5 lands, for triie discharge) of our national 'y J now proposed, would have the eflect of x preventing public sales and private sales Xl at the present minimum pqce;,for' few'ii. wouia ouy now, when, Dy. waiting itew-yZm-. years, they might get the Jandf at '50 --v cenU .per. acre. , Ilowever proper the 4 r- -, - r " rry"t" m " ,i' 1 t ft) t