i . -Kfctl jV"' .V-V- CUAl KIGII, (N4C.) FRIDAY, .VSfc Ur tftSl.r , V'l. XV; tuB.BrAir, ,- ) fcELL4 tAVrRENCE..: 1 if m&K" f MHors, w , .I, SMrrftS lfcr tliae t one rfIUr, uniirinna . Mr. Pm Tour paper rrtntaina the aely fall account of the proceedings of ft House of Represeotativee" of , the ." Conpw of h United State,' that I . fce f n, on i the subject of my Vindi cation sgainst Mr. Crawford's' yindica tjvn" and ' unfounded attack npon toe. t Tl?re u noting in the. character of the drbite. on that aubjeet,' that eiM-prise '-ar that I was nt prepared to etpect, and determined te disregard.' It must aiw'beeo frequently observed, by all vwh havettended to the couse of po l litical events, jbr a few yeara past, how V much any man, who dare to question ' , Mr. C'rawford'a infallibility", has to en counter, from a party, distinguished by . illiheralitT and DersecuUnz spirit. w'uli which it baa constantly assailed the ' Prsdent.. certain' merabera'of the ad- i mift'iHtrationi end every other conapicu mis individusl, whose prostration could, in tlie slightest degree,-, contribute to r - nrnmote the ambitious aspirations of its chief..-rvv-. :J;:X. ';.Th' first to agitate the presidential qaKtionr as the papers of Georgia and "' Teaessee will show, this party, with v nhoaralleted eaTronterv,- has been f we- mwtia reprobating others for following Vitsown example.: .Constantly enzasM ,1 ViIUfyinan(lcaluroinatins5lr,C.raw-i ' foniS competitors, and every other 'man, ' vKcsit is feared, might atand in tint way J' of hi elevation to the presidential chair, ;! it put been less distinuiihed'; by its 'jaiice of those vindications nich ' lt ' attack, hid renderd iit;ce)jsary, ! thay tlie clatnonms' vociferations, and buiWji? nienaceii;ith-wliich it has ni deavJredt oyeraw-e vtle fiiosi ;ilecent ''" tai irespectful'muirieiinto th preteti ciuntt ot. its Chif. "f- Prdfassiij the most ardent desire-,' from pure patriotic, conai- , , dmtiattoconauininateageoeral .vvork "" of expurgatwn of all abuses, its patriot , kn,' unfortunately,1 has' never had sunii eieat iiaoetun, ,fa transcend the thres holA( nf the Treasury Department: and : those who have had the teme'r'ftv to indi- cate any 'wanit' 'Orftith'4):th .absolute ; pfrfection of the ad-mistration of that, as weil another departments, by institu v ting inquiries to ascertain whether some V thins; might'-'! not. : possibly. . be found V tlierein not exactly a tt thauld be. if toot .. . uiiTcuy, '"ti win xne . aii-camvinciog tj. argumnitum boculi,' have seldom caned pretty distinct latiniationa that, t an suca inquiries miht, be very Boon-, be terminated by burnin gunjpbw- 't It w therefore.' not to be Vondtred I at, tha,t it should be considered an act oi unpardonable," audacity' and "-v 4 washing effrontery". n me, to attempt w nnuicate mvseit atainst auch a tn- ' - fling aiidir, s an imputation or , taring- 'uotnfatitly; maliciously 1 made by the i on, Secretary of the Treasury. 1 But, t tf a sobermihoVd, and impartial public, mould hayen Ho think that, 'Jgunpow f w ' should not be the only , mpirt in such cases: or that high elation .'.doea aot sanctify a'Bagitious.attempt to tow ' tlie reputation of an American ' crtien,'? great allowances.! i:freel v'adr rait, ought o be made for, those whose t Mnaitiveness to, the danger fft losing the reward of so much foil, so much in "stry, ana'admahyldangera';? renders ' ; , !,r .u,,n pasaiurt too;, oncontrolable w auuiu oi any toleration ot jinv eflsirt . , A my part -. to leave behind'ma a cha- - rte,r .fr frojn the disgraceful blot -, which Mr, Crawford's male volence has endeavuredito fix upon it? leht by my : UOing sol it mnrht: iil wini U Sen U)t probability al hU aenuirina' the Potcef to afford them thje woofafoi ; his confidence?:, andofbirravor, , -.vu iey eo . argentiy . Jong, for,, and .tf ' c .8U laimmitf merrted by their per . wjw ?li5ftity Vand political Jug - hint.1'!"' !"'',';"' .Ai--,y-v , V,8 tluit nusing to contemplate the . ,cnth. to which their fear of Iwinjr the "TtKHuLity- ofrreul..ir t'.eif golden , ofpovTer, an ! . have carri' ' - mi ; U has I, .,crted-verv vvcry emLhat;. ! v in a ton ".: manneru:.:cieirly arbitrary .7X7.' ntl tatonul,. to took. I , af" opposition from any one. who (at poner. often ennntX u.,u ri'lV11 my .T'DdtatwnVcontaiiis v a rciierAUpn, ot the .harjiea -'v-l-i'.v ";.' imda by tl - A. B. coapiratwV My mai innt turjo wera mvTe, si theJastsWoa ofcoarresa, bycowmit- leea. iSea appoiatod lor that parposa. Niw, air, kowewpresamptaoa .it may seem to be, contradict aswtiue aW- Itbcralely made, M tk Boor of the lae of Rcprearntativea. by a d'isrtn- oiih4 member thereof 1 will ventare to say; (awful aa the consequences aaay be.) that,' the coamanicaUona af A. B. which contained tht most important charges again Mr. Crawford, were tmllg both written and puUisheJ. after the a-ljournment of the last congress) and tnat iaj vindication, la itself, with- out reference to its accompanyin: docu- menu, contains uecaarre that haa ever been Investigated, af aay commitee. Of I Uihtwi maybe convmcedby adverting I tuyour ewn files, Stexamining the sepa-l raw reports oi macommiuees ai tailed I te. What tnea, are the people think I o? such bota ana unwarrantable asser - tions? They may, indeed; give a claim to Mi. Crawford's' favor, but none, to J the people's confidence. It is probable. 1 however,' that, like similar ones, made I two or three rears past, in tie same I public manner, in regard te certain' alle I zed interpolations t. in a military , work, these may oe ' retracted, when ascer-1 tneaepotxtte tn vie Hank of Edwqrdt tainetl .to be equally erroneous. This I viue, aa stated in my examination.- And is the more to be hoped for, fro n the re if I cannot . also prove to the satisfaction generated respect lor Clerke in the De- of any impartial mind, that Mr, Craw partmenit, ahd its accompanying rebuke furd did receive the letter in question, I to me; with which we are now presented se inconsistently, with professions, sea-1 timents, or allusions comained in a Cer- tain memorable and edifying controver- sy. with the Secretary of State, which it would be unpardonable, if not impa-j dent,' to suppose the public can , have fargtittea. . ! ' : . ' , Considering the manly and independ-1 ent spirit with which tliw able oratyr re- cognizes the equal rights of " every A- inencan citiien, whether in ' or out of w uce. ami nis proiessea uesire tor aiair a-id impartial trial, it is a pity that he a'.iould nave spoiled all these pretty pro- fessions, by auch a pal hable . mauifesta- tion "of his determiaatiott to justify the higii officer ia question, and to prqqdge ana -comismn rme witiiout any 1 trial whatever, I say nothing about his havrlejccepted, 'cnxi -.regret ; this' controversy ing uiade the motion, which rendered 'it! biare;thiaii I do; and that I uever would t'leiSpeaker's duty, according to estaW-jhave Iwhed usage, to place him at the head of the commi Uce before which thy defence I is to oe maue.. ' i - "y(... ' I A rigid and unmerciful Inquisitor in regar4 to the-lieaa of every other ;de. partment oi tne government, it is to be regretted, that he.caanof bear with Inore hatience. and that he anVMmra-yn'p.nn4i. derT as even irreverent. ,anr:- atteonDt. however decent and respectful," to in- vesrigate ; the conduct ;ol the exalted gealleman that presides over' the Trea 8ury. vAnd,.?hence he denounces the Dubucationa of A. R. as " ah lniammio conspiracy; &c..&,c.f without being able to ihaintain for defensive pjiipose's. But to sliow that they contain a single inde do not choose to .be mfade hii progecu corous expression, or that the facts they klw too well bow difficult it allege are not-supported 'by thi ttoc& menrs jurnuneii ert, " mese i sta ntial facts by Mr, Vfawjotd hintyQvilwr wiunn any reasonaoio lenjgin oi rapucatious, as to all sub-1 "Ine ou wtw au.nia auvanwges over I me,' I hav not the least inclination to those document for support, i If, there- j tatte issue : witlt nint on his iutentiona. foreV ihpv contain mv mUrnioapna.lla mr defence I have admitted, that tibn, nothing can be morri easy, than tolneT al maJ' have been innocent, be show it,W the produciion of tlie ilocu- van not ecessary for me to ment to which it refers.?': The honora- ble gentleman' ia invited hay, more1, 1 cuaiieiige mm 10 paini out any uiung in , , hu , m mvi, those publications that is indecorous, un- havi? a' ,eedan4 ? a? Very will true or 4neonistent with'the. acknqw- ng f H ledged right, of decently - in vestikatinz official conduct, or that cart id any de gree whatever,' justify his denunciation! ..r.t '. til -.-.i. j .1 - niihlir: hv hia twin dpclaratinna and lu. fng thus called upon, he owes it to hira - selfwjusfifyior feractthemir Seeing mttcn excuemep.t wnich, we under that, if he ia right, it is'ae easy to prove stand,. Gov. Edwards obined from the ion, that he is utterly unable tamaintmnf his assertion; s ' . , ' V ,' , If, 1iker"a. flyinjf Parthian, I hayerrnKm7n-yn?we' thrown my arrow. ,6eliind ne. if will be: seen . that U W. were pointed fWth truth: and the ." iJutLerinff" already 1 bibited show,' tliaf my supposed burry I I shoaidctrtatoly hare-continued to make did not Wvpnr rm from tkinVm-c!tt'l$ dposUetim tha bank, hpd k not been - r -. w t - ' . n .' ffood aim The: ratfte cocki 7' of "theifor'our ktt! V -ptiL m which gooa aim. ; ...... gamecocaa. oi tne iyou KmA me to pay certain .bills which waia,.- Moweyer, save ktuhbu mm trw- ryoa expected to be drawn on me, by the In 4 : ft jnttle too sooiwl n Th.e summons Uian agents of .Chicago' Green Bsj. &Iicfai& reacnea me on tne auernoan oi tne ixtn Inst, and though ck ii)i bed.lind under I has beh obliovd to reneat vert dalTiIi-. . t . i..x.u.j .k.- i2 since,) L instantly began to prepare, wlta BiaMLJi, IA UlY .11, fell UUljJO MR fIAlltic uuw nnuii) I cuiuu aiumunwui epe. day, and am new this far on fhy journeyi ?vv:L..... fr;AA:. .2 krtifatZJijJ k- W1pW,I r" '"V "v r " T . .' . : T nle, iif putting t shame the wickbtltatD trivanco'that.was intepded to doma irre parable Jniuryi,:and..felicUatin"; i vself upon bein "able .to prove mote thaa itauil bleii-red to maintain5. ' : v -'" f I wiaii ixit.'hotvi'ver, auaer taose nrey J spmta that have figured o.coaspicuous- 'UJ v -i'z'lt ' ;- U thia affair,' r any-one els, to di-1 ten mm irwa my parpo. Mr. Lraw- ford kas anaik'iokly arraiicd ma.at tbs bar of tka pblic Thera I will nert kim and there 1 will keep him. till he ahaU berome perfectly ahamed of Via cimdactj and learn from ciperi- ence, that it la aot. awnye, safe ! trust to temporary expedients. Supported m he is, by a Wt always ready to fight h a battles, and net expecting t' ! at as sistance aa my part from one, the e-udda against me, in this conf t. would, iadeed. b fear&l. were U Kot fur my coa6deRce1a the justice of my cause, and in the jrxi sense and virtue of the people of tbeae U. Slates, to whose ulti- raatejudsment.1 will cheerfully submit My friends need not give themselves any uneasiness about the result.. They ought to know me too' well, to believe, mat i wooia raswy umlertaxe 'more than I sincerely believe I Can accom lpiish. - 1 have not time to. write to any lone off them. , On their account, there- fore, I will barely say, that I have got the most irreeistable proof, that " toe Receiver at Edwardaville did vmti the er mentioned m mv examination. -e.i ahd that Mr. Crawford did write a Utter Ite the Receiver ilirtcting him to continue shall be greatly disappointed. .N6 other retreat from this scandalous attempt a gainst me, aliall be left him, than to deny that. he intended tb make any insinuation against me. - And thia would renuire a far greater subtlety, thau the substitution f " rUinr" for writing,1 to obtain for it the slightest degree of credit with any man of common sense, For, I have ne ver met with one. individual, friend or foe to himi that has; not given the same cwnatruction to .his wrt', - But, even ion ucu a suuirnuc oe auemtiteu. 't shall Dot avail him, but will only add another, to the many illustrations of the sentiment that " mtem deui vult perdere', Pri demMtalfi&A . Injustice to myself, I do most lolemn- Iijeciarexnar no man, Mr. Urawtorii engaged In it, had I not sinceryly belieycfd, mysetf, an been: advised 1y mf 10081 dispassionate friends and either iyani genueiijeo,.- wiai ,t was aoao- rately and essentially doe to my own "V8ttef blame in,e. w'"' wuhiu noi uimseu oe wiuingto sun mit to 4he imputation ofhuvins twbrn fahehi?? I therefore 'de. not intend to I luffe? wyeelf to. be placed on any other thn defenstye grounds f had a rigli t to - Wa against Air." Urawtord, which could be fair used to, impeach end -invalidate his atatemente-against I me. , anese iacta i notu myself bouad I to pure any " trial en such n?.w y.0?11? P ingenuity, there- 1 ore mVK "J"'. W other tun :'-;!.'?'7CTT-'--'I5.-;:!-i"3HV-- ' ? from we WMntnzum icetmblican. I The, followlng is a copy of the tetter lf the Receiver, w ', f Sia: sty absence from this place on a ne- portunity than the ensumr maib to acknow liedg the receipt bf rounJetter of the 6th of nSZr 1 1 this place, itt conformity with your ' instruc - J tious. . i typiirtif-frj, f$ t 'ti( " 1 1 I shoilld Certainly hare- continued to make I this 0180.' i wmfianut with Vour- intn.. imacajua,on, wayne, aaa rwua,- at tii lwe apprising m bM tM tum whlck the bank to the credrf of the Treasured of -W .ou concwrea mat 1 E waajuUiiiiiMr voar wisnes pyetoimnir tha L!t JPX P?- han for: the purpose of I paying, wnen presented, Uie araiu mention ed W your letter of the 9th of April; and t pfesuave that the same cbiirtruction bas been pea by the Receiver of Public- Moneys at IpuikuKuv to a suniiar iotter, inch; I hir been infiwajed, he receWed from you, as be alto, fur a'&Widetable t'ane part, has made 10 depos tes in the bii.s;. vJisyoar-leueter tha ' '; ' 'VO-? '.' ' oth. .uat dates no nr. I mboulik tl iM rrwmtK fl oineKl a! U..V. a mm bow to act but I xl.r I dUU wwke' r Ue depontra, re it ftut far ohf con St. niuoa waicn reel u. sty amy previous to commuitieie to you. . s , i Tod are, touiUes afipeUed of the hoAjH. ty of the bank af Vmmtun sal sittsaa of SU Umta, Uftrania the bant of this pUca. mo poaed to a produced ia coearqucaoa f cer uia dVpoaitra beinf Withheld from that bank, and placed in thia. It soams to ba bfhrrrd. vita voat kisuoe 1 4a- nai pretend so ay, that U4 oaject ia to destroy thit baa with a vw. ta coerce the teraiiung uf tK depo ites in that, k andar the imnreiaion that tliev eintiior me pubuo tunUs for toa purposes of accoapiiduiig t)wt object. atocUtoklen n, & everaldirccturs of the bank. hare, ia tExruau cither withdrew a. or declared tbair intenuoa to withdraw, from any further concera in the bank. ' Same of ttwem aeera area willinr that the bank of Miaaouri ahovkl regai ika depa- aiiea, proieaanr 10 acuey U would be tlie readicat meaoa of causinr the state cruis and public fecfiup of thia, and aoina of tne nelvh. wiin tne more eneot. . - .-, .-.; la this atate of thinrt. aba Drincinal Dirt of the rtockhoHers hare dedinedv payut; the iiMtalmenU that otherwlas were expected to be Oaid UDon thir etock. , Two a 'iht ihrr. tors, nave aire y renyned other ta!k of, ooinir so ana M publicum (Mxnur Ed- mmrds, ArrvmlA OtiwriwiWca, tfuw V cturtt . Though, tlieae meaauret, adopted probably With too much rotation, may not produce any erioui evilato the hikand I hope they will noV yet I feel that they impose a-sieat- er responsibility upon mc than t am wiling to Uke upon myself, without the full dijclo. sure of the whole circunutances ta you, and aucn inttrucuous as joy may taut bt to gut ' The situatio'it of the bank, at Present; consider a favorable as could either be ex. peeled or detiredi and ander the control of the director, who have hitherto had the man. a-cement of it, I should apprehend no kind of danger to the pubhe, or toindividuala; but I know not who may succeed tlioee that have rengned, and (ntud to reiigo, or who n my be elected at the next anauai election pa the 1st of January next. It is true! that i hvi m reason to apprehend, nor dot anticipate, any unfavorable chaniret in the directors, but un der all the circumstanees of the case. 1 would not wish to risque the responsibility of ni- mjng vuv ucpuuin inline owns uu alter, tuc 1st of Janusrr next, witlibot votir Imtrue. tions, given upon a knowJedga ef the .facts above disclosed. ? v,l V); ti P'M ?-f-? I am the more averte t9 doiUa" to, from the difficulty that the baik must constantly eiv counter in converting land office notes into specie, ao as to ne prepared, at all times, to nieci j via umria; aim irom me lear tnat those draft may tall intoUe haiui persons, who, under the influence J of 8t. Louia, would be disposfed to nm upon,' specie,, 'when notes would answer their purpose equally as well, merely for the' purpose of harrassing and dis tressing the banav.''-? ''-'. tli: ! ; in w uiro p-itu m riciy of nates are receivable (or publio, lands, and, specie aft much in demand, 1 do not consider it anv ad- vantage to'the bank o receive the, depos'rte on terms that subject W to the payment of cash as often as you may Hnd it necessary to draw far it unless the terras of pavTOent could be oed Ajpon at certain regular peri- ods, that would afford ampla opportunity for now receive but .little money ofany kind Thii consists of notes on such a variety of dsoks, so remotely situatea from each other, the notes upon any one bank would accumu iuk,vv ' vwuwwriMw uiiib anon late sufficiently to. bear the expense of send iftg for the money -and in most Cases there is no wilier opportunity oi converting uiese notes into specie,' Owing particularly to the locality of the banks from which they issuer. .To mike the deposite of any advantage, the time of payment ought to ba fixed as above suggested, or tne orait made payable in such notes as should be land office money at the time af presenting these drafts! or. partly the one and partly the other. To continue to con vert an the nates receivable in this office Into specie, and concentrate it at a single spot, must b utterly impracticable, and, it pratica- Ul 1.1 I I. .J.J .!.U . " f. vie, ,uuu uc auciiucu wjiu rcL exunse. : ... I ber; leave to add, that the bans: of Ed wardfville has received foreign gold under the expectation. that it would be taken by the Government even at the 1st November next, Sod U is now held ready to be paid in conse quence of notice from you of an intended draft for R30.00V. It is to be hoted that no diffi culty upon the subject will arise; if the ex. pected draft should not be presented till after tne, ifivemDert7 , . . i, 5 Upon the paper from which the aWe is unu-ri is an muorsement, in tne nana writine of the Receiver, who has been dead about eighteen months', in the fol- ...... . " .. ..1 :. ..f " . n .. ' M. ' lowing worus, viz. wopy to tne a rea 9ury Depattinent,, OcU 1819. .'; ' .h REPORT , ..' m i Of tht Setect Ctmnuttee fs vAmi irai referred 1 ''A very large part of the address' is Ocetk pied with observations on tlie transactions be tween th Treasury and the Bank of F4 wards- ville. This bank was made a depository of public , money, at tbe toucttauoa of Mr. Ed wards himsfcjf. in JJecember, 181o It stop, ped payment in September, 1821, owing, at that time, a bUlance to goverument of forty, six thousand 'two hundred and two' dollars and 'forty-three' cents. ', '-yVs;j'fr It is aot deemed necesaery here to repeat all that is stud on that subject, in thef address and the aiiswer., .The address, in this part of t, seenis to hare two vtyectarone, to clear Mr. Edwards himself from any, imputation, On account of having procured the public, de posite to be made in the bank originally, and to repel th supposition that he had been , the means of continufng diem nfjei they be came unsafe the otltcr, to c.'if.r.'-e the Secre tary' with continuing the deputes, after de 'ought to have been alarmed f ir ti.'.Tr sidctt. '"g aaeurrent notes ft.utt t, I ' I 4 alai auJi Ur - i f proper meaaf to ec'! t L.4 ! j.Ti It I t.vtrwiei.t . 'i ta be fwr Lkis dMib!e hur-. s lir-W alWiTcS that ia li '.J. it ao. o i t.!t U : It ar; tLfc thor nude a puhjatton, awDouat.n 1,1 ia tcatioa to withdraw from tl ba.ik in '.VU ba had been a director, and ao lor 1 1 considered rcs:uiuibJe for ita m.; , which pubLeaUmi, as U altt rd, aa ted to the 8ecrtart that fie also k.!-. RecceWer of public morWa to aiOi t-. depoi.tr. from tha tauk, wilt 'I he siiuuld tr- eei lunner orders rrdto the Trraaim , tliaC the Receiver, thereupon, wrote U the f reau;. ry, encloalng Mr. Rd-ardss pvbtcation. ani , ' as he a.terwards declarel, rrcaived a lUer ' .". frora tha Secretary, directing hint to iwit'.iw . us w urpouiea.. ias aecretarv nxaaatii. that no such lettef from tha liecewer oi fije in tha Departntrnti'and that hon4 of it. omcera baa any recollection; of Such 1 Ufen - ana, moreover, than here waive- rfeorr of. -any answer; The addreati ootwrthnandg ' wu ucciarauon, aims 10 proe. mat sutft Ipu e was wriueia and among other arrunjentSf; adduces the fact, that there waa, about this : time, an actual suipeirsion of depoaies at tha ,'? banki wbieh tha address attributes' . t t the caution of ihe Bceelver, under the adxicw v which had bcetj given to him. To thia it ia anawered by the Secretary, that this wupen- V wn was owing to tne .pre ligence not taej 1 , v, ulc m-Qivrrr- uw iua tvecriTer . was directed EreqHerttly and repeatedly ta continue his depositrs, M to. mala them " regularly and. punetually) oWtf then bent; . apprehended, not from the banli, but from the con'inuance of larg6 sunu in tha haods of ; the Receiver, ' v ,' ' . '. ,. . ;., .., ; 'Without entering into a detail, of all thd '"" facts Connected with tha subject, it seems to tha committee, that there is no . doubt that C -; Mr. Edwards did make a publication in the ' newspaper In 1819, a he represents, and that . he gave such advice as be reprekenfa, to lha !rJ Itecelver.j' But there is no evidence that that Iteceiver communicated It, or, Wrote on tho Subject of ii, to 'the -ttreUry. -. IiiiWed, it if -i not vcr probable hv would have done so. " It is to be remembered, that he was PrcsidcnC ' of the bans, as well as Receiver of pubic mo neystand he would hardly advise the Seere UU7 -uut ii, uecrtTcr, couia not renoaei confidence; in the bauk,' the Iirednt n4 V head of which he was. The contoutura doe not deem it at all material to inquire tv heth . e? th Secretary received or saw a copy ef ' Mr. Edwards's puhlicatoa. There i mthifcg in that Comntuiucatioii bkh ahould have a-11; armea mm lor me aaterv tt tim , ni.i.n iunb V - . in the Edwardsvilte Ilanki for, althoiiRh. Mr," t - Edwapia announces ;hia uitention. of with-'1 i drawing from a partloipation in the djfecUoir V of iV he speaks ni root decided term of lta(v - solvency ana, Satety. VYhile the conimitteo'" , - sees no reason to bel.eve '.that Mr. Edwarda acted with any impropnttv ift ProcurkiE-th acpuv vi ui pioi.o money n mut lianfc f; v ot in fegatd to the continuance' ef such dey" !." poske, it perceives, on the other hand, i.tf ' reason whatever tor supposing hatJ the Be- ereur continued the deposite after' beinif ' admonished by the' Reeeirefi that thev unsafe. On the - Conlrary, . the eomniilteer f " thinks the correspondence fully shew v that ' ' uie ucpuHc wctc umiuea, or uiougnt to bar ' so, through' negligence and defaultj antl thaf,' in enforcing and maisting on tliem tlie Se cretary was governed by proper reran! ior uie seourity' oi me pub:t hinds. .J lies committee, however, would tale thioecasUQ to observe, that, in their opinion, the appoint-,' lor.tue security" pt the pub: tunda. . Tj iia mem oj uh f residenu ot tha local banks, itt;. which public monevs are dermaitL tn K u -..J- ceivcrs ef the; pubhe moneys.' to be deposit ed ill the same honk, ia' anii?irlnn..! tk., has happened m several Ca est and that in- ' , ."" convenience or reischitf may be not diiulfl ,.- 1 S" y v resuKirom sugn a practice, : ' ? .. As to th "charge of reeimg Qncurrent .". hote from this Bankr also; contrary to laty, y, , the committee, thinks- that the con. truef.oi.-c which aDDearl to have been enniMU r. ' , the bank, and acouiescad !h bv ih ry, of the first w:cie of the arrangement bo ' ' taramm l1..Hi ta .... .-t ' . : . : pecially, f pothlng be regarded but the terms ' ' of the contract, The 'words of the first ar-f ' ticle, are; "That the pubho moneys shall b ' entered to the cre lii of r the Treasurea ' 1 cash." i It Would seem impossible, that theset tcrmS could mean any thing else ththatV for tht amount of these deposltei;-the ' Bank; should become directly debtor to the Vwh d' ' States; , and that this 4ebk thus ssfumed, should, Tike others, be. legally paid, i If tl. , Construction, wluCh the committee has giv " ' to tha ontracV be correct these notes Vc- - , illegally received. v if"--: - ' , 'The ecreUry'i view f the cate appearsu however, to . have been different : e lava, ' the term f cash", was used in opposition to ' ,?m,iJr V"1 and a not iiw tended to subject the Bank to the payment of specie for notes which Were hot convert!'.. ,f hi into speciet and that It ; was, not under stood by eiiher of, the parties, that the Ban- V , Was rtsptmsibbJ for the credit of other Ban 1 , Whose, notes were deposited ia it, ! The cor. x " respoodence sufficiently shews, that tlie Bans; " , expressedthe same opinion, at an early pe ; riod 'of the connexion, and long btforc Uiia- ' case arose, t The ConstrtjctiCn insisted Upon- k was, in effect, that the .Bank was to receive such bills as the Keceivers had lawfully, t. 'X ken,and.wialicd to dcnositci ' and. km Would be of diftjeient Banks, more or less re ' mote, tha Bank should, for the: compensation) V which it received, be at the expense pf coW ' lecting- then so that the proceeds might ba transferred, without farther expense or trou- v ! hie ou the, part of Uie Government to tlia ' order of tliC Treasuryj but tba pevCrthf k s, ' if ny such bills became discredited, while in V , this process of collection, by' the1' fuilur at ' tl Bank which, ib-' ;etn, the loss shoulA 7 fall en 'the Covernn.v..U i AUhough the committee do not agree to ; the Cortfctneu of this constructionv yet, they ' see no reason to doubt, that tha becrt-t y 4 may have honestly supposed tliat the Bu entered into the arrangement with this umU.i ' standing of its mcam nr nor any ground '! believe h conduct, in, this respect to havo; ; f See 4th fage. Sec ) r C, annexed. "" Si r i ' v-V ?i 1. 3' "' 1 ' '4 ".It--